Carter funeral live
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He's interviewing new Chefs all day...
Checking out the organic coal sausage!
Big Mike reportedly too busy sunning his Big Mike in the islands to make it …
Where’s Big Mike
Reportedly said something to effect of “I t’ain’t flying all the way back to DC for that Cracker-Ass honky…”
Or so I hear tell :-)
Has Archy Bunker entered the chat?😆
That is the comment winner of the decade!
Idk but Melania looks classy as usual.
Considering the audience, she was very elegant and dignified as well as very focused of her presence. The hatred of the very same people who wanted her husband remove from taking office by any means necessary and the embarrassment of the Mara Lago raid of her personal effects was very well controlled. The classiest and most elegant First Lady is what this country needs!! Welcome back Mrs. Trump!!!
Yes! ✨
Trying to figure out what's the print on her collar... birds?
Close up of it. Abstract art?
Great job! Perhaps a floral print..
She does sometimes send messages through her fashion choices, though she is looking none too happy today.
Description: Part of the collection called "The gates of hell"
Fits with Trump walking to a rally with the Undertaker music a while bakc.
Tippy Top qa!
Part of the collection called "The gates of hell"
What better to wear in a room full of Traitors.
Message indeed. Good work.
Gates of Hell sculpture :
The Kiss sculpture :
I noticed that..
It's like a crying statue of an angel or something crying. Just saw a live close up and you can see it in the linked catbox too that there are arms and hands and something leaning on them as if crying.
Edit: looking at it a little more, it could even be 2 people embracing or hugging.
You are exactly correct fren! 👏
Queue-anon shared it is called the Gates of Hell print.
Thank you!
Agree. It reminds me of the end scene from It’s a Wonderful Life but doesn’t look to be a match…
Queue-anon shared it is called the Gates of Hell print.
They are kissing
Thank you for this! Queue-anon claims it is from "The Gate of Hell" collection & that certainly would be a statement to make with a room full of traitors according to some comments on the X post.
Bravo TCP! ✨👏
She is not thrilled with all these sickos in the same room
Big Mike is off tending the Obama family farm. They’ve got a big shipment of produce going out today that had to be tended to.
Can’t send cucumbers to market without a good coat of wax.
I thought I heard they had a big hot dog and cheese pizza delivery coming in from Chicago.
Ah...guess he couldn't get on a jet to fly in...sarc. Thanks fren!
I'm DVRing on OAN & Fox News to get a couple of different aspects, but haven't seen any envelopes.
Last time they got the notes as the casket was being taken out.
Laura and Jeb saw the notes as the casket was going out but I thought everyone else got them in their programs.
That's when Jeb had a heart attack. The wives got the notes as soon as they opened the proceedings brochure.
I hear she had an appointment with her urologist to get a prostate exam today.
You WIN best comment! 😹
With the way Trump and Obama are giggling at each other, he probably figured it was better to leave Mike at home.
Kamala looks like she's about to start cackling!
From the Fox angle it looks like Chris Christy could sit between Kamala and Dr. Jill😂
Again,“You’ll find out.”
Why is Trump looking all chummy with Obama. No doubting Thomas here, it’s just weird
Maybe beccause DJT is too classy to start a fight at a funeral.
Yeah but he doesn’t have to laugh and chat with him, look at Melania.
I hope he’s quick to drop this declas on Obama, so the public can know the child trafficking mutilating pedophile mass murderer he really is. Less smiles, more rope!
The art of war
Melania looks amazing. What a class act.
He's Big Mike's pin cushion.
The art of war. Disarm them. Look weak when you are strong.
Exactly Kitty! 👏🍀
Fascinating how he trashes Obama and Pence in speeches and tweets, and then shakes their hand and smiles and talks to them when he sees them in public. Trump is the uber chad.
He's also at a funeral. Would look very weak and selfish of him to just give them the cold shoulder.
I can call people all sorts of bad things to myself and still be nice to them.
Trump didn't put his hand out to shake Obama's hand.
They don't shake hands with Trump because all their greetings happened off to the the side of the cathedral before they came in and sat down.
To survive and thrive in the NYC real estate game, you no doubt have to learn to chit chat with some pretty slimy people. It was good practice for being a MAGA POTUS.
I wonder what President Trump said to make Obama smile so. Perhaps he said "Central Casting did a great job on your makeup today"
That's what I was thinking as well
There's some excellent lipreading over on is a link with audio found on patriots.
kek but no. There needs to be consequences.
I believe PTrump looked serious and was telling something to Barry, then Barry started to laugh because couldn’t contain his nervousness, the only explanation I have.
Probably started off with something like: "Boy you really called it when you said don't underestimate Joe's ability to F things up". Then probably buttering him up and pumping him for intel.
Yes! 😸
Lol, Bush was looking at someone off camera and proceeds to shake his folder vertically seemingly to show that no little note fell out of it and proceeded to give a thumbs up 😂
when was that?
Here's the clip!
Why would they play Imagine at a church? lol
Imagine is perfect for Masons.
"Check out Kamala Harris when she sees Trump and Obama chatting"
Excellent recap!
Thanks for pointing that out. She obviously didn't get the deep state memo: Can't kill him so try to pretend we never tried to.
Why did Hillary give Bush the cold shoulder? He stood up to shake her hand and she ignored him being too busy shaking VP hands. He had no clue just tried hard not to look dumb
Obama also went out of his way to have a long exchange with Pence.
That is not George Bush. Dude looks like the guy from Tales of the Crypt
Laura looks to be in the pit of despair
He's aging just like his dad did. Lotsa face bloat.
Two things/events I was looking for:
Mystery solved…
Design by House Valentino
"Gates of hell"
Melania was telling the world that the truth of the evil pedophile empire world wide is about to be exposed.... NCSWIC
Seems like they weren't envelopes but maybe the programs this time? Kamala sure looks nervous while looking at hers for so long. Also noticed pence wife ignores the trumps like they're non existant....interesting theater for sure🤷♀️
Melania does not look happy, as a matter of fact she seems like she's very stressed out. And the look she shot at Killary when she walked up 😠 I don't blame her, these people are trying to kill her husband.
Her mother died one year ago today. It must be killing her to keep her composure
LOL. I see what you did there. Funeral. Live. LOLOLOLOL
Why is this clown preaching about climate change.
Because they are doubling down. I'm sure it offends a great deal of people. Poor taste.
Whyever would a Christian ask for Imagine an anti-God song to be sung at their funeral?
You have an assumption in word #4
The flag draping the casket looks better today than it did yesterday.
They didn't iron out all the wrinkles tho
That’s what was thinking hoping it will be all wrinkle. Did you see Kamala’s neck? It was way strange and Killary and some of the women have long necks. What’s going on? Are they the same evildoers?
Singer doing a beautiful job on Amazing Grace
Thanks for the heads up on this!!
Here we go, Biden up
Edit no stumbling of words, dasting.
It isn’t possible to watch this like it’s actually a legitimate, serious funeral with all the clowns in the audience with their horns. Listen close you can hear them all trying to honk.
The only thing I noticed was he said “doers of the world” instead of doers of the word.
He read his speech well...
Can we raise the flags after his burial in Plains?
That does not look like the old Hillary.
Is it a Mask? She looks like the crypt keeper..
Idk but she's smiling a lot.
Another day, another Hillary.
Obama appeared to exit with Trump and Melania. Thought that was kinda interesting.
Just like the pope who also wears his faith on his sleeve. lol
Jason talk funny.
Did Doug and Jill make out again?
Oh no a fight broke out
Ha... no one even acknowledged when Camela & hubs walked in and sat down, even Obummer ignored her to talk with Trump 😂 Same thing when the Bidet's came in and sat down. Wow, some tension in there.😬
Everybody wants to know: Where's Big Mike? Said to be on vacation in Hawaii? Now? This funeral has been planned for a long time.
The "Amazing Grace" singer was just wonderful.
Play the "What's Trump saying to Obama?" lipreading game!
Thanks frens! 🫡 u/mods
No envelopes this time?
Nope, I think that stage of the game is over. The deep state is defeated.
God willing.
That's what i came here to look for.
57:36 "You can't help but witness this incredible collection of vice presidents, presidents, wannabe presidents..."
Hahaha I don't think that was meant to be a dig at Kamala, but it sounded like it.
Compared to the GB funeral, you could tell the Deep State players were on guard today and told not to interact and give too much away. Quite a difference from the Bush funeral.
The Bush family absolutely detests Trump. You could see their blood boiling. It gives credence to the idea that the white hats did indeed do something to the Bush family patriarch.
Both Laura and George ll Bush look like absolute crap. This is what killing three thousand Americans in one day will do to your appearance.
I’m not sure what Trump was up to chatting up Obama. I wasn’t that thrilled to see it, given that Obama got the ball rolling in earnest on the GR. He should be treated like the dirt bag he is. Trump should be a little more supportive to the Americans that have suffered under these evil people.
He has destroyed the cabal, give him a break. You are watching a movie.
Close up of the flag looks wrinkled to me
Interestingly, a lot of people have theorized Carter was actually Jfk after faking his death. Would make sense that his funeral would be on 1/9/25. 1+9+2+5=17. Hehe
Ok I’m looking at the flag, it’s not wrinkled but not ironed perfectly either. What do you all think?
It was folded at the corners and hand carried pretty far with the casket. It's pretty smooth considering all of that.
I'd love to watch it but I've got socks to sort.
Priorities you know....
Commenting to come back to later.
Any letters being handed out?
How long is this going to take? Is everyone that knew Jimmy going to speak? Asking for a friend.