This was like a warning shot and a reminder. Warning these swamp scum that their days are numbered but hopefully more than political, hopefully prison for many. Trump was reminding the public that Mitch is a two faced back stabbing traitor and Mitch opposed helping people that lost jobs because of democrat lockdowns.
Trump will be back, he didn't go through this much shit to stop now. The military is still quietly doing their job and Trump is just shooting out a reminder to people about how DC does not care about people.
Has anyone analyzed the interesting description of Mitch? Dour, sullen, and unsmiling. This has stuck with me these days. I think Trump chooses his words carefully and there are a great many alternative words he could have used. [d]our, [s]ullen, ... unsmiling is a really interesting word.
I've gone a bit numb to the idea that justice will be served
Our elected officials get to commit felonies ranging from rape to money laundering to treason and then dance off to Bohemian Grove to party up and hunt some terrified naked children in the woods...but if you or I post the words "Thousands of mask" on FB, we get a midnight raid by the cops. In Florida. In Palm Beach County, where Trump lives.
We now officially have UK-style complete absence of freedom of speech.
Exactly. I happen to be one of his voters. I'll be watching him come back to haunt all of the DS who are trying to destroy our country while eating popcorn.
I both like and dislike this. Half of our hopium was that the GEOTUS with a big mouth fallen suspiciously silent. If he starts shooting from the hip again could this mean he really has no deep 4D chess plan?
I thinks this gets regular people fired up and interested in the political process. We have to start getting involved. After all this goes down there’s not some magical dream team waiting to step in and fill all the openings. Yes some at the top but not all the way down to the local level. We have got to realize that going forward it needs to be us, the hardworking people of the country and not lifelong career politicians- who we just assumed have been working for us all this time.
Right now, many, if not most current local and state elected officials were not elected through fraud. They have as much to lose from election fraud as we do. Putting pressure on them to enact reform preventing fraud in future elections could help stop fraud in some states - maybe even enough to prevent a stolen national election.
Remember how many state Attorney Generals were willing to join the Texas lawsuit? Put pressure on those same AG's and other politicians in places in which they are able to get things done in order to ensure that election fraud won't happen in their states the next time.
Yes. Which is why they need to be removed by the state governments. We need mandatory paper ballots and hand counts, and protections for poll watchers.
If fraud were as simple as pressing a button we wouldn't have so many statehouses or have won all those toss up races. Fraud is complicated and the further they have to swing a race to win, the more they have to stick their neck out to win.
What we need is petitions to remove voting machines entirely and institute a method of hand voting that is verifiable with voters verified by ID. I'm betting a number of my state and local politicians 'won' their seats via voting machines.
Not that at all. I’m well aware. McConnell is playing both sides, but my point is that he actually CAN. Trump can only send out petty press releases at this point, and then, what? He’s not going to torch the entire Republican Party, his own party, because he’s pissed at McConnell. The letter clearly states that he wants to be at the head of the party, not separate from it.
No dooming but Sounds like he never had a plan beyond the continued refrain of “rigged election”
So, this is red meat (and spot on with turtle, but doesn’t even begin to address the issues he ran on. What happened to the swamp? Back to business as usual.
Reads like a resigning of the current set up and future (22,24) adjustments.
Frankly, I think everyone who thinks it's over if the military doesn't get involved needs to change their way of thinking. There are avenues of action available to We the People. These include pressuring those of our local and state officials who are not compromised (people like Governor DeSantis and the Attorney Generals who joined the Texas lawsuit) to do all they can to remedy election fraud (including passing laws to prevent fraud in their states) and to hinder the Biden/Harris agenda.
Many, if not most current local and state officials were not elected through fraud and have as much to lose from fraud as we do. If we act while they are still in office, we can maybe put their feet to the fire in strong enough numbers to get something done before they get replaced with fraud-supporting politicians.
Now, you might say, "But the system is horribly corrupt. What if they still beat us through fraud, unjust laws, importing enough illegal immigrants to make fraud a moot point, etc?" Fair point. But wouldn't it be better to go down fighting than just give up?
I've gone back and forth on to what degree Q and/or the plan are real. I don't know one way or the other. But if there is no plan, that's not an excuse to give up. If anything, it's reason to fight harder.
Who knows, maybe President Trump can help dismantle the swamp better out of the White House than in it by being a General of sorts, leading tens of millions of Americans to fight the corruption that we complacently let build up around us over the years. We've been complacent our whole lives. Now we see the price of that. We're full of righteous indignation. And we have a man who, if he so chooses, can lead tens of millions of Americans as an organized body in numbers that make the combined ranks of BLM and Antifa look like a Biden Rally in -20 degree weather.
Do Democrats and left-wing activists give up? Does Antifa wait for the military to step in and do their job for them? Do SJWs give up their evangelizing in the hopes that someone else will do it for them? No. They fight on tirelessly. And so can we - and we can do it without violence or destruction, and with truth on our side.
I've seen many people here complain about anti-Q people accusing them of complacency and lack of action for trusting the plan. Well, prove them wrong.
Every time Trump says something, there's a few people who - if they don't like what he said - will do mental gymnastics to make it mean the opposite.
This is especially true when he talks about coronavirus. When he suggests it is real, and when he said wearing a mask was "patriotic", or when he pushes the vaccine and says it should be renamed Trump vaccine, etc. I love Trump but every man has his flaws and we can't align on all viewpoints.
The "military won't telegraph their moves" thing is the most prevalent and easy to use excuse because you can apply it to literally anything. The most obvious example of this was the video where general Flynn said that the idea the military was in control was "total nonsense". Go into any comments section on a youtube video or thread about that and it will be filled with people saying that Flynn is saying that because he can't telegraph our moves.
AFAIK we are #DigitalSoldiers whose entire chain of command went dark. AFAIK we're awaiting the arrival of reinforcements that may never be coming. AFAIK every man for himself until actual orders and command chain are proven to exist.
I have my contingency plan. You need to have yours.
I can never tell if PDJT is serious when he obsesses on minutiae like the particular size of the money-shovel from the federal government as the cause for the "Georgia election disaster."
Donald Trump, nor those two lackluster sitting Republican senators, certainly didn't lose re-election in Georgia due to the size of those stimulus checks, or because of Republican angst. They "lost" due to OVERWHELMING ELECTION FRAUD.
Nobody knows this better than PDJT. I don't know why he's still harping on the checks... but I'm sure there is a purpose. He ain't stupid, but that... is stupid.
Trump was heavily pro $2k checks. So were most Americans. Trump isn't attacking Biden for offering $2k, he is attacking McConnell for blocking it.
Plus, the idea that $2k checks instead of $600 checks is "bribing" voters to vote for one party is ridiculous, because the whole point of voting is to vote for the candidate that benefits you the most. It's like saying people who are voting for Trump because Trump promised a better economy are being "bribed" financially to vote for Trump.
Now, it would be different if the democrats said, "we will give $2k checks to everyone who can prove they voted democrat". That would be illegal and definitely bribery. That's why it's illegal to take a picture of your vote.
I don’t have a legal answer but he was president and had some authority over federal elections, didn’t he?
I just found this letter to be “strongly worded” and I’ll wait for actions but if it’s 22/24, no thanks. This shit needs to end and damn the optics and other stuff. It’s time or it never will be.
He should have replaced Mitch with someone else when he got into power. Same with Paul Ryan. Imagine where we'd be with Rand Paul as Senate Majority leader, and Matt Gaetz as Speaker of the House.
Cocaine Mitch poked the Lion. You never poke the Lion while he’s eating. Never. Reminds me of a rap battle and Trump just nuked him. No response necessary Cocaine Mitch. Trump just Finished You
Frankly, I'd think you'd need DC distracted AWAY FROM voter fraud to get local legislators to move back to pen/paper.
Trump stepping up now to rip That Bitch's throat out is a huge distraction. I'm hoping the remaining bastion shore up their election laws in the mean-time.
I like the passion in the letter, but it also tells me the plan we have been waiting for is not going to happen. It looks like he is going to back candidates he likes and is not working on overthrowing the fake president they have in the WH today.
can't you just use this logic to justify whatever you want? no matter how much Trump's actions diverge from actually enacting a plan you can basically continue to believe that it's all "optics."
Heh. I don’t claim to know the plan. But have we not all speculated the shit out of the plan so far? Does this move jive in with those speculations? I’m not dooming. Far from it. But be honest and tell me this makes sense based on what we think/hope will happen in a few weeks.
If Trump was in power he would have all these traitors running around behind him sabotaging and plotting for another four years, stalling and betraying Trump at every opportunity. Better to identify the gangrenous leg and cut it off before it's fatal.
Looking at what biden's been doing it looks fatal... to the USA.
The longer this goes on the longer primary challenges won't matter because no republican is going to win an election that matters after long. My district has been stolen in 18 and 20 because the lady in charge of elections retired and a dem got in who installed dominion machines. We went from a solidly 65% republican district to 45 overnight. Even republicans aren't going to want to vote anymore by 2022.
If there aren't massive arrests on both sides and Trump going back in, the republican party is dead forever.
Their lies are our biggest weapon, specifically the COVID (virus is real) pandemic (statistical fraud) that they used to disenfranchise the American people.
The pandemic cost real lives, both directly, like our vulnerable seniors they slaughtered to drive numbers, and the countless others that could have been treated with alternative therapies but instead they drove into hospitals where they were killed by inappropriate use of ventilators and to increase the spread.
The worst offenders among the Governors and politicians are now being exposed, and ironically, crying foul for doing the same thing they tried to do to '45 twice (and failed).
This is the Great Awakening - educate yourself and talk to your neighbors. Get involved in local politics, do not let them staff and run elections like they have done for countless cycles.
Remember that you once were asleep. Be gentle and consistent. Be sure of your arguements because there is as much lies and mistruth from some elements on the right.
The election of '45 slowed down their plan, and as a consequence they have had to accelerate the process. Their lies are falling apart at the seams.
But you cannot lose people by ranting or giving credence to the conspiracy talk. Do not be lazy or cut corners. Be bulletproof.
Do not be complacent that things are on track and will resolve themselves.
Exactly. I think everyone who thinks it's over if the military doesn't get involved needs to change their way of thinking. There are avenues of action available to We the People. These include pressuring those of our local and state officials who are not compromised (people like Governor DeSantis and the Attorney Generals who joined the Texas lawsuit) to do all they can to remedy election fraud (including passing laws to prevent fraud in their states) and to hinder the Biden/Harris agenda.
Many, if not most current local and state officials were not elected through fraud and have as much to lose from fraud as we do. If we act while they are still in office, we can maybe put their feet to the fire in strong enough numbers to get something done before they get replaced with fraud-supporting politicians.
Now, you might say, "But the system is horribly corrupt. What if they still beat us through fraud, unjust laws, importing enough illegal immigrants to make fraud a moot point, etc?" Fair point. But wouldn't it be better to go down fighting than just give up?
I've gone back and forth on to what degree Q and/or the plan are real. I don't know one way or the other. But if there is no plan, that's not an excuse to give up. If anything, it's reason to fight harder.
Who knows, maybe President Trump can help dismantle the swamp better out of the White House than in it by being a General of sorts, leading tens of millions of Americans to fight the corruption that we complacently let build up around us over the years. We've been complacent our whole lives. Now we see the price of that. We're full of righteous indignation. And we have a man who, if he so chooses, can lead tens of millions of Americans as an organized body in numbers that make the combined ranks of BLM and Antifa look like a Biden Rally in -20 degree weather.
Do Democrats and left-wing activists give up? Does Antifa wait for the military to step in and do their job for them? Do SJWs give up their evangelizing in the hopes that someone else will do it for them? No. They fight on tirelessly. And so can we - and we can do it without violence or destruction, and with truth on our side.
I've seen many people here complain about anti-Q people accusing them of complacency and lack of action for trusting the plan. Well, prove them wrong.
This type of thing wouldn't happen, and won't happen in the new Republic, if senators and representatives are term-limited as well.
The turtle can behave this way because he knows he can stay there as long as he wants, play the backstabbing games, and never be truly threatened. Lying bastard, to quote JFK.
McConnell and his ilk, sad excuses they be, have shown their true colors: they are there for THEMSELVES, to save THEIR lives and livelihoods. They have shown they could give a rat's ass about Americans. They are on notice, and we the people are PISSED OFF.
He's back, he Is pissed and he Will get Revenge. They should be scared. Go go President Trump!!!!
This was like a warning shot and a reminder. Warning these swamp scum that their days are numbered but hopefully more than political, hopefully prison for many. Trump was reminding the public that Mitch is a two faced back stabbing traitor and Mitch opposed helping people that lost jobs because of democrat lockdowns.
Trump will be back, he didn't go through this much shit to stop now. The military is still quietly doing their job and Trump is just shooting out a reminder to people about how DC does not care about people.
I pray to God that the military will do the right thing at the right time.
Mr. Trump, this "Jimmy Carter malaise" portion of the movie's second-act is really boring the whiz out of me.
Cut to the chase already. Pepe-flying-an-F15 is what we're in the seats for.
That's PRESIDENT TRUMP to you.....
I'll call Donald whatever I want, and he'll like it, because that's the American way.
(And only slaves wear masks because they're ordered to.)
The Left are the ones using the term "Mr. Trump". They even addressed him as Mr. Trump before he left office.
And the Left is also looking forward to Pepe in a cockpit, right?
You hair-trigger downvoters DO know that you can click a username to see what they post, right?
I don't look forward to that stuff. I want the Great Awakening to involve as little F-35 action as possible.
I never downvoted you
Pepe should fly an F-22 Raptor. (Although I do like an F-15. Decpticons forever!)
Can we get Pepe assembling Devastator since we're in Transformers lingo.
That would be awesome! Pepe's, combine to form...PEPESTATOR!
Sorry, but the Tomcat is waaaaaay better.
Than the F-15? I don't think so. I don't think that 2 seater can out maneuver the F-15.
"Pepe should fly an F-22 Raptor."
<lean in close>
He does!
settle down beavis, you can't control this.
Has anyone analyzed the interesting description of Mitch? Dour, sullen, and unsmiling. This has stuck with me these days. I think Trump chooses his words carefully and there are a great many alternative words he could have used. [d]our, [s]ullen, ... unsmiling is a really interesting word.
yeah, I noticed that too. Unsmiling stuck with me. I don't even know what to do with it but it stuck with me.
Prison for ONE would be a good start
I've gone a bit numb to the idea that justice will be served
Our elected officials get to commit felonies ranging from rape to money laundering to treason and then dance off to Bohemian Grove to party up and hunt some terrified naked children in the woods...but if you or I post the words "Thousands of mask" on FB, we get a midnight raid by the cops. In Florida. In Palm Beach County, where Trump lives.
We now officially have UK-style complete absence of freedom of speech.
No one messes with Trump and gets away with it. He's gonna get them much harder then they got him too.
Because his voters actually exist
Exactly. I happen to be one of his voters. I'll be watching him come back to haunt all of the DS who are trying to destroy our country while eating popcorn.
Sentence structure is my concrete brain nightmare.
You'll be watching trump come back whilst you're consuming popcorn? Or... the deepstate was trying to destroy our country while they ate popcorn?
or why not both? lol
I'll be eating popcorn while watching Trump expose and defeat the deep state. If the opposite happens, I'll most likely be stress eating.
Relax pede, just having some fun. :)
It was a criticism of my own brain, not the poster, kek.
OK then
I both like and dislike this. Half of our hopium was that the GEOTUS with a big mouth fallen suspiciously silent. If he starts shooting from the hip again could this mean he really has no deep 4D chess plan?
Yeah. Talking about 'backing' others who rival him. I don't think there's a plan.
Who honestly fucking knows anymore. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
I don't believe that. He has a plan. He has to have a plan.
FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! (Nancy Pelosi incited me).
Exactly. Hopefully he has other plans that make that doable.
I thinks this gets regular people fired up and interested in the political process. We have to start getting involved. After all this goes down there’s not some magical dream team waiting to step in and fill all the openings. Yes some at the top but not all the way down to the local level. We have got to realize that going forward it needs to be us, the hardworking people of the country and not lifelong career politicians- who we just assumed have been working for us all this time.
I'm all for that but there's not much you can expect law abiding citizens to accomplish when elected officials break laws and ignore court orders.
Right now, many, if not most current local and state elected officials were not elected through fraud. They have as much to lose from election fraud as we do. Putting pressure on them to enact reform preventing fraud in future elections could help stop fraud in some states - maybe even enough to prevent a stolen national election. Remember how many state Attorney Generals were willing to join the Texas lawsuit? Put pressure on those same AG's and other politicians in places in which they are able to get things done in order to ensure that election fraud won't happen in their states the next time.
Dominion and smartmatic are EVERYWHERE. Guaranteed they've been using those in the elections in Assachusetts.
Yes. Which is why they need to be removed by the state governments. We need mandatory paper ballots and hand counts, and protections for poll watchers.
And real time video on the internet to watch. It's not like those cameras cost much now.
Spot on!
If fraud were as simple as pressing a button we wouldn't have so many statehouses or have won all those toss up races. Fraud is complicated and the further they have to swing a race to win, the more they have to stick their neck out to win.
What we need is petitions to remove voting machines entirely and institute a method of hand voting that is verifiable with voters verified by ID. I'm betting a number of my state and local politicians 'won' their seats via voting machines.
The button wasn't enough (otherwise why did they stop counting)? As much impact as Dominion had on 2020, it still wasn't enough.
Don't forget the Dem Political Machines in Atlanta, Philly and Detroit. Without them, there would be no Resident-elect.
Came here to say this
Something is coming
And nothing can stop it
Something righteous this way comes.
Trump comes out of the woodwork guns blazing. It means he knows something is about to begin.
Election related
I thought when the normally talkative Trump went radio silent, THAT was the sure sign something was about to begin. Fooled again!
I just want to wake up and this nightmare is over
Democrats control the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.
Trump has not said a single fucking word about election fraud since Corporate America muzzled him.. . Until now...
Still waiting.
My President Trump is becoming more vocal again! There is something in the air and it is electric. This shot of hopium hits soooo good.
It's like the music my soul needed to hear :) So refreshing.
Time for us to follow suit and start running for local offices.
Trump knows how to beat the shit out of someone, politely and with words.
That's REAL diplomacy.
Like Pence, his career is done. Had his chance...
Take your upvote and fuck off lmao
Trump or McConnell? Because, and downvote me all you like, only one of them is still in office.
McConnell is only in office as long as he is useful to the dems.
He's snuggling up with the enemy is hopes that when this is all over they will keep him as a pet.
Not that at all. I’m well aware. McConnell is playing both sides, but my point is that he actually CAN. Trump can only send out petty press releases at this point, and then, what? He’s not going to torch the entire Republican Party, his own party, because he’s pissed at McConnell. The letter clearly states that he wants to be at the head of the party, not separate from it.
No dooming but Sounds like he never had a plan beyond the continued refrain of “rigged election” So, this is red meat (and spot on with turtle, but doesn’t even begin to address the issues he ran on. What happened to the swamp? Back to business as usual.
Reads like a resigning of the current set up and future (22,24) adjustments.
Frankly, I think everyone who thinks it's over if the military doesn't get involved needs to change their way of thinking. There are avenues of action available to We the People. These include pressuring those of our local and state officials who are not compromised (people like Governor DeSantis and the Attorney Generals who joined the Texas lawsuit) to do all they can to remedy election fraud (including passing laws to prevent fraud in their states) and to hinder the Biden/Harris agenda.
Many, if not most current local and state officials were not elected through fraud and have as much to lose from fraud as we do. If we act while they are still in office, we can maybe put their feet to the fire in strong enough numbers to get something done before they get replaced with fraud-supporting politicians. Now, you might say, "But the system is horribly corrupt. What if they still beat us through fraud, unjust laws, importing enough illegal immigrants to make fraud a moot point, etc?" Fair point. But wouldn't it be better to go down fighting than just give up?
I've gone back and forth on to what degree Q and/or the plan are real. I don't know one way or the other. But if there is no plan, that's not an excuse to give up. If anything, it's reason to fight harder.
Who knows, maybe President Trump can help dismantle the swamp better out of the White House than in it by being a General of sorts, leading tens of millions of Americans to fight the corruption that we complacently let build up around us over the years. We've been complacent our whole lives. Now we see the price of that. We're full of righteous indignation. And we have a man who, if he so chooses, can lead tens of millions of Americans as an organized body in numbers that make the combined ranks of BLM and Antifa look like a Biden Rally in -20 degree weather.
Do Democrats and left-wing activists give up? Does Antifa wait for the military to step in and do their job for them? Do SJWs give up their evangelizing in the hopes that someone else will do it for them? No. They fight on tirelessly. And so can we - and we can do it without violence or destruction, and with truth on our side.
I've seen many people here complain about anti-Q people accusing them of complacency and lack of action for trusting the plan. Well, prove them wrong.
can't you just use this logic to believe whatever you want to believe?
Every time Trump says something, there's a few people who - if they don't like what he said - will do mental gymnastics to make it mean the opposite.
This is especially true when he talks about coronavirus. When he suggests it is real, and when he said wearing a mask was "patriotic", or when he pushes the vaccine and says it should be renamed Trump vaccine, etc. I love Trump but every man has his flaws and we can't align on all viewpoints.
The "military won't telegraph their moves" thing is the most prevalent and easy to use excuse because you can apply it to literally anything. The most obvious example of this was the video where general Flynn said that the idea the military was in control was "total nonsense". Go into any comments section on a youtube video or thread about that and it will be filled with people saying that Flynn is saying that because he can't telegraph our moves.
AFAIK we are #DigitalSoldiers whose entire chain of command went dark. AFAIK we're awaiting the arrival of reinforcements that may never be coming. AFAIK every man for himself until actual orders and command chain are proven to exist.
I have my contingency plan. You need to have yours.
There is no military takeover in my opinion. There’s just nothing pointing to that.
This is all about 2022/2024
Hear, hear, Mr. President.
Perhaps it's time to recall old mitch.
agree completely.. time to remove the Turtle from the Swamp
I can never tell if PDJT is serious when he obsesses on minutiae like the particular size of the money-shovel from the federal government as the cause for the "Georgia election disaster."
Donald Trump, nor those two lackluster sitting Republican senators, certainly didn't lose re-election in Georgia due to the size of those stimulus checks, or because of Republican angst. They "lost" due to OVERWHELMING ELECTION FRAUD.
Nobody knows this better than PDJT. I don't know why he's still harping on the checks... but I'm sure there is a purpose. He ain't stupid, but that... is stupid.
People have stopped talking about the checks because the media refuses to blame Biden for anything.
Getting the stimulus talk back on the table and railing on the Turtle is two birds with one stone.
We need democrats to keep yelling "Where's my money!"
They still haven't sent the checks out yet, right?
What do the majority of voters on either "side" if the Uni-party ONLY care about?
Maybe that's a sleight of hand to keep them off the trail while he prepares to bring up the fraud in the SC.
Actually I thought it was due more to them both selling massive amounts of stocks when the pandemic hoax was getting started at the time.
He's exposing the uniparty and how the swamp is on both sides working for the same puppet masters. He has to!
Maybe because it could be viewed, in the eyes of certain folks (such as me) as blatant bribery.
How does this take make sense?
Trump was heavily pro $2k checks. So were most Americans. Trump isn't attacking Biden for offering $2k, he is attacking McConnell for blocking it.
Plus, the idea that $2k checks instead of $600 checks is "bribing" voters to vote for one party is ridiculous, because the whole point of voting is to vote for the candidate that benefits you the most. It's like saying people who are voting for Trump because Trump promised a better economy are being "bribed" financially to vote for Trump.
Now, it would be different if the democrats said, "we will give $2k checks to everyone who can prove they voted democrat". That would be illegal and definitely bribery. That's why it's illegal to take a picture of your vote.
Our Donald sniping Mitch like
Ouch—that’s gonna hurt, Mitch.
If you love him so much maybe you should marry him.
I wish I could :(
We are no competition for the lovely Melania ... not that it's getting me down; he deserves no less.
Think he's gonna publish the plan in a letter? I don't.
This is about optics.
What do you think he’s up to? I didn’t get much out of this other than a statement. I don’t see what his plan is - which I’m sure is the point
Think of everyone you know in politics.
Now imagine they’re paid actors.
Imagine things have to be done by the court of law in a legal way.
Imagine deepfakes.
Imagine media propaganda.
It’s a game of chess and the players take their time to make their moves.
Their last move was Mitch threatening legal continuation in criminal court.
This is Trump’s move. He said game on.
Ahhhhhh! I see! Thanks!
It’s not about the normies. It’s about doing things legally.
In what court could he legally use evidence of voter fraud? What happened when it was brought to the courts previously?
I don’t have a legal answer but he was president and had some authority over federal elections, didn’t he?
I just found this letter to be “strongly worded” and I’ll wait for actions but if it’s 22/24, no thanks. This shit needs to end and damn the optics and other stuff. It’s time or it never will be.
I’m going to recommend you do something else.
Go take a walk.
He should have replaced Mitch with someone else when he got into power. Same with Paul Ryan. Imagine where we'd be with Rand Paul as Senate Majority leader, and Matt Gaetz as Speaker of the House.
If he did, Mitch would be back at the helm in the next cycle. He needs Mitch to be exposed right now.
Will Mitch continue to fight Schumer like hell? Or will he let Chucky spread him out like cheap flatware?
Think of all they could have gotten done wow just wow. I have always liked Rand Paul’s tax reform suggestions.
Cocaine Mitch poked the Lion. You never poke the Lion while he’s eating. Never. Reminds me of a rap battle and Trump just nuked him. No response necessary Cocaine Mitch. Trump just Finished You
Frankly, I'd think you'd need DC distracted AWAY FROM voter fraud to get local legislators to move back to pen/paper.
Trump stepping up now to rip That Bitch's throat out is a huge distraction. I'm hoping the remaining bastion shore up their election laws in the mean-time.
I like the passion in the letter, but it also tells me the plan we have been waiting for is not going to happen. It looks like he is going to back candidates he likes and is not working on overthrowing the fake president they have in the WH today.
Or it's not wise to broadcast the plan and shifting focus this way is the smartest option
I couldn’t agree more with that hypothesis. I hope that you are right!
can't you just use this logic to justify whatever you want? no matter how much Trump's actions diverge from actually enacting a plan you can basically continue to believe that it's all "optics."
Looks to me like a man who hasn’t given up yet. None of us know what the plan is. Do you claim to know the plan?
Heh. I don’t claim to know the plan. But have we not all speculated the shit out of the plan so far? Does this move jive in with those speculations? I’m not dooming. Far from it. But be honest and tell me this makes sense based on what we think/hope will happen in a few weeks.
That’s what I thought.
Big dick energy! The Lion is BACK!!
Official music video of BDE (make it to the 1:20 min mark for the payoff).
LOL :). That was awesome... thanks for sharing!
I'm sorry but any talk of future elections sounds like Charlie Brown saying "well I just need to make sure i kick the football next time"
If Trump was in power he would have all these traitors running around behind him sabotaging and plotting for another four years, stalling and betraying Trump at every opportunity. Better to identify the gangrenous leg and cut it off before it's fatal.
Looking at what biden's been doing it looks fatal... to the USA.
What a fucking shit show..
The longer this goes on the longer primary challenges won't matter because no republican is going to win an election that matters after long. My district has been stolen in 18 and 20 because the lady in charge of elections retired and a dem got in who installed dominion machines. We went from a solidly 65% republican district to 45 overnight. Even republicans aren't going to want to vote anymore by 2022.
If there aren't massive arrests on both sides and Trump going back in, the republican party is dead forever.
Save America!
The counter offensive starts right now.
Are you doing everything you can?
Their lies are our biggest weapon, specifically the COVID (virus is real) pandemic (statistical fraud) that they used to disenfranchise the American people.
The pandemic cost real lives, both directly, like our vulnerable seniors they slaughtered to drive numbers, and the countless others that could have been treated with alternative therapies but instead they drove into hospitals where they were killed by inappropriate use of ventilators and to increase the spread.
The worst offenders among the Governors and politicians are now being exposed, and ironically, crying foul for doing the same thing they tried to do to '45 twice (and failed).
This is the Great Awakening - educate yourself and talk to your neighbors. Get involved in local politics, do not let them staff and run elections like they have done for countless cycles.
Remember that you once were asleep. Be gentle and consistent. Be sure of your arguements because there is as much lies and mistruth from some elements on the right.
The election of '45 slowed down their plan, and as a consequence they have had to accelerate the process. Their lies are falling apart at the seams.
But you cannot lose people by ranting or giving credence to the conspiracy talk. Do not be lazy or cut corners. Be bulletproof.
Do not be complacent that things are on track and will resolve themselves.
We have a shot here, fight like hell.
Where we go one, we go all.
Exactly. I think everyone who thinks it's over if the military doesn't get involved needs to change their way of thinking. There are avenues of action available to We the People. These include pressuring those of our local and state officials who are not compromised (people like Governor DeSantis and the Attorney Generals who joined the Texas lawsuit) to do all they can to remedy election fraud (including passing laws to prevent fraud in their states) and to hinder the Biden/Harris agenda.
Many, if not most current local and state officials were not elected through fraud and have as much to lose from fraud as we do. If we act while they are still in office, we can maybe put their feet to the fire in strong enough numbers to get something done before they get replaced with fraud-supporting politicians. Now, you might say, "But the system is horribly corrupt. What if they still beat us through fraud, unjust laws, importing enough illegal immigrants to make fraud a moot point, etc?" Fair point. But wouldn't it be better to go down fighting than just give up?
I've gone back and forth on to what degree Q and/or the plan are real. I don't know one way or the other. But if there is no plan, that's not an excuse to give up. If anything, it's reason to fight harder.
Who knows, maybe President Trump can help dismantle the swamp better out of the White House than in it by being a General of sorts, leading tens of millions of Americans to fight the corruption that we complacently let build up around us over the years. We've been complacent our whole lives. Now we see the price of that. We're full of righteous indignation. And we have a man who, if he so chooses, can lead tens of millions of Americans as an organized body in numbers that make the combined ranks of BLM and Antifa look like a Biden Rally in -20 degree weather.
Do Democrats and left-wing activists give up? Does Antifa wait for the military to step in and do their job for them? Do SJWs give up their evangelizing in the hopes that someone else will do it for them? No. They fight on tirelessly. And so can we - and we can do it without violence or destruction, and with truth on our side.
I've seen many people here complain about anti-Q people accusing them of complacency and lack of action for trusting the plan. Well, prove them wrong.
Holy cow
McConnell is worse than anything he accuses Trump of.
I see frog, I uptrump.
McConnells birthday is this Saturday....I only know because we share a birthday. My birthday wish is unity....God Bless The United States America.
February 16th, 2021 - the day in history that President Donald Trump nuked the Republican party. (thumb up emoji).
Turns out Joe has the fake football after all lol.
Mitch is a dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack... classic!!
Ole Mitch is afraid what the CCP will do to his wife’s family, so corrupt to the core! Should have been gone a long long time ago!
I hope McConnell is the first arrest, he can do his stupid hand sign all he wants with cuffs. Oh wait, he probably won't be able to.
Beautifully strategic like a surgeon with a scalpel.
Best to take control of the 75 million republicans who voted for him Third parties are for and pussies
This type of thing wouldn't happen, and won't happen in the new Republic, if senators and representatives are term-limited as well.
The turtle can behave this way because he knows he can stay there as long as he wants, play the backstabbing games, and never be truly threatened. Lying bastard, to quote JFK.
McConnell and his ilk, sad excuses they be, have shown their true colors: they are there for THEMSELVES, to save THEIR lives and livelihoods. They have shown they could give a rat's ass about Americans. They are on notice, and we the people are PISSED OFF.
No, he’s my president.
He a 'uuuuge enough president for all to share!
He's so fucking bad ass! Melania is one lucky woman! MAGA FOREVER!!!
Flip the turtle on his back so we can all take a piss on him while he vainly struggles to right himself.
Aww man, I just pictured the turtle in the desert scene of Breaking Bad!