Trump's "endorsing" of Oz is bringing Turkey to light with all its issues. As others have said this may be due to dual citizenship. Trump vets his people. This is all planned.
definitely not... Trump spoke of Toomey voting for the impeachment as thought Pat wouldn't of if he'd of gotten Trumps endorsement... implying something about Oz. I still don't like it.
Yeah, cause endorsing Mitt Romney worked out so well for him later on. 🤦🏼♀️ Mitt totally stabbed him in the back as did McConnell and Graham. In fact IIRC I want to say it was either McConnell or Graham who were freaking out in 2020 over their own re-election campaigns and it looked like it was going to be closer than they anticipated and Trump helped “boost” them back up with his endorsement. Heck, it might have been both of them that needed his help but afterwards, they sure were quick to jump on the “muh, insurrection” band wagon. 🙄
I’ve always loved Trump, but the fact that he didn’t rescind his support from Oz is concerning to me. Then again, for a long time I was flabbergasted that he never fired Fauci but in hindsight I now understand why he didn’t for a multitude of reasons. The biggest one being that a vast majority of Americans had NO idea who Fauci was or the evil deeds he’s committed for decades but now we all know exactly who he is. I’m hoping the same thing happens w/ all these strange, seemingly Rino endorsements. 🤷🏼♀️
I think we need a law that says rep and sens are not allowed dual citizenship. It sends the wrong message. They should be American, all the way, whether native born or an immigrant. It's just too much power to give someone with fractured loyalties. So many have dual citizenship with Israel, for example. Don't like it. Turkey, like it even less. Ya gotta be 100% for America. If you have foreign ties, don't run to represent America, because you are "tainted" by the other loyalty. Trump would agree with this, I think. It's like a relationship - marriage. No spouse can have a close relationship with someone of the opposite sex and insist that person is "just a friend" . Who is gonna believe that one?? I wouldn't. It is possible that the outsider is just a friend, but it impinges on the marital relationship anyway, and guys, you know how guys think. Women are quite naive on this topic, I find. Men know how men think. Prove me wrong!!!
No immigrants either. Anyone in any political office from dog catcher to President must be a natural born citizen to two parents who have at least thier green cards.
America is for Americans and you must prove you have no divided loyalties. Its too easy to claim citizenship and then subvert from within. I am tired of foreigners telling me what America is about.
Full disclosure: My wife is an immigrant. Across a 30 year path she became a citizen. Im proud of her and she got to vote for the first time in 2020 and voted for Trump. But even though she is a Canadian that lived within 50 miles of the border her entire life, she still only has the most cursory understanding of what America is and means. Even after 35 years of being married to me and living here she still is perplexed by the amount of American flags that fly in front of houses here. I love her and trust her loyalties but I still wouldnt want her to run for office.
Did he need to endorse him for Pompeo to have the conference though? I feel that's a stretch. Oz's issues could have been brought into the light like everyone else's has. Trump didn't endorse hunter biden before the laptop dropped.
Why wouldn't Trump just endorse Barnette and give her so those political boosts and keep his endorsement streak going though? Why play three dimensional chess trying to open up the field for the real Trump conservative when he could have made her a leader in the race by endorsing her? Your explanation just doesn't make sense honestly.
Anything involving Trump will get so much more publicity
To that end, won't normies and the left see this endorsement as a sign that Trump is losing his touch by endorsing this type of candidate? Like others, I'm just trying to understand the strategy.
Edit: reading further down the thread produces some really good explanations.
I would be surprised if someone like Dr. Oz could gain considerable interest by voters on either side without an endorsement by Donald Trump. This was the first I'd even heard of the man in years.
... but remember people like my mother. Huge Trump fan but has nothing to do but sit home all day and watch television. So she knows who Dr Oz is and once Trump endorsed him, she thinks he's the second coming.
Whatever Trump's "plan" is, I think it was a risky move.
Seems that way... Trump really doesn't like McCormick and gave that little story about Toomey voting to impeach him and suggested it would have been different if Trump endorsed him. I really don't like it. I think the thinking MAGA crowd will vote for Kathy Barnette and the Trump zombies will vote for OZ and McCormick will win the primary.
Does anyone actually trust Pompeo? This is like saying "I trust OZ" lol. Both these rats were endorsed by Trump and both of them I suspect are DS stooges.
'Member when we were all watching his Twitter feed at the end there, looking for the ones that were not on the hour? Marrying the time stamp to drops? And then thinking action would take place as they got closer and closer together? I 'member.
And his son tweeted something cryptic and we assumed Mike was not only on the team Q, but maybe even spearheading it?
I 'member.
Then nothing happened.
Then he lost weight. Like A LOT of weight. Wasn't it around the same time that Hollywood was going crazy about allegedly not getting as much adrenochrome because of the covid lockdowns?
Maybe coincidence. Maybe not.
He was C_A. Could have been playing the longest con of all.
Scavino and Kash are clearly loyal after Trump's term. What evidence do we have on "Kansas"? Help me 'member...
But I do agree. Trump's endorsement of OZ is naive at best. Trump is picking "winners" to get the sweep on election day, thinking these people will then be loyal. Sorry, but that's not going to happen with some of these people. Some will turn on him the minute the temperature is turned up.
Trump's "endorsing" of Oz is bringing Turkey to light with all its issues. As others have said this may be due to dual citizenship. Trump vets his people. This is all planned.
It would be so incredible if Trump denounces OZ tonight in PA and endorses Kathy Barnette while Oz gets perp walked out of the rally.
This is what im thinking in order to crush his rino candidacy. Awesome move by Trump
Didn't turn out that way though.
That would be incredible if Oz was walked out kek
Trump is Mr. Incredible in the Incredbles 2.
He'll test positive for covid and be a no show.... my guess anyways
Yeah that didn't happen.
definitely not... Trump spoke of Toomey voting for the impeachment as thought Pat wouldn't of if he'd of gotten Trumps endorsement... implying something about Oz. I still don't like it.
Yeah, cause endorsing Mitt Romney worked out so well for him later on. 🤦🏼♀️ Mitt totally stabbed him in the back as did McConnell and Graham. In fact IIRC I want to say it was either McConnell or Graham who were freaking out in 2020 over their own re-election campaigns and it looked like it was going to be closer than they anticipated and Trump helped “boost” them back up with his endorsement. Heck, it might have been both of them that needed his help but afterwards, they sure were quick to jump on the “muh, insurrection” band wagon. 🙄
I’ve always loved Trump, but the fact that he didn’t rescind his support from Oz is concerning to me. Then again, for a long time I was flabbergasted that he never fired Fauci but in hindsight I now understand why he didn’t for a multitude of reasons. The biggest one being that a vast majority of Americans had NO idea who Fauci was or the evil deeds he’s committed for decades but now we all know exactly who he is. I’m hoping the same thing happens w/ all these strange, seemingly Rino endorsements. 🤷🏼♀️
was both of them.
I think we need a law that says rep and sens are not allowed dual citizenship. It sends the wrong message. They should be American, all the way, whether native born or an immigrant. It's just too much power to give someone with fractured loyalties. So many have dual citizenship with Israel, for example. Don't like it. Turkey, like it even less. Ya gotta be 100% for America. If you have foreign ties, don't run to represent America, because you are "tainted" by the other loyalty. Trump would agree with this, I think. It's like a relationship - marriage. No spouse can have a close relationship with someone of the opposite sex and insist that person is "just a friend" . Who is gonna believe that one?? I wouldn't. It is possible that the outsider is just a friend, but it impinges on the marital relationship anyway, and guys, you know how guys think. Women are quite naive on this topic, I find. Men know how men think. Prove me wrong!!!
I'm admittedly naive to an extent and I whole heartedly agree about the dual-citizenship. Our reps need to be thoroughly vetted!!
No immigrants either. Anyone in any political office from dog catcher to President must be a natural born citizen to two parents who have at least thier green cards.
America is for Americans and you must prove you have no divided loyalties. Its too easy to claim citizenship and then subvert from within. I am tired of foreigners telling me what America is about.
Full disclosure: My wife is an immigrant. Across a 30 year path she became a citizen. Im proud of her and she got to vote for the first time in 2020 and voted for Trump. But even though she is a Canadian that lived within 50 miles of the border her entire life, she still only has the most cursory understanding of what America is and means. Even after 35 years of being married to me and living here she still is perplexed by the amount of American flags that fly in front of houses here. I love her and trust her loyalties but I still wouldnt want her to run for office.
I could! But I won't. Obviously you don't know how women think, and not ALL guys think alike. If you are married, I feel for your wife.
You know Russia has laws for that now.
Did he need to endorse him for Pompeo to have the conference though? I feel that's a stretch. Oz's issues could have been brought into the light like everyone else's has. Trump didn't endorse hunter biden before the laptop dropped.
Appear weak when strong. Appear dumb when smart. kek
This could be awkward with Trump and Oz being at the rally tonight
So the main objective here is that Trump looks like he has no clue about the endorsements he gives? That's not an optimal place to be...
Why wouldn't Trump just endorse Barnette and give her so those political boosts and keep his endorsement streak going though? Why play three dimensional chess trying to open up the field for the real Trump conservative when he could have made her a leader in the race by endorsing her? Your explanation just doesn't make sense honestly.
Anything involving Trump will get so much more publicity than a Pompeo announcement.
I didn't care about this clown until Trump mentioned him. Now we are asking big questions about him.
To what end? Is oz's involvement illegal? If so Trump could have just said so and then its up to us to do our jobs
To that end, won't normies and the left see this endorsement as a sign that Trump is losing his touch by endorsing this type of candidate? Like others, I'm just trying to understand the strategy.
Edit: reading further down the thread produces some really good explanations.
I would be surprised if someone like Dr. Oz could gain considerable interest by voters on either side without an endorsement by Donald Trump. This was the first I'd even heard of the man in years.
... but remember people like my mother. Huge Trump fan but has nothing to do but sit home all day and watch television. So she knows who Dr Oz is and once Trump endorsed him, she thinks he's the second coming.
Whatever Trump's "plan" is, I think it was a risky move.
Barnette should have gotten his endorsement.
I trust God. The plan is entertainment ei. the movie we are watching
Hasn't Turkey been one of few EU countries to report more accurately of what's going on in Ukraine?
Turkey is based.
Maybe this will open the door to discuss all the Senators and Congressmen who hold dual citizenship.
I sure hope so.
That is an absolute "Must be done" at some point soon....
Read my comment above. Zakly!!
Getting ready for the big clean out before trumps second term! I am all for this. No more RINO crap
why is Pompeo addressing this? asking for a fren
Because maybe "Kansas" never meant Pompeo? Just spitballing....I am not an expert.
Pompeo is running in 2024, and he sees an opening.
Pompeo running in 2024? Lmao. Anyone running against Trump is a complete moron or just in it to get attention/money.
Or to fill out the field / run for VP.
Kansas means Pompeo. Take it to the bank. Just not the Fed......Kek.
That’s my opinion. Who knows.
Kansas could mean Dr Oz? Wizard of oz, ignore the man behind the curtain.
Pompeo endorsed McCormick... who was trending behind Oz in the polls. So, not entirely unexpected from my POV
I love the one two punch. Trump sets Oz up - which we all knew this was sus from the beginning - and then Pompeo comes in with a haymaker.
Tell me you’re in control without telling me you’re in control.
If you don't think Trump "endorsing" Oz isn't a trap you need to look at how he's now being exposed because of his high profile "endorsement".
For those who think nothing is happening: Why is Pompeo doing any press conferences with anyone?
This ☝🏻
How’s that different than the majority of them that upon taking office pledge their loyalty to israel? See Cynthia McKinney for more information
Maybe this is the whole reason he endorsed OZ. To shine a light on the dual citizenship situation.
Spotlight on Dr OZ!
He absolutely should have endorsed Barnette
Well, lookee here! Real Americana!! Never heard that before!!
Trump: Endorses someone Us: Oh, that's a good guy? Trump: No! He's bad!
[later on]
Trump: Endorses someone Us: So, is that a bad guy? Trump: No! He's good! That's why I've endorsed him! Please try to keep up.
Anyone with dual citizenship in the gov should be investigated. Specially Israelie-Americans
Unironically, we need an amendment that no elected or appointed official may hold dual citizenship with a foreign state.
Don't care if it's the longest of longtime allies, it's too much of a conflict of interest...
Nicely done
Dual citizenship is split allegiance.
So why is Trump supporting this guy? Is Mr T a BH?
So it shows we arent a monolith. Nobody he supports Oz regardless of GEOTUS backing
And it also shines a spotlight on the person. Then people dig. Then facts start to come out.
Trump said in his last speech "there are lots of reasons to endorse someone". As wasnt because they were the best candidate....
Yeah I've thought this too. Perhaps they got dirt on him and good guys can do a little controlling themselves.
Seems that way... Trump really doesn't like McCormick and gave that little story about Toomey voting to impeach him and suggested it would have been different if Trump endorsed him. I really don't like it. I think the thinking MAGA crowd will vote for Kathy Barnette and the Trump zombies will vote for OZ and McCormick will win the primary.
Here it comes! I knew the Q team had a plan...
What about all the members of Congress with Israeli citizenship? That's ok but Turkey is not?
Does anyone actually trust Pompeo? This is like saying "I trust OZ" lol. Both these rats were endorsed by Trump and both of them I suspect are DS stooges.
'Member when we were all watching his Twitter feed at the end there, looking for the ones that were not on the hour? Marrying the time stamp to drops? And then thinking action would take place as they got closer and closer together? I 'member.
And his son tweeted something cryptic and we assumed Mike was not only on the team Q, but maybe even spearheading it? I 'member.
Then nothing happened.
Then he lost weight. Like A LOT of weight. Wasn't it around the same time that Hollywood was going crazy about allegedly not getting as much adrenochrome because of the covid lockdowns? Maybe coincidence. Maybe not.
He was C_A. Could have been playing the longest con of all.
Scavino and Kash are clearly loyal after Trump's term. What evidence do we have on "Kansas"? Help me 'member...
But I do agree. Trump's endorsement of OZ is naive at best. Trump is picking "winners" to get the sweep on election day, thinking these people will then be loyal. Sorry, but that's not going to happen with some of these people. Some will turn on him the minute the temperature is turned up.
I have no doubt Scavino is money. Pompeo is off. I don't trust him at all and have no idea who Kansas is