Out of the entire Trump World, I believe strongly in the things that Alina Habba says. She fought her tail off through years of lawfare, side by side with President Trump. She is Counselor to the President today, IIRC. I'll wait a little longer if she says so.
Yes ☝️. Not sliding the thread but I did research her and she was part of stacking prosecutors against Zimmerman in Florida.. Carry on I hope she changed.
Habba has described herself as "very religious". She has identified as a Roman Catholic.[6][64][65] Habba was married to Matthew Eyet from 2011 to 2019.[66] She married Gregg Reuben, who is Jewish, in 2020;[67] they live in Bernardsville, New Jersey.[6] Reuben is the CEO of Centerpark, a New York City-based parking management company.[68] Habba has three children.[69]
Every. Effin. Time.
How the hell does less than 1% of the U.S population consistently manage to find themselves near positions of power?
Coincidentally she married a Jew shortly after she starts working with Trump
Many good people were blackmailed to keep them in line, Q team has been cutting those strings. Look at Marco Rubio, he was so wishy washy before, now he is very strong. People come here doubting Flynn, even though he was put through so much shit that many might not have been able to take. He only plead guilty to protect his Son. For the movie he may say things now that don't line up with Q. He is playing his part, I would trust him with my life.
How do we know for sure? Just a few weeks ago everyone here was saying how great a pick Pam Bondi was and how this is the start of a new era. We need to stop and hold people accountable, not just jump to the next person, and the next person. No more krakens. People who make us promises and then renege are the worst kind of traitors and undermine the whole MAGA movement. They should not be treated gently or have excuses made for them. If someone is found to make these falsehoods, it should lead to an immediate sentence of parole, with no electronic devices allowed. We do it to convicted hackers, we should do it to them as well. Let them struggle with paper maps and printed instructions.
I think we’ve all been tuned to be more attentive to people and to not accept them at face value.
I’m troubled by this, but I believe it is part of our instincts that we’ve been trained to ignore. So really, it is a good thing but my “training” wants it to be bad…. if that makes sense….
We know there was a promise and no delivery. That means, at the very least, we are owed a prompt and full explanation. If she is caught lying, then she needs to be held accountable.
I share your feelings about Pam Bondi making a promise and failing to deliver with her horrible rollout. People have said it was a leak trap, but I think it was just mishandled. Who knows for sure.
Alina is sharing her thoughts, but Pam is the AG. She needs to put up or shut up.
She said she would start on day one, not that it would all come out on day one. We have had the pleasure of knowledge from Q that had we not been trained would freak us out. we got to see the picture of the tunnels under the blue and white striped elevator. Not trusting ANYONE is not the way I want to live my life, too lonely. I trust the homeless that live under a bridge next to my house. They have had my back since I warned them that the water was being let out, also I let them use my water faucet out front any time they wanted. They put up barbed wire around my property in the middle of the night. They bought me cigarettes, I and my friends started smoking only 3/4 of our cigarettes and leaving the rest in a 5 gallon bucket on one of their trails. if you can't trust anyone, why should anyone trust you. As Q told us more good than bad.
Q taught us to open our eyes and to see what is really going on here. We can't judge people's hearts, but we sure as hell can judge their actions. If someone makes me a promise, I take it at face value, and when they break their promise, I hold them accountable. That is what this country used to be about, responsibility, and that is what we should require of those in authority.
When did I say it was actors? Maybe there is good reasons for their actions, but we need those answers. We need to institute a culture of accountability, and implement severe restrictions on those who refuse to live up to it.
I dont know if you said it. But I wasnt doing an impression of you. You did however, mention the way things used to be, regarding accountability. I was responding that now instead if accountability, people pretend for example, that perhaps the people doin dirt are merely actors doing a benefit play/movie for our edification. It was a fake or a false flag or a mask or a paid shill or they didnt mean the words they just said but instead mean this other thing that although said publicly is just understood for a select few and also means the opposite. etc etc.
Not paranoid, it just seemed strange that you posted that comment right directly under yours. I felt the need to set the record straight.
Who's yours? You can't sit here and blame people for being a little bit pissed off about all of this. Bondi said she was releasing everything, then she didn't. Then it was she didn't get everything, and now it's we're protecting national interest. What could possibly be so important to national interest that it's worth redacting the Epstein files for?
Q post 1287 and 812
both say question everything. That's what I'm doing.
No, that's called cooling your jets. She was entirely correct: they must be meticulous and careful in order not to jeopardize the indictment, arrest, trial, verdict, and sentence process, and to respect the wishes of the victims. The well-being of the victims is more important than your instant gratification---or do you disagree?
Who knows? Who cares? I'm in this for the long term, having waited for over 65 years. Right now I will be overjoyed if my bruised foot will be history in two weeks. But what does "it going to take" mean? Are you and your compadres going to do anything? Or nothing? Inquiring minds want to know.
But who knows? Not me. And why should you care? You are not my parent. And to whom would I address any "demand"? Or do you just mean putting on a stink among the choir? I am not interested in wasting my time with discontent and pointless melodrama. You can have my share. I think you have spent too much time studying the opposition's playbook.
It doesn't mean that at all. "Not yet" does not mean "never." The only thing that counts is the certainty of indictment, arrest, trial, conviction, and sentence. Whether you (or I) are happy with the schedule does not count at all...and shouldn't.
You know, dooming is not really a good look on this page. I suggest you ponder what is important, as I described above.
We have waited for years already. If we have to wait another year so the charges are correct and stick, that is fine by me. As long as our fat lady sings in the end...
A lot of people will still be mad that it wasn't done earlier.
"You promised day 1. Why wasn't it day 1? Every second of delay is another abused kid. Their blood is on your hands, Trump. Their blood is on your hands."
Haters can never be happy. Haters must have something to hate.
Once they get everything they want, haters find a new thing to hate.
The “hate” isn’t as real as you think. A lot of it is drummed up and fake, and then other people get drawn into it because they’re thinking with their emotions and not facts and logic.
The shills, concern trolls and doomers, were hungry for something to slam Trump with. This seems to be it, to drive a wedge between Trump supporters again, which they always try to do, it’s their lifelong mission. They weren’t as vocal during the first 40 or so days of Trump’s presidency until the whole anti Bondi thing started (they were even trying to lump Kash Patel into it.) The whole thing screams of a coordinated psy-op to me.
I never understood how people could be so upset about something they have no control over. But you know what they say. Misery loves company.
EDIT: a lot of them have been coming here recently, even though they talk shit about Q over on the other site, lol.
lol, couldn't resist. I don't doubt they're coming, but obviously when is the question. Even when we see them there will be a time to sit and wait before any arrests are made as to let the public stew longer.
Everyday I pray I am wrong, but I watch as 2 weeks after 2 weeks go by. The only safe bet is to never expect them, that way when they do arrive it's a surprise.
But she did say ”we need to get ALL the info together in order to BRING THESE PEOPLE TO JUSTICE”… Justice for this would Require Prosecutions and appropriate Penalties… And for what we’re talking about, STIFF PENALTIES !!! And from what Trump has said about Crimes Against Children, the penalties might very well not just be Life Altering, but Life Ending !!!
Of course, they are. Anyone who thought they would get an actual truck load of evidence and flip it around for public consumption in a couple of days had no idea what they are talking about.
This is the first time this administration is seeing this evidence. Anyone who thought they would release it immediately to the public and not keep it under wraps for a prosecution also doesn't know President Donald Trump.
There was never a "list". There was a mountain of evidence locked away in a vault that no one except the blackmailers were allowed to look at. It was never destroyed because it was too valuable. Remember the scene in John Wick where he destroys all the black mail material in the Church? It's that times 100.
I mentioned this last week but I'll mention it again. Alina Habba is great, but she is a counselor to the President. She is NOT a part of the DOJ. She may know a few things, but she would not be a part of discussions on this matter other than on the surface if she was chatting with Pam. It might even be illegal for her to have investigatory knowledge of ongoing or pending cases. If by some miracle she had some sensitive information it could spoil evidence the DOJ has and the perps would likely walk.
Alina probably knows they have the docs (if someone told her). She has no idea about any prosecutions. She really needs to stop doing interviews like this or she will be gone because she is a liability. DOJ needs to stop hanging with her if that is what is going on. Trump trusts her so I'd really like her to be able to stay.
So here is something everyone seems to forget. Epstein wanted to "Seed the human race with his DNA" by inseminating a lot of women at his New Mexico ranch. Maybe he started doing that with some of the children. Those kids that were kids of his minor victims would absolutely still be minors.
I can be patient if it takes longer to make sure not one victim is victimized again. It will happen, according to the plan. The Anons know we do not have a say, this is not about us. Many are in serious danger daily, many good have died. Q made it very clear when he yelled at us, because many wanted it now. Many good people have and are still dying to bring this plan to its final episode.
So what are you going to do? Stamp your foot or slam your door or something?
It's not like you or I are in charge of this and can do anything about it.
Who said he required our mandate? It's a talking point to win over the normies. He's going to do what the Q team asked him to do when they asked him to run for President. The whole reason that the people mandate anything is because this whole operation has been waking them up and alerting them to the corruption that's been sneaking around under our noses for decades if not centuries.
We didn't come up with this mandate on our own the psy op that was the Biden Presidency was to push us into mandating that change be made, it was to expose the corruption that's been going on.
We only know a small part of what's going on behind the scenes, and it must be a helluva lot going on that we don't see given everything that's open to the public right now.
When Guilliani took out the corruption in New York it was one giant sting operation and they cleaned house all at once. I suspect once all the pieces are in place it's going to happen, on the Q team timelline not ours.
It will happen when it's time, not when you or I think it should be.
With all due respect, to hell with the normies. You want to wake them up? Show them the cold, hard truth. Nothing keeps them asleep like hitting the two more weeks snooze button.
Your argument is full retard. You should feel shame for even uttering it.
It's the equivalent to saying "ewww it's not cold enough" when someone hands you a glass of water in the middle of the desert where you would otherwise die of dehydration.
Where there should be appreciation, there's contempt. There wouldn't even be a "two more weeks" meme without the bitch ass whiney complainers like yourself demanding things to be on their own personal timeline.
Yell and scream away. There's no way it can get loud enough, if Trump is doing what he promised to do according to his own schedule. He's answering to God, not to you.
Out of the entire Trump World, I believe strongly in the things that Alina Habba says. She fought her tail off through years of lawfare, side by side with President Trump. She is Counselor to the President today, IIRC. I'll wait a little longer if she says so.
I trust Alina Habba more than Pam Bondi.
I notoriously don't trust anyone, but Alina Habba doesn't have the baggage that Pam Bondi did and so she inspires more outward confidence.
Yes ☝️. Not sliding the thread but I did research her and she was part of stacking prosecutors against Zimmerman in Florida.. Carry on I hope she changed.
Habba has described herself as "very religious". She has identified as a Roman Catholic.[6][64][65] Habba was married to Matthew Eyet from 2011 to 2019.[66] She married Gregg Reuben, who is Jewish, in 2020;[67] they live in Bernardsville, New Jersey.[6] Reuben is the CEO of Centerpark, a New York City-based parking management company.[68] Habba has three children.[69]
Every. Effin. Time.
How the hell does less than 1% of the U.S population consistently manage to find themselves near positions of power?
Coincidentally she married a Jew shortly after she starts working with Trump
Could be worse, we could have four more years of Ivanka and Kushner
Did Jared or Ivanka set them up?
She’s Iraqi if I’m correct
She's Caldean catholic i believe of Iraqi descent.
Enough already it really gets old. I will tell you what I tell my son - give it a rest.
Come up with an actual argument instead of being a raging homosexual
Many good people were blackmailed to keep them in line, Q team has been cutting those strings. Look at Marco Rubio, he was so wishy washy before, now he is very strong. People come here doubting Flynn, even though he was put through so much shit that many might not have been able to take. He only plead guilty to protect his Son. For the movie he may say things now that don't line up with Q. He is playing his part, I would trust him with my life.
I often think that everyone is in the movie playing a role. All of the left and the right. Even the victims are out there, waking up normal folks.
How do we know for sure? Just a few weeks ago everyone here was saying how great a pick Pam Bondi was and how this is the start of a new era. We need to stop and hold people accountable, not just jump to the next person, and the next person. No more krakens. People who make us promises and then renege are the worst kind of traitors and undermine the whole MAGA movement. They should not be treated gently or have excuses made for them. If someone is found to make these falsehoods, it should lead to an immediate sentence of parole, with no electronic devices allowed. We do it to convicted hackers, we should do it to them as well. Let them struggle with paper maps and printed instructions.
I was iffy on Bondi and took some flack here for it. Hell... I still don't trust Elon (but I sure am looking what he's doing).
I’m with you on Elon. My gut screams at me “danger Will Robinson”!! 🤷🏼♀️😂😂
Ditto. https://files.catbox.moe/23tdby.png
I think we’ve all been tuned to be more attentive to people and to not accept them at face value.
I’m troubled by this, but I believe it is part of our instincts that we’ve been trained to ignore. So really, it is a good thing but my “training” wants it to be bad…. if that makes sense….
We don't know for sure.
We know there was a promise and no delivery. That means, at the very least, we are owed a prompt and full explanation. If she is caught lying, then she needs to be held accountable.
I share your feelings about Pam Bondi making a promise and failing to deliver with her horrible rollout. People have said it was a leak trap, but I think it was just mishandled. Who knows for sure.
Alina is sharing her thoughts, but Pam is the AG. She needs to put up or shut up.
She said she would start on day one, not that it would all come out on day one. We have had the pleasure of knowledge from Q that had we not been trained would freak us out. we got to see the picture of the tunnels under the blue and white striped elevator. Not trusting ANYONE is not the way I want to live my life, too lonely. I trust the homeless that live under a bridge next to my house. They have had my back since I warned them that the water was being let out, also I let them use my water faucet out front any time they wanted. They put up barbed wire around my property in the middle of the night. They bought me cigarettes, I and my friends started smoking only 3/4 of our cigarettes and leaving the rest in a 5 gallon bucket on one of their trails. if you can't trust anyone, why should anyone trust you. As Q told us more good than bad.
Yes, thank you. Man, some people here don't like the idea of making people take responsibility for their actions.
It has not been left for us to judge, that is not what Q taught us to do.
Q taught us to open our eyes and to see what is really going on here. We can't judge people's hearts, but we sure as hell can judge their actions. If someone makes me a promise, I take it at face value, and when they break their promise, I hold them accountable. That is what this country used to be about, responsibility, and that is what we should require of those in authority.
now its all actors or pretending for our own good. Choose your own adventure!!
When did I say it was actors? Maybe there is good reasons for their actions, but we need those answers. We need to institute a culture of accountability, and implement severe restrictions on those who refuse to live up to it.
I dont know if you said it. But I wasnt doing an impression of you. You did however, mention the way things used to be, regarding accountability. I was responding that now instead if accountability, people pretend for example, that perhaps the people doin dirt are merely actors doing a benefit play/movie for our edification. It was a fake or a false flag or a mask or a paid shill or they didnt mean the words they just said but instead mean this other thing that although said publicly is just understood for a select few and also means the opposite. etc etc.
I'm 💯 with you regarding Alina.
Yup I agree. She's been nothing but solid this whole time. Strong
Plus she’s smokin’ hot.
yUP. Movie quality!! 🐸🥵🎥
Not a massive win until people are perp walked.
I didn't downvote you if that's what you're assuming. I don't downvote.
To reply to your little sidebar comment though, they've had six years. People are safe, it's time for the perp walking to happen.
Not paranoid, it just seemed strange that you posted that comment right directly under yours. I felt the need to set the record straight.
Who's yours? You can't sit here and blame people for being a little bit pissed off about all of this. Bondi said she was releasing everything, then she didn't. Then it was she didn't get everything, and now it's we're protecting national interest. What could possibly be so important to national interest that it's worth redacting the Epstein files for?
Q post 1287 and 812
both say question everything. That's what I'm doing.
The stupid is strong with you. Yes, he says Trust the Plan but he also says QUESTION EVERYTHING.
Run along good little lamb. You're a good little follower.
Dude, no!! Nice and slow drip. Like the motion of da ocean. MOVIE and NCSWIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imagine down-dooting this golden nugget of KNOWLEDGE! FUCKING LOSERS! 😂😂😂🐸🍿 MOVIE DOE!
I'll say it. Soon. Two more weeks. That is called Gaslighting.
No, that's called cooling your jets. She was entirely correct: they must be meticulous and careful in order not to jeopardize the indictment, arrest, trial, verdict, and sentence process, and to respect the wishes of the victims. The well-being of the victims is more important than your instant gratification---or do you disagree?
How many more two weeks is it going to take for you?
Who knows? Who cares? I'm in this for the long term, having waited for over 65 years. Right now I will be overjoyed if my bruised foot will be history in two weeks. But what does "it going to take" mean? Are you and your compadres going to do anything? Or nothing? Inquiring minds want to know.
That's why I asked.
I do. That's why I asked.
How many more "two weeks" is it going to take before you start demanding action instead of delays?
That's nice, dear.
But who knows? Not me. And why should you care? You are not my parent. And to whom would I address any "demand"? Or do you just mean putting on a stink among the choir? I am not interested in wasting my time with discontent and pointless melodrama. You can have my share. I think you have spent too much time studying the opposition's playbook.
Because it means no one from the client list is getting arrested.
It doesn't mean that at all. "Not yet" does not mean "never." The only thing that counts is the certainty of indictment, arrest, trial, conviction, and sentence. Whether you (or I) are happy with the schedule does not count at all...and shouldn't.
You know, dooming is not really a good look on this page. I suggest you ponder what is important, as I described above.
Perfect points to make. There’s been enough of the “no standing, dismissed” bullshit.
the kids can wait
No sense in getting hyped up again. I'll believe it when i see it. I am still waiting on Jack Maxey, Gregggggg Philips, and Dom Lucre, after all.
Nothing ever follows "big news totally coming soon."
Yeah…Yeah…Yeah…Any minute now….
We JUST had this exact conversation today, lol
See: https://greatawakening.win/p/19AducQrT7/ive-changed-my-mind-on-this-rega/
We have waited for years already. If we have to wait another year so the charges are correct and stick, that is fine by me. As long as our fat lady sings in the end...
I can see it now.
A lot of people will still be mad that it wasn't done earlier.
"You promised day 1. Why wasn't it day 1? Every second of delay is another abused kid. Their blood is on your hands, Trump. Their blood is on your hands."
Haters can never be happy. Haters must have something to hate.
Once they get everything they want, haters find a new thing to hate.
Haters gonna hate.
The “hate” isn’t as real as you think. A lot of it is drummed up and fake, and then other people get drawn into it because they’re thinking with their emotions and not facts and logic.
The shills, concern trolls and doomers, were hungry for something to slam Trump with. This seems to be it, to drive a wedge between Trump supporters again, which they always try to do, it’s their lifelong mission. They weren’t as vocal during the first 40 or so days of Trump’s presidency until the whole anti Bondi thing started (they were even trying to lump Kash Patel into it.) The whole thing screams of a coordinated psy-op to me.
I never understood how people could be so upset about something they have no control over. But you know what they say. Misery loves company.
EDIT: a lot of them have been coming here recently, even though they talk shit about Q over on the other site, lol.
It's mostly about why he isn't going after Israel NOW instead of saving them for last.
They keep pointing to AIPAC money he took.
Ignoring that he was SHOT IN THE HEAD because he was that big of a threat.
KIA2 is full of them.
They just don't know strategy.
Good to know.
Thank you Lucy.
lol, couldn't resist. I don't doubt they're coming, but obviously when is the question. Even when we see them there will be a time to sit and wait before any arrests are made as to let the public stew longer.
Everyday I pray I am wrong, but I watch as 2 weeks after 2 weeks go by. The only safe bet is to never expect them, that way when they do arrive it's a surprise.
just 2 more seeks goy... guys, the files are on her desk
Well said.
About what we expected.
One poster named Zorknoft replied on X,
This is a plausible explanation as to why they are waiting to release everything.
Except his assessment is wrong. 90% of Americans don't watch the news and everyone knows that the media would play cover up on this.
Ok. If the evidence is so incriminating why is LITERALLY FUCKING NO ONE in jail awaiting trial?
I don’t hear here say anything about prosecutions coming.
But she did say ”we need to get ALL the info together in order to BRING THESE PEOPLE TO JUSTICE”… Justice for this would Require Prosecutions and appropriate Penalties… And for what we’re talking about, STIFF PENALTIES !!! And from what Trump has said about Crimes Against Children, the penalties might very well not just be Life Altering, but Life Ending !!!
And nothing will happen
Things take time, imagine that! This needs to be posted on PDW because the dooming over the files is off the charts.
Freakin awesome good enough for me
Prosecutions ASAP 💀🔥
If true, I’m amazed the last regime didn’t destroy the evidence, especially after the election results. We shall see.
Common sense.
Was sad that Alina’s word carry’s far more credibility than Pam Bondi’s does
But, who’s fault is that, Pam?
Of course, they are. Anyone who thought they would get an actual truck load of evidence and flip it around for public consumption in a couple of days had no idea what they are talking about.
This is the first time this administration is seeing this evidence. Anyone who thought they would release it immediately to the public and not keep it under wraps for a prosecution also doesn't know President Donald Trump.
There was never a "list". There was a mountain of evidence locked away in a vault that no one except the blackmailers were allowed to look at. It was never destroyed because it was too valuable. Remember the scene in John Wick where he destroys all the black mail material in the Church? It's that times 100.
I mentioned this last week but I'll mention it again. Alina Habba is great, but she is a counselor to the President. She is NOT a part of the DOJ. She may know a few things, but she would not be a part of discussions on this matter other than on the surface if she was chatting with Pam. It might even be illegal for her to have investigatory knowledge of ongoing or pending cases. If by some miracle she had some sensitive information it could spoil evidence the DOJ has and the perps would likely walk.
Alina probably knows they have the docs (if someone told her). She has no idea about any prosecutions. She really needs to stop doing interviews like this or she will be gone because she is a liability. DOJ needs to stop hanging with her if that is what is going on. Trump trusts her so I'd really like her to be able to stay.
Throw all resources at this problem!!
This is the truth that breaks the levee, for many countries.
Let's get this shit out there!
Interesting that she said minors in danger. Wouldn't the victims be adults at this point? Unless this ring is still operating outside epstein.
So here is something everyone seems to forget. Epstein wanted to "Seed the human race with his DNA" by inseminating a lot of women at his New Mexico ranch. Maybe he started doing that with some of the children. Those kids that were kids of his minor victims would absolutely still be minors.
And when they find out that the covid vax was actually Epstein DNA....
I can be patient if it takes longer to make sure not one victim is victimized again. It will happen, according to the plan. The Anons know we do not have a say, this is not about us. Many are in serious danger daily, many good have died. Q made it very clear when he yelled at us, because many wanted it now. Many good people have and are still dying to bring this plan to its final episode.
How about another post about how someone said something is totally going to happen in the near future? Seems to be useful.
So what are you going to do? Stamp your foot or slam your door or something? It's not like you or I are in charge of this and can do anything about it.
We make our voices heard. You forget that Trump requires the people's mandate.
Who said he required our mandate? It's a talking point to win over the normies. He's going to do what the Q team asked him to do when they asked him to run for President. The whole reason that the people mandate anything is because this whole operation has been waking them up and alerting them to the corruption that's been sneaking around under our noses for decades if not centuries. We didn't come up with this mandate on our own the psy op that was the Biden Presidency was to push us into mandating that change be made, it was to expose the corruption that's been going on.
We only know a small part of what's going on behind the scenes, and it must be a helluva lot going on that we don't see given everything that's open to the public right now. When Guilliani took out the corruption in New York it was one giant sting operation and they cleaned house all at once. I suspect once all the pieces are in place it's going to happen, on the Q team timelline not ours.
It will happen when it's time, not when you or I think it should be.
With all due respect, to hell with the normies. You want to wake them up? Show them the cold, hard truth. Nothing keeps them asleep like hitting the two more weeks snooze button.
Thanks for the comment. We sometime forget: [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming - Q 4951
They've already kicked the can down the road at least a few times.
No worries, the pedos have already spread out. We only need to wait two weeks to start collecting them all back. 😁
Your argument is full retard. You should feel shame for even uttering it.
It's the equivalent to saying "ewww it's not cold enough" when someone hands you a glass of water in the middle of the desert where you would otherwise die of dehydration.
Where there should be appreciation, there's contempt. There wouldn't even be a "two more weeks" meme without the bitch ass whiney complainers like yourself demanding things to be on their own personal timeline.
Oh, then don't tolerate it. But what does that look like?
Making our voices heard, loud enough to make it impossible for Trump to ignore.
Yell and scream away. There's no way it can get loud enough, if Trump is doing what he promised to do according to his own schedule. He's answering to God, not to you.