The masses tend to panic in such situations.
Like many who have suggested the same, I believe one of the reasons Q woke us up is so that we can help people around us understand and cope with what is going on when things get a little scary. There will be people who are jolted awake from a deep sleep and have no idea what is going on.
Maybe your sister is in a panic because the military is quelling riots in the streets and politicians are being hauled off screaming into helicopters. Or maybe widespread power and communications outages have brought a worried neighbor to your door. Or that close friend (who respects you too much to call you crazy but insists on staying asleep) is finally waking up and searching for answers because it looks like the world is ending.
What will you say to start them down the long road to awakening? How will you reassure them that things will be ok, and prepare them for what is next? There is so much that could be said, it is difficult to summarize.
Maybe something like the following?
We are about to begin a years-long period of human history defined by the ongoing exposure and destruction of the greatest evil the world has ever known. A plan was devised decades ago which has culminated in the events unfolding before us. Many good people have sacrificed much and suffered greatly in order for this plan to work. In chess terms, the enemy has been in ‘check’ for several years. Covid - and everything since - has been caused by the enemy in their death throes. They cannot win, and will likely attempt to flip over the table before accepting defeat. But the good people are prepared. They have planned for all contingencies. Hang on because it may get rocky - but do not fear. GOD WINS.
Told you so ….😷
It's going to be hard as hell not to be hyper-smug. I feel you. Gotta do what we were chosen for though ... and that is be a beacon of knowledge and understanding when the normies come out of the cave.
agreed... I am so mentally exhausted trying to wake people up. I sure the problems in the world are much worse than people realize. The elites have honed to perfection how to control emotions of a large population hence wars.
Somebody owes my ass a ‘ball licking’!
"It's going to be hard as hell not to be hyper-smug."
No it will be impossible, it is the (vocal) "sound of inevitability"
I will display as much empathy towards them as agent Smith.
I learned that I don't like them.
I learned that my father stuck his fist inside someones chest to stop the bleeding in Myanmar during world war II, but his progeny just handed over the freedom he fought for and stuck their asses in the air for the government to fuck.
I learned that my sister, a teacher, has been a rampant disseminator of absolutely morally bunk propaganda and has instilled this vile ideology in children her whole adult life.
I learned that humanity as a whole, except for only the smallest of demographics, is utterly pedestrian in their thought and that 30% or more have latent totalitarian leanings and would fit right in on the wall at Auschwitz if it could be couched in a moral good.
I learned that even though I always instinctively recoiled from the sheer lack of depth and hollowness of this culture and people that my antipathy could reach new quasi-infinite bounds.
I learned people who I expected vastly more from are unthinking NPC automatons with a stultifying inertia to their thought.
So I did pick up a thing or two.
Yeah they wanted to divide humanity, but I already had very little time for it and in my case it has only enhanced feelings already present
I am moving up the country after this with my like minded girlfriend and the more time in nature with less human encounters the better.
..and finally, the results are not similar at all. My eyes are open and my dislike of them is a product of their apathy, lack of inquisitiveness on all things and their gaslighting me without ever doing any research; their arrogance - propagandized or not.
Where do you guys get off telling us we can't be mad and want no part of some of them now?
I struggle with this a lot too. I think it’s okay to be mad at them for awhile- they DO deserve it. But after awhile, the anger will fade and it will be easier to see that they are just kinda stupid and can’t really help it. They are literally sheep. Not too bright, can’t expect much from most of them. But you understand that they just aren’t capable of seeing things the way you can. You then begin to have empathy and understanding I think. I used to be asleep. I simply didn’t see what was really happening. I always had some distrust, but never thought it could be as bad as it actually is. It helps me to remember that I technically used to be a sheep too
It's not that you can't be mad, its that its a dead end. The only way out is coming together, if we remain at each others throats, in loathing and disgust, the same demons will just take over again. The nightmare never ends. Your feelings are a feature for the rulers, not a measurable difference, for them its the same effect. They end up controlling you by inverse correlation to the input.
I've walked this path that you're on, I'm just trying to give you the benefit of getting ahead of it.
Take your time with it, you'll be fine, just keep your mind and your heart open as you have. The truth will come to you if you can resolve to do that.
Seeing so many people wear masks for two years has been the biggest red pill. It was a clear indicator that unfortunately, even an idiot like myself is still way smarter than the majority of humans.
Same for me. Respect and your name checks out.
hum...anger issues?
"I have been locked out of society for near on 2 years in one of the most locked down places on the planet because I will not take the needle pox or wear a useless mask at work. I am near to losing my house, I have no hot water and the ass is through my jeans."
Anger issues... you bet.
I try not to cuss, only belittle. A sin no less but a different one.
Ok.. Cussing is usually used when logical discussion breaks down. It is also used to disrespect and insult the other party. Without referring to religion both methods would be disrespectful. My religious conviction does not rely on the doctrines taught in each religion. I try to make logical assumptions based on being as read as I can and hopefully each individual makes the right choice to do the same. So many have been lying to the masses about everything for thousands of years it's very hard to sift through it all. The only difference is that the lies have become very convincing and complex. Hopefully we all have a happy life and get through it all because of all of us being misled including me. I certainly don't have concrete answers. (Lets go Brandon (insult))
I have always respected people that know the exact proper time to use a cuss word. It makes them a more relatable leader, it shows their human. A perfectly placed "fuck" is a great sentence enhancer.
F-bombs should be treated as precision guided munitions.
I agree with this. Cussing has to be used somewhat sparingly and with purpose. It’s dumb when people use “fuck” every other word, but when used correctly it conveys a higher level of emotion
Respect old people and children.
.....have some dip, fucken!
In my case swearing is the manifestation of frustration. Period.
I hear you
So you commit the worse "sin" then? Belittling people is belittling people, no two ways about it. On the other hand, there are a million different ways to swear that aren't "used to disrespect and insult the other party" or in a scenario where "logical discussion breaks down". Both those things, however, are a given when belittling people.
Good lord people. I have told dirty jokes and cussed. I just don't use it in meaningful conversation and not against old people and children. Lighten up folks its a personal choice just like you have yours.
I agree with this. In an information war, you cannot wait around for people to give you credit. You have to take it.
Matthew 5:22
But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.
It's going to be sooo tough not to add "dumbass" to that.
Well said Anon.
It will be important not to gloat and to welcome the confused normies into The Great Awakening with open arms and hearts.
We must remember that the normies who sleep are victims of the most powerful psychological operation and propaganda apparatus ever constructed in the history of mankind.
As we bring this system down, the normies will be like drug addicts. They will be searching for their M5M fix to tell them what is going on. They will be searching for a way to go back to their Matrix. 4-6% of these individuals will be gone. They will not be able to accept a world without their former masters in control.
There will be years of healing ahead of us. The Storm is not the end. It is only the beginning.
Prepare for God's work. He is going to need every single one of us.
God Speed Anons!
Mockery is extremely powerful.
It can make a fat person choose to not eat.
It can undermine a presidency.
It can derail a 1000 year old death cult.
and it can contribute to waking up a stubborn sleeper. We're not "above" mockery, it's one of our only effective tools in this information war!
Mockery can also inhibit and prohibit our mission of healing.
Those who have been slumbering have had punishment enough. Recall the fraudulent vaccine initiative, and the catastrophic implications on health and wellbeing. No amount of mockery can surmount the lesson that is being taught to humanity right now.
There has been enough suffering and aguish spread across the world already. Let us be the wiser men. Let us put these sufferings to rest, and be willing to guide humanity forward with love and compassion.
Those who cling to the old negative energy will be holding humanity back in the vestiges of the old bondage, and postponing the true potential of The Great Awakening.
That's Grace- We were once slumbering too, but somebody cared enough to try and wake us up. And God cared enough to send Jesus to lay down His life for us, and take on the punishment we deserved for the consequences of our choice to enslave ourselves to sin, then go to sleep.
I agree. The awakening for those I know are still asleep, is going to be mind-blowing and confusion, vertigo, the sense of falling into space with nothing to grab on to, is going to be real! They will want the years of work we’ve done, to be given to them in concise little sentences. Can’t be done. I have the whole devolution series printed out for that day, as well as other events of importance from along the way. I can’t wait for the day. I’m so tired of the sleeping normies who cry for things that are lies.
I should put together a printed notebook of red pills and information dumps as well. Great idea!
Because I knew when the time hits, I won’t know where to begin. Now I’ll just hand out the material
You can say "I told you so" with love and compassion. I've had it done to me many times. People who love me, poking fun and making fun of things that I've clearly missed. It can certainly make one blush, that's for sure, but interfere with someone's healing process? That might be a stretch.
I supposed I was raised to have thick skin.
People NEED to be held to a higher standard, and to be expected to develop thick skin. Part of the reason we are in the situation we are in is because nobody just states reality. People are coddled so much, and it makes them weak
I plan on doing this, with the honest disclaimer of "...but I take zero pleasure in any of this. This should have NEVER happened."
This is the way, fren.
Preach on brother
Truth is they mocked and their own mocking will fall on their own heads even if we never say a word.
I hate to admit it, but it works for potty training sometimes too 😅
...though may I venture.."I told you so you insular, myopic, cocksmoke/meat puppet/Test tube hybrid, shit marionette"
Jim Lahey :-"Shit puppets gotta be mad at other shit puppets"
There's a shit-storm a-comin!
The people that say this have never met my sister in law. The problem is (I don't speak to her anyway but) my 85 yo parkinson's patient father gets the brunt of her digs on me. Everyone else I can be accepting of the stupidity but I'd sure like to be a fly on the wall when she figures out I'm not the dumb one. She is. Just The satisfaction that she knows the government WAS out to get us will be enough. Well, maybe having my Dad push the truth in her face would be fun. 😝😇
That's your job now. It is your sacred right.
Part of the great awakening is these souless automatons having their own ignorance shoved in their faces now because they refused to look.
Her input will not be needed going forward on science, climate, anthropology, humanity, space, the internet, government or anything other than trite fluff.
She should be aware her opinions are held in contempt by you and you should have your satisfaction shine with the brightness of 1000 suns with God himself LOL'ing as you pan this fucker, but that knife won't twist itself.
This is how the healing starts.
Like the prodigal son?
Finding it hard to put aside that exasperated feeling of "I told you this 5 years ago"
I don't know about you guys but I'm already experiencing that very thing. As the lies are exposed, don't hesitate to POLITELY remind the normies who told them months and years before.
To which some will reply "no you didn't" Pointing out that they're triple or quadruple clotshotted won't help either. You know some of them are so arrogant in their denial it's gonna take more than the 1st arrest. They may even scream "it's a coup!" But too many are waking up now.
It will be difficult for some to tell me "no you didn't" as I have about 5 yrs of bimontly newsletters I have sent out to prove otherwise. But yes, there will be a lot that think they somehow figured out all by themselves even though some anon friend/relative was there delivering truth consistently.
Yes, you're covered.
Interesting observation Mary. Now that you mentioned it, most of my brainwashed normie friends and coworkers do NOT have a relationship with God. Some of them even mock it. 😥
My response will be much simpler: "It's ok - don't worry. This has been coming for a long time, and there are many Patriots here and around the world who have been preparing for exactly this time. If you have questions - just ask me. I'll do my best to answer them without overwhelming you with information you don't feel ready to hear just yet. The good news is, I know how it ends - God wins."
The simple approach is probably better, fren.
2000 years ago everyone thought the earth was the center of the universe, 100 years ago everyone thought the democrats were the saviors of the people..2 years ago you thought a potato won the election with the biggest margin in history, just think of what you will know tomorrow.......
The current thinking is that the entire universe revolves around the Earth...Galileo was thinking too small.
Love and kudos to both you and VetforTrump:
Physicist and Theologian John Polkinghorne
The Case For A Creator by Lee Strobel is where I found these quotes, and if you are interested in science's connection to faith, you will enjoy it even though some of the information may be outdated now.
Earth is the center of the universe. A dwelling place for a family God planned for.
The minute yiu supplant God's Word with science you lose truth.
Science done properly points to God. Many of the greatest scientists in history acknowledged God's truth and through that gained scientific knowledge as well, such as Mendel, Newton, and even Einstein.
Steven C. Meyer PHD in History of Molecular Biology and History of Physics:
Enjoy the fucking show
Now get
Just like I've been telling you...And you All thought I was fucking mad with a Tinfoil hat...😉😎
Maybe we put on the hats as a clear indication that we know what the heck is going on? At least until things calm down a bit and enough normies are fully awakened. 🤔🤫😂
I suspect a lot of them I've told know deep down that I've been telling them the truth for years ...They are just not ready to admit it...
My dad doesn't even object anymore to most things I bring up.
Good sign....You must have laid a solid base...😎
I want a designer quality tinfoil hat.
Me too. Something slightly Edwardian with a very wide brim. And also a little roaring 20’s number like a flapper girl would wear. 😂 🎩 🧢
"Nanny nanny boo boo. Fuck your feelings and screw you for doubting."
Not really, but the urge is strong with this one.
This evil has been infesting our Prison Planet (no relation to the website) for at least 32,000 years.
LOL I feel you Fren. Don't do this though. Think it ... don't say it. 😂✌😂✌😂
There will be "i told you so's"
"Im sorry, but you have been lied to for so long that you no longer know what is real and what is a lie."
My first words to all people will be, "let us pray"
You're so kind. I wish I were so kind. I do tend to keep my thoughts in my head, so I have that going for me.
I don't plan to say a goddamn thing.
Their awakening will say all that needs be said.
Not a word.
I'm upvoting some amusing responses, with the assumption that they are only joking...
There have been plenty of posts like this over the years, you can just go to the back catalog if you need a pick-me-up.
I will direct them to this site because damn I have learned a LOTTT in 17 months (ha! 17!)
Love to you warriors
First words out of my mouth will be, Its about fucking time.
God has this
Really don't plan to say anything or be found enjoying their distress...many are going to expect an I told you so, some in an attempt to break the ice will even make easy for you to say it.
But watch what happens as time goes by when you speak of things when your explaining what you have might find that this time they are actually listening maybe not liking...but listening.
Wouldn't that be nice for once.
Exactly right. Making fun or saying 'I told you so' will only make them hesitate to seek answers from you in the future. It's petty and counterproductive.
Well, I think it would be a little like what I experienced during my spiritual conversion:
Some fear
Some humiliation
Lots of crying and mourning
Shock at believing lies my whole life
Feeling turned inside out and upside down
Relief at finally knowing the truth
After the shock wore off, gratitude
I don't know what it would be like if a whole world full of people began to suddenly experience "earth shattering" reality changes.
I think the main thing is to help people understand that you, too, have recently awakened, to be there for them and to help them understand what they are going through, to comfort them and pray for them.
It is important to keep in mind they have been living under strong delusions, and it is a huge shock to suddenly come out of it into light.
Well said, MissBear. 💗💗💗
They’ll know just bits and pieces, so I’ll gently fill in the blanks, and tell them everything will be okay. In other words, I’ll be that someone I wished had helped me through it. Many nights wide awake and alone kind of sucked.
The question isn't how I knew. The question is why didn't you know?
I have been dropping red pills to friends, family and even strangers for years- so it will all come roaring back to them and they’ll be like ohhhh this was the shit she was referring to all that time
I was right and fuck you.
Not a word.
Buckle up. It’s gonna get weird.
I have thought about this many times. It may sound simple, but I want to make sure people know that God is in control. Maybe something like, "First of all, I know it may not seem like it right now, but everything is going to be just fine. God is in control!"
Then I would ask what their questions are.
Depends on the person. Some will get a simple “this is what I’ve been talking about”. Some will get a harder “see I told you so”. A few will get “What do you have to say now you piece of shit, it’s happening just like I said it would. You better be glad it’s this way and not civil war because you would be the first motherfucker I’d shoot.”
We've planted so many seeds already the only thing we are waiting on is a little rain from the storm.
Maybe it's not only who they arrest but why they get arrested and who is bringing the charges. If it is children that are going to bring all the people together enough to trigger mass pop awakening, then it has to be something truly heinous done by someone that everyone on earth has at least heard of and they will have to be arrested by someone uncorrupt able. After all the leaks, after all the abortion bullshit, after child porn and vaccine mandates that none of which has triggered the masses, ask yourself, what the hell could it be?
Like it! Sounds way better than “I told you so”.
"I'm here if you need to talk.".