FLASH POLL: Do we need a new flair that says, "NO WE FUCKING AREN'T, YOU WORTHLESS POS DEEP STATE GLOWIE FAGGOTS?" Comment with Y/N. Thx!
🧠 These people are stupid!

"The Federal Bureau of Insurrection is planning a LARP production to fuel the narrative of restricting American freedoms while jerking off communism".
We have the right to protest just as much as we have the right to not be present at one being obviously organized by idiot glowfags
Oh shit, you win! Stealing the change!
I am totally going. Going to take a big dump on Nancys desk then on Uncle Cornpops. My name is Deez Nutz for the Faggot Bureau of Imbeciles
Glowies are at it again
"CIA niggas glow in the dark!" Ah man, Terry was so great. His obsession with Frasier was hilarious
They have been saying the same shit since january 6th happened. Every Month since.
I understand and you point it out succinctly. We must continue to exercise our right, but we will need to document via cameras vigilantly as well as look for glowies and FFs.
Its a crappy situation yet this is where we are.
Right. Flynn said "You are the plan". Thats because, well, we ARE the plan.
The people waking up IS THE MAIN COMPONENT of the plan. Without us there is no plan.
We are the citizens, we are the businesses, we are the military.
Yeah i believe that we would see them first if it was legit. They planted the seed a while ago.
This does scream set up but there will be antifa and blm posing as us regardless so they will have their narrative one way or another. So some Patriots should go just to record and expose it.
Also I don't believe planning peaceful events here is glowie shit either. But some people jump the gun and assume it is. As long as you make it clear it's not a riot i think it's fine personally.
I understand the feeling. Even if it is a set up some of us should still go as press just to record to prove your innocence and expose antifa blm pretending to be us to make us look bad. As you said we can't let them scare us to inaction but it doesn't mean make the mistakes they want us to make. Not every right wing event is a set up but this one is obvious to me. They planted the seed for this here. I personally wouldn't go even if i could but if others do at least be careful.
I had never heard the term "far right extremist" until last year, now I can not even go a day without seeing "far right extremist", even from our current "government". Nor did I hear much of "far left extremist" as well.. I only ever heard Extremist or Terrorist or Deranged or at times, specific groups of people. Now, you have communist left, establishment left and far right extremists.. in the world I guess. Glowies pushing people hard to show up it seems. NO THANKS. FU.
Left wing extremists have been busily destroying this country for a century. Right wing extremists, the few who exist, are hardly noticeable and utterly toothless.
Even though [they] call ANY American patriot a far-right extremist, there's no actual appetite for far-right extremism or white supremacy. Zero. Anyone here who promotes that is downvoted to oblivion and deported.
Whites want equality and an end to the bickering and race-baiting. Whites are basically the only people who revere and adhere to the words of MLK, "content of character over color of skin" and "nonviolent protest".
Most (not all) blacks have been trained to be ungrateful for their highest standard of living among any African people who ever lived, and to think they deserve reparations, black supremacy, looting, free stuff, and white genocide.
Also if you can find a way to make the guy that says boom at 1:16 into a giphy for this site I would be most happy. I like this boom better than the other boom on here lol.
But that's just me I watch this video often.
I just wish I could slow it down so I can better appreciate some of the finer points. I used to walk faster and think faster. Old age ain't for sissies. So frustrating.
Yeah rumble seems to be missing some key features.
That is a good BOOM!
Yep my favorite.
Very mood-upgrading,
Yes it definitely is.
Think Bigger. Analyze, don't emotionally react.
So, we know there will be a nonsensical, fake rally at the Capitol.
It is either a White Hat idea or a Black Hat idea, right?
As students and researchers of Q drops, we KNOW that Patriots are in Control, and WE ARE WATCHING A SHOW.
So, again, the question is "Why the Fake Rally?"
Does a rally give cover to blanket DC with Troops and Law Enforcement?
WHY? How does that help Patriots (who we KNOW are in Control, because we have done our homework studying the Q Drops)
Does the extension on E.O.13848 expire on September 13th?
What does that mean for the Military and President Trump?
Would the 20th anniversary of 9/11 be a good weekend to expose a lot of truths?
We need to use game theory and think about these news stories like Intelligence analysts, instead of the Sheeple they are written for.
Game Theory:
This is so good. Game me shivers. It's like reading Q the way you say things. Really mind expanding.
Thank you. It is the Socratic method of teaching that Q does, where you ask questions instead of repeating information. It makes the reader or listener use their own mind to come to their own logical conclusions.
I don't know Socratic, but I didn't realize there is a form of teaching like that. I defininitely intend to use Socratic in my own posts. More informative way to reach people.
Blurpy, man...your stuff is consistently high quality, as I've said before
I always read the comment before reading who posted, and it's amazing how often I read one and go "This fucking guy gets it" and then glance back up to see your name on it.
Sure there's a little datefagging thrown in for flavor as to 9/11 being the perfect anniversary to do xyz; which I don't think will happen because too predictable. Still your remarks highlight a good way to look at what P.A.N.I.C. means and what it would look like if we were goading [them] into fucking themselves.
Well, thank you, I appreciate that! When I see your name with a comment, I know right away it will be a dose of common sense.
As for date-fagging, your absolutely right. It is my one guilty pleasure. I play these different scenarios out, with different timelines, and one of these days I might get it right, lol!
Like they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day. ;)
We do still need our financial crash (socialism as a failure: economic awakening) before the switchover happens. Things are teetering like crazy on that front, so it seems pretty close.
We are all ready!
My boss insists I have at least 17 pieces of flair on my uniform, so that is a resounding YES!!!!
BTW, has anyone seen my Red Stapler?????
It’s in the basement . Milton has it.
The ratio of people to cake is too big.
I can’t do the “I could set the building on fire” one because glowies have zero sense of humor and also take everything literally and don’t realize it’s a fukkin quote from Milton Waddams. Which... makes me even more disappointed in them. Fuk off federal bureau of imbeciles.
Don’t forget to bring your tiki torches, fellow QANON caterpillars!
And your viking horns..
I'll be the guy selling official "QAnon" pitchforks from the back of my truck!
Remember to commit lots of violence!!!
LOL on reddit even the sarky triple exclamation point wouldn't save you from a perma-ban
You can’t say “no” to the offer of moar flairs.
Eh....if you can do it without lending legitimacy to their false assertion that people here are what they call "far-right extremists", then sure. We shouldn't accept their labels.
Maybe a general "LET FREEDOM RING" flair, since that is what most folks here are about.
Just my $0.02.
It must be killing them that we are non violent, as they are just itching to put them blame on Trump supporters for everything.
I think that is the difference with conservative types we are not reckless and stupid, like the left are with all the deaths they have caused with antifa, blm, weather underground and many more in the past.
I think we all hope for peaceful way of dealing with all this craziness and Q told us they are sorting it. But at the same time its good to prepare for things to get worse and protect our family's just in-case.
The dont need us to. They will just have antifa cuckboy dress up as Patriots and do a Flag
YES PLEASE! Thank you cats.
People on the right don't wear backpacks, helmets, and masks.
Did Trump call for the rally? If not, no go! It’s a set up. Hilarious of no one shows up!
Didn't Trump call for the rally before the storming of The Capitol?
Idk anymore maybe the feds are this fucking dumb
The “nuh-uh” banner
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! 👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣🤣
Only controlled opposition, zionists, under cover FBI, C_A, their informats, Antifa, BLM, Democrats, Rinos, curious deep state federal employees and crisis actors will be in attendance!
And, it’s funny, but I hang out around all the “violent extremist” sites, and yet the first I ever hear of these “protests” is via the MSM.
Daaang I'm off to see the Twatter, the wonderful Twatter of Oz. I'll get banned YET!!! Edit; The Hill got lambasted by hundreds of Patriots shouting GLOWIE!
When they talk about extremist group, they are referring to The FBI.
Quick put up the wall
They say False Flag...I say Fbi Festival
Please don't cut off timestamps on tweet caps.
Instead, change new post to Link Post and paste the URL of the tweet.
They're trying to lay the groundwork of the next false flag. Of course nobody will be there - extremist or otherwise. They already know that. But they'll still stooge out some worthless POS "crisis actors" anyway.
If I was a person and paid to go to something like this by "them" I would think twice and NOT show up as well, they dont give a shit about you and wouldn't blink an eye at blowing you up for optics.
They have to reshape the narrative about 9/11 into us being evil and shamed for remembering 9/11. Anything to destroy and disrespect
Idiots on the left will lap up another staged clown show. Patriots won't take the bait.
Most people will be hesitant to protest at the Capitol again, regardless of who is organizing the event, due to the arrests and imprisonment of the Jan 6 protesters. Also look at how quickly the 100 nights of riots ended when federal arrests were made, and Antifa weren't immediately released on their own recognizance.
Kind of funny how law and order works, isn't it Defund the police crowd?
That image of the Jan 6 Peaceful Patriot Protest is awesome
The good people of this country assembled lawfully to petition their govt for a redress of grievances, attempting to stop a treasonous coup d'etat against their motherland
First Amendment, bitches!!
I saw talks being posted up on https://patriots.win last night about September rallies in DC. Please inform your fellow frogs over there if you see someone shilling for it over on that site.