Or to halt families from booming early on. "Here, attend college for four years. Hope to land a lucrative career after. Somehow payoff school debt. By the time you have somewhat become financial stable, then have kids..." All while squandering primetime fertility window, what a sick marxist lie thats been pushued on us
2: parents seeing what their kids are learning in school, and realizing how indoctrinating it is
3: give less longer term effects (masks vs remote learning)
Answer: Trump saying “open the schools”
No other country was this forceful on the remote learning, most did masked grade school.
As long as the plan follows through, I believe masking grade school aged children has worse long term effects than a semester of zoom. They got all these positive effects due to the TDS element of the US branch of the covid cult.
Remote schooling did help expose how bad the teachers are. That's one good thing about remote learning. The lefty teachers unions can't hide it anymore.
Schools are a cesspit of indoctrination now. They were when i was in school 30 years ago, but it is much worse now.
That’s a spicey take, I like it. TDS caused dupes to rebel against Trump’s “open the schools” by using more distance learning than other countries, unintentionally saving American kids from some of the mask illnesses that other kids were forced to endure
Well.. That leaves out a slew of other problems, such as the insanely high rising costs because college professors that get paid like a million dollar salary
I edited the comment to address that actually, strange why it didn't save. College is its own problem but again we can thank the Marxists.
Government got involved in college education which is part of the reason costs rose so much. Student loans too, as we know the banks have legislators in their pockets.
I don't know about that, after all what is your massive tuition paying for? Even if you don't dorm there, you are still paying a ridiculous amount, and you have to multiply that many times due to the number of students.
You’re eliminating the pension aspect in your equation - they get full salary for life retiring, which is equivalent to saving about 25k/y. So that has to be added to any teacher salary. Then, when you factor in the time off they have, they are all making six figures.
Only the professors that do the liberal/socialism/Commie/Marxism/CCP sing-a-long tot he extreme get the federal funding from the NSF (THE largest financial source for research). All others professors (from middle/moderate to conservative) are forced out leaving a system that is nearly 100% anti-American.
Don't ever forget that not one professor, school official/administrator, or any government employee has lost any income during this covid scam. They all just "worked from home."
Most professors don’t make anywhere close to that. The ones that do usually bring in tons of money in research grants. Look to the bloat of the administration (both jobs and pay) and buildings. It wouldn’t be possible without the government taking over the student loan market.
its true women almost bloody killed us all. After the great awakening we have to put them back in the kitchen make sure they cant vote and got no power at all so this will never happen again.
We should basically just copy the Muslims way of life
And I'm not kidding. Women are to easy manipulated and when it comes to the higher thought process and critical thinking they are no where near men. And enemies of humanity recognized it and did everything they could to promote women. Only way they could destroy the west
This idea doesn't come from me resenting women, or being a misogynist. This comes from and economic stand point, the standard of living, and the overall general happiness of the population. I lowkey support it, but good fucking luck getting enough women on board to get it to happen.
I can see this is a subject people are a bit divided over. Dont get me wrong Men also carry huge faults for this mess. The biggest morons are indeed men just look at Antifa and BLM, do I need to say more?
However when that is said a famous philosopher once: "The road to hell is payed with good intentions"
And this is the core problem with women they use emotions to make important decision and emotions are so easy to manipulate and the commies and the Cabal used that against us.
So I stand by what I wrote: "Women almost killed us all" and this got nothing to do with sexism this is a fact.
Hasn't been worth anything since roughly 1967 when LBJ did away with the gold standard. If we really want to get technical it was when the Fed was created in 1913
I've actually done this in Canada and I didn't start off with no million dollars either. Wife doesn't work and homeschools the three kids, house mortgaged and 2015 new car owned outright. I work in a factory in the same position now for nearly 20 years.
I guess I am not a materialist, I do not own a cellphone therefore no monthly payments. I don't feel the need to go out and buy stuff or go to restaurants. Commercials always disturb me (they think you are idiots!)
A lot of people are broke just because they refuse to live within their means.
Two car payments, a cellphone plan and 2 or more cellphones, and how many damn streaming services. Shit adds up. If you're responsible you can still pull it off but it is a hell of a lot tougher than it was
Not really. My parents were college educated teachers and it took 3-4 jobs between the two of them to support us four kids and there was no money for our college. Those of us who went worked our own way through. This was in the 50's/60's.
Exactly... This make believe world where Money was somehow NOT tied to decisions (such has having a bunch of kids) is absurd.
The Nuclear Family could prosper and the same is true today. Want more kids? Make more money.
Average household income is 65k right now. About triple what it was in the 50s... Same with home prices... College, that's a more expensive endeavor and is in part due to mismanagement of the Student Loans.
I grew up in a blue collar neighborhood in the 70/80’s. Going to college was kind of considered to be a thing for rich kids. Some of my friends actually did go to college but most of us were just expected to go work after high school.
Think about all the dollars that have been stolen for this huge purchasing disparity to have just appeared over this time - no more affordable homes, college, or family. A knife aimed right at the neck of civilization.
And a parallel rise of the welfare state, and gates thrown open to limitless 3rd world migration all at the same time with hart-celler. All following the assassination of the serving US president.
The American dream in many parts of the country is dead. You have people paying $700-1000 for a single room in most cities in California. Yes, a single room, where you share a kitchen and bathroom with other people. The AVERAGE income is around $60,000, assuming you invested in a trade or went to college and possess the ability to do skilled labor. You are basically giving 25% of your paycheck after taxes to the land lord, just for the privilege of living in a legal dwelling of 4 walls! This is no different than living in a commieblock in the Soviet Union. Only the privileged get their own apartment, and of course they don't own it and never will. Then we have people making slightly above minimum wage paying over half their income toward rent. It's indentured servitude, and the Left has most people brainwashed to believe this is their fault and it's because of overpopulation and global warming! When this is furthest from the truth.
I do remember those times growing up in the 60's & 70's. When I hear Make America Great Again it is those times that I want back. A safe America to raise a family in
I'm so glad to have started highschool in the 90s. Ya we were lied to about student loans and college, but at least I got a taste of pre social media life.
The biggest reason this was done, besides the income, was to take the women out of the home and distract them. Women back then not only raised the children but they were the ones paying attention to local events, school board meetings, city meetings, making sure the neighborhood stayed safe, etc. The men always worked but for society and culture, the wives held an arguably more important job for long term societal perpetuation.
THAT is what the middle class was able to achieve and that was what the cabal wanted to remove. Why just cut down the tree, go for the roots and the tree falls over in the next heavy rain storm. That is what these assholes have been up to, infiltrate all aspects of society and destroy from within.
I wonder how many young women dream of going back to the situation in the 50's. Sure, many women have lucrative and successful careers that they would never give up and that is great. But the vast majority are grinding away with men now for just enough to get by; if that much.
Kevin Samuels on YouTube always asks women if they want to be married. 99% of them say yes. Then he asks them if they want children. 99% of them say yes. Lastly, he asks them if they want to be responsible for significant bills after they give birth. 99% of them say NO
Only if that one income was really high. I had to pay for my own college education, as my father didn't make nearly enough money, even for a state college.
And the right wing stupidly fought for the ole "if you work hard you too can have this" completely disregarding inflation and an obviously rigged system.
There is some truth to government regulation. Remember when prescription drugs were cheap? That was because Trump used executive power... Like a fucking socialist.
This reminds me of something I like to point out when some Libtard likes to complain about income not keeping up with inflation/expenses (and it hasn't, especially after Congress revised how inflation was calculated in 2006.)
Imagine if 100million people suddenly got married and moved in together. Landlords would be looking at 30-50milllion empty units (some of those people had roommates.) What would happen then? The price of rent would come down because a landlord would rather rent a unit for X% of a going rate than to not rent it at all.
Suppose an economy grows at 10% but the population only grows at 3% - the value of labor would necessarily rise because there would be a labor shortage.
So what do you think has happened in this country over the last 5+ decades by allowing 40-80million illegals to live here?
Deport them now and end all H1B visa programs and you'll see wages rise as living expenses fall - which would allow more saving or consumer growth, whatever the people choose.
I see plenty of one income families still. The problem people don't want to address in our society is that it wasn't much like this photo or the smoking idle housewives on Mad Men for many. Being the one home is a zero off hours job where the work is varied and difficult and requires much self management and discipline. Even today, those I know who do it and do it well spend countless hours finding ways to save money or make money at home. Gardening for extra food, having chickens or other small livestock to sell their products or lessen the grocery budget, finding creative ways like sewing or mending clothes and building things themselves. Selling things or dealing back and forth with neighbors for things in order to get what's needed without spending typical prices. Home schooling kids to ensure good education while avoiding private tuition. Usually even the working parent is called on to do more than a typical two income family after work to contribute to the self sufficiency of the family as far as extra building, making, tending, growing.
This kind of work ethic is harder and harder to come by these days, not only because we live in Wall-E world, but because many of us are so much more physically afflicted by the toxicity of the world these days.
It's a problem that compounds itself. The difficulty of it is part of why we have the world we do now. People loved government run schools because it gave them a lessened load at home. People appreciated mass manufactured processed foods for the same reason.
Women were enticed away from home because it was easier, and none of us knew what we'd be missing until it was gone.
We can thank the Marxist hippies for that one: "Women need to go into the workforce man! They are oppressed"
Women enter workforce, number of workers doubles, number of jobs stays the same, wages fall by half
Now women and men alike are miserable and broke as fuck. Thanks, feminism!
they only wanted women in the workforce to lower the wages.
and to increase the tax base.
And to keep them from having so many kids. Ya know it takes money to put the kids in day care.
And to keep them from raising the kids.
this is such a red-pilled thread, I LOVE it.
Nope. If you're working a low paying job, you get federal, subsidized child care along with your free health care and food stamps.
Or to halt families from booming early on. "Here, attend college for four years. Hope to land a lucrative career after. Somehow payoff school debt. By the time you have somewhat become financial stable, then have kids..." All while squandering primetime fertility window, what a sick marxist lie thats been pushued on us
Def not God’s plan
And to enslave us.
How do you get the following to happen?:
1: more mother’s staying home with their children
2: parents seeing what their kids are learning in school, and realizing how indoctrinating it is
3: give less longer term effects (masks vs remote learning)
Answer: Trump saying “open the schools”
No other country was this forceful on the remote learning, most did masked grade school.
As long as the plan follows through, I believe masking grade school aged children has worse long term effects than a semester of zoom. They got all these positive effects due to the TDS element of the US branch of the covid cult.
Remote schooling did help expose how bad the teachers are. That's one good thing about remote learning. The lefty teachers unions can't hide it anymore.
Schools are a cesspit of indoctrination now. They were when i was in school 30 years ago, but it is much worse now.
That’s a spicey take, I like it. TDS caused dupes to rebel against Trump’s “open the schools” by using more distance learning than other countries, unintentionally saving American kids from some of the mask illnesses that other kids were forced to endure
I'm a retired teacher, and I am horrified that they have kept kids in masks! Talk about major health and emotional issues.
I agree. Think kids used screwed up, wait till the covid kids grow up. They are going to have a ton of mental Heath issues from all this.
"The Covid Cult."
I like that phrase.
Well.. That leaves out a slew of other problems, such as the insanely high rising costs because college professors that get paid like a million dollar salary
I edited the comment to address that actually, strange why it didn't save. College is its own problem but again we can thank the Marxists.
Government got involved in college education which is part of the reason costs rose so much. Student loans too, as we know the banks have legislators in their pockets.
Edits on the win network are really bad and inconsistent and not sure why they never fixed it.
They didn't have this problem in the beginning, but then it happened during major server problems and was never fixed.
Actually may have happened around when search was non functional
I think you overestimate how much professors make. It varies by school, but a full professor would make 1/7 to 1/5 of your estimate.
I don't know about that, after all what is your massive tuition paying for? Even if you don't dorm there, you are still paying a ridiculous amount, and you have to multiply that many times due to the number of students.
They get a lot of money.
You’re eliminating the pension aspect in your equation - they get full salary for life retiring, which is equivalent to saving about 25k/y. So that has to be added to any teacher salary. Then, when you factor in the time off they have, they are all making six figures.
Only the professors that do the liberal/socialism/Commie/Marxism/CCP sing-a-long tot he extreme get the federal funding from the NSF (THE largest financial source for research). All others professors (from middle/moderate to conservative) are forced out leaving a system that is nearly 100% anti-American.
Don't ever forget that not one professor, school official/administrator, or any government employee has lost any income during this covid scam. They all just "worked from home."
Most professors don’t make anywhere close to that. The ones that do usually bring in tons of money in research grants. Look to the bloat of the administration (both jobs and pay) and buildings. It wouldn’t be possible without the government taking over the student loan market.
its true women almost bloody killed us all. After the great awakening we have to put them back in the kitchen make sure they cant vote and got no power at all so this will never happen again.
We should basically just copy the Muslims way of life
And I'm not kidding. Women are to easy manipulated and when it comes to the higher thought process and critical thinking they are no where near men. And enemies of humanity recognized it and did everything they could to promote women. Only way they could destroy the west
How about teaching them to use their brains and stop excusing them for being emotional?
Good luck
This idea doesn't come from me resenting women, or being a misogynist. This comes from and economic stand point, the standard of living, and the overall general happiness of the population. I lowkey support it, but good fucking luck getting enough women on board to get it to happen.
I can see this is a subject people are a bit divided over. Dont get me wrong Men also carry huge faults for this mess. The biggest morons are indeed men just look at Antifa and BLM, do I need to say more?
However when that is said a famous philosopher once: "The road to hell is payed with good intentions"
And this is the core problem with women they use emotions to make important decision and emotions are so easy to manipulate and the commies and the Cabal used that against us.
So I stand by what I wrote: "Women almost killed us all" and this got nothing to do with sexism this is a fact.
Those dirty hippies/Rockefeller's !
Lol definitely. The god damn hippies were the useful idiots for the douchebags actually pulling the strings!
Back when the USD was worth something
Hasn't been worth anything since roughly 1967 when LBJ did away with the gold standard. If we really want to get technical it was when the Fed was created in 1913
Buy Bitcoin
I've actually done this in Canada and I didn't start off with no million dollars either. Wife doesn't work and homeschools the three kids, house mortgaged and 2015 new car owned outright. I work in a factory in the same position now for nearly 20 years.
I guess I am not a materialist, I do not own a cellphone therefore no monthly payments. I don't feel the need to go out and buy stuff or go to restaurants. Commercials always disturb me (they think you are idiots!)
A lot of people are broke just because they refuse to live within their means.
Two car payments, a cellphone plan and 2 or more cellphones, and how many damn streaming services. Shit adds up. If you're responsible you can still pull it off but it is a hell of a lot tougher than it was
It is tough. It is a lot of sacrifices but it is clean living!
I’m right with you. I don’t make a huge amount of money but I work a whole lot and need very little.
It’s crazy that the average person doesn’t realize how much of their spending is completely unnecessary.
Not really. My parents were college educated teachers and it took 3-4 jobs between the two of them to support us four kids and there was no money for our college. Those of us who went worked our own way through. This was in the 50's/60's.
My parents were not college educated but otherwise, same deal for our family. I think it depended on where you lived.
Exactly... This make believe world where Money was somehow NOT tied to decisions (such has having a bunch of kids) is absurd.
The Nuclear Family could prosper and the same is true today. Want more kids? Make more money.
Average household income is 65k right now. About triple what it was in the 50s... Same with home prices... College, that's a more expensive endeavor and is in part due to mismanagement of the Student Loans.
I grew up in a blue collar neighborhood in the 70/80’s. Going to college was kind of considered to be a thing for rich kids. Some of my friends actually did go to college but most of us were just expected to go work after high school.
Think about all the dollars that have been stolen for this huge purchasing disparity to have just appeared over this time - no more affordable homes, college, or family. A knife aimed right at the neck of civilization.
And a parallel rise of the welfare state, and gates thrown open to limitless 3rd world migration all at the same time with hart-celler. All following the assassination of the serving US president.
No coincidences.
The American dream in many parts of the country is dead. You have people paying $700-1000 for a single room in most cities in California. Yes, a single room, where you share a kitchen and bathroom with other people. The AVERAGE income is around $60,000, assuming you invested in a trade or went to college and possess the ability to do skilled labor. You are basically giving 25% of your paycheck after taxes to the land lord, just for the privilege of living in a legal dwelling of 4 walls! This is no different than living in a commieblock in the Soviet Union. Only the privileged get their own apartment, and of course they don't own it and never will. Then we have people making slightly above minimum wage paying over half their income toward rent. It's indentured servitude, and the Left has most people brainwashed to believe this is their fault and it's because of overpopulation and global warming! When this is furthest from the truth.
Neighborhoods were safer
“Look at those racists!!”
I do remember those times growing up in the 60's & 70's. When I hear Make America Great Again it is those times that I want back. A safe America to raise a family in
I'm so glad to have started highschool in the 90s. Ya we were lied to about student loans and college, but at least I got a taste of pre social media life.
Hah, that sounds wonderful.
At least now you don’t need college because it is both fake and gay.
The biggest reason this was done, besides the income, was to take the women out of the home and distract them. Women back then not only raised the children but they were the ones paying attention to local events, school board meetings, city meetings, making sure the neighborhood stayed safe, etc. The men always worked but for society and culture, the wives held an arguably more important job for long term societal perpetuation.
THAT is what the middle class was able to achieve and that was what the cabal wanted to remove. Why just cut down the tree, go for the roots and the tree falls over in the next heavy rain storm. That is what these assholes have been up to, infiltrate all aspects of society and destroy from within.
This is a good perspective I had not heard yet
Yep. Women through history have been the transmitters of culture throughout the generations
My grandparents had 3 kids. No college but my grandpa worked until he was in a wheelchair and paralyzed.
Someone is skimming.
The US was the world’s manufacturing hub post WWII.
I wonder how many young women dream of going back to the situation in the 50's. Sure, many women have lucrative and successful careers that they would never give up and that is great. But the vast majority are grinding away with men now for just enough to get by; if that much.
Kevin Samuels on YouTube always asks women if they want to be married. 99% of them say yes. Then he asks them if they want children. 99% of them say yes. Lastly, he asks them if they want to be responsible for significant bills after they give birth. 99% of them say NO
Welfare kicked into high gear in 1962. Coincidence?
A home, a car, and have many and successful children; not so much college. Because it wasn't a stepstone to success, then. Just as it isn't now.
We weren't such a service heavy economy back then, either. And had way less people. And way less asshats running everything, too.
Only if that one income was really high. I had to pay for my own college education, as my father didn't make nearly enough money, even for a state college.
LOL as a very small child, I can remember my dad had a car something like that. It was a red Pontiac. We called it "Big Chief". LOL
And the right wing stupidly fought for the ole "if you work hard you too can have this" completely disregarding inflation and an obviously rigged system.
There is some truth to government regulation. Remember when prescription drugs were cheap? That was because Trump used executive power... Like a fucking socialist.
Inflation was a motherfucker too.
Sure do remember! All of this on one income:
Mom and Dad each had a Mercedes.
We lived in a beautiful 2 story home in NOLA.
3.Parents sent 4 children to private school.
We took annual vacations - mostly drove. Dad and Mom took us to Vail in 1970 though and we flew for that trip.
When we moved, my parents built a 5000 sq ft house with all the bells and whistles for about $150000 on 200 acres.
Younger brothers went to boarding school. ( I had 4).
Any of us who wanted to go to college could with parents paying tuition.
There's more but this is what I can think of off the top of my head.
This reminds me of something I like to point out when some Libtard likes to complain about income not keeping up with inflation/expenses (and it hasn't, especially after Congress revised how inflation was calculated in 2006.)
Imagine if 100million people suddenly got married and moved in together. Landlords would be looking at 30-50milllion empty units (some of those people had roommates.) What would happen then? The price of rent would come down because a landlord would rather rent a unit for X% of a going rate than to not rent it at all.
Suppose an economy grows at 10% but the population only grows at 3% - the value of labor would necessarily rise because there would be a labor shortage.
So what do you think has happened in this country over the last 5+ decades by allowing 40-80million illegals to live here?
Deport them now and end all H1B visa programs and you'll see wages rise as living expenses fall - which would allow more saving or consumer growth, whatever the people choose.
No gender confusion there
I see plenty of one income families still. The problem people don't want to address in our society is that it wasn't much like this photo or the smoking idle housewives on Mad Men for many. Being the one home is a zero off hours job where the work is varied and difficult and requires much self management and discipline. Even today, those I know who do it and do it well spend countless hours finding ways to save money or make money at home. Gardening for extra food, having chickens or other small livestock to sell their products or lessen the grocery budget, finding creative ways like sewing or mending clothes and building things themselves. Selling things or dealing back and forth with neighbors for things in order to get what's needed without spending typical prices. Home schooling kids to ensure good education while avoiding private tuition. Usually even the working parent is called on to do more than a typical two income family after work to contribute to the self sufficiency of the family as far as extra building, making, tending, growing. This kind of work ethic is harder and harder to come by these days, not only because we live in Wall-E world, but because many of us are so much more physically afflicted by the toxicity of the world these days. It's a problem that compounds itself. The difficulty of it is part of why we have the world we do now. People loved government run schools because it gave them a lessened load at home. People appreciated mass manufactured processed foods for the same reason. Women were enticed away from home because it was easier, and none of us knew what we'd be missing until it was gone.
As it should be
They needed to destroy the family unit to precipitate the downfall of the entire country
Anyone for thinking we'll see that again in our lifetimes??