Yes. I'm sure Durbin is just playing dumb. He knows all about Q. Note the thinly veiled slander, "Qanon conspiracy", not "Qanon conspiracy theory". He's trying to promulgate fear porn.
FUCK YOU, Dick Durbin. What an absolute piece of shit human, having the actual GALL to lecture Pam Bondi on what "justice" is. I want Kash Patel and Pam Bondi to fucking SHRED these cretins by exposing their deep and decades-long corruption, and then accountability and JUSTICE. Tick fucking tock, Dick.
He should've asked Pam about her role in the Trayvon Martin scam... you could technically thank her for the rise of BLM and race riots.. dunno how much pressure was applied on her or if she knew what she was triggering, but that's a line of questioning that should be taken.
-oh wow loooky at my downs, muh feelz! muh muh muh!
Pam Bondi was probably working / coordinating with him / his administration, you absolutely fucking retarded shill. The only thing that hurt my sensibilities is your level of stupid
“Is that a bad thing”? When asked about the “Qanons” who believes he is fighting globalist pedophiles. And yes he could have simply replied: “no it’s not true”.
If you think hard enough, PDJT has never been president. No one has since we became a corporation. He is being sworn in on Monday as the 19th president
Remember, Trump has said he can recess Congress. In which case he can install temporary positions for all of them. Also been talk of provisions to replace all of Congress if a catastrophic event occurred and they were all killed.
Well Senator, I have here a USB with a video on it, in which you feature, which you might be interested in seeing, would you like to see it in open session now, or would you like a chance to review it in private first?
It would be a fantastic thing to be prepared with to run the FBI if ohhhh saaaaay… a cabal of satanic, cannibalistic child molesters were embedded within our government, many of whom were still sitting on Dick’s side of the table and were, among other issues, not prepared to give an unequivocal endorsement to the man who would be prepared to do something with regard to their presence.
What, exactly, IS the "Q Anon Conspiracy"?
There's Q.
There are anons (all of us here included).
There are "conspiracy theories", or theories of conspiracies.
Any point in explaining to Ms. Bondi et al that "QAnon" is a misnomer? There's Q, and their are autists called Anons.
I think we are stuck with Q anon forever though
Dick Durbin sounds awfully scared his group of schmucks is going to be exposed and taken down.
Yes. I'm sure Durbin is just playing dumb. He knows all about Q. Note the thinly veiled slander, "Qanon conspiracy", not "Qanon conspiracy theory". He's trying to promulgate fear porn.
These people have turned playing dumb into an art form.
He knows about Q and has read the drops. There's no way all of DC doesn't know. No way.
They know about devolution, too.
"We have it all." Trump. And they know.
I'm looking forward to suicide weekend. I hope it lasts 6 months.
FUCK YOU, Dick Durbin. What an absolute piece of shit human, having the actual GALL to lecture Pam Bondi on what "justice" is. I want Kash Patel and Pam Bondi to fucking SHRED these cretins by exposing their deep and decades-long corruption, and then accountability and JUSTICE. Tick fucking tock, Dick.
He should've asked Pam about her role in the Trayvon Martin scam... you could technically thank her for the rise of BLM and race riots.. dunno how much pressure was applied on her or if she knew what she was triggering, but that's a line of questioning that should be taken.
-oh wow loooky at my downs, muh feelz! muh muh muh!
I brought this up and was roundly ignored
Do you have links I could read? Inquiring minds and all.
Found the Obama voter.
Found the smooth-brain, non-critical thinker
lol, triggered much… liberals love to name call.
You clearly aren’t able to see the forest for the trees. Obama was the one you can thank for ushering in BLM and all the riots… not Bondi.
I won’t hurt your sensibilities any longer because obviously you’re incapable of “critical thinking” yourself so this discussion is over. Goodbye!
Pam Bondi was probably working / coordinating with him / his administration, you absolutely fucking retarded shill. The only thing that hurt my sensibilities is your level of stupid
Betcha Dicky boy has diddled a few kiddies during his time on this rock.
And most also know Shifty's past history.
Reminder that Trump could have ended this all with a single answer.
"No. It's not true."
Instead he just said "I'm not affiliated" or some such weasel words, for plausible deniability.
And we're still here.
I'd love it if he just came out and said it once he was sworn in. "Yeah, that was us. What are you going to do about it?"
Timing is everything & Trump is the master of that
“Is that a bad thing”? When asked about the “Qanons” who believes he is fighting globalist pedophiles. And yes he could have simply replied: “no it’s not true”.
Sunday at his rally. Vance will be president because the last 4 years have been devolution.
If you think hard enough, PDJT has never been president. No one has since we became a corporation. He is being sworn in on Monday as the 19th president
I can't wait for his date. Any word on that yet? I have only found TBD
Remember, Trump has said he can recess Congress. In which case he can install temporary positions for all of them. Also been talk of provisions to replace all of Congress if a catastrophic event occurred and they were all killed.
Its gonna get LIVE... LETS GOOOOOO...
The pedophiles are scared.. ahah.
Well Senator, I have here a USB with a video on it, in which you feature, which you might be interested in seeing, would you like to see it in open session now, or would you like a chance to review it in private first?
OMG would that be epic! Talk about panic in DC!! Even if a complete bluff, how awesome would it be to see the squirming?!
Can't wait for that day
Careful showing us this kind of hopium. Some of us are still recovering….buuuut ooohh man that would be awesome!
"I am creating a new bill to remove the letter Q from the alphabet." Derp Derpin
The Kash hearing will get the Q question.... Can't wait.
Do you suppose Durbin is on some list of Cabal pedovores?
Ya think???
Fraud is the only reason he's stayed in office for much of my life.
Einhorn is finko! Finkle is Einhorn! LACES OUT!!!!!
The worst case of hemorrhoids I've ever seen!
It would be a fantastic thing to be prepared with to run the FBI if ohhhh saaaaay… a cabal of satanic, cannibalistic child molesters were embedded within our government, many of whom were still sitting on Dick’s side of the table and were, among other issues, not prepared to give an unequivocal endorsement to the man who would be prepared to do something with regard to their presence.
It’s the frog ribbiting at the end that sends me to keks
What, exactly, IS the "Q Anon Conspiracy"? There's Q. There are anons (all of us here included). There are "conspiracy theories", or theories of conspiracies.
Don't we all.
All that I know about qanon is the crap the mainstream made up. Ask me about Q
She seemed tickled by that.
Someone sounds scared.
Q has them rattled, he mention's it, Q is up in their heads that's awesome.
Bring it.
Could this be the big reveal?
I am part of the cult!
LOL! Great answer!
A conspiracy is only a conspiracy until proven true.
Fuck! I hate these fucking liars!?!?
She's not the only one.
Any point in explaining to Ms. Bondi et al that "QAnon" is a misnomer? There's Q, and their are autists called Anons.
I think we are stuck with Q anon forever though
Hmm. We gonna have Q-uestions on Capitol Hill again?
How outrageous to suggest that many people inside our government are evil!!
Yesterday Benny Johnson put out a video, at the beginning he is explaining the concept of "FUTURE PROVES PAST" I about fell out my chair!
The vampire ball has ended - Putin