One thing that I always like to do upon parking at an establishment is to pick up AT LEAST one piece of trash between me and the door...I do it for multiple reasons
Instead of complaining about others I at least do something more productive.
I figure if the lot is cleaner then people might feel less inclined to litter, broken window policy
If figure every now and then someone else sees me pick something up and either they will do the same or IF they are a litterer then maybe they will think twice next time.
I straighten and pick up items that have fallen off of the shelf in the grocery store, straighten pictures on the wall in hotels & restaurants. My husband sorts nuts, bolts & screws in hardware store bins, grumbling all the we need therapy? Kek!
I do the same thing, and my wife is like why? She agrees with putting the cart back but sometimes the cart location is a jumbled mess. I will straighten the carts so more carts can be placed there. Not putting the cart up properly is just as bad or worse as not returning the cart.
I do the same but for clothing retail stores. I used to work in one as my first "real" job, and boy did it teach me a lot about myself and about society in general, especially on Black Friday. Every time I see hangers or clothes on the ground I pick them up, straighten them up, rehang them, or refold them. If I pick up a piece of clothing to look at from a rack or a shelf I always put it back where I found it, rehanging or refolding it exactly how it was before.
I know what a headache it is to work in retail, fix up a whole shelf of jeans or shirts, neatly fold them, and then 10 minutes later one person goes through the whole lot and leaves the place a mess with no self-awareness. I couldn't take the carelessness of people anymore, so I promised myself that I would never work retail again if I could help it, but I always make sure to not leave a mess for retail workers wherever I go shopping.
Don't get me started on liter and shopping carts. I've got a special trash can full of fireball nips recovered from the side of the road and a shopping cart stuck in the muddy part of the brook behind the house that I gotta dig out someday. I don't think the annual floods will push it thru like the BBQ that passed by during the "pandemic". I'm surrounded by savages, apparently.
By the way, why is the final Shopping Cart capitol-ized? Is it actually an analogy for some other SC that's charged with making that determination?
Hmmm I always grab a cart while walking towards the store in fact I might grab two. The reason is 1) traffic has a tendency to slow down while your pushing the cart 2) winter time keeps me from falling or slipping onto the ice, as for return, depending on distance and if there is a cart corral near by, if not I roll the cart back to store front
I grab a cart as I am walking towards the store as well. The reason is 1) I might as well do something while I'm doing nothing. 2) Cart Narcs changed me for the better. It's one of the smallest things one can do to improve a situation and at the end of the day, nobody can tell that you even did anything at all, but you and God know.
I used to know a guy who would throw trash in the back of his tailgateless truck. He said this exact thing. Isn’t road cleanup mostly done by volunteers, with the occasional street sweeper in high traffic areas, and prison crews sometimes on highways?
I almost always put the cart in the cart corral. The only time I don't is when my grandchildren are in the car and they will be out of sight. I am one of those people that park far away from the front of the store. Other people want to be closer so I let them. I like walking but sometimes that means there are no corrals close enough when the kids are with me.
If I see someone with small children being placed in the car, I always try to time my walk so that I get there just as they empty their cart. Then I say, “I’ll take that, you take care of the children “. Most people are appreciative.
NOT directed at you BWC or BD..or whoever started this just a decent place to park this thought..
Just remember to judge with an eye toward mercy. That might have been the one day where kids were screaming/throwing up/DONE and it wasn't worth it that time... Or they were in So much pain, but not damaged enough to get a handicapped space, and that day they overdid it and just couldn't handle one more step.. etc.
Most of us do put carts back, pick stuff up, etc.. it's when it doesn't happen that it stands out.
because of our deteriorated public safety, I encourage anyone, especially single women/ mothers with children, to completely ignore this - stay close to your car and kids, load your groceries and go. An employee is totally capable of collecting the cart, no need to gain social approval when predators are looking to take advantage
YES. Thank you. I will NOT leave my children unattended in a car just to avoid the side eye from strangers. I will secure the cart on a curb or some place where it won't blow into cars, but I will not walk it all the way across the lot to a cart return while leaving small children and babies in the car unattended. The cart is not THAT important.
I park next to a cart return so I can see my car when I put it back. It’s very aggravating when you go to park and someone left a cart right in the spot next to their car or on the curb so I can’t pull in fully. Just plan where you park.
Thank you… so much virtue signaling in the replies to this post. I appreciate the people who do the virtuous thing, but I sometimes find myself leaving the cart out of the way in front of my car, when I’m not reasonable close to a cart corral. Safety is important and store personnel in my area do the work.
Agree. If my kids are with me I will park by the corral for this very reason. But I always park off with employee parking because it’s easier to remember where I parked that way.
I am pretty sure that returning the cart means you don't take it off store property. For me, store property means the parking lot even though you don't put it in the cart park. They do recommend the cart park because it prevents the carts from damaging the cars.
Here in the Seattle area our carts have auto wheel locks that stop the carts from being removed from store property- funny as shit to see a grifter trying to take a cart for their new "home" getting locked out at the parking lot edge...some are stupid enough to unload said cart and reload another...wash, rinse, repeat
I don't always pulled it all the way to the cart park also when it's stormy or something. I secured it on the curb and left it there especially in adverse weather. LOL
Part of the reason for cart parks is to protect them and the cars from windstorms. Carts are often pretty light and their wheels make it easy to ram others property.
Does that mean you must push the shopping cart back to, and inside the store, or do you qualify as a good person if you push it back to an outside holding place designated for shopping carts. (I suspect this qualifies)
I always return the cart either to the store, or the an outside corral area where the shopping carts are suppose to be left, never just leave it by my car.
Also with the pretentious ones who just leave it in the spot next to them and hinder someone parking in the “open” spot they just found in sunny weather!
That's how I feel about self checkout. Not only are they forcing me to keep someone from working, but they are forcing me to do it for free. Self checkouts should give me an automatic discount or points to be redeemed or something.
And no, they don't save me time, because I almost always end up needed a price override or some other thing goes wrong.. everytime! (OK, like 80%, but still!)
i LEAVE THE CART IN THE PARKING LOT. I refuse to comply. I also park crooked in the spots, sometimes over the dividing line. I refuse to comply. did you all get your boosters?
there was a mentally challenged kid that graduated highschool a couple years after I got out of the service, he had the job at the closest supermarket to me to collect the carts. store changed hands and he got the boot. when I go to that market, I purposely bring more than one cart into the parking lot then push them further from the door when I can. that kid did nothing wrong to lose his job, and no, he did not get another job afterwards. that was years ago. the last time I saw him, he was homeless and getting hassled by the cops. no, I will not comply with the shopping cart nazis...
I am sorry you have such experience. I have a friend when she first came to U.S who used to work as a supermarket cart pusher. It was a job so she did it faithfully. Then she moved on and later retired at 55.
At Aldi’s, you put in a quarter to get a cart and get your quarter back when you return it to the queue. Sometimes people offer you their cart in the parking lot while they’re leaving and you’re arriving. Pretty cool.
I had to get all the way to the end to find my first Aldi comment.
Clearly, Musk doesn't shop at Aldi! I doubt he shops at all.
Everyone here should try Aldi at least once. Fresh fruit and veggies, great prices on meats, and the most efficient cost structure (more savings for customers).
The quarter for the cart removes the need for cart boys and girls to bring them back. You pay a quarter for a cart and get it back when you bring your cart back.
Bags cost money so shoppers use the empty boxes from store shelves for their bags, i.e. remove garbage from the store but make use of it.
Cashiers are also stockers, saving on hiring both.
There may be 3 or 4 workers at an Aldi. Think of the savings on overhead.
Tons of self checkouts. More savings.
It is shocking how much one can save on good quality food compared to any other grocery store.
TLDR: Musk needs to shop at Aldi to prepare for his role as head of DOGE.
In the MILITARY (US) it is called "SELF-DISCIPLINE"--Doing the right thing even if it hurts...
brain-dead-> You actually hit one of my pet peeves about people not returning their shopping carts and it shows a person's physical and mental habits quite clearly!!!!!!
I usually park pretty far out as I have a truck. It's just easier and I'm not trying to compete for the closest parking space. On my walk in if it works out I'll take a cart from a customer how has just finished using it. (It makes them happy.) It allows me to "test drive" the cart for a broken wheel and makes it easier for me to get into the store as I don't have to go dig out a cart from the rows of carts.
You and I both. Get some exercise, no one scrape your vehicle when trying to leave, and helping your fellow earth dwellers so they don't need to return and convenience for myself because I don't need to go pull one out. Win win.
The test is incomplete as far as determining base morality. If I carefully leave my shopping cart in between the horizontal lines of the parking lot in a way that does not affect parking, I make shopping just a little bit easier for the next person to arrive in my space. Or I could also leave the shopping cart by the entrance, where an employee doing returns or someone walking in could grab it. There's also the flip side, carelessly leaving it in a parking space which is much worse than simply not returning it. It can cause potential accidents and makes no one happy.
The real litmus test regarding a shopping cart is simple
Do they call it a "buggy"? And if they call it a "buggy" and you kindly educate them as to how incorrect but also obnoxious this specific southernism is, do they accept it gracefully? Buggy isn't even a good southernism, like "bless your heart" or "y'all" It's like insisting every soda is coke and confusing waiters and fast food employees everywhere asking for a coke when you do not even like Coke. Just say you want Dr Pepper or Sprite and make this easier for everyone.
I disagree that shopping carts present a litmus test or a virtue-signaling opportunity and find videos of Cart Karens hassling shoppers to be about the cringest thing I've seen online
IMHO there is no inherent goodness or moral righteousness in schlepping carts across a parking lot and no inherent badness in simply using the cart for its intended purpose (increasing the revenue of the store) and then politely parking it aside out of the way and allowing personnel paid to police carts to do their job
If it's raining and people are in a hurry because busy working late to earn money to fill the cart, they may not have time for schleppage :)
I respectfully disagree 100% that it is any test of morals or character whatsoever.
There is simply no moral deficit or character flaw in choosing to place the cart out of the way of other shoppers but not taking it to another spot.
Similarly, there is no moral deficit or character flaw in your taking items off the store shelf and putting them in your cart but then failing to front the stock (pull the next packages forward to the front of the shelf for the next shopper to easily grasp without reaching). If you're like most people, you never think to do this. Is it nice to do? Sure. Do I do it if I think of it? All the time. Do I HAVE to do it to not be judged by Karens?
Nope! Store employees are paid to take care of the details of the positioning of products and positioning the shopping carts the products go into. Would you like to be adjudged morally inferior or of poor character, just because you don't front the stock every single time you take an item off a shelf?
Look, we're busy. We're working to pay top dollar for the goods; we're lifting heavy items from the shelves into the cart; pushing it all around the store; unloading it onto the conveyor; taking the bagged goods out to the car; loading them into the car ourselves; unloading them at home and putting them away...that's enough work for groceries, thanks.
But if you're tall, and my short self is standing near you, and you pull a top shelf product from the back for yourself, it's very nice if you take a moment to grab that very back one and bring to the front for us shorties.. 😂
What does this make the folks who take the carts off the property? We have a grocery that has installed wheel locks that activate when they cross a line under the pavement.
Apparently that doesn't work very well so the police have a video camera system, on a trailer, complete with flashing blue light, watching your every parking lot move.
There was also a grocery in my old neighborhood that removed the cart corrals and had an employee walk you to your car and help load it up and took the cart back inside. That system lasted, literally, three weeks.
Do you think someone should also unload the groceries at your house too?
LOL at the better grocery stores, they offer to come out to the car and load the goods for you as a courtesy, since the goods are still at their store. So, your question about thinking they should ride home with each customer to handle the groceries is a mighty stupid one indeed. In your imagined scenario, how would the employee get back to the store? You think people have time to drive the personnel back and forth to the store, when they don't have time to transport carts across parking lots to certain designated locations, to make less work for the workers? You think the employees are allowed to leave the jobsite and go home with customers? Dumb.
A shopping cart is a tool. I never said carts were "nefarious"; that silliness is on you. And I certainly never said to leave it in the road, which is particularly idiotic in response to a remark about making sure it's out of the way of cars. Interesting that you felt you had to put words in my mouth to get anywhere with this.
Bless your heart, you must lack the skills to look at statements objectively. I used analogies and hyperbole to point out your illogical and/or ridiculous standpoints. You have even deleted your own initial comment and now it seems you've changed your position and are now in agreement that the carts should be returned after use? I'm not seething, but it seems you are. By the way, there's no shame in being wrong. We all make mistakes from time to time.
One thing that I always like to do upon parking at an establishment is to pick up AT LEAST one piece of trash between me and the door...I do it for multiple reasons
Instead of complaining about others I at least do something more productive.
I figure if the lot is cleaner then people might feel less inclined to litter, broken window policy
If figure every now and then someone else sees me pick something up and either they will do the same or IF they are a litterer then maybe they will think twice next time.
I straighten and pick up items that have fallen off of the shelf in the grocery store, straighten pictures on the wall in hotels & restaurants. My husband sorts nuts, bolts & screws in hardware store bins, grumbling all the we need therapy? Kek!
Always leave a place better than you found it.
I do the same thing, and my wife is like why? She agrees with putting the cart back but sometimes the cart location is a jumbled mess. I will straighten the carts so more carts can be placed there. Not putting the cart up properly is just as bad or worse as not returning the cart.
Donate a brisket to the nice people working the meat counter at the grocery who can’t currently afford one.
I figure they already nibble on their mistakes throughout the
I do it at the parks that I frequented. Same reason. Trash attracts bad elements.
I do the same but for clothing retail stores. I used to work in one as my first "real" job, and boy did it teach me a lot about myself and about society in general, especially on Black Friday. Every time I see hangers or clothes on the ground I pick them up, straighten them up, rehang them, or refold them. If I pick up a piece of clothing to look at from a rack or a shelf I always put it back where I found it, rehanging or refolding it exactly how it was before.
I know what a headache it is to work in retail, fix up a whole shelf of jeans or shirts, neatly fold them, and then 10 minutes later one person goes through the whole lot and leaves the place a mess with no self-awareness. I couldn't take the carelessness of people anymore, so I promised myself that I would never work retail again if I could help it, but I always make sure to not leave a mess for retail workers wherever I go shopping.
Name checks out.
Don't get me started on liter and shopping carts. I've got a special trash can full of fireball nips recovered from the side of the road and a shopping cart stuck in the muddy part of the brook behind the house that I gotta dig out someday. I don't think the annual floods will push it thru like the BBQ that passed by during the "pandemic". I'm surrounded by savages, apparently.
By the way, why is the final Shopping Cart capitol-ized? Is it actually an analogy for some other SC that's charged with making that determination?
Hmmm I always grab a cart while walking towards the store in fact I might grab two. The reason is 1) traffic has a tendency to slow down while your pushing the cart 2) winter time keeps me from falling or slipping onto the ice, as for return, depending on distance and if there is a cart corral near by, if not I roll the cart back to store front
I grab a cart as I am walking towards the store as well. The reason is 1) I might as well do something while I'm doing nothing. 2) Cart Narcs changed me for the better. It's one of the smallest things one can do to improve a situation and at the end of the day, nobody can tell that you even did anything at all, but you and God know.
You are a good man.
But... but... but... not returning carts creates cart pusher jobs
LOL. Yes.
I used to know a guy who would throw trash in the back of his tailgateless truck. He said this exact thing. Isn’t road cleanup mostly done by volunteers, with the occasional street sweeper in high traffic areas, and prison crews sometimes on highways?
Ask him if he's smart enough to account for who will pick it up after the WIND blows it more than the 6 feet those people clean up.
Ask if he is smart enough to know what "wind" is
Pusher jobs are usually cashiers/stockers or managers doing "other duties as assigned"
I almost always put the cart in the cart corral. The only time I don't is when my grandchildren are in the car and they will be out of sight. I am one of those people that park far away from the front of the store. Other people want to be closer so I let them. I like walking but sometimes that means there are no corrals close enough when the kids are with me.
Kids come first. I understand.
If I see someone with small children being placed in the car, I always try to time my walk so that I get there just as they empty their cart. Then I say, “I’ll take that, you take care of the children “. Most people are appreciative.
I’ll remember this the next time I see someone leave their empty shopping cart in the empty adjacent parking space.
Yes. It's a good judge of character.
NOT directed at you BWC or BD..or whoever started this just a decent place to park this thought..
Just remember to judge with an eye toward mercy. That might have been the one day where kids were screaming/throwing up/DONE and it wasn't worth it that time... Or they were in So much pain, but not damaged enough to get a handicapped space, and that day they overdid it and just couldn't handle one more step.. etc.
Most of us do put carts back, pick stuff up, etc.. it's when it doesn't happen that it stands out.
LOL. Like I said, I have been bad b4. Hence we all need Jesus.
I completely understand.
Amen 😅😍
Didn’t read this before my initial reply. Samsies.
because of our deteriorated public safety, I encourage anyone, especially single women/ mothers with children, to completely ignore this - stay close to your car and kids, load your groceries and go. An employee is totally capable of collecting the cart, no need to gain social approval when predators are looking to take advantage
In Portland especially.
YES. Thank you. I will NOT leave my children unattended in a car just to avoid the side eye from strangers. I will secure the cart on a curb or some place where it won't blow into cars, but I will not walk it all the way across the lot to a cart return while leaving small children and babies in the car unattended. The cart is not THAT important.
I park next to a cart return so I can see my car when I put it back. It’s very aggravating when you go to park and someone left a cart right in the spot next to their car or on the curb so I can’t pull in fully. Just plan where you park.
Thank you… so much virtue signaling in the replies to this post. I appreciate the people who do the virtuous thing, but I sometimes find myself leaving the cart out of the way in front of my car, when I’m not reasonable close to a cart corral. Safety is important and store personnel in my area do the work.
Agree. If my kids are with me I will park by the corral for this very reason. But I always park off with employee parking because it’s easier to remember where I parked that way.
I am pretty sure that returning the cart means you don't take it off store property. For me, store property means the parking lot even though you don't put it in the cart park. They do recommend the cart park because it prevents the carts from damaging the cars.
edit: I'm jk lol
Here in the Seattle area our carts have auto wheel locks that stop the carts from being removed from store property- funny as shit to see a grifter trying to take a cart for their new "home" getting locked out at the parking lot edge...some are stupid enough to unload said cart and reload another...wash, rinse, repeat
I don't always pulled it all the way to the cart park also when it's stormy or something. I secured it on the curb and left it there especially in adverse weather. LOL
Part of the reason for cart parks is to protect them and the cars from windstorms. Carts are often pretty light and their wheels make it easy to ram others property.
In WA, there's not too many windstorms, just lots of downpour.
There could be a windstorm at any time in North Dakota, where I live.
or West TX!!
I understand.
Stores hate this one simple trick:
Only purchase what you can carry without using a shopping cart!
I use a basket sometimes
Does that mean you must push the shopping cart back to, and inside the store, or do you qualify as a good person if you push it back to an outside holding place designated for shopping carts. (I suspect this qualifies)
I always return the cart either to the store, or the an outside corral area where the shopping carts are suppose to be left, never just leave it by my car.
I did sometimes during adverse weather. I am bad. LOL
To the gas chambers with you!!
Also with the pretentious ones who just leave it in the spot next to them and hinder someone parking in the “open” spot they just found in sunny weather!
Agree. Disposing of trash properly also applies.
Yes. I was thinking that also.
How on Earth is this Elon's 'development'? I heard this quite a while back. Are you giving credit to Elon for this?
First posted to 4chan in 2020 - the date is even in the image. So you’re right, no discernible Musk connection here.,for%20not%20returning%20the%20cart.
Now that is an interesting article there. Thanks.
I just went to the supermarket and just saw a NuScot leave without paying because they couldn't be bothered to wait for the cashier
It's called theft.
Sure is!
A NuScot? What's that?
A recently arrive migrant from Africa
I should add migrant to Scotland from Africa
You don't have to tell me. I know all about it. I used to live in WA. It's beyond sick.
Two days ago, I paid $97 for one bag of groceries. ONE BAG.
They want their cart in the pick-up rack? They can get off their asses, or pay me to do it.
LOL. I understand.
That's how I feel about self checkout. Not only are they forcing me to keep someone from working, but they are forcing me to do it for free. Self checkouts should give me an automatic discount or points to be redeemed or something. And no, they don't save me time, because I almost always end up needed a price override or some other thing goes wrong.. everytime! (OK, like 80%, but still!)
i LEAVE THE CART IN THE PARKING LOT. I refuse to comply. I also park crooked in the spots, sometimes over the dividing line. I refuse to comply. did you all get your boosters?
there was a mentally challenged kid that graduated highschool a couple years after I got out of the service, he had the job at the closest supermarket to me to collect the carts. store changed hands and he got the boot. when I go to that market, I purposely bring more than one cart into the parking lot then push them further from the door when I can. that kid did nothing wrong to lose his job, and no, he did not get another job afterwards. that was years ago. the last time I saw him, he was homeless and getting hassled by the cops. no, I will not comply with the shopping cart nazis...
I am sorry you have such experience. I have a friend when she first came to U.S who used to work as a supermarket cart pusher. It was a job so she did it faithfully. Then she moved on and later retired at 55.
It's a job.
At Aldi’s, you put in a quarter to get a cart and get your quarter back when you return it to the queue. Sometimes people offer you their cart in the parking lot while they’re leaving and you’re arriving. Pretty cool.
That's brand new to me. I generally offered to take the other shoppers' cart back for them so I get a cart already while helping them.
I had to get all the way to the end to find my first Aldi comment.
Clearly, Musk doesn't shop at Aldi! I doubt he shops at all.
Everyone here should try Aldi at least once. Fresh fruit and veggies, great prices on meats, and the most efficient cost structure (more savings for customers).
The quarter for the cart removes the need for cart boys and girls to bring them back. You pay a quarter for a cart and get it back when you bring your cart back.
Bags cost money so shoppers use the empty boxes from store shelves for their bags, i.e. remove garbage from the store but make use of it.
Cashiers are also stockers, saving on hiring both.
There may be 3 or 4 workers at an Aldi. Think of the savings on overhead.
Tons of self checkouts. More savings.
It is shocking how much one can save on good quality food compared to any other grocery store.
TLDR: Musk needs to shop at Aldi to prepare for his role as head of DOGE.
In the MILITARY (US) it is called "SELF-DISCIPLINE"--Doing the right thing even if it hurts...
brain-dead-> You actually hit one of my pet peeves about people not returning their shopping carts and it shows a person's physical and mental habits quite clearly!!!!!!
I have a friend who used to work in Portland area pushing shopping carts when she first came to U.S. Tough job but she was a hard worker.
I usually park pretty far out as I have a truck. It's just easier and I'm not trying to compete for the closest parking space. On my walk in if it works out I'll take a cart from a customer how has just finished using it. (It makes them happy.) It allows me to "test drive" the cart for a broken wheel and makes it easier for me to get into the store as I don't have to go dig out a cart from the rows of carts.
You and I both. Get some exercise, no one scrape your vehicle when trying to leave, and helping your fellow earth dwellers so they don't need to return and convenience for myself because I don't need to go pull one out. Win win.
LOL. Yes. He would.
I have 99.99 returned the shopping cart. 1 out of 1000 i have had to leave it for one reason or another.
Same here. Like shopping in Portland after dark.
With some exception: I don't try to do everything in Portland after dark.
The test is incomplete as far as determining base morality. If I carefully leave my shopping cart in between the horizontal lines of the parking lot in a way that does not affect parking, I make shopping just a little bit easier for the next person to arrive in my space. Or I could also leave the shopping cart by the entrance, where an employee doing returns or someone walking in could grab it. There's also the flip side, carelessly leaving it in a parking space which is much worse than simply not returning it. It can cause potential accidents and makes no one happy.
The real litmus test regarding a shopping cart is simple
Do they call it a "buggy"? And if they call it a "buggy" and you kindly educate them as to how incorrect but also obnoxious this specific southernism is, do they accept it gracefully? Buggy isn't even a good southernism, like "bless your heart" or "y'all" It's like insisting every soda is coke and confusing waiters and fast food employees everywhere asking for a coke when you do not even like Coke. Just say you want Dr Pepper or Sprite and make this easier for everyone.
I like your analogy.
I disagree that shopping carts present a litmus test or a virtue-signaling opportunity and find videos of Cart Karens hassling shoppers to be about the cringest thing I've seen online
IMHO there is no inherent goodness or moral righteousness in schlepping carts across a parking lot and no inherent badness in simply using the cart for its intended purpose (increasing the revenue of the store) and then politely parking it aside out of the way and allowing personnel paid to police carts to do their job
If it's raining and people are in a hurry because busy working late to earn money to fill the cart, they may not have time for schleppage :)
When it's dumping, I did that by pushing it out of the way and run to the car also. Most of the time, I would push it to the stand.
Reason is, make life easier for your fellow earth dwellers. They have to push the damn thing from the cart parking back to the store already.
Returning a cart is a real life example of "doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching..." It is exactly a character/moral test.
I respectfully disagree 100% that it is any test of morals or character whatsoever.
There is simply no moral deficit or character flaw in choosing to place the cart out of the way of other shoppers but not taking it to another spot.
Similarly, there is no moral deficit or character flaw in your taking items off the store shelf and putting them in your cart but then failing to front the stock (pull the next packages forward to the front of the shelf for the next shopper to easily grasp without reaching). If you're like most people, you never think to do this. Is it nice to do? Sure. Do I do it if I think of it? All the time. Do I HAVE to do it to not be judged by Karens?
Nope! Store employees are paid to take care of the details of the positioning of products and positioning the shopping carts the products go into. Would you like to be adjudged morally inferior or of poor character, just because you don't front the stock every single time you take an item off a shelf?
Look, we're busy. We're working to pay top dollar for the goods; we're lifting heavy items from the shelves into the cart; pushing it all around the store; unloading it onto the conveyor; taking the bagged goods out to the car; loading them into the car ourselves; unloading them at home and putting them away...that's enough work for groceries, thanks.
But if you're tall, and my short self is standing near you, and you pull a top shelf product from the back for yourself, it's very nice if you take a moment to grab that very back one and bring to the front for us shorties.. 😂
That's specifically what I do, and I said so.
So how's about an updoot? :)
What a bout those that grab abandoned shopping carts and put them away on the way to putting their own up? what are they?
That would be the same as those who picked up trash.
So, what did Elon have to do with this?
He posted it.
What does this make the folks who take the carts off the property? We have a grocery that has installed wheel locks that activate when they cross a line under the pavement.
Apparently that doesn't work very well so the police have a video camera system, on a trailer, complete with flashing blue light, watching your every parking lot move.
There was also a grocery in my old neighborhood that removed the cart corrals and had an employee walk you to your car and help load it up and took the cart back inside. That system lasted, literally, three weeks.
Are you in Seattle metro? I am just pissed I didnt think of the solar robot parking lot police apparatus first!!!
My father taught me as a child to do this.
I never leave a shopping cart in a parking lot.
Some of us have never been taught but do it anyway. LOL
I was little.
It's good to learn.
Best teacher = example
I pass every week!! Kek
So shopping carts are a nefarious thing now? Imagine a grocery store without shopping carts...
Lol, isn't it technically your stuff at that point? Do you think someone should also unload the groceries at your house too?
Does that mean you prefer to leave it in the road? What's wrong with using those shopping cart corrals?
LOL at the better grocery stores, they offer to come out to the car and load the goods for you as a courtesy, since the goods are still at their store. So, your question about thinking they should ride home with each customer to handle the groceries is a mighty stupid one indeed. In your imagined scenario, how would the employee get back to the store? You think people have time to drive the personnel back and forth to the store, when they don't have time to transport carts across parking lots to certain designated locations, to make less work for the workers? You think the employees are allowed to leave the jobsite and go home with customers? Dumb.
A shopping cart is a tool. I never said carts were "nefarious"; that silliness is on you. And I certainly never said to leave it in the road, which is particularly idiotic in response to a remark about making sure it's out of the way of cars. Interesting that you felt you had to put words in my mouth to get anywhere with this.
Seethe harder, Karen.
Bless your heart, you must lack the skills to look at statements objectively. I used analogies and hyperbole to point out your illogical and/or ridiculous standpoints. You have even deleted your own initial comment and now it seems you've changed your position and are now in agreement that the carts should be returned after use? I'm not seething, but it seems you are. By the way, there's no shame in being wrong. We all make mistakes from time to time.
Brilliant as usual!