A lot of people we think/thought/assumed were dead may actually be alive (or were alive – possibly building the white hat background, he'd be pretty old at this point tho).
Patton was born in the late 1800's so he's obviously long gone; but like the true lineage of people like Merkel, the British royalty, etc, could Trump's family lineage be different than what has been published?
I may be waaaay off the rails here, but our understanding of reality has been changing slowly for quite some time now.
Yes. He found out about Eisenhower's DEF camps for the Germans which killed more in after-war peace time that all of the European Theater during the war.
I've watched many documentaries on this and honesty they guy who hit them was Miles from his base and intoxicated. I semi believe it was a legit accident. But who knows
Do you have more info of these Jews influence on the world? I think it’s only a certain sect of Jews correct? … the Sanhedrin were the ones who killed Jesus, with the support of the useful idiots of that time. But who were appointed to the religious institution? Was it infiltrated? Etc.
Yep.... one of the things that really opened my eyes was when I REALLY looked into what happened during WW2. When you realize you have basically been lied to since birth..... it's pretty crazy.
Look into the bolshevik revolution the weimar republic, the civil war in spain, haavara agreement theres more but thats the first things that popped into my head
Hitler knew this, he was literally the good guy. The only purpose of ww2 was to crush the German nationalists because they were mostly white and Christian and kicked out the banks, created their own money, lifting up the German people who loved adolf. Germany experienced a brief golden era before the Jews started their mental and physical assaults on the free society of Germany. FDR and Churchill sold out to the bolsheviks/marxists/communists and their victory solidified victors history for all of us to be indoctrinated with. There are still people on this board that can’t seem to accept that they have been lied to about ww2. Blows my mind.
The Khazars werent Semites, they converted. ("Infiltration instead of invasion", remember) They "identify" as Semites because they hate Jesus and want to turn the world against his people by their own evil deeds. You should take a CLOSE look into hitler and stalins ancestry. Theyre two sides of the same coin.
The prophets said there will be a remnant that are righteous and will return to his ways . There was a translation also that i liked about the choseness meant they will stand out. That doesnt specify for good or bad.
Butler REALLY made huge moves and actually prevented the Funding Group of the Nazis ( Brown Bros Heramin / Rockefellers / Prescot Bush / etc ) from executing the Business Plot in 1933. 1933 was supposed to be the year they propped up the Nazi war Machine and also pushed aside the Constitution in the US in a coup / putsch. Instead they had to wait until 1963 via Assassination of JFK and Allen Dulles, LBJ, Howard Hughes etc ( we know Hughes was involved but we don’t know that he cared the political leanings of anything. He just wanted to preserve his military profits ).
When you research enough you will find a constant overlap with Patriots and Authoritarian Sociopaths.
Take Lemay & Gen MacArthur in the Pacific Theater. Growing up I talked to LOTS of WW2 vets. The ones that were in the Pacific Theater reeeeally didn’t wanna talk. The ones that made in to Korea never said a word. Ever notice that? Why? What they were ordered to do in Korea was so without honor - they wanted to forget - hence the term “The Forgotten War”. This was because Lemay was quite literally a Satanic Dealth Cult Member and practiced Thelema. His beliefs were that only by satisfying Satan with a Death Count could he win. He killed indiscriminately. Women. Children. He was who came up with fire bombing Japan & Germany. MacArthur wanted to be a new ceasar and sought to have the atomic bomb be his tool to perform a coup against the US ( after all he controlled the weapon in his mind so what good was everything else? )
When you look at the fact we never had to drop the bomb - why was it done?
Patton was extremely popular at the end of the war. The American public wanted him to run for President. The Deep State,(yes, the Deep State, it has been around since the late 1700's, in USA), could not have this as they could not control Patten. So, they had him removed. Same as JFK.
Hitler was the good guy. He didn't genocide 6,000,000. He let them die, and not on purpose, to the tune of 300,000. Sad what happened to them. But if they hadn't been raping people on loans and pushing transgender and porn bullshit then they would have never been attacked.
What was done to German citizens by Churchill, FDR, Eisenhower, and Stalin was much, much worse. Hitler actually helped those Jews who wanted to move to Palestine, by paying for the transit and transferring their assets. More people were killed in Dresden, than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. History needs to be corrected and things set right.
Those that paint Hitler the bad guy conveniently forget what the Allies did to Nuremberg (the irony is palpable) and Dresden. IIRC the Final Solution only turned to internment camps because every other country ceased accepting jewish immigrants from Germany.
I will, however, say that Imperial Japan was a rabid dog that needed to get put down after what they did in Nanking, Bataan, etc, and that only two atomic bombs was doing them a huge favor.
Meanwhile, Eisenhower spoke openly against the military industrial complex and went on to become President. While circumstances surrounding Patton's death are suspicious, the conspiracy is nothing new. In fact, WW2 is tied directly to WW1. Neither war should have happened.
The Second World War is something that really bugs me. There was so much disinformation on both sides that it’s impossible to know the truth. I can say for certain we should have defeated the USSR first though.
Since I was like 8 and saw the movie Patton I've idolized this man. He was not perfect he made mistakes. Because he was human. But he was one of the greatest generals of all time
(((They))) whacked him because he wasn't like Eisenhower who was willing to intentionally starve the Germans after WW2, he realized the truth altogether as he began to really see what was going on in the background than pictured by the enemy and this got him disposed of because what he really knew that the information he had would blow their entire operation in the sea.
I know. I guess we’ll find out why. I can’t imagine it’s due to the whole final battle in the Bible. I wonder if it has to do with how deeply divided the people are there. It’s going to be historic either way I think.
Anti-Semitism is precisely why nobody will join you guys. You're perpetual victims, indulge in vicarious assignment of blame and merit, you rewrite history to suit your own biases, you praise literal bloodthirsty fascists, and you can turn a blind eye to the deaths of millions of Christians in the Holocaust because you just need to score points on someone you never met but you're sure done you wrong.
You are literally everything you claim to oppose, and you've just convinced me to stay neutral during the coming troubles. Stay away from me and mine, both you and your playmates; our defenses will answer you as well as them.
At 6:00 a.m. on December 21, 1945, General George S. Patton, Jr. passed away in his sleep. A blood clot in his paralyzed body had worked its way to his heart, stopping it and ending the life of one of America's greatest battlefield commanders
You need to research the Bolsheviks. In 1907, 78.3% of the Bolsheviks were Russian and 10% were Jewish.
False: “The main ‘tragedy’ isn’t the Bolsheviks’ actions; it’s the ad-hoc justifications of these actions as norms in Comintern resolutions, adopted by ‘Leninist’ organizations.”
Fact: "The main tragedy of Bolshevism is the tens of thousands of innocents (many of them workers and peasants) murdered in cold blood by Bolshevik death squads known as the Cheka and millions of people starved to death by their grain-stealing detachments, not poorly worded Comintern resolutions."
Not all Jews are Bad, But statistically their is a % that is behind bad shit, Stop trying to blanket coat someone as being racist when they are pointing at someone who's potentially on the bad side of things.
Jesus was a Jew, He was Good.
Judas was a Jew & the most trusted Apostle of the 12. He sold Jesus & the other 11 apostles out for Silver. He was Bad.
Open your Eyes, The greatest enemy you can have looks like you because you'd least expect it while they walk among everyone else hiding in plain sight. Asking questions and wanting to know truth about something doesn't make you racist, it means you're using the brain that was given to you by god and using your free will to expand your knowledge of the world around you. To deny knowledge and free will, is to deny god.
Dig deeper: Watch Fall of the Cabal. The Rothschild’s are not actually by-blood-Jewish or Hebrew, but Russians posing as Jews. But it is no fault of either of the culture of peoples. It is just the evil of the Rothschilds alone.
While I agree with you that genocide is evil and has no place regardless of race, religion, etc, is it so far fetched to say that the deep state could be propagated on an ideology such as Judaism? People have no problem here saying that Islam is inherently evil because of the values from the Quran, or saying that extremism in Christianity was not a good thing during the crusades. What’s wrong with saying that elites of Judaism are trying to instill communism? It doesn’t mean all Jews are trying to take over the world and should be eliminated, but a select group of them are trying and their efforts should be thwarted.
This looks like [isnt], some guy which is thing [it isnt], it's this other thing [it isnt] which means you all want to genocide everyone bleurgh concern troll.
Especially in this picture, he looks like GEOTUS. The resemblance is uncanny.
Didn't even sit still for a full 6 months before reincarnating into Trump to finish the job....
can we get any sources for these quotes???
WOW! was General Patton really suicided?
Maybe I'm losing it, or my coffee hasn't kicked in but.....
Doing an image search of Patton, there appears to be two very different facial structures.
Would our military use a double to avoid unnecessary risk to the most important General of the theater?
Like the image in your post, the resemblance to GEOTUS is bizarre. Trump did attend a military academy as a youth.
If there is a relationship between #1 & #2, is this part of a 100 year battle to save the world?
A lot of people we think/thought/assumed were dead may actually be alive (or were alive – possibly building the white hat background, he'd be pretty old at this point tho).
Patton was born in the late 1800's so he's obviously long gone; but like the true lineage of people like Merkel, the British royalty, etc, could Trump's family lineage be different than what has been published?
I may be waaaay off the rails here, but our understanding of reality has been changing slowly for quite some time now.
Faking your death is the oldest trick in the book.
Yea he would be old. He was born in 1885.
Two years after my grandma.
I see what you're saying
I wonder if Eisenhower’s “beware the military-industrial complex” parting speech was based on what was done to Patton, now that I think about it.
Yes. He found out about Eisenhower's DEF camps for the Germans which killed more in after-war peace time that all of the European Theater during the war.
This link gives a very good look into the Historical facts on it and several other things relevant.
Yes, and the assassin admitted as much, many years later.... Used a needle to push air into his IV..... The info is available....
I've watched many documentaries on this and honesty they guy who hit them was Miles from his base and intoxicated. I semi believe it was a legit accident. But who knows
Legitimate accident followed up by killing him in a way that was less obvious.
Maybe. But as I read on this site. Sauce ?
Says who?
Good narrative, for sure ...
Documentaries I've seen. Hard to find anything but from military reports. It was occupied Germany
Rabbi lecture about Hitler. Not what most would expect.
Wow, very interesting …
Do you have more info of these Jews influence on the world? I think it’s only a certain sect of Jews correct? … the Sanhedrin were the ones who killed Jesus, with the support of the useful idiots of that time. But who were appointed to the religious institution? Was it infiltrated? Etc.
Yep.... one of the things that really opened my eyes was when I REALLY looked into what happened during WW2. When you realize you have basically been lied to since birth..... it's pretty crazy.
It really is I have many questions about it now
Look into the bolshevik revolution the weimar republic, the civil war in spain, haavara agreement theres more but thats the first things that popped into my head
There only winners of WWII were the Jews, communists and bankers, and there were often one and the same.
WWII was a satanic ritual, just like 9/11.
Hitler knew this, he was literally the good guy. The only purpose of ww2 was to crush the German nationalists because they were mostly white and Christian and kicked out the banks, created their own money, lifting up the German people who loved adolf. Germany experienced a brief golden era before the Jews started their mental and physical assaults on the free society of Germany. FDR and Churchill sold out to the bolsheviks/marxists/communists and their victory solidified victors history for all of us to be indoctrinated with. There are still people on this board that can’t seem to accept that they have been lied to about ww2. Blows my mind.
Any good links i can read on this?
The Khazars werent Semites, they converted. ("Infiltration instead of invasion", remember) They "identify" as Semites because they hate Jesus and want to turn the world against his people by their own evil deeds. You should take a CLOSE look into hitler and stalins ancestry. Theyre two sides of the same coin.
Let's forget how the Jews continuously go against the will of God in the bible and get obliterated for it, or the 110 countries and 1300 civilizations
The prophets said there will be a remnant that are righteous and will return to his ways . There was a translation also that i liked about the choseness meant they will stand out. That doesnt specify for good or bad.
Look into who is really behind communism and those you can't speak badly about and that will pretty much explain the world up until this point....
Patton and Smedley Butler were basically it.
Butler REALLY made huge moves and actually prevented the Funding Group of the Nazis ( Brown Bros Heramin / Rockefellers / Prescot Bush / etc ) from executing the Business Plot in 1933. 1933 was supposed to be the year they propped up the Nazi war Machine and also pushed aside the Constitution in the US in a coup / putsch. Instead they had to wait until 1963 via Assassination of JFK and Allen Dulles, LBJ, Howard Hughes etc ( we know Hughes was involved but we don’t know that he cared the political leanings of anything. He just wanted to preserve his military profits ).
When you research enough you will find a constant overlap with Patriots and Authoritarian Sociopaths.
Take Lemay & Gen MacArthur in the Pacific Theater. Growing up I talked to LOTS of WW2 vets. The ones that were in the Pacific Theater reeeeally didn’t wanna talk. The ones that made in to Korea never said a word. Ever notice that? Why? What they were ordered to do in Korea was so without honor - they wanted to forget - hence the term “The Forgotten War”. This was because Lemay was quite literally a Satanic Dealth Cult Member and practiced Thelema. His beliefs were that only by satisfying Satan with a Death Count could he win. He killed indiscriminately. Women. Children. He was who came up with fire bombing Japan & Germany. MacArthur wanted to be a new ceasar and sought to have the atomic bomb be his tool to perform a coup against the US ( after all he controlled the weapon in his mind so what good was everything else? )
When you look at the fact we never had to drop the bomb - why was it done?
He’ll use whatever method works.
Patton was extremely popular at the end of the war. The American public wanted him to run for President. The Deep State,(yes, the Deep State, it has been around since the late 1700's, in USA), could not have this as they could not control Patten. So, they had him removed. Same as JFK.
Bill O'Reilly wrote a book about it. "Killing Patton". Much research, many details. Great man.
Hitler was the good guy. He didn't genocide 6,000,000. He let them die, and not on purpose, to the tune of 300,000. Sad what happened to them. But if they hadn't been raping people on loans and pushing transgender and porn bullshit then they would have never been attacked.
What was done to German citizens by Churchill, FDR, Eisenhower, and Stalin was much, much worse. Hitler actually helped those Jews who wanted to move to Palestine, by paying for the transit and transferring their assets. More people were killed in Dresden, than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. History needs to be corrected and things set right.
Only 500,000 jews lived in Germany at the time.
So ...
Continuing ...
150,000 German jews served in the German military.
Hitler was not going after jews because they were jews.
Hitler was going after communists, and most commies in Germany at that time were jews (same as Russia and Poland).
Starting to see the picture?
Similar to today's reality?
Wake up!
Those that paint Hitler the bad guy conveniently forget what the Allies did to Nuremberg (the irony is palpable) and Dresden. IIRC the Final Solution only turned to internment camps because every other country ceased accepting jewish immigrants from Germany.
I will, however, say that Imperial Japan was a rabid dog that needed to get put down after what they did in Nanking, Bataan, etc, and that only two atomic bombs was doing them a huge favor.
Meanwhile, Eisenhower spoke openly against the military industrial complex and went on to become President. While circumstances surrounding Patton's death are suspicious, the conspiracy is nothing new. In fact, WW2 is tied directly to WW1. Neither war should have happened.
Read this to expand your knowledge on "good'ol Eisenhower"
The Second World War is something that really bugs me. There was so much disinformation on both sides that it’s impossible to know the truth. I can say for certain we should have defeated the USSR first though.
Since I was like 8 and saw the movie Patton I've idolized this man. He was not perfect he made mistakes. Because he was human. But he was one of the greatest generals of all time
For whoever is interested... I first learned this about Patton from this documentary.
Is what it is, I never had the time to vet everything said, but a ton of it is true... it's pretty crazy.
GREAT documentary.
Everyone should watch.
That was Part 1.
Here is Part 2:
Yep, it really opens your eyes to what is going on in the world.....
(((They))) whacked him because he wasn't like Eisenhower who was willing to intentionally starve the Germans after WW2, he realized the truth altogether as he began to really see what was going on in the background than pictured by the enemy and this got him disposed of because what he really knew that the information he had would blow their entire operation in the sea.
Correct. <--click
Eisenhower, one of the most hated people in my book even more so by reading the contents of what you sent.
Is this based on anything Q put out?
Because I'm not down with the "Hitler was actually a good guy!" and "The jews were asking for it!" type of stuff.
I know. I guess we’ll find out why. I can’t imagine it’s due to the whole final battle in the Bible. I wonder if it has to do with how deeply divided the people are there. It’s going to be historic either way I think.
What do you think he meant by that?
Patton was a huge believer in reincarnation. He believed he has fought other wars. Tons out there to read on the subject.
What if Trump IS Patton but reincarnated? Hmmmm https://editorial.designtaxi.com/news-famouslookalikes1106/8.jpg
Let’s wake up the rest of em. No more brother wars for Israel. No more never ending wars for no reason.
No more Zionist slush funds, satanic child abuse funded by us tax dollars, psyops on our own people, etc
Anti-Semitism is precisely why nobody will join you guys. You're perpetual victims, indulge in vicarious assignment of blame and merit, you rewrite history to suit your own biases, you praise literal bloodthirsty fascists, and you can turn a blind eye to the deaths of millions of Christians in the Holocaust because you just need to score points on someone you never met but you're sure done you wrong.
You are literally everything you claim to oppose, and you've just convinced me to stay neutral during the coming troubles. Stay away from me and mine, both you and your playmates; our defenses will answer you as well as them.
At 6:00 a.m. on December 21, 1945, General George S. Patton, Jr. passed away in his sleep. A blood clot in his paralyzed body had worked its way to his heart, stopping it and ending the life of one of America's greatest battlefield commanders
The shill playbook plays its greatest hits.
Cool it with the anti-semitism, bro.
You need to research the Bolsheviks. In 1907, 78.3% of the Bolsheviks were Russian and 10% were Jewish.
False: “The main ‘tragedy’ isn’t the Bolsheviks’ actions; it’s the ad-hoc justifications of these actions as norms in Comintern resolutions, adopted by ‘Leninist’ organizations.”
Fact: "The main tragedy of Bolshevism is the tens of thousands of innocents (many of them workers and peasants) murdered in cold blood by Bolshevik death squads known as the Cheka and millions of people starved to death by their grain-stealing detachments, not poorly worded Comintern resolutions."
Not all Jews are Bad, But statistically their is a % that is behind bad shit, Stop trying to blanket coat someone as being racist when they are pointing at someone who's potentially on the bad side of things.
Jesus was a Jew, He was Good. Judas was a Jew & the most trusted Apostle of the 12. He sold Jesus & the other 11 apostles out for Silver. He was Bad.
Open your Eyes, The greatest enemy you can have looks like you because you'd least expect it while they walk among everyone else hiding in plain sight. Asking questions and wanting to know truth about something doesn't make you racist, it means you're using the brain that was given to you by god and using your free will to expand your knowledge of the world around you. To deny knowledge and free will, is to deny god.
We're saving Israel for last.
You cool it with your attempt to stop discussion.
You don't get on the chans much, do you?
Don't use that joke. They don't understand it here. ;)
I guess not. I'm lost in the wilderness again, fren.
There is fairly heavy pro Jew/Isreal slant here.
Why call it Anti-Semitism??? Why not use the word ""RACISM""???
Do you see the Manipulation being used in the Word Play?? I see it, others see it, Why don't you see it???
You don't get on the chans much, do you?
Mostly to read...
The Synagogue of Satan is the root of all evil
Rothbergs are Jewish. They murdered their own kind using hitlet.
Dig deeper: Watch Fall of the Cabal. The Rothschild’s are not actually by-blood-Jewish or Hebrew, but Russians posing as Jews. But it is no fault of either of the culture of peoples. It is just the evil of the Rothschilds alone.
While I agree with you that genocide is evil and has no place regardless of race, religion, etc, is it so far fetched to say that the deep state could be propagated on an ideology such as Judaism? People have no problem here saying that Islam is inherently evil because of the values from the Quran, or saying that extremism in Christianity was not a good thing during the crusades. What’s wrong with saying that elites of Judaism are trying to instill communism? It doesn’t mean all Jews are trying to take over the world and should be eliminated, but a select group of them are trying and their efforts should be thwarted.
It's those who follow the Talmud that are the problem.
Im with you on this. I dont know how anyone can advocate for genocide.
You referring to the Holodomor?
This looks like [isnt], some guy which is thing [it isnt], it's this other thing [it isnt] which means you all want to genocide everyone bleurgh concern troll.