Scavino's 2nd and 3rd tweets are on 6/19 & 6/25. If you look at Q drops 619 & 625, they're posted on Jan 27, the date of Scavino's 4th tweet.
Q's first mention of JFK Jr. is on 4/8 = he'll be the 48th President. Scavino's videos are also 1:48. His 5th video is 1:38, Jr was 38 when he faked his death.
wow didn't realize it was 4 times! that's really saying a lot. and the first link where he starts to tear up around 8 seconds, which is 17... And I've watched a ton of JFK jr. videos, it really does seem like it's him, the same 'aura' for lack of better terms...
that would affect the lobes mostly. The part of the ear that looks different isn't really the lobe. But I do think the photo angle plays a part or at least could. Lighting, maybe. And age could explain the slight difference in the way the nose looks for sure.
The focal lengths are most likely longer or shorter, the lenses and camera used are of different manufacture, the distance at which they are taken are either longer or shorter and the angle is at least a step to the left or right and some inches up or down from the old angle.
The ear, which itself protudes at an angle, is offset by about several inches to the right and another several to the back, creating a complex 3-dimensional surface.
It's remarkable how the contour of the face matches despite the ear's slight mismatch. If the ear is different, what's probably more important is the position of the ear.
I'd be inclined to think it was him but I'm no facial recognition expert. But here's hoping he is alive!
yes, I agree, it's when all the little things add up, and the eyebrows are really similar. also another reason I don't think it's vincent fusca, bone structure is like Jr's, not VF.
Also, the same 2 visible fine lines at the corner of his eye have deepened in older pic. And, while partially hidden by the cap, the distinctive hairline similar.
numerology; the number 17 can be expressed in different ways; 1+7 (which is the 8) the emotions are higher in the video at 8 seconds.
10+7, 9+8, 71 backwards, etc.
for an example of how precise they are...Rudy G. is obviously involved with Q. when JFK Jr. Included an article about Rudy in George Magazine, it was on page 98, which is also 17🙃
AND the article is called "Rudy Awakening"...
it's in the table of contents, page 4, kind of blurry, right above Geraldos picture...
you can drop the zeros... so 98 isn't just 90+8, it's 9+8 too.
You get to just DROP the inconvenient digits. Because......someone said so.
an example of how precise they are...Rudy G. is obviously involved with Q. when JFK Jr. Included an article about Rudy in George Magazine, it was on page 98, which is also 17
IMHO that isn't an example of precision, it's an example of loony arbitrary fantastical nonsense made up out of thin air and believed without critical analysis. Watch:
You could have just as easily have said "page 98, meaning 9 x 8, meaning 72" (The Perfect Number!)
7 + 2 = 9
and 7 x 2 = 14
and 1 + 4 = 5
If you multiply the 9 by the 5, that's 45!! PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!! Holy CRAP!!!!!
There. See, you can make numbers and letters do anything you want if you make the rules lax enough and sufficiently arbitrary.
(If that bit of simple logic just destroyed a belief in numerology and gematria for at least one patriot, then I consider it time well invested. :)
No offense Suze! Just it isn't real enough for me.
that's fine, just explaining how it works, what I see:) we often drop zeros in elementary school classes too when working through problems, so it's not random, just a part of math.
I also have a lot of the magazines, easy for me to verify how they communicate with numbers, so unless others have that same ability, don't know if they can understand/argue without researching. another example is from his survival guide to the future edition the 'president' in 2020 is on page 54...that should be obvious since Q says 'think mirror'. along with the fact that the story is about a crisis in 2020 involving the elderly AND it mentions Quebec, which is code for Q;)
look up George Washington and espionage for more on code and numerology. Culper code book...George Magazine is named after GW.
Q also tells us to study letters/numbers for comms. the enemy uses numerology, so think we'd be stupid not to have an understanding of it.
so I see it as very logical, well thought out, especially since the Bible is similar-lots of numbers in the Bible, which Q tells us to read. And a lot of 17s throughout history, but that's another thread🥸
^^^ WATCH. Thanks for posting this. The Gunner's Wife youtube channel had a video with either the same or very similar to this which had me 100% convinced, but the video was taken down.
get some George Magazines and you'll be convinced. even the crossword puzzles have clues! Jr. liked to joke, play games.
And until you can get a George Magazine of your own, go to archive and read, good place to start. The book of Lists has a lot of hints just by searching 17, also search for Presidents and their secret service code names...lots of interesting material searching for "secret service" brings up stories on nixon and talk of "snow white"...
He only said "No." though. "Disinformation is necessary" was in different posts. Your point is still there but if you're going to use quotes use actual quotes.
So, we have the "NO WAY" crowd and the "YES WAY!!" crowd battling out their beliefs-both will be astonished at how much he has aged since 1999-imagine the burdens he has had and protecting his son and daughter...
I agree, they are a bit off. The nose on JFK is pointy and slopes down at the end for the older guy. The lobes are tight on the younger guy and droop on the older guy. However, both the ears and the nose never stop growing, as I understand it. But I don't think they change shape, with regards to the nose. The lobes I'm not sure about, it's possible the lobes would droop more as they age. Also we need to consider camera angle. But my first blush is that while uncannily close, a near miss. Should we dismiss plastic surgery during this assessment? Not sure you can add ear lobes but can certainly change the nose structure.
Another observation on the lobes. The older guy looks like may have had a piercing in the past, which could definitely change the shape of the lobe. So I'm going with the ears being a possible match, they are VERY close. It's only the nose that bothers me at this point. But Scavino has been reliable and 4 times is a lot. I'd say it's possible.
I've seen earlobes that were clipped during plastic surgery and then looked like attached lobes, but never the other way around, in my experience at least.
i'll give you that - the overlays are strong - as well as the fact that the Trump/Scavino posts keep featuring him. Dan is usually a pretty reliable source
I have an idea about the dates to which this has been posted. Look at the corresponding amount of days between each post to the corresponding Q post. Any opinions on this because I am trying to put stories around those times to the corresponding post but I may be missing some things.
post 31 (days)
post 6 (days)
post 216 (days)
I also looked up Q post between the time post not in days
post 1 for 1 month
post 6 for 6 days
post 72 for 7 months 2 days
Interesting, Trump's campaign text number is cool. 88022. The theory I've heard is 88 = Back to the future movie reference, like going through the stargate aka the storm, and 22 = 2022.
Now if you look at tweet 1 (May 19) and tweet 4 (Jan 27), and even the exact minutes. They are 8 month, 8 days and 28 minutes apart, so that sounds like another 88 reference, and the 28 shows up in many Q posts like John McStain's death and JFK Jr''s first possible appearance on Trump's youtube channel as I mentioned (Feb 28th, and 28 month delta since Q's first post).
Now look at tweet 2 & 3 and convert their dates to Q post numbers. (June 19 = 6/19) and (June 25 = 6/25)........
Q post 619 and 625 are also on January 27th, which is the date of tweet 4.
Bonus: Just before JFK Jr's first appearance in Trump's youtube vid, there's a woman with a 'Q' t-shirt.
There was a post on here a while ago that gave a link to a Telegram account that said JFK Junior was going to reveal himself on January 17th. Maybe a larp? Anyway, interesting that Scavino is doing this.
The chins are the same. Lips get thinner as we age. Nose tips begin to sag a bit as well. The v thingee in the top of the ears look similar. We'll find out sooner or later.
And how about an assumed name, and makeup, voice, plastic surgery, etc, just to fake his death. Don't miss the point here, Scavino has posted these pics several times. Why would he do that?
And yet you didn't address it. Those are 2 possible explanations to your statements "Q Lied"
Hes not in the public if he's, and that's for a reason.
Totally different subject. No one is arguing that.
I can't figure out why people focus on him so much.
I was adding to your comment where you were talking about him
Than you make an assertion about it being "mostly females" which is a baseless assertion with no statistical evidence to back up.
Accept the fact there are OTHER explanations other than "Q lied" that are possibilities IF JFK Jr is alive (and I'm not saying he is, I'm just open to the possibility)
I'm a 43 year old Male that was using the BBS's (Gonna bet $5 you don't even know what that is) and internet well before mainstream adoption through Prodigy and AOL
I Built my 1st computer (An intel 386) when I was 12. I was using dial up prior to internal modems when you still had put a phone receiver on the modem. I was one of the 1st 50 households in the state to have ahigh speed ISDN modem. I got my CompTIA A+ certification at 19. I've worked in IT sine then starting as a computer tech while building / selling computers on the side. Later on I also started doing custom database solutions and webpage design.
So clearly you're wrong and just trying to twist your argumentative shortcomings into more baseless accusations instead of having a mature discussion.
Oh and my feelings never entered the discussion. You're projecting. I'm only amused at how bad you are at this. Lemme guess... Pubic school right? Skipped debate class?
Does anyone have a link to the video that picked apart the events of JFK Jr.'s "death" I have the video saved but I'm trying to find a link to it for sharing.
The video was titled "Assassination.of.JFK.JR" and it's 1:46:47 long. I first saw it in December of 2020.
It's not popping up on bitchute, rumble or that other one that everybody uses.
The cartilage of the ear is a bit different but the pictures are of a different angle, enough to throw the "look" based on angle and shadowing. That would be the ultimate FU if he was alive and well and had dirt.
May 19th, 2021:
June 19th, 2021:
June 25th, 2021:
January 27th, 2022:
November 5th, 2023:
17 people at his funeral.
Crashed 17 miles from where he took off.
17 years flight experience.
News broke the following morning on July 17.....
RFK Jr. touches his nose when asked if JFK Jr is alive........and then does it another time with his eyes.
The original source is Trump's youtube channel 'Keep It Up' from Feb 28th, 2020.
Posted on Feb 28th, which is EXACTLY 28 months to the day since Q started (Oct 28, 2017).
His first official appearance is right after the lady with the Q shirt at 0:55. (Comms understood = 5:5) Picture.
Here he is at the Las Vegas rally on the left with the cowboy hat. Then at the same rally, Trump hints he'll still be President in 2028, showing the plan for the stolen election and his comeback in 2024.
I wonder who's running for President in 2028......
28:28 in a Trump tweet on the day Q started, and a :28 in Q's first posts.
Scavino's first and fourth tweets are 8 months, 8 days, and 28 minutes apart.
Q drop 128: "Why is a legend useful?"
Q drop 3391 about JFK Jr. is posted at :28 minutes past.
And on September 28th, JFK Jr. opens a Larry King interview saying: "We decided taking cue(Q)....."
Trump has a handwritten letter from JFK Jr. dated 3 days after he died.
Q: "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here." posted at 2:05:58 = 5:5 and 28
Trump says JFK Jr. instead of RFK Jr.
Scavino's 2nd and 3rd tweets are on 6/19 & 6/25. If you look at Q drops 619 & 625, they're posted on Jan 27, the date of Scavino's 4th tweet.
Q's first mention of JFK Jr. is on 4/8 = he'll be the 48th President. Scavino's videos are also 1:48. His 5th video is 1:38, Jr was 38 when he faked his death.
General Flynn responds "He's not at Mar-a-Lago" when asked if JFK Jr. is alive.
RFK Jr. at the Capitol with someone in a Guy Fawkes mask. And another time he tweeted a man in a mask on July 16th, same date as JFK Jr's plane crash. (I don't believe the masked person in either pic is actually JFK Jr, but just RFK Jr using it to give us hints)
Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy at a Trump rally? (Standing near Vincent Fusca)
Ezra Cohen-Watnick is JFK Jr's son? Here's a comparison of him and CBK.
That's why he's in the Kennedy Grand Kids music video......because he is one. (17 clips in the vid)
Ezra's speech on Special Operations.
Thanks to all the Anons for the digging. Some good stuff on this website too.
Obligatory meme, Top Kek!
wow didn't realize it was 4 times! that's really saying a lot. and the first link where he starts to tear up around 8 seconds, which is 17... And I've watched a ton of JFK jr. videos, it really does seem like it's him, the same 'aura' for lack of better terms...
I don't think the ears look exactly alike, but it could just be the angle is a bit different in each pic.
that would affect the lobes mostly. The part of the ear that looks different isn't really the lobe. But I do think the photo angle plays a part or at least could. Lighting, maybe. And age could explain the slight difference in the way the nose looks for sure.
The focal lengths are most likely longer or shorter, the lenses and camera used are of different manufacture, the distance at which they are taken are either longer or shorter and the angle is at least a step to the left or right and some inches up or down from the old angle.
The ear, which itself protudes at an angle, is offset by about several inches to the right and another several to the back, creating a complex 3-dimensional surface.
It's remarkable how the contour of the face matches despite the ear's slight mismatch. If the ear is different, what's probably more important is the position of the ear.
I'd be inclined to think it was him but I'm no facial recognition expert. But here's hoping he is alive!
It's not the angle. Those are similar picture angles to clearly compare the ear, and they don't match at all. Neither does the nose.
theyre not the same angle. With ears even a little bit of a difference can change the look a little bit due to the shape.
Ears grow. Just compared my own to a pic from 30 years ago. The biggest change was in my lobes. You wouldn't think theybwere my ears at all.
I think ears are very similar, except the earlobe is a bit saggier in the old guy which is perhaps expected with age.
yes, I agree, it's when all the little things add up, and the eyebrows are really similar. also another reason I don't think it's vincent fusca, bone structure is like Jr's, not VF.
Even the curvature of the cartilage of their ears match!! This is so creepy!! This whole time I thought Vincent from Penssylvania was JfK jr!
That would be something to pay attention to all the time if you're trying to hide. You would need to change everything about your appearance.
Also, the same 2 visible fine lines at the corner of his eye have deepened in older pic. And, while partially hidden by the cap, the distinctive hairline similar.
numerology; the number 17 can be expressed in different ways; 1+7 (which is the 8) the emotions are higher in the video at 8 seconds.
10+7, 9+8, 71 backwards, etc.
for an example of how precise they are...Rudy G. is obviously involved with Q. when JFK Jr. Included an article about Rudy in George Magazine, it was on page 98, which is also 17🙃
AND the article is called "Rudy Awakening"...
it's in the table of contents, page 4, kind of blurry, right above Geraldos picture...
you can drop the zeros... so 98 isn't just 90+8, it's 9+8 too.
another video example, still trying to figure it out, since it comes from clinton42 channel...but JFK jr starts at 7:01 AND mentions 'trump'...
You get to just DROP the inconvenient digits. Because......someone said so.
IMHO that isn't an example of precision, it's an example of loony arbitrary fantastical nonsense made up out of thin air and believed without critical analysis. Watch:
You could have just as easily have said "page 98, meaning 9 x 8, meaning 72" (The Perfect Number!)
7 + 2 = 9
and 7 x 2 = 14
and 1 + 4 = 5
If you multiply the 9 by the 5, that's 45!! PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!! Holy CRAP!!!!!
There. See, you can make numbers and letters do anything you want if you make the rules lax enough and sufficiently arbitrary.
(If that bit of simple logic just destroyed a belief in numerology and gematria for at least one patriot, then I consider it time well invested. :)
No offense Suze! Just it isn't real enough for me.
that's fine, just explaining how it works, what I see:) we often drop zeros in elementary school classes too when working through problems, so it's not random, just a part of math.
I also have a lot of the magazines, easy for me to verify how they communicate with numbers, so unless others have that same ability, don't know if they can understand/argue without researching. another example is from his survival guide to the future edition the 'president' in 2020 is on page 54...that should be obvious since Q says 'think mirror'. along with the fact that the story is about a crisis in 2020 involving the elderly AND it mentions Quebec, which is code for Q;)
look up George Washington and espionage for more on code and numerology. Culper code book...George Magazine is named after GW.
Q also tells us to study letters/numbers for comms. the enemy uses numerology, so think we'd be stupid not to have an understanding of it.
so I see it as very logical, well thought out, especially since the Bible is similar-lots of numbers in the Bible, which Q tells us to read. And a lot of 17s throughout history, but that's another thread🥸
Wouldn't that be something ....
If true, yet again I say: what a time to be alive!
It would!
If we were living the greatest movie ever created....
Check out this overlay comparison. I saw this awhile ago and thought that it had crazy potential:
edit: sorry for the typos. Fixed them! Had a little one trying to grab my phone from me as I typed. 🙂
^^^ WATCH. Thanks for posting this. The Gunner's Wife youtube channel had a video with either the same or very similar to this which had me 100% convinced, but the video was taken down.
It's like they made sure he was photographed from this angle so that we could have proof. Amazing.
Yes! I thought the same thing!
The Carolyn example is almost conclusive imo. Extraordinary.
After having your head opened up multiple times and getting your face pulled back every other week your not going to the look the same.
Far too many big differences between the real Biden and the current actor we see today. old and new
So who do we think it is? If not Joe.
Thought I'd do a bit of searching and I have to agree that these two are one and the same.
For those who question the ears....go to this photo of him at graduation.
There is no question the ears are identical.
For the above picture - if the head were turned exactly like the one on the left I believe they would look identical also.
RFK Jr 'Touch your nose if JFK jr is alive.'
his smile when he does it 🙂
And the "typo" in his lawsuit with Google / YouTube "JFK Jr" as the plaintiff
Very eery and not saying its not, but at first glance i thought is that a skinny ted cruz.
If you can’t see what Q did there…
get some George Magazines and you'll be convinced. even the crossword puzzles have clues! Jr. liked to joke, play games.
And until you can get a George Magazine of your own, go to archive and read, good place to start. The book of Lists has a lot of hints just by searching 17, also search for Presidents and their secret service code names...lots of interesting material searching for "secret service" brings up stories on nixon and talk of "snow white"...
"No" is the disinformation
No MIGHT BE the disinformation.
The statement is a classic example of plausible deniability. It can logically be interpreted in any manner the listener wants it to be.
Q is a brilliant psyop… originator unknown.
EDIT… looks like Q might be misquoted here… two statements quoted as 1”. Point still stands.
He only said "No." though. "Disinformation is necessary" was in different posts. Your point is still there but if you're going to use quotes use actual quotes.
So, we have the "NO WAY" crowd and the "YES WAY!!" crowd battling out their beliefs-both will be astonished at how much he has aged since 1999-imagine the burdens he has had and protecting his son and daughter...
ear pattern doesn't match
Aren't ears one of the few body parts that never stop growing?
The ears match as far as I can see, except for the drooping ear lobs, which is apparently normal with age.
Agreed. My dad had attached ear lobes and even they droop a little with age.
Yes. Ears and nose.
Ear and nose.
Ear can change with age
Exactly what I saw.
I think ears grow as we age.
But the shape of these two sets is really off
I agree, they are a bit off. The nose on JFK is pointy and slopes down at the end for the older guy. The lobes are tight on the younger guy and droop on the older guy. However, both the ears and the nose never stop growing, as I understand it. But I don't think they change shape, with regards to the nose. The lobes I'm not sure about, it's possible the lobes would droop more as they age. Also we need to consider camera angle. But my first blush is that while uncannily close, a near miss. Should we dismiss plastic surgery during this assessment? Not sure you can add ear lobes but can certainly change the nose structure.
Another observation on the lobes. The older guy looks like may have had a piercing in the past, which could definitely change the shape of the lobe. So I'm going with the ears being a possible match, they are VERY close. It's only the nose that bothers me at this point. But Scavino has been reliable and 4 times is a lot. I'd say it's possible.
I've seen earlobes that were clipped during plastic surgery and then looked like attached lobes, but never the other way around, in my experience at least.
Looks close to me. Look at the video.above.
i'll give you that - the overlays are strong - as well as the fact that the Trump/Scavino posts keep featuring him. Dan is usually a pretty reliable source
I'm just open to this theory because Dan has been never know.
Just worth a look imo
IDK watch the video above there's a better picture of JFK Jr ear that looks more like Trump rally guy's ear
The ear is really close. Wow
He also uses morse code to spell Q when he is ponting at the end. _ _ . _
Was that same guy the one who was Santa as well that gave out gifts?
got a link? do you remember what year that was?
No, and I went looking for it and cant find it anywhere, now.
I know it was during a Trump rally and 2018 December.
Professional quality makeup.
Juan O Savin = One of saving
I have an idea about the dates to which this has been posted. Look at the corresponding amount of days between each post to the corresponding Q post. Any opinions on this because I am trying to put stories around those times to the corresponding post but I may be missing some things.
post 31 (days) post 6 (days) post 216 (days)
I also looked up Q post between the time post not in days
post 1 for 1 month post 6 for 6 days post 72 for 7 months 2 days
Interesting, Trump's campaign text number is cool. 88022. The theory I've heard is 88 = Back to the future movie reference, like going through the stargate aka the storm, and 22 = 2022.
Now if you look at tweet 1 (May 19) and tweet 4 (Jan 27), and even the exact minutes. They are 8 month, 8 days and 28 minutes apart, so that sounds like another 88 reference, and the 28 shows up in many Q posts like John McStain's death and JFK Jr''s first possible appearance on Trump's youtube channel as I mentioned (Feb 28th, and 28 month delta since Q's first post).
Now look at tweet 2 & 3 and convert their dates to Q post numbers. (June 19 = 6/19) and (June 25 = 6/25)........
Q post 619 and 625 are also on January 27th, which is the date of tweet 4.
Bonus: Just before JFK Jr's first appearance in Trump's youtube vid, there's a woman with a 'Q' t-shirt.
THAT is one unique earlobe!
If we are watching a movie, JFK Jr. being alive really improves the plot, imho... American Camelot stuff.
The ears are completely different
Ears can change with age. Like Biden
There was a post on here a while ago that gave a link to a Telegram account that said JFK Junior was going to reveal himself on January 17th. Maybe a larp? Anyway, interesting that Scavino is doing this.
The chins are the same. Lips get thinner as we age. Nose tips begin to sag a bit as well. The v thingee in the top of the ears look similar. We'll find out sooner or later.
Trolling us? Or the DS.
Telling no one with eyes. Unless significant plastic surgery was done AND Q lied, it's not him.
I swear ppl bring this up monthly.
Ive been with Q from day one and still have no clue HOW this Jr thing essentially became a religion. Or a cult.
Just cause Q posted about Jr and his father doesn't mean they are alive. Trump is carrying on their legacy and fighting in their honor.
People want it to be true for different reasons. I wish it was true just because I think it really would be shocking enough to wake people up. BIGLY.
The question was "Is JFK JR alive?"
Q said "No"
2 things though.....
Q also said "Disinformation is necessary"
And When JFK Jr's father died he became JFK. There is no longer a Sr. to make him "Jr"
Just a though.
And how about an assumed name, and makeup, voice, plastic surgery, etc, just to fake his death. Don't miss the point here, Scavino has posted these pics several times. Why would he do that?
Yeah I've heard that argument 1000 times.
Whether or not hes alive is irrelevant.
Hes not in the public if he's, and that's for a reason.
I can't figure out why people focus on him so much.
I HAVE noticed a teens with it though.
It's mostly females. Which leads me to believe they are/ we're crushing on him.
I'm definitely crushing on him, have been since about 1978. ❤❤❤❤
And yet you didn't address it. Those are 2 possible explanations to your statements "Q Lied"
Totally different subject. No one is arguing that.
I was adding to your comment where you were talking about him
Than you make an assertion about it being "mostly females" which is a baseless assertion with no statistical evidence to back up.
Accept the fact there are OTHER explanations other than "Q lied" that are possibilities IF JFK Jr is alive (and I'm not saying he is, I'm just open to the possibility)
Super simple stuff.
Get a fucking grip there.
And yes, most the people i see online, on YouTube and have posted here, voat and reddit at cbts_stream, we're FEMALE.
Did i keep fucking stats to argue with twats like you?
Yeah, no.
Notice how you devolved into vulgar personal attack instead of making factual points and arguments?
Yeah, everyone else did too.
Do better "PeaceAndLovePatriot" or change your name.
I'm a 43 year old Male that was using the BBS's (Gonna bet $5 you don't even know what that is) and internet well before mainstream adoption through Prodigy and AOL
I Built my 1st computer (An intel 386) when I was 12. I was using dial up prior to internal modems when you still had put a phone receiver on the modem. I was one of the 1st 50 households in the state to have ahigh speed ISDN modem. I got my CompTIA A+ certification at 19. I've worked in IT sine then starting as a computer tech while building / selling computers on the side. Later on I also started doing custom database solutions and webpage design.
So clearly you're wrong and just trying to twist your argumentative shortcomings into more baseless accusations instead of having a mature discussion.
Oh and my feelings never entered the discussion. You're projecting. I'm only amused at how bad you are at this. Lemme guess... Pubic school right? Skipped debate class?
Logic > emotions. Try it sometime.
Does anyone have a link to the video that picked apart the events of JFK Jr.'s "death" I have the video saved but I'm trying to find a link to it for sharing.
The video was titled "Assassination.of.JFK.JR" and it's 1:46:47 long. I first saw it in December of 2020.
It's not popping up on bitchute, rumble or that other one that everybody uses.
The cartilage of the ear is a bit different but the pictures are of a different angle, enough to throw the "look" based on angle and shadowing. That would be the ultimate FU if he was alive and well and had dirt.
Close but the ears don’t match.
Like your name. Love the group but with the s.
I do not think is JFK jr. Take a look at his lips, not the same. Maybe he is the white hat who is behind of all of this. If he is God Bless him.
He looks too old for a 60 yr old guy.
Perhaps, but searching "60 year old person" in google images, most look similar.
Not sure this is trolling to repeat the same post.
Fusca is not as tall as John.
Look at the ears!
The ears don’t match but I don’t know if people ears change shape somewhat as they age either.
Kek... The Zombie John-John Fangirls are gonna have to freshen up the downtown...