These mother fuckers. I’m fact-checking them in real time. In my head of course, don’t want to get hubby fired 🤣
Claim: “Natural immunity isn’t as good as the protection from a vaccine”
Rating: FALSE. Multiple studies, especially those out of Israel, are showing that those vaccinated are less protected from Covid than those with natural immunity, markedly so, and if under 40, are more likely to experience severe or deadly health effects from the vaccine than they would if they contracted Covid while unvaccinated.
Claim: “Bed usage for Covid is at an all-time high system-wide”
Rating: FALSE. Maybe if you assholes hadn’t forced nurses and other medical staff to choose between bodily autonomy and their jobs, you’d have enough nurses to open up more beds and also keep a healthy, safe nurse to patient ratio. I’d like to hear a NUMBER of beds available vs beds filled as compared to April & May 2020.
Claim: “The vaccines are safe and effective”
Rating: FALSE. See claim #1 for “safe”. See Israel and the most-vaccinated cities & counties in the US for “effective”.
Claim: “There are no known therapeutics for Covid.”
Rating: So FALSE I’m ready to throw things. Keep raking in that sweet, sweet windfall of federal Covid death reimbursal at the cost of lives and families. Demons.
It is little wonder that they’re spewing this bullshit, though. They want that sweet federal money, and the doctors want to keep their medical licenses. Grinds my fucking gears.
Husband should give everyone there a copy of the Nuremberg Code.
Oh... I do feel your pain!! I work for a "Catholic" healthcare system and their lies about drive me nuts EVERY day!!!!! It's all for the money - hell with people's lives!
Me too. Are your vaccinated staff going to get a special sticker to put on their badges like my Catholic system? I’m gonna put my of sticker of choice on my badge, like a red letter A.
Not sure about a sticker - but we have to show the vax card to OCC Health - and they then tell HR if you have / have not received the vax. I'm just biding my time until my boss tells someone else about my PERSONAL health records - and then all shit will hit the proverbial fan! God Bless!
Oh, good one! I’m going to have to remember that when they hand out all the sheep’s stickers in my medical facility! 🤣
Your reply makes me wonder if you are working for a very large conglomerate of “Catholic” hospitals all along the west coast...?
If so, I would like to find more of us to come together and fight this sticker thing - it IS disclosing our private health information to our employers, associates, and the public.
I can’t afford a lawyer on my own though.
While the healthcare system I work for is a very big non-profit, primarily on the west coast, there is no religious affiliation. My husband, however, does work for a large non-profit “catholic” healthcare system that could very well be the one you are referring to.🤔 And yes, I’ve wanted to join some type of class action lawsuit as well since I don’t have the money for a lawyer. Surprisingly, some Kaiser employees in CA were able to join a class action suit and it almost sounded like some other hospitals were involved besides Kaiser, but I haven’t seen anything for the companies or state where me and my husband are located. 😞
Use a sunflower. A yellow star in disguise
If they are really discussing all these deep state talking points instead of talking about actual business, then it sounds like the purpose of the call is to reinforce the narrative rather than anything beneficial or productive.
Also looking to uncover any dissent so they can be removed.
Yes I’m 100% sure that’s what it was. My husband is a half-normie who sees some things my way but is otherwise obstinately head-in-sand. He never brings up the vaccine because he respects my choice not to get it, and knows I’d destroy him with links to studies. I made sure to ask him if his mic was muted before I yelled “what the HELL are you talking about?!” 🤣
Wifey has come around slowly but she doesn't like to discuss it. She works at a hospital.
LOL...reminds me of my SIL: she had to do diversity training (she works admin for a charter school). The person who gave the training was a condescending grifter. She and my brother are friends with a couple and the wife works at the school as well. During the training, she could hear her friend's husband in the background yelling "TURN THAT SHIT OFF!!"
Bahahaha! You’re cracking me up! This sounds EXACTLY like me and my husband. He doesn’t want the shot either but isn’t as die hard about it as I am and he knows better than to get me fired up about certain political subjects unless he wants truth bombs rained down on him relentlessly. 🤷🏼♀️😂😂
I'm wondering if Project Veritas would like a call for these situations.
I sell devices in the OR...its a miracle I haven't gotten in a fist fight yet. I've had docs absolutely refuse to look at information I've put together in a binder. My last words to them about the convid plandemic is "don't say I didn't warn you". That sting is gonna fucking hurt
It’s truly painful working in the medical field right now in any capacity. Thankfully my coworker that I’m w/ 24/7 and our manager are both based (my coworker especially). But dang it if the rest of the staff, doctors, and patients don’t make me feel like banging my head into a wall on most days. I also have to deal with the stupidity at home w/ my inlaws who are both in the medical field and asleep at the wheel. It’s exhausting! 🤦🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
It's the hospital administrators making everyone march in lockstep ... They're all miserable liberals. They've been invading hospitals much like they've been invading universities and public schools.
Like their counterparts in education, they all think they'll be royalty in some kind of Marxist new world order ... Little do they know how much they're despised by the elite.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I've only known one doctor, a cardiologist, that got sick and tired of hospital politics and resigned ... he gave up one hell of a position at a local, big name hospital for a smaller network of doctors so that he could actually help people. Last time I went in for a stress test, I had asked him about that whole situation ... he wouldn't say much about it outside of "fuck them".
To give you an idea of what this doctor is like, he once ran into my wife when I was in the ER for strep throat ... he actually made a beeline for my bed to check on ME :-) ... I was being a cynic afterwards and told my wife "yep, gonna get another bill for that 5 minute visit" ... that never happened (that was before he resigned).
I have no doubt that many of these doctors are aware of what's going on, but they're "just going to follow orders" because they only care about their paychecks. The rest of them are more than likely victims of indoctrination ... they've been well trained at obeying administration edicts as if they were gospel and are more than likely told not to question anything.
All of it makes me fucking sick. I feel lucky that my PCP is normal ... everyone should feel that way of course, but these scummy fucking liberals turn everything they touch into shit (as GEOTUS says of course :-) ).
No doubt if the Feds were not subsidizing this falsehood, hospitals would turn around in a hurry. Follow the money.
Adding to the Houston Methodist hospital system that requires every single employee (even contractors who aren't employees) to receive the death jab:
May their entire administration hang from the gibbets when reckoning time arrives.
And they fired 154 nurses that refused the death jab.
I wonder if they're claiming to not have enough beds due to too many sick patients whereas they prob just don't have enough nurses to staff those beds!
Ha! A quick search shows "nationwide nursing shortage, hospitals offering big bonuses" - including the INOVA Health System.
My wife is a nurse and they are doubling her hourly rate + an added bonus if she picks up an additional 4 x 12 hour shifts in September. And they have been doing this for a few months.
My Mom was a senior RN at Methodist in Houston forever.
They always did this kinda thing when they planned layoffs and brought in H-1B workers.
Dude, when you do run, YOU HAVE TO PRAY EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. These places are all evil. Put on the armor of God and go into battle. You can’t win without God.
Penn medicine (including neighboring state locations and all “affiliates”)
They are very hardcore and have a 7 page religious exemption form.
my only regret is that i have but one updoot to give....
I just kicked in in some more. ✅✅✅✅✅
Count me in, too!
Bravo u/Raritan! 👏
Sounds familiar, probably the same organization I work for. We've had these bs c19 jab mandate town halls, nobody watches. Either they already are jabbed or they know the truth about the jab and are refusing to get it. They are literal demons in skinsacks walking the earth. Can't say enough bad things about the person running our org.🤬
The government agenda to force everyone to take the Covid shot without the government mandating it is a work through on business (I would be willing to bet tax incentives, money or special favors are being offered), hospitals and administrators are being blackmailed (push the shot or risk not being able to take care of or receive reimbursement for Medicare, Medicaid patients, loss of government and Big Pharma grants, doctors-push the shot for monetary reasons or threaten loss of license to practice medicine or admit patients to hospitals.
I am so sick of safe and approved. Fought with my MD. Told her it was not approved, it was authorized for emergency use ONLY IF NO OTHER THERAPEUTICS ARE AVAILABLE. There are therapeutics available but just suppressing the sale doesnt mean they dont exist. As for its safety, no clinical trials were completed so safety cannot be determined. I called her a liar to her face.
People are realizing the lies and doctors are getting desperate because they are losing patients. Someday we'll be seeing them in soup kitchen lines.
Someday we’ll be seeing them in the gallows line
I fought with mine too. I told her I wasn’t getting a shot or a blood draw. Nor would I be going into the office until there was the ability to do so without a mask. When she asked if I didn’t trust her, I asked was she the one putting the needle in my arm. At one point she threatened to not refill one of my scripts until I had a blood draw. I told her to go ahead. That would be her choice. Just as it would be mine to leave the practice I’ve been a patient at for almost 40 years.
But your doc might be right on 1 thing, depending on the script she might need to check a blood result. For example if your on a cholesterol med she may need to see your blood cholesterol levels, maybe your dosage needs up or down.
Your right in threatening to leave because they lost so much $ during lockdowns they are becoming desperate. I wonder how they pay mortgage on that estate. I'd love to know how much extra $ they get for each vax.
This post makes it SO clear that there is an entire takeover of our whole medical system just like there was an entire takeover of our education system.
Yep. Before this, everyone built their own system.
Why can't the doctors and medical professionals see through the lies?
Dollar signs get in the way of their vision (and morals).
Its a cult. Thats not hyperbole
Doctors tend to see their salaries after long and hard training and spend big on cars, houses, etc - not realizing that they're spending beyond their means.
They don't want to lose their positions, not have an income, and have to give up that life of luxury. So they just keep quiet even in the face of outright lies.
This is not envy - I have many doctor friends.
Makes sense. The most aggressive cognitive dissonance I've encountered is when talking to people who earn their living from the lie.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”
I swear I’m going to print out copies of the Moderna information sheet, bold, highlight, and underline the part that says they have zero clue if it’s safe or not and just starting handing them out on the street
The medical profession hasn't had this bad of a reputation/lack of trust in what? 80 years?
They f'd up following the herd and not doing what they took an oath to do.
They all want wealth to build golden castles to show us peasants they rule over us not the Lord, the rude awakening for them shall not fall as swiftly as the executioners axe
Father God, please look over this mighty woman and her husband. They reside in a battlefield where their minds & hearts are attacked by darkness. Look over them & send your best angels to fortify their hearts, souls, and minds.
Love be with you.
I can't imagine dealing with this sort of thing first hand is easy. I work in software and the mindlessness drives me up a wall.
How people are so compliant and obedient is staggering.
Ask him to ask where are the documented studies done to identify what populations are at risk of side effects of the vaccine.
It's all based on fraud.
ALL of it.
I've been keeping an eye on my county's numbers and the reported hospitalizations are up from Jan- Feb earlier this year. And new cases. Not sure what's driving it or if they're counting things that aren't really Covid (the flu), given that it is August. I don't trust a bit of it.
See if you can find out how many beds are occupied. They like to use percentages to make it scarier, but “100% full Covid unit” loses its fear factor when the unit is only 6 beds.
The numbers I look at shows how many, as in an actual number. Although, I think they're over-stating the "rolling 2 week case rate per 100k of population" by a factor of 100.
Ohio is currently reporting 6000 cases a day this with no test for c19 or delta I email the gov weekly to remind him
We need to get a million people together with signs of Nuremberg and tribunals and crimes against humanity signs everywhere
Event 201 predicted that the public would eventually turn on the medical community
Where’s our military
The longer the military lets this go on, the more they look like traitors.
The redcoats?
I see this every week on my wifes company wide video stream from the branch covidians. Layer upon layer of utter lies and bullshit. She sees it now, I have her well up to speed on the deceit and the truth.
The sad thing is how many brain dead zombies take it, hook, line, and sinker.
I have my yearly appointment with the Cardiologist tomorrow. I swear. If he tries to push this death VAX on me, I'm going to be pissed.
Tell them you already have it. It will get added to your chart so nobody asks again, it's not like they can check.
Tell us tomorrow what you say to him!
Just got back from the appointment. No one said a single thing about the jab. Not at check in. Not the nurse. Not the Doctor. It never came up. I was pretty amazed.
These fucking companies are literally out here flat out LYING and they KNOW IT, this is all coordinated.
I'm still watching hospitals kill people I know. Two in the past month. The last words they ever heard were that it would be easier for their lungs to heal if the hospital could put them "to sleep" and put them on a ventilator. Sometimes the vents blow out a lung. Even if that doesn't happen, next thing you know their kidneys have been destroyed by weeks of fentanyl and they die. Of KIDNEY FAILURE.
They won't generally give HCQ/zinc until too many days have gone by and they NEVER want to give ivermectin. Our family just lost one this way - had lawyers involved and finally got the hospital to consent to letting an outside doc administer ivermectin. But weeks of fighting had gone by and our family member died the next day. So basically they're denying therapuetic treatments while they wait for kidney failure. I'm thinking all the money they made lying about cause of death should be taken out of their hides.
So sad and sorry to hear about your family member.
This is truly unbelievable that hospitals are doing this to their patients.
Sorry, but whenever I hear 'fact-check', it pisses me off, no matter who is doing it.
That’s fair. This was a true fact check though, not facebook’s idea of a fact check which is just silencing any dissenting thought.
I have first hand knowledge of a hospital official saying "you have to trust us we're doctors, 90% of hospitalizations are unvaccinated." I wonder how they munipulated that statistic? Are there a bunch of people in the hospital before the two week after second vax mark?
I can tell you how they manipulated that statistic in our local hospital (part of a big chain): They define "unvaccinated" as: 1. Anyone who has not received any CV-19 shot; 2. Anyone who has only received one CV-19 shot; 3. Anyone who has received both CV-19 shots but is less than 14 days from the last shot. How's THAT for manipulation?
This is sickening.
Can confirm.
Someone close to me works in healthcare and gets the same thing. The latest is the hospital bed utilization fear porn.
Somehow, US HHS seems to disagree. I'm sure they will "fix" it soon.
Check for yourself:
At first you'll be like, "oh, thats not too bad." Then you realize, it defaults to ALL bed utilization reasons and then click on utilization by covid patients. Then you are like, "those mother fucking liars!!"
All the ones KNOWINGLY doing this need capital punishment.
Q is probably listening, too.