LOL! Yup, Bots pushing the narrative talking point. It's so obvious!
Boo Hoo Hoo, I can't tear a baby out of my body in certain states because I was too drunk or dumb to use birth control!
Wonder if these same people, er bots, will cry when companies and governments push mandatory medical experiments (ie:jabs) on employees? Don't think so.
Why would you want to repeatedly get abortions, which wastes HOURS of your time. MOUNDS of your nutritional value and SCARS upon you body you cannot heal from?
When you can simply wrap that shit and go about your days without wasting the resources over negligence of one's own body.
But for these women, they are mostly not in on the deal. But adamantly and vehemently defend it as their first go-to, and only option.
That's the comment I am making, if they're about bodily autonomy absolute... Then why put your body, repeatedly, through such torture and scarring, and wasting your precious "time" in the process when all other preventative measures are fractions on fractions of time, money and effort to accomplish.
Maybe there is subliminal $hit going on that affects sleepy potential "birthing persons" to get pregnant and then head for Planned Parenthood - the latter of whom make millions on the baby parts. May those who knowingly commit this evil and brainwash foolish women, er "birthing persons" to believe this is the only option repent or burn in hell.
Women have been conditioned to be completely free of responsibility in modern times.
There are tons of options to keep yourself from getting pregnant. Including the morning after pill which is essentially fool proof if you take it the next day. So even if you totally fail in preventative steps, and you get knocked up by a random dude in a bar bathroom, you can just go to CVS and get an abortion in a box. For about 40 bucks.
But modern women are fucking children. They are incapable of planning, logic, or responsibility. They want the freedom to kill their baby up until birth. They want to have what is basically a fully formed human chopped up into pieces and sucked out of their diseased womb. Just because they are too fucking stupid and lazy to take one of the dozens of methods excellent at preventing pregnancy.
The whole thing is ridiculous. There are options. Tons of them. Unless the pregnancy is going to kill the mother, abortion is illogical.
I’ve brought this argument up and been smacked back with “what about a pregnancy that could kill the mother”? Or “what about a baby you know will be permanently disabled”?
Don’t have the best response to those yet, just call it a tricky issue.
For a pregnancy that would kill the mother (ectopic/tubal pregnancy) you don’t need an abortion. An abortion is the intentional killing of another human life. A procedure done to save the life of the mother, which inadvertently causes the baby to die because it was not viable and would have died anyway if the mother died, is not the same thing as having an abortion. For the sake of time I won’t get into all the different examples of things that can go wrong during pregnancy that would cause emergency action to be taken but suffice it to say there is no situation where a baby has to intentionally be murdered to save a mother.
Pregnant women who are in a life and death situation go to doctors and ers where a life saving procedure might be done that unfortunately can’t save the baby as well. Pregnant women don’t go to abortion clinics when they are in a life and death situation. That’s a lie the pro choicer tries to use just like the rape and incest examples they always bludgeon us with, which in fact, make up a very tiny percentage of abortion cases. You can bring their lies to light by asking them if concessions were made for rape and incest and the life of the mother, would they be against the rest of abortions and they always answer “well, no, I’d still support abortion b/c I support a woman’s right to choose”. That’s what’s known as a “logical fallacy” in debate and these fallacy’s are some of their favorite ones to use.
They don’t really care about the life of the mother or rape and incest cases. But they think it will garner sympathy for their cause if they prop those up as their examples for abortion being legal, when in reality those cases make up the smallest percentage of reasons why people have abortions. 🤷🏼♀️
I have a question (and probably an ignorant one too). if someone is raped, wouldn't the first thing they do is take birth control pills? Or do those only work before sex?
If you like to listen to informational type talks while doing other things, check out Stephanie Gray Connors on YouTube. She’s an amazing pro life advocate who has been giving talks on abortion and debating philosophers and abortion doctors for years. She’s AH-MAZING!
I would check out the talk she gave at google first maybe, and then the interview she did with Matt Fradd but honestly, you can’t go wrong with listening to anything she does. Some of the debates on YouTube though are harder to hear, the sound quality isn’t the greatest. She’s also started to get into the Euthanasia debate and those talks were really powerful and motivating as well.
An abortion performed at a hospital in a medical emergency is different. And extremely rare. “Bans” on abortion almost universally carve out an exception for medical emergencies. These are also exceedingly rare.
99% of abortions are done at abortion clinics and are a choice. That is reality.
I'm pretty sure all states' abortion laws include exemptions for rape/incest, medically necessary situations (ie, ectopic pregnancies).
As for the "disabled" part, how screwed would we be if Stephen Hawkings's parents had said, "Oh no! ALS? Yeah, might as well just hit the delete key now. Save everyone the hassle that's just going to end up in pain and misery."
And if you just want to off a child or you were hoping for a kid with green eyes, there's still like 16 states you can choose from to find a nice hospital with a credentialed physician to help you slake your thirst for innocent life all the way up to the 3rd trimester.
Why all the crying? Are all of these people currently carrying an unwanted fetus? What is REALLY the issue here? Not a one of them is concerned about the reasons that women feel a need to abort, and trying to address those concerns. None.
Isaiah 1:15 NKJV
[15] When you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you; Even though you make many prayers, I will not hear. Your hands are full of blood.
Why all the crying? Are all of these people currently carrying an unwanted fetus? What is REALLY the issue here? Not a one of them is concerned about the reasons that women feel a need to abort, and trying to address those concerns. None.
Well, it would be nice if it led to an uptick in responsibility. In my day, one survived just fine saying no. And the guys went along with this answer, even in college after several beers. Abstinence was not a death nell.
She prays we rot? Because we are sickened that the dead little babies they murder, rot? Then, I hope she rots. But really, I hope she finds Jesus long before that
LOL! Yup, Bots pushing the narrative talking point. It's so obvious!
Boo Hoo Hoo, I can't tear a baby out of my body in certain states because I was too drunk or dumb to use birth control!
Wonder if these same people, er bots, will cry when companies and governments push mandatory medical experiments (ie:jabs) on employees? Don't think so.
This is the part that gets me the most.
Why would you want to repeatedly get abortions, which wastes HOURS of your time. MOUNDS of your nutritional value and SCARS upon you body you cannot heal from?
When you can simply wrap that shit and go about your days without wasting the resources over negligence of one's own body.
Because it’s an organ harvesting industry masquerading as bodily autonomy for whores.
I just don't get the downvote.
Well said
Sure, for the recipients of her unborn.
But for these women, they are mostly not in on the deal. But adamantly and vehemently defend it as their first go-to, and only option.
That's the comment I am making, if they're about bodily autonomy absolute... Then why put your body, repeatedly, through such torture and scarring, and wasting your precious "time" in the process when all other preventative measures are fractions on fractions of time, money and effort to accomplish.
I have no idea why. There's something deeply insane about repeatedly - or even once - using murder as a form of birth control.
Not only that, but acting out as it were the only option.
All contraceptives are still widely available, greatly affordable, and of no real time taken from one's day.
Yet, they all somehow don't exist now.
Maybe there is subliminal $hit going on that affects sleepy potential "birthing persons" to get pregnant and then head for Planned Parenthood - the latter of whom make millions on the baby parts. May those who knowingly commit this evil and brainwash foolish women, er "birthing persons" to believe this is the only option repent or burn in hell.
That's not bots though I wish they were.
They're automatons
Look closer. Top right is talking about Julia the 2nd from bottom on the right. :)
Little electrons.
do sheep dream of androids?
wouldn't they short circuit and burst into flames??? COOL!!!! :-)
"I'm so sad I can't kill children anymore. :("
My thought exactly.
That would be a greet tweet to push out
What exactly are they upset about? This just pushes it down to the states.
Theses are bots/emotionally thinking children. Just laugh at them.
Because the libs cannot control people in other states now.
It’s never good enough for them to live their own life their own way. They have to MAKE YOU live YOUR LIFE their way.
They are brainwashed. They don’t understand that it goes to the states. They’ve been programmed to believe that this is the end of women’s rights.
I strongly suspect a lot of them don't understand that
they think it's Handmaid's Tale time
It does go to the States but first the law, pre Roe and Casey, is reinstated. Abortion is now illegal in 26 States.
If you're celebrating, I "pray" that you rot.
Women have been conditioned to be completely free of responsibility in modern times.
There are tons of options to keep yourself from getting pregnant. Including the morning after pill which is essentially fool proof if you take it the next day. So even if you totally fail in preventative steps, and you get knocked up by a random dude in a bar bathroom, you can just go to CVS and get an abortion in a box. For about 40 bucks.
But modern women are fucking children. They are incapable of planning, logic, or responsibility. They want the freedom to kill their baby up until birth. They want to have what is basically a fully formed human chopped up into pieces and sucked out of their diseased womb. Just because they are too fucking stupid and lazy to take one of the dozens of methods excellent at preventing pregnancy.
The whole thing is ridiculous. There are options. Tons of them. Unless the pregnancy is going to kill the mother, abortion is illogical.
I’ve brought this argument up and been smacked back with “what about a pregnancy that could kill the mother”? Or “what about a baby you know will be permanently disabled”?
Don’t have the best response to those yet, just call it a tricky issue.
For a pregnancy that would kill the mother (ectopic/tubal pregnancy) you don’t need an abortion. An abortion is the intentional killing of another human life. A procedure done to save the life of the mother, which inadvertently causes the baby to die because it was not viable and would have died anyway if the mother died, is not the same thing as having an abortion. For the sake of time I won’t get into all the different examples of things that can go wrong during pregnancy that would cause emergency action to be taken but suffice it to say there is no situation where a baby has to intentionally be murdered to save a mother.
Pregnant women who are in a life and death situation go to doctors and ers where a life saving procedure might be done that unfortunately can’t save the baby as well. Pregnant women don’t go to abortion clinics when they are in a life and death situation. That’s a lie the pro choicer tries to use just like the rape and incest examples they always bludgeon us with, which in fact, make up a very tiny percentage of abortion cases. You can bring their lies to light by asking them if concessions were made for rape and incest and the life of the mother, would they be against the rest of abortions and they always answer “well, no, I’d still support abortion b/c I support a woman’s right to choose”. That’s what’s known as a “logical fallacy” in debate and these fallacy’s are some of their favorite ones to use.
They don’t really care about the life of the mother or rape and incest cases. But they think it will garner sympathy for their cause if they prop those up as their examples for abortion being legal, when in reality those cases make up the smallest percentage of reasons why people have abortions. 🤷🏼♀️
I have a question (and probably an ignorant one too). if someone is raped, wouldn't the first thing they do is take birth control pills? Or do those only work before sex?
Thank you for this. Definitely going to use your line of questioning at the end in the futuee
If you like to listen to informational type talks while doing other things, check out Stephanie Gray Connors on YouTube. She’s an amazing pro life advocate who has been giving talks on abortion and debating philosophers and abortion doctors for years. She’s AH-MAZING!
I would check out the talk she gave at google first maybe, and then the interview she did with Matt Fradd but honestly, you can’t go wrong with listening to anything she does. Some of the debates on YouTube though are harder to hear, the sound quality isn’t the greatest. She’s also started to get into the Euthanasia debate and those talks were really powerful and motivating as well.
An abortion performed at a hospital in a medical emergency is different. And extremely rare. “Bans” on abortion almost universally carve out an exception for medical emergencies. These are also exceedingly rare.
99% of abortions are done at abortion clinics and are a choice. That is reality.
I'm pretty sure all states' abortion laws include exemptions for rape/incest, medically necessary situations (ie, ectopic pregnancies).
As for the "disabled" part, how screwed would we be if Stephen Hawkings's parents had said, "Oh no! ALS? Yeah, might as well just hit the delete key now. Save everyone the hassle that's just going to end up in pain and misery."
And if you just want to off a child or you were hoping for a kid with green eyes, there's still like 16 states you can choose from to find a nice hospital with a credentialed physician to help you slake your thirst for innocent life all the way up to the 3rd trimester.
I will guarantee with 100% certainty that every child conceived in rape or incest is grateful they were not aborted.
Tell them to just read the decision. RvW was a crock.
This assumes they can read. Whether bots or wokes, they can't.
They don’t teach critical thinking in liberal arts colleges. They teach critical race theory and made up pronouns.
So many are bots. These little twit bots "talk" well.
Guarantee that not that many real people feel this way. The real people have been censored to speak for decades.
I can’t wait to read what the bots have to say when SCOTUS reverses gay marriage!
Why all the crying? Are all of these people currently carrying an unwanted fetus? What is REALLY the issue here? Not a one of them is concerned about the reasons that women feel a need to abort, and trying to address those concerns. None.
The issue is their false perception of being oppressed by men. That’s it.
I know. Watch Trump. The faces. Kills me every time.
Maybe they shouldn't have changed their flags for Ukraine.
Those positive vibes just poofed.
Mental. Illness.
weirdly I think the people most freaking out about this are the same people who probably wouldn't actually get an abortion.
I was thinking this exact same thing. Statistically most of these people will never even get one in their lifetime.
I was crying too!!! Crying TEARS OF JOY praising God!!!
Whores throw shitfit after not getting their way once in 60 years. God forbid 🙄
Demons showing their true faces. Dark to Light.
God does not hear the prayers of the wicked!
Isaiah 1:15 NKJV [15] When you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you; Even though you make many prayers, I will not hear. Your hands are full of blood.
Apparently a tweet isn't valid until you use the word "crying"... awww, poor thing.
Why all the crying? Are all of these people currently carrying an unwanted fetus? What is REALLY the issue here? Not a one of them is concerned about the reasons that women feel a need to abort, and trying to address those concerns. None.
I’m crying of laughter.
It’s about time we found a new salt mine, things were looking bleak.
All these folks acting like condoms arent free as fuck. Cry more lefties.
Such cry. Much waah.
Impressive! I didn’t know bots could cry! Hey Elon?
Wouldn't you love to say to these women who want to kill their children, " so, just get your tubes tied."
Well, it would be nice if it led to an uptick in responsibility. In my day, one survived just fine saying no. And the guys went along with this answer, even in college after several beers. Abstinence was not a death nell.
"Might just end it right now" what's stopping you, pussy?
Angels are rejoicing, devils are foaming at the mouth.
A man prays for us to rot., which god answers his prayers?
She prays we rot? Because we are sickened that the dead little babies they murder, rot? Then, I hope she rots. But really, I hope she finds Jesus long before that
There's no reason to be that upset about not being able to vacuum a fetus out of your womb.
They are crying because they can’t use it as birth control.
Love it. I'm past the point of trying to win them over or not rub it in. Maybe that's a bad thing. But I'm really enjoying this win.
Whores have feelings?
Or are these bots?