The book BOHICA, is a very good read about some of his corruption in Viet Nam. He shut down a lot of mental health care in Calif, and put in land and property seizures without trial for any Marijuana plant found on your land.
Jimmy Carter was way over his head as President. He thought everybody was working for the people only to be used and steered like a radio controlled car. He was oblivious to the evil that surrounded him!
I believe he, like the fake Biden today, deliberately tanked his presidency in order to provide a mandate for Reagan. Ricardo Bosi mentioned that Reagan was part of the Q op during his time, but that team Q had to pull back after re-assessing some cabal ammo & assets that they had missed.
I would imagine POTUS will be attending his funeral. This would have to be the most dangerous situation for him as he walks in among the most evil people in the world who tried to kill him. Keep him and Melania in your prayers. 🙏🏼
Exactly, you wonder if they kept Jimmy on ice for this moment knowing would be an opportunity to get close to POTUS before inauguration . Will be praying hard for his safety
Don't wish to sound trite but God has a mission for Trump and as we have seen has protected him from assassination on at least two occasions this year! God is not going to allow the devil room on this mattere.
There was a reason why he employed a second private security firm - Erik Prince Blackwater - to protect him after he heard that Trump Tower had been rigged with listening devices. POTUS has had many attempts on his life. We must never forget the missile launched at Air Force 1 on his way to meet with Kim.
See Q4833
Why did it take an 'outsider' to finally deliver the 'start' of peace in the middle east?
Why did it take an 'outsider' to finally deliver the 'start' of peace in the middle east?
News coverage? Front page(s)?
MISSILE strike(s) _attempt to terminate?
Peace doesn't sell.
WAR [fear] does.
Evil and corruption @ highest levels.
And there have been others. I believe he will at some point use the ‘Winter White House’ as his official office. It has everything and more compared to the WH. Bedminster is probably compromised.
I agree many many attempts. What does concern me though is the 'peace in the middle east' aspect - great if this just means absence of war/armed conflict BUT if it means Tramp achieve such agreement/peace that Israel can start sacrifices on Temple Mount then that is very bad news - would make him the anti-christ
Nothing but respect from President Trump. Yes he can be considered a weak President, but he truly did everything in his power to help the country even if the decisions didn't work out in the long run.
Largely thanks to the Deep State, which hated his guts.
Too many people around here weren't even alive during the Carter presidency, and don't know how the DS and MSM worked overtime to sabotage Carter's every move.
No, he wasn't a "Great" president. But he could have been a good one, if the DS had allowed it.
President Trump's remarks are the very essence of gracious Class.
So that’s the bar? He didn’t molest children? Those of us who were around remember… Hi, I’m Jimmeh Cahtah…gas shortages, odd/even day gas lines, Iran hostages fail, no Olympic Games for US athletes. Carter was the O.G. absolute worst president, until FJB broke his record.
Carter failed because he was a failure. There was still some honesty in the media.
Carter in 1974 visited Rockefeller to lock in support to run for president. He announced very early after he got it. Had it not been for Watergate he would not have won the primary nor general.
The corrupt media brought Nixon down. The honest media brought Carter down. This marked the last Democrat president to be covered semi-honestly.
He was a crappy President. I remember the gas lines, no jobs, no money. He HAD been the #1 most horrible president. Maybe only being 2nd worst president instead is what finally did him in. 🙈
I thinkt he point being expressed, both in the truth social post and in these comments, is that in spite of being a pretty piss poor leader who made some awful decisions, he wasn't intentionally sabotaging things. He legitimately thought he was helping.
I'll grant you that's a low bar to limbo under, but there are a lot of politicians who manage to pull it off, and, at least in death, we can at least appreciate his heart was in the right place, even if he lacked the competency needed for the job he was hired to do.
I didn't live through the Carter years, so I won't insult you and pretend I understand how bad it was, but I hope you can at least appreciate that much, even if it's hard to separate his intent from his colossal fuckups.
The Panama Canal has been a topic of discussion lately. Which President was involved in giving the canal away?
President Jimmy Carter signed the Torrijos-Carter Treaties, which agreed to transfer control of the Panama Canal from the United States to Panama, effective December 31, 1999. This marked the end of U.S. control over the canal that had begun in 1903.
Trump not being a politician, he always had the nack of diplomacy. He can tell a good story of his worst enemies.
I am old enough to have experienced Carter in my teens (as an European). I remember him for two things: the botched rescue mission of the 200+ American hostages in Iran, and for his peanuts.
Now in retrospective, he might have bean one of the few presidents, that didn't cow tow the deep state line?
I never believed for a minute that no one in the military or the Defense Department had any inkling that the rescue helicopters' intakes would get clogged with sand.
It was deliberate sabotage, pure, simple and obvious. The Deep State didn't suddenly appear out of nowhere when Donald Trump stepped on the stage.
I was only 8 when Carter got elected, so I never tried it, but yes, I remember the Billy Beer!! I imagine it was probably re-packaged PBR, as craft brews weren't a thing back then.
I was only 10, but I remember my dad had a six pack of it that he bought one summer when we were visiting Georgia. It stayed on his nicknack shelf for years.
President Trump said some good and powerful words about Jimmy Carter. Carter didn't help our country out as our president, but I really believe he tried to. I hope, and I think, he wasn't a part of the Cabal that wants to take our country over.
I don't think there was anything evil about him at all, I think he was just stupid. I also think that because he wouldn't get into bed with the cabal that his presidency was ham-stringed, and limited to one term.
It's just like they say. They always publish these people with three names, first middle last. There is so much corruption and fuckery in our history, I pray someday 110% is exposed because only the truth can give us real freedom.
May 5, 1979: Raymond Lee Harvey was an Ohio-born unemployed American drifter. He was arrested by the Secret Service after being found carrying a starter pistol with blank rounds, ten minutes before Carter was to give a speech at the Civic Center Mall in Los Angeles on May 5, 1979. Harvey had a history of mental illness,[94] but police had to investigate his claim that he was part of a four-man operation to assassinate the president.[95] According to Harvey, he fired seven blank rounds from the starter pistol on the hotel roof on the night of May 4 to test how much noise it would make. He claimed to have been with one of the plotters that night, whom he knew as "Julio". (This man was later identified as a 21-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, who gave the name Osvaldo Espinoza Ortiz.)[94] At the time of his arrest, Harvey had eight spent rounds in his pocket, as well as 70 unspent blank rounds for the gun.[96] Harvey was jailed on a $50,000 bond, given his transient status, and Ortiz was alternately reported as being held on a $100,000 bond as a material witness[94] or held on a $50,000 bond being charged with burglary from a car.[96] Charges against the pair were ultimately dismissed for a lack of evidence.[97]
John Hinckley Jr. came close to shooting Carter during his re-election campaign, but he lost his nerve. He would later attempt to kill President Ronald Reagan in March 1981.
I am both cursed and blessed. Cursed to have lived (as an adult) through both the Carter Malaise and the Biden Regime, blessed to have lived through both the Reagan and Trump Administrations.
Jimmy Carter did NOT receive an envelope at "Poppy's" funeral. Only positive thing I can think to say on his passing.
Cathy O'Brien, a survivor of child sex-trafficking by the CIA, MK Ultra was considered a "Presidential Model". Abused by the top pier of politicians.
She said Jimmy Carter was one of the only presidents that did not sexually abuse children.
She mentioned these presidents of sexually abusing children:
I know the Obamas do. And Fiona Barnett was raped by Nixon.
I sure hate to hear that about Reagan
He was in Hollyweird so... It is sad.
Reagan's legacy will always be amnesty to me, but I was not alive during his time as President to appreciate the good points.
Ammesty and removing liability from the Satanic vaccine industry that directly harms children.
I loved Reagan. I thought he was an excellent president and Bush 1 was not a pimple on his ass. This kind of news is upsetting, but I've wondered.
I read the book by Cathy O'Brien. Very difficult read as I also loved Reagan. But like much in our world, it is not as it appears.
And I'll never believe it, either.
I remember when there were "Under Age prostitutes" or "Call Boys" caught "taking a tour" in the wee hours of the morning at White House.
The book BOHICA, is a very good read about some of his corruption in Viet Nam. He shut down a lot of mental health care in Calif, and put in land and property seizures without trial for any Marijuana plant found on your land.
Just for completeness, adding the Clintons to your list. They have both been heavily on the "giving" end of the MK Ultra abuse.
Lousy president for sure. 2nd worst, but not GITMO material.
He wasn't a very good president, but he WAS a good man - as evidenced by his life before and after the presidency.
It's a shame how someone with such a good moral compass can be so stupid, and that stupidity will always overshadow the good in someone.
Jimmy Carter was way over his head as President. He thought everybody was working for the people only to be used and steered like a radio controlled car. He was oblivious to the evil that surrounded him!
I believe he, like the fake Biden today, deliberately tanked his presidency in order to provide a mandate for Reagan. Ricardo Bosi mentioned that Reagan was part of the Q op during his time, but that team Q had to pull back after re-assessing some cabal ammo & assets that they had missed.
Perhaps we'll learn the truth someday.
I would imagine POTUS will be attending his funeral. This would have to be the most dangerous situation for him as he walks in among the most evil people in the world who tried to kill him. Keep him and Melania in your prayers. 🙏🏼
Exactly, you wonder if they kept Jimmy on ice for this moment knowing would be an opportunity to get close to POTUS before inauguration . Will be praying hard for his safety
I wonder if there are going to be more envelopes handed out at Carter's funeral?
Don't wish to sound trite but God has a mission for Trump and as we have seen has protected him from assassination on at least two occasions this year! God is not going to allow the devil room on this mattere.
There was a reason why he employed a second private security firm - Erik Prince Blackwater - to protect him after he heard that Trump Tower had been rigged with listening devices. POTUS has had many attempts on his life. We must never forget the missile launched at Air Force 1 on his way to meet with Kim.
See Q4833
Q4724 Why did it take an 'outsider' to finally deliver the 'start' of peace in the middle east?
Why did it take an 'outsider' to finally deliver the 'start' of peace in the middle east?
News coverage? Front page(s)?
MISSILE strike(s) _attempt to terminate?
Peace doesn't sell.
WAR [fear] does.
Evil and corruption @ highest levels.
And there have been others. I believe he will at some point use the ‘Winter White House’ as his official office. It has everything and more compared to the WH. Bedminster is probably compromised.
I agree many many attempts. What does concern me though is the 'peace in the middle east' aspect - great if this just means absence of war/armed conflict BUT if it means Tramp achieve such agreement/peace that Israel can start sacrifices on Temple Mount then that is very bad news - would make him the anti-christ
Nothing but respect from President Trump. Yes he can be considered a weak President, but he truly did everything in his power to help the country even if the decisions didn't work out in the long run.
Largely thanks to the Deep State, which hated his guts.
Too many people around here weren't even alive during the Carter presidency, and don't know how the DS and MSM worked overtime to sabotage Carter's every move.
No, he wasn't a "Great" president. But he could have been a good one, if the DS had allowed it.
President Trump's remarks are the very essence of gracious Class.
So that’s the bar? He didn’t molest children? Those of us who were around remember… Hi, I’m Jimmeh Cahtah…gas shortages, odd/even day gas lines, Iran hostages fail, no Olympic Games for US athletes. Carter was the O.G. absolute worst president, until FJB broke his record.
You are correct and every person here agrees with you. Carter was the 2nd worst president aside from being a nice person.
Carter failed because he was a failure. There was still some honesty in the media.
Carter in 1974 visited Rockefeller to lock in support to run for president. He announced very early after he got it. Had it not been for Watergate he would not have won the primary nor general.
The corrupt media brought Nixon down. The honest media brought Carter down. This marked the last Democrat president to be covered semi-honestly.
Thank you for pointing this out.
He was a crappy President. I remember the gas lines, no jobs, no money. He HAD been the #1 most horrible president. Maybe only being 2nd worst president instead is what finally did him in. 🙈
I thinkt he point being expressed, both in the truth social post and in these comments, is that in spite of being a pretty piss poor leader who made some awful decisions, he wasn't intentionally sabotaging things. He legitimately thought he was helping.
I'll grant you that's a low bar to limbo under, but there are a lot of politicians who manage to pull it off, and, at least in death, we can at least appreciate his heart was in the right place, even if he lacked the competency needed for the job he was hired to do.
I didn't live through the Carter years, so I won't insult you and pretend I understand how bad it was, but I hope you can at least appreciate that much, even if it's hard to separate his intent from his colossal fuckups.
President and Mrs. Trump are THE definition of a class act.
As much as we have all shit on Jimmy over the years, Trump is correct that it was a difficult point in US history...
Allegedly, Jimmy was one of the only presidents NOT to be involved with underage sex nonsense.
In fact, he spoke out about trafficking 160 million girls in 2014 on Letterman
Rest in Peace Jimmy.
I'm going to defer to the Boss' comments on this matter, although I would be less gracious.
The Panama Canal has been a topic of discussion lately. Which President was involved in giving the canal away?
President Jimmy Carter signed the Torrijos-Carter Treaties, which agreed to transfer control of the Panama Canal from the United States to Panama, effective December 31, 1999. This marked the end of U.S. control over the canal that had begun in 1903.
That’s very interesting, that was the same day Putin took over from Yeltsin.
Must be a family relief Jimmy passing on KNOWING that “once” he was the WORST President of The United States now Biden gets to carry that TORCH
Unerringly gracious and classy when the moment calls for it
Trump not being a politician, he always had the nack of diplomacy. He can tell a good story of his worst enemies.
I am old enough to have experienced Carter in my teens (as an European). I remember him for two things: the botched rescue mission of the 200+ American hostages in Iran, and for his peanuts.
Now in retrospective, he might have bean one of the few presidents, that didn't cow tow the deep state line?
You are over the target, friend.
I never believed for a minute that no one in the military or the Defense Department had any inkling that the rescue helicopters' intakes would get clogged with sand.
It was deliberate sabotage, pure, simple and obvious. The Deep State didn't suddenly appear out of nowhere when Donald Trump stepped on the stage.
very true
Don’t forget his brother’s Billy Beer
I was only 8 when Carter got elected, so I never tried it, but yes, I remember the Billy Beer!! I imagine it was probably re-packaged PBR, as craft brews weren't a thing back then.
I was only 10, but I remember my dad had a six pack of it that he bought one summer when we were visiting Georgia. It stayed on his nicknack shelf for years.
And giving away the Panama Canal.....
Carter exuded weakness. I remember the huge unemployment lines. As bad as the DMV. If you weren't in line by 10 am, you were inline the next day.
He was a disaster for the farmers. Since he grew peanuts many were shocked.
A weak weak weak weak president that was in over his head.
President Trump said some good and powerful words about Jimmy Carter. Carter didn't help our country out as our president, but I really believe he tried to. I hope, and I think, he wasn't a part of the Cabal that wants to take our country over.
I don't think there was anything evil about him at all, I think he was just stupid. I also think that because he wouldn't get into bed with the cabal that his presidency was ham-stringed, and limited to one term.
You may be right.
Notable entries on left wing shitty Wikipedia
It's just like they say. They always publish these people with three names, first middle last. There is so much corruption and fuckery in our history, I pray someday 110% is exposed because only the truth can give us real freedom.
May 5, 1979: Raymond Lee Harvey was an Ohio-born unemployed American drifter. He was arrested by the Secret Service after being found carrying a starter pistol with blank rounds, ten minutes before Carter was to give a speech at the Civic Center Mall in Los Angeles on May 5, 1979. Harvey had a history of mental illness,[94] but police had to investigate his claim that he was part of a four-man operation to assassinate the president.[95] According to Harvey, he fired seven blank rounds from the starter pistol on the hotel roof on the night of May 4 to test how much noise it would make. He claimed to have been with one of the plotters that night, whom he knew as "Julio". (This man was later identified as a 21-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, who gave the name Osvaldo Espinoza Ortiz.)[94] At the time of his arrest, Harvey had eight spent rounds in his pocket, as well as 70 unspent blank rounds for the gun.[96] Harvey was jailed on a $50,000 bond, given his transient status, and Ortiz was alternately reported as being held on a $100,000 bond as a material witness[94] or held on a $50,000 bond being charged with burglary from a car.[96] Charges against the pair were ultimately dismissed for a lack of evidence.[97] John Hinckley Jr. came close to shooting Carter during his re-election campaign, but he lost his nerve. He would later attempt to kill President Ronald Reagan in March 1981.
I am both cursed and blessed. Cursed to have lived (as an adult) through both the Carter Malaise and the Biden Regime, blessed to have lived through both the Reagan and Trump Administrations.
I agree so wholeheartedly agree with Trump's statement.
"thinking warmly of Carter" = BURN IN HELL
2nd worst president ever
We should all pray for Trumps safety. May God protect him from harm as we truge this this road to freedom. Only God can protect him now.