PSSST! Here's a meme for the impatient pedes in the back... Ready? Trump's Executive Order 13848 was signed 9/12/18. Trump extended it by one year on 9/13/20... With all this chaos, the deaths, the "pandemic," plus the AZ audit results, do you THINK IT WILL JUST QUIETLY EXPIRE two weeks from now? 🤔
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡

Yes, when you look at certain actions Trump put in to place, there is no way it's coincidental and he didn't know. The gig was up before it even started.
9/11 = NESARA = End of maritime corporation government and return to Constitutional Republic.
National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) ? ? ?
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
Thank You Judiwont. 🙂
Trump knows who he can trust.
Not dooming but yeah, I think it will expire. Hopefully the work has already been done behind the scenes. If not, then I doubt it matters much. This movement is much bigger than 1 EO and our future isn’t riding on it either
The EO lets you know this was planned. It tells you they knew they were going to steal the election and planned accordingly. Think sting op and compartmentalization.
Key word
Yeah I agree. I think whatever Trump was doing, has been done. These are just dates people want to give habbenings. It’s fun, but dangerous. It lowers people’s motivation if nothing happens. And gives ammo to our “enemies”. Not really enemies, but you know who I mean.
Keep faith in God peeps. Can’t say this enough. He will never fail you.
No, they are enemies.
Yes, they are
You know how lefties love to put that COEXIST bumper stickers on their cars? I seen a yard sign this weekend that was colored like Trump Pence signs that said "Never coexist with evil". Wanted to shake that guys hand
No reason at this point to believe otherwise.
Datefagging has gone nowhere, every time.
In America...you have the right to be wrong.
September 12-18
Hoping for a birthday week of revelations!!
Me too! Happy early birthday, pede!
Whoa, that makes three of us!
5 of us, 9/11 here.
I always tho got capstone was a reference to the all seeing eye! 🤷♂️ 😂
Thank you for a legit explanation and not being one of the smart asses that typically respond lol
And another 'keystone' coincidence:
Jfk Jr's George Magazine Survival Guide to the Future edition, featured Mt. Rushmore on the cover.
Mt. Rushmore's elevation is 1745 meters and it's located in 'Keystone' SD.
Kennedy was also a George Washington fan; GWs spot at Mt. Rushmore is #17. Interesting that he's 17 instead of #1.
Washington's code name was Agent 711🥳
I always thought the all seeing eye was reference to an eye! Dig deeper
Nothing is really slated to happen with the US v. Maxwell case until October. It would be nice if there’s a large unsealing in the Giuffre case against her and/or Prince Andrew by that day.
I think Andrew must submit a response to Giuffre’s suit by the 12th, but my memory may be incorrect on that.
Be prepared.....
The happening is coming
Two more weeks I promise!!
Flattening the curve?
In this case, literally.
Lol I was being snobby but ain’t no telling. I’m just getting impatient and frustrated.
Me too fren. We all have your back though and WWG1WGA!!
Who will enforce it? No one is left.
Correction, everyone in the government is Left.
That would mean the audit results would need to be released and denied in court for everything to be exhausted
Your Pepe has a very nice hat
You're missing the point of it. That EO lets you know he and the military knew the election was going to be stolen. It was a trap. A sting op. Trump told you the best is yet to come. Think Manhattan project. Think compartmentalization. Reread the drops. They're real. It'll make more sense to you. This is way bigger than just enforcing one EO. It's just another piece to the puzzle letting you know they planned on this.
If you believe in devolution hasnt he already acted on this EO?
If you don't believe in devolution, please, by all means refute it. IMO, it's irrefutable when you look at all Trump has done, the only thing to not believe is that'll work.
Not you Trumploaf, any nonbelievers.
we are 100000% in devolution.
Better check your calculations, think you're a few 0s short 😉
We won this war when Hillary lost the election. The rest is just aftermath.
The thing that has always kept me going is Trump's unwavering confidence. By all accounts he should be humiliated and the media tried to push the idea he'd become irrelevant, was no longer liked and would slink away in shame. Instead he's more popular than ever. He looks good, slimmer, healthier and happier. Compare his energy and looks to those of Obama, who seemed to age t0 years overnight. But instead of his happiness being from relief at no longer being president, his happiness comes from this confidence that every thing is going to work out and he'll be president again. He keeps telling the public he'll be back.
Put that with all of this stuff, including his pre-emptive tweets about election fraud and fake ballots from overseas, its plain obvious he knew exactly what was going to happen. I'm even certain he knew about the Covid hoax and deliberately pushed HCQ because he knew Fauci had previously endorsed it. He just seems so certain and everything looks to have been planned in preparation for what he knew would take place.
This is either the greatest psy-op and we've all been fooled or Trump is going to tear the whole corrupt machine apart. I still don't know which one it is.
Yes ... yes I do. Sorry Fren, but the deep state machine is always ready with bright shiney objects.
Once people are awake and many are those dazzling objects have no power anymore. Once you are awake...you see clearly.
It really IS amazing, eh? The Redpill; at first you feel sick, etc etc.
look how quickly nobody had a single fuck to give about the live streaming guy with the truck bomb.
the deep state's lever's of control are all broken... thats why they had to invent/impose new ones.
see, this is what i'm talking about...
a weekish ago some guy pulls up in front of a gov building in DC, while live streaming, claiming to have a "bomb big enough to take out 2 blocks" in the mini bed box in his pickup truck.
the dude with small tires on a lifted truck.
freshly applied mud...
screaming in a fake southern accent about 5 other people and trump this and trump that...
never had a bomb
nobody fucking cared after like 6 hours, everyone knew it was fake as fuck.
isn't that insane though... like for real a dude pulled up onto the steps of some big building in DC with a fake bomb... like a week ago...
...and nobody gives a fuck.
it's hilarious to see how quickly their ability to control the narrative is falling apart.
You could see this EO as the "Deadline" Trump always has loved leaving things up to the last minute and coming in clutch. NCSWIC
👆 Hmm, I totally swear I have never seen this guy before...! 👆
Archive ALL THE THINGS! Haha 😂
Ho Lee Fuk
How does this calculus work?
it's only proof that 9+1+2+2+0+2+1=17, that's all, it's just an interesting piece of data in the Qanon world 😎
they said aug was gonna be volcanic. i suppose it was pretty humid with Afghanistan but boy were we let down audit wise.
Hopefully that will come out sometime this year at least.
the pending release of the audit results has become a weapon of intimidation, every time we pull that bat back to line up the swing to the forehead the cowering deepstate does something else to further incriminate themselves.
how many times now has the threat been made that "the results would be released (in the next three days)".
each one of those times, the deep state has set in motion a series of distractions designed to overshadow the audit results.
each time the audit gets pulled back at the last second while the deep state wastes yet another distraction.
more evidence.
these people are sick.
...and everyone is starting to see it.
So then it'll never get released?? Did they even do an audit or was it just always meant to be a boogeyman tactic to get DS to slip up, like Durham?
it'll get released but timing is everything. if they can continue to prod the left into launching false flags and getting caught doing it... i hope they keep doing it for a while.
let the other states get their audits ready too... fuck em.
it's better than putting out all the info then having the cabal distract with some hokey bullshit.
We have not been let down.
Remember the Q image of geotus at the table with the poster that said 'sanctions'.
I think the key to everything here is the stock market. This is what even the most brainwashed, braindead, head-in-the-sky American cares about. We are LONG overdue for a massive market crash and another massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the ultra wealthy elite. They did this in 1984, 92, 01, 08, all very consistently, simply by creating recessions, and then providing 0% interest loans to a select few people to buy up everything on the cheap, such as housing, businesses, farm land, entire industries, even entire countries that suffer.
This is why you are seeing your quality of life suffer, when competition is tightened and you end up with people like Warren Buffet, or Bill Gates, who obviously play a role and work for someone higher than them, end up controlling trillions of dollars in assets by simply having the market rigged in their favor for decades. Ask yourself this, why do these men, and Mark Zuckerburg, Jeff Bezos, and others live such meager lives? Zuckerburg was basically living in a small town house when Facebook went public. Jeff Bezos was driving around in an old Honda Civic. These people are front men, they do NOT hold the wealth they claim they have. Then you look at people like Trump, who control less than a 1/10th of their wealth, even in their early days, and somehow he's able to afford a very large, and used private jet, a really nice penthouse suite and a mansion, not to mention the alimony he has to pay to his first two wives.
Trump getting into office, and then the bottom dropping, would not look good at all. This is all on Biden, and the blame can easily be placed on him if it happens on his watch.
"You have more than you know." I think Q is referring to the Law of War Manual.
The LOW manual outlines devolution and the steps to be taken. One is to call for the occupying power to withdraw. (Trump has called on Biden to resign.) And call for the aggressor (the Chinese) to make reparations.
Repeatedly, Trump has given people the opportunity to do the right thing. That's from the law of war.
That would turn one of our darkest days into one of our brightest......
Dark to Light🤔
What are those sanctions?
I believe seizure of assets
Sternly worded releases from donaldjtrump.com
Better than strongly worded letters from Rino’s.
There is no plan, I agree with you intuit, prepping for the kill shot from the left.
Yes, it will. The cabal (secret combinations, gadianton robbers) is destroying everything that is good and holy.
I hate it when mods sticky datefags
This isn't "Trump will be reinstated March 20th" BS. It's a date, yes, but whether or not something happens, it's actually a major milestone we can point to that's driven by the Q team, not something someone randomly came up with.
how is it driven by q team it's a date from an old EO. EOs are put forth by executive and can be ignored by current or new executives. I don't get how this date is any more credible than past datefags. That's not even dooming cause dooming is taking a clear positive and making it a negative. This seems like you're taking a neutral and trying to shine a positive light on it with no reason to do so. I'm fucking sick of datefagging.
My exact words to my spouse this morning.
So many booms incoming, timelines converged.
Be sure to fasten your seatbelt after your popcorn and beverage are set by you!
I’m all out of popcorn :(
Yes I think it will expire
No....And Col. Phil Waldron indicated at the symposium that it was made effective in Oct. 2020 along with another EO
One day after 9/11…
It would be symbolic to hit the deep state as hard as they hit us on 9/11...
Couldn’t agree more.
Symbolism will be their down fall :)
Hopefully the AZ audit will blow this open but I think people forget this isn’t straightforward sometimes. The ‘White Hats’ are up against the ‘Black Hats’ and the latter won’t go down without a fight. They will win some battles in this war, winding down the clock on this EO may be one.
If it were to be extended wouldn't that prove, in some way, that there is a white hat shadow gov't? Could it be extended secretly because we are at war?
I have a feeling the white hats are going to make potatus extend it.
Because we have everything.
How specifically tho, i want it extended too but i don't wanna be disappointed again
That's what people will say anyway. April 2022
Biden wanted everyone out specifically “by 9/11” I think this is even more interesting now.
This is real hopium. I looked it up & it ws indeed extended another year. TY fore giving me renewed hope I was ready to give up
Do I think it will quietly expire? Yes, I'm certain it will.
Two of course!
excellent meme