The "profile frame" is the modern day equivalent of the "Kick Me" sign that people used to stick on the back of their frens as a joke. It lets everyone know what an idiot you truly are.
More nefarious is that Facebook my be used to implement the vaccine passport - it would almost make too much sense if they were to do that.
We all know Apple, Google, and Microsoft used all of their location services to "cluster" people using their phones and them the data to the CDC. The only other choices are Linux phones or Chinese phones if you wanna send data to the Chinese lol.
Remember when everyone was tagging their friends and their own faces in all manner of lighting levels, angles and environments, feeding the 5G AI china style surveillance software never wondering where facebook got it's money from?
So in addition to free donuts if we get the vaccine, we can get cool profile frames added to our Facebook accounts? If we were smart, we would be holding off until they (Cabal) sweeten the deal a little more. I wouldn't mind a beach house in the Outer Banks.
That’s exactly what it’s meant to be, but it just tells us what people we know is stupid enough to get the shot. It won’t change our minds, not mine anyway.
Wait. I thought he was against the vaccine. Now they are going to shame people for not having the vaccine profile frame? Because that’s what that is. “Wait, you don’t have your vaccine?” ?♀️ I hate to hate but I’m feeling hate for that guy.
May 1st 2021, Facebook buys CDC, implements Vaccine Passport and opens borders. US Passports replaced with Facebook profiles. CDC cheers since there are more of them.
Already FB tried to replace money (with Libra) and enforce quarantine (by sharing location services with the feds) so wouldn't surprise me if they did this.
Those who didn’t take the vaccine will be proven the intelligent ones in 2022 and beyond. Unfortunately for those who did, it will be too late. Your DNA will have been compromised, your body in unpredictable chaos and you will be at the mercy of big pharma and deep state.
I hope I an wrong, but this is how I see this playing out:
Most of the casualties will be months down the road (fall winter) when those who took the vaccine will be exposed to another coronavirus like the common cold. Their weakened immune systems will make the cold more deadly than ever before.
The elites plan is to blame it on the unvaccinated and finally push through forced vaccinations worldwide.
Remember they need to reduce our population by 90 percent for their great reset plan to succeed.
It may take a few flu/cold seasons to accomplish.
You imagine joining the cabal like a year ago and only got to experience a year of drinking blood no raping little kids and then off to the gallows. I mean some had 50+ years of doing that. Must suck.
I closed my account after, 10 years, in December and Jan 21st they nuked it-what is peculiar is all my FB friends of years haven't shown up in the venues they all talked about-could this be Stockholm Syndrome writ large???
Unfortunately it is fully legal in the US. The US has extremely weak internet consumer consumer privacy laws including things normally subject to HIPPA laws. The only places that shifted the mass data collection back in the consumer's court is Europe or ironically, California, but you have to be a citizen of either.
I bet FB then sells the vaccination data to businesses, and then resells that data to camera companies like Ring/Amazon or Apple/Google so they can automatically identify people walking into businesses w/o vaccines. All of this technology already is trivial and is widely deployed in China.
It's also why FB is carpet bombing various news media with "please regulate us". They do know that regulation is inevitable, but just want to be the ones writing it.
This fucking guy. It kills me how absolutely ridiculous their ideas are. Unfortunately some people are so stupid, they will not see anything wrong with this. Cannot wait for all this absolute bullshit to dissappear. One way or another it will happen.
After the video where he told his employees not to get it, quite hypocritical me thinks. Should make a lot of things easier if they label themselves. Quite the case study this is turning out to be. Yay phase 3... not
If it’s still up
"Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes 'Anti-Vax' Stance in Violation of His Own Platform's New Policy"
This guy, and the other two will never, ever be on the side of freedom and liberty. They are not about that. They are all about deception, lies, slight of hand. I can picture all of them on stage doing a magic show in clown outfits.
The "profile frame" is the modern day equivalent of the "Kick Me" sign that people used to stick on the back of their frens as a joke. It lets everyone know what an idiot you truly are.
If that was an actual thing, it now makes me doubly glad that I’ve been off Facebook for a year.
Why every sane person doesn’t do the same, I don’t know. I’ve literally never been happier. That “social networking” sht is complete poison.
All good points.
There are indeed good points. I won’t deny that.
I think all the trouble comes with people, everyone, who will say things online, impersonally, that they’d never say face to face.
They are modern day Pharisees. Look at me praying loudly and righteously!
Didn't he say he didn't trust the vaccine?
I heard her middle name was 'Nut'
Lol. In all honesty, Jen has too many emotions to be Zuck.
Yep he’s a total hypocrite
He won't get the "vax". He's an elite and will only get a saline shot for show.
More nefarious is that Facebook my be used to implement the vaccine passport - it would almost make too much sense if they were to do that.
We all know Apple, Google, and Microsoft used all of their location services to "cluster" people using their phones and them the data to the CDC. The only other choices are Linux phones or Chinese phones if you wanna send data to the Chinese lol.
Remember when everyone was tagging their friends and their own faces in all manner of lighting levels, angles and environments, feeding the 5G AI china style surveillance software never wondering where facebook got it's money from?
So in addition to free donuts if we get the vaccine, we can get cool profile frames added to our Facebook accounts? If we were smart, we would be holding off until they (Cabal) sweeten the deal a little more. I wouldn't mind a beach house in the Outer Banks.
Shame frame ? Yeah!
Copyright that shit!
That’s exactly what it’s meant to be, but it just tells us what people we know is stupid enough to get the shot. It won’t change our minds, not mine anyway.
What Facebook account?? What is FAcebook anyway? Been dead to me.
I kept mine only to keep red pilling friends and family... only a matter of time before Facebook bans me.
You are better off with FB Shrugged.
Might as wer put up a frame that says "baah, I'm a sheeple and in compliance"
It’s just a summah camp’
Beach house? What are you...Bernie Sanders?
Dear MZ Ultra -- FUCK YOU you slimy little weasel.
The REAL America
Wait. I thought he was against the vaccine. Now they are going to shame people for not having the vaccine profile frame? Because that’s what that is. “Wait, you don’t have your vaccine?” ?♀️ I hate to hate but I’m feeling hate for that guy.
Those who don't have the frame, will probably get banned.
FYI: The CDC is a Jewish owned vaccine manufacturing company that advises the government to buy it's snake oil. They are not a government body.
May 1st 2021, Facebook buys CDC, implements Vaccine Passport and opens borders. US Passports replaced with Facebook profiles. CDC cheers since there are more of them.
Already FB tried to replace money (with Libra) and enforce quarantine (by sharing location services with the feds) so wouldn't surprise me if they did this.
Agreed: these Bolshevik agencies are all knowing cogs in the New World Order anti-Christ machine.
Those who didn’t take the vaccine will be proven the intelligent ones in 2022 and beyond. Unfortunately for those who did, it will be too late. Your DNA will have been compromised, your body in unpredictable chaos and you will be at the mercy of big pharma and deep state.
I honestly don't think they vaccine will do much at all. Help or hurt
It's about control. This is their trial run
I hope I an wrong, but this is how I see this playing out:
Most of the casualties will be months down the road (fall winter) when those who took the vaccine will be exposed to another coronavirus like the common cold. Their weakened immune systems will make the cold more deadly than ever before.
The elites plan is to blame it on the unvaccinated and finally push through forced vaccinations worldwide.
Remember they need to reduce our population by 90 percent for their great reset plan to succeed. It may take a few flu/cold seasons to accomplish.
I couldn’t agree more.
I pray every day that we get to see this douche kabab get frog marched out in cuffs and then marched to the freaking gallows...
I shudder with pure enjoyment of that thought
Clearly we were seperated at birth
You imagine joining the cabal like a year ago and only got to experience a year of drinking blood no raping little kids and then off to the gallows. I mean some had 50+ years of doing that. Must suck.
The same information was checked in another post by independent fact-checkers
I see what you did there. Well done!
If the vaccine ends up causing death this with backfire heavily on their end. It would become more obvious to the public than any cdc or vaer report.
Yep, „Hey, where did all the pretty framed people go? So few are posting.“
Lol personally I think there are a few factors. Upvotes, people wanting to be in the know and first to report big news, and lifes goes on.
While hanging out at pedo island Zuck POSTED how awesome a-chrome was. TRUTH.
I think, instead of the profile frame, they just put the words, "I'm a retard" over the picture.
So this time they'll be going after the people missing a star to put on the trains.
Fuck Zuck.
So scarlet letter is now a badge of honor? Can't fix stupid.
Nevermind that Project Veritas legit has him recorded saying he refuses to get the vaccine. Fuck this POS
If you haven’t deleted your Facebook yet, what are you waiting for?
Now, if you’re somehow spreading redpills on Facebook (without them deleting your posts), at ease. Keep up the fight.
Don’t spend your leisure time there. It’s toxic and you’re making our enemies richer.
I closed my account after, 10 years, in December and Jan 21st they nuked it-what is peculiar is all my FB friends of years haven't shown up in the venues they all talked about-could this be Stockholm Syndrome writ large???
This can’t be legal
Unfortunately it is fully legal in the US. The US has extremely weak internet consumer consumer privacy laws including things normally subject to HIPPA laws. The only places that shifted the mass data collection back in the consumer's court is Europe or ironically, California, but you have to be a citizen of either.
I bet FB then sells the vaccination data to businesses, and then resells that data to camera companies like Ring/Amazon or Apple/Google so they can automatically identify people walking into businesses w/o vaccines. All of this technology already is trivial and is widely deployed in China.
It's also why FB is carpet bombing various news media with "please regulate us". They do know that regulation is inevitable, but just want to be the ones writing it.
That makes sense unfortunately
Queue every single celebrity getting the covid border.
Experimental. So, fuck no.
This fucking guy. It kills me how absolutely ridiculous their ideas are. Unfortunately some people are so stupid, they will not see anything wrong with this. Cannot wait for all this absolute bullshit to dissappear. One way or another it will happen.
The fucking health police now!
So glad I ditched that hell hole last year. That's all I need, looking at dumbbutts who jabbed themselves with a mystery potion.
Seriously, you guys look dumber than the dumb.
The elites sure love to create class warfare distractions or to push agendas.
Blue checkmark sparked twitter wars for what feels like centuries
"They trust me — dumb fucks." - Mark of the beast Zuckerberg
"Proclaim to all your friends that you do whatever your screen tells you to"
"But mum, everybody's doing it!"
Good April Fool's joke! Right?
I wish
DARPA must be so proud to see what has become of their pet project.
Will make easier to track them as their health declines....js
This is great, now I know who to tease, then defriend.
After the video where he told his employees not to get it, quite hypocritical me thinks. Should make a lot of things easier if they label themselves. Quite the case study this is turning out to be. Yay phase 3... not
If it’s still up "Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes 'Anti-Vax' Stance in Violation of His Own Platform's New Policy"
This guy, and the other two will never, ever be on the side of freedom and liberty. They are not about that. They are all about deception, lies, slight of hand. I can picture all of them on stage doing a magic show in clown outfits.