Next time, lead with the link. People's attention spans are getting shorter and shorter what with all the news drops recently.
I'm not sure many have noticed, as they have probably gone numb to the flood of news and no arrests being made, but a lot is going on all over the place.
There is a lot to digest on this site and in the world around us. I knew what you meant but not everyone has the same awareness about every subject. It is definitely good to do your own research, but if you want people to go down the rabbit hole you must show them where the hole is at first. Sauce it and then let anons natural inquisitiveness do the rest.
I down voted you, but only because you already had two and I wanted you to know the debilitating pain of having the almighty three down votes. does it feel? You crying yet? On the real though, +100
Don’t forget to take away their alcohol. They shouldn’t take things like that, after all. And plop them in the unit of a public hospital in their district. I’m sure they shouldn’t mind being treated by the same institutions they’re responsible for.
We have no idea how MANY cycles they ran that test to get a positive (any number over 25 is an illegitimate test), or if they ever even really did get a positive result
A positive test is not the same as a "case" or an "infection", never mind what that lying guinea quack Fasci says, he's a fucking deepstate tool of the pedophile cabal
We have no clue if they're lying and saying these cunts got da 'rona to get sympathy, or if it's cover for where they're really going and what they're really doing, or what the fuck
When this all started and they thought the coof was a super spreader and killed everyone over the age of 65, I did have the thought....if one person in congress gets this, we can all probably get those term limits we wanted.
There have been tribunals going on all this time. 8000 new sealed indictiments added in the last month. Could this be a reckoning for the Pee-Loosely gang? Kama-LaLa is prepping her virus infection...should she need it. Interesting times.
Does Biden also have Covid then? Maybe this is their excuse to get rid of him and spread variant fear to the public at the same time… or maybe they’ve all been arrested, I like the sound of that
Why is everyone missing the words between the lines?
I'm hopeful this means they've all been arrested.
Next time, lead with the link. People's attention spans are getting shorter and shorter what with all the news drops recently.
I'm not sure many have noticed, as they have probably gone numb to the flood of news and no arrests being made, but a lot is going on all over the place.
Q taught us to sauce it.
Even Jesus spoke in parables to encourage others to seek out answers.
There is a lot to digest on this site and in the world around us. I knew what you meant but not everyone has the same awareness about every subject. It is definitely good to do your own research, but if you want people to go down the rabbit hole you must show them where the hole is at first. Sauce it and then let anons natural inquisitiveness do the rest.
I wasnt criticizing just trying to be helpful. Im not one of your downvotes.
It reminds me of the tide slow as fuck sure as fuck
The people that down voted you pro my knew exactly what you meant. That what the enemy does - bury truth
Your over the target and it scares them.
Dude you got downvoted 3 times calm down
I down voted you, but only because you already had two and I wanted you to know the debilitating pain of having the almighty three down votes. does it feel? You crying yet? On the real though, +100
I am down voting you because you had -2, and I wanted you to feel his pain ! kek
Really you should have +200 though
:) yeah I see these
from time to time and I have to sit back and think to myself, "what is this, reddit?"
Claus von Stauffenberg…
HERO for all time
I know what you meant!
Well original it was a plan for the continuation of the Nazi government in case they lost the war or their leadership was incapacitated.
Yes some tried to use this plan to take over Germany in the end of ww2 however they failed and it seems Operation Valkyrie continued on after the war
Yeps we got a lot of evidence by now that OPERATION VVALKYRIE never ended. No doubt a lot more to the story we will see soon
Boy do you assume alot.
I was thinking more like fake their death because they know their ass is in a sling
They need to “quarantine”
What is the prophet saying about it?
He said a week ago today that Pelosi would be given a chance to save herself and that her life was coming to an end.
He said Pence was about to "come to understand what repentance means"
He finished by saying that we shouldn't make fun of them right now, because they don't need the negative energy directed toward them right now.
Okay fair enough. Thanks for response
Yes, good summary. Robin D Bullock has been rocking out some great prophetic words lately.
Yes, and the other (Clement): "strange July, strange July"
Give them all another vaccine dose and take away their Vitamin D, Zinc, HCQ and Ivermectin.
And blast the 5G hair dryers at em. Make em dance.
Don’t forget to take away their alcohol. They shouldn’t take things like that, after all. And plop them in the unit of a public hospital in their district. I’m sure they shouldn’t mind being treated by the same institutions they’re responsible for.
One vaxx dose in the morning, one dose in the evening, keeps the humans away
Let the anal swabbing commence. Spread 'em wide. Not that wide, Cameltoe.
Big Willie and Big Mike started to get excited.
I threw up a little
Made this joke once before but imagine them looking over their shoulder while getting the swab and then seeing the box still unopened.
Good. Now die, socialist scum.
Its 99.96 percent survivable, it couldn't if it tried! lmao
There's always that 0.04 percent chance they w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶b̶r̶e̶a̶k̶ ̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶e̶r̶r̶o̶g̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ will have an underlying condition.
You forget that Pelosi is 200 years older than Moses.
That was for the original variant. The recovery rate for the delta variant is 16 times higher, so the survival rate is now even higher.
"INFECTED WITH COVID" = meaningless term
We have no idea how MANY cycles they ran that test to get a positive (any number over 25 is an illegitimate test), or if they ever even really did get a positive result
A positive test is not the same as a "case" or an "infection", never mind what that lying guinea quack Fasci says, he's a fucking deepstate tool of the pedophile cabal
We have no clue if they're lying and saying these cunts got da 'rona to get sympathy, or if it's cover for where they're really going and what they're really doing, or what the fuck
I agree- for all we know they all wanted to disappear for 10 days
Did anybody check the Treasury?
It's all gone
Bbuttt…muh shavings!!
Agreed. Feel like we could interpret this news at least four different ways, just off the top of my head.
No way they'd make that "confession" that the vac doesn't work. They're all vaccinated!
They want us to believe it works!
When this all started and they thought the coof was a super spreader and killed everyone over the age of 65, I did have the thought....if one person in congress gets this, we can all probably get those term limits we wanted.
Could be a good way for Biden to exit stage left…
All under arrest I bet.
God works in mysterious ways.
Arrest? if so, good. I am getting so tired of waiting.
Me too, but the arrestfagging is hilarious.
We are nowhere near that point IMHO
That can't be right. No virus has a chance in hell of surviving Pelosi's alcohol sopped blood stream.
I thought the same lol maybe she needs a 10 day bender
The military steps in, entire leadership infected.
Who specifically at the White House?
Nobody. The building itself caught COVID. Now they have to lock it down for the rest of the term.
this makes the most sense
He doesn’t say - maybe a staffer
His name is Dr. Jonathan McGreevey.
Lin Wood interviewed him anonymously a year or so ago. McGreevey just recently revealed his identity.
Dr Johnathon Greery. He is running for the Senate.
There have been tribunals going on all this time. 8000 new sealed indictiments added in the last month. Could this be a reckoning for the Pee-Loosely gang? Kama-LaLa is prepping her virus infection...should she need it. Interesting times.
Awesome! Sauce?
Let’s see...Audit results looming(?). Nahh that aint it /s
They are frauds in every way! They are going to use this to shutdown the country, audits and elections.
I am only seeing that a staff member to Pelosi and a white house staffer have tested positive... not anyone higher up. Anyone else have better sauce?
Remember when all the vatican deep state priests caught covid at the same time last year? Pepe farm remembers.
Does Biden also have Covid then? Maybe this is their excuse to get rid of him and spread variant fear to the public at the same time… or maybe they’ve all been arrested, I like the sound of that
Must have met with the Texans
Hopefully the cunt suffers before punching out.
Sure it's not some new kind of AIDS?
Interesting, as there is no covid, and any kind of test
A bit of digging into “John here to help” reveals some questionable & shifting backstory.
He seems much less than credible the more I discover.
I wouldn’t believe ANYTHING he alleges without adequate sourcing.
That’s my 2¢
agree, fren
I thought they all were poked...hmmmmm...the WH you say? Joe is OLD too, he may not make it,,,No RIP...
Can’t have anyone getting used to living without a mask for too long, let’s say everyone is sick!
Poetic justice.
They don't have COVID. They actually all fled and went to space in Bezos rocket.
I wonder if Pelosi had a snide comment for the D-serters from Texas about not wearing masks like she did at the presser the other day