Run into the post office. No mask, as usual. I’m the only customer, 3 employees behind plexiglass and masks.
Cashier guy: You got a mask?
Me: hey can I get one stamp?
Cashier guy: You need a mask
Me: I don’t have one
Other guy: Well you need one to be in here
Me: I literally need one stamp
Some other bitch, raising her voice: You literally need a mask to be in here
Me: okay do you have one for me?
Cashier guy: no
Me laughing: well neither do I.
Bitch, angry: sir you need a mask to be in here.
Cashier: the dollar store next door sells them
Me, grabbing the envelope I was going to mail and leaving: Jesus, I would have been gone already.
Fucking USPS. Dumb ass government.
Affirmative action got a bunch of useless eaters in leadership and they continued the practice unabated since. It's run by the least common denominator.
They want people just smart enough to do the job, but dumb and shady enough to break the law and burn the Constitution. Big reason why so many dems are in gov positions. AA was partly designed for this purpose. Then political correctness was partly designed to get us to shut up about these facts when we notice.
So true
Updoot for "ultra-giga cunts". Will use that one! Haha!
Literally LOL-ed
How much are (((you))) paid to comment/interact?
DMV was always bad but now they have taken it to a whole new level. Can't go unless you make an appointment. Doors locked. They won't let you in. Can't call because they don't answer the phone, ever, it doesn't even work. Supposed to make the appointment on the website but it also doesn't work. So we are just sitting here like how the fuck are we supposed to renew our fucking drivers license???
Some states have contractor locations that do it (plus a "convenience fee", of course).
Yup, I went into mail a letter a couple of weeks ago . As I put the envelope in the bin and proceeded to the door,the lady screamed "you must have a mask on." I said "oh, I don't have one " She said "well you can't leave that here you have to mail in in the mailbox outside. " I said ",so you want me to walk back over to there pick up my mail and walk back over to this door ,where I am now all without a mask on because I didn't have a mask on when I put it there?" She said "yup!" I said "do you even hear yourself? " so I did and as I did I faked coughed all the way there and all the way out the door. I so wished I had it recorded!! One of my best moments!!🤪
The stupid is far too strong with far too many.
This lady would definitely kill someone ala Milgrim experiment if a person in a lab coat told her to.
Well, it's about control not safety, obviously.
No damn way! If I had dropped the mail in the bin I’d be done! I don’t reply to idiots.
I would have but it was a 85 dollar parking ticket with only 3 days to get it in and I didn't want to take the chance of it getting " lost" in the mail......
That’s understandable. We all have to pick our battles.
Low level functionaries don't think, they just stick to the script. And postal workers are the lowest of the low. Arguing with them is no better than arguing with a wasp.
When they stick to the script, roll it up and beat 'em with it! 🗞️
That’s a branch of the government that needs the axe 🪓
The emoji really brings the message to life
I’m in my mid 50s but I type like a teenager😜 Emoji’s are so damned simple!
Kek. Bringing hieroglyphs back
Slaves. Too stupid to know it. They wouldn't know free will if it beat them to a pulp.
They know what free loading is though
Always have the ugliest buildings in town too
USPS is a public property. If they force you to wear a mask you don't own that is taxation without representation, ask them to provide you law since a mandate isn't law they cannot act upon you they are not a private business. Go back, record them, sue them for it.
Sounds like an amagansett press watcher...if not you are missing out! 😉
Usps employees have a combined IQ of like 48
None of the PO in my area require masks nor do the employees wear them. Fly over country freedom baby!
I used to work at Sprint before Centurylink bought it. We used to say going Sprintal. We worked for tyrant idiots!
Didn’t you see all the fraudulent mail stuff for the election? They don’t give a shit. They’d piss in your soup if they were a cook.
They announced their 10-year plan and it will include taking longer to deliver mail..
With more money.
Don't forget that part.
US title 18, section 241 and 242 Deprivation of rights under the color of law. Law violation of title 42 chapter 126 section 12102 and Americans with disabilities act 1990 and Civil rights act of 1964 and 65.
I think they are on the way out. First they were included in fed workers jab mandate, then not, who knows now. Now we hear mail can be delayed. Guess lots left over his mandate. And dont forget federal workers insurance plans.
I always throw something back at them. Like my post office - where's your handicap access? No signs? Always try to find something that costs them a lot more than that stamp.
They don't give a shit about costs.
NPCs have set code in them that they have no choice but to follow.
Trickle down tyranny tends to bunch up in 'secure' government jobs. Hubris hides the truth from themselves.
Depends on where you are too. I'm in Connecticut .... now during mask mandate (NOT NOW) I had to wear a mask to get into the grocery store..... but I have NEVER worn a mask at the Post Office and I go there EVERY DAY. I even had 1 Postal Worker tell some masktard who was demanding I be made to waer a mask tell the guy that 'It isn't my job to make him wear a mask ..... in fact last I was told we are NOT to enforce mask mandates'. The guy left in a huff needless to day. She smiled at me and said .... how you doing today?
My small local post office has never said a word to me and most of the time the employees weren't masked up, either.
Download the free USPS MOBILE app. Order stamps online and setup ‘informed delivery’ that shows you actual photos of the mail that will be delivered that day. You can also schedule at home pickups and never have to step foot in a post office again. If you don’t want the app, you can still sign up at
Effective today, post office is slowing down mail “for better accuracy”. It will now take 2 days local and 5 days out of state for arrival. So we are now paying more for worse services.
And this is how people want their healthcare.
Dumb ass sheeple
At my post office "Surly Guy" never wears a mask, and no one better say anything about it. Love it.
Shoulda gone postal on those bitches.
Wisconsin USPS no masks required or worn :' )
Same goes at DMVs
Its not about the stamp, its about reminding you who is charge of you.
They would have gone all day and called the cops on you if you didn't leave. Its all about power with these people.
Watch the movie “Brazil” - basically this scenario but on steroids
Spit on their floor and walk out
Just buy a book of stamps at the machine in the lobby, place stamp on letter mail. My husband is the same way, this way I deal less with idiots.
If it's any comfort, I plead guilty to receiving your good luck today. I had to send something certified, so I was expecting a bunch of geriatric frightened zombies plus unionized dorks with a mask-wall. But I have a policy that I'll at least make them ask before I put anything on. Lo and behold, nobody cared about the mask, and I did all my business without one, waiting behind 3-4 customers before arriving at the clerk's window. Made my morning! I'll send some smileys your way. 😁😎😁
Those fn idiots! I thought you were going to say you put the envelope in front of your face & said ok can I have my stamp now? I’m never going to forget the people & places that were assholes through all of this. There will be ramifications for siding with the official narrative and forgetting appropriate human interaction!
They're part of the poll riggers.
I live in a small town. We have a one man show post office.
New guy running the post office is badass. No need for that stuff here. I love my town.
Isn't USPS a private company?
Should have read the signage on the door...probably stated Masks recommended not required...also should have a date on the poster that has an until date! Use these P.O.S. signage against them! Communist Bastards!