This one is a massive boom for not simply the US, but the Whole World. The Davos clique are NOT getting their way.
Oh, and in case they forgot: Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!
Source article: One Nation (freedom-oriented political party in Australia) publication. Date May 30, 2022
See part of the text below:
Brilliant news out of Geneva today!
As most of you know, the World Health Assembly has spent the past 7 days considering Biden’s 13 controversial amendments to the International Health Regulations.
Official delegates from wealthy developed nations like Australia, the UK, and the US spoke in strong support of the amendments and urged other states to join them in signing away their countries’ sovereignty.
The first sign, however, that things might not be going the globalists' way, came on Wednesday, the 25th of May, which just happened to also be Africa Day.
Botswana read a statement on behalf of its 47 AFRO members, saying they would be collectively withholding their support for the ‘reforms’, which many African members were very concerned about.
Multiple other countries also said they had reservations over the changes and would not be supporting them either.
These included Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia. Brazil in particular said it would exit WHO altogether, rather than allow its population to be made subject to the new amendments.
In the end, the WHO and its wealthy nation supporters were forced to back down.
They have not given up though – far from it. Instead, they did what they always do and 'pivoted'.
At their request, a new working group was convened to make "technical recommendations on the proposed amendments" which will be re-submitted along with the Pandemic Treaty, at the 77th Health Assembly meeting in 2024.
There has also been lots of pushback from Republicans in the US, with a number of them introducing new bills giving the US Congress/Senate powers to override any WHO mandates or directives issued as part of any international agreements.
One, called the 'No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act' has 15 co-sponsors and was introduced to the Senate on Thursday by Republican Senator Ron Johnson, who said "The sovereignty of the United States is not negotiable".
(See full text at source link)
Edit: WHO proposed Amendments, as proposed by Sleepy Joe's puppet masters.
(Kudos to u/crashdaddy for the digs)
Their end goal wasn't what they stated in the amendments, but the half way point. That's how negotiations work.
Thinking we've won is naive, because good negotiators make you feel like you've won something when in reality they also got what they wanted. Cannot give any inch to the communists (or we've not learned from history).
I firmly believe that the WHO and the UN should be disbanded. They serve no real purposes except perpetuating evil in this world.
By the end of this, I’m hoping that ALL global organizations will be terminated. You are right. They only perpetuate evil
Exactly. We will not have won until The UN, WHO, World Bank, all the other globalist organizations and the Globalist Elite themselves are dust.
I dont even understand why any country is even considering any kind of pandemic treaty whatsoever. Why are they negotiating? Why are they still discussing?
Interesting… the BRICS nations
gotta be the background bribes and threats, no?
And that the U.S. has the only middle class of people with rights. Other countries people are already subject to strong ruling classes that are fueled only by greed.
The idea is that diseases spread so easily in the modern world with modern air and train traffic that relying on single, individual nations to work through their own respective health systems is too slow and ineffective to stop an emerging disease from becoming a pandemic.
In the name of safety, our betters are going to simply assert the authority to make up whatever rules they want and exercise whatever authority they deem necessary regardless of the law of your own or anyone else's country. The unelected bureaucrat will simply assert he's smarter, more capable, and better informed than you and therefore he is justified in making your decisions for you.
This includes denial of civil liberties and rights, enforcement of travel restrictions of any scale or scope, including to go to the grocery store to buy food, the right to incarcerate you indefinitely "for your own safety," and the right to force you to take whatever drug or procedure they deem fit. You'll do what you're told and like it, or we spank you and force you to do what you're told, and you'll pay for the privilege.
It's the kind of arrogance that only a truly narcissistic sociopath would think appropriate... which seems like a pretty accurate description of the WHO, WEF, and Davos crowds.
Please put "our betters" in quotes. Otherwise, you are agreeing that they are better than you. I hope that is not the case. We are Americans!!!!!!
use scare quotes, please....'our betters' or you can even use sarcasm green! Put one star (or asterisk) immediately before and after any statement intended to be sarcastic.
Yes, Socialism and Communism are the best solutions to the pollution problem!
"The idea is that diseases spread so easily in the modern world with modern air and train traffic that relying on single, individual nations to work through their own respective health systems is too slow and ineffective to stop an emerging disease from becoming a pandemic."
That IS TRUE - especially when they transport it for dispersion across the world ON PURPOSE....
Obviously corruption. Theres no explanation other then,
Decline all offers. Thanks but no thanks.
Yes. Like Puddleglum, I may also be seen as a cloud raining on a parade here, but it is rainy season. Give an inch to communists that are not also voluntaryists ( and they will take everything, up to and including your right to life. ( )
There is no such thing as a "voluntarist" Communist: the two are mutually excluding concepts. The compulsive nature of communism is what makes it evil, not the idea of having things in common.
all right, I have to give you this one for the current days, but the early Church did agree at certain times to holding all things in common.
True... But the average dopey npc commie just keeps on dreaming of the utopia their profs tell them about.
Puddleglum was the hero with the mental strength to resist mind games.
Great person to identify with.
the constitution forbids the surrendering of our sovereignty by any of our representatives. if they sign it, they should be imprisoned.
And SHOT for treason.
I prefer impaled on a spike in front of the UN building.
How about there no be UN buildings on American soil?
I, personally, consider this entire idea as an act of war, and the UN and WHO are all enemy combatants. Stay the fuck out of my country.
they have over-stayed their welcome, and its time for them to go.
Storm the Bastille
Exactly and throw the illegals in there too.
How Dracul, are you related to
Vlad the Impaler ?
What if we rigged up a carousel without the horses - just the poles- sharpened the tops, and restrained them above the poles so when the horseless pole goes back up they get impaled again? You don't need the horses but keep the music.
hanged might be the better option. stream it for the world to see.
I don't know someone suggested impalement, and I think he had a point...
maybe we should take a poll?
Yes impalement would require a poll..kek..kek
I'm feeling encourage today kinda spry.
Point. :)
On the end of a poll, a very sharp point, don't you know how impalement works.;-)
That's why I just said "point." :)
If they sign it, they have committed high treason and should be punished accordingly.
It is WILD that we, the United States of America, were SAVED by the likes of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia!!!!!
That's just down right SAD
Ill take it
And 47 AFRO countries led by Botswana. I’ll give blacks their due, many have been great at sniffing out the covid bullshit and standing up against it.
Unfortunately, they're already well aware of corrupt western influences and their consequences.
As Genocide has been deployed on those people since the english arrived in the 1800s, they see a white man with a needle they run, as fast and as far into the jungle as their little legs can carry them.
billie boi baal was just the second coming of that same old devil.
Helicoptering Buzzards
The Glowbullies are race traitors and will make an exception for the African savages. That is consistent with their policies here. The BRIC nations are their enemy anyway, so the Cabal will just expel them. So the vultures will carry on and the White race will be their prime-cut carrion.
That was pretty interesting, so I looked up "Biden’s 13 controversial amendments to the International Health Regulations." From just a brief run-through, it looks like shilling--as in, "they really put up a fight, but we eventually compromised."
And then when you think about those amendments for about 9 more seconds, you realize that if someone from the WEF's "Global Leaders" is put into those decision-making positions -- as is the plan, from what I'm hearing -- then those amendments don't really change much of anything.
But I'd love to hear from someone who looked at it for more than 9 seconds.
More seconds are important. The amendments are what this interview talks about:
Man In America:
URGENT: W.H.O. Moves to Crush U.S. Sovereignty
If you even glance at them, you'll see that what these changes essentially do is remove the "State Party" (aka a sovereign nation) from the processes, and authorize the WHO to dictate what happens.
The amendments Do make a big difference, because they establish a legal framework for dictatorship. Sure, they have their players in place, but its simply part of tightening the nuts and bolts and locking down the New World Order more significantly, so that even if their players are removed - well, they have leverage and power anyway. Least, that's my reading on that.
Example page 8 of the doc you referenced (nice work by the way):
If the Director-General determines and the State Party are in agreement regarding this determination that the event constitutes a public health emergency of international concern, the Director-General shall, in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 49, seek the views of the Committee established under Article 48 (hereinafter the “Emergency Committee”) on appropriate temporary recommendations.
The section in italics here is deleted in the amendments. So, regardless of whether the US or Australia or any other party to this 2005 treaty (?) disagree, it makes no difference to what the WHo does. The Dictator General simply does his declarations, etc, and its all up to the WHO, rather than there needing to be a consensus between the WHO and the countries involved in 'the crisis'.
Well, I think I applied at least 240 seconds. Maybe others can do better!
PS. Good digs. Link edited to original post.
Ah, the good ol’ “public health emergency of international concern” homophone is getting another airing… PHEIC… FAKE…
I think we're entering the visible action part of the plan now. Ukraine is badly losing, NATO is blowing itself up in hysteria, financial and economic calamities are looming, globalist plans are failing in a public and embarrassing way.
The globohomo puppet government in the small European country I live in is suddenly falling apart. Several local politicians are in court with corruption and racketeering charges. It feels like we're finally turning the corner.
"The globohomo puppet government in the small European country I live in is suddenly falling apart. Several local politicians are in court with corruption and racketeering charges. It feels like we're finally turning the corner."
I hope for this in my country too.
🎶Keep singing that song🎶
If they are deferring until 2024 it gives the good guys time to take them out
I'm going to be in the minority here, but from the beginning I have always thought this was click bait type of garbage. Not that I do not believe their intent to act as tyrants. But this appears to be a larp designed to drive fund raising. And maybe even try to convince people they must vote for RINOs to stop muh scary WHO takeover. Even a distraction from other things we should focus attention on.
No treaty trumps the Constitution. This has been reinforced multiple times over the centuries in case law. Before people say "but most of what Congress does is unconstitutional and it happens anyways..." stop and consider how much more straight forward this is compared to the commerce clause. If they did actually try this, outside of the left and right communist coasts, nobody is going to listen to it. People will just thumb their noses at such bs. And I bet over half of the commie coasts resist this too.
If you were going to attempt to use a treaty as an end around the Constitution (which doesn't work) then is this where a non brain dead tyrant would start? Hell no. Anyone remotely higher than room temperature IQ is going to make a treaty banning guns. Because that is far more important to them than some kind of lockdown power. Why go through this false flag garbage when you could just sign a treaty? Yet we aren't seeing that.
So yes, its a frightening concept that there would be a surrender of sovereignty to an international corrupt organization. But it just doesn't make any sense that they'd try this particular angle first.
They are not trying to usurp the Constitution with this. The Constitution doesn't mention health issues. They are trying to use treaties to usurp the power of the States, who have power over health laws.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Is this StaticInTheAttic?
Thank you Senator Ron Johnson! I agree wholeheartedly that the sovereignty of the United States is not negotiable. All the other countries that threatened to pull out of the WHO have more sense than Biden.
Notice how these faggots always play on such a long timeline? Evil is timeless. They got push back and decided to readdress it in 2024. They know any sooner and it would be fresh in people's minds but they always play the long game.
They plant seeds of trees that they will never see but are so committed to power and control that they work on a huge timeline. If only they used that for good, their commitment is actually very commendable. Many know they will never see the fruits of their labor, but their children or grandchildren will and they actually commit and accept that.
Only they do it for nefarious causes. Many of the "good people" focus on short term, me and my family, my children, etc. They focus on the goal and don't think about who or when their reign will be ushered in, and that is in part why evil had prevailed so much.
It certainly would be foolish to think they're done, calculated contingencies are always on the table, ready for deployment in their evil ambitions.
We should use this gift of allotted extra time wisely, and exclude them from the equation entirely...
Evil NEVER sleeps.
Evil works overtime even on holidays. Especially on holidays.
God (good) is timeless too. It's just us that are so short term minded.
Speak for yourself!!!
Myself, I'm an authority on that, indeed.
Whoohoooo! (Pun intended) 🥰
Yah. It should be clear now that their trajectory is one of decreasing influence. Even if the corrupt pollies and bureaucrats in power (now) keep on pushing this shite, the people in the nations that voted in support of this are too awake now.
That convention in 2024 will never happen.
Hmmmm. I see two possibilities here:
One, it will never happen.
Two, it will happen, but it will be a much smaller, discredited clique of has beens who still believe in their pipedream of ruling the world and resetting the world in their own image.
For me, the significance of this outcome (as outlined in the article) is that clearly the foundations of the Davos clique have been gutted. How quickly they collapse, or just dwindle into nothingness, is a question for debate, but their trajectory seems pretty clear at this point.
Just ask Candace Owens....
The citizens from the "wealthy countries" have become complacent and lazy about their own sovereignty. IMO the people in second and third world countries are on better alert.
Not only that. The people (and leaders) in the second and third world countries also know about how the US and the West has been doing corrupt stuff for decades. They may not distinguish between the Cabal US/West (eg. the C_A, etc) and the Free People of the US/West, but they see a lot of the exploitation the West-based Cabal have done, and their not happy about it, (IMO).
If I could draw, I'd do a Ben Garrison style carton where an ugly nurse with a name badge that said WHO was trying to inject Ron Johnson, who has an indignant expression on his face, in the first panel, then in the second panel the needle has been bent around so that the nurse is actually getting the shot in her own backside, and RJ is like walking away satisfied.
Stupid effing RINOs, if their introducing bills to override potential WHO mandates, sounds like it's time to reevaluate our involvement with WHO.
I always thought any Treaty had to be agreed to by our Congress, until Obama put one through on his own and no one fought it!! We can't let the WHO control America, no matter what the crisis is or they say it is!!
Thank you for this post, I was trying to find a more precise news about it.
Thank you for this update. This is great news. We must not get complacent.
Good times make weak men, afterall.
Ain't worried one bit. Highest level Patriots fighting to save there own asses, and both sides NEED US ON THEIR SIDE TO WIN. The bad guys are inherently stupid. We already won in 2016. The rest is just aftermath.
It seems like trying to take over the world should be considered and act of war. These should be arrested by atheist one military, somewhere.
At the very least, since they've declared war, when we hunt them down it will be justified.
Keep your powder dry.
Just finished reading these 13 pages. In my opinion the WHO are nothing more than evil pricks!
Sometimes opinion meets fact.
Any tldr on what the amendments are? I assumed the amendments were supposed to get rid of the most autocratic elements of the pandemic treaty, but didn;t make sense that Biden would be the one to put it forward
I suggest listening to/watching this interview. It will help draw out the larger picture and larger context that really helps one to get a sense of the grander scale and piece the various pieces of the puzzle together. It's worth the time, imo.
But in lieu of that, a tldr on them amendments might be stated as:
The pandemic treaty has been in place for quite some time. The original treaty says things like "if the WHO and the State Party (note: aka sovereign nation) are in agreement, then WHO will..... blah blah"
The amendments remove "if the State Party is in agreement", so that the treaty no longer functions as a collaborative framework for cooperation between WHO and the Nation in question, but simply the WHO now is the one that calls all the shots.
Hope that helps. Even a 3 minute look through the amendments will show what is going on. (the changes are marked via crossout, etc.)
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Pede!
Mixing communism and genocide was their biggest mistake. After that, there was nothing left to hide.
Please explain (Aus joke lol)
I see what you did there.
Ausanons rule.
I just love it when any plan those evil globalists craft backfires on them. That is just one more victory for us.
What is whispered in darkness will be shouted from the rooftops in daylight , truth will prevail, and the cabals fantasy world will be still and know who is God . I always try to remember who is in control
This is no time to rest on our laurels. Celebrate the small victory, yes, but we must redouble our efforts against these psychopaths. They will do everything and anything they can in their pursuit to dominate the planet, we cannot give them a moment to rest.
Yeah. And this is exactly what the article says at the bottom (which I omitted from the text, because if pertains only to the Australian context, really).
This is a win, but yes, it should only encourage us to redouble our efforts.
repuglicans pushed back? do they understand this jeopardizes their payoffs and stipends>
I saw a post on that there was a medical journal article about a study of mRNA "vaccine" effects on liver cells, showing permanent DNA change, with the implication that future generations will be affected by the covid shots (cancer susceptibility, depressed immune systems, etc.). Perhaps this explains the push to have children get covid shots; maybe it's not just about the money.
If sovereignty is non-negotiable why do they even have to pass legislation to block the WHO from stealing it.
There is no need to pass a bill to reject the WHO treaty. No treaty can be in force without Senate ratification... So why is congress playing this bit of theater?
Just want to say as an Aussie, one nation aren't really 'freedom oriented' exactly... That is what they became in response to lockdowns. They're kind of the soft white nationalist party that no one takes very serious but if you're a closet racist you vote for them. Not having a go just pointing that out.
That's an interpretation and an opinion (which is fine, but let's just recognize that).
Outside of the Duopoly (The Unaparty) of the Labs/Greens - Libs/Nats, who else is there? One Nation have a much longer history and have had more success than Chicken Parma UAP. I guess the Lib Dems also have some history, but I think they are much less well-known that ON.
I think you're correct in saying that they aren't really "freedom-oriented", to some extent, but this is how I see it: The entire world is undergoing a transformative process. Good and Evil are being separated. Like the biblical separation of the wheat from the chaff. Sheep from the goats. There is no longer a foundation for the middle ground, where what is good and what is evil are hidden.
Part of this process is the separation of Freedom and Liberty and Tyranny. People are waking up to the reality that freedoms are real, but so is tyranny.
Prior to 2020, the middle ground was really fuzzy, and only loonies like the anons and conspiracy theorists could see the demarcation clearly.
In other words, through 2020-2021, People have begun to take sides. Either, you work for or are deluded into thinking slavery is freedom, or you are awake and standing up for freedom (or you are still somewhere in the middle ground in the process of waking up).
This process is transformative. So, political parties and entities that have elected to stand on the side of Freedom are becoming more and more "Freedom oriented" while those that have elected to stand up for the Matrix and the Globalist / Communist agendas are becoming more and more "Tyranny oriented" .
Where people stood 5 years ago, or 20 years ago, or 50 years ago is not really the key factor here. It's which side you elect to stand on, now, and moving forward.
ON that basis, I stated that one Nation is "Freedom-oriented", and I'll stick to that claim. Are they 1776 US constitutionalists? heck, no. But compared to the Lab/Lib unaparty clique, they are way, way more closer to "freedom principles" than not.
PS. I know of oodles of people who are awake now and who definitely voted for One Nation in the recent fed election who are NOT closet racists.
I appreciate you sharing your view and opinion, but personally, I disagree.
Signed, citizen of Danistan.
thanks for the detailed response. I also gave them them a cheeky vote. I here what you are saying about transformation, just as the republican party is becoming the MAGA party. Pauline, bless her heart, isn't blessed with the gift of the gab in a way that people can look beyond her boganism. They also don't really have the potential to ever become a major political force here, lets be complete honest. UAP just spent millions on trying to become that and failed quite miserably.
I agree with you about Miss Hanson, and also, regarding the potential of ON to become a major political force (certainly not on their own).
But some of the ON senators have been significant in raising awareness and contributing to the Great Awakening that is unfolding in Australia.
Either way, I consider them freedom-oriented at this point. Normie-like levels of freedom, but they are not, as far as I can see, in with the Lib/Lab establishment, or the cultural marxist clique. That's good enough for me at this point to consider them 'freedom-oriented'.
I love this post. I really do feel this is evidence of Q's plan to speed things up to expose the DS. The DAVOS display of almost comedic evil has been an exceptional red pill to share with normies. I understand that these Demons play the long game, but People awake are what they FEAR THE MOST. I feel they're scared and I see lots of people around me waking up.