💥BOOM!!! Maricopa, AZ Verified With Evidence: Trump 59.4%, Biden 41.17%💥
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸
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Unless it’s announcing az decertification….nothing matters. We’ve known about the fraud for a whole year now. And what has happened?
100000% this.
Nobody cares anymore. I don't care anymore.
Unless the headline is that people flipped and turned on their puppeteers or they're being tried for treason and election theft or that the state has decertified and the others have too, nothing matters.
Normies don't care. Normies won't care. I don't care. I won't care. We all know there was overwhelming fraud, but unless something is done nothing is a "bombshell" unless it actually explodes.
It's tax day.
Everyone's mood is shit.
How can you pay taxes without representation?
This. The election was stolen.
What if this is the final part needed to flip the most ardent skeptics over towards decertification/etc? I get the jaded feelings, right there with you, but me being jaded doesn't mean things can't change for the better. I was for decertification a long time ago but I wasn't the one stopping it from happening. What matters is convincing those who COULD change but HAVENT. The term Tipping Point means something. The question is, is this enough?
Hate to tell you but this is nothing, again. It's Jovan Pulitzer with his latest "algorithm" that he ran "500,000 times" so they are sure it is right this time. This guy is a complete waste...anyone with any computer science background knows running the same code against the same data even twice is super unlikely to change anything. Apparently his algorithm is so accurate that the new totals exceed 100%. Give me a break.
Do as you like, go full jaded internet spammer for all I care, I'm just saying it's not worthless to try and convince people of the truth.
And I'm just saying there's no truth here. He can't even get the numbers to add up. We need to stop following this idiot.
Unless it's going to SCOTUS, doesn't matter. There is no constituonal mechanism for "decertification." Post Jan 6th, this became a 100% judicial matter that only the Court can remedy (with the enforcement backing of the military). In reality, it became a judicial matter post Dec 14th after ineligible Electors cast illegal votes, but since the sections of the ECA 1887 that were codified into 3 USC have yet to be challenged and voided as unconstitutional (Constitution never gave unilateral power to Congress to judge the constitutionality of state appointment of Electors), here we are...
Exactly this. However, there is one other option. A Constitutional Convention can fix this entire mess as well. That is, if the Constitution is even still legal. I have a feeling that when the Corporation took over it hasn't been followed. Maybe this is why the Military is the only way.
No doubt, Soros has been rigging elections with voting machines since back when the vote rigging company was called Diebold.
You can doom or you can pray. Either way… God Wins!!!
Military is the only way.
100.57% is the new total?
Math is racist. At least I think so. I'm not a mathematician.
It's ok, I'm a biologist and it looks right to me....it's women's math, so 100.57% is cool and anyone who says otherwise is a bigot and a rayssiss!!
11 is always better than 10...
Only if you're a Marshall Amp.
This Is Spinal Tap.
Ah, you GOT IT! I thought that would be too obscure for GAW.
Virtually nothing is
It's amazing
what the hell is a woman?
Well, what is mine, is mine and what is my hubby's, is mine too! LOL. Seriously, we share.
Sounds like me and my wife as well. But we're happy!
Yes! Happy wife, happy life. My aunt told my sisters and I, to always treat your husband like a king, and he will treat you like his queen. When you think about it, why wouldn't you want to go above and beyond every day for the one you love? I see people treat strangers better than their loved ones. Such a shame.
Well I'll probably have my Man Card canceled for saying this but I'm the chief cook at our house, help my wife shop for groceries, and am her go-to person when she feels blue. It's an arrangement that has worked for us for a long time now.
I am a firm believer in what works for you, do you. Hubby did cook for me breakfast on Sundays,30 years ago. We would pick who would win football games. Hubby said to make it interesting, loser had to cook breakfast. I cook all the time from scratch, so, it didn't matter to me and told him it wouldn't be fair to him IF I lost because I always cook. We would pick every Saturday for NFL games, I would beat him every week, so much so, he started getting aprons, spatulas, etc for Christmas gifts! His friends teased him constantly too. After a few years, he quit betting me and he hasn't cooked since! LOL. Sounds to me you are treating your wife like the queen she is! I bet she does things for you that make you feel special. My hubby fills up the gas tank in my car. I cannot remember the year I put gas in my car. Wishing you and your wife happy days and wonderful nights! What works for you is awesome, what works for my husband and I is awesome! Wishing such happiness to all here.
According to the article, its:
Which is 100.643%
I think what they meant to say was, they are 100.643% certain it is correct.
Talk about making the investigators look like idiots...
Smacks of controlled opposition to me.
They are giving a precision to two decimal places (3 in the case of Biden). In any proper report of measurement, the margin of error is contained within the last digit reported. In this case the error is two places higher than the reported values (at least). It could be even worse since there were almost certainly other candidates (Independent/Green/etc.) that got some votes as well, probably 1-3% of the total, which would suggest the margin of error is before the decimal.
In all cases this makes whoever is making the report look like an idiot to anyone who has ever had to report such numerical information.
Probably more proof there's "extra" votes for Biden in there.
well yeah but this is their new "100% confirmed" set of votes... so did they really confirm it or not?
Could also be a typo.
There are no coincidences, controlled opposition guaranteed
That would affect the vote total but not the %.
Edit: I mean it'd affect the % but it wouldn't cause it to go above 100% total since it's not a voter turnout percentage.
Math checks out. I use method Common Core, works every time.
Not only must this article have made a serious typo or make a rounding error, they also did not account for third party votes.
I live in Mesa….have yet to see one fucking positive Joe Biden anything, I do see a shit ton of Fuck Joe and the Hoe, I did that stickers, not my president stickers and even more pro trump flags and bumper stickers.
Love hearing this!
Same here in Sunny do Lots of don’t blame me, I voted for trump
Linked article is a huge fucking lie. Read the report yourself, which the author conveniently leaves out. The audit was inconclusive, actually added more Biden votes.
Only a retard or disinfo agent would try to claim the exact opposite of what the audit reported.
I think you're assuming the ballots are all real. The audit report lacked forensics. If someone tossed real ballots (which were intentionally insecure) and injected a lot of bogus mail in ballots with no matching signatures, of course the count would be the same. If they're removing just the bogus mail in ballots or all the mail in ballots from the total that would change the percentage. But the wordpress site isn't explaining how they calculated anything...
I'm not assuming anything, I'm saying what the report says.
"Linked article is a huge fucking lie."
"I'm not assuming anything,"
Linked article isn't clarifying or citing anything. So you're making an assumption.
“Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s Arizona Audit team”
“Az Audit:”
These are literally their citations. Did you not even read it? Are you retarded to claim that they didn’t cite anything?
The linked article claims that his audit proves Trump had more votes than Biden, and by quite a bit. That’s unequivocally a lie according to their master report on it, in fact the exact opposite. It’s literally not an assumption, it’s verifiably a lie.
Why do I have to spell this out for you?
"Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s Arizona Audit team"
It didn't specifically say the audit report. The audit report was missing a substantial amount of forensics. The "article" doesn't say when this claim was made or where to find this information. I wouldn't say it's a lie but I would say it's trash writing and lacking necessary details.
Who the fuck do you think wrote the audit report, if not Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s Arizona Audit team?
How was it “missing forensics” if the audit “proved” it like the article literally claims?
You’re weirdly defensive of trash. And making straight up wrong claims and pretending it didn’t happen. It’s unhinged and retarded.
I don't remember exactly who wrote the report. Multiple people were involved. Cyber Ninjas was one. Jovan did say before the report was submitted don't look at what's in the report. Look at what is not in the report.
Bidan got 41%? I can hardly believe that.
They meant .41%
please stop posting garbage from garbage blog websites with dumb ads and horrible grammar. it makes us look like we aren't trying. and 500,000? exactly? I call BS
This is awesome
That evidence is undeniable!
Worth a try.
How could Bidet ever get anywhere near 41%? We all know that his "rallies" were an utter joke.
Cant believe 40% of arizonian americans are this stupid..
A lot of them are transplants from Cali.
That's nearly a 20 point swing!
The author of this title states that those number are Joven's findings but doesn't include an actual source... anyone got a source on these numbers?
Probably not counting the machine's flips
Well that is a major difference
Decertify now!
TIL that 41% of Maricopa are retarded.
When will Arizona do something about it ?
Boom!!!!!!! We’ve known this for almost two years bru!
Biden 41%????? Who are these people??? Can there be so many stupid people all in one county. Maybe it should be roped off to prevent stupid leaks.
Does this count in the “NoRmAl” 93% error rate? I don’t know if we can trust these numbers.
81 MiLlIoN VoTeS!!
Boom? I don’t get it…it’s been proven over and over more like the sound of a fizzle in the rain
Ok now what
A collective of prime faggots thought they were going to mount a bit of payback for the fate that No Name had to accept for himself.
Couldn't vote this up. Author is a brainlet. They didn't provide details, links or citations.
All they did was make a claim and upload images that don't support or clarify the claim.
Everything defies belief
And nothing will happen and no one will go yo jail.
Wtf is this garbage? This site looks worse than GWP, the numbers don't add up to 100%, and there's no evidence presented! This is the same garbage we've been fed for the past year.
If your waiting for government to fix the voting system... it's never going to happen.
But make sure to go out in 2022 and 2024 and make that red wave happen, maybe they will throw you all a bone this time.
ALL of these findings are PROOF of fraud. They have had PROOF of fraud.
The problem is the people that need to take action are the ones that will go to jail if they do.
Our system is broken. Even if they decertify Arizona, it's not enough. We need other states as well.
This is why ALL this effort to decertify, although noble, will never happen.
Why would Arizona AG go to jail if he takes action?
Because the AG is part of the conspiracy, not separate from it.
The very beginning, AG Brnovich stated there was no fraud in Arizona, and the election was 100% legitimate.
Even though he had thousands of eye witness testimony stating otherwise. He only opened a (fake) investigation to pretend he's doing something now that its election season.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is part of the evil CABAL.
Then he stuck it in our faces with the nun-chuck video right about the time he would have needed to really be doing something. HOWEVER, we need to be mindful of the actor factor.
There will be people who took a deal with the white hats for a less sentence and/or a less crime. Let's say Arizona's AG was in way deeper but the white hats told him to play out this roll, he may get those charges dropped but part of the deal would be to do exactly as he's told by the white hats.
That's the problem with taking any of this for face value. If Pence had not certified the vote, none of this would have happened and there would still be a lot of evil out there that wouldn't be getting caught. There is NO way the white hats left the roll of Pence certifying the election to chance, not with the type of pressure Pence (real one or actor) was facing. So they either knew for a fact that he would do it (Looking Glass, etc) or he was being controlled by the white hats.
Let's not jump to conclusions on which side people are ultimately on.
Devil's Advocate: could it have been normalcy bias?
He failed before the election, during the election, and after the election.
Not just him... EVERY AG in all these states with issues. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Nevada.
The reason they pulled the shit they did, is because they owned the AGs and did not have to fear the state criminal systems.
SAME reason they chose democrat precincts for the heavy fraud. The people in charge of holding them accountable were owned.
just trying to explore all angles.
The Audit was a waste then
The Arizona audit DID find that there is no way the vote count should have been certified.
There was no chain of custody for many stacks of ballots, the registry showed intentional logging in and logging out hundreds of times in an effort to reset log data, signature verification for all the votes received an average of 4.2 seconds of time each, dead voters never removed from voter rolls, several thousands of votes were counted for voters also registered in counties outside of Maricopa, several thousand votes counted for voters who were registered as having moved out of state prior to the election, and much more.
The fraud was rampant. But it wasn't "provable" per se, because there was enough plausible deniability for some kind of excuse to be made for nearly everything. However, ultimately, the risk of fraudulent votes being counted was entirely too high to justify the certification of Arizona's electors.