Wow that’s a crazy theory. I think we are going to find out that a lot of our physical illnesses are caused by parasites. Isn’t it strange that we worm our animals monthly/quarterly but never humans? I have wondered if transgenderism was increasing due to something suppressing male/female hormones like a vax or plastics, etc. Of course all of this has been part of our population in the past so it’s difficult to tell if it has increased or if the media made it trendy and people are just following. I will say, I don’t care how people present as long as they are good people and more importantly these days, that it’s not forced on our children as they deserve the right to just be kids and decide who they are as they grow up.
You are on to something here...Generationaly mens testosterone levels are down a huge %%% from our fore fathers. Stress and lifestyle changes factor into this yes. BUT Soy is a phyto-Estrogen....and is a filler in most cheap made foods. This shuts mens natural production of testosterone off. Also it makes females develop in girls...also makes women more susceptible to PCOS and other Estrogen related issues. Now here is the biggest ball kick of them all......Estrogen is one of the most important hormones for neurogenic protection.....and against Alzheimers.
Also it makes females develop in girls...also makes women more susceptible to PCOS and other Estrogen related issues
Hit the nail on the head! I'm female and I have PCOS. Food seems to be the main factor in how I got it. However, I actually didn't develop sooner, I developed later. So it seems that phyto-estrogens just cause chaos in both directions. Either develops you too soon or too late or sometimes it prevents some women from not having periods at all.
Reducing my carb and sugar intake is what's helping me with my symptoms (acne and hirsutism mostly, my periods have been normal), because my cells are either insulin resistant or they were almost there, which can lead to diabetes.
Of course, when I tried to bring these issues up to doctors in the past they said, "Well you're not overweight, so it's impossible that there's anything wrong with you! Now, here, take the pill, this will solve everything!" Every single time I came to them with a problem the first thing they asked me was "Why aren't you on the pill?" I'd say, "Because I'm not sexually active, I have no husband." They looked at me like I just told them I was an alien from Jupiter. They literally can't fathom that anyone wouldn't be sleeping around. Disgusting.
Anyway, the Keto diet or the Carnivore diet are the best things to come around. Less carbs, less sugar, less grains, focus mostly on meat with a tiny bit of veggies or fruits. It's the only thing to finally help heal my acne and reduce my hirsutism!
My goal is not to lose a lot of weight, I already weigh 125lbs at 5'6" so I'm a very healthy weight for my age and height, but my goal is to just balance my hormones and find out which foods wreak the most havoc in my body.
It seems that eating a lot of pasta and bread was causing most of the trouble, which sucks for me because I LOVE pasta and bread, but I just have to eat less or stop eating it entirely. Once in a while I'll have a little treat, which doesn't cause too much trouble in my body, but eating it day in and day out is what caused and worsened my PCOS. Not just grains, but sugars too, and carbs from everything.
I've had to cut a lot of my favorite foods out because they're so carb heavy: pasta, bread, potatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, anything with a lot of refined sugar, processed tomato soup because it's sugar heavy, and a thousand other things.
I've been looking into Keto breads. Problem is that almond flour, or any alternative flour, is so expensive. $10 for 1lb! I can get 10lbs of regular flour for half that price! It's absurd.
Come on! You need to join in the thot culture of being a whore! How dare you not risk your physical and mental health by not sleeping around! howdareyou.jpeg
“Sure wish I could find a nice Thot to settle down with.” said no man ever
A good video popped up in my YouTube recommended and I wonder if the success of the keto and carnivore diet is less about the meat itself and more the avoidance of the unhealthy and highly processed polyunsaturated fats found in vegetable oils that basically nobody used to cook with prior to 1900's (when heart disease and obesity were extremely rare) but are now found in EVERYTHING.
Kind of a lightbulb going off for me, cuz grains are in fact overepresented on the bogus food pyramid but they have been around in diets for along time and are not bad for people on their own. Not the case for these vegetable oils, which are found in loads of shit, especially grain like snack items. Their wide use pretty much exclusively attributed to corporate marketing and greed rather than any sort of actual benefit as a product.
You're absolutely right. Vegetable oil, in small amounts once in a while is not too harmful, but the fact that it's in everything that we eat is the problem. Same with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, refined flour, etc.
Grains are definitely over-represented, we should be eating more meat than grains, but grains have been in the human diet for thousands of years. I think it's just our modern version of grains that's caused the issue. Heavily refined soft white flour has almost no nutritional value and is carb heavy with no fiber. Whole wheat flour is better for sure, but flour will always have carbs so it's best to eat less of it, but at least wheat flour has more fiber.
Birth control pills are actually classified as a Type 1 Carcinogen, meaning it's as bad for you as smoking, yet the "medical" establishments push it on women. They know what's in it, they know what it does, but they push it to weaken women, make them depressive, make them angry, so they can push other pills for mental issues on them, and on and on.
Learn about NFP, Natural Family Planning. It's more effective than birth control if done correctly, no pills, no barriers, just keeping track of the woman's cycle. I highly recommend it. She'll feel she understands her body more, and you'll appreciate her more as a woman knowing how her body works, and you can work with that to either avoid or achieve pregnancy.
Many infertile couples use it to get pregnant when IVF doesn't work, but it's very effective at avoiding pregnancy. It's because women are only truly fertile a few days a month during her cycle. Avoid sex for those days and she likely won't get pregnant. Of course, it's best to get used to keeping track of the cycle for a month or two until you really test it out. I hope this helps!
I suffered with PMDD before my pregnancy and yes to everything you just said, because of how broken womens health care is i found fucntional medicine and did keto before and during pregnancy and am kinda off and on the wagon now but am working to eat cleaner again and leaning more carnivore diet as well and notice how little i want sugar most days now
It's hard to keep to these diets when all you want to eat is sugar and breads. I will allow myself a few cheat days but only for special occasions. My birthday coming up is one exception where I'll let myself enjoy some cake for a day but keep to my diet otherwise.
Its true, we're slaves and we eat slave food, processed foods are more affordable on purpose to drive you consumerism and keeping whole foods out of financial reach and once your hooked your hooked
I’ve read about the conspiracy theory like the ga’ould called Vril. Basically Vril parasites control the elite. Related to the black eye club. Like the process of getting infected with Vril causes the black eye. Probably nonsense but who knows how deep the rabbit hole goes
Right?! Knowing how the DS plans the slow & steady game, I bet they’ve used multiple methods to decrease male potency. Harder to identify and remove source when there are many. You know we really will hate them once all of this is out.
“You may now kiss”, as opposed to the current culture of promiscuity where kissing between random strangers is likely to occur. It was assumed that the two had likely not kissed each other (or anyone else) on the mouth before.
The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a devil spirit possession by a spirit of homosexuality. And in Roman's it state that homosexuals are void of judgement. Its the height of self worship or idolatry. None the less, as believers we endeavor to love and pray for people who the Devil has trapped. Humans are victims of a great spiritual warfare and many are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
u dont have a free will you either do the will of the Father in heaven or ur fake daddy Satan, before you get mad, Standing For Truth on yt if you want to level up and stop believing u evolved from a wet rock. BIG BRAIN TIME
Homosexuality and degeneracy seems to be an illness of the wealthy and gluttonous. It's a sign of over-indulgence. BUT it does make a lot of sense that gayness is spreading even more quickly because it's a literal parasite. Answers a lot of questions. They always say "I can't help it." Now it makes sense if the parasite is making them do things beyond their control.
More like where it has been used consistently and historically. But reporting is difficult, as accurate reporting homosexuality is fraught with social pressures. We might find a sudden drop in U.P. if we could measure it, but how to measure it in terms of before and after?
What you need is a histogram, a graph of incidence across time. It'll be hard to get accurate data. Not that we shouldn't try. But maybe something like "sales of gay porn videos" could be a useful indicator.
Have a brother who is a sex addict. Started in his teens. He would mount and eat any hole.
90% all female and the other 10% he would let any guy get him off.
He would go on sex binges...
All out with kink and fetishes that mirror what what the homosexuals do.
Hetero and Homo sexuality is really no different.
For some any and all things go for their collective sexual release.
He has herpes and has had other sexual related diseases.
No doubt that he would have some form(s) of parasites. Need to dig deeper into studies, etc if there is any specific type of causation that
' certain parasites ' are more prevalent in Homos or Heteros.
Or do parasites cause different behaviors in general regardless ones sexuality.
Late to the party but the Parasite Pill pdf explains how there is a parasite that makes rats sexually attracted to cat piss (in an effort to get eaten and spread further)
But what the studies also found was that some rats continued to show the alternative behaviour even AFTER being treated for the parasites, suggesting some can make permanent alterations to behaviour
Stargate was real. Parasites are symbiotes and can control the consciousness of the host body like an avatar.
That was the Goa'uld btw.
Maybe this is what the ancients called 'demon possession' or the 'serpent'
Maybe the dude that was possessed by 'legion' in the Bible had shitloads of parasites and Jesus cast them into the pigs, cause swine are excellent hosts to parasites.
That's the vrill thing you are talking about, that enters usually behind the left eye and wraps itself around the optical nerve until it learns how to act like the host and then takes over.
It's possible that parasitic infection triggers a homosexual immune response such that two men cannot reproduce and keeps it out of the general population.
In other words, onset homosexuality of parasite infected individuals is the body's way of looking out for the rest of us by keeping sequestered to the gay community.
I fucking hate parasites, man. Just the thought of em gives me the creeps. In other news, my sister could be a lesbian because she was infected by a parasite? Lmao
I once saw one of Sir David Attenborough's nature documentaries.
It was about a cycle of parasite that existed mostly in birds.
I think the process was that a snail or slug would get infected by the parasite by digging through bird feces.
The infection caused a very strange behavior. The slug's skin would shift in sickly bright colors (looked very sick, but was visible to a bird) and it would crawl onto a leaf.
Basically, it went into the open, making itself a VERY easy and attractive target to a bird.
And when a bird took the bait and ate the suicidal slug...
The parasite got back inside of a bird, it's favorite home, until the cycle repeated again.
Definitely not. The alphabet people are produced by their parents. Almost all the time a father is not around growing up, or there is resentment for the mother, and you become what you hate. It’s spiritual
Something doesn't have to be genetic for it to be innate. A lot can go wrong in the interim which leads to all sorts of differences in people from poor vision (ever worn glasses?) to possibly even homosexuality. Maybe the parasite thing holds up but I'll need to see some evidence.
This is like the Futurama episode where Fry gets the ancient egg salad sandwich from the gas station vending machine and the worms make him a genius lol
Wow that’s a crazy theory. I think we are going to find out that a lot of our physical illnesses are caused by parasites. Isn’t it strange that we worm our animals monthly/quarterly but never humans? I have wondered if transgenderism was increasing due to something suppressing male/female hormones like a vax or plastics, etc. Of course all of this has been part of our population in the past so it’s difficult to tell if it has increased or if the media made it trendy and people are just following. I will say, I don’t care how people present as long as they are good people and more importantly these days, that it’s not forced on our children as they deserve the right to just be kids and decide who they are as they grow up.
You are on to something here...Generationaly mens testosterone levels are down a huge %%% from our fore fathers. Stress and lifestyle changes factor into this yes. BUT Soy is a phyto-Estrogen....and is a filler in most cheap made foods. This shuts mens natural production of testosterone off. Also it makes females develop in girls...also makes women more susceptible to PCOS and other Estrogen related issues. Now here is the biggest ball kick of them all......Estrogen is one of the most important hormones for neurogenic protection.....and against Alzheimers.
Hit the nail on the head! I'm female and I have PCOS. Food seems to be the main factor in how I got it. However, I actually didn't develop sooner, I developed later. So it seems that phyto-estrogens just cause chaos in both directions. Either develops you too soon or too late or sometimes it prevents some women from not having periods at all.
Reducing my carb and sugar intake is what's helping me with my symptoms (acne and hirsutism mostly, my periods have been normal), because my cells are either insulin resistant or they were almost there, which can lead to diabetes.
Of course, when I tried to bring these issues up to doctors in the past they said, "Well you're not overweight, so it's impossible that there's anything wrong with you! Now, here, take the pill, this will solve everything!" Every single time I came to them with a problem the first thing they asked me was "Why aren't you on the pill?" I'd say, "Because I'm not sexually active, I have no husband." They looked at me like I just told them I was an alien from Jupiter. They literally can't fathom that anyone wouldn't be sleeping around. Disgusting.
Anyway, the Keto diet or the Carnivore diet are the best things to come around. Less carbs, less sugar, less grains, focus mostly on meat with a tiny bit of veggies or fruits. It's the only thing to finally help heal my acne and reduce my hirsutism!
I lost 260 lbs with keto diet, this is how I learned so much about this topic :D
Amazing! Great job fren!
My goal is not to lose a lot of weight, I already weigh 125lbs at 5'6" so I'm a very healthy weight for my age and height, but my goal is to just balance my hormones and find out which foods wreak the most havoc in my body.
It seems that eating a lot of pasta and bread was causing most of the trouble, which sucks for me because I LOVE pasta and bread, but I just have to eat less or stop eating it entirely. Once in a while I'll have a little treat, which doesn't cause too much trouble in my body, but eating it day in and day out is what caused and worsened my PCOS. Not just grains, but sugars too, and carbs from everything.
I've had to cut a lot of my favorite foods out because they're so carb heavy: pasta, bread, potatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, anything with a lot of refined sugar, processed tomato soup because it's sugar heavy, and a thousand other things.
And, this is why the DS wants people to become vegans.
Have you tried the Lewis keto bread? I like to make "sticky rice" using river cauliflower and cream cheese.
I've been looking into Keto breads. Problem is that almond flour, or any alternative flour, is so expensive. $10 for 1lb! I can get 10lbs of regular flour for half that price! It's absurd.
Sugar is a WMD
The Keto diet is the only diet supported by science.
Come on! You need to join in the thot culture of being a whore! How dare you not risk your physical and mental health by not sleeping around! howdareyou.jpeg
“Sure wish I could find a nice Thot to settle down with.” said no man ever
A good video popped up in my YouTube recommended and I wonder if the success of the keto and carnivore diet is less about the meat itself and more the avoidance of the unhealthy and highly processed polyunsaturated fats found in vegetable oils that basically nobody used to cook with prior to 1900's (when heart disease and obesity were extremely rare) but are now found in EVERYTHING.
Kind of a lightbulb going off for me, cuz grains are in fact overepresented on the bogus food pyramid but they have been around in diets for along time and are not bad for people on their own. Not the case for these vegetable oils, which are found in loads of shit, especially grain like snack items. Their wide use pretty much exclusively attributed to corporate marketing and greed rather than any sort of actual benefit as a product.
You're absolutely right. Vegetable oil, in small amounts once in a while is not too harmful, but the fact that it's in everything that we eat is the problem. Same with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, refined flour, etc.
Grains are definitely over-represented, we should be eating more meat than grains, but grains have been in the human diet for thousands of years. I think it's just our modern version of grains that's caused the issue. Heavily refined soft white flour has almost no nutritional value and is carb heavy with no fiber. Whole wheat flour is better for sure, but flour will always have carbs so it's best to eat less of it, but at least wheat flour has more fiber.
True....and Frankenwheat is more than likely the difference historically anyway.
Birth control pills are actually classified as a Type 1 Carcinogen, meaning it's as bad for you as smoking, yet the "medical" establishments push it on women. They know what's in it, they know what it does, but they push it to weaken women, make them depressive, make them angry, so they can push other pills for mental issues on them, and on and on.
Learn about NFP, Natural Family Planning. It's more effective than birth control if done correctly, no pills, no barriers, just keeping track of the woman's cycle. I highly recommend it. She'll feel she understands her body more, and you'll appreciate her more as a woman knowing how her body works, and you can work with that to either avoid or achieve pregnancy.
Many infertile couples use it to get pregnant when IVF doesn't work, but it's very effective at avoiding pregnancy. It's because women are only truly fertile a few days a month during her cycle. Avoid sex for those days and she likely won't get pregnant. Of course, it's best to get used to keeping track of the cycle for a month or two until you really test it out. I hope this helps!
I suffered with PMDD before my pregnancy and yes to everything you just said, because of how broken womens health care is i found fucntional medicine and did keto before and during pregnancy and am kinda off and on the wagon now but am working to eat cleaner again and leaning more carnivore diet as well and notice how little i want sugar most days now
It's hard to keep to these diets when all you want to eat is sugar and breads. I will allow myself a few cheat days but only for special occasions. My birthday coming up is one exception where I'll let myself enjoy some cake for a day but keep to my diet otherwise.
That's what im working tlwards
Its true, we're slaves and we eat slave food, processed foods are more affordable on purpose to drive you consumerism and keeping whole foods out of financial reach and once your hooked your hooked
I'm beginning to think it's more than theory.
I'm not a Dr, but my nurse wife had no answer when I asked her "Why aren't people checked & treated for parasites?"
👇👇👇Huge if true 👇👇👇
Parasite Pill
I got so far and this stuck out.
page 37
First thought was Stargate....The biggest threat to them was the Goa'uld, a parasite that lived off the
edit: All of my conspiracies weren't ready for that...good read though... Not sure what to make of it.
I’ve read about the conspiracy theory like the ga’ould called Vril. Basically Vril parasites control the elite. Related to the black eye club. Like the process of getting infected with Vril causes the black eye. Probably nonsense but who knows how deep the rabbit hole goes
Maybe part of their high level rituals includes ingesting a parasite somehow.
My favorite historical documentary series..
Exactly, fellow gold pepe
Hiding in plain sight and telling everyone the truth.
Ahhh beat me to it... see my comment here!
That’s interesting but it reads like all these LARPing Q people and that turns me off.
What is the goal of parasites?
(({total complete world domination})) <R34DY?> [Liberal=END]
End of times.
(Hold) On.
Yea, it's interesting, at the very least it you should want to buy ivermectin after reading it.
Microplastics: A Threat for Male Fertility
Right?! Knowing how the DS plans the slow & steady game, I bet they’ve used multiple methods to decrease male potency. Harder to identify and remove source when there are many. You know we really will hate them once all of this is out.
I remember a 4chan screencap circulating a year+ back.
Basically all our illnesses are mostly parasite related. People knew this back in the day. "You may now kiss the bride" had a whole lot of meaning.
Parasite seeks out younger host, that's how you get pedos and Rabbi's kissing baby flesh wounds, etc.
"Baby flesh wounds", that is a very polite way to put it.
What he is referring to is the Jewish practice of sucking a baby's cock after circumcision by the moyle(sp).
I never got that "kiss the bride" part.. Is it intentional from the ministers performing the ceremony?
“You may now kiss”, as opposed to the current culture of promiscuity where kissing between random strangers is likely to occur. It was assumed that the two had likely not kissed each other (or anyone else) on the mouth before.
Well I'll be. God our culture is whack
The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a devil spirit possession by a spirit of homosexuality. And in Roman's it state that homosexuals are void of judgement. Its the height of self worship or idolatry. None the less, as believers we endeavor to love and pray for people who the Devil has trapped. Humans are victims of a great spiritual warfare and many are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
So, it's spirits and not parasites?
Can you show me one of those spirits like they can show you the parasites?
Can be both. The parasites are a physical sign that point to a spiritual reality, namely, the influence of demons.
This. An unbalanced body makes for a unclean temple, which fouls spirits and thier unclean fleshy offspring (parasites) can inhibit.
Funny how it's always the things you don't see that get you.
And so much for free will.
u dont have a free will you either do the will of the Father in heaven or ur fake daddy Satan, before you get mad, Standing For Truth on yt if you want to level up and stop believing u evolved from a wet rock. BIG BRAIN TIME
spirits manifest into parasites, maybe that's all they can muster.
I wonder about homosexuality rates in regions with very high usage of Ivermectin? Shouldn't be too hard to come up with something.
I thought Africa had higher ivermectin usage as a means to fight malaria.
Seems only developed countries are a target for homosexual influence. One of many tactics to push the USA to become a 3rd world country.
They use Hydroxychloroquine for malaria not Ivermectin as far as I know. It’s also used for autoimmune diseases.
Homosexuality and degeneracy seems to be an illness of the wealthy and gluttonous. It's a sign of over-indulgence. BUT it does make a lot of sense that gayness is spreading even more quickly because it's a literal parasite. Answers a lot of questions. They always say "I can't help it." Now it makes sense if the parasite is making them do things beyond their control.
Utar Pradesh comes to mind.
More like where it has been used consistently and historically. But reporting is difficult, as accurate reporting homosexuality is fraught with social pressures. We might find a sudden drop in U.P. if we could measure it, but how to measure it in terms of before and after?
I found a page listing the number of homosexuality related prosecutions in Indian states.
Given that UP (199Mio) had 999 and Kerala (33Mio) 207, this could suggest that there are more pro capita in Kerala, but then, these statistics are from 2016:
What you need is a histogram, a graph of incidence across time. It'll be hard to get accurate data. Not that we shouldn't try. But maybe something like "sales of gay porn videos" could be a useful indicator.
Website traffic to certain sites might be an indicator. The historical data should be there. Just a thought.
For a second, I thought you were talking about the Upper Peninsula aka "da Yooper".
Yoopers vs Kerala will make any chart look funky.
Whats Kerala? I'm not from MI, just spent a little time there and the UP.
Kerala is another province in India. They are often compared to the Indian UP because of their different covid policies and results.
Thank you
And most of sub-Saharan Africa.
Good point
The eerie part is this makes a shitton of sense no pun intended.
Banging someone in the ass gives the parasite a direct pathway to infect other hosts and the cycle continues.
Gives the phrase unclean spirit a whole new meaning.
I think Imma take some ivermectin when I get home this makes my skin crawl.
Imagine a lifetime of living as a human and never cleansing the parasites that are in your body.
This really is a undervalued medical inquiry in what could a whole new field of medical treatments to discard diseases.
shit-covered spirit
Maybe this is why I have an innate and utter disgust for worms and parasites (of the human variety, too).
Infiltration, not invasion
Is this where the term " catching a bug" came from when you get sick.
Take the Parasite Pill
It might be one of the last red pills you ever take.
What a read. Thanks for that
No worries! Spread it as best you can. 'Tis potent.
Well, when you keep sticking your dick into a hole full of parasites...
Also. Quercetin increases testosterone levels by inhibiting the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen...
Have a brother who is a sex addict. Started in his teens. He would mount and eat any hole. 90% all female and the other 10% he would let any guy get him off.
He would go on sex binges... All out with kink and fetishes that mirror what what the homosexuals do.
Hetero and Homo sexuality is really no different. For some any and all things go for their collective sexual release.
He has herpes and has had other sexual related diseases.
No doubt that he would have some form(s) of parasites. Need to dig deeper into studies, etc if there is any specific type of causation that ' certain parasites ' are more prevalent in Homos or Heteros.
Or do parasites cause different behaviors in general regardless ones sexuality.
Slip him some Ivermectin and let us know if his behavior changes.
Dunno bout that, my dad takes ivct, has been using it for nigh a year now and he's still gay af!
habits are difficult to break. maybe needs more time or up the dosage.
Late to the party but the Parasite Pill pdf explains how there is a parasite that makes rats sexually attracted to cat piss (in an effort to get eaten and spread further)
But what the studies also found was that some rats continued to show the alternative behaviour even AFTER being treated for the parasites, suggesting some can make permanent alterations to behaviour
Stargate was real. Parasites are symbiotes and can control the consciousness of the host body like an avatar.
That was the Goa'uld btw.
Maybe this is what the ancients called 'demon possession' or the 'serpent'
Maybe the dude that was possessed by 'legion' in the Bible had shitloads of parasites and Jesus cast them into the pigs, cause swine are excellent hosts to parasites.
Mind blowing ramifications.
That's the vrill thing you are talking about, that enters usually behind the left eye and wraps itself around the optical nerve until it learns how to act like the host and then takes over.
Zinc from red meat can also kill parasites. Parasites also thrive on sugary foods which makes people crave them.
Correlation does not equal causation
Homosexuality has been around since the dawn of time… not to say parasites is wrong, but its not the only thing
Parasites have been around since the dawn of time.
It's possible that parasitic infection triggers a homosexual immune response such that two men cannot reproduce and keeps it out of the general population.
In other words, onset homosexuality of parasite infected individuals is the body's way of looking out for the rest of us by keeping sequestered to the gay community.
Gay couples leave no heirs. Parasite ends.
I fucking hate parasites, man. Just the thought of em gives me the creeps. In other news, my sister could be a lesbian because she was infected by a parasite? Lmao
"Once in position, can controlled hosts pass legislation which supports the spread of parasites?"
California State Senator Scott Weiner. Look up the laws he's helped to get passed.
Well this just takes on a whole new meaning of being possessed....
Again, I have to say. It is common for gay men to eat poop. My hairdresser shared all his intimate details with me and let me say it was shocking.
He talked about how getting poop on their penis becomes something erotic. Then it goes from there.
If there is ever a sure way to get parasites, eating poop from multiple sex partners is a guarantee.
the teacher on rick and morty eats poop.
You know...
I once saw one of Sir David Attenborough's nature documentaries.
It was about a cycle of parasite that existed mostly in birds.
I think the process was that a snail or slug would get infected by the parasite by digging through bird feces.
The infection caused a very strange behavior. The slug's skin would shift in sickly bright colors (looked very sick, but was visible to a bird) and it would crawl onto a leaf.
Basically, it went into the open, making itself a VERY easy and attractive target to a bird.
And when a bird took the bait and ate the suicidal slug...
The parasite got back inside of a bird, it's favorite home, until the cycle repeated again.
So the idea that a parasite can alter BEHAVIOR...
Well. Maybe so.
Definitely not. The alphabet people are produced by their parents. Almost all the time a father is not around growing up, or there is resentment for the mother, and you become what you hate. It’s spiritual
Something doesn't have to be genetic for it to be innate. A lot can go wrong in the interim which leads to all sorts of differences in people from poor vision (ever worn glasses?) to possibly even homosexuality. Maybe the parasite thing holds up but I'll need to see some evidence.
If this was true any female that has tried anal would be in the same boat and that doesn't appear to be the case.....
Also assumes that there is no such thing as a soul and whatever preferences that has developed during X number of incarnations...
This is like the Futurama episode where Fry gets the ancient egg salad sandwich from the gas station vending machine and the worms make him a genius lol
Uncircumcised parasites...
So to REALLY turn things around we need to start giving the FBI large doses of horse paste then right? MAN, the answer's been right in front of us!
How does the worm get in the sperm
You all should watch this movie about parasites controlling their hosts and changing their behavior.
Without proof, this is stupid. What parasites? why do so many homosexuals give up the life style in their 40's, etc etc.
so what your saying is that i like sticking it in ass because i have a parasite in me??!?!?!
im not gay i just love stickin it in a girls bootyhole
Thats where farts come from tho ew