It was strange a while ago when everybody was calling Brian Peckford the last LIVING signatory of Canada's Charter. She's probably been gone for a while (kind of like how they kept RBG on ice for at least a year before announcing her death)
Remember how they already had pre-printed magazines of Hillary Clinton wins presidency in 2016. And then she had to cancel all those fireworks that were scheduled for her win.
Remember RBG's death was announced a few weeks before the election and they tried and tried to get Kavannaugh out of the SCOTUS nomination with that horrific allegations of sex abuse 30 yrs prior.
Same thing with the Queen most likely. They are waiting to use her death/funeral for a narrative shift once another propaganda push fails. Or they need to cover up exposure of their crimes/corruption to use her funeral as an 'all eyes on the death' narrative. Like RBG, McCain, Bush, Sr.
RGB was dead (or on life support) for a while before Trump forced their hand. I wonder if Scalia was killed because of her cancer. They were good friends and he wouldn’t have gone along with that plan.
food for thought; when britain was testing its atom bomb the prime minister had two letters to the man heading the development program penned pre-emptively, one read "hard luck Dr. Penny" the other read "Congratulations Sir William"
Yeah, and even if this second hand info tweet is true, it could be any British company that ordered them. Maybe a company is speculating that she'll die this year and taking a chance by buying these items to then have on hand and be ready to sell the instant her death goes public. If they're one of the few with such memorabilia ready and waiting to sell, they'd probably make good money.
I think this is fake, why would they order a flag like that from China? And why would they order it even before anyone else knew about the Queen's death? I say if they haven't announced it then there is no way this is true. Possibly a warning from China.
It made me think of dog comms/coded messaging referencing dogs linked to prominent deaths.
On that topic of dog comms, George News posted a picture to their telegram today captioned "Conan: Hero Dog, Happy National K9 Veterans Day". Link:
She's been dead for a while. They're waiting for the right moment to use her death as a distraction.
Exactly. She's in the palace basement freezer.
Held up by a few pints from Nancy's special ice cream freezer?
Are you saying Queen E̶l̶s̶i̶e̶ Elisabeth is... Frozen?
Let it go... Let it go....
😂😂😂😂😂 "Give up! Give up!"
I 'bout died when I first saw this. I was crying.
Putin announces int'l mil tribunals naming DS/US etc for plandemic coiOMG THE QUEEN IS DEAD THE QUEEN IS DEAD OMGERSH U GUIES
that is how itll go.
Skull and bones.
I believe you are correct.
Dragging her corpse out with people waking up to the Ukraine grift, eh?
I mean, it worked with ol' prince Phil for at least two months.
Prince Phillip, the queen's evil husband. had the same great-great grandmother, so they were 3rd cousins. think it took awhile to announce his death.
In 70s sat nite live would announce on news Franco is Still dead
I meant that as a joke
yeah i missed it;) I see a ? and go into teacher mode.
Wouldn't that be perfect timing?
No no no! Don't look THERE! Don't you want to see a dead QUEEN????
It was strange a while ago when everybody was calling Brian Peckford the last LIVING signatory of Canada's Charter. She's probably been gone for a while (kind of like how they kept RBG on ice for at least a year before announcing her death)
Who is RBG?
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Ok, I know who she was. The initials just threw me
Dirtbag SCJ Ruth Bader-Ginsburg
May she burn in hell.
she already is.
Those flags get made overnight in back st factories in Manchester and London by the same crews who make cup final and rock concert swag.
If she’s as bad as they say why not get her an electric wheel chair?
I was so looking forward to all the pudding that was promised for the Platinum Jubilee !!!
Rot in Hell, Bitch.
Operation London Bridge
Remember how they already had pre-printed magazines of Hillary Clinton wins presidency in 2016. And then she had to cancel all those fireworks that were scheduled for her win.
And somehow, whoever cancelled Hillary’s fireworks did it TWO DAYS EARLY!
Remember RBG's death was announced a few weeks before the election and they tried and tried to get Kavannaugh out of the SCOTUS nomination with that horrific allegations of sex abuse 30 yrs prior.
Same thing with the Queen most likely. They are waiting to use her death/funeral for a narrative shift once another propaganda push fails. Or they need to cover up exposure of their crimes/corruption to use her funeral as an 'all eyes on the death' narrative. Like RBG, McCain, Bush, Sr.
RGB was dead (or on life support) for a while before Trump forced their hand. I wonder if Scalia was killed because of her cancer. They were good friends and he wouldn’t have gone along with that plan.
The queen doesn't die. She finds a new skin suit. It's easy for them because they're lizards. It's like sprouting a new tail.
Queen Elizardbitch?
Would the Queen's people really order a flag from a Chinese factory? Doesn't seem posh enough.
Why not? They're fake posh, just like everyone in our government is fake patriotic.
Yeah, wouldn't you think they'd make that in London someplace???
Rumor from intelligence circles is that she died August 2021. I definitely don't think she's alive.
I was told Oct 2021 that she'd "long gone". So who knows what's happening.
The queen can't die, she's just molting.
Wow…I used molt in my comment! I never use that word…only for non-human entities.
I thought that was only birds and snakes
Right? I think most reptiles, eh?
food for thought; when britain was testing its atom bomb the prime minister had two letters to the man heading the development program penned pre-emptively, one read "hard luck Dr. Penny" the other read "Congratulations Sir William"
What's a few million to spread misinfo? And like Fisherman says, it could even be profitable.
And they make stuff for both Super Bowel teams.
Yeah, and even if this second hand info tweet is true, it could be any British company that ordered them. Maybe a company is speculating that she'll die this year and taking a chance by buying these items to then have on hand and be ready to sell the instant her death goes public. If they're one of the few with such memorabilia ready and waiting to sell, they'd probably make good money.
Take the time, to go to the Sauce, and post the link.
I added my sour sauce to the mix 👍🏽
Love how they truly honor her by outsourcing memorabilia of her to Chinese sweatshops
Anyone could have put an order in like that
Bet you a dollar that what we've seen of her lately is some short MI6 agent in a mask and a wig...
I think this is fake, why would they order a flag like that from China? And why would they order it even before anyone else knew about the Queen's death? I say if they haven't announced it then there is no way this is true. Possibly a warning from China.
You'd think they'd make something like this in house???
Who the fuck is this guy?
Why do we give a fuck about rumors about the British queen on the Chinese social media sites?
Reptilians don’t die - they shift.
I hope they get the union flag the right way round, too slitty eyed to notice (again)
Someone hit this Luke up for sauce, or a phone number so an Anon that speaks Chinese can make a Sauce-Distance phone call haha. :) :).
Might be a bit of a stretch, but I came across this article today with the headline "Not Well Enough - Queen, 95, so frail she can't walk her beloved corgis and more - and hasn't been able to for six months". Link:
It made me think of dog comms/coded messaging referencing dogs linked to prominent deaths.
On that topic of dog comms, George News posted a picture to their telegram today captioned "Conan: Hero Dog, Happy National K9 Veterans Day". Link:
I'm not sure, but I think the picture may be from when Trump was in office. Trump put out an official statement on 3/13/2020 titled "Presidential Message on National K-9 Veterans Day" that specifically references military dog Conan. Link here:
Also, I had no idea that today (3/13) was National K9 Veteran's Day until now.
Buckingham Palace has been as empty as the White House. For months!
No president in the White House
No monarch in Buckingham Palace
Anyone seen the pope lately?
Here’s to hoping for a great gift for Easter Sunday! Let’s just hope she doesn’t resurrect.
It would be reanimation, not resurrection. Shedding skin and all that first of course.
Batter change?
We thought it was for (R)OTUS but what if it’s got queen?
When was her last public appearance? I’m finding Dec 2021
Posted this 10 hours before. No sticky :-/
Preparing to distract as truths on Ukraine flood-out? To Hell with that vile reptoid!!
If she’s not dead, that’s a pretty safe bet.