The “vaccine” is on the same schedule as a porcine zona pellucida vaccine (PZP). PZP is used to sterilize wild horses and other species. The PZP vaccine is usually given, initially, in a series of 2 vaccinations 2-6 weeks apart and then a booster every 8 months to a year, depending on the species. It reduces pregnancy rates by 80-90%
PZP is the most effective sterilization injection invented by far. Developed 30 years ago in Halifax to deal with overpopulation of seals.
injection schedule for PZP matches with the Pfizer/Moderna/Booster schedule
storage temperatures for PZP also match with clot shots ( -80C)
PZP is made from egg cells of pigs and 40% of all pigs in China were culled in 2019
Ivermectin as "horse dewormer" story likely to have been pushed to shit up searches for "horse sterilizer" which is what the vaxxes are.
Pfizer CEO is a veterinarian, would be familiar with PZP
Pfizer already manufactures PZP so has supply chains ready to go
I was just talking to SO about this the other day. I thought I was losing my mind and asked him if he remembered when the vaccine first came out they were talking about how to preserve/transport them because of having to be stored at like -70 degrees. He did remember and we were both curious as to what happened to this talking point, it just disappeared.
Interesting fact, the drug Premerin which is a hormonal drug for women is made by Pfizer also. It is said that they use pregnant horses urine to make the drug. My doctor won't prescribe it for just that reason.
Premerin is made from pregnant mares urine. It's in the name Pre gnant Mar e Ur in e. There were a fair number of breeding farms in Canada that would breed draft (larger horse- more urine) mares that would then be in stalls with collection devices to collect the urine.
After giving birth the foals were an unwanted byproduct. There were rescues that were specifically for PMU foals.
Remember that 20% of the covid vax injection is "trade secret" and the FDA approved Pfizer keeping it secret. It's redacted in the FDA approval documents.
Normies never wondered "if the vaccine (it's not a real vaccine) is 1/2 shots, why are there all these other spaces." It's because they're sheep and don't read between the lines/look for other meanings.
It is also theorized that the formation of the placenta is viral in nature, so the synthetic proteins are going to attack the very basis of a potential pregnancy.
The placenta has lots of Ace 2 receptors, which is why migrating spike proteins from vaccine expression lodge there, causing inflammation. Also why they affect the heart, ovaries, kidneys, liver etc .. all sites with lots of Ace 2 receptors.
Very interesting article, for the the record, I believe in design, not evolution, it holds no water and HIV definitely does not cause AIDS. The discussion of HIV in this article is fascinating.
Are evolution and Intelligent design mutually exclusive? I like to believe there's a crossover of sorts that would line up perfectly with the existence of a creator. Haven't delved much into Existentialism since high school though.
Exactly! And not only could he create creatures to evolve with their environment, but it would make the most sense logically and physically to include that mechanism.
Would it be possible to obtain the molecular structures of PZP and the Pfizer vaccines for comparison? If so, we can do our own research. It would help if we have a molecular biologist among us to assist.
That would be a good idea. And to be honest, it doesn't take an expert to see similarities in molecular structures. They're just diagrams like schematics that show how each element in the molecule is linked.
Porcine zona pellucida (PZP aka ZonaStat-H or Native PZP) is an EPA-registered pesticide derived from the ovaries of slaughtered pigs. PZP is approved for use on wild horses “in areas where they have become a nuisance ….” [20]
Some persons argue that, because PZP does not kill the mare, it is not really a “pesticide.” Actually, PZP does kill. As will be documented in this report, its use is associated with stillborn foals. In the long term, PZP will weaken a herd immunologically, which could swiftly lead to its extinction. So, yes, PZP is a real pesticide.
PZP — an Anti-Vaccine
While touted as a “vaccine,” PZP is actually a perversion of what a true vaccine is supposed to be. Instead of preventing disease, PZP causes disease — auto-immune disease. Thus, PZP is an anti-vaccine.
PZP’s True Mode-of-Action
So how does PZP really work? PZP tricks the immune system into waging war on the ovaries. In a meta-analysis of ZP-type contraceptives, Kaur & Prabha (2014) reported that the infertility brought on by such products is ” … a consequence of ovarian dystrophy rather than inhibition of sperm-oocyte interaction.” Thus, PZP’s antibodies “work” not by blocking sperm attachment but by destroying the ovaries.
Recall that PZP has endocrine-disrupting effects that result in lowered estrogen. Per the observed masculine behavior of treated mares,
Recent Stillbirths Correlated with PZP
There is recent evidence confirming Nettles’ finding of a correlation between PZP treatments and subsequent stillbirths.
Autoimmune Oophoritis and Risk of Other Autoimmune Diseases
A study by Varras et al. disclosed that, in humans, autoimmune oophoritis carries the risk of the patient developing other autoimmune diseases. [23]
Prolonged Delay in Recovery of Fertility
The same longitudinal study by Ransom et al. found that, after suspension of PZP, there was a delay lasting 411.3 days (1.13 years) per each year-of-treatment before mares recovered their fertility. What this means is that it takes that long, on average, for the ovaries to heal, to clear out all those cysts, and to regain some degree of normal hormonal function.
Pet medicine is often a ripoff to the consumer and a money maker for the manufacturer and administrators. I use to work for a vet. We never once saw a heart worm infection. Yet, periodically, he would mail out a postcard saying there had been hear worms detected in our area. I've never treated our dogs for heart worms. It's expensive and not needed. The only thing our dogs get is spay/neutered, good food and joint health medicine.
This is what I've figured. I've raised many house-hold animals (dogs & cats) over the years that never got all of the shots that they try to push. Just a good quality food, some chewy parts of my ribeye I don't want, plenty of exercise, and glucosamine in later years, and they are always as healthy as can be.
Only time I can think of is some cats got a viral infection of some sort. The one cat got over it within 2 weeks. The other cat was still struggling with it 3 weeks later so I gave her a tiny bit of ivermectin (Durvet horse paste) and it cleared her up within 24 hours.
Yes, cats do seem to get viral infections more than dogs. Feline distemper was the only contagious disease we frequently saw at the vet. If I had an indoor/outdoor cat and there were strays in the area, I would give it the feline shots. If it was stickily indoors, I wouldn't bother.
25 years of owning dogs and I've seen three aliments. My mother showed dogs and came back with kennel cough. Annoying but not fatal. Had an outdoor dog that had a running nose and sinus infection. Fed it eggs and it cleared up. It also had a chronic ear infection that never went away. Put a couple drops of diluted tea tree oil in his ear every other week, and it kept it from coming back.
Yeah, I wonder how prevalent rabies is in the wild animal population. We have indoor dogs, so I don't bother with it. When we had a farm dog, he got a rabies shot because he killed racoon and went toe to toe with coyote.
Yes, our older indoor dog started making snapping sounds from his joints. I bought the joint health treats from Tractor Supply. My parents just use a smaller dose of glucosamine for humans.
Good question. We're up north so I couldn't say. Heart worms are only fatal if not treated. In the early '70s, my mom adopted a dog from a guy who couldn't afford heart worm treatment. Mom took it to the vet and the doggie lived to 13 years old.
Pet vaccines and horse vaccines were the beginning of my vaccine skepticism 20 years ago. The more I researched, the more I realized it was a bunch of BS and quite terrifying. One of my young healthy horses got an aggressive sarcoid tumor within a couple month of getting an equine rabies shot. I never vaccinated another animal again. I sure as hell would never vaccinate myself. It is absolutely crazy. The more you know, the crazier it gets.
Can confirm. Each passing day makes me realize that I can no longer relate to much of society, this world blows, and it is ran by a bunch of immoral demonic fucks.
Ayoooo God... can you send Jesus back already? We are ready for our eternal resting place. This world was amazing at one point, but has been too infected by satan and his minions and it SUCKS now!
Nice find! Would be a pretty chaotic combination with the spike proteins also... Dr. Byam Brindle "One area that is of particular concern for me is the accumulation of spike proteins that end up in the ovaries."
First of all, is there a link? This is almost impossible to read.
Second, timing isn’t everything. From what I COULD read, there was plenty of conjecture but little actual information about identical or even similar ingredients compared to contents of Covid jabs ( I refuse to call them vaccines, vaccinations, or even vaxxes anymore.)
Sounds like more 4Chan BS/craziness. Unless there’s more info in the fine print. Anybody see anything factual there?
Interesting and worth noting, but just because the schedules match doesn't mean anything. The schedule also matches how often I see my cousin...that doesn't mean that the vax was made from my cousin.
PZP is not effective until after at least 2 injections (typically given at 2-4 week intervals). [This explains why they push 2 shots 4 weeks apart.]
Following the initial treatments, boosters are required, using only Freund’s Incomplete adjuvant. [This explains the boosters]
Longer-term use in animals not essential for breeding programs, because of the possibility of reversal failure following long-term use. [yip, sterilizes you with long term use]
immunocontraception, All the PZP vaccine preparations tested were associated with a return to normal fertility within 1 year. [This explains the boosters after 6 months]
So you're telling me, vaxxies are taking horse medicine?
Oh the wealth of your irony
Now that's NEWS WORTHY!!!
fucking KEK
The “vaccine” is on the same schedule as a porcine zona pellucida vaccine (PZP). PZP is used to sterilize wild horses and other species. The PZP vaccine is usually given, initially, in a series of 2 vaccinations 2-6 weeks apart and then a booster every 8 months to a year, depending on the species. It reduces pregnancy rates by 80-90%
And it must be stored at -80 degrees
I was just talking to SO about this the other day. I thought I was losing my mind and asked him if he remembered when the vaccine first came out they were talking about how to preserve/transport them because of having to be stored at like -70 degrees. He did remember and we were both curious as to what happened to this talking point, it just disappeared.
The predictive programming all pointed to sterilization.
Gates basically had said it thirty times over.
HPV from Merck w Gardasil also really hit that point.
Then? No generational studies on mice w These EUA vax. It’s insane.
They didn't want the vaccine so soon and invented the low temp to attempt delay. Didn't work. There is little temp requirement today.
Wow, makes sense. I wondered what significance the Pfizer CEO being a veterinarian was. This is it.
Isn't Pfizer also coming out with a pill form of some new poison to "treat/prevent " c19?
They literally think the rest of us are animals. We are living both 1984 and Animal Farm.
Somewhere, George Orwell is screaming "they aren't manuals!!"
Interesting fact, the drug Premerin which is a hormonal drug for women is made by Pfizer also. It is said that they use pregnant horses urine to make the drug. My doctor won't prescribe it for just that reason.
Premerin is made from pregnant mares urine. It's in the name Pre gnant Mar e Ur in e. There were a fair number of breeding farms in Canada that would breed draft (larger horse- more urine) mares that would then be in stalls with collection devices to collect the urine.
After giving birth the foals were an unwanted byproduct. There were rescues that were specifically for PMU foals.
Phizer CEO claims his parents died in Auschwitz
a common legacy among NWO murderers and eugenicists
Prisoners of auschwitz or employees?
he discovered the way to massively sterilize future population from animals
he goes to his overlords ,presents the case
they put him set with money for life and in charge of this Georgia guidstone project / pfizer ceo. easy deduction
Does the J&J jab contain this as well?
Remember that 20% of the covid vax injection is "trade secret" and the FDA approved Pfizer keeping it secret. It's redacted in the FDA approval documents.
First I have heard of this...VERY INTERESTING.
Remember the "extra slots" on vaccination cards?
But I think PZP is not in the vax, the research of PZP and the mechanism of attack on ZP probably did contribute to the vax.
Normies never wondered "if the vaccine (it's not a real vaccine) is 1/2 shots, why are there all these other spaces." It's because they're sheep and don't read between the lines/look for other meanings.
I've read that the vaxx seems to affect a woman's ovaries more than any other part of her body.
It is also theorized that the formation of the placenta is viral in nature, so the synthetic proteins are going to attack the very basis of a potential pregnancy.
The placenta has lots of Ace 2 receptors, which is why migrating spike proteins from vaccine expression lodge there, causing inflammation. Also why they affect the heart, ovaries, kidneys, liver etc .. all sites with lots of Ace 2 receptors.
Interesting, I was not aware. I was thinking of this:
Very interesting article, for the the record, I believe in design, not evolution, it holds no water and HIV definitely does not cause AIDS. The discussion of HIV in this article is fascinating.
Are evolution and Intelligent design mutually exclusive? I like to believe there's a crossover of sorts that would line up perfectly with the existence of a creator. Haven't delved much into Existentialism since high school though.
Exactly! And not only could he create creatures to evolve with their environment, but it would make the most sense logically and physically to include that mechanism.
Thank-you for the link. Looks interesting.
I think evolution is bunk. No way it can be true.
Thank-you for this information.
Just gets more and more evil.
The gonads - remember Nicki Minaj's cousin?
Would it be possible to obtain the molecular structures of PZP and the Pfizer vaccines for comparison? If so, we can do our own research. It would help if we have a molecular biologist among us to assist.
A substack general of people to follow posted on here would be good.
That would be a good idea. And to be honest, it doesn't take an expert to see similarities in molecular structures. They're just diagrams like schematics that show how each element in the molecule is linked.
More stuff is coming out.
“How we got to population control”
HPV Vaccine for people over 15 have a similar schedule. text
PZP — The Pesticide
Porcine zona pellucida (PZP aka ZonaStat-H or Native PZP) is an EPA-registered pesticide derived from the ovaries of slaughtered pigs. PZP is approved for use on wild horses “in areas where they have become a nuisance ….” [20]
Some persons argue that, because PZP does not kill the mare, it is not really a “pesticide.” Actually, PZP does kill. As will be documented in this report, its use is associated with stillborn foals. In the long term, PZP will weaken a herd immunologically, which could swiftly lead to its extinction. So, yes, PZP is a real pesticide.
PZP — an Anti-Vaccine
While touted as a “vaccine,” PZP is actually a perversion of what a true vaccine is supposed to be. Instead of preventing disease, PZP causes disease — auto-immune disease. Thus, PZP is an anti-vaccine.
PZP’s True Mode-of-Action
So how does PZP really work? PZP tricks the immune system into waging war on the ovaries. In a meta-analysis of ZP-type contraceptives, Kaur & Prabha (2014) reported that the infertility brought on by such products is ” … a consequence of ovarian dystrophy rather than inhibition of sperm-oocyte interaction.” Thus, PZP’s antibodies “work” not by blocking sperm attachment but by destroying the ovaries.
PZP → Endocrine Disruptor → Elevated Testosterone → Masculinizing Effects
Recall that PZP has endocrine-disrupting effects that result in lowered estrogen. Per the observed masculine behavior of treated mares,
Recent Stillbirths Correlated with PZP
There is recent evidence confirming Nettles’ finding of a correlation between PZP treatments and subsequent stillbirths.
Autoimmune Oophoritis and Risk of Other Autoimmune Diseases
A study by Varras et al. disclosed that, in humans, autoimmune oophoritis carries the risk of the patient developing other autoimmune diseases. [23]
Prolonged Delay in Recovery of Fertility
The same longitudinal study by Ransom et al. found that, after suspension of PZP, there was a delay lasting 411.3 days (1.13 years) per each year-of-treatment before mares recovered their fertility. What this means is that it takes that long, on average, for the ovaries to heal, to clear out all those cysts, and to regain some degree of normal hormonal function.
This is so sinister
Dr Malone said the spike proteins in the mRNA "vaccines" attach to the ovaries more than any other organ.
They're paid not to notice.
And paid NOT to notice.
Medical 'professionals' are not trained to think. That stopped in the 80's.
They are trained to regurgitate treatment protocols and sign prescriptions.
Makes me worry about all the scheduled shot my pets have received...
Pet medicine is often a ripoff to the consumer and a money maker for the manufacturer and administrators. I use to work for a vet. We never once saw a heart worm infection. Yet, periodically, he would mail out a postcard saying there had been hear worms detected in our area. I've never treated our dogs for heart worms. It's expensive and not needed. The only thing our dogs get is spay/neutered, good food and joint health medicine.
This is what I've figured. I've raised many house-hold animals (dogs & cats) over the years that never got all of the shots that they try to push. Just a good quality food, some chewy parts of my ribeye I don't want, plenty of exercise, and glucosamine in later years, and they are always as healthy as can be.
Only time I can think of is some cats got a viral infection of some sort. The one cat got over it within 2 weeks. The other cat was still struggling with it 3 weeks later so I gave her a tiny bit of ivermectin (Durvet horse paste) and it cleared her up within 24 hours.
Yes, cats do seem to get viral infections more than dogs. Feline distemper was the only contagious disease we frequently saw at the vet. If I had an indoor/outdoor cat and there were strays in the area, I would give it the feline shots. If it was stickily indoors, I wouldn't bother.
25 years of owning dogs and I've seen three aliments. My mother showed dogs and came back with kennel cough. Annoying but not fatal. Had an outdoor dog that had a running nose and sinus infection. Fed it eggs and it cleared up. It also had a chronic ear infection that never went away. Put a couple drops of diluted tea tree oil in his ear every other week, and it kept it from coming back.
Yeah I’ve been thinking that was probably the case over the last 10 years.
I get the rabies shot, because that’s horrible and you don’t want a rabid animal around humans, but the rest seems like a scam.
Yeah, I wonder how prevalent rabies is in the wild animal population. We have indoor dogs, so I don't bother with it. When we had a farm dog, he got a rabies shot because he killed racoon and went toe to toe with coyote.
Yes, our older indoor dog started making snapping sounds from his joints. I bought the joint health treats from Tractor Supply. My parents just use a smaller dose of glucosamine for humans.
What about dogs in high mosquito areas, such as Florida? Do you think that that would be a reason to do heartworm treatment? Just curious.
Good question. We're up north so I couldn't say. Heart worms are only fatal if not treated. In the early '70s, my mom adopted a dog from a guy who couldn't afford heart worm treatment. Mom took it to the vet and the doggie lived to 13 years old.
Pet vaccines and horse vaccines were the beginning of my vaccine skepticism 20 years ago. The more I researched, the more I realized it was a bunch of BS and quite terrifying. One of my young healthy horses got an aggressive sarcoid tumor within a couple month of getting an equine rabies shot. I never vaccinated another animal again. I sure as hell would never vaccinate myself. It is absolutely crazy. The more you know, the crazier it gets.
Once they get the vaccine and boosters widely accepted, they can put anything in the boosters to create their “perfect” society.
To your point Pfizer already added to the jab for 5-11 year olds.
Why has Pfizer changed the formulation of its Covid-19 Vaccine for Children to include an ingredient that stabilises people suffering a Heart Attack?
that is Iam afraid their end goal...
Very interesting. Good post to chew on Anon.
Everyday gets more depressing
Lol! Oh cmon bubble bursts, we're all in this together. Have a laugh mate. It's better than a cry.
can I stop now? kek
That will suffice lol
Why cant I stop laughing now? And why are people looking at me like I am some kind of crazy?
Didn't mean to burst your bubble 😂
Can confirm. Each passing day makes me realize that I can no longer relate to much of society, this world blows, and it is ran by a bunch of immoral demonic fucks.
Ayoooo God... can you send Jesus back already? We are ready for our eternal resting place. This world was amazing at one point, but has been too infected by satan and his minions and it SUCKS now!
I ask God to do this every day, anon. We need sin to end.
I want it even if it means i am found not worthy.
God's peace and truth is the way.
Whoa. Great find. Could this be the wake up catalyst we've been waiting for?
It's still interesting though, is it not?
One of the best-deserved stickies I've seen. This could be huge.
And they will pin infertility on climate change...
Time to go rewatch Children of Men. Consider it a history lesson from the future.
Well, at least they tested this on animals first!
And they died too... if it worked and was safe there wouldn't be a need to spay & neuter our pets. People would've noticed.
The latter.
Holy Handmaids Tale. Fertile women will indeed be kidnapped, stolen, and forced to make babies for the elite in the near future.
That's assuming they take the real jab. ('Don't believe they'd want inferior genes mixed with theirs.)
nothing new
We need to meme the shit out of this.
Good find this.
I love these super autists. Damn I would never find this on my own. Kudos to the patriots that dug this up!👍
People with super brains and a lot of time on their hands. We need more of them.
Vaccines cause autism. Autism destroys vaccines. I love it.
Nice find! Would be a pretty chaotic combination with the spike proteins also... Dr. Byam Brindle "One area that is of particular concern for me is the accumulation of spike proteins that end up in the ovaries."
So in other words, the people making fun of us for taking a "horse dewormer" are taking horse sterilizers? Ha ironic.
They laughed at us for taking ivermectin. Imagine the mental rollercoaster when this shit hits critical mass.
First of all, is there a link? This is almost impossible to read.
Second, timing isn’t everything. From what I COULD read, there was plenty of conjecture but little actual information about identical or even similar ingredients compared to contents of Covid jabs ( I refuse to call them vaccines, vaccinations, or even vaxxes anymore.)
Sounds like more 4Chan BS/craziness. Unless there’s more info in the fine print. Anybody see anything factual there?
I can agree with your concerns. I agree with the post of the coincidental & parallel in the vax's.
That said, the agreement <edit: arguement... luv autocorrect> looks weak.
...still not gonna jab though.
No cause to get jab. But those against it need to present credible evidence, of which there is already plenty. See the post currently nearby:
Sometimes 4Chan looks for logic in all the wrong places …
Question is, how to get normies to read it, nevermind understand it.
Interesting and worth noting, but just because the schedules match doesn't mean anything. The schedule also matches how often I see my cousin...that doesn't mean that the vax was made from my cousin.
PZP is not effective until after at least 2 injections (typically given at 2-4 week intervals). [This explains why they push 2 shots 4 weeks apart.]
Following the initial treatments, boosters are required, using only Freund’s Incomplete adjuvant. [This explains the boosters]
Longer-term use in animals not essential for breeding programs, because of the possibility of reversal failure following long-term use. [yip, sterilizes you with long term use]
immunocontraception, All the PZP vaccine preparations tested were associated with a return to normal fertility within 1 year. [This explains the boosters after 6 months]
Don't forget that Pfizer's own data that was only released via FOIA shows the contents of the vaccines concentrate in the ovaries of women!!!!