I’m sorry that you are going thru this; 28 years is a long time. Keep meticulous records. Take the time to go back and formulate a timeline. Get copies of emails etc. what the company requested of workers. This includes texts and phone calls. Keep duplicate copies of everything in SEPERATE locations. There will be massive CLASS ACTIONS against these tyrants. I pray that you will find employment soon. God Bless.
Companies can mandate experimental gene therapies? THe only FDA "approved" "vaccine" is comirnaty, which is legally distinct from pfizer jab, and the Emergency Use Authorization is still in force for all the available (comirnaty not available to 2023 at earliest) for the 2 mrna experimental gene therapies and the JJ jab.
Gay wedding cakes are not injections of an experimental medication and I don't believe companies can force a medical procedure for employment. If they can then they can force you cut your balls off to work there for worker safety.
ADA requires a company to offer an accommodation for not performing a 'duty' (the jab) if the duty is not essential to the existence of the job. Would the job not exist but for this specific duty (the jab)? Why couldn't the accommodation be 'masking up' as opposed to termination.
Gay wedding cakes is a good point actually. Just like a customer can't force a business to bake them a cake, an employer can't force an employee to receive a medical procedure they don't want that's unrelated to their job.
Contact your local EEO office and file a claim through them. File a separate lawsuit simultaneously. Use social media and make public statements about wrongful termination by the company. You can use the lawsuit to either get back to work with backpay, or settle the lawsuit for $$$. The company will have an EEO complaint to deal with as well. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION. COMPANIES BANK ON THE FACT THAT ALMOST ALL PEOPLE GO AWAY QUIETLY. BE THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE!!!!
You're right but the big question is why/how does a company mandate something that's been declared unconstitutional in the highest court and runs contrary to so many state and local laws, or guidance from attorneys general, governors, and things like the ADA. It just seems like they're asking for a fight. But I suppose this is all part of the process to make people see that certain laws still need to be changed while we adopt some others that offer more specific protections for citizens.
Masks reduce oxygen levels which causes a whole host of problems. Even doctors do not wear masks as much as these companies are demanding their workers to.
SC decisions they can't use OSHA to cover themselves from accusation that they are making their working conditions extra harmful to the employee's health.
"28 years" is ALL the proof you need that you were under duress. Problem employees don't last near that long?
If you were up for a pension, argue they used the mask as an excuse to cut your Golden Parachute? Even a better reason to sue their pants off, with pain/suffering!
That's not a crime - not really a legit firing offense but employment law varies by state - I'd talk to an employment attorney - call is free. Thomas Renz is taking these kinds of cases where mask and jab mandates are deprivation of rights under color of law. That's never grounds for termination - to force you to concede your rights.
The objective is not to get the job back. It is to send a message. It is to punish. It is to make them EAT your expletives and THANK you for the privilege.
They didn’t fire you over face masks fren. It’s those 28 years of service that got you fired and masks were just the tool they used to do it.
After all those years you’re probably at the top of your jobs pay scale and have earned quite a bit of annual vacation time. They’re going to save a ton of money by replacing you. This shit has been going on since at least as far back as the early 1980’s when I entered the workforce and you’re just another victim of it.
Stand tall brother...someone with 28 yrs is not easy to replace...there are many jobs out there...kinda looks like our place here...where you at? we are always looking for good help....when they realize how bad they fuked up you may get the call to come back.....when they started this shit in our place about 40% of the people told them they will go under in less than 3 months if they go with it....well they didnt and rescinded all of it.............good luck fern
My son resigned and found a better offer somewhere else immediately. The manager he worked for immediately resigned as well, because he knew that without my son, the company is doomed. He did not want to be there when everything starts falling over. Like rats jumping from a sinking ship.
Don't really want to name the company but its one of the largest tooling suppliers in the world run by literal Nazis, and I do mean Nazis- they supplied tooling and machines for Mussolini and Hitler during WW2.
28 years is loyalty from you, something that this company doesnt honor. And it may look dim ATM. But I will tell you, that I was put on LWOP from Los Alamos National Laboratory last Oct. for refusing to inject myself with the experimental biological agent. I had 13 years there, and was looking to retire from there, but that didnt play out the way I had envisioned. So after considering my options, and just turning 60, I decided to cash out my 401K, put a huge chunk of money down on a house in AZ, sell the house in Santa Fe and move out of the marxist state of NM.
Then as God would see it me through this, I got a 100% remote contract job with Anthem Insurance a couple of weeks after my last check from the lab, making almost what I was making at the lab, with no mandates or drug testing. Now I have another potential opportunity with T-Mobile making more money than I was making at the lab. So this situation with woke policies at the lab, and me refusing to comply has worked out better than I could've even imagine.
Keep the faith, stand tall, and do not comply!
Others have already stated the obvious. Contact an attorney and begin the process. Cussing isn’t going to default your lawsuit. Admit to it, leave out nothing and get ready fren.
28 years - wow. Take some time while the lawsuits cook and look at all the possibilities you have before you. You are a strong, independent Patriot. New job? Run for office? Work on that bucket list? Spend time only with people you care about. Live on your terms.
That sounds like just a convenient way for a company to wipe someone off their retirement plan. IBM has done rounds of firings over the years, and it was always the older employees close to retirement.
Praying for you fren and as others frens have said here, document and get good advice.
How stupid is this company that they would fire a great worker? We already know the answer.
God protects us in ways that we don't always understand and He may be directing your path.
What would you be excited to do for the rest of your work career? Think about the possibilities because you may add an additional 20 years to your life by a change.
I'm 22 years into my career at a major US university. If it wasn't for them approving my religious exemption, then I'd be out at this point also. 22 years of working towards a pension almost gone because I choose not to get a jab but I was ready for the consequences.
I have also been very meticulous in documenting the entire process, and I'm very ready to sue if it comes to it.
My wife who is a nurse was facing a similar fate, but her employer also granted a religious exemption.
It's sad it had to come to this, but here we are.
However, none of that matters, the only thing that matters is my wife and I have our self respect intact, and we will never be receiving any type of jab.
Sorry brother
But I believe God has something GREAT in store for you
Look out for it this week
Do not miss your opportunity drowning in pessimism.
It's coming
I dont think so. Plant manager doesn't like me. We used to work together on the floor 20 years ago and his nick name was Pumpkin Head, I dont think he forgot that.
I’ve been working on side businesses so that, WHEN that day come for me, I have a life raft. Let me know if you’re curious in learning about financial independence.
They've been telling me to mask up every time I walk into the store. I usually wear the mask on my chin because I work outside most of the time. Telling me to mask up is very offensive to me, but I'm trying to keep my cool.
Very nice. Come to Fla, it’s warm and we have plenty of need for skilled Blue collar workers. Good on you for standing your ground in the face of your job, I’m proud of you for not sheeping-over
This is what has been so stupid all of us got along 3 years ago now we have Libtard Karen’s and Kevin’s running around being mask SS. Before I quit over the mandate in Nov. a Karen complained about me not wearing over my nose, when I went to the kitchen I never did plus we only had 15 people on a whole office floor and I’m in my own office! She was Vax’d 3 times you stupid people ok sorry rant over. I’m sorry it’s just so ridiculous.
Terrible news for you and your family. BUT know that you are stronger than them because you didn't bow down to the mandates and false stories like they have. You saved your own life and maybe the familys. You took the lead, your family is watching so embrace your new position, showing them what a strong Patriot, father, husband looks like and that tough decisions are not easy. I truly believe that a few phone calls with your connections will land you an interview and possibly a new job. Hang in there and enjoy the sabbatical for now. Keep your ears open, stay connected to former coworkers as it's highly probable there could be Legal action against your former employer.
28 years... I'm sure you know some things that the company wouldnt want coming out to the public. Maybe put some anonymous tips into the news of some of the things you e seen go on there. Meet fire with fire.
Under the EAU and on-going P[L]andemic, the United States has become medically the equivalent of the 'COVID' wild west'. There is no law for the requirement of wearing a face mask for working adults in normal working areas. There is no law permitting corporations to mandate masks as a policy. Because of the EAU and Plandemic, there is no law preventing corporations from enacting these mandates though. Again, it is the 'COVID' wild west.
Corporations have no right to make law (policy) in the absence of law, especially when it violates religious beliefs and health. It is clearly an overreach and tyrannical in character. Demanding that someone wear a mask, which is designated by the FDA as a “medical device”, is the unlicensed practice of medicine. Mandating the 'COVID' injecticide is also the unlicensed practice of medicine. Corporation in general, are not medical practitioners and are not insured as such. They are liable.
“It is unlawful for any person to practice medicine by offering or undertaking to prevent or to diagnose, correct, or treat in any manner or by any means, methods, devices, or instrumentalities, any disease, illness, pain, wound, fracture, infirmity, deformity or defect of any person;”
To intimidate someone to get injected by the threat of firing is clear 'coercion'. This is also unlawful and is a crime.
18 US Code §241. Conspiracy against rights
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; ...
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
The lawsuits are going to come. An employment lawyer who works at one of the nation's largest employment lawyer firms to me so. He said it will take time, but there's a new tobacco industry class action lawsuits on the horizon.
We have to make sure it happens in record time. According to OSHA, per 29 CFR 1910.146 Paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of the Respiratory Protection Standard, N95 respirators are the only recognized face mask that are regulated and a mere drop of 1.5% oxygen can begin the process of hypoxic insult and damage to internal organs, especially the heart, liver, and brain.
This is why corporations cannot mandate masks. They are a medical device and corporations are not medical practioners or insured as such. If you there is any harm or damage as a result of your company practicing medicine and using coercive means, you may have a valid lawsuit.
I’m sorry that you are going thru this; 28 years is a long time. Keep meticulous records. Take the time to go back and formulate a timeline. Get copies of emails etc. what the company requested of workers. This includes texts and phone calls. Keep duplicate copies of everything in SEPERATE locations. There will be massive CLASS ACTIONS against these tyrants. I pray that you will find employment soon. God Bless.
Problem is I dropped a few expletives which violated the company ethics code, I'll take the prayers though- thanks.
UNDER DURESS! Wrongful Termination - Unconstitutional mandates as per Supreme Court - LAWSUIT TIME!
The SC case said that the government couldn't force mandates through OSHA, not that companies can't enforce it themselves.
Companies can mandate experimental gene therapies? THe only FDA "approved" "vaccine" is comirnaty, which is legally distinct from pfizer jab, and the Emergency Use Authorization is still in force for all the available (comirnaty not available to 2023 at earliest) for the 2 mrna experimental gene therapies and the JJ jab.
They are.
Private companies can make all sorts of rules for their employees. And that is not a bad thing, right? (Think gay wedding cakes). Capitalism.
Gay wedding cakes are not injections of an experimental medication and I don't believe companies can force a medical procedure for employment. If they can then they can force you cut your balls off to work there for worker safety.
ADA requires a company to offer an accommodation for not performing a 'duty' (the jab) if the duty is not essential to the existence of the job. Would the job not exist but for this specific duty (the jab)? Why couldn't the accommodation be 'masking up' as opposed to termination.
+100 kek level critical thinking!!!!
Bake me a cake faggot.
Gay wedding cakes is a good point actually. Just like a customer can't force a business to bake them a cake, an employer can't force an employee to receive a medical procedure they don't want that's unrelated to their job.
Not when they are making FALSE scientific efficacy and medical claims. There’s a ton of evidence on OP’s side.
Please be brave and file a lawsuit. After 28 years you deserve to curse for being wrongfully terminated
Contact your local EEO office and file a claim through them. File a separate lawsuit simultaneously. Use social media and make public statements about wrongful termination by the company. You can use the lawsuit to either get back to work with backpay, or settle the lawsuit for $$$. The company will have an EEO complaint to deal with as well. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION. COMPANIES BANK ON THE FACT THAT ALMOST ALL PEOPLE GO AWAY QUIETLY. BE THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE!!!!
You're right but the big question is why/how does a company mandate something that's been declared unconstitutional in the highest court and runs contrary to so many state and local laws, or guidance from attorneys general, governors, and things like the ADA. It just seems like they're asking for a fight. But I suppose this is all part of the process to make people see that certain laws still need to be changed while we adopt some others that offer more specific protections for citizens.
Masks reduce oxygen levels which causes a whole host of problems. Even doctors do not wear masks as much as these companies are demanding their workers to.
SC decisions they can't use OSHA to cover themselves from accusation that they are making their working conditions extra harmful to the employee's health.
"28 years" is ALL the proof you need that you were under duress. Problem employees don't last near that long?
If you were up for a pension, argue they used the mask as an excuse to cut your Golden Parachute? Even a better reason to sue their pants off, with pain/suffering!
That's not a crime - not really a legit firing offense but employment law varies by state - I'd talk to an employment attorney - call is free. Thomas Renz is taking these kinds of cases where mask and jab mandates are deprivation of rights under color of law. That's never grounds for termination - to force you to concede your rights.
There is always a case they will settle.
That isn't going to hurt your case IMO. What they have done to you is far worse.
The objective is not to get the job back. It is to send a message. It is to punish. It is to make them EAT your expletives and THANK you for the privilege.
Strength and solidarity! Well done for standing up for your principles.
As Q would say: Fight fight fight!
They didn’t fire you over face masks fren. It’s those 28 years of service that got you fired and masks were just the tool they used to do it.
After all those years you’re probably at the top of your jobs pay scale and have earned quite a bit of annual vacation time. They’re going to save a ton of money by replacing you. This shit has been going on since at least as far back as the early 1980’s when I entered the workforce and you’re just another victim of it.
Keep your head up fren, I wish you the best.
Stand tall brother...someone with 28 yrs is not easy to replace...there are many jobs out there...kinda looks like our place here...where you at? we are always looking for good help....when they realize how bad they fuked up you may get the call to come back.....when they started this shit in our place about 40% of the people told them they will go under in less than 3 months if they go with it....well they didnt and rescinded all of it.............good luck fern
My son resigned and found a better offer somewhere else immediately. The manager he worked for immediately resigned as well, because he knew that without my son, the company is doomed. He did not want to be there when everything starts falling over. Like rats jumping from a sinking ship.
you will see a lot of this happening.....it will be to late.....
Omg so delicious
Don't really want to name the company but its one of the largest tooling suppliers in the world run by literal Nazis, and I do mean Nazis- they supplied tooling and machines for Mussolini and Hitler during WW2.
OP, your skills will be much appreciated elsewhere, and quickly, I'm thinking.
Best Wishes,Fren!
I’m thinking not as quickly. But probably a little slowly. But good luck fren
dont know where your at but we are an aircraft landing gear company..always looking for good folks.....
Time for a change. Good luck, there seem to be a lot of jobs available, at least here.
28 years is loyalty from you, something that this company doesnt honor. And it may look dim ATM. But I will tell you, that I was put on LWOP from Los Alamos National Laboratory last Oct. for refusing to inject myself with the experimental biological agent. I had 13 years there, and was looking to retire from there, but that didnt play out the way I had envisioned. So after considering my options, and just turning 60, I decided to cash out my 401K, put a huge chunk of money down on a house in AZ, sell the house in Santa Fe and move out of the marxist state of NM. Then as God would see it me through this, I got a 100% remote contract job with Anthem Insurance a couple of weeks after my last check from the lab, making almost what I was making at the lab, with no mandates or drug testing. Now I have another potential opportunity with T-Mobile making more money than I was making at the lab. So this situation with woke policies at the lab, and me refusing to comply has worked out better than I could've even imagine. Keep the faith, stand tall, and do not comply!
Good for you, God works in mysterious ways.
I wouldn't say, "Great!", exactly. I do respect your decision. Do you have anything lined up for work?
Gonna take a little break and decompress, luckily I can afford to.
Have a casual chat with an employment attorney while you relax.
They never answered anyone of my calls or messages.
Yea that place is trash, and so is anyone who recommends them
Do you have a recommendation?
Others have already stated the obvious. Contact an attorney and begin the process. Cussing isn’t going to default your lawsuit. Admit to it, leave out nothing and get ready fren.
28 years - wow. Take some time while the lawsuits cook and look at all the possibilities you have before you. You are a strong, independent Patriot. New job? Run for office? Work on that bucket list? Spend time only with people you care about. Live on your terms.
That sounds like just a convenient way for a company to wipe someone off their retirement plan. IBM has done rounds of firings over the years, and it was always the older employees close to retirement.
The gray heads. Yep.
Praying for you fren and as others frens have said here, document and get good advice.
How stupid is this company that they would fire a great worker? We already know the answer.
God protects us in ways that we don't always understand and He may be directing your path.
What would you be excited to do for the rest of your work career? Think about the possibilities because you may add an additional 20 years to your life by a change.
Blessings! 🙏
Someone in the industry will re-hire you really soon when your competition gets chronically ill. You'll probably end up on a higher salary.
These masks will be gone soon and everyone will pretend it didn't happen.
Probably blessing in disguise. After 28 dont you want a change??
Yes & yes.
Great! Stand you ground! Feel for your work, but you can have another with better conditions
I'm 22 years into my career at a major US university. If it wasn't for them approving my religious exemption, then I'd be out at this point also. 22 years of working towards a pension almost gone because I choose not to get a jab but I was ready for the consequences.
I have also been very meticulous in documenting the entire process, and I'm very ready to sue if it comes to it.
My wife who is a nurse was facing a similar fate, but her employer also granted a religious exemption.
It's sad it had to come to this, but here we are.
However, none of that matters, the only thing that matters is my wife and I have our self respect intact, and we will never be receiving any type of jab.
Do you both have to test as part of the exemption?
Which tests are you taking? I'm dealing with the exemption now, they are ready to approve my vaccine exemption but not exemption from testing.
The one where you spit into a tube. Not sure the name of it
Sorry brother But I believe God has something GREAT in store for you Look out for it this week Do not miss your opportunity drowning in pessimism. It's coming
What state friend?
Does your company provide clean ones daily?
As many as you want and of course they are MADE IN CHINA.
You're going to be getting a callback shortly. They can't afford to replace you.
I dont think so. Plant manager doesn't like me. We used to work together on the floor 20 years ago and his nick name was Pumpkin Head, I dont think he forgot that.
First name "Peter"?
Id demand a raise
Fuck that. Go work for their competitor. You'll have all the motivation in the world to excel at that job if it means you will bury your old company.
Face masks for covid are only approved by the FDA under "emergency use authorization" which requires informed consent.
You might just have yourself a lawsuit.
Now you are free.
I’ve been working on side businesses so that, WHEN that day come for me, I have a life raft. Let me know if you’re curious in learning about financial independence.
Congratulations! You’ll find a new job. Luckily lots of places are searching for good employees. F that old job.
Sorry old fren. Time to take a rest.
I'm sorry that happened to you, Pede!
Seek legal help! Here's one that's been floating around. https://vaxxexemptions.com/
The Constitution is on your side.
They've been telling me to mask up every time I walk into the store. I usually wear the mask on my chin because I work outside most of the time. Telling me to mask up is very offensive to me, but I'm trying to keep my cool.
Where is this?
Automation Alley just outside of Detroit.
This https://www.automationalley.com/?
Klaus Swab...
The fourth industrial revolution...
Very nice. Come to Fla, it’s warm and we have plenty of need for skilled Blue collar workers. Good on you for standing your ground in the face of your job, I’m proud of you for not sheeping-over
This is what has been so stupid all of us got along 3 years ago now we have Libtard Karen’s and Kevin’s running around being mask SS. Before I quit over the mandate in Nov. a Karen complained about me not wearing over my nose, when I went to the kitchen I never did plus we only had 15 people on a whole office floor and I’m in my own office! She was Vax’d 3 times you stupid people ok sorry rant over. I’m sorry it’s just so ridiculous.
Mine of 29 year-same, but over masks AND vaccine mandates. So weird. You know its project globe homo cause its forced man dates. lol
Terrible news for you and your family. BUT know that you are stronger than them because you didn't bow down to the mandates and false stories like they have. You saved your own life and maybe the familys. You took the lead, your family is watching so embrace your new position, showing them what a strong Patriot, father, husband looks like and that tough decisions are not easy. I truly believe that a few phone calls with your connections will land you an interview and possibly a new job. Hang in there and enjoy the sabbatical for now. Keep your ears open, stay connected to former coworkers as it's highly probable there could be Legal action against your former employer.
28 years... I'm sure you know some things that the company wouldnt want coming out to the public. Maybe put some anonymous tips into the news of some of the things you e seen go on there. Meet fire with fire.
what is that thing in the picture?
Robot tooling & machine details.
Under the EAU and on-going P[L]andemic, the United States has become medically the equivalent of the 'COVID' wild west'. There is no law for the requirement of wearing a face mask for working adults in normal working areas. There is no law permitting corporations to mandate masks as a policy. Because of the EAU and Plandemic, there is no law preventing corporations from enacting these mandates though. Again, it is the 'COVID' wild west.
Corporations have no right to make law (policy) in the absence of law, especially when it violates religious beliefs and health. It is clearly an overreach and tyrannical in character. Demanding that someone wear a mask, which is designated by the FDA as a “medical device”, is the unlicensed practice of medicine. Mandating the 'COVID' injecticide is also the unlicensed practice of medicine. Corporation in general, are not medical practitioners and are not insured as such. They are liable.
To intimidate someone to get injected by the threat of firing is clear 'coercion'. This is also unlawful and is a crime.
18 US Code §241. Conspiracy against rights
The lawsuits are going to come. An employment lawyer who works at one of the nation's largest employment lawyer firms to me so. He said it will take time, but there's a new tobacco industry class action lawsuits on the horizon.
We have to make sure it happens in record time. According to OSHA, per 29 CFR 1910.146 Paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of the Respiratory Protection Standard, N95 respirators are the only recognized face mask that are regulated and a mere drop of 1.5% oxygen can begin the process of hypoxic insult and damage to internal organs, especially the heart, liver, and brain.
This is why corporations cannot mandate masks. They are a medical device and corporations are not medical practioners or insured as such. If you there is any harm or damage as a result of your company practicing medicine and using coercive means, you may have a valid lawsuit.
Definitely will be contacting a lawyer in the near future. Thanks for the info!
If you need more info, I may be of help.
Praying for you and your family. God has a plan for you.