Los Angeles Times Owner Fires Far-Left Editorial Board - Wants 'Factual and Balanced Coverage' of Trump Presidency | The Gateway...
The owner of the Los Angeles Times has fired his entire editorial board as he seeks to return the paper to its journalistic roots.
These people are trying to save themselves. They know the jig is up. Too late.
They've had YEARS to be "fair and balanced" but they didn't want to be and they WEREN'T.
Now, suddenly, they do?
"Please don't have us arrested for [libel, treason, and several things in between], Mr. Trump Sir! We'll be good, we promise!"
They’ve been playing this game for centuries. Like the cancer that they are, going into remission to save their own skins - just long enough to emerge at an opportune time in the future to continue destroying humanity.
Not this time. They need to be exposed for their lies and deceit, for destroying lives and they need to be eradicated, not just put in remission. Fake News Media is the tool; The Enemy of Humanity are those who wield this tool.
Excellent analogy...
Problem is, obama's revision via the Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 allowed 'news outlets' to spring propaganda on the US populace. This wasn't permitted prior to this, so, not sure what criminal laws were broken. Seems like libel might be a civil hook, if there is any.
Edit - reading a little more about smith-mundt... it seems like this might be a loophole to permit the covid propaganda over the past years. Hope not.
Hussein was an illegitimate president. His actions won't be able to protect them.
He's probably on epstines list.
Yes, it is too late.
The Jig lol. Hey Jig, your time is up.
I am a journalist. I haven’t been on the air in years but still freelance articles.
My feeling is that newspaper owners took a look at that election map and realized their business model is to sell to a minority. If they want to survive, they’re going to have to start covering and presenting real news to a wider audience.
Also, and very importantly, if they’re watching Trump, and covering his presidency, no one will take their criticisms seriously. The public is now obviously immune to their Trump bashing. If they want to present legitimate reporting on Trump’s presidency, they’re going to have to start appearing fair and balanced. Otherwise, perceived fair criticisms will never be taken seriously. They’ve set a horrible precedence that anything they say about Trump is a lie, with the purpose of destroying him. They’re now in a position where they can’t convince the public that anything they say is legitimate.
Newspapers and most media are just mountains of lies, and they know we know it.
I’m truly doubtful they’ll ever be able to change our perceptions of them no matter what they do. It’s too late.
Then again, Americans have short memories.
The woke companies are likely funded by deep pockets elsewhere, me thinks.
Exactly. These people are funded by Black Rock and Vanguard, companies that have more money than GOD. It's not about money for these people. My guess is that this rat is trying to save his own skin
Some of them have realized that their focus on identity politics has been a failed strategy. The majority of resentful Americans are not listening to them anymore and are looking to alternatives rather than to legacy media. The scamdemic helped to fuel that shift.
We will have to wait and see whether they can turn their ships back around to a more balanced style of reporting. Without a complete gutting of their organizations, I doubt they will be able to change. It will take time to regain trust after they have so alienated the majority of Americans who seem unlikely to ever trust them again. As you stated so well, they have made themselves irrelevant with their biased propaganda and many Americans have simply moved on.
Not gonna work. American boomers have short memories, I am not so sure about the current 18-29 or 30-45 age groups. They are already majority conservative and what they did to Trump will rermain in their conscious for decades.
Isn't this the paper that refused to endorse Kamala?
Yes. I think that the CEO/owner Patrick Soon-Shiong, who bought the LA Times in 2018 and paid over $500 MILLION, realized that he needed to expand his readership in order to not go belly-up. And antagonizing, insulting and alienating the popular majority of people in the country was not beneficial for the bottom line.
Thus, his refusal to endorse anyone for President caused a number of his woke Lib employees to quit because he chose to remain neutral. And good riddance, it seems.
And, now this! Hot dog!
What a great way to cut the excess fat without having to pay unemployment from firings!
Yes, good point!
Remaining neutral is not acceptable to the left.
You MUST pick a side.
So, his paper failed to endorse Harris. Woop-de-doo.
Does the LA Times have ANYTHING else on its record to it's favor?
999 slanders and crimes vs 1 'not endorsing' doth not a balanced sheet make...
Yeah, but this is probably too little, too late. Newspapers, as such, are a dying form of media in America today. Most people get their news (or what passes for news) from various internet sources, blogs, and (sadly) late night TV.
This is a curious time to suddenly rediscover "journalistic standards."
Don't discount it. One could as well say that "this is a curious time" for Boeing to suddenly rediscover engineering quality standards. Maybe so, but the change is necessary. If the LA Times once again becomes a reliable source of news, what is the harm? Soon-Shiong has been in the saddle since 2018, but has more than a full plate in the rest of his professional life, so this may be a case of responding to an alarm bell. Earlier, he had downsized the Times' staff by 20%. Interesting character. Every bit as impressive as Elon Musk.
True to a point. But things come and go. America doesn't buy very many buggy whips these days for a reason. Try to find a road map at your local gas station.
Newspapers are appealing to a rapidly declining audience.
And the audience is declining because the papers do not "add value," because they have become propaganda organs and the quality of reporting is low. I used to read the newspapers, but gave up in the 1980s because the news coverage was unreliable. It had many amenities (advertisements, movie listings, sports coverage, editorial page) that were nice to gloss, particularly for the local community. Key stories (e.g., matters at the Boeing Co.) are still covered by local reporters.
Don't scoff at road maps. if your cell coverage is spotty, you are out of luck. Now, if you've never learned to use a road map, you could have that view. Like running out of battery charge in an EV on a back road.
All true, but I too was raised in an age when roadmaps were widely used, and the Marine Corps taught me how to use them tactically and for using a compass to get from Point A to Point B. I could easily go back to using them... it's a skill you and I have that young people might find useful in coming days.
Too much reliance today on not thinking. For business travel, I kept a repertoire of maps for the cities I commonly visited. Upon getting a new destination, I would study the local map to get a general sense of the layout, the major freeways, and backup routes. I could navigate from the airport to my hotel, and to the meeting venue just fine. Had I been relying on a map app, no dice. In LA traffic, you can't be splitting your attention. And there is no reason to panic. In LA, there is ALWAYS a later opportunity to leave the freeway and get back on. I will admit to being stumped by Providence, Rhode Island. Good navigation right near the airport---but twisty cowpaths without signage after that. Took me a lot of effort to find my hotel at night. Had to return to the airport 3 times to recalibrate my mental compass and try again. Only drive there in daylight, and even then it is a crap shoot.
So you don't do this when in a new city, right?
In ten years they will all disappear. Ad revenue for print media of all types is falling off of a cliff.
Yup. My little hometown paper recently just folded for good. We called it "The S____ County Scandalizer" because it printed just enough salacious gossip and court records to earn that name. Still it was a staple in our little mountain hometown, and I know a lot of people will miss it.
It was one of two, along with the Washington Post
One of them. Another big-name newspaper that decided NOT to endorse Kamala was the Washington Post.
Too late for them. Because of their propaganda our country is practically destroyed
—Donald J. Trump
Right AGAIN....imagine that....
Good to know that factual and balanced reporting was not required before the election.
Ha! Good one.
It's like a chronic drunk crashing his car and killing everyone in the other vehicle, then proudly announcing that he's thinking about sobering up.
Well said.
Hail Mary play to avoid the oncoming indictments?
indictments or not, they simply know now that they are on the loosing team. They are hoping to avoid the wrath of the American people.
Fat chance.
Will believe it when I see it....they know we are the majority. If they actually cared they would have done it when it mattered. Hypocrites, anything to save the dying media
Oh, so NOW you see the light, huh? Only after Trump wins IN SPITE OF your leftist propaganda? Hey, LA Times, you and your pals in the other major cities are too little, too late. Your papers are shrinking because nobody is reading your drivel The same goes for your comrades in television. Your fifth column of communists are a bunch of mentally ill hacks that live in a bubble totally divorced from reality. All of you can go pound salt for all we care. The only good your newspapers serve is to line bird cages.
Where is all the scorn and condemnation of Twitter, now that it has been bought and managed by Elon Musk as "X"? You don't seem to grasp that big organizational changes can be brought about by an interested and effective management. Would we be correct in giving up in despair about the condition of our federal government---or rejoice in electing Donald Trump?
As for the LA Times, it is the easiest thing in the world to make their newsfeed available on the internet as an archive or live feed. If the paper published version had content worth reading, it would revive (who wants to read their laptop when sitting on the crapper?).
I know of nobody that buys or reads newspapers of any kind much less left wing propaganda. So having them go the way of the buggy whip suits me fine. As for online version, no thanks again. Your reason is sufficient.
As for X, Musk took away the censoring and made it usable again by everyone. That plus it’s meant for mobile use. None of this is comparable to the LA Times or other papers. Musk dealt with the algorithms that were problematic. Algorithms aren’t the problem at the LA Times. An editor telling hard core lefties to be more more balanced is like telling a Doberman to attack more gently and bite less painfully.
You have a built-in hatred of newspapers. It sounds like you wouldn't want them improved even if they could be. I wonder if you are old enough to recall what they were like before they became propaganda. Go your way.
Let’s just say, why cut down the Amazon rain forest if you don’t have to? Newspapers in their day were fine. I delivered them when I was young. Sundays were a bitch and my hands were always blue with ink. In bigger cities there were competing papers, usually one was more liberal. Then most places only had one and that one became more and more liberal. Over time readership started declining until now they need life support. They’ve become like telephone booths in a world of cell phones. No longer needed.
I laugh about "cutting down forests." I live in the Pacific Northwest. If forests hadn't been cut down, there would be no place to live and no farming. Current harvesting of trees is about every 7 to 10 years between crops. In my lifetime, I have seen at least 4 cycles of logging and renewal on a particular hill south of Bellingham. In the right climate, trees grow like weeds. Cutting down trees for paper is no worse than cutting down wheat for bread (we do that, too).
I think the readership started declining well before the advent of the internet, as television and talk radio began to command an audience. And that was because the content of newspapers were empty calories at that point. But it was the lack of substantial content that was the killer, not the medium. And newspapers are still alive on the internet, the ones good enough to still command an audience.
In a world of cell phones, whose batteries can be exhausted or can be lost over a guardrail, it would be a lifesaver to find a telephone booth.
But kudos to you for living the life and having seen it for yourself. Too bad things had to slide. It probably traces back to the contamination of the journalism schools, putting social progressivism above truth-telling.
Watch California
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Strings cut? Integrity?
So bankruptcy and jail doesn’t sound so good after all….
..officer, even tho I was going 117 mph in a 30, even tho I was shooting my gun out the window, all the while flipping you and your partner off, I’m gonna start acting right as of riiiiiiight…..now!
Been waiting for 8 years for someone in the lamestream media to step up and say something like this!
It's called panic. Plain and simple. No, they're the enemy 100%.
This is a time of discernment. There will undoubtedly be cowards who will appear to change in order to save face. But keep in mind that the corruption we are working against is rooted in control and blackmail. Many people is positions of power are now unchained, free to make decisions without the fear of harm to themselves or their families. This "fair and balanced" reporting on President Trump is EXACTLY what we want. How many normies are going to start hearing unbiased news and realize that their hate and outrage has dissipated? How many friends and family will struggle to criticize Trump without their daily talking points? This is part of the process, and I'm thinking that the future looks bright.
Compromised and called in? Perhaps this will be a trend and Trump has leverage--maybe Elon has twitter receipts. All I'm hoping is that it's a trend for all those who have been secretly working against America.
He saw the light! Be a real news paper and the people will subscribe! Now watch the others follow! This is great news!
"AAAAHHH LADS, the ship be a sinkin' and there ain't nowhere to go...and we're taking on too much water...we need to scuttle the ship to survive."
I read that line many, many times and years ago and it still holds true to companies and individuals...ahhhh the meme-ries!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Apologize for that, I JUST couldn't help myself!!!!!!
Panic. Deathbed repentance?
Hades has frozen over!
I dunno man... i trust people over msm groups now.. but go into the sea of people and be the news and we'll see how it goes.
What's going on behind the curtain? White Hat takeover? The Black Hats have lost and we are just starting to see the results?
It is better late than never. But once Trump is out of office, they will go right back to their shit ways.
Is it a new owner? Curious about the change of heart
Patrick Soon-Shiong, (CEO, Owner) who bought the LA Times in 2018 and paid over $500 MILLION, probably realized that he needed to expand his readership in order to not go belly-up. And now that it is CONFIRMED that the actual majority of people in the country are conservative, he must adjust to accommodate the bottom line.
Plus, remember, his refusal to endorse anyone for President caused a number of his woke Lib employees to quit. They just exited by choice. The rest got fired!
Thank you!
Sure thing!
Good luck finding conservative neutral reporters. You'll have to go to the streets as the schools produce too few. Your paper is doomed.
These people are stupid.
A far Communist Review Board - fuil stop. Shut it down, nuke it from orbit (just to be safe).
When someone thought it was a "good thing" to start off with a hard left review panel, the cancer is too deep for the patient to be saved.
Too little.....too late.
The owner knew, and probably encouraged, all the "fake news" they have been spewing for decades.
Think what the could mean for cleaning up california. Corruption can't operate in the light.
I'll believe it when i see it
Fear is a great motivator.
You could have done all of this in 2016 instead you sided with the elite left. Too late.
Kim Clement predicted this.
Can you cite where or what he said? I'd like to hear it.
He predicted that a lot of these rags would start sweet-talking Trump, etc. They would change their stances.