I was just going to add a comment on footage. I would happily pay money via a pay per view to watch these people throw a shit fit when they're told to kick rocks and GTFO.
This is great. If she was involved in any criminal activity, make sure the DOJ investigates and she is charged with any crimes committed while in office.
After sniffing and huffing her own farts she used apples reality distortion field on herself. I'm not fired I'm in charge, who does Trump think he is. Que, fart sniffing. While holding the subpar apple phone. BTW, is only good because it ripped off almost everything from android. But I digress.
This is the only way to deal with the Cabal! We need cops to physically remove their asses.
I do hope there's more who struggle to stay put! I hope there's footage too.
I was just going to add a comment on footage. I would happily pay money via a pay per view to watch these people throw a shit fit when they're told to kick rocks and GTFO.
Same, I wanna see this stuff
Crunch crunch crunch (popcorn) crunch crunch crunch ... it's about time we get a chase scene!!!
What was she planning to do, keep showing up to work for free?
She's just mad that she wasn't able to shred more paper that dealt with her and her offices corruption (and maybe spying) before she left. ;-)
She's not technical. They said she was looking at a Quora page instructing how to mass delete files in Windows. /s
Windows Fraud Department, John Wayne speaking. 💩💩💩💩
Tank you Ford Carl ring eighty and tee how me eyed rekt you're Carl?
Ha rah rah rah rah stuupid Amerlicahn!
Stonetear. Hillary's aide went on Reddit asking how to wipe a server.
Good thing that most of the end user computing devices are backed up and offsited' on the regular.
That was they/thems only job. Doh'. DEI hire?
Probably destroying evidence.
She probably made more from kickbacks anyway.
looks like a commy plant to me
Can we have video please?
This may sound raysus. But she looks CCP to me.
But [they] all said that Trump wouldn’t leave…
u/#supplies u/#trumpbeatdown
I'm told that the soul shines out from the eyes, from one's entire demeanor.
Evil = fugly!!
Yeah, looks like she saved a few bucks getting a second hand human suit.
She was likely also being paid by the CCP.
Hiw mental to you have to be to deny that you are fired!??!
She probably has Schizoaffective disorder
I have seen something similar.
These people live in a destorted reality.
She is a Chinese swamp monster?
I'd PAY to see video of her being physically removed. What an intractable bitch. But gone now, thank heaven.
I’m sure there’s a GITMO office available for her.
bed available for them in Gitmo.
HAHAHAHA!!! This made my day!!!
Now do the Labor board bitch!!
F'd A and F'd O!!!
Please let the Tom Homan version of this happen soon.
These people are unbelievable.
Remove commie Shapiro please
We can only hope.
Seems like a lot of dishonest stuff coming to light.
Wtf where's the fucking badge cam footage? Why you got to tease me like that bro?
I wonder why she wouldnt leave willingly. I hope people are going thru her files. As a gov official they dont need a warrant right?
This is great. If she was involved in any criminal activity, make sure the DOJ investigates and she is charged with any crimes committed while in office.
She chose poorly.
CCP spy
After sniffing and huffing her own farts she used apples reality distortion field on herself. I'm not fired I'm in charge, who does Trump think he is. Que, fart sniffing. While holding the subpar apple phone. BTW, is only good because it ripped off almost everything from android. But I digress.
This is what security should have given her before they told her to leave:
didnt have enought time to shred all the files
She thought it was optional, ha ha!!!
I love it!
Yeet her out the nearest window
Darn, wish it was televised
LikeTrump says these people are Lunatics.
She should have also been charged with criminal trespass and interfering with govt business.
FAFO. Amen to that fact.
Let me guess. She’s black and overweight.
That would be a bad guess. Just go to the X link in the headline.
Statistically, it was a good guess.
Observationally, not so much.
kek - 100%
God l love this
They never thought she would lose!