A lot of us outside of the Metroplex ( Seattle) and Oly, have prepared! I can neither confirm nor deny that I may or may not have loaded up on as much green tip ammo as i may have or may not have obtained!
Importantly, you cant GET black tips which are armor piercing, or "AP", from a local store and anyone bragging about having them is stupid to begin with. Only way you can is if you "know someone" or are federally approved, just like having a class 3 license for a machinegun ownership. But who wants the latter option? You'll be one of the first [they] come for.
Green tips are improved penetrators only, not AP, and can be obtained locally. They WILL go thru all non-military body armor, which sounds contrary to being a "non-AP round", but body armor is still considered to be a "soft target" up to class 3a...hence the distinction. Coincidentally, this includes anything cops have access to wearing during normal duty; i.e. level 1, 2, and 3a.
Class 3 (plate carriers) and up is no chance unless you have a larger and heavier caliber than .223/5.56; i.e. .338 Lapua (and larger) will zing right thru Class 3, for instance. Anything better than Class 3 will require larger calibers and actual AP rounds (e.g. steel cores) to have a chance of going thru...although it will definitely knock whoever is hit right square on their asses and out of the fight from pain, even if it doesn't penetrate, because the energy and mass of the round still obeys physics and transfers.
Hope this short synopsis helps those not knowing the difference.
Edit: almost forgot: Source=myself and 24rs military, most of which was in warzones.
Ah, I see. Your initial post was a bit vague on the misconception part, which is the reason I asked and then went into a short explanation of difference to any lurking about which round does what and why.
You're right about the "magic bullet" opinion....I see it all too much myself which, again, dovetailed into the separation explanation.
I've a slight disagreement with the Edit about green tips though. Ballistically speaking, green tips do what they are advertised to do: more penetration before losing energy, which makes them especially suited to punching through tough hides...or low-level body armors...to inflict deeper wounds to soft bits under, or behind, hides or armors before breaking up or diverting energy. A standard FMJ will penetrate low level body armors, yes, but a lot of that energy will be lost punching through and break up of the round beginning with initial impact. Green tips, not so much. That little teflon tip does a lot more than people give it credit.
The thing people need to understand about soft-point, teflon tipped (not just AR greens), FMJ's, or AP rounds (or the myriad of other types of specialized rounds), is application to target. Many haven't a clue and they really need to learn. 1 shot is all that it should take and when that shot doesnt do as expected, that hesitation can turn the tables in a bad way. Ammo application is crucial to any engagement.
Long winded version of saying green tips aren't "moot", if the shooter knows what they're good for doing and not doing. Remember: ammo makers dont typically waste research and money on creating rounds that another round of the same caliber/make will do. There has to be a niche to fill that another round won't do, or wont do as well. Thus, green tips do better than standard FMJ's on specific target types, in this discussion meaning...body armors. Savvy?
Most people in the US don’t realize that their are A LOT of based patriots in WA State, very hard people, and we are very pissed off. It is one thing being in a red state and another to be in a blue dealing with this garbage. You want to see some patriots motivated for change? Willing to go to great lengths to root out tyrants? The PNW is gonna light it up when the time comes.
our actual proven-with-legal-NDA-pedo globalist WEF soros cucklefuck Trudeau whos cheated in several elections and is also the genetic offspring of Castro is threatening (which means will do) UN blue helmet "peace keeper" armies to enforce our emergencies act..which is essentially Stalin level dictatorial powers for up to 5 years. Oh and vaccines are ahh uhm mandatory because Opportunities for Khanadians.
So if I swim down can someone drive me back with like 500 guys in full kit? really its all youd need to push over the domestic cnd army at this point.
God damn, dude. From what I know (wife is Canadian and her brother is a patriot), y'all have lots and lots of guns and hoards are buying more and more.
Maybe there are some non cucks left still. Stay strong, patriot.WWG1WGA
Indeed. Im not a lawyer but I can still read and know they are blatantly violating and misinterpreting our Constitution. It's infuriating and treasonous because as attorneys you damn well know what our founder's intended.
A state cant willingly violate the federal constitution with its own without challenge.
I personally don’t care. I sell real estate in Florida. The more these lefty shithole states do this, the richer I get.
Does anyone actually think rich people are gonna follow any of these rules? It’s hysterical when you see the poor and middle class simp for all these restrictions. Gullible fucks lol.
Article I, Section I of the WA State Constitution: All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
Well, we don't consent, and they are stomping all over our individual rights. All of this shit is tyrannical and blatantly illegal.
There is a whole scene of based rap, and it's getting more and more popular. Some of these guys were #1 on iTunes rap.
Tom Macdonald is the most known non-leftist rapper but he's not nearly as openly based as:
Burden, Tyson James, Bryson Gray, Loza Alexander, Zuby(whose tweets get posted frequently here and on TD) and many more.
I frigging love it!
You are correct. There are many more than what they make you see. Red state anons know it, but deep blue anons like me sometimes feel absolutely alone and closed off. I get excited as a dog when I come across even a milquetoast conservative in real life 😆
I hope nobody is fooled by this nonsense. They did the same thing with their job postings for these facilities by first asking if applicants would be comfortable physically holding down individuals for forced vaxxing. When they got a ton of push back for that, they took it out of the job posting, but they didn't stop pursuing staff.
This is no different. They're not going to stop with this plan. They're just trying to placate the unwashed masses so nobody fights back until it's too late.
Also trying to move the whole thing forward in hopes we'll forget "looks the thing you're worried about isn't happening... until TAG approves of it for a later date" atleast is how I read it
Since when did the citizens of the United States grant authority to a state medical board to over ride the U.S. Constitution? Sorry, I must have missed that part.
I would never advocate for harm against law enforcement, but if you're wearing a badge you need to know the difference between upholding the law and violating someones rights. Wake up law enforcement
Our governor Jaydolf Inslee also wants to make speech he deems "misinformation" criminal too. If you disagree with the King, you are a guilty treasonous peasant that needs to be held accountable.
I’m in Eastern WA with Dem parents across the border in ID. They couldn’t believe I recently turned down a “dream job” because I wouldn’t vax. Now, WA is going to try and put me in a camp 2 years into the “pandemic”, the same “pandemic” that my 93 year old grandma just survived in OR (fully vaxxed and was isolated for 1.5 years prior). if this doesn’t red pill them, there is no hope.
New York State had the same, until enough noise brought it to light and was withdrawn......for now.
Bill A416 Detention
Very close people. Only a neigborhood away.
Fuck this tyrannical state "government" (which these days is mostly King Dipshit and his merry band of unelected bureaucrats - our legislature is full of cucks who won't stand up to him). This overtly unconstitutional bullshit will NOT stand!
The Nazification of our country has officially taken its next step. And people really really REALLY need to wake up to the fact that the "defund the police" nonsense was a misdirection. LEO are NOT ON OUR SIDE. ANY LEO that does the bidding of these tyrants should be and will be held accountable when the tide turns, and they should be and will be treated like the traitors they are for doing the bidding of the tyrants they serve.
Clarifying Online Misinformation about the Jan. 12 State Board of Health Public Meeting
There has been a lot of interest in the Washington State Board of Health’s virtual public meeting on Jan. 12. Our staff is busy preparing meeting materials and public comments. Due to the large volume of questions we are receiving from interested folks, we want to clarify some misinformation that has circulated online regarding two topics on the agenda.
The Washington State Board of Health (Board) is not voting to require a COVID-19 vaccine for school-aged children at its meeting on Jan. 12. The Board will receive a briefing on the progress of the technical advisory group (TAG), which is convened to consider COVID-19 for inclusion in chapter 246-105 WAC, at next week’s meeting (agenda item 8). The Board will not take action on this agenda item at the meeting. The purpose of the TAG is to evaluate a vaccine against the established criteria to develop and provide a recommendation. The recommendation is then presented to the Board at a future regularly scheduled meeting for consideration. The Board, at their discretion, may or may not approve the TAG’s recommendation. The exemption allowances currently listed in the state’s immunizations law would be available for families and their children who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19. These exemptions include medical, religious, philosophical or personal exemptions. More information is available on the TAG meeting web page.
The Board is not voting to change isolation or quarantine policies at its meeting on Jan. 12. The Board is continuing a November 2021 rules hearing on the proposed rule changes to chapter 246-100 WAC, Communicable and Certain Other Diseases, as published in WSR 21-20-127 at the meeting. The Board is proposing updating its rules to reflect current state law to align with Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 1551. Agenda item 9, while related to rulemaking on chapter 246-100 WAC, is scoped only to the implementation of ESHB 1551 (Chapter 76, Laws of 2020) and does not include changes to isolation and quarantine policies nor does it suggest law enforcement be used to enforce any vaccination requirements. More information is available on the Communicable and Certain Other Diseases rule web page.
"Clarifying misinformation" = "we are not passing the law yet, just talking about it before we pass it later when the public outrage gets intentionally diverted to something else."
10,000$ fines that scare businesses into being voluntary regulation enforcers is a thing though. its funny how terrified of violating a county ordinance local businesses here are, but they don't give two shits about state and federal laws they are violating which say they can't do what the county is forcing them to do...
Well if you live in Washington state guess it’s time to move to a red state and fast! Same if you live in NY, being they are pushing no entry at places without a jab card.
I thought about leaving the state but fuck that coward shit. We need to start fighting and bring the fight to them. Do not comply, do not give in do not surrender.
We fight with our voices and disobedience.
I grew up here. I grew up wondering the forests and mountains of the Cascades. I grew up claming and fishing the Pacific Ocean and looking out at the sunset on the beach. This is my home fuck those commie fucks.
Fuck Inslee, Fuck Gates, Fuck Bezos and Fuck King County. They can push as hard as they want but we’ll hold the line. I’m already a second class citizen in my hometown, gf broke up with me, lost friends/family etc. I will not back down though.
We can no longer surrender and retreat. We must make a stand. It is our duty as Americans.
My grandfather did not watch his friends die on the sands of Iwo Jima so America could become a medical dictatorship.
You hold the line for yourself, your like minded family and friends, for your state and for our brothers and sisters world wide who have it worse then we do. They are relying on us cause America cannot fall to globalism.
I am 3rd generation SF on both sides of the family. As fucked up as it is, this is MY home. If I don't stand, the locusts will just move to the next place.
You are right! I wish you much luck & prayers that you are able to fight this and win! I figured some folks don’t like it in liberal areas and trying to move away, and this type of scenario would be a last straw sort of thing.
As I said under a comment above. You are right! I wish much luck & prayers that they are able to fight this and win! I figured some folks don’t like it in liberal areas and trying to move away, and this type of scenario would be a last straw sort of thing.
They aren't recording the Zoom meeting. Everyone needs to record this and post it on every social media platform you are still on. Better yet, cut it up into sound bites that expose exactly what their plans are.
It was when they stole the country. Everything after that is just them rubbing it in our faces that they got us trained like good little bitches.
And it's more than that...We kinda had an excuse with Trump in office, but now it's fair to suspect or say that children are not being helped on anything close to a big enough scale for progress. I don't think we can call ourselves men, just my opinion. How I feel inside daily because anyone almost openly doing those things shoulda been snuffed out right away, not be let to go around joking about it to again, rub our faces in our own piss puddles.
I think LaVoy Finicum and Randy Weaver would disagree with all ya tough talking Pacific Northwesteners. They will pick you off one at a time and you will let it happen
Most likely. Much easier to get taken in while telling yourself you'll get out eventually and that things may even get better. But that is uncertain and highly unlikely if they (and we soon) don't do something.
At some point we have to. I mean right now it seems like we're just never gonna retaliate for ANYTHING.
Pierce county pede here. Met an old patriot in a grocery line the other day who said they have a militia ready to go. There are some amazing Patriots here. This shit will not slide. Hold the line!!
Oh boy. This won't end well for them. This blatantly violates the Constitution and is precisely why we have the 2A.
A lot of us outside of the Metroplex ( Seattle) and Oly, have prepared! I can neither confirm nor deny that I may or may not have loaded up on as much green tip ammo as i may have or may not have obtained!
Hey neighbor!
In Minecraft.
Cant decide what bringing up black tips had to do with anything in the convo?
They were stocking on green tips for the added penetrating power on soft targets, not hard.
Further, for those needing to know the difference since you brought it up---
Importantly, you cant GET black tips which are armor piercing, or "AP", from a local store and anyone bragging about having them is stupid to begin with. Only way you can is if you "know someone" or are federally approved, just like having a class 3 license for a machinegun ownership. But who wants the latter option? You'll be one of the first [they] come for.
Green tips are improved penetrators only, not AP, and can be obtained locally. They WILL go thru all non-military body armor, which sounds contrary to being a "non-AP round", but body armor is still considered to be a "soft target" up to class 3a...hence the distinction. Coincidentally, this includes anything cops have access to wearing during normal duty; i.e. level 1, 2, and 3a.
Class 3 (plate carriers) and up is no chance unless you have a larger and heavier caliber than .223/5.56; i.e. .338 Lapua (and larger) will zing right thru Class 3, for instance. Anything better than Class 3 will require larger calibers and actual AP rounds (e.g. steel cores) to have a chance of going thru...although it will definitely knock whoever is hit right square on their asses and out of the fight from pain, even if it doesn't penetrate, because the energy and mass of the round still obeys physics and transfers.
Hope this short synopsis helps those not knowing the difference.
Edit: almost forgot: Source=myself and 24rs military, most of which was in warzones.
Ah, I see. Your initial post was a bit vague on the misconception part, which is the reason I asked and then went into a short explanation of difference to any lurking about which round does what and why.
You're right about the "magic bullet" opinion....I see it all too much myself which, again, dovetailed into the separation explanation.
I've a slight disagreement with the Edit about green tips though. Ballistically speaking, green tips do what they are advertised to do: more penetration before losing energy, which makes them especially suited to punching through tough hides...or low-level body armors...to inflict deeper wounds to soft bits under, or behind, hides or armors before breaking up or diverting energy. A standard FMJ will penetrate low level body armors, yes, but a lot of that energy will be lost punching through and break up of the round beginning with initial impact. Green tips, not so much. That little teflon tip does a lot more than people give it credit.
The thing people need to understand about soft-point, teflon tipped (not just AR greens), FMJ's, or AP rounds (or the myriad of other types of specialized rounds), is application to target. Many haven't a clue and they really need to learn. 1 shot is all that it should take and when that shot doesnt do as expected, that hesitation can turn the tables in a bad way. Ammo application is crucial to any engagement.
Long winded version of saying green tips aren't "moot", if the shooter knows what they're good for doing and not doing. Remember: ammo makers dont typically waste research and money on creating rounds that another round of the same caliber/make will do. There has to be a niche to fill that another round won't do, or wont do as well. Thus, green tips do better than standard FMJ's on specific target types, in this discussion meaning...body armors. Savvy?
Loading up is one thing.
Using is another.
Talk is ez.
Yup and here you are talking up a storm. Super fucking ez.
You both are right
So are you.
Most people in the US don’t realize that their are A LOT of based patriots in WA State, very hard people, and we are very pissed off. It is one thing being in a red state and another to be in a blue dealing with this garbage. You want to see some patriots motivated for change? Willing to go to great lengths to root out tyrants? The PNW is gonna light it up when the time comes.
WA is red. Don't kid yourself. They have been stealing elections for a long time. Seattle is <1/5 the pop, King <1/3. The rest is deep red.
Soon it will be red with the blood of tyrants.
Yep! There are WAY more of us here than people realize. And we are FED UP with the crazy leftist bullshit (looking at you, King Dimslee the Retard).
Yep. Us pissed off Oregonians will be shoulder to shoulder with you guys.
Men and women patriots from all over the nation will pour into WA.
Definitively, I’m on the east side of WA, a stones throw from Idaho…a lot of Panhandle Patriots are ready as well
Are they hirering? I'm from Canada, willing to swim over.
Wtf is going on up there?
our actual proven-with-legal-NDA-pedo globalist WEF soros cucklefuck Trudeau whos cheated in several elections and is also the genetic offspring of Castro is threatening (which means will do) UN blue helmet "peace keeper" armies to enforce our emergencies act..which is essentially Stalin level dictatorial powers for up to 5 years. Oh and vaccines are ahh uhm mandatory because Opportunities for Khanadians.
So if I swim down can someone drive me back with like 500 guys in full kit? really its all youd need to push over the domestic cnd army at this point.
God damn, dude. From what I know (wife is Canadian and her brother is a patriot), y'all have lots and lots of guns and hoards are buying more and more.
Maybe there are some non cucks left still. Stay strong, patriot.WWG1WGA
second best armed country on earth (not counting Russia..because they can legally own tanks..) is Canada. Err the day the polite man fucking snaps.
They keep violently raping the Constitution
Indeed. Im not a lawyer but I can still read and know they are blatantly violating and misinterpreting our Constitution. It's infuriating and treasonous because as attorneys you damn well know what our founder's intended.
There authority is from the WA state constitution.
A state cant willingly violate the federal constitution with its own without challenge.
I personally don’t care. I sell real estate in Florida. The more these lefty shithole states do this, the richer I get.
Does anyone actually think rich people are gonna follow any of these rules? It’s hysterical when you see the poor and middle class simp for all these restrictions. Gullible fucks lol.
What constitution??
I hope average people will finally realize the ruling class doesn't recognize the constitution.
Yeah. These people don’t think our constitution should exist, they certainly aren’t going to abide by it.
Raping the WA State Constitution too:
Article I, Section I of the WA State Constitution: All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
Well, we don't consent, and they are stomping all over our individual rights. All of this shit is tyrannical and blatantly illegal.
Nice. I'm not into rap but that was a cool, based song. There are way more of us then the commie globalist fucks.
There is a whole scene of based rap, and it's getting more and more popular. Some of these guys were #1 on iTunes rap.
Tom Macdonald is the most known non-leftist rapper but he's not nearly as openly based as:
Burden, Tyson James, Bryson Gray, Loza Alexander, Zuby(whose tweets get posted frequently here and on TD) and many more.
I frigging love it!
You are correct. There are many more than what they make you see. Red state anons know it, but deep blue anons like me sometimes feel absolutely alone and closed off. I get excited as a dog when I come across even a milquetoast conservative in real life 😆
Sounds likely to begin hostilities to me.
A lot of patriotic, clear thinking Americans will not submit to tyranny.
Many of them are armed and will willingly fight to save themselves, their families and loved ones and America itself.
Well I'm certainly waiting to see if people on our side start burning things down, because it's way more justified than a criminal being killed.
we'll see who wins, their shot or mine
As they try to back peddal:
I hope nobody is fooled by this nonsense. They did the same thing with their job postings for these facilities by first asking if applicants would be comfortable physically holding down individuals for forced vaxxing. When they got a ton of push back for that, they took it out of the job posting, but they didn't stop pursuing staff.
This is no different. They're not going to stop with this plan. They're just trying to placate the unwashed masses so nobody fights back until it's too late.
Also trying to move the whole thing forward in hopes we'll forget "looks the thing you're worried about isn't happening... until TAG approves of it for a later date" atleast is how I read it
Since when did the citizens of the United States grant authority to a state medical board to over ride the U.S. Constitution? Sorry, I must have missed that part.
When the citizens starting allowing school boards to dictate medical decisions for their children. This is insanity
Could be the shot heard round the world.
Good thing I have plenty to spare : )
Detention center. Thats too far
This whole fucking thing is to far. It's already past to far. This is crimes against humanity and act of war if you ask me.
As am I. "Doing my job" died with me 2 years ago
I would never advocate for harm against law enforcement, but if you're wearing a badge you need to know the difference between upholding the law and violating someones rights. Wake up law enforcement
Obeying orders was not accepted in the first Nuremberg trials.
It will not be accepted in the electric boogaloo.
Our governor Jaydolf Inslee also wants to make speech he deems "misinformation" criminal too. If you disagree with the King, you are a guilty treasonous peasant that needs to be held accountable.
My idea of Newton's 3rd Law applying to politics is: For every Inslee, there is an equal and opposite Outslee.
I’m in Eastern WA with Dem parents across the border in ID. They couldn’t believe I recently turned down a “dream job” because I wouldn’t vax. Now, WA is going to try and put me in a camp 2 years into the “pandemic”, the same “pandemic” that my 93 year old grandma just survived in OR (fully vaxxed and was isolated for 1.5 years prior). if this doesn’t red pill them, there is no hope.
From the Washington Board of Health https://sboh.wa.gov/News
I don’t see any of the paragraphs of text from your image in the links you linked to. What is your direct source for your post?
New York State had the same, until enough noise brought it to light and was withdrawn......for now. Bill A416 Detention Very close people. Only a neigborhood away.
Fuck this tyrannical state "government" (which these days is mostly King Dipshit and his merry band of unelected bureaucrats - our legislature is full of cucks who won't stand up to him). This overtly unconstitutional bullshit will NOT stand!
Start running in local politics
The Nazification of our country has officially taken its next step. And people really really REALLY need to wake up to the fact that the "defund the police" nonsense was a misdirection. LEO are NOT ON OUR SIDE. ANY LEO that does the bidding of these tyrants should be and will be held accountable when the tide turns, and they should be and will be treated like the traitors they are for doing the bidding of the tyrants they serve.
From the site:
Clarifying Online Misinformation about the Jan. 12 State Board of Health Public Meeting
There has been a lot of interest in the Washington State Board of Health’s virtual public meeting on Jan. 12. Our staff is busy preparing meeting materials and public comments. Due to the large volume of questions we are receiving from interested folks, we want to clarify some misinformation that has circulated online regarding two topics on the agenda.
The Washington State Board of Health (Board) is not voting to require a COVID-19 vaccine for school-aged children at its meeting on Jan. 12. The Board will receive a briefing on the progress of the technical advisory group (TAG), which is convened to consider COVID-19 for inclusion in chapter 246-105 WAC, at next week’s meeting (agenda item 8). The Board will not take action on this agenda item at the meeting. The purpose of the TAG is to evaluate a vaccine against the established criteria to develop and provide a recommendation. The recommendation is then presented to the Board at a future regularly scheduled meeting for consideration. The Board, at their discretion, may or may not approve the TAG’s recommendation. The exemption allowances currently listed in the state’s immunizations law would be available for families and their children who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19. These exemptions include medical, religious, philosophical or personal exemptions. More information is available on the TAG meeting web page.
The Board is not voting to change isolation or quarantine policies at its meeting on Jan. 12. The Board is continuing a November 2021 rules hearing on the proposed rule changes to chapter 246-100 WAC, Communicable and Certain Other Diseases, as published in WSR 21-20-127 at the meeting. The Board is proposing updating its rules to reflect current state law to align with Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 1551. Agenda item 9, while related to rulemaking on chapter 246-100 WAC, is scoped only to the implementation of ESHB 1551 (Chapter 76, Laws of 2020) and does not include changes to isolation and quarantine policies nor does it suggest law enforcement be used to enforce any vaccination requirements. More information is available on the Communicable and Certain Other Diseases rule web page.
"Clarifying misinformation" = "we are not passing the law yet, just talking about it before we pass it later when the public outrage gets intentionally diverted to something else."
Until we fix 2020. we can't get rid of him. I think he believes he was actually voted in.
WAC is not law. RCW is law. WAC id admin code.
10,000$ fines that scare businesses into being voluntary regulation enforcers is a thing though. its funny how terrified of violating a county ordinance local businesses here are, but they don't give two shits about state and federal laws they are violating which say they can't do what the county is forcing them to do...
Washington gun ownership per capita = 42.5%
Good luck waging war against us Inslee.
I'll be using the 2nd to enforce the 4th and 5th...
Any cop that decides that they want to be a part of this should have made funeral arrangements prior.
So here comes the gun shot wounds, hope Vax helps with those because only people getting shot will be vaxxed
Well if you live in Washington state guess it’s time to move to a red state and fast! Same if you live in NY, being they are pushing no entry at places without a jab card.
No, we stand and fight.
I thought about leaving the state but fuck that coward shit. We need to start fighting and bring the fight to them. Do not comply, do not give in do not surrender.
We fight with our voices and disobedience.
I grew up here. I grew up wondering the forests and mountains of the Cascades. I grew up claming and fishing the Pacific Ocean and looking out at the sunset on the beach. This is my home fuck those commie fucks.
Fuck Inslee, Fuck Gates, Fuck Bezos and Fuck King County. They can push as hard as they want but we’ll hold the line. I’m already a second class citizen in my hometown, gf broke up with me, lost friends/family etc. I will not back down though.
We can no longer surrender and retreat. We must make a stand. It is our duty as Americans.
My grandfather did not watch his friends die on the sands of Iwo Jima so America could become a medical dictatorship.
You hold the line for yourself, your like minded family and friends, for your state and for our brothers and sisters world wide who have it worse then we do. They are relying on us cause America cannot fall to globalism.
Fuck these bitches. Bring it on.
Most inspirational thing I've read today. May God be with all of the people in Washington State
I am 3rd generation SF on both sides of the family. As fucked up as it is, this is MY home. If I don't stand, the locusts will just move to the next place.
Fuck yeah! Brought tears to my eyes! Hold the fucking line
You are right! I wish you much luck & prayers that you are able to fight this and win! I figured some folks don’t like it in liberal areas and trying to move away, and this type of scenario would be a last straw sort of thing.
Amen, brother. This is where I grew up, this is MY HOME. I don't want to leave, and I am willing to fight for it!
(Teared up a bit writing this. It hurts me deeply to see leftist BS ravaging this beautiful place.)
^ This ^
William Wallace Freedom Speech
They're not wolves, they're fucking weasels.
Gay frogs.
As I said under a comment above. You are right! I wish much luck & prayers that they are able to fight this and win! I figured some folks don’t like it in liberal areas and trying to move away, and this type of scenario would be a last straw sort of thing.
That's right.
Nah… running only buys time. We need stand our ground where we are.
Nah...if anything, those of us in red states ought to go over there...
No, take it over.
They aren't recording the Zoom meeting. Everyone needs to record this and post it on every social media platform you are still on. Better yet, cut it up into sound bites that expose exactly what their plans are.
define "residents"
Anyone can up & move at any time. They can declare themselves a resident of an other state at any time they want.
This is why I had to leave. If I stayed I would be morally obligated to kill anyone who tried to detain me for this.
What psychopath centers an entire paragraph of text?
Somebody with access to word processing?
“Following refusal to voluntary comply with... counselling, vaccination”
Thinking how long till there is a true flag... this shit ridiculous
It was when they stole the country. Everything after that is just them rubbing it in our faces that they got us trained like good little bitches.
And it's more than that...We kinda had an excuse with Trump in office, but now it's fair to suspect or say that children are not being helped on anything close to a big enough scale for progress. I don't think we can call ourselves men, just my opinion. How I feel inside daily because anyone almost openly doing those things shoulda been snuffed out right away, not be let to go around joking about it to again, rub our faces in our own piss puddles.
I need to get a gun. FFS (Tacoma)
You're way late to that game....but its never too late.
This needs to get streamed on EVERY platform.
If you have the ability to re-stream this on Twitter/FB/gettr/Telegram or somewhere else, please do.
...and thus the Second American Revolution began.
Bad Moon Rising!!
I think LaVoy Finicum and Randy Weaver would disagree with all ya tough talking Pacific Northwesteners. They will pick you off one at a time and you will let it happen
Most likely. Much easier to get taken in while telling yourself you'll get out eventually and that things may even get better. But that is uncertain and highly unlikely if they (and we soon) don't do something.
At some point we have to. I mean right now it seems like we're just never gonna retaliate for ANYTHING.
Yes we have a lot of big talkers on this sub, a lot of guys who think they're quasi celebrities who enjoy seeing their post get a sticky.
Pierce county pede here. Met an old patriot in a grocery line the other day who said they have a militia ready to go. There are some amazing Patriots here. This shit will not slide. Hold the line!!