"Ma'am or ma'an, if wearing a mask works then you shouldn't need other people to wear them when you already are. By trying to engage me in an argument, I am now talking when I otherwise wouldn't. When we talk, micro particles of saliva splatter your face. If you had minded your own business, your face wouldn't be covered with mine right now. Have a nice day."
There are elements that are a big lie, but I believe there is a SARS disease the CCP released onto the world. If there isn’t what did President Trump and Melania have? I don’t think he is lying when he says he wasn’t doing too good. The big lie was the need to do these prolonged lockdowns, we probably should have been at herd immunity months ago. Something like 80% of us could have been living normal lives and shortening the duration for everyone. It was definitely used to control us and create a narrative to enable stealing the election from us.
I think it's just another version of the flu, maybe a little worse. I also think the tests were faulty on purpose and a lot of people who tested positive with no symptoms probably didn't have it.
I can’t see the worse than flu perspective. Flu knocks you in your ass for a week +.
Most people who get Covid don’t even have symptoms. I had it and it was like the mildest cold of my life, worst symptom was needing a nap.
I think a lot of it is a mix of confirmation bias and the same phenomenon hypochondriacs experience; they think they're getting sick so they start feeling sick, cycling out of control.
Pneumonia is a very real condition that people can get from the flu and other respiratory illnesses. The worst cases of Covid seem to really be (even according to their own accounts) instances where the patient gets pneumonia.
What really scares me is the idea that they might just do it again; harder. They have all of their pawns/sheep already locking themselves up. What's to say they don't release an extremely lethal strain on the population with the intent of killing off the people that are rejecting the lockdowns/demonstrating free will?
That's something I was thinking about for a while now; maybe Trump was pushing the vaccinations so hard because it actually DOES help people?!? against future wacko strains?
I just don't fucking know anymore. I ain't about to go get it, but then again I haven't really been going anywhere anyway (not a lockdown thing, just an introvert thing) so I don't think I'm at any particular risk.
I believe the worst cases specifically are due to systemic organ inflammation, caused by the virus triggering a cytokine storm. Folks immune systems themselves cause disproportionate damage, and the lungs are perhaps the most sensitive to inflammation in terms of being able to function. Ironically, the effective treatment for it is immunosuppressants, and most doctors seemingly figured that out pretty early on. Of course, too much immune system suppression would make the actual virus symptoms worse, and open you up to severe bacterial infection.
just calling it a lie is a half truth, if in fact there is a pathogen that can take certain folks to the woodshed who were not in the best of health to begin with.
It's a novel virus that's very similar to what we have already.
It's a real virus.
It's a virus that's so NOT DEADLY we need global theatrics to try to convince folks It's deadly.
CDC data is inflated to fuck but it's crystal clear that if you're not sick enough to be expecting death already this virus will do no worse to you than a flu would
I actually think that trump and Melania were intentionally given a big dose of one of the initial strains that were more deadly. I think Giuliani was given one too
I believe the disease it real, just no more deadly than the flu for most people. I had covid last year and I lost my sense of taste/smell for about a week (something that's never happened before). If that hadn't happened, I probably would have believed it was fake.
It's so blatantly obvious that the numbers are inflated to make it seem deadly (500K dead? I don't think so). Most people just believe the lies they are spoon-fed on the news and don't bother to do their own research and check the facts.
HCQ was not being prescribed here when we tested positive for the coof. I don't take Quercetin. My husband is a body builder, and takes a bunch of supplements. No idea if it's one of them. I'll have to ask him.
The only symptoms he had were a tingling sensation all over his body where he said it felt like his skin was crawling and driving him nuts. He couldn't sit still and kept taking warm baths and showers. And then the loss of taste and smell for a little over a week. He only got tested because the skin crawling sensation came up as a rare symptom of COVID, and at the time, he had a potential exposure at work.
You don’t know you had China Flu. You were TOLD you had it from a highly inaccurate government test, administered by a hospital/lab that is receiving incentives to put Covid on their charts. Curious why you don’t mention you even took zinc in your original comment?
Very true. We were told we had it, along with 8 other members of our family who went and got tested. 4 other family members had symptoms, but did not go get tested. We all lost our sense of taste and smell, well, we are assuming the 1 year old did because he wouldn't eat anything. Age ranges 1 to 90+. Some people had coughs, stomach issues, headaches, etc. Everyone survived. We think we got sick from a wedding.
Whether COVID is real or not, or if it's just this mysterious elusive practically eradicated thing called the flu, I have no idea. To me, it felt exactly like the flu.
I didn't mention zinc because I wasn't the original commenter.
Having covid around helped them push mass mail-in voting which was essential to the steal. It halted the economy which was a strong point in Trump's campaign messaging. It gave them a weapon to batter Trump with in the media.
Moreover, it wasn't entirely about the election. It was also about the communist infiltration into the US (and around the world). Covid allowed them to torch our first amendment. To destroy small businesses all across the country. It allowed them to release criminals from prison. It allowed masked BLM and Antifa riots to rage for months on end (read: color revolution, and communist social justice riot tactics). It allowed them to break the American psyche and attempt to normalize this idea that individual freedom is less important than the safety of the group (you want to go back to normal? But you'll kill grandma!)
I was shit on by family and friends for not complying with the "2 weeks to slow the spread" It's only 2 weeks etc etc etc
Look now you stupid fucks.
Covid might be an actual coronavirus/flu bug but we gotta stop this madness. We all witnessed the world change and at this point we are either headed toward the Globalism NWO or White Hats exist.
Time will tell and most importantly get right with God and love others even if they shit on us. The brainwashing has been done for decades on levels beyond imagination.
OTOH, during the lockdowns with We the People safely ensconced in our homes, it would be an interesting list of what the truly essential services (white hats) actually did during this time. Just thinkin out loud...
COVID is real. We lost a neighbor to it. He was in his late 60 or early 70's He got it and ended up the Hospital and ended up on a respirator and died. No comorbidities
My husband's piano teacher had it but recovered. She is in her 70's. We asked her what her doctor told her to do and take. He said stay home take over the counter cough medicines and Tylenol. THAT was the problem. If it escalated in her system she would have ended up in the hospital and on a ventilator and died most likely, too.
NO therapeutics were given to either patient. One recovered with out it and one died in a hospital.
But the real lie is how to treat it early with therapeutics to keep the death rate lower and the fact they included other deaths in their totals with COVID. That was the lie.
That said, pneumonia is a bitch. Known young folks that have gotten bedridden for a month because of it; it's no surprise to me that old folk get mulched by it.
You mean your neighbor died from what they TOLD him was covid. No way to get a verified second or third opinion because the SAME government test is used everywhere.
The real issue is that only 4% of deaths have no COMORBIDITIES. The rest have 3.8.
The average age of death is just a hair above normal life expectancy.
We've been told from the beginning and frequently that they'll count everything they can as covid.
Your neighbor could be part of that small minority or he had conditions he didn't know about (more likely)
The dishonesty in reporting of covid over the last year should have nobody believing anything about the virus. THEY TOLD US FOR A YEAR THEY WERE DOING THIS.
1 year in and you know 2 elderly people that suffered from the virus? That would be normal for a bad flu season, we just never paid attention then.
I lived next to a hospital for 4 years and had A LOT of fun with nurses.
What if I told you that old people dying to seasonal viruses and hospital capacity issues are something not only normal but a cockblock for me? I had to listen to these nurses talk about it.
I would argue that we should be more concerned about the flu. The flu infects all ages. Not just old farts with 2-3 other comorbidities. In 2018 almost 80,000 people died from the flu and hospitals were treating people outside in tents because of actual overflow (you can still pull the articles up online that reported such). No lockdowns or double masks for that!
oh.. there is the china virus... nothing more than another version of the flu... for decades there's been flu "vaccine"... many people still got the flu even after the shot... this is no difference.... EXCEPT.. this batch of toxins is having lots of negative effects on people because it has NOT been tested on animals first... all you suckers that got your batch of toxins ARE the lab rats... enjoy your sludge and hope your future is NOT wrecked because of it.
I got the swine flu that year and it kicked my ass.
I got it from someone who was sick and wearing a mask. I walked up to the door, they opened before I could knock, I asked about the mask, handed the pizza (no cash or signing, prepaid order) over and sanitized my hands.
Now I'm decade older, been allegedly exposed to countless positive people with no masks or social distancing and not gotten it.
The virus is real it's just on par with the flu. If only folks could remember their ENTIRE FUCKING LIVES before 2020 they would see it's no worse than the flu they've dealt with EVERY SINGLE YEAR
They are taking data from flu and repackaging it. They stopped counting flu stats last I read. How convenient.
It sucks so bad they have to label every death a covid death as per Fake Dr. Birx and 99% survive. I could go on about mask efficacy, vaccines profit increases, HCQ suppression, Doctor censorship, etc. but why ? That's enough right there.
Go to CDC website. They're still counting flu and pneumonia. They just put them all with covid, PIC it's listed as. The total PIC (pneumonia,influenza, covid) is what's reported to the public as covid deaths.
They're not hiding the data, they just know people are nearly under full control and can't be bothered to spend a few minutes looking at raw data
It's only deadly to those near death anyway. No data ANYWHERE says differently.
While this virus can kick your ass, so can the flu. And up until 2020 many of us were expected to work even with the flu. Doctors wouldn't even give notes to stay home!!!
My view of what is the most likely is that the release of the virus from the Wuhan lab was the Kazahrian plan, what the Kazarians didn't plan for was whitehats infiltrating that lab and replacing the virus with one that they had some time with in their labs.
They couldn't just remove it because that would just activate a backup plan out of a lab they didn't have people in so they had to re-engineer the virus into one that was as harmless as possible but that still tested positive on the already planned and created tests.
Ever wonder why the virus seem to be virtually harmless to children, that would be likely to have been a priority for them as it is pretty much unheard of for a naturally occurring flu/cold virus to be harmless to children(it's usually the opposite).
This is my best guess, other alternatives seem less likely as they would be harder to pull of both for DS/Kazahrians(a fake virus would be out of character for them and they would see little point in doing it when a real virus would serve their plans better), which brings us back to my theory....
Appears to be engineered to be as harmless as possible, not so much only the oldest but only the sickest of the oldest and a few with serious preexisting medical issues.
I asked my sister who's been a nurse 25 years....why are cases of the Flu almost non-existent during this Covid Plandemtrick.....she said without blinking because people are now washing their hands more LOL. I responded you are telling me cases of the Flu have dropped 97% World Wide because we are washing our hands more.....yes she said. I don't wear a mask and I wash my hands when they are dirty....I guess I'm the reason the 3% are still getting the Flu.
Link Above.....that was from October 2020.....there's more recent data also.
10.4....I then proceeded to quiz her why the death totals in 2018 - 2019 and 2020 are pretty much the same no big spike like there should be if we are in a pandemic
Ask her if washing your hands also reduces death from heart disease, cancer, car crashes, etc. Every cause of death dropped by a cumulative amount that oddly compares to the covid death count.
I think there is a new influenza strain, called Covid19 and came from the CCP (with help elsewhere) but do I believe it's this killer pandemic, no.
When you look at the bigger picture and the news from other countries like the UK, Australia and the USA you see similar patterns reoccurring.
The first country outside of China that was hardest hit was Italy. But many might not remember just before all of this broke, Northern Italy had a "Hug a Chinese person week" (I shit you not) due to allegedly civil tensions building due to an influx of Chinese workers moving into Northern Italy late October early November 2019.
Italy then became the first hotspot for this new virus outside of China.
Then you have the first faux impeachment of Trump just before Christmas of 2019. Pelosi quickly acted to start the process and rushed through the articles of Impeachment in Congress before the break for Christmas. But many reporters and press could not understand why after rushing it through, did not take the articles of Impeachment to the Senate. An easy process, but she delayed this for over 3 1/2 weeks until the grand signing ceremony on the 15th Jan 2020.
The first reported case of the China virus in the USA was the very same day on the 15th Jan 2020 in Tacoma Airport in Seattle!
Then you have the same patterns in the USA, UK and Australia, all starting to use the slogan "Build back better" on podiums and behind the leaders and the left in the USA.
Other patterns are the same, reporting deaths with Covid within 28 days of testing positive, despite many dying from heart attacks, car accidents and all the other reoccurring deaths all being used to boost the supposed numbers from the virus.
You have many countries using the PCR test, but using a higher than normal CT (amplifications) cycles who the inventor of the test states anything over 35 CT and you will get high 90% of false positives. This was used to keep the people scared about the spread.
When the same countries quietly publish data on the other normal influenza strains that kill thousands each year, but now suddenly these influenza strains have all but disappeared during this same period in the USA, UK and Australia.
There are many more reoccurring patterns from western countries that all indicate this was a coordinated worldwide attack designed to stop Trump, cancel the economy boom, cancel the rallies, bring in change in voting laws and of course to bring about mail in voting for the 2020 elections. It also changed the tariffs on the phase 1 China/USA trade deal.
It's a nasty cold that only kills those already well on their way to deaths door.
EVEN WITH INFLATED NUMBERS AND ANECDOTES, the data says it's NOTHING to worry about. If covid is going to kill you, you're already prepared for death with the other conditions!
Nasty colds do kill the weak elderly. So does the flu.
Unless we're going to say ALL tests are a lie, I have a grandma that's was in a coma for 3 months due to the INITIAL causes of COVID. Would the Flu have had the same impact? Yes, most likely, but here we are. Whether we're being lied to by ALL of nurses, technicians, doctors, etc. IDK, but nonetheless she was in a coma for 3 months and is STILL on a ventilator though spirits are high and she can understand what we're saying (so no cognitive decay from the coma).
Yep. I've always figured they were screwing with the numbers. They always tell you who they are and what they are up to. You just have to be able to see it. There's a picture of Bill Gates and there's a stack of books beside him. One of those books is "How to Lie About Anything with Statistics" or something like that. He wants to inject us. He's a billionaire who basically got Windows off IBM when they had no idea what they had. Sheister. And when he was younger and testified about things he acted like a psychopath. He got a media makeover and then started pushing vaccines. He is NOT a doctor. He NEVER finished college. He helped his partner become worth 79 million and he said Gates was a psychopath basically. Thats a lot of money. Should've covered a lot of hurt feelings. Nope. Gates is like a comic book villain, so of course this is all some sick joke he and all his psychopath buddies dreamed up to take over the world.
Well, no, it's not, and trying to deal with a plague by denying its existence is a sure way to play into the hands of an enemy that might be smart enough and malicious enough to release the real thing on us now that we have all decided that we're not going to use any of the time-tested procedures for dealing with contagious disease because we, in our wisdom, have declared it to be a hoax.
Have you seen the scientific studies showing Kotch's Postulates have been met?
I agree that using the "China virus isn't real/doesn't exist" approach is a harder path to tread with people, but it's not entirely out of the realm of discussion here.
Influenza can kill you. Pneumonia can kill you. Bacterial Pneumonia can kill you. And all appear VERY similar (symptoms) to China virus.
I have known people who have had it and some who have died. Those who died were very vulnerable and all 3 were over 80 years old. SO as I said shield the vulnerable as you would if you had flu and not visit them till you're better.
BUT stop exaggerating the lie that it is deadly and everywhere. Thats is the LIE.
It is not a coincident that the flu has all but disappeared this past year when it was the biggest killer in many previous years.
If the government and the scientists haven't given us real numbers to analyze then yes, it must be a big lie. If it was real and we had representation that was truly concern and all it took was two weeks in solitude in our homes, they would have asked to told us to do so. It was never meant to be fixed. It's only a tool to manipulate something.
My sister has her doctorate in pharmacology. I asked her opinion.
She said she believes COVID is real, but it is nothing like the flu. She said it doesn’t act the same way in a molecular level. It doesn’t act like anything they have seen - on a molecular level.
Her biggest concern right now involves children. There is a strain of the virus that causes a full body inflammation reaction, which causes organ failure and death. In children, they are seeing this happen very rapidly. There isn’t quick response, and so the child dies.
My sister is an RN and she say it was bullshit from the very beginning.It was all about the election and hurting Trump.Fuck these dirty rotten Democrat scum.This is a war and they are the Enemy!
I have believed this since the onset. Decline to wear a mask, decline to have a vaccine due to CS. Common Sense****>
I can't wear a mask due to CS syndrome
They've got a cure for that now!
Just two little jabs, and you'll never have to deal with that debilitating common sense ever again!
I can't wear one because I am deathly allergic to tyranny!
"Ma'am or ma'an, if wearing a mask works then you shouldn't need other people to wear them when you already are. By trying to engage me in an argument, I am now talking when I otherwise wouldn't. When we talk, micro particles of saliva splatter your face. If you had minded your own business, your face wouldn't be covered with mine right now. Have a nice day."
There are elements that are a big lie, but I believe there is a SARS disease the CCP released onto the world. If there isn’t what did President Trump and Melania have? I don’t think he is lying when he says he wasn’t doing too good. The big lie was the need to do these prolonged lockdowns, we probably should have been at herd immunity months ago. Something like 80% of us could have been living normal lives and shortening the duration for everyone. It was definitely used to control us and create a narrative to enable stealing the election from us.
I think it's just another version of the flu, maybe a little worse. I also think the tests were faulty on purpose and a lot of people who tested positive with no symptoms probably didn't have it.
I can’t see the worse than flu perspective. Flu knocks you in your ass for a week +. Most people who get Covid don’t even have symptoms. I had it and it was like the mildest cold of my life, worst symptom was needing a nap.
I think a lot of it is a mix of confirmation bias and the same phenomenon hypochondriacs experience; they think they're getting sick so they start feeling sick, cycling out of control.
Pneumonia is a very real condition that people can get from the flu and other respiratory illnesses. The worst cases of Covid seem to really be (even according to their own accounts) instances where the patient gets pneumonia.
What really scares me is the idea that they might just do it again; harder. They have all of their pawns/sheep already locking themselves up. What's to say they don't release an extremely lethal strain on the population with the intent of killing off the people that are rejecting the lockdowns/demonstrating free will?
You are starting to get it. Vaccinations may protect against that one
That's something I was thinking about for a while now; maybe Trump was pushing the vaccinations so hard because it actually DOES help people?!? against future wacko strains?
I just don't fucking know anymore. I ain't about to go get it, but then again I haven't really been going anywhere anyway (not a lockdown thing, just an introvert thing) so I don't think I'm at any particular risk.
I believe the worst cases specifically are due to systemic organ inflammation, caused by the virus triggering a cytokine storm. Folks immune systems themselves cause disproportionate damage, and the lungs are perhaps the most sensitive to inflammation in terms of being able to function. Ironically, the effective treatment for it is immunosuppressants, and most doctors seemingly figured that out pretty early on. Of course, too much immune system suppression would make the actual virus symptoms worse, and open you up to severe bacterial infection.
the lingering memory holes are a bit different than typical flus
have talked to a few people that have clumps of hair falling out....even months after their infection and recovery.
The Simpsons taught me that stress can cause clumps of hair to fall out. Poor Marge.
Stress, keto diet, meds can all cause hair to fall out sometimes
Well if it’s not what they say it is what’s that called? A LIE, no such thing as half of lie ?
just calling it a lie is a half truth, if in fact there is a pathogen that can take certain folks to the woodshed who were not in the best of health to begin with.
There is such a thing as half-truths. Just ask CNN.
Covid hasn't even passed Koch's Postulates. It's literally a fake disease
It's a novel virus that's very similar to what we have already.
It's a real virus.
It's a virus that's so NOT DEADLY we need global theatrics to try to convince folks It's deadly.
CDC data is inflated to fuck but it's crystal clear that if you're not sick enough to be expecting death already this virus will do no worse to you than a flu would
I actually think that trump and Melania were intentionally given a big dose of one of the initial strains that were more deadly. I think Giuliani was given one too
That’s a pretty compelling theory. Who do you think gave it to them?
White hats maybe? To build a strong immunity to it?
DS —CIA or chinese spy—easy to get a big dose onto their pillows in the residence via housekeeping.
I believe the disease it real, just no more deadly than the flu for most people. I had covid last year and I lost my sense of taste/smell for about a week (something that's never happened before). If that hadn't happened, I probably would have believed it was fake.
It's so blatantly obvious that the numbers are inflated to make it seem deadly (500K dead? I don't think so). Most people just believe the lies they are spoon-fed on the news and don't bother to do their own research and check the facts.
Lack of taste or smell is due to a Zinc deficiency. Take zinc problem solved.
My husband and I tried zinc when we had COVID. It did not work.
Zinc has to be taken with a "carrier" in order for the cells to take it in. HCQ or Quercetin. Did you do that?
What is that nonsense?
Zinc is available as a supplement, in Pedialyte and food. Your body takes in zinc naturally as a part of existing.
Not enough to destroy a virus. Do some research on this. It is proven.
HCQ was not being prescribed here when we tested positive for the coof. I don't take Quercetin. My husband is a body builder, and takes a bunch of supplements. No idea if it's one of them. I'll have to ask him.
The only symptoms he had were a tingling sensation all over his body where he said it felt like his skin was crawling and driving him nuts. He couldn't sit still and kept taking warm baths and showers. And then the loss of taste and smell for a little over a week. He only got tested because the skin crawling sensation came up as a rare symptom of COVID, and at the time, he had a potential exposure at work.
You don’t know you had China Flu. You were TOLD you had it from a highly inaccurate government test, administered by a hospital/lab that is receiving incentives to put Covid on their charts. Curious why you don’t mention you even took zinc in your original comment?
Very true. We were told we had it, along with 8 other members of our family who went and got tested. 4 other family members had symptoms, but did not go get tested. We all lost our sense of taste and smell, well, we are assuming the 1 year old did because he wouldn't eat anything. Age ranges 1 to 90+. Some people had coughs, stomach issues, headaches, etc. Everyone survived. We think we got sick from a wedding.
Whether COVID is real or not, or if it's just this mysterious elusive practically eradicated thing called the flu, I have no idea. To me, it felt exactly like the flu.
I didn't mention zinc because I wasn't the original commenter.
Truth. The lie is perpetuated by ignorance.
It's not a matter of belief, the data (which is inflated to hell) is pretty clear that we're OK to go about our lives.
Not a single data point tells me to worry, only those that can't get the fuck off of Facebook
Having covid around helped them push mass mail-in voting which was essential to the steal. It halted the economy which was a strong point in Trump's campaign messaging. It gave them a weapon to batter Trump with in the media.
Moreover, it wasn't entirely about the election. It was also about the communist infiltration into the US (and around the world). Covid allowed them to torch our first amendment. To destroy small businesses all across the country. It allowed them to release criminals from prison. It allowed masked BLM and Antifa riots to rage for months on end (read: color revolution, and communist social justice riot tactics). It allowed them to break the American psyche and attempt to normalize this idea that individual freedom is less important than the safety of the group (you want to go back to normal? But you'll kill grandma!)
Many things at play.
It explains why a goat and fruit tested positive. Because it's all made up.
To be fair a goat could probably get covid it’s a mammal, local zoo has changed some things to keep the mammals from getting it.
Coke has tested positive too.
I was shit on by family and friends for not complying with the "2 weeks to slow the spread" It's only 2 weeks etc etc etc
Look now you stupid fucks.
Covid might be an actual coronavirus/flu bug but we gotta stop this madness. We all witnessed the world change and at this point we are either headed toward the Globalism NWO or White Hats exist.
Time will tell and most importantly get right with God and love others even if they shit on us. The brainwashing has been done for decades on levels beyond imagination.
OTOH, during the lockdowns with We the People safely ensconced in our homes, it would be an interesting list of what the truly essential services (white hats) actually did during this time. Just thinkin out loud...
COVID is real. We lost a neighbor to it. He was in his late 60 or early 70's He got it and ended up the Hospital and ended up on a respirator and died. No comorbidities
My husband's piano teacher had it but recovered. She is in her 70's. We asked her what her doctor told her to do and take. He said stay home take over the counter cough medicines and Tylenol. THAT was the problem. If it escalated in her system she would have ended up in the hospital and on a ventilator and died most likely, too.
NO therapeutics were given to either patient. One recovered with out it and one died in a hospital.
But the real lie is how to treat it early with therapeutics to keep the death rate lower and the fact they included other deaths in their totals with COVID. That was the lie.
Mask induced pneumonia my guess since there's no way to get an honest diagnosis from a doctor those days
Don't need a mask to get pneumonia.
That said, pneumonia is a bitch. Known young folks that have gotten bedridden for a month because of it; it's no surprise to me that old folk get mulched by it.
You could be right about that.
You mean your neighbor died from what they TOLD him was covid. No way to get a verified second or third opinion because the SAME government test is used everywhere.
The real issue is that only 4% of deaths have no COMORBIDITIES. The rest have 3.8.
The average age of death is just a hair above normal life expectancy.
We've been told from the beginning and frequently that they'll count everything they can as covid.
Your neighbor could be part of that small minority or he had conditions he didn't know about (more likely)
The dishonesty in reporting of covid over the last year should have nobody believing anything about the virus. THEY TOLD US FOR A YEAR THEY WERE DOING THIS.
1 year in and you know 2 elderly people that suffered from the virus? That would be normal for a bad flu season, we just never paid attention then.
I lived next to a hospital for 4 years and had A LOT of fun with nurses.
What if I told you that old people dying to seasonal viruses and hospital capacity issues are something not only normal but a cockblock for me? I had to listen to these nurses talk about it.
Maybe there are some disease,but it isn't so deadly.
I don't think it is a thing. At all. Made up.
Maybe. But its existence or lack of it is not important really.
Because we both have to agree - it is not so dangerous like the propaganda says.
Do you think Trump was sick with something else? Honestly it’s possible. Maybe Pence’s staffers tried to give him something.
There is, and it's called the flu. That's what I'm convinced this is, just a rebranded flu with 1000% more manufactured panic.
I would argue that we should be more concerned about the flu. The flu infects all ages. Not just old farts with 2-3 other comorbidities. In 2018 almost 80,000 people died from the flu and hospitals were treating people outside in tents because of actual overflow (you can still pull the articles up online that reported such). No lockdowns or double masks for that!
BTW... what happened to the flu this year? It appears to have vanished. Did doctors even give people flu tests or just China flu tests?
A virus genome is 40k pairs long. The samples they have are 40 pairs long. WuFlu does not exist. If it did the entire genome would have been isolated.
oh.. there is the china virus... nothing more than another version of the flu... for decades there's been flu "vaccine"... many people still got the flu even after the shot... this is no difference.... EXCEPT.. this batch of toxins is having lots of negative effects on people because it has NOT been tested on animals first... all you suckers that got your batch of toxins ARE the lab rats... enjoy your sludge and hope your future is NOT wrecked because of it.
I got the flu shot in 2009.
I got the swine flu that year and it kicked my ass.
I got it from someone who was sick and wearing a mask. I walked up to the door, they opened before I could knock, I asked about the mask, handed the pizza (no cash or signing, prepaid order) over and sanitized my hands.
Now I'm decade older, been allegedly exposed to countless positive people with no masks or social distancing and not gotten it.
The virus is real it's just on par with the flu. If only folks could remember their ENTIRE FUCKING LIVES before 2020 they would see it's no worse than the flu they've dealt with EVERY SINGLE YEAR
Just a part of THE BIG LIE
They are taking data from flu and repackaging it. They stopped counting flu stats last I read. How convenient.
It sucks so bad they have to label every death a covid death as per Fake Dr. Birx and 99% survive. I could go on about mask efficacy, vaccines profit increases, HCQ suppression, Doctor censorship, etc. but why ? That's enough right there.
Go to CDC website. They're still counting flu and pneumonia. They just put them all with covid, PIC it's listed as. The total PIC (pneumonia,influenza, covid) is what's reported to the public as covid deaths.
They're not hiding the data, they just know people are nearly under full control and can't be bothered to spend a few minutes looking at raw data
it is real and can kick the shit out of you if you are unlucky. I was unlucky. But the hype and paranoia is simply retarded. It is not deadly.
It’s deadlier the more toxic heavy metals you have in your system. Take Zinc+Quercitin, instant fix for anything lung related.
It's only deadly to those near death anyway. No data ANYWHERE says differently.
While this virus can kick your ass, so can the flu. And up until 2020 many of us were expected to work even with the flu. Doctors wouldn't even give notes to stay home!!!
My view of what is the most likely is that the release of the virus from the Wuhan lab was the Kazahrian plan, what the Kazarians didn't plan for was whitehats infiltrating that lab and replacing the virus with one that they had some time with in their labs.
They couldn't just remove it because that would just activate a backup plan out of a lab they didn't have people in so they had to re-engineer the virus into one that was as harmless as possible but that still tested positive on the already planned and created tests.
Ever wonder why the virus seem to be virtually harmless to children, that would be likely to have been a priority for them as it is pretty much unheard of for a naturally occurring flu/cold virus to be harmless to children(it's usually the opposite).
This is my best guess, other alternatives seem less likely as they would be harder to pull of both for DS/Kazahrians(a fake virus would be out of character for them and they would see little point in doing it when a real virus would serve their plans better), which brings us back to my theory....
Usually flu/pneumonia/bad cold get the youngest and oldest, with a bunch in the middle.
Covid is literally only getting the oldest
Appears to be engineered to be as harmless as possible, not so much only the oldest but only the sickest of the oldest and a few with serious preexisting medical issues.
I asked my sister who's been a nurse 25 years....why are cases of the Flu almost non-existent during this Covid Plandemtrick.....she said without blinking because people are now washing their hands more LOL. I responded you are telling me cases of the Flu have dropped 97% World Wide because we are washing our hands more.....yes she said. I don't wear a mask and I wash my hands when they are dirty....I guess I'm the reason the 3% are still getting the Flu. Link Above.....that was from October 2020.....there's more recent data also.
Now ask her if people are wash,g their hands so well why have there been so many cases of covid?
10.4....I then proceeded to quiz her why the death totals in 2018 - 2019 and 2020 are pretty much the same no big spike like there should be if we are in a pandemic
Ask her if washing your hands also reduces death from heart disease, cancer, car crashes, etc. Every cause of death dropped by a cumulative amount that oddly compares to the covid death count.
10.4 thanks for the link !
I think there is a new influenza strain, called Covid19 and came from the CCP (with help elsewhere) but do I believe it's this killer pandemic, no.
When you look at the bigger picture and the news from other countries like the UK, Australia and the USA you see similar patterns reoccurring.
The first country outside of China that was hardest hit was Italy. But many might not remember just before all of this broke, Northern Italy had a "Hug a Chinese person week" (I shit you not) due to allegedly civil tensions building due to an influx of Chinese workers moving into Northern Italy late October early November 2019.
Italy then became the first hotspot for this new virus outside of China.
Then you have the first faux impeachment of Trump just before Christmas of 2019. Pelosi quickly acted to start the process and rushed through the articles of Impeachment in Congress before the break for Christmas. But many reporters and press could not understand why after rushing it through, did not take the articles of Impeachment to the Senate. An easy process, but she delayed this for over 3 1/2 weeks until the grand signing ceremony on the 15th Jan 2020.
The first reported case of the China virus in the USA was the very same day on the 15th Jan 2020 in Tacoma Airport in Seattle!
Then you have the same patterns in the USA, UK and Australia, all starting to use the slogan "Build back better" on podiums and behind the leaders and the left in the USA.
Other patterns are the same, reporting deaths with Covid within 28 days of testing positive, despite many dying from heart attacks, car accidents and all the other reoccurring deaths all being used to boost the supposed numbers from the virus.
You have many countries using the PCR test, but using a higher than normal CT (amplifications) cycles who the inventor of the test states anything over 35 CT and you will get high 90% of false positives. This was used to keep the people scared about the spread.
When the same countries quietly publish data on the other normal influenza strains that kill thousands each year, but now suddenly these influenza strains have all but disappeared during this same period in the USA, UK and Australia.
There are many more reoccurring patterns from western countries that all indicate this was a coordinated worldwide attack designed to stop Trump, cancel the economy boom, cancel the rallies, bring in change in voting laws and of course to bring about mail in voting for the 2020 elections. It also changed the tariffs on the phase 1 China/USA trade deal.
Your post needs more upvotes!
It's a nasty cold that only kills those already well on their way to deaths door.
EVEN WITH INFLATED NUMBERS AND ANECDOTES, the data says it's NOTHING to worry about. If covid is going to kill you, you're already prepared for death with the other conditions!
Nasty colds do kill the weak elderly. So does the flu.
Unless we're going to say ALL tests are a lie, I have a grandma that's was in a coma for 3 months due to the INITIAL causes of COVID. Would the Flu have had the same impact? Yes, most likely, but here we are. Whether we're being lied to by ALL of nurses, technicians, doctors, etc. IDK, but nonetheless she was in a coma for 3 months and is STILL on a ventilator though spirits are high and she can understand what we're saying (so no cognitive decay from the coma).
The REAL disease is communism, Covid is just is just how it spreads.
Yep. I've always figured they were screwing with the numbers. They always tell you who they are and what they are up to. You just have to be able to see it. There's a picture of Bill Gates and there's a stack of books beside him. One of those books is "How to Lie About Anything with Statistics" or something like that. He wants to inject us. He's a billionaire who basically got Windows off IBM when they had no idea what they had. Sheister. And when he was younger and testified about things he acted like a psychopath. He got a media makeover and then started pushing vaccines. He is NOT a doctor. He NEVER finished college. He helped his partner become worth 79 million and he said Gates was a psychopath basically. Thats a lot of money. Should've covered a lot of hurt feelings. Nope. Gates is like a comic book villain, so of course this is all some sick joke he and all his psychopath buddies dreamed up to take over the world.
The establishment have exploited Corona with lie after lie. Not everything is a lie, though.
For example, Cuomo is a mass murderer. That's the truth.
Covid real, covid deadly - only to people who are already vulnerable, however, anything could contribute to their harm, say a common cold for example.
Is it exaggerated - yes 1 x 100 million, billion times yes (using Bidens numeric example)
It's exaggerated until it kills someone you love. Then, it gets suddenly very very real.
That's true of anything, though.
Well, no, it's not, and trying to deal with a plague by denying its existence is a sure way to play into the hands of an enemy that might be smart enough and malicious enough to release the real thing on us now that we have all decided that we're not going to use any of the time-tested procedures for dealing with contagious disease because we, in our wisdom, have declared it to be a hoax.
Have you seen the scientific studies showing Kotch's Postulates have been met?
I agree that using the "China virus isn't real/doesn't exist" approach is a harder path to tread with people, but it's not entirely out of the realm of discussion here.
Influenza can kill you. Pneumonia can kill you. Bacterial Pneumonia can kill you. And all appear VERY similar (symptoms) to China virus.
I have known people who have had it and some who have died. Those who died were very vulnerable and all 3 were over 80 years old. SO as I said shield the vulnerable as you would if you had flu and not visit them till you're better.
BUT stop exaggerating the lie that it is deadly and everywhere. Thats is the LIE.
It is not a coincident that the flu has all but disappeared this past year when it was the biggest killer in many previous years.
If the government and the scientists haven't given us real numbers to analyze then yes, it must be a big lie. If it was real and we had representation that was truly concern and all it took was two weeks in solitude in our homes, they would have asked to told us to do so. It was never meant to be fixed. It's only a tool to manipulate something.
Event 201, anyone?
My sister has her doctorate in pharmacology. I asked her opinion.
She said she believes COVID is real, but it is nothing like the flu. She said it doesn’t act the same way in a molecular level. It doesn’t act like anything they have seen - on a molecular level.
Her biggest concern right now involves children. There is a strain of the virus that causes a full body inflammation reaction, which causes organ failure and death. In children, they are seeing this happen very rapidly. There isn’t quick response, and so the child dies.
I think there may have been a COVID-19 at some point in time, but now it's been weakened so much that I fear the cold virus more than I do COVID-19.
Absolutely. No other deaths except COVID this past year. Incorrect testing. Faking numbers. Plandemic alll the way.
Covid is the flu. Everyone around me is starting to see it
Of course it is, Dr. Andrew Kaufman discredited it a year ago
My sister is an RN and she say it was bullshit from the very beginning.It was all about the election and hurting Trump.Fuck these dirty rotten Democrat scum.This is a war and they are the Enemy!
All I have to say is 99.4% survival rate. Enough is enough.