I get my electrolytes from Keto Chow. They have really good fasting drops, liquid and now in pill form electrolytes, minerals, magnesium drops, and of course Keto Chow.
And yet many pedes here keep making excuses for Trump lying about his feelings about the Queen and other things heβs supposedly forced to lie about like the injections.
A word smith is someone who speaks reality into being. Magic words. SPELL crafting is SPELLING.
The words we use matter, and he is using lies. That does not set right with me. If he and his team were more articulate, they would align tighter with the truth.
His platform is called TRUTH and yet we can hear him lie. No bueno.
Wow π³ SHOCKING indeed. Every time a person takes the injection they are LITERALLY reducing the zeta potential in their cells. We are electro-chemical beings. Every shot drains the ability of the cells to fight off organisms and repair damaged cells.
Theyβ are quite literally telling you without telling you.
I do not think "life" is what you get when you subscribe to the clot shot of the month club.
It's more like its sister subscription, the Russian Roulette of the month club. Sure it's kinda thrilling and helps you appreciate being alive 83% of the time, but no matter how lucky you are, eventually your subscription self terminates.
I said this from the beginning. The moment I heard about a possibility of a booster, I saw that this was going to be a subscription based health service that people are going to be forced to pay into.
Even if it's free to the consumer at the time of service, that bill comes due eventually. And they'll pay the bill yearly.
It's important to wear a mask after you recharge your immunity. When you exhale, immunomoluecules are released into the air, but if you trap them with a mask you can inhale some of them again.
You can also stick your penis into a wall socket for emergency recharges. Ladies can insert an extension cord from the wall to their hoohah, but be sure to insert a male plug.
What utter horseshit. What needs to be on a nonstop loop on every TV starting now for the next five years, is that video I've seen floating around here that has Fauci gloating right after the release of the three brands of jabs that they are 100% effective, and then a couple months later he says they're 95% effective, and then a couple months after that, he says they're 85% effective, and so on until 1.5 years later he admits that the covidiots will need to get boosters for time immemorial.
The fucking weaselly snake. He and Big Pharma need to pay for the deaths and chaos they've caused around the world....ALL based on lies, and most of which CONTINUES to be covered up.
"The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert Kennedy should be required reading in every HS and college campus, at least in this country...especially since the drones populating those campuses are only taught WHAT to think, and not HOW to think.
I will say this. This is exactly what the data showed. The initial Pfizer and Moderna studies showed ~95% effectiveness after 3 months follow-up, against the original Wuhan strain. As the virus mutated and as time extended beyond 3 month observation periods, studies showed declining effectiveness. There were probably half a dozen I read from various sources globally (because of course the CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna cabal were all still repeating 95%) that showed declining effectiveness anywhere from 80% which isn't terrible on down to 39%, which is flu shot level worthless. There was a lot of learning as we went (because the initial testing was rushed and they didn't bother with adequate follow-up).
Typically a vaccine will not be approved by the FDA if it's less than 50% effective, but of course COVID was an exception so they stuck with Pfizer's BS data as their official story.
Fauci was correct to site these numbers, but he was always behind the headlines. Studies would come out and make the rounds all over social media for weeks or months, then he'd come out and begrudgingly admit the numbers were lower. It was a HRC-type stall tactic. He'd just maintain the lie til it was universally understood to be BS, and by then, he'd moved on to a new lie.
Fauci needs a short drop and a sudden stop for what he's done, but it's going to take a timeline in front of the jury to nail this slippery weasel down.
Rhetorical question: why are we still dealing with this SCAM almost 3 years later. Everything has been exposed. The military has everything they need in order to act. Fucking act already
Exactly. At this point I don't care about them. Let's get this show on the road and we can deal with the retards and fall out of those not awake. As long as military cuts off the msm when they take over, im not too concerned with retarded leftist acting out.
Its ridiculous. I still see a few when i go grocery shopping and i just stare at them. Its awesome for us that the mask wearers are self identifying as the dumbest motherfuckers on planet earth. By now, if you are still wearing a mask you are a lost cause. A brainwashed, dumbass retarded motherfucker. I just hope the keep taking their booooostah clot shots which should eventually do us all a favor and remove them from the gene pool.
I can't defend them after COVID, but in the past, they have really been a force for good in promoting public health. An example: the Europeans got thalidomide. Hey, it's an essentially side-effect free nausea medication safe for pregnant women with morning sickness. No more suffering during the first trimester, ladies, with better living through chemistry. We didn't get it, because the FDA was cautious and wouldn't approve it. It saved a large cohort of women from giving birth to babies with horrible limb deformities.
Funny how this isn't flagged as "misinformation", when it's a blatant lie and goes against pretty much everything we know about the immune system. People 500 years ago already knew someone who caught a virus, just wouldn't get sick from the same one ever again.
Oh, by the way, notice one thing in "#RechargeYourImmunity" ? Yeah, IMMUNITY. Guess what immunity isn't? Still getting covid after getting a 'vaccine'.
F*#K these criminals. People believe these criminals at their own risk.
Yeah wonder how much they have lied to us about food.
Just about everything. I am still angry about all the lies.
Brando had Electrolytes.
Brando has what people crave
Yep. Looking like idiocracy in our future.
I get my electrolytes from Keto Chow. They have really good fasting drops, liquid and now in pill form electrolytes, minerals, magnesium drops, and of course Keto Chow.
You and me both. They are literally giving us diseases and cancers by their recommendations.
And yet many pedes here keep making excuses for Trump lying about his feelings about the Queen and other things heβs supposedly forced to lie about like the injections.
He's a wordsmith. The optics are for the normies, the meaning is there for us. It's too soon.
A word smith is someone who speaks reality into being. Magic words. SPELL crafting is SPELLING.
The words we use matter, and he is using lies. That does not set right with me. If he and his team were more articulate, they would align tighter with the truth.
His platform is called TRUTH and yet we can hear him lie. No bueno.
We're also in a war.
It's the first piece of gear you put on when going to war, otherwise you get caught with your pants down.
All I know is that if Trump said to get the clot shot, I WILL NOT.
No kidding...more like recharge your chances of death.
Wow π³ SHOCKING indeed. Every time a person takes the injection they are LITERALLY reducing the zeta potential in their cells. We are electro-chemical beings. Every shot drains the ability of the cells to fight off organisms and repair damaged cells.
Theyβ are quite literally telling you without telling you.
You're the first person I've heard speaking about the zeta potential. Refreshing.....
Recharge that coroner and funeral home's bank account, LOL.
Coffins are expensive and probably have a good profit margin.
Never again. Never.
Also known as a subscription.
Yea, a subscription to live.
I do not think "life" is what you get when you subscribe to the clot shot of the month club.
It's more like its sister subscription, the Russian Roulette of the month club. Sure it's kinda thrilling and helps you appreciate being alive 83% of the time, but no matter how lucky you are, eventually your subscription self terminates.
You have a valid point.
"Come with me if you want to live."
Arnold? I donβt even remember which movie.
Terminator 2
π Thank you!
I said this from the beginning. The moment I heard about a possibility of a booster, I saw that this was going to be a subscription based health service that people are going to be forced to pay into.
Even if it's free to the consumer at the time of service, that bill comes due eventually. And they'll pay the bill yearly.
It comes with regular price increases. Eventually you'll pay with your life.
I love how theyβre all wearing masks regardless of vax status πππ
It's important to wear a mask after you recharge your immunity. When you exhale, immunomoluecules are released into the air, but if you trap them with a mask you can inhale some of them again.
You can also stick your penis into a wall socket for emergency recharges. Ladies can insert an extension cord from the wall to their hoohah, but be sure to insert a male plug.
Eight is Enough:
Enough of the hate.
People who are stupid enough to believe this deserve to be culled like the sheep they are
Yeah at this point, itβs on them
If we didn't have each other, we'd be as stupid as they are. God has blessed a small group of people and we're it.
What utter horseshit. What needs to be on a nonstop loop on every TV starting now for the next five years, is that video I've seen floating around here that has Fauci gloating right after the release of the three brands of jabs that they are 100% effective, and then a couple months later he says they're 95% effective, and then a couple months after that, he says they're 85% effective, and so on until 1.5 years later he admits that the covidiots will need to get boosters for time immemorial.
The fucking weaselly snake. He and Big Pharma need to pay for the deaths and chaos they've caused around the world....ALL based on lies, and most of which CONTINUES to be covered up.
"The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert Kennedy should be required reading in every HS and college campus, at least in this country...especially since the drones populating those campuses are only taught WHAT to think, and not HOW to think.
I will say this. This is exactly what the data showed. The initial Pfizer and Moderna studies showed ~95% effectiveness after 3 months follow-up, against the original Wuhan strain. As the virus mutated and as time extended beyond 3 month observation periods, studies showed declining effectiveness. There were probably half a dozen I read from various sources globally (because of course the CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna cabal were all still repeating 95%) that showed declining effectiveness anywhere from 80% which isn't terrible on down to 39%, which is flu shot level worthless. There was a lot of learning as we went (because the initial testing was rushed and they didn't bother with adequate follow-up).
Typically a vaccine will not be approved by the FDA if it's less than 50% effective, but of course COVID was an exception so they stuck with Pfizer's BS data as their official story.
Fauci was correct to site these numbers, but he was always behind the headlines. Studies would come out and make the rounds all over social media for weeks or months, then he'd come out and begrudgingly admit the numbers were lower. It was a HRC-type stall tactic. He'd just maintain the lie til it was universally understood to be BS, and by then, he'd moved on to a new lie.
Fauci needs a short drop and a sudden stop for what he's done, but it's going to take a timeline in front of the jury to nail this slippery weasel down.
Joseph Goebbels would be proud. This is top tier propoganda.
His colleagues were responsible for this via Project Paperclip.
Rhetorical question: why are we still dealing with this SCAM almost 3 years later. Everything has been exposed. The military has everything they need in order to act. Fucking act already
They're still wearing masks at The Home Depot. Both customers and employees.
If weβre waiting for all retards to suddenly awaken, itβs not going to happen. Many are brainwashed beyond salvaging.
Exactly. At this point I don't care about them. Let's get this show on the road and we can deal with the retards and fall out of those not awake. As long as military cuts off the msm when they take over, im not too concerned with retarded leftist acting out.
Its ridiculous. I still see a few when i go grocery shopping and i just stare at them. Its awesome for us that the mask wearers are self identifying as the dumbest motherfuckers on planet earth. By now, if you are still wearing a mask you are a lost cause. A brainwashed, dumbass retarded motherfucker. I just hope the keep taking their booooostah clot shots which should eventually do us all a favor and remove them from the gene pool.
FDA: Fucking Dumb Asses
They are not dumb, they are evil.
This is a severely understated FACT.
Formerly Defensible Agency
I can't defend them after COVID, but in the past, they have really been a force for good in promoting public health. An example: the Europeans got thalidomide. Hey, it's an essentially side-effect free nausea medication safe for pregnant women with morning sickness. No more suffering during the first trimester, ladies, with better living through chemistry. We didn't get it, because the FDA was cautious and wouldn't approve it. It saved a large cohort of women from giving birth to babies with horrible limb deformities.
They dumb it down so the smooth-brained sCiEnZe Worshippers can understand it.
At least all the replies to this give me hope!
Right in our faces too...
They'll still be pushing this shit in Guantanamo.
Funny how this isn't flagged as "misinformation", when it's a blatant lie and goes against pretty much everything we know about the immune system. People 500 years ago already knew someone who caught a virus, just wouldn't get sick from the same one ever again.
Oh, by the way, notice one thing in "#RechargeYourImmunity" ? Yeah, IMMUNITY. Guess what immunity isn't? Still getting covid after getting a 'vaccine'.
Or, you can eat the proper human diet, exercise, get a good night sleep, pray, and drink water.
Or, in words: Half dead, 3/4 dead. half dead, DEAD!!
Thank you , FDA , for your efforts to redpill people.
Well at least they are telling the truth indirectly. They just forgot to mention that the shots caused the immunity issue to begin with
looks like "Meme - fuel"
Fuckers want to milk every last $ out of this. No more concern for who it kills than the cartel has selling fentanyl.
My natural immune system that God gave me is far superior to anything big pharma can dream up. I never got jabbed and never caught COVID-19.
So is it still a conspiracy that they will keep adding to the shot schedule?
Is the left pereon carrying a violin case?
Remember "Just say no" from the 80's?
meme'd -
They mean that literally.
Actually, it's probably accurate based on what the shots do to your immune system.
Just like a Tesla
I do wish we could link images directly.
The only ones taking delight in people getting maimed or dying from ππππ are the DS cabal and their minions
Notice how EVERY organization of the govt is being exposed these past few years?
How does that happen all at the same time? NCSWIC
LOL good one FDA, but Baron Pureblood is naturally powered.
Well goddamn, who saw this curveball coming?
And those masks are still there
Even though mask requirements and mask recommendations have changed
This is ALL about control.
Take a look at the projection though...
The male silhouette has 2 bars The thin female has 4 bars and 3 bars The overweight female has 2 bars
They are signaling outright they know the vaccine is more likely to kill men and obese women