Beta-carotene is a precursor for Vitamin A, AKA 11-cis-retinol. Our body turns beta-carotene into retinol. Retinol is a precursor for opsin-11-cis-retinal, which you can think of as the molecule that absorbs the energy of a photon in a photoreceptor. When this energy is absorbed it eventually causes an electric signal to go to our visual cortex where we state, "I saw something!". Without vitamin A, or by being vitamin A deficient, this process does not work, and the cells that run this process stop functioning.
The amount of evidence that supports carrots (more specifically the large amounts of vitamin A in carrots) being good for your eyes is, well, overwhelming. Real science supports that statement going back many decades, millions of experiments.
If you have evidence that supports a different theory, that proves all of that evidence as fraudulent, please present it. Outside of that, making such blanket statements without evidence only causes confusion, and you become a source of disinformation, which helps no one.
Not to place blame; we all do it to some extent, but in this case there is substantial evidence that you are incorrect. When making such controversial statements it is best to provide your evidence along with it. At the least it provides context and gives someone something to look up. It also provides a starting point for people to engage their own critical thinking skills in the never-ending quest for truth.
I wasn't ACTSHUALLYING you, I was trying to correct a potentially harmful statement of disinformation for other people's benefit. Don't state harmful disinformation, and I promise not to call you out for it.
How do you think we got here in the first place...
I mean, the OP is about FAKE SCIENCE (with the implication that it has been harmful), and you make a post that states fake science as fact...
do you mean because I said carrots are not actually good for your eyes?
Yes, exactly because you said this, which is, according to the evidence, the opposite of the truth.
Look at what people believe. Look at the utter CRAP people think is truth about "science". I'm asking that you be careful, because people will believe you. If not you, they will believe others like you.
Of course teaching people NOT to do that is our essential task; to be discerning, and think critically, independent investigation. Included in that though, is the need to be careful of what we state as factual.
If you think something might be true, say it as such. Making statements as if they are facts are exactly the types of harms that are leading us into oblivion. I suggest we be very careful not to perpetuate that behavior.
Official lies infect every venue of human endeavor. There is one thing all these lies have in common. They exist to undermine belief in the Biblical God. It is easy to see the pattern with a little research. All you have to do is look at competing evidence and facts that are suppressed, twisted, hidden away, or ridiculed. Theory has become dogma. Questioning official theories is not allowed. They are presented as indisputable fact even when it becomes painfully obvious that the theory should be abandoned or modified.
Even so, I think we have reached the time when these lies can no longer be sustained. I see it everywhere, as if a blazing light from heaven is exposing the truth.
Issac Newton, in fact, believed that all science existed to worship the glory of God.
I remember being surprised, in college, that we still revered scientists from the 40's. One of my thoughts was "Why haven't we developed a new, fundamental theory, than relativity and quantum mechanics?"
What lies are those? I have never found any. I've fixed my faith on those scriptures
and have seen miracles happen, things that were permanent and beyond anyone's control one day, and something completely different the next. I have seen it and experienced it, along with the absolute reality of Christ. That could not happen from a book full of lies. Every force in the world is arrayed against that one book. You don't see any great effort to discredit the scriptures of other faiths. Why is that? It's because people want to be their own gods to do as they will, and that book puts God's claim on their lives.
Not arguing but you’re here... on a website called “GreatAwakening” and yet, you don’t want to question what you’ve been told all your life are factual writings in the Bible that you read? You believe without a doubt that your Bible is 100% factual. Says who? Who tells you it’s 100% correct? Did God himself tell you this?
Everything else can be bullshit, but the minute you question my Bible that’s it, all bets are off. Why?
You are making assumptions, my friend. You certainly didn't learn that here. I have questioned the Bible, my faith, and what I believe, and by process, experience, and research I have come to my settled conclusions. Allow me that and I will allow you to have your conclusions about what you have come to believe.
True, I was told many, many years ago that the Bible is the word of God, but that is not where my conviction about its truthfulness comes from, and it wasn't something that sprang up overnight to fill some vacuum in my mind. My conviction comes from the spiritual reality I came to know through many years, which the Bible consistently confirmed and supported, and I didn't get that inside the walls of any church. I came to know the reality of God by personal experience, and nothing can shake me from that. It's more real to me than the thinly-formed matter that makes up this world.
All bets are off (for me personally) because I am convinced the Bible is true, not because I started with a belief I then had to prove to myself was real, but from leaning into the spiritual reality that was proof enough in itself to convince me that the words on those pages were no lie. It is my right to hold that conviction as much as it is your right to maintain your skepticism. You certainly don't need me to agree with you to support what you believe. Only the unsure need that, and I give you the respect of assuming that is not the case with you, unless you tell me differently. Please give me the respect of assuming that my spiritual experiences are real on some level. You don't have to believe what I do to give me that.
On one point I would like to challenge you. We actually are in an argument according to the dictionary definition. But I don't see it as a negative thing. We are being civil, even if we have both been blunt on some of our points. I can see how passionate you are about your contentions, and I respect that.
It is not wrong to question the bible. But understand: those who translated it were human, as were those on the Nicene council. Humans are limited in their ability to successfully communicate absolute & perfect knowledge.
The bible says that the earth was created in seven days. That's impossible. 168 hours?
The word "days" is translated from the Hewbrew word, yom. Which, literally translated, can mean "a duration of time." Why do we have to understand that as a "day"?
I was raised Christian. I've accepted Jesus, as a child and again as an adult. I've studied intensely and memorized hundreds of passages.
I get it. It's a tough system to crack when you're inside. But I find most people just lean on the proofs and don't bother question it.
The proofs you experience are absolutely real, just not for the reasons you think. Christianity is a "skin" for a deeper system of "spiritual" mechanics. Miracles, prayer, Scriptural guidance - these are real because they leverage spiritual mechanics. But you can experience those same effects with other practices - meditation, mantra, etc...
But there are countless other problems.
The Old Testament is a collection of occult traditions gathered from the Phonecian-Canaanites who recreated themselves as Jews.
The New Testament is a propaganda fiction from the Roman Empire. Look up the Flavian conspiracy.
The entire thing is saturated in astrotheological symbolism and coded with esoteric ritual and magic. Look up Jordan Maxwell.
The semantics reveal that angels, demons, and Yahweh are all part of the same dominate alien empire known as the Seraphic Host, with the Elohim at the top and the Ophanim acting not as angels but as the AI entities we know as UFOs. Look up Pierre Sabak.
The purpose of Christianity is to conquer tribal cultures and replace their spiritual mysticism with a more cultured religion. This collectivizes the people into church bodies with priests and holy texts, making them infinitely easier to control and manipulate.
Christianity is useful because it starts off very strong, but decays over time. Priests, worship leaders, mega churches, Christian literature and music - these provide a wonderful sub culture that can be bought off and subverted. Billy Graham, like so many religious leaders, is a 34th degree Mason. Look up Fritz Springmeier, who is a Christian himself.
Once Christianity has structured the society, it is corrupted and begins to decay. You have evidence of this all around you, everywhere you look. Where is the church right now?
They have lost their purpose. They are spiritually blind. They have paved the way for the next social evolution, which is communism.
Sure, there are good small churches. But look at the movement as a whole. Look at it honestly. Go watch testimonies of people who have left Christianity - pastors, worship leaders, students,.
Ultimately, belief in Christianity is no different than belief in the media. We once believed the media was credible and reported honestly and factually. Now we know it is a propaganda machine. The church is no different, it's there to control your mind and keep you from seeing a deeper level of reality.
It's good in certain ways, just like the media is good. But it isn't true. There is a better way.
Thank you. I appreciate your willingness to validate my experience, even if it came with a caveat. I also appreciate your candor in telling me how you began and how you arrived at your conclusions. It means something to me that you would disclose such a personal thing.
I'm aware of all the things you've mentioned, trust me. Although these ideas are intriguing, I don't agree with all your points and conclusions, and the information in your sources is not something I would be inclined believe just because someone assures me it's the real truth. I take from alternate sources what seems plausible by their arguments, but I hold that lightly until I see enough credible corroborating evidence to convince me their contentions might be true. On the other hand, I tend to believe people who risk their livelihoods or even their lives to speak out against an injustice or refute an official lie, but even then I look for corroborating evidence of their contentions, which usually comes from others who have taken the same risks. (It takes less to convince me in this case. Nobody does that without an unshakable belief in what they are saying.) In terms of spiritual truth, the evidence that I might be wrong in my beliefs would need to far outweigh the proof of them in my soul for me to consider changing them, and it would have to be pretty heavy to have a chance of overturning my convictions.
I don't trust anyone who comes with "secret truth" they say will bring enlightenment and spiritual advancement, even if it's a "powerful" Christian who claims to have gotten it right from God (I don't care if they even have miracles in their pockets). It's an old trick, and people fall for it because they don't know the same cheese has often been used before, soaked in a new flavor to be palatable to people of the times.
We see the church and even the universe quite differently. I do not regard the church to consist of the organizations we see, and I do not believe that God is one of a host of aliens who meddle with our world. I never will, and I don't care if people think I'm stupid for being stubborn about that. God revealed Himself to me through Jesus as the only living God, eternal and unbound by time and space, and that is not something I can un-know or trade for some inferior vision of the universe.
Even so, I am not a fan of powerless Christianity. I have been in churches like that, the ones that hold their religion entirely in their minds because spiritual things scare them. But I have also been in churches where the presence and power of God wasn't outside the door. I know the difference, and I can usually spot it from the parking lot, even in churches that cheaply copy the emotional aspects and forms of God's presence to convince themselves He is there.
I've enjoyed talking to you, but at this point I don't think it will be productive to continue. The discussion seems to have devolved into a back and forth of trying to inspire a conversion, and I'm not into that. I don't think either of us could even be bullied or shamed into a slight concession, so it might just be better to move on.
Before I close, I do want to make one final point relating to something you said: Focus matters. Believing in Christianity and believing in Christ are not the same thing at all. I expect you know that, but I thought it was important to say.
Ah, thanks for the reply! Sounds like were probably much closer, although yes, still quite different.
I recommitted to Christ this year actually. I find that (((symbol))) (man / reality / insert word of choice) seems to hold true regardless of the belief system or framework. So I can get behind that.
I can't get behind any form of "powerless" Christianity, good term. I'm skeptical of all forms of religion because I see it go wrong so often, but do think that it's a better religion for society than most for those that want one.
Anyway, nice to see we can disagree civilly. Cheers!
Lively conversations in the wild seldom go like that. Many are so driven by their emotions that a reasonable discussion is impossible. You can't even talk to the ones who have buried their minds in a tribal ideology, and those who aren't entirely convinced of their own beliefs seem to need your agreement to confirm that what they think is right. Thank you, my friend. I hope you inspire others to rise to the level of your example.
Watch "Europa - The Last Battle" It's a 12 hour documentary on our history and it's eye opening to see the corruption then and how it relates to us today.
Still don't know what to make of the Pyramids and Sphinx. Hard to believe that they are not mentioned in the bible when they are only a few miles from Cairo, Giza and the Nile River.
I’ve said the same. They aren’t mentioned by the Greeks either, even though they had established cities in the Nile delta (like Alexandria) and could visit them very easily. The only real reference is in Herodotus’ Histories, but even then they are described wrong and are spoken of more mythically, just like when he speaks of giants living to the north, etc. The pyramids are also not mentioned or depicted through the Renaissance.
I believe that when Napoleon spent 3 years in the deserts of Egypt, that’s when they were built. The real ancient ones were the smaller step pyramids which we now call the proto-pyramid designs. After Napoleon, the age of Romanticism began, when there was suddenly a massive uptick in the number of paintings depicting the pyramids and the sphinx. And the treasure hunter phase started, with people trying to get into them.
It seems more likely to me that the Pyramids were there all along, but references to them were redacted. There is geological evidence that the Sphinx is about 12,500 years old. Look into John Anthony West's Water Erosion theory. There are also tunnels and chambers deep in the bedrock of the Giza Plateau under the Pyramids.
Look into and research WWII and the real history of the Soviet Union and National Socialist Germany.
Look into the creation of the Federal Reserve and how the Titanic are connected.
These two things will be enough to change your perception of what is true history and reality and just how much we’ve all been lied to on just about everything.
The Dinosaurs hoax blew my mind and literally no one i know knows the slightest thing about it. Mind Blowing.
Just follow the questions
1- How many dinosaur fossils/bones have been found by Miners, Tunnel Engineers, etc compared to Palaeontologists.
A) 0 miners have found 0 all found by palaeontologists 80% or so of all bones
found by a small group of students in a small time period after the Dinosaur Hypothesis was put forward by their Professor
2- All the dinosaur skeletons on display in all the worlds museums are models not one is real, NOT ONE
Exactly. It’s absurd to think that over time animal bones ‘sink’ down 5000 feet as layers of rock and mud cover them. When you see dead animals by the side of the road, or a dead rabbit in your back yard, they are eaten very quickly by scavengers and bugs. Every bit of life and energy is taken out of them and their empty bodies dry up and dissipate. There aren’t layers of dead animal carcasses anywhere.
To account for this though, archaeologists have tried to claim that the scavenging bugs that ate the dead weren’t around yet. Which is how they were allowed to have massive pockets of dead matter gather and not be consumed.
Just think about at all of the oils you can find just in the grocery store aisles alone that don't come from underground: corn oil, canola oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, cottonseed oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, etc. etc.
Oil is created by the processes of heat and pressure and the churning of tectonic plates, as it breaks down rock underground and eventually recycles it back to the surface. On the surface of the earth you can get oil from shale fairly easily, imagine how easy it is for the earth to mulch that shale into oil itself.
Isn’t it funny that most of the bones were found by those Indiana Jones style archaeologists, most of whom had no real training or schooling in scientific process or geology, chemistry, biology, etc.
They’d run around in Argentina or Chile or wherever and easily locate these bones, even when they also had little study in anthropology or geography and didn’t have a clue where or why certain places might be better locations, all the while with no real sophisticated tools, infrastructure, computers, etc. Literally they walked around with shovels. Yet scientists now with all their equipment and ground scanning and training can’t find dinosaurs everywhere? Dinosaur bones are just whale bones and ostrich bones modified and copied to appear massive. Compare an ostrich claw and a dinosaur claw and they appear identical.
Personally, I’d assume they are. A footprint purposely imprinted in fresh cement will erode away within our lifetimes. How would a footprint remain in nature for 10s of millions of years? If it’s in a muddy or wet area it will be washed away in weeks. If it’s in a dry area where it never rains, it will be baked into the earth around it. I wouldn’t even think a footprint created in a completely controlled environment could last our lifetime
I don't know obviously but something is really fucking weird, the part about the bones never being found by engineers , miners etc is true. How is that possible.
All the digging and tunnelling and excavation mining and never one bone found, a group of hooray henrys from Oxford go on a jolly and find 80 % or the bones in Museums today in a three month period, as i say it is a rabbit hole that gets stranger and stranger and when you realise its intention is to discredit the existence of God and reinforce Darwinian theory it makes more sense.
For an interesting activity go to your nearest big museum and ask if you can see the actual dinosaur bones.
They won't let you.
They have been digging them out of the rock wall at the Dinosaur National Monument for a century. You can go there and watch it being done if you want to see them in situ. But don't complain about not being able to see the real bones, when you can simply walk in and view them in their discovery site.
I'm down with not going to the moon but he lost me at flat earth. Watched the whole video. I do believe the astronauts were most likely MK Ultra brainwashed - he doesn't mention that in the video, just an observation.
And 100% Stanley Kubrick filmed the moon landing footage. Kubrick already had a massive lunar landscape set-up for 2001 A Space Odyssey at Shepperton Studios just outside of London leading up to the Apollo launches.
I am being provocative. My point is that if you believe the Earth is a sphere it should be easy to prove that. So please do that.
Heh. Easier said than done.
This is why I say that I am not a Flat Earther. But I also cannot proooooove a spherical Earth. Certainly the moon in my sky looks like a sphere, so perhaps that helps. But is it? Lol. This stuff is maddening.
Then need to prove spherical Earth orbits Sol (our Sun).
Then need to explain spherical Earth's spin. (Why, How, etc.).
Then need to explain spherical Earth's elliptical orbit around Sol, and why this is stable. (Or is it not stable?)
Then need to explain why centripetal force does not apply to that which is in our atmosphere (e.g. you do not fly off into space. OK. "Gravity", right? So ... it should be easy to prove, then. :))
Need to address whether Sol moves or not, and how, and where we're going, etc.
Need to explain how a backwater Sol and planet (Earth) developed this level of life. Is this normal and common? Or not normal and not common.
I am not per se laying all of this at your feet telling you you need to really do all of this. What I mean to do is to point out that the stories you've been told might not actually "hold up" and creating responses to the questions above that are fully backed by science is a FUCK OF A LOT HARDER than you might think.
Or a lot easier if you simply learned some science and its history.
Spherical Earth: the recession of the horizon with altitude; only way to reconcile known geographic exploration of land masses. It helps to see examples in the nearby planets (especially Mars) and Moon.
Earth orbits Sun: We measure the parallax of nearby stars to determine that we are doing the moving and not the Sun. (Galileo didn't have this to prove his heliocentric theory.)
Earth spins: Duh! Because it does and we measure it by reference to the fixed stars.
Elliptical Orbit: Detailed astronomic measurements of distance from Sun and velocity of movement. Better explanation than circular orbits with epicycles.
Centripetal force: It's called gravity. We measure it. You are confusing it with centrifugal force, which is outward. Centrifugal force is overwhelmed by gravity, but still results in an equatorial bulge. When circular velocity is high enough, we can go into orbit. Artificial satellites.
The Sun moves with respect to the galactic center (astronomic measurements).
Why is there life? ....It would help if you get a life. Read the Bible or make up your own theory.
It seems you took my post as me stating that I believe in the Flat Earth. When clearly I wrote that I do not believe it. I just enjoy it as an idea. Please tone down the "you're an idiot" stuff, and work on reading comprehension. Please.
These questions I wrote are the questions that a Flat Earther will bring up. Your answers are decent, but do not take into account a Flat Earther's world view. Saying that the Earth spins because the stars move is "easily refuted" by someone who thinks the world is a disc and the stars rotate around it.
And saying that the Earth spins "because it does" is not an answer. Lazy.
Perhaps my favorite real world example that the Earth spins is the Coriolis Effect, and anyone can check it for themselves, with a rifle and a target that is far enough away. Indeed one can use the Coriolis Effect, a rifle and a target to prove the direction of spin as well. Assuming one agrees that there is North, South, East and West. :)
There is life perhaps because somebody or someone put us here. Or perhaps enough proto-molecules bashed up against enough rocks enough times to make a protein, and then blah blah blah presto ... ape with spear. I am more partial to the "we are in an experiment" camp, and whether the entity who created this is YHWH of the Burning Bush or Mister Mxyzptlk, it is most likely not for me to know, or even unknowable. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
The most important tidbit is that the first "dinosaur" tooth that launched the entire science if paleontology, financed by Rockefellers, was discovered later to be a whale tooth. It was too late by then so Dinosaurs (tm) became official narrative.
hahaha Checkout Sir Richard Owen 1842 also do a search on dinosaur hoax and see how many are coming up as fake tht have been on display for decades two recently in the UK.
However you will also find a lot of dead links , wonder why that is.
Do research, of course, but the comms used could def be related to state level intel that could topple nations/elites/high levels. But skepticism as to power of nukes as to what is shown and what is reality and the power and usefulness if masses thing governments have access to the perceived power, is not a bad thing. Just a poor man who learned to dig, but perhaps you asking this question means more digging may occur.
I already knew. Historical research relies on the most tenuous evidence, It's no wonder that after a hundred years when all witnesses are gone, there will usually be a firm counter narrative to every event.
I personally can not wait to wipe away the fake science and history to discover all that has been hidden from us all! There has been tidbits of "new evidence" here and there just hinting on how much they "got wrong" about history and humans.
Im excited for this part, I'm ready to learn everything that's been hidden from us, when you know the truth you make better decisions and life will make even more sense. I'm excited for my daughter's future and what she'll get to learn.
They killed almost every adult in all major cities with a vaccine!. Only children was left that they got to work in factories to create the industrialization period while raping them.
Science for the most part I find interesting. On the flipside of that, I find it absurd the way our feeble minds try and explain things we really have no clue about.
And further, the narrative that science tries to push. I love seeing things pop up that don't fit their narrative.
A channel I subscribe to on YT says 890m year old fossils found, several millions of years older than scientists previously thought possible. Then there's Gobekli Tepe, a 10k year old ruin which predates sciences timeline for man being able to produce such a structure by several thousand years. Don't get me started on ancient ruins underwater in the ocean that could only have been pre-flood...
It's true, folks. And, we've all personally been affected by this fake history.
Read the TRUTH about tinfoil hats:
"What is the oldest origin of tin foil hats?
One story states that the tin foil hat has its origins tied into the opposition of freemasonry when it began in 1717. As the story goes, non Freemasons were suspicious of the brotherhood and believed that the Mason were using forms of mind control on them. They began their own fraternity, called the “Mad Hatters” and upon learning about the protective properties of aluminum foil, they created their own hats made of this substance.
The Mad Hatters believed if you were wearing a tin foil hat, you were impervious to the mind control of the Freemasons."
(3) Whoever publicly or in a meeting approves of, denies or downplays an act committed under the rule of National Socialism of the kind indicated in section 6 (1) of the Code of Crimes against International Law in a manner which is suitable for causing a disturbance of the public peace incurs a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or a fine.
We have just barely scratched the surface of the fakery! Question EVERYTHING!
The big one I'm starting to see lately is the entire story of Hitler's death is fake. It blows my mind the whole story was a lie.
More than his death.
Beta-carotene is a precursor for Vitamin A, AKA 11-cis-retinol. Our body turns beta-carotene into retinol. Retinol is a precursor for opsin-11-cis-retinal, which you can think of as the molecule that absorbs the energy of a photon in a photoreceptor. When this energy is absorbed it eventually causes an electric signal to go to our visual cortex where we state, "I saw something!". Without vitamin A, or by being vitamin A deficient, this process does not work, and the cells that run this process stop functioning.
The amount of evidence that supports carrots (more specifically the large amounts of vitamin A in carrots) being good for your eyes is, well, overwhelming. Real science supports that statement going back many decades, millions of experiments.
If you have evidence that supports a different theory, that proves all of that evidence as fraudulent, please present it. Outside of that, making such blanket statements without evidence only causes confusion, and you become a source of disinformation, which helps no one.
Not to place blame; we all do it to some extent, but in this case there is substantial evidence that you are incorrect. When making such controversial statements it is best to provide your evidence along with it. At the least it provides context and gives someone something to look up. It also provides a starting point for people to engage their own critical thinking skills in the never-ending quest for truth.
Your response does that nicely. I appreciate you being more specific without the disinformation.
To be fair, I don't consider Smithsonian to be legit.
I wasn't ACTSHUALLYING you, I was trying to correct a potentially harmful statement of disinformation for other people's benefit. Don't state harmful disinformation, and I promise not to call you out for it.
How do you think we got here in the first place...
I mean, the OP is about FAKE SCIENCE (with the implication that it has been harmful), and you make a post that states fake science as fact...
Yes, exactly because you said this, which is, according to the evidence, the opposite of the truth.
Look at what people believe. Look at the utter CRAP people think is truth about "science". I'm asking that you be careful, because people will believe you. If not you, they will believe others like you.
Of course teaching people NOT to do that is our essential task; to be discerning, and think critically, independent investigation. Included in that though, is the need to be careful of what we state as factual.
If you think something might be true, say it as such. Making statements as if they are facts are exactly the types of harms that are leading us into oblivion. I suggest we be very careful not to perpetuate that behavior.
Knew that one! It's probably one if the most successful propaganda campaigns next to "thank you for your service"
Official lies infect every venue of human endeavor. There is one thing all these lies have in common. They exist to undermine belief in the Biblical God. It is easy to see the pattern with a little research. All you have to do is look at competing evidence and facts that are suppressed, twisted, hidden away, or ridiculed. Theory has become dogma. Questioning official theories is not allowed. They are presented as indisputable fact even when it becomes painfully obvious that the theory should be abandoned or modified.
Even so, I think we have reached the time when these lies can no longer be sustained. I see it everywhere, as if a blazing light from heaven is exposing the truth.
Yes, my eyes were opened to all of this once I found Christ. He is the Truth.
True. He is truly amazing. People who brush Him off don't know what they're missing. He is literally the difference between life and death.
Issac Newton, in fact, believed that all science existed to worship the glory of God.
I remember being surprised, in college, that we still revered scientists from the 40's. One of my thoughts was "Why haven't we developed a new, fundamental theory, than relativity and quantum mechanics?"
The physics of the twentieth century stagnated from being institutionalized.
Why is it that Christians don't look at all the lies in the bible? Like it's absolutely drenched in deception...
What lies are those? I have never found any. I've fixed my faith on those scriptures and have seen miracles happen, things that were permanent and beyond anyone's control one day, and something completely different the next. I have seen it and experienced it, along with the absolute reality of Christ. That could not happen from a book full of lies. Every force in the world is arrayed against that one book. You don't see any great effort to discredit the scriptures of other faiths. Why is that? It's because people want to be their own gods to do as they will, and that book puts God's claim on their lives.
Not arguing but you’re here... on a website called “GreatAwakening” and yet, you don’t want to question what you’ve been told all your life are factual writings in the Bible that you read? You believe without a doubt that your Bible is 100% factual. Says who? Who tells you it’s 100% correct? Did God himself tell you this?
Everything else can be bullshit, but the minute you question my Bible that’s it, all bets are off. Why?
When one has a relationship with God through His son Jesus, there is no doubt. It's God's word, His good news.
You are making assumptions, my friend. You certainly didn't learn that here. I have questioned the Bible, my faith, and what I believe, and by process, experience, and research I have come to my settled conclusions. Allow me that and I will allow you to have your conclusions about what you have come to believe.
True, I was told many, many years ago that the Bible is the word of God, but that is not where my conviction about its truthfulness comes from, and it wasn't something that sprang up overnight to fill some vacuum in my mind. My conviction comes from the spiritual reality I came to know through many years, which the Bible consistently confirmed and supported, and I didn't get that inside the walls of any church. I came to know the reality of God by personal experience, and nothing can shake me from that. It's more real to me than the thinly-formed matter that makes up this world.
All bets are off (for me personally) because I am convinced the Bible is true, not because I started with a belief I then had to prove to myself was real, but from leaning into the spiritual reality that was proof enough in itself to convince me that the words on those pages were no lie. It is my right to hold that conviction as much as it is your right to maintain your skepticism. You certainly don't need me to agree with you to support what you believe. Only the unsure need that, and I give you the respect of assuming that is not the case with you, unless you tell me differently. Please give me the respect of assuming that my spiritual experiences are real on some level. You don't have to believe what I do to give me that.
On one point I would like to challenge you. We actually are in an argument according to the dictionary definition. But I don't see it as a negative thing. We are being civil, even if we have both been blunt on some of our points. I can see how passionate you are about your contentions, and I respect that.
It is not wrong to question the bible. But understand: those who translated it were human, as were those on the Nicene council. Humans are limited in their ability to successfully communicate absolute & perfect knowledge.
The bible says that the earth was created in seven days. That's impossible. 168 hours?
The word "days" is translated from the Hewbrew word, yom. Which, literally translated, can mean "a duration of time." Why do we have to understand that as a "day"?
Study the word.
I was raised Christian. I've accepted Jesus, as a child and again as an adult. I've studied intensely and memorized hundreds of passages.
I get it. It's a tough system to crack when you're inside. But I find most people just lean on the proofs and don't bother question it.
The proofs you experience are absolutely real, just not for the reasons you think. Christianity is a "skin" for a deeper system of "spiritual" mechanics. Miracles, prayer, Scriptural guidance - these are real because they leverage spiritual mechanics. But you can experience those same effects with other practices - meditation, mantra, etc...
But there are countless other problems.
The Old Testament is a collection of occult traditions gathered from the Phonecian-Canaanites who recreated themselves as Jews.
The New Testament is a propaganda fiction from the Roman Empire. Look up the Flavian conspiracy.
The entire thing is saturated in astrotheological symbolism and coded with esoteric ritual and magic. Look up Jordan Maxwell.
The semantics reveal that angels, demons, and Yahweh are all part of the same dominate alien empire known as the Seraphic Host, with the Elohim at the top and the Ophanim acting not as angels but as the AI entities we know as UFOs. Look up Pierre Sabak.
The purpose of Christianity is to conquer tribal cultures and replace their spiritual mysticism with a more cultured religion. This collectivizes the people into church bodies with priests and holy texts, making them infinitely easier to control and manipulate.
Christianity is useful because it starts off very strong, but decays over time. Priests, worship leaders, mega churches, Christian literature and music - these provide a wonderful sub culture that can be bought off and subverted. Billy Graham, like so many religious leaders, is a 34th degree Mason. Look up Fritz Springmeier, who is a Christian himself.
Once Christianity has structured the society, it is corrupted and begins to decay. You have evidence of this all around you, everywhere you look. Where is the church right now?
They have lost their purpose. They are spiritually blind. They have paved the way for the next social evolution, which is communism.
Sure, there are good small churches. But look at the movement as a whole. Look at it honestly. Go watch testimonies of people who have left Christianity - pastors, worship leaders, students,.
Ultimately, belief in Christianity is no different than belief in the media. We once believed the media was credible and reported honestly and factually. Now we know it is a propaganda machine. The church is no different, it's there to control your mind and keep you from seeing a deeper level of reality.
It's good in certain ways, just like the media is good. But it isn't true. There is a better way.
Thank you. I appreciate your willingness to validate my experience, even if it came with a caveat. I also appreciate your candor in telling me how you began and how you arrived at your conclusions. It means something to me that you would disclose such a personal thing.
I'm aware of all the things you've mentioned, trust me. Although these ideas are intriguing, I don't agree with all your points and conclusions, and the information in your sources is not something I would be inclined believe just because someone assures me it's the real truth. I take from alternate sources what seems plausible by their arguments, but I hold that lightly until I see enough credible corroborating evidence to convince me their contentions might be true. On the other hand, I tend to believe people who risk their livelihoods or even their lives to speak out against an injustice or refute an official lie, but even then I look for corroborating evidence of their contentions, which usually comes from others who have taken the same risks. (It takes less to convince me in this case. Nobody does that without an unshakable belief in what they are saying.) In terms of spiritual truth, the evidence that I might be wrong in my beliefs would need to far outweigh the proof of them in my soul for me to consider changing them, and it would have to be pretty heavy to have a chance of overturning my convictions.
I don't trust anyone who comes with "secret truth" they say will bring enlightenment and spiritual advancement, even if it's a "powerful" Christian who claims to have gotten it right from God (I don't care if they even have miracles in their pockets). It's an old trick, and people fall for it because they don't know the same cheese has often been used before, soaked in a new flavor to be palatable to people of the times.
We see the church and even the universe quite differently. I do not regard the church to consist of the organizations we see, and I do not believe that God is one of a host of aliens who meddle with our world. I never will, and I don't care if people think I'm stupid for being stubborn about that. God revealed Himself to me through Jesus as the only living God, eternal and unbound by time and space, and that is not something I can un-know or trade for some inferior vision of the universe.
Even so, I am not a fan of powerless Christianity. I have been in churches like that, the ones that hold their religion entirely in their minds because spiritual things scare them. But I have also been in churches where the presence and power of God wasn't outside the door. I know the difference, and I can usually spot it from the parking lot, even in churches that cheaply copy the emotional aspects and forms of God's presence to convince themselves He is there.
I've enjoyed talking to you, but at this point I don't think it will be productive to continue. The discussion seems to have devolved into a back and forth of trying to inspire a conversion, and I'm not into that. I don't think either of us could even be bullied or shamed into a slight concession, so it might just be better to move on.
Before I close, I do want to make one final point relating to something you said: Focus matters. Believing in Christianity and believing in Christ are not the same thing at all. I expect you know that, but I thought it was important to say.
Ah, thanks for the reply! Sounds like were probably much closer, although yes, still quite different.
I recommitted to Christ this year actually. I find that (((symbol))) (man / reality / insert word of choice) seems to hold true regardless of the belief system or framework. So I can get behind that.
I can't get behind any form of "powerless" Christianity, good term. I'm skeptical of all forms of religion because I see it go wrong so often, but do think that it's a better religion for society than most for those that want one.
Anyway, nice to see we can disagree civilly. Cheers!
It was refreshing.
Lively conversations in the wild seldom go like that. Many are so driven by their emotions that a reasonable discussion is impossible. You can't even talk to the ones who have buried their minds in a tribal ideology, and those who aren't entirely convinced of their own beliefs seem to need your agreement to confirm that what they think is right. Thank you, my friend. I hope you inspire others to rise to the level of your example.
I wish you all the best.
Watch "Europa - The Last Battle" It's a 12 hour documentary on our history and it's eye opening to see the corruption then and how it relates to us today.
I was NOT prepared for this. Make sure you are sitting on the toilet before you watch this one:
Sandy Hook
Still don't know what to make of the Pyramids and Sphinx. Hard to believe that they are not mentioned in the bible when they are only a few miles from Cairo, Giza and the Nile River.
You Boob link
I’ve said the same. They aren’t mentioned by the Greeks either, even though they had established cities in the Nile delta (like Alexandria) and could visit them very easily. The only real reference is in Herodotus’ Histories, but even then they are described wrong and are spoken of more mythically, just like when he speaks of giants living to the north, etc. The pyramids are also not mentioned or depicted through the Renaissance.
I believe that when Napoleon spent 3 years in the deserts of Egypt, that’s when they were built. The real ancient ones were the smaller step pyramids which we now call the proto-pyramid designs. After Napoleon, the age of Romanticism began, when there was suddenly a massive uptick in the number of paintings depicting the pyramids and the sphinx. And the treasure hunter phase started, with people trying to get into them.
Chuck Missler had a very interesting speculation about this, including a Biblical reference that could be about the pyramid.
Thank you for this. Big Chuck Missler fan.
Me, too! He's the best, most knowledgeable Bible teacher I've ever heard.
It seems more likely to me that the Pyramids were there all along, but references to them were redacted. There is geological evidence that the Sphinx is about 12,500 years old. Look into John Anthony West's Water Erosion theory. There are also tunnels and chambers deep in the bedrock of the Giza Plateau under the Pyramids.
Yeah it is very interesting. Not sure I believe all of it but I do believe it is closer to the truth than the accepted narrative.
People are already opening their eyes to fake-science.
Once Afghanistan red-pill completes they will also open their eyes to fake-history
If you are demonized or censured for questioning a historic event, there's a good chance it was is fake.
Very true. The truth does not rely on censuring opposing thought and relishes the debate.
Look into and research WWII and the real history of the Soviet Union and National Socialist Germany.
Look into the creation of the Federal Reserve and how the Titanic are connected.
These two things will be enough to change your perception of what is true history and reality and just how much we’ve all been lied to on just about everything.
Yes, the great awaking could turn out to be the GREAT awakening. Hope I get to see how deep TGA goes.
I’m hoping for a YUGE awakening myself.
Dinosaurs, global warming, moon landing, Antarctica, true nature of nukes, Jan. 6, Roosevelt’s. Skepticism is healthy and should be encouraged.
The Dinosaurs hoax blew my mind and literally no one i know knows the slightest thing about it. Mind Blowing. Just follow the questions 1- How many dinosaur fossils/bones have been found by Miners, Tunnel Engineers, etc compared to Palaeontologists.
A) 0 miners have found 0 all found by palaeontologists 80% or so of all bones found by a small group of students in a small time period after the Dinosaur Hypothesis was put forward by their Professor 2- All the dinosaur skeletons on display in all the worlds museums are models not one is real, NOT ONE
its a brilliant jaw dropping rabbit hole
Not to mention, the "dinosaur bones" discovered by students were buried just barely beneath the surface.
Then where are fossil fuels really from?
There are no 'fossil' fuels. Oil is in a constant state of natural production within the earth.
Exactly. It’s absurd to think that over time animal bones ‘sink’ down 5000 feet as layers of rock and mud cover them. When you see dead animals by the side of the road, or a dead rabbit in your back yard, they are eaten very quickly by scavengers and bugs. Every bit of life and energy is taken out of them and their empty bodies dry up and dissipate. There aren’t layers of dead animal carcasses anywhere.
To account for this though, archaeologists have tried to claim that the scavenging bugs that ate the dead weren’t around yet. Which is how they were allowed to have massive pockets of dead matter gather and not be consumed.
Just think about at all of the oils you can find just in the grocery store aisles alone that don't come from underground: corn oil, canola oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, cottonseed oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, etc. etc.
None of which have the same chemical composition as petroleum fractions.
But, the point is, nature is pretty good at making different types of oils. You can even turn cooking oil into fuel:
Oil is created by the processes of heat and pressure and the churning of tectonic plates, as it breaks down rock underground and eventually recycles it back to the surface. On the surface of the earth you can get oil from shale fairly easily, imagine how easy it is for the earth to mulch that shale into oil itself.
Thank you
Dinosaurs are fake?!
Check out this blog:
Isn’t it funny that most of the bones were found by those Indiana Jones style archaeologists, most of whom had no real training or schooling in scientific process or geology, chemistry, biology, etc. They’d run around in Argentina or Chile or wherever and easily locate these bones, even when they also had little study in anthropology or geography and didn’t have a clue where or why certain places might be better locations, all the while with no real sophisticated tools, infrastructure, computers, etc. Literally they walked around with shovels. Yet scientists now with all their equipment and ground scanning and training can’t find dinosaurs everywhere? Dinosaur bones are just whale bones and ostrich bones modified and copied to appear massive. Compare an ostrich claw and a dinosaur claw and they appear identical.
Interesting. What about the places one can visit with the footprints preserved? Those are fabricated?
Personally, I’d assume they are. A footprint purposely imprinted in fresh cement will erode away within our lifetimes. How would a footprint remain in nature for 10s of millions of years? If it’s in a muddy or wet area it will be washed away in weeks. If it’s in a dry area where it never rains, it will be baked into the earth around it. I wouldn’t even think a footprint created in a completely controlled environment could last our lifetime
Plenty of giant human skeletons have been found, though.
Yes; this is a fact.
These are the nephilim discussed in the Bible.
I don't know obviously but something is really fucking weird, the part about the bones never being found by engineers , miners etc is true. How is that possible. All the digging and tunnelling and excavation mining and never one bone found, a group of hooray henrys from Oxford go on a jolly and find 80 % or the bones in Museums today in a three month period, as i say it is a rabbit hole that gets stranger and stranger and when you realise its intention is to discredit the existence of God and reinforce Darwinian theory it makes more sense. For an interesting activity go to your nearest big museum and ask if you can see the actual dinosaur bones. They won't let you.
They have been digging them out of the rock wall at the Dinosaur National Monument for a century. You can go there and watch it being done if you want to see them in situ. But don't complain about not being able to see the real bones, when you can simply walk in and view them in their discovery site.
Moon Landing:
Okay, the dinosaurs are really freaking me out!
Sorry for YT links. :(
I'm down with not going to the moon but he lost me at flat earth. Watched the whole video. I do believe the astronauts were most likely MK Ultra brainwashed - he doesn't mention that in the video, just an observation.
And 100% Stanley Kubrick filmed the moon landing footage. Kubrick already had a massive lunar landscape set-up for 2001 A Space Odyssey at Shepperton Studios just outside of London leading up to the Apollo launches.
I love the Flat Earth theory. So fun. Not saying I believe it. But it's fun to entertain and poke.
Btw, no MK Ultra needed.
Say what we want.
Or we kill your entire family.
OK I will play.
PROVE to me the spherical Earth.
I am being provocative. My point is that if you believe the Earth is a sphere it should be easy to prove that. So please do that.
Heh. Easier said than done.
This is why I say that I am not a Flat Earther. But I also cannot proooooove a spherical Earth. Certainly the moon in my sky looks like a sphere, so perhaps that helps. But is it? Lol. This stuff is maddening.
I should add:
Need to prove spherical Earth.
Then need to prove spherical Earth orbits Sol (our Sun).
Then need to explain spherical Earth's spin. (Why, How, etc.).
Then need to explain spherical Earth's elliptical orbit around Sol, and why this is stable. (Or is it not stable?)
Then need to explain why centripetal force does not apply to that which is in our atmosphere (e.g. you do not fly off into space. OK. "Gravity", right? So ... it should be easy to prove, then. :))
Need to address whether Sol moves or not, and how, and where we're going, etc.
Need to explain how a backwater Sol and planet (Earth) developed this level of life. Is this normal and common? Or not normal and not common.
I am not per se laying all of this at your feet telling you you need to really do all of this. What I mean to do is to point out that the stories you've been told might not actually "hold up" and creating responses to the questions above that are fully backed by science is a FUCK OF A LOT HARDER than you might think.
Or a lot easier if you simply learned some science and its history.
Spherical Earth: the recession of the horizon with altitude; only way to reconcile known geographic exploration of land masses. It helps to see examples in the nearby planets (especially Mars) and Moon.
Earth orbits Sun: We measure the parallax of nearby stars to determine that we are doing the moving and not the Sun. (Galileo didn't have this to prove his heliocentric theory.)
Earth spins: Duh! Because it does and we measure it by reference to the fixed stars.
Elliptical Orbit: Detailed astronomic measurements of distance from Sun and velocity of movement. Better explanation than circular orbits with epicycles.
Centripetal force: It's called gravity. We measure it. You are confusing it with centrifugal force, which is outward. Centrifugal force is overwhelmed by gravity, but still results in an equatorial bulge. When circular velocity is high enough, we can go into orbit. Artificial satellites.
The Sun moves with respect to the galactic center (astronomic measurements).
Why is there life? ....It would help if you get a life. Read the Bible or make up your own theory.
Why here? Why not?
It seems you took my post as me stating that I believe in the Flat Earth. When clearly I wrote that I do not believe it. I just enjoy it as an idea. Please tone down the "you're an idiot" stuff, and work on reading comprehension. Please.
These questions I wrote are the questions that a Flat Earther will bring up. Your answers are decent, but do not take into account a Flat Earther's world view. Saying that the Earth spins because the stars move is "easily refuted" by someone who thinks the world is a disc and the stars rotate around it.
And saying that the Earth spins "because it does" is not an answer. Lazy.
Perhaps my favorite real world example that the Earth spins is the Coriolis Effect, and anyone can check it for themselves, with a rifle and a target that is far enough away. Indeed one can use the Coriolis Effect, a rifle and a target to prove the direction of spin as well. Assuming one agrees that there is North, South, East and West. :)
There is life perhaps because somebody or someone put us here. Or perhaps enough proto-molecules bashed up against enough rocks enough times to make a protein, and then blah blah blah presto ... ape with spear. I am more partial to the "we are in an experiment" camp, and whether the entity who created this is YHWH of the Burning Bush or Mister Mxyzptlk, it is most likely not for me to know, or even unknowable. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
The most important tidbit is that the first "dinosaur" tooth that launched the entire science if paleontology, financed by Rockefellers, was discovered later to be a whale tooth. It was too late by then so Dinosaurs (tm) became official narrative.
No way, there’s no way dinosaurs have been faked, my reality has already been rocked, I refuse to have it rocked even further
hahaha Checkout Sir Richard Owen 1842 also do a search on dinosaur hoax and see how many are coming up as fake tht have been on display for decades two recently in the UK. However you will also find a lot of dead links , wonder why that is.
And, speaking of dinosaurs...
What’s the true nature of nukes?
Do research, of course, but the comms used could def be related to state level intel that could topple nations/elites/high levels. But skepticism as to power of nukes as to what is shown and what is reality and the power and usefulness if masses thing governments have access to the perceived power, is not a bad thing. Just a poor man who learned to dig, but perhaps you asking this question means more digging may occur.
Dinosaurs are fake?!
I already knew. Historical research relies on the most tenuous evidence, It's no wonder that after a hundred years when all witnesses are gone, there will usually be a firm counter narrative to every event.
"History is a lie agreed upon", Napoleon Bonaparte.
THEY don't even want us to think any of these things are possible.
If you like that, you'll love ewaranon's series'.
You should check out Bill Donohue on youtube, and Charlie Freak has a lot of good stuff.
You're welcome.
Ever been to the big G?
Do you know anything about earth science or geology?
It's not created by quarrying. But then again, if you believe the earth is flat then why not.
Best of luck to you Sir. Keep your family safe, and as they say, don't accept any wooden nickels.
God Bless
I personally can not wait to wipe away the fake science and history to discover all that has been hidden from us all! There has been tidbits of "new evidence" here and there just hinting on how much they "got wrong" about history and humans.
Im excited for this part, I'm ready to learn everything that's been hidden from us, when you know the truth you make better decisions and life will make even more sense. I'm excited for my daughter's future and what she'll get to learn.
Search for ewaranon's What on Earth Happened and Lost History of Earth series.
Awe Thank you
Napoleon Bonaparte
look into what happen in 1820is look familiar?
They killed almost every adult in all major cities with a vaccine!. Only children was left that they got to work in factories to create the industrialization period while raping them.
Who nose what they could have lied about
^^^This anon gets it.
Science for the most part I find interesting. On the flipside of that, I find it absurd the way our feeble minds try and explain things we really have no clue about.
And further, the narrative that science tries to push. I love seeing things pop up that don't fit their narrative.
A channel I subscribe to on YT says 890m year old fossils found, several millions of years older than scientists previously thought possible. Then there's Gobekli Tepe, a 10k year old ruin which predates sciences timeline for man being able to produce such a structure by several thousand years. Don't get me started on ancient ruins underwater in the ocean that could only have been pre-flood...
They can also omit history. Like the book of Mary and the creation of the Christian church.
It's true, folks. And, we've all personally been affected by this fake history.
Read the TRUTH about tinfoil hats:
"What is the oldest origin of tin foil hats?
One story states that the tin foil hat has its origins tied into the opposition of freemasonry when it began in 1717. As the story goes, non Freemasons were suspicious of the brotherhood and believed that the Mason were using forms of mind control on them. They began their own fraternity, called the “Mad Hatters” and upon learning about the protective properties of aluminum foil, they created their own hats made of this substance.
The Mad Hatters believed if you were wearing a tin foil hat, you were impervious to the mind control of the Freemasons."
Anons -- Right since 1717.
They have been stealing, and hiding technology for over 100 years.
I know, I watched this amazing video on sound and vibrations and what exactly they do
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Actual German Law:
"Fake History is just old Fake News"
"we are a people with amnesia of our history and past" < By design.
So we can circle back around to the media leading the charge on the "fakery"?
I'm almost at the point that if it's not in the Bible I won't believe it.
That's the most wise point to be in
And for Q followers how corrupted Christianity is!!
read Aajonus Vonderplanitz u go down that rabbit hole ull be stoked