I know this sucks, it sucks for all of us. Stop looking to courts or politicians to fix this. Do not comply and hold the fucking line! They are desparate to force the jab on us. Why so desperate? Like they need us to take it very soon or they lose. I can't explain how that logic would work, but it feels like they must have us take the jab.
If the cabal was in full control they could be more patient. They are flailing and lashing out.
We will win. hold the damn line! Whatever happens next may not be our plan or Q's plan, but it is God's plan. And I know God wants me to defend my country, defend my family, and defend Jesus' holy name. We will win brothers and sisters, continue holding the line until it is time to fight. You will know if that time is upon us.
Edit: P.S. I am not shitting on doomers, I have been in their shoes from time to time.
I don't believe the Military is coming. There's no way the military would sit this long while fellow citizens are dying and having their lives destroyed just to get people to see and wake up. If we don't save ourselves, the American experiment is over. Devolution is psychological warfare to get people to sit back and wait while they destroy everything. I know this sounds like dooming. But if we don't start thinking about this possibility, we will not be able to react. I do admit i am getting tired.
If the globalists truly had this much power, they wouldnt be losing their minds the way they are. The jabbed dont think the unjabbed are causing this. The cabal narrative is failing.
If the military isnt coming how can we win?
By flipping the masses. We cant flip the masses with violence. Seriously who will we attack? Any small acts of violence would flip the masses to the cabal.
Regardless of military we simply dont comply. We dont use arms until they force us to, meaning we are defending our families.
If we flip the masses to our POV, the cabal has lost its power, that is the only way to win this with or without Q.
If you wait untill they come after you or your families, it's too late. You should be ready to go the moment anyone starts being disappeared.
That is the question. Do we defend our neighbors getting hauled off ??
No where near like 30 years ago. Many neighbors may be happy their neighbors get hauled off. Division by design.
I agree, cant wait till they come for me specifically, but when they come for us, the innocent as a whole it is time.
100% This...
Name checks out.
They aren't losing their minds. It's called partying.
wrong, this is waking up a lot of people. Watching all the major sports leagues 95% jabbed and hitting covid case records while at the same time being told they must take the jab or lose their job.
This is waking the masses. The dems look like lunatics.
Good. It should wake folks up. The global elites are partying down, un-masked, and laughing their asses off at the rest. They have no masks and no mandates and no jobs they will lose.
I dont have a mask, I havent taken the jab and there is nothing those globalist fucks can do about it. This is the way
Same. I don't know if noncompliance is the way or not, but so far so good.
Yes, for many of us here at GAW it has been good.
But I wouldn’t say the same for most of those that aren’t here and in the know.
It's waking up some people but most sheep won't be able to or want to make that connection. I'm kind of hoping for some major US pro athlete to have a grabber during a game. Maybe LaBoon James could go down flopping all over the court like a dying fish. Not wishing death on him maybe just give him a droopy side of the face and not be able to walk or speak for awhile
It is strange that no major US sport athlete has dropped. But internationally we have seen a lot of it and lower level athletes in the US. I am wondering if the wealthy athletes arent being given the death shot.
Their problems are coming, fren. :(
I'm seeing the same thing. I agree with the OP that the courts are not going to do jackshit. I disagree with her about the military. The deep state would already have the brass in their back pocket.
Remember, we are working on just 40% of the people. 30% are already on our side. (another 30% won't wake up without some giant event out of our hands)
Mass Formation
30% of the population are severely affected/indoctrinated (“brainwashed”)
40% in the middle are persuadable
30% of us are immune for some reason
Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLDpZ8daIVM
*most important, please keep speaking up, loudly, to everyone who will listen! Explain the psychological phenomenon going on!
Yes good point
It appears this way. Being patient is like waiting for the fire department to save us from the growing fire. I don't know what to think. I keep on thinking of our Eastern European brothers and sisters who warned us against thinking like this. They too thought that they would be saved. That day never came.........
so whats your plan? all you doomers say we must act, but what you mean is others must act as you sit on your ass.
complaining without a plan. great job, that helps.
You're right. I'm struck by this 6th Court ruling. It's suppose to be a conservative court. But, the panel of Judges is selected by a lottery. My understanding is that name lottery comes out of Washington DC. Do you ever wonder how the same leftist judges are selected again and again like we saw in the case of Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Roger Stone? Something seems really crooked here. For the Sixth Circuit, the Supreme Court justice overseeing it is Brett M. Kavanaugh. I don't know what this means, but I pray for my children's future.
Anyway, Q always talked in terms of the Great Awakening. This isn't a trinkle-down happening for waiting on the cavalry to come. I realize this. It has to be from the grassroots up. It time for me to get even more involved. I think I will take up the invitation I got from the anti-mask organization in my state to get more involved. We recently voted on school board members and the election results were very positive. Notwithstanding, the forces behind this tyranny is most certainly the international banking system. I have thought people should start protesting up the government latter and in front of the CDC and the FDA. They are the easy targets to expose. They're so front and center with their abuses. Getting them to back down would help immensely to end this charade. Perhaps, OSHA is another one too.
Also the IRS and Department of Education!
I get it, but I'm sure our personal liberty is America First.
Hold the line sounds a lot like sit on your ass to me anymore. I'm getting tired of being an internet warrior myself, it doesn't do anything. You can argue that it wakes people up, but when your source is littered with ad space, it kind of loses credibility.
Hild the line doesnt mean sit on your ass. Get out their and actively defy mandates. Civil disobedience.
Zoomer military is cucked as hell too
There are olenty of patriots in the military
A lot being discharged for refusing to comply. A lot of woke stuff happening in the military.
If you are waiting forever for something that won't come then you won't win.
Not waiting forever, waiting for the right time. It is not the right time yet.
My parents are boomers. I told them that their children are so morbid because of the way they grew up with boomers so spoiled. Their parents just fought a war. They wanted to protect their kids so they kids went nuts thinking everything is always fine so let’s dance, let’s be hippies, let’s let go of our health, let’s not pay attention to finances we own everything.
Plus there’s so many of them they are bankrupting Medicare and placing huge burdens on the hospitals who only lose money because these people were so spoiled and lazy. They didn’t know how to parent, they thought angels parented kids. Tv parented their kids. They never grew up and still all hang around together in whatever boomer groups they can imagine.
Gen X, me, grew up hiding in our rooms and smoking pot to get away from them. Most spoiled generation ever.
Wow. Sorry your parents sucked. Don't paint all 'Boomers' with the same, broad brush. I'm a Boomer. Worked my ass off. Was not spoiled. No one paid for my college. Got nothing for free. Started working at age 17. Didn't become a hippy. Didn't do drugs, smoke or drink. Was athletic and stayed fit. Bought my own home, cars and everything else. I'm a girl and I still managed to plant my own bushes and flowers, seed my grass, mow, trim and manicure my own yard, painted my own house, sewed my drapes, laid my own tile, hung my own wallpaper. Bought, fixed and flipped 4 houses before age 28, while working full-time. I didn't have a weekend off for 8 years. Packed my lunch for work. Drank coffee from the free pot. Handwashed my drycleanables because I couldn't afford dry cleaning. Washed my car by hand. My pennies were pinched so tight, I only allowed myself to spend 25 cents on one can of pop from the discounted employees vending machine each day. I bought things on lay-a-way and paid on time and took it home only when it was paid for.
I never had a maid, a cook, or a housekeeper. (Finally hired a lawn man at age 47 when my mother died. I just couldn't do it anymore). Didn't take a vacation for 14 years. Scrimped and saved. My health was paramount. I didn't squander it.
Husband was the same - got his education and worked. He didn't drink or smoke or do drugs. Wore a suit and tie to work. Saved his money. He and I waited to have children until we were financially set. Made sure they learned everything and got really good grades, very limited TV, enrolled in numerous sports, were respectful, etc. We paid for their college, supervised them constantly and made sure they graduated. Both are smart, kind, responsible and hard-working young adults. Neither drink soft drinks or alcohol, nor drugs, nor smoke. Both are extremely fit, both are conservative. They are my legacy.
Thank you for sticking up for us. I fall into your category. And yes, it does make me sick to see people my age looking like hell, fat, dumpy, in motorized wheel chairs, but just about everybody looks that way today - from kids ages on up.
All previous generations voted against mass immigration. Yours didn’t.
Perhaps you personally didn’t materially contribute to what has happened, but your generation did more than most.
Not more than all, mind you. There is the generation that allowed the creation of the Fed…
Excuse me, but not one person I know voted for mass immigration, period, full stop. Not my Mexican-American neighbors, not even my refugee friends from Croatia who are now legal citizens. Not my friend from Canada who has been desperate to get her final OK to be a citizen. Certainly not those of us who lived here our whole lives and remember what the U.S. used to look like.
So, how did it happen?
The Globalists who are nearly all of one ethnicity (looks white - says they are not white - says they hate whites) are putting the Kalergi plan into action. (Look it up if you don't know what it is.)
They see the 'white people' as adversaries and enemies and seek to destroy them from within, so they (the J_wish Globalists) seek to dilute white majority nations who were living happily and flood them with impoverished, uneducated people from 3rd world nations who do not understand their laws, customs and rules, creating havoc, crime, violence, and disharmony. They overwhelm the countries and dilute their resources. This contributes to decay and loss of function.
They encourage the whites to breed with non-whites (look at every commercial or news ad - they show only mixed race coupling) to drop the general IQ of the whites and dilute them so that there are no more of them. They seek to change the whole demographic of the white nations so to lose their national identity and sense of community.
These Globalists own and control 90% of the news media, are owners of all major social media and search engines. They own most of the local and DC politicians (especially Dems) and most of Hollywood. They encourage and spread anti-white animosity 24/7. They also rig the elections, keeping corrupted and evil political leaders in power.
They are also the Big Pharma people who are behind this genocide of the virus and the poison jab.
This has been in the works for more than 50 years not just here, but worldwide.
OPEN YOUR EYES. None of us BOOMERS who are patriots and legal citizens have EVER voted for this.
If you’d foisted mass immigration on my greatest generation grandparents they’d have revolted.
When it was foisted on boomers, they …?
Now we’re stuck with a forever altered and for the worst population.
I agree we also have a khazar problem, but THEY require someone to acquiesce to their plans and one specific generation did acquiesce.
I agree with the rest of what you said.
I love my parents and all people. It was tongue in cheek. Usually people blame the younger generation. I try my hand at blaming the older one. People change because circumstances change. As we stop doing hard labor we have to get up and move.
Everyone I see in the hospital with Covid is overweight, and this may look like normal weight to most people but we’ve been so used to people looking this way we don’t understand how bad it is for us. Booms also started the gym crazy once they figured out they had to do something about it. But even 25 overweight is bad for you and raises risks.
Older people have a paradox where if you are a bit overweight you’re healthier, this is because fat supplies hormones. Look at young gymnasts. They have no hormones. But we can replace and encourage them and benefit from being the right weight.
I do think boomers have represented a lot of what I said but not all boomers, of course. In general. You can’t take offense on the internet for generalizations. And if you did I certainly apologize.
My generation is even more lazy and we are a bunch of potheads to wit.
Boomers were the first generation to be primarily overweight. I took care of their parents and a lot of old World War Two vets. I nursed them as they died. This is the greatest generation, full of wisdom. They told war stories quietly, because they didn’t want people to know how horrible the world can be.
They all dressed to the nines and had good taste in music. They valued respect, for oneself first then others. They built a strong country based on hard work and reality while their kids started crazy business ideas that turned into Ponzi schemes. Television advertisements. Wacky ass ideas. They decimated the institution of marriage, traditional values that were based on common sense in exchange for floral mumus they danced in naked underneath while chubby and sporting pit hair because no one can make them do any work.
I’d say this whole generation is responsible for the demise of our country and I just try to remember they are on their last lap.
Miliary are waiting to see what the aliens will do.
People laugh..... but we know military/space force and the galactics have been in discussion... don't we? Down deep?
If aliens are here, most of the great awakening would be politicians who are working with aliens for their agenda.
Then all the democrats are innocent all the RINOS because they are trying to save humanity by doing what the aliens say or they wipe us out.
It’s possible this has always been happening. That would be the red pills of red pills.
It wouldn’t matter if the cabal was exposed or not, or aliens are exposed. There’s literally nothing we can do about it but go along with whatever they say.
I'm seeing signs of aliens in places I would have never imagined:
Jesus Christ is always the Way. 🙏
Do not mistake silence for inaction
The primary job of all Patriots is to avoid the inoculations. The Globalists have put much of their energy into it. Like Sauron and the Ring of Power.
I totally agree, it has become so clear.
True. We need to avoid the deadly inoculations, while also finding better ways to avoid infection and hospitalization. If you can't stay away from their ventilators and remdesivir, they could still win in spite of everything, and get rich doing it.
I just took my daily stress tab with C, D, and zinc, plus 8000 IU of extra D. And thanks for reminding me of my personal responsibility to find a source of Ivermectin before I need it, not after. I was just searching for sources this evening. I'm going the MD/prophylactic prescription route.
And more...the goal is the Vax passport, then social credit score, with total control over our actions. Bit I don't think Patriots will submkt.
Be careful about so much vitamin D. Vitamin D is one of the vitamins that can become toxic if too much builds up in your system. Unless you're chronically low on it 2,000 iu a day is probably plenty.
I agree that our survival is most important at this point.
I agree. The louder the Nazis & Commies scream and yell ordering us to take these shots, the more obvious that becomes. Whatever the cabal is desperate to do (i.e., shoot everyone with these bioweapons) we all need to run in the opposite direction. Same with MSM - whatever they chant 24x7, believe the opposite.
When you stop and think about it, they've made it quite easy to make decisions. Do the opposite of what their goals are, believe the opposite of what the MSM publishes, and trust whichever patriots that they try to destroy and bash the most. Easy peezy!
I believe you but then I keep confused about Trump's defense of vaccines. Maybe they are not so bad.
'like they need us to take it very soon or they lose' - I can't quite put my finger on it yet either, but getting the same sense.
I never got into the GME stuff, but I will HOLD the pureblood line with a smile on my face.
Had to do a bit of work in a house today and the owner asked if I would wear a mask... "I will, so long as you understand that any minuscule value is lost after 20 minutes of sharing the same airspace...and It's looking like we'll be here most of the day." In a store I just ignore them and they give up...in this case I think it was more effective to play along and just plant that seed. Actually got a intrigued 'huh' out of him and later on noticed he had moved over to chin-masking...part way there in just one day :) Of course mine was off for all but the 20 or so minutes of interaction.
you have the right idea. plant seeds whereever you can. The Deepstate seems so desperate, we need to win over the people, and I think we are winning this battle, but it is not over.
I can't say I didn't entertain the thought of saying, "uh, no, but I can leave if you'd like"...I guess God gave me a little extra grace today to tip the scales.
i have to say, i'm not always sure about Q or Trump or the military. i am sure there is a plan by the DS to kill most of us. i am also sure the DS will fail, because i read the back of the book. God never fails, or he wouldn't be God. i don't know how God plans to get us out of this mess, i just know he has a plan to do so. if all the normies knew the truth of what is going on, the DS would fall pretty quickly, simply because we massively outnumber them. At this time, the normies are supporting the DS. Maybe it is better for them to be asleep for now. If they all suddenly woke up, maybe they would lose their minds. God chooses who will awaken, how much, and when. But NCSWIC because God. We might suffer some more casualties until then, but what the DS intends for evil, God will make it turn out for good.
I am right there with you fren. God is the only way. God either fixes this or Jesus returns to end this. Either way those with faith are saved.
Your terms are acceptable
Was just praying about this tonight!! Maybe God knew i needed to read this. Thank you fren
Agreed. u/GlobalOrcs ThanQ for spreading The Light.
See how This works, everyone?
I know we’ve passed the point of no return. I’m filled with hope, faith and fear all at once. I know there’s a massive showdown coming sooner than later and I honestly have no idea what to expect. And yes, I am scared. I’m a lover not a fighter. I’ve never faced anything like this in my entire life to prepare me. I just PRAY that SOMETHING irrevocably and irreversibly wakes up the VAST majority of humanity before it kicks off. We need everyone we can get. Thankfully (oh SO thankfully) I see The Great Awakening gaining a lot of velocity recently. I see [the pushers] of [the narrative] becoming more desperate, more irrational, flailing, making extremely stupid mistakes, which only exponentiates the speed and numbers of awakening humans. I also continue to see FAR too many going along with fear and insanity because their hearts and minds are hijacked. I’m not much of a Bible reader and I’m not very eloquent in my prayers, but I do have Faith and God knows my heart. So, from my heart I pray: Be with us, Dear Lord. Give us the strength, the courage, the wisdom, the perseverance to overcome this incredible evil. Give us the words to truly help those who are asleep and lost right now. Fill us with Your Faith, Your Fearlessness, Your Clarity, Your Foresight, Your Discernment, Your LOVE. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
I love all of you
start planking and shadow boxing.
Remember, there is likely a route to cripple many judges via the trafficking/child sex offense network that is being bombarded by local law enforcement globally.
I hope you are right, I want to see victory, but more importantly, I want to see evil people fall.
So do I, fren. These creatures took my beloved from me forever.
However, such loss gave me a reason to fight in my own, small way, right here. Everyday before I sleep, I archive and post trafficking news data to show the enemy is losing their deepest evil networks to patriots globally.
Crime syndicates are dying. Gangs are being crushed. Pedos are going away for decades in many nations. Many are avoiding getting new jabs now. The full court press of the media is failing and the cabal can't get them back in line. It's happening even if it isn't covered by the mainstream, and nothing, including silence by the media can stop this.
Patience is a virtue we must both endure and endeavour to retain.
I am sorry for your loss fren. That is horrific. God bless you and your beloved in Heaven.
Your work is not small fren! It is greatly appreciated.
and what is that? what plan would work? Funny people like you always say shitnlike this but never have a plan.
well said. Yes it is a roller coaster I am with you, compliance with evil will not happen.
My mantra for getting though the depressed days??? "The best is yet to come", I truly want to see the other side of this shitshow... To do this I MUST remain healthy and I accomplish this by eating right, taking good supplements and walking 2 to 2 1/2 miles every day-oddly enough, during the lockdown, I did not walk and how I ended up feeling motivated me TO walk. I am unvaxxed but not vexed.
Noncompliance that would be a great start
thanks brother
I expected that they would try again soon after the new year so yes their time table is moving up.
This is still prime retail holiday shopping season for many people so to drop this now is huge.
the military is NOT on our side, end of story.
wow, you can speak for the entire military. cool.
you have proof of the military backing us? so far they are not. down to the point of getting the jab. only a small minority are objecting and they are being phased out into the civilian world.
apparently you didnt read my whole post. go back to being a doomer faggot somewhere else.
I read your whole post and think you're the faggot trying to post bullshit here. you keep up with your fantasy bullshit, keep fiddling while rome burns.
you do know this is a Q forume right, tough guy.
you are glowing.
the fuck I am glowing. show me where you have any real world evidence that the military is on our side still other than just in a Q post. I am calling bullshit on this along with trusting the plan. most of the military has taken the oath to be faithful to the current admin, and shown so by taking the clot shot. few have stood up to defend the constitution. they gathered in dc to protect the congress from we the people, under adverse conditions. here I am, in a bad position where I have to make my decision to either conform to fascist tyranny or stand and fight, alone, because there is no one near me or in my small circle that supports our beliefs, and be forced out into the streets with nothing. but you can keep posting about bullshit with no real proof. you posted this, and I am doubting. show me where the military is supporting US, the people or just quit with the bullshit.
so what are you goung to do about it besides attack people on the internet. You can troll all day long feeling tough in your moms basement.
fyi, whether you think the military is coming or not the plan is the same. wake the masses. If they dont wake we dont win.
The same military that's shipping in illegals and housing them on bases? That military? I'm not going to hold my breath.
of the militarty is to stop this it will not be the media facing generals.
If you have come this far and turn to dooming, you were never on board with any of this. It's that simple. Dooming has ZERO value, in fact all it does is bring down the mood and simply exposes you as weak minded and scared.
Never in the history of ever has dooming ever been productive or useful. Even in the face of certain defeat, hope is better to hold onto than to give up and doom.
Being a realist and a skeptic have a lot of value, and labeling it "dooming" is very smooth brain.
Literally no one here does that. No one. Dooming is very specific in that it offers no value. Skepticism can have value when you articulate yourself clearly and concisely. That has never been dooming. A rant about why Trump sucks for "allowing this to happen" and why the plan failed is not skepticism. It's nuclear grade dooming of which we have no tolerance for and rightly so.
If I need to spell this out for you even more, just go ahead and block me. I have ZERO tolerance for doomers and am having even less tolerance an patience for doomer sympathizers like you. You guys are like Fudds except instead of banning guns you want to allow doomers to gloom and doom here. Take that shit over to patriots especially if you're gonna stupidly conflate legitimate skepticism with dooming.
Only idiots use that term. The "doom" has already happened. It's like being in denial about something everyone else can see but them. They are no different in their brainwashing than liberals. No matter what facts they see in front of them they will remain in total denial.
Who does that apply to here?
Great statement and 100% true!
But, if this is revelation. The bad guys are going to "win" so why stress. You cant change anything
In Revelation God wins. God wont let satan steal souls through deception. People who have fallen will be given a chance for redemptiom. God will use the saved to save more. If this is end times we will do whatever God asks of us.
Or, this isnt end times and God flips the script for another 1000 years.
I hope the people win. Im just trying to get my head around the situation we are in. Obviously i cant work it out myself i'm trying to piece news and opinions together. No clear results at all. I dont even know if we are winning anymore
You are on a different front in AUS. Holy shit. You need to simply protect your family and avoid the jab.
Did the Founding Fathers fight the revolution because they were gonna win? No. They won the first and arguable the only war that mattered: conquering their fear. That is the fight you are in right now. You are scared of losing and you can't be. Winning means nothing if we don't defeat fear first. Otherwise it will just come back.
Yes... things seem bleak. That is because the cabal in their final plays. They are desperate to get control and they know that it's one of two outcomes if they fail: Jesus comes back or they get set back another thousand years or so. Ideally evil must be destroyed and that may necessitate Christ's return regardless of the circumstances.
But I can assure you we are winning. And if you conquer fear, you'll always win no matter what.
Apparently it's summer in Oz. Talk about upside-down! You should be enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, getting regular exercise, and practicing preventive nutrition regardless of anything else. When winter comes in June (!!!), it will then be time for extra vitamin D.
Every time one of us gets the virus, those vampires think they won. Don't give them the pleasure and attention they crave.
I do appreciate your take on the souls of the deceived. A lot of people who are on board with this being the mark of the beast act like there's no saving people. But just being a halfway decent person is what is asked, not to be an evil, duplicitous snake who shits on everyone, murders people, etc.
Taking a vaccine that they were deceived about is not being a bad person unworthy of Heaven.
you are correct. at tgis point the jab is not the mark. Peoole must take the mark knowingly. This is a precursor. We can be a tool for God to save souls.
Doesn't God allow the devil his time on earth specifically to decieve? To separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak?
I dont know that answer. Would need to look at the specific verses.
There's a few around here that believe this is a new timeline. One where the events unfold more favorably. Pray and hunker down, our love is with you.
We are all in this together
i'm hoping the numbers of supposedly vaxxed are fake. some people here are pointing out that the Matrix scammers are trying to make us feel vastly outnumbered, when perhaps the no vaxxers plus the no more vaxxers actually constitute the majority. The hard pushing from our politicians and MSM means they don't have the jab numbers they were hoping to have at this point. They have to get the shots in us before too many people wake up. And you notice they are trying to scare with more stupid variants and a necessity of ever more boosters (die you useless eaters die!) They are going for broke because they know it is do or die time for them. If they fail, they will not get another chance to implement their program, and they will have to scramble in an attempt to save their own skins. I believe their master satan is trying to defeat Christ by destroying as many of Christ's people as possible before Christ's return. Well, not gonna happen. We are living in times like Noah and Lot--massive evil. Yet God saved a small remnant before judgment fell. Eight in Noah's time and 3 in Lot's time. Those are symbolic numbers. Since we don't know the timing of Christ's return, perhaps we should focus on urging people to get on the "ark" and buckle up. There is safety in Christ no matter what happens. On another note, i keep reading on here that Trump's warp speed messed with the timing of the Agenda 2030. We were supposed to be on rolling lockdowns until about 2025 while they finished their vaccine development. All they can do now is scream "more boosters, more boosters!" which is actually waking some people up. I'm kinda wondering how many boosters some people have to take before they figure out something is wrong.
oh all of them have? Your take is retarded.
We absolutely get it but by the time the military shows up most of the population will be dead and you will be replaced by the illegals. Why do you think they wont give them the jab. If the military was going to step in they would have done so by now you cannot wait until you have no people left or it isnt a win is it?
well, that is part of the DS plan. Kill all the nativist Americans and replace them with the illegals. Really a stupid plan. Turn the US into a third world dump, dispose of the military you've been using for years, while killing off your middle class tax base. It's OK, they thought they would do better handing America over to Communist China to manage for them after they wipe us out. HOWEVER, i don't think they get to succeed with this idiotic idea. Realize their goal is to decrease world pop to about half a billion. Last i heard, they have jabbed about 2 billion people. To me that's a lot. To them it is not enough. Anyway the 2 billion are not dying at a rate to make them happy. Do you know how many sheep Christ has here? I think it's a lot. Is he going to allow them all to get jabbed and killed? NO. So what about the military? Well we've been getting a lot of comms about 11.3. . . you'll have to dig into the Q material for that.
What is the plan tho, no one seems to be consistent on what it is.
those that took the jab did it, that cannot be changed. I dont think many holdouts will take it at this point. I am a realist, if we acted now it would be futile, we must wait until the DS does something even normies know and see as blatantly evil. If we dont have the masses we lose. I dont mind going down swinging, but that is a final desperate effort.
Thank you for the reminder (seriously)! As this shit show ebbs and flows, I have some low moments and a reminder like this is very welcome!
me too, I have the bad days too.
Some of the justices in the Supreme Court are Deep State. All of the government agencies-Congress, Supreme Court, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, DHS, DOJ, IRS, DOS, FEMA, HS, all need to go. They are ineffective money sucking agencies who don’t work in the interests of the people.
This is perfect. I've wanted to post something like this for a long time but couldn't quite articulate it. You nailed it.
It's so obvious that their narrative is totally imploding. If this was NOT the case; the palpable PANIC would not be emanating from their every move.
thanks, for the reply.
I believe good will prevail but I’d be lying if I said the crap politicians are doing and laws they’re passing on Capitol Hill haven’t been pissing me off. Wish I could go off the grid and stop paying taxes.
The part where the military is just as cucked as the courts
why are you here? If that is what you believe go do something, or are you just a faggot that is real tough behind his keyboard.
Are you not aware of the cucked military?
Did I say something that sounded like I was trying to be “tough?”
all you faggots that love the word cucked are the same. I dont have interest in a serious discussion with you.
What about the word faggot?
no faggot is a fun word to use it isnt lame like cucked, only faggots would be confused about this.
where are all you shills coming from this is fucking hilarious. You guys all sound the same and have the IQ of a retard.
Only cucked faggots would differentiate
what is a cucked faggot? a fag that is ok with his man doing another fag. I think the term cucked faggots is redundant. Are there any faggots that arent cucked?
What part of triple vaxxed military don't YOU get? Patriots have been culled, what remains are order followers and the orders ain't coming from patriots. Get it, yet?
You dont get it. There are factions within the military that arent public. They arent going to broadcast their plans.
Of course this movie sucks. We are being marched to the precipice. It is WE who need to decide when we’ve reached the edge.
I decided that I reached it long ago. So is it really us who decides?
It's because it's not a movie. Unless you are in an Alec Baldwin flick people aren't supposed to suffer and die in a movie. This is real life. Anyone saying it's not real and a movie is in total denial.
I am not dooming and I am holding the line. But, holy smokes! They are sure trying to make it very difficult for all of us with the reversal of the vax mandates.
The military is so cucked. They control the world through intimidation and fake wars for money organized by the deep state. Look at the Middle East, and pretty much every war since WWII. All bullshit. No reason for US involvement. Helping the CIA grow and run heroin production in Afghanistan. The military doesn’t give a fuck about you and it’s time to accept that this is 100% bullshit. Naming military warships after faggot LGBTALFJROTNFJ+ leaders from the 60’s LMAO c’mon man. Letting trannies perform christening ceremonies in the navy and giving trannies special promotions. Cmon.
look all the faggot nazis shownup at the same time.
Tell me that one fucking thing I said was wrong. One fucking thing
using the word cucked. Is gay and lame.
Well atleast you gave me the answer I was expecting. Nothing.
not going to placate a faggot like yourself. not worth the time. It is an obvious shill parade, all you fucks sound the same. You remind me of the nazi faggots on voat.
cant defend your opinion (Immediately refers to name calling like a liberal)
wrong again, I am not going to spend time explaining obvious shit to a shill, troll or glowie. Good luck baiting others.
fyi if you give a shit about what I think read the rest of this thread, not going to repeat myself to hostiles.
Nice post fren.
Why is UK and Australia openly revolting and thenUS is sitting back?
because you are a faggot.
Ice, real nice. Dickhead
why would I respond with amything serious. If you cant tell the difference between what is happening in AUS, Europe vs US a discussion with you pointless.
I think Q meant the MILITIAS are the only way.
Faggot military isn’t going to save shit.
You folks are giving up really easily and that is shameful. You've had it so nice for so long that it escapes your mind of how difficult it is to have a life full of meaning. Even the Chinese Muslims have more hope than some of you guys.
Pick yourself up, focus your thoughts and tap into something much stronger than yourself. It's supposed to be difficult. In the difficulty it redefines your character.
Hold the line.
Question, how bad did it get in Turkey before the military intervened with a coup? Same question for Egypt. There is historical precedent for militaries staging coups against tyrannical government. Historically speaking, where is the tipping point that usually leads to generals rebelling?
Don’t know about military rebelling, but when the price of food is a higher percentage of a family’s budget, the people revolt.
Agree...hold the line. We can do this remain local, vocal and making your communities better and just set your thermostat for cruise control as the Evil implodes in their treacherous face, courtesy of all of us and the red white and Blue!
Military the most woke of them all. I wouldn't count on the military.
fuck them all;
all of them we mustn never give up! never!
request full maximum punishmet by law for all of them, media, pharma, hospitals, take , nationalise all of them assets including big bloodline families trough boards of ownership and the banks and banksters breake their fucking back world wide.
I suspect this is the part of the plan, more power to all of you frens
The part about the military being completely compromised.
They're not going to save us.
Grassroots activism is the only way.