President of @Portland_State
says campus security won't enforce immigration law and won't allow immigrant enforcement actions on campus.
🚔 Crime & Marxists 💸

Ann looks like a man with a bad haircut. So it’s no wonder she supports LGBTQ… in the same letter. It will be nice when Oregon becomes wholesome again.
Every. Single. Time.
Stop noticing!
I felt like this picture says "I'm going to need to speak with your manager."
I can see that, but I’m getting, “IT’S MA’AM!” as well…
I gave up hope a long time ago.
Dollar Store Tom Petty.
I agree. There are lots of us behind enemy lines in the west coast states.
Can't someone just ask a simple question of these people?
and when they say it's illegal
And when they completely fumble that response
Blue hairs really need to see just how stupid and/or nefarious this stance is.
They'll see the light when they start getting put in prison cells.
They'll also see the light ... well probably flames ... once they get "illegaled" by one of the people they're trying to save.
Hope they get to keep those black rimmed glasses!
In my experience, whatever they say after "HOW?" regardless of how weak a defence it is, they've convinced themselves it's rock solid.
After that they go right into their -ists and -phobes and claims of all sorts of bigotry.
Crazy, right?
U mean purple hairs.
This kind woman is going to hide illegals in her home, and believes she doesn't need to open the door when ICE arrives because "they aren't the police"
"I hope you're seeing now what you voted for!"
Great graphics. LOL
If she hides illegals in her home, he might be stabbed by one just like the caseworker was in, I believe it was, Oregon.
Stabbed from behind while standing at the toilet, taking a leak.
They are incompatible with modern life.
stupid as stupid does....
I suppose she believes herself to be above the law as well.
Lots of people like that in the NW
Picture says it all. That dude looks like a lady. Nuf said.
You can smell her cat.
Both the cat and the 'cat'. 🤮
(That that) Dude looks like a lady 🎶
More lady looks like a dude.
Scary! And these people are in higher education! Defund this college immediately!
Kek, FAFO, good luck. Those fat stacks of cash in your slush funds are not going to hold up. Time for a reckoning.
Stop federal funds for "higher education".
"higher education" = "brain-washing camp"
Also stop student loans being guaranteed by the government. I'm surprised Trump didn't end that his first term.
Hope to see her replaced soon.
LOL. My fingers have grown weary of typing "FAFO" so many times over the past 48 hours... :)
And who is campus security, Paul Blart??
Have no idea any more.
I look forward to her... His... Its perp walk
Howls on her...his..it.
I wasn't alive back in the late 50's when places like Little Rock defied the government order for integration, but I remember reading about the solution in history class.
Federal troops, here we come. This will be fun to watch.
That's going to be a hell of a popcorn moment.
Integration destroyed every large city school system and the city itself when White taxpayers fled to the suburbs to get away from the forced diversity.
Arrest them!
I would like to see it.
Won't allow? Right!
Uhm uhm uhm ,'WON'T ALLOW',can't wait for the first anti-american/Commy whatever their title is ,Gov/Mayor/Attorney General/Sec of State/Sheriff/, to be arrested for Harboring/Obfuscating/Hindering/Denying a Federal Marshall from doing his sworn oath,sitting back with Buttered Popcorn in lap waiting for "BREAKING NEW'S ".
It will come.
...pretty sure ICE has jurisdiction on this one, but hey, enjoy your three hots and a cot...
Kevin Spacey has really let himself go. Prince Valiant says what? And she’s wrong btw.
Whoever put Alan Derschowitz into Jeff Daniel’s’ Dumb and Dumber wig needs to cut it out.
This is too much.
Oh. you are good. Howls.
Does it want to make a bet?
I will. She lose.
rent-a-cops vs federal agents?
How can you prevent anyone from entering a public university? A lot of them are on city streets open to anyone.
Just flapping her mouth. Bet you she has no power.
The campus will, no doubt, soon be under attack after it is forced to honor Trump’s EO to protect American citizens, campus staff, and all college students. Be defiant all you want, but you lose! 🇺🇸 You will not stop Trump from Making America Safe Again.
Do we subsidize them?
Oh yeah.
As I mentioned in another thread, I believe that at leat 90% of American universities are like this. Their administrations all think that it's still the Sixties, and defying the government is cool, edgy and displays their intellectual independence.
Sorry, faggots, but everything has changed.
Country isn't behind them now and they go to jail soon.
Freeze their accounts and assets and shut them down. If they’re harboring illegal immigrants put them out of business
I vote for that.
Well, news flash sir, Tom and his guys will be visiting your campus soon! Also, you get federal dollars, so you don't have a say. You will be arrested, but I'm sure you don't care and want that to be a photo op.
I am waiting. I used to be there.
That's a man, Baby!
So many of you said that. Must be.
Wait what is that thing? Just throw that thing in jail and charge with treason. That was easy.
Howls. You can smell her cat.
What is THAT?!?
Cat lady.
Another female wannabe? Fine stand in the way, be arrested and prosecuted. No skin off immigrations nose.
Cat lady thinks she can stand in the way.
Government please stop giving money to so called higher education until they support real education and American citizens and get rid of these people like this person that is psychopathic and addicted to power.
Are there ANY University Presidents who aren't "women"?
Oh. You know. That's a great observation.
Apparently, the major leftist Universities are where the women are probably Presidents, so we hear about, and from, them: In 2022, men made up the majority of college presidents, with women accounting for about 33% of the positions. This is a slight increase from 2016, when men held about 70% of the positions
leftish cat ladies operating....I got you.
Is that a man?
Cat woman
Ewwww! anyway, lock it up.
You can smell the cat.
Does Portland State receive federal funds?? Not anymore!!
Cut it off and let her starve.
Say bye bye to federal money.
Her job also. I will bet.