Why doesn't anyone pay attention to the very first verse of Revelation?
1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Revelation 1:1
Just to translate..."must shortly come to pass" means that everything John is going to describe in the following BOOK, are going to come to pass a SHORT time after he writes them! Does shortly mean 2,000 plus years hence? Would you use the word shortly to describe events that are going to take place in say the year 4025? How in the world could telling of events going to happen to a generation of people 2,000 years away possible help and edify those Christians who were being persecuted by the Jews and Romans in first century Jerusalem and elsewhere?
And...then in the second to last verse of Revelation Jesus says Himself...
20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20
The entirety of the Book of Revelation has already happened and it is all about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. It's a detailed description of what was going to happen on earth and in heaven when the First Covenant (Mosaic) came to an end and the New Covenant replaced it.
My Christian brothers and sisters need to start interpreting the world based on what the Bible says, not the other way around. You cannot interpret some Biblical Prophecy based on what is going on in the world politically. These Dispensational charlatan pastors leading these "seeker friendly" dangerous and heretical 501C3 churches love to eviscerate the body of believers by touting this unscriptural Rapture nonsense and crazy interpretations of Matthew 24 and they refuse to read Matthew 24:34! Jesus Himself says that everything in Matthew 24 was going to happen before the generation He was speaking to passed away. Not difficult to understand, but difficult to accept if you have been brainwashed by modern church Scofield hogwash!
I'm aware that Matthew prophecy was believed to be about the siege on Jerusalem until 20th century. But this is the first I've heard that Revelation as well. I'll have to research this belief.
There are 4 views of Revelation at the highest level.
Preterist- it already happened;
Historicist- It is church history.
A-millennial or Idealist -it is all symbolic;
Finally literal futurist- pre/post-millennials;
Then one can further sub-divide into pre/post/mid/no-rapture.
I personally was pre-trib rapture but now following what the early Christians believed after a deep study of scripture.
The early Christians searched for signs of His return during an exceptionally evil, end times generation. A Fig tree generation. As in the Days of Noah, the people were corrupted and violent.
Keep the oil in your lamps full and be ready at all times, my friends.
Read a book called The Days of Vengeance by David Chilton. The notes in that book will lead you to other good books as well. The Scofield Futurists (backed by the Rothschilds of course) have done a very good job confusing what the Book of Revelation is about. It was written to the First Century Church, that was being severely persecuted, to explain the Good News and hope that the New Covenant had completely replaced the Old Covenant and this fact would be dramatically established with the incredible destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. The Holy Spirit, through John, used the same imagery He always uses when describing the destruction of an empire. The early Christians (who knew the Old Testament very well) were very familiar with this imagery and knew exactly what to expect.
The main goal for the financial backing of Scofield/Darby and the Futurist movement in the late 17th, early 18th Century's was to laden the Church with a defeatist mindset. Dispensationalism teaches that one world government is predicted in the Bible and there's nothing the Church can do to stop it...of course ignoring the fact that whenever this has been tried, God takes very disliking to this goal of satan and puts and end to it promptly (i.e.-Tower of Babel). They also teach the false doctrine of the Rapture. Both of these doctrines are false and designed to create inaction and a sense of apathy in the Church. It has succeeded in spades and is the primary reason we are in the mess we are in.
The good news however is that there will never be a New World Order and Christianity will continue to flourish and eventually the wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ will win over the entire planet. This Dominion Theology (which was the main teaching on this topic before the Rothschilds threw a wrench in the gears) is why America exists and why (as the Church wakes back up) Christianity will revive and ultimately the "Gates of Hell will not prevail against her!"
Let's not forget adding both Canada and Greenland would average out the overall Climate temperatures from Panama North and thus crushing the global climate stupidity! LOL 🤔😆😃😂🤣🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
The Q team with DJT at the front, has bankrupted the Vatican, so all of their possessions are being re-distributed, the Vatican includes entities such as Countries along with their agencies, The Crown and euro-royalty etc etc, it's going to get very interesting when the details begin to emerge.
Maybe Trump is doing some serious trolling so he can do the hard work behind what's to come very soon. Of course the media stays busy chasing their tails to get a news story out all while the reality of what is happening behind the scenes goes unnoticed,
I have long speculated that while Trump is all about MAGA during the election and in public, there seems to be a long game in play here where he is suddenly making moves that seem to be carving out the long sought after NAU- the North American Union, that was desired by those involved in building the globalist dream of national assimilation and the eventual dystopic One World Government. The announcements of late, seem to indicate this, and contradict the protection of American heritage, geographic cultural and geographical identity, and all levels of sovereignty. Many long time older researchers are rightfully concerned, yet the younger MAGA seem naively excited about the prospect- forever showing just how little they know and how less educated they are and how poorly their skills at perception, discernment and understanding really are.....Long games can be played on MAGA as well, and it would serve the more naive of our group to be better educated on the Illuminati/ Luciferian/ Globalist agenda from its beginnings to the modern day. The best book I have read on this that is easily digestible is Coopers 'Behold a Pale Horse' (https://www.docdroid.net/c5ot0TH/behold-a-pale-horse-william-cooper-pdf-pdf). Trojan Horses can be used against us as well.....be vigilant!
I have long speculated that while Trump is all about MAGA during the election and in public, there seems to be a long game in play here where he is suddenly making moves that seem to be carving out the long sought after NAU- the North American Union, that was desired by those involved in building the globalist dream of national assimilation and the eventual dystopic One World Government. The announcements of late, seem to indicate this, and contradict the protection of American heritage
Your position is Trump is a duplicitous liar saying MAGA things to get elected but harboring globalist dystopian dreams of a One-World Government, and that he is breaking his promise to protect our American heritage. Is that how you want to leave it?
...younger MAGA seem naively excited about the prospect- forever showing just how little they know and how less educated they are and how poorly their skills at perception, discernment and understanding really are
Speaking of poor skills at perception, discernment and understanding...if you were half as brilliant as you believe, you'd perceive the irony in talking down to members of a community while attempting to impress upon them the superiority and sharp-witted cynicism of your intellect.
Did he not just break his promise about ending H1B Visas made throughout his political career? He just sided with Elong earlier this evening, ending out hope he would shutdown Elons hissy fit with true MAGA Patriots.
I've worried about this too! If everything is in Trumps control, what will he do with it? After all many German citizens love Hitler in the early 30s. I say we trust but verify. I think many are blindly following, without doing their own research.
Step 1: USA announces that all of North America is officially part of the United States. Also
Step 2: announce that all soldiers in previously sovereign nations (Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, etc) maintain their current position equivalent rank/class, and receive the same salary in U.S. currency as our current armed forces - as long as they follow orders.
That's it.
A two minute news conference on a Friday, and by Monday the USA is now the entire north American continent.
We don't need all of Mexico, though Baja would be nice.
But I do wonder if Trump can get the leftover overseas territories from the UK and France, since those countries have no self-respect for themselves. Say we take French Guiana and the Falklands.
No. We are governed by globalists. They will trick us, by expanding the US into one world govt. we are lying down with a bear, because he’s chasing the wolves away. We are still just food.
Agenda 21 has the USA, Canada, Greenland and Latin America all the way to Panama as ONE REGION of 10.
☝ This!
I believe Revalation has 10 territories with 10 kings.
Why doesn't anyone pay attention to the very first verse of Revelation?
1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Revelation 1:1
Just to translate..."must shortly come to pass" means that everything John is going to describe in the following BOOK, are going to come to pass a SHORT time after he writes them! Does shortly mean 2,000 plus years hence? Would you use the word shortly to describe events that are going to take place in say the year 4025? How in the world could telling of events going to happen to a generation of people 2,000 years away possible help and edify those Christians who were being persecuted by the Jews and Romans in first century Jerusalem and elsewhere?
And...then in the second to last verse of Revelation Jesus says Himself...
20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20
The entirety of the Book of Revelation has already happened and it is all about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. It's a detailed description of what was going to happen on earth and in heaven when the First Covenant (Mosaic) came to an end and the New Covenant replaced it.
My Christian brothers and sisters need to start interpreting the world based on what the Bible says, not the other way around. You cannot interpret some Biblical Prophecy based on what is going on in the world politically. These Dispensational charlatan pastors leading these "seeker friendly" dangerous and heretical 501C3 churches love to eviscerate the body of believers by touting this unscriptural Rapture nonsense and crazy interpretations of Matthew 24 and they refuse to read Matthew 24:34! Jesus Himself says that everything in Matthew 24 was going to happen before the generation He was speaking to passed away. Not difficult to understand, but difficult to accept if you have been brainwashed by modern church Scofield hogwash!
I'm aware that Matthew prophecy was believed to be about the siege on Jerusalem until 20th century. But this is the first I've heard that Revelation as well. I'll have to research this belief.
There are 4 views of Revelation at the highest level. Preterist- it already happened; Historicist- It is church history. A-millennial or Idealist -it is all symbolic;
Finally literal futurist- pre/post-millennials;
Then one can further sub-divide into pre/post/mid/no-rapture.
I personally was pre-trib rapture but now following what the early Christians believed after a deep study of scripture.
The early Christians searched for signs of His return during an exceptionally evil, end times generation. A Fig tree generation. As in the Days of Noah, the people were corrupted and violent.
Keep the oil in your lamps full and be ready at all times, my friends.
Read a book called The Days of Vengeance by David Chilton. The notes in that book will lead you to other good books as well. The Scofield Futurists (backed by the Rothschilds of course) have done a very good job confusing what the Book of Revelation is about. It was written to the First Century Church, that was being severely persecuted, to explain the Good News and hope that the New Covenant had completely replaced the Old Covenant and this fact would be dramatically established with the incredible destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. The Holy Spirit, through John, used the same imagery He always uses when describing the destruction of an empire. The early Christians (who knew the Old Testament very well) were very familiar with this imagery and knew exactly what to expect.
The main goal for the financial backing of Scofield/Darby and the Futurist movement in the late 17th, early 18th Century's was to laden the Church with a defeatist mindset. Dispensationalism teaches that one world government is predicted in the Bible and there's nothing the Church can do to stop it...of course ignoring the fact that whenever this has been tried, God takes very disliking to this goal of satan and puts and end to it promptly (i.e.-Tower of Babel). They also teach the false doctrine of the Rapture. Both of these doctrines are false and designed to create inaction and a sense of apathy in the Church. It has succeeded in spades and is the primary reason we are in the mess we are in.
The good news however is that there will never be a New World Order and Christianity will continue to flourish and eventually the wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ will win over the entire planet. This Dominion Theology (which was the main teaching on this topic before the Rothschilds threw a wrench in the gears) is why America exists and why (as the Church wakes back up) Christianity will revive and ultimately the "Gates of Hell will not prevail against her!"
Gotta protect that Canal and the north pole, which is actually the border with Russia
Panama isn't included there. Whoever did this doesn't know geography.
The Agenda 21 map includes Panama I believe. The map I saw was the US, Canada, Greenland and Central America all the way to South America.
To be honest I don't want Mexico or Canada to become parts of the US. Too many libtards in Canada, and too many criminals in Mexico. Keep them out.
Fix what we got first.
Leave out Quebec and BC.
why do people keep adding mexico? nobody wants mexicans. Stick to the new world anglosphere.
Acquiring Greenland will make the USA greener.
Let's not forget adding both Canada and Greenland would average out the overall Climate temperatures from Panama North and thus crushing the global climate stupidity! LOL 🤔😆😃😂🤣🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Nah. Trump is just fucking with liberals... I think lol
While we are at it……….let’s Make Antarctica Great too!!!!!!
Since you're in the vicinity, NZ for 53rd state.
It's already great.
Ya - but we want to take over the alien portals to middle earth though - right?😀
The Q team with DJT at the front, has bankrupted the Vatican, so all of their possessions are being re-distributed, the Vatican includes entities such as Countries along with their agencies, The Crown and euro-royalty etc etc, it's going to get very interesting when the details begin to emerge.
It already is North America.
God I hope not. Too many liberals there. We don't need more.
Looks like we missed a spot up there up top. Kek.
Every Mestizo will be moving North if this happens
Haven't they aready?
Why don’t we have the islands north of Canada? We need those to neutralize Russian movements at the North Pole.
Russia is an anglo Christian neighbor. We don’t need to neutralize a friend we cooperate with—which we will soon enough.
Trump has been telling us for years. The slogan isn’t “Make United States Great Again”, it’s “Make America Great Again.”
America is a lot more than just the country United States.
The United States of America.
THAT is the name of our country and it does NOT include other sovereign countries.
The USA is the ONLY country with "America" included in it's name. It's why it's citizens are called Americans.
Include AUS,NZ and Pacific Islands
Globalists already owned the whole world! White Hats freeing the world, one country at a time!
Maybe Trump is doing some serious trolling so he can do the hard work behind what's to come very soon. Of course the media stays busy chasing their tails to get a news story out all while the reality of what is happening behind the scenes goes unnoticed,
A couple fixes are needed -
(I like that it left out Vancouver though)
God forbid.
No to Mexico, all those illegals who were here immediately get citizenship, no thanks.
I hope not! Believe me, we don't want Quebec!
It certainly would make it easier to drive from here to there….
I have long speculated that while Trump is all about MAGA during the election and in public, there seems to be a long game in play here where he is suddenly making moves that seem to be carving out the long sought after NAU- the North American Union, that was desired by those involved in building the globalist dream of national assimilation and the eventual dystopic One World Government. The announcements of late, seem to indicate this, and contradict the protection of American heritage, geographic cultural and geographical identity, and all levels of sovereignty. Many long time older researchers are rightfully concerned, yet the younger MAGA seem naively excited about the prospect- forever showing just how little they know and how less educated they are and how poorly their skills at perception, discernment and understanding really are.....Long games can be played on MAGA as well, and it would serve the more naive of our group to be better educated on the Illuminati/ Luciferian/ Globalist agenda from its beginnings to the modern day. The best book I have read on this that is easily digestible is Coopers 'Behold a Pale Horse' (https://www.docdroid.net/c5ot0TH/behold-a-pale-horse-william-cooper-pdf-pdf). Trojan Horses can be used against us as well.....be vigilant!
Your position is Trump is a duplicitous liar saying MAGA things to get elected but harboring globalist dystopian dreams of a One-World Government, and that he is breaking his promise to protect our American heritage. Is that how you want to leave it?
Speaking of poor skills at perception, discernment and understanding...if you were half as brilliant as you believe, you'd perceive the irony in talking down to members of a community while attempting to impress upon them the superiority and sharp-witted cynicism of your intellect.
Did he not just break his promise about ending H1B Visas made throughout his political career? He just sided with Elong earlier this evening, ending out hope he would shutdown Elons hissy fit with true MAGA Patriots.
I've worried about this too! If everything is in Trumps control, what will he do with it? After all many German citizens love Hitler in the early 30s. I say we trust but verify. I think many are blindly following, without doing their own research.
This sounds like Trump, the anti-christ.
Oh land, very nice.
We don't need to annex , they'll come to us
Wouldn't need to fire a shot.
Step 1: USA announces that all of North America is officially part of the United States. Also
Step 2: announce that all soldiers in previously sovereign nations (Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, etc) maintain their current position equivalent rank/class, and receive the same salary in U.S. currency as our current armed forces - as long as they follow orders.
That's it.
A two minute news conference on a Friday, and by Monday the USA is now the entire north American continent.
You forgot Panama... and South America...
I would actually rather USA shrinks in geographic size rather than grows.
I'm afraid that Trump wants to really go down has a historic president so adding on Canada or Greenland seems like a real possibility.
Adding Mexico would be insane
Yes, eventually, because God’s were prophesied about it. There will be 10 kingdoms. We are living in exciting times.
We need to MAGA. Nothing more, nothing less.
Oops, left some white in northern Canada there
Shit, if we're getting Mexico, get Cuba too while you're at it
We don't need all of Mexico, though Baja would be nice.
But I do wonder if Trump can get the leftover overseas territories from the UK and France, since those countries have no self-respect for themselves. Say we take French Guiana and the Falklands.
No. We are governed by globalists. They will trick us, by expanding the US into one world govt. we are lying down with a bear, because he’s chasing the wolves away. We are still just food.
The bear is just dragon food.
Uh ... no.
soy larp fake and ghey
"Guantanamo Bay will be expanded to cover the whole of Cuba and the Bahamas, and the whole Caribbean soon afterwords."
Well, the pedos wanted islands, we'll give them islands. Lots of islands with lots of cells. 😂🤣😂
LoneWulf really meant, lots of ocean and lots of cement shoes ;)