Lead carries the weight and authority of a nation, while tin (Jupiter) carries the industry.
Saturn represents their "right" to rule over the people.
Lead pipes in antiquity were synonymous with a nation above all others. If a nation had pipes, drainage, and running water then the only explanation was that those who ruled that nation were put there by Divine Authority to offer their cities the best that the world had to offer.
The ring around Saturn represents the seal of that Divine Authority being rent to the Aristocracy.
The Moon represents silver and the subconscious mind -- particularly the emotional and menstrual mind of woman. The womb, whereas Venus and copper represent the woman body which hosts the womb.
Combine the symbols.
What happens when a moon smacks Saturn?
What happens when the Subconscious Mind of The People assaults the Authority of the "Divine"?
Is the seal, the ring which marries the DeepState to the Authority to be broken?
Not great at symbology, but I know enough to know that Saturn represents the Cabal. I’d interpret this to mean that they’ve sustained some sort of significant blow or disruption to their operations.
it's hard to get over how the world materializes the Myths physically.
Saturn is also Time ('Let's do the Time Warp again').....and so the Cabal's god is their own worst enemy in many ways. He doesn't like "Change" the way the moon is attracted to it with it's 'new moon' every month, so he eats his children as Insurance. And with his 'ring' (actually 3 ring circus), in the darkness binds them.
The DS is rampaging 'feminism' right now and so for all the lip service to Saturn, they are actually all about the Moon and hate daddy with a passion.
Barbara Pierce Crowley Bush was a created "Moon Child" * destined to rule and paired with the saturnal burning Bush to rule as the ancient Egyptian Twins.
Mengele was all about the twins. Hollywood is all about the twins.
(Sherf fire method of Divination at birth, through Sexual Magick)
Saturn is the harvest. The Grim Reaper in his old age, come to destroy by fire.
Jack Parsons was all about Saturn for that reason.
What happens when a bunch of Loonie Moonies play with Fire?
Excellent interpretation! Read everything you wrote then thought to myself this sounds like sleepydude and sure as shit it was you. you're a legend fren!
The important comms would be duplicated across different publishers of the same story. I read a few different ones, and think this might be just a weird typo, like an autofill from the author's last article. Or it could be Iran, but the other sources don't mention it. I gave my take on it a few days ago, primarily off the Atlantic- https://greatawakening.win/p/15Jn21dN68/decoding-saturn-comms-saturn-is-/c/
Saturn was a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in Roman mythology. He was described as a god of time, generation, dissolution, abundance, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. Saturn's mythological reign was depicted as a Golden Age of abundance and peace.
Saturn had a long history in Mesopotamia and was originally a sun God, possibly even the "El" of the ancient Hebrews. However, there are other people in the world and always have been, many even as ancient as Abraham, and they have other traditions about Saturn.
The Indians were so aware of Saturn they calculated its diameter very accurately, and associated it with a divine judge.
In China, Saturn was associated with the Earth element in a five-element system. It was also associated with the mythical first emperor Huang Ti, which is not that far from Sheng Di, their ancient sky god who was very reminiscent of the ancient Hebrew god, and the Tahitians also attributed authority to Saturn.
This is all easily understood when you remember that the ancients could only see 5 planets and thought they were gods because they moved freely in the sky against the fixed stars. The godly characteristics applied to them reflect their sizes, orbital speed, color, and oddities like retrograde motion.
I told ya…we are in the phase of they’re making whatever the eff they want now in the news and printing it. Seriously. While the real stuff doesn’t get reported except by us. But we’re crazy and in a cult.
There is a deep connection to Saturn in occult thinking, and the reasons for that have been carefully hidden. The odd thing is that its tilt is approximately the same as the tilts of Earth and Mars, which seems to suggest they are part of the same planetary "family." The solar system is a strange salad of improbabilities, as if its planets were assembled from afar, and we really don't know the true history of it. All we know is the official story future astrophysicists and astronomers are taught in school. But the proposition that it began as a disc of matter condensing under gravity in a smooth uneventful process of millions of years has increasingly been shown to be improbable, even physically impossible. There are myriad scientific papers raising questions about the planetary disc theory, and it's getting too difficult to sweep under the rug. Too many things don't line up to support that perspective, with more appearing all the time, and it won't be long before they will have to adjust the official story or look like fools clinging to a fairytale. Same with the Big Bang. It's going bye bye, too.
This is as much a part of the Great Awakening as the political stuff because humanity's view of the cosmos greatly affects our thinking. Big Bang cosmology presents a hopeless universe of isolation that is random and devoid of meaning, a universe in which death and loss triumphs in the end. That is being replaced by a universe of connectivity and purpose. It is the vision of a universe in which life is not a meaningless random accident, where the flow of energy constantly renews all things. It is a universe in which hope is not the prisoner of despair.
Of interest from a religious perspective is that some Christian scholars believe there is a gap between the first and second verses of Genesis (and, no, their salvation is not in danger for believing that). They propose that the Earth already existed, having already been created, but it got destroyed in a prior flood because Lucifer, who had been put in charge of managing it, rebelled and corrupted everything. Thus, they say, the 6 days of creation were really the renovation of a planet ruined by judgment that was already there. (They are not pulling this out of the air. There is some plausible scriptural support for this idea.)
References to "the purple dawn of creation" are also linked with Saturn worship, and that is interesting because there are both religious and secular sources that point to it, saying the Earth used to be different, having a pastel mauve-colored sky. In particular, some Christian prophets who say they have been shown that time have a consistent testimony about the different color of the sky, and some scientific theorists who refute the Big Bang assert the same thing, having their own theories about how that might have occurred.
Starting with the assumption that this might have some validity, I wonder if the reason Satan is so determined to secure complete control of the planet has to do with recapturing his former position. He might long for those days and resent God for handing authority over the planet to humanity instead. That authority was not given to him, so his only option is to deceive humans into handing it back over to him through rebellion, which started in the Garden of Eden and continues in people who have left the will of God to do good and walk in the truth. This is control that happens through manipulation, and it is indirect and not legitimate. Those who do Satan's will to do evil and live in a fantasy of lies effectively give him control in their sphere of influence, which is why it's so important to him to compromise the leaders of nations.
In any case, I have 100% confidence that God isn't going to let him get away with this because it is not yet time for the end. The devil is trying to make it happen sooner, but that is not allowed, and he will fail––again. They only reason why it looks so much like the "antichrist plan" is because the devil never had any other plan. What is happening from the Book of Revelation is the complete destruction of the last form of Babylon, the modern international form that rides the governments of nations to control them.
Whatever has been hidden is going to be revealed, and we are going to learn that the truth has been kept from us in every venue of human inquiry. History, science, and archeology will all seem to change, but it will really just be that the veil has been torn away.
God knows the beginning, middle and the end. Satan can try, but he will always fail, because God has already won. The global elite have been trying to speed up Tribulation, but their efforts are always going to be futile.
They are not pulling this out of the air. There is some plausible scriptural support for this idea.
Such as? Is any of this evidence plausible with a purely biblical interpretation? Or does it require the inclusion/meshing of the potential lies of the world to reach such a conclusion?
It is plausible without manipulative exegesis or interpretation forced by extra-Biblical sources, and it is plausible from the original meanings of some translated words and phrases, comparing scripture with scripture where the same word or phrase is also used.
Plausible means just that, something that could fit the facts or the evidence, which in this case would arise from the meanings of words and phrases that, like in English, can have a different nuance of meaning depending upon context, or from instances where the meaning is unclear because the context doesn't provide that clarity. Plausible does not mean "true." It means having the appearance of truth or reason. This is not the same thing as a lie, and conflating the two is a mistake. We sift the things that seem true from facts or evidence to find what is actually true.
I will not debate the point in question because I am done doing other people's homework for them. If my statement bothers you, don't take my word for it. Go get your Strong's concordance and your Greek and Hebrew lexicons, then go search for the writings of those who speculate about such things to see if there can be any validity to the argument.
In any case, this is a peripheral issue that does not bring into question the validity of the word of God, and it is not a thing upon which Christians must agree in order to be saved.
Plausible means just that, something that could fit the facts or the evidence, which in this case would arise from the meanings of words and phrases that, like in English, can have a different nuance of meaning depending upon context, or from instances where the meaning is unclear because the context doesn't provide that clarity. Plausible does not mean "true." It means having the appearance of truth or reason. This is not the same thing as a lie, and conflating the two is a mistake. We sift the things that seem true from facts or evidence to find what is actually true.
I know and I agree.
I will not debate the point in question because I am done doing other people's homework for them.
That's a very pessimistic, apathetic, and frankly anti-knowledge standpoint, but alright. Certainly doesn't seem in line with the spirit of the "Great Awakening".
If my statement bothers you, don't take my word for it.
Who said it bothered me? All I did was ask some questions. If you're not interested in sharing what you've learned and spreading the knowledge, that's fine, but I don't find it productive to take the word of random strangers online and chase after every little thread they present. You don't have to explain everything like I'm a 1st grader, but when people actually have something worth looking into they can usually present a little more substance when probed. In lieu of that, it's easier to just move on and assume it was junk than gamble on it. There are plenty of other threads to follow.
In any case, this is a peripheral issue that does not bring into question the validity of the word of God,
Does it not? The Bible says God will preserve His word. It devalues everything if you posit that he preserved it, but virtually nobody understood what it meant for thousands of years after it was written. What else did we get wrong? What do we still have wrong? It loses massive value if you allow for this level of gross misunderstanding. Somehow, only in the past 200ish years have we come to actually understand what the Bible says, in spite of what has been believed and understood by nearly all theologians throughout time. Coincidentally, this happens right around when there is a push by what appears to be an insidious cabal hell-bent on taking total control of society. It also happens right around the time these same cabal members start pushing theories of "millions of years". It also means death came before Sin. It ALSO means that Genesis makes no sense. Why include Genesis if not to explain the creation? But then in doing so, God leaves out a massive chunk of what happened? Even if you say the Bible only includes what's relevant to us (as it's undeniable the Bible isn't exhaustive) it still makes no sense. If only what pertains to us is included (and not what may have come before) why include the verse that allegedly refers to what came before? Why not just start after the split?
Further, God is not the author of confusion. Why make His book in such a way that no one would understand it for thousands of years? It doesn't work.
and it is not a thing upon which Christians must agree in order to be saved.
I agree. Nowhere did I insinuate it did, though you seem intent on bringing up this point with every mention of the gap idea.
Though I will add, that while I agree holding this belief alone does not affect salvation, I do think it devalues the word of God, leads people towards this naturalistic, evolution-based, old Earth idea that can lead people to fall away from God. The sole purpose of these kinds of ideas seems to me to be all a part of Satan's plan to deceive by questioning the word of God. In the garden of Eden, Satan said, "Yea, hath God said". He does the same thing now. "Is this really what God was saying? Or did he mean this?".
A big part of the gap theory, from what little I have read, seems to indicate it's primarily or at least often a way to allow for millions of years AND a literal translation of genesis. But why do we need this? If all of modern science is wrong on evolution, why accept their conclusions on the age of the Earth? Many of which are based on the same reasons?
Again, God is not the author of confusion. Satan is. Satan is the one perpetuating these ideas which change centuries-old theology with the ultimate goal of leading people away from God and to everlasting torment with him in Hell.
So it may not alone compromise your salvation, and it may not lead everyone astray, but it will certainly lead away many, and that to me seems to be the purpose.
Edit: I will add that, regardless of anything else, I appreciate the reply. That is the reason I asked the questions. To learn about an idea I'd never heard of before rather than just make a snap judgement, call it false, and move on. I certainly didn't intend to insinuate anything else if that's how it came off.
I apologize for my tone. It was reactive and unfair. Not to excuse myself, but it's because I've had unpleasant encounters with other people who only seemed to want to pick apart everything I said. Those exchanges had the character of an attack rather than a discussion, and I was expecting the harsh judgment of an ossified religious mind. I do appreciate you taking the time to make such a thoughtful reply. Thank you for that.
I understand not wanting to trust an unsubstantiated claim. I wouldn't want you to. It seems that you have already looked into it, so I will only say that I didn't mention the possible gap between Genesis 1 & 2 out of any support for Darwinian evolution, which I don't believe in at all.
As far as what theologians have understood throughout time, for hundreds of years theologians believed the entire universe revolved around the earth. This view was based upon their understanding of scripture, which they thought supported the cosmology of Ptolemy. It wasn't until Galileo started looking through a telescope that any of that changed. Agreement does not equal truth. People in charge who agree about a thing can be wrong, and that is likely when they think they must defend what they believe by persecuting dissenters, which they did to Galileo.
As for understanding the scriptures, what we get wrong is not to be conflated with God getting it wrong or being deficient in His power to preserve truth. The scriptures themselves declare that God hides truth, which seems to have the purpose of getting us to make an investment of effort in searching it out. They even says He seals up the revelation of the meaning of prophecy until His own appointed times. (If you want me give you chapters and verses, I will get back to you about that after the hurricane.)
In reference to the edit, I think the fault was mine. It was in what I had inferred.
Fair enough, and all good. I see how those kinds of encounters would make one somewhat defensive. I was a bit snippy in my reply myself and I won't hand wave it as just being in response to your tone, as that seems a dishonest excuse. So sorry from me as well and all is forgiven.
I didn't mean to imply that the theory (or you) directly supports evolution, as it really doesn't, just that it starts to wade into the territory of the old-Earth claims (assuming you believe the gap was a significant period of time. From what I gather, not everyone does) view which is one step closer to being able to argue for evolution (seeing as long periods of time are necessary for Darwinian Evolution). I suppose I'd simply ask how long you think the gap was? Is the theory, for you, a way to reconcile the alleged evidence of an old Earth with a literal interpretation of Genesis? Or something else?
And that's certainly true, just because everyone says something is true doesn't mean it is (“safe and effective”, anyone?). But I suppose I’d say there's also the angle that people were simply believing the “experts” of their time and as such were trying to find ways to reconcile that with the Bible, despite the “experts” being wrong, and their ideas flawed regarding geocentrism (I doubt the idea came solely from the Bible. More likely logical extrapolation of the observation that the sun “appears” to go around the Earth, among other reasons). Which would be exactly like people now trying to reconcile evolution by saying Genesis is an allegory or whatever other explanation. And then attacking and persecuting those who don’t agree with the new belief/interpretation. The only difference is now it’s secular types doing the persecuting with no need for the religious backing. Maybe because now they find destroying religion (the reason for the theory of evolution, in my opinion) a better alternative to gaining control of people over infiltrating it and using it as the control mechanism (or method to deceive us all to hell). So I suppose my point is that it’s the ideas or misinterpretations of men rather than the Word of God, whether through deception or just honest error.
The Bible doesn’t teach geocentricism (and the verses used to justify it are/were pretty streched) nor does it teach flat Earth or evolution. Peronsally, I also don’t think it’s presenting an old Earth and think the evidence we have today lines up fine with this and with a young Earth. So while there is absolutely the interpretation aspect, I think there are many cases of people trying to conform to the world and its ideas of what is true and of God, rather than basing it solely on the Bible (as we see today). So rather than believing geocentrism (or flat Earth/evolution for that matter) because of the scripture, people may have tried to make the scripture fit geocentrism. And I’m particularly wary in this ‘age of the cabal’ with massive, society-spanning lies/deceptions being commonplace of these recent ideas that seem to change commonly accepted theology. We should certainly always evaluate and make sure we’re not complacement in our belief and that our interpretations of the Bible line up with reality (and what scripture actually says), as it always does. But I’ve also become quite a traditionalist, so I’m wary of just abandoning old ideas that have stood the test of time for some new shiny idea without a convincing reason or good evidence. Assuming the main purpose of the gap theory, and where you’re coming from, truly is an old Earth I would need more evidence for the old Earth to begin with (in liue of direct, or some form of, Biblical support, of course). If it became evident that the Earth was very old the gap theory would probably be what I’d most seriously consider as it seems, as you said originally, perfectly plausible.
Now none of this “experts deceiving” stuff may be the case with the gap theory (or geocentrism), maybe it is just a case of people being wrong and learning the correct information a long time later, but it certainly could be. Regardless, gap theory is definitely a possibility how I see it, I’ll admit. Nothing I know of directly contradicts the idea, and I’m certainly open to it being true.
Very true again. I always strive to remember that God’s knowledge and logical capacity dwarves my own, and so just because I think something would make sense or wouldn’t, doesn’t mean I’m right. I could easily be missing something. My information is incomplete, God’s isn’t. I’d also be happy to see the verses you mentioned once you’re able to (I’m also in the path of the hurricane, God bless and stay safe).
My last comment about the hurricane was a bit callous, and I regret that. I don't wish it on anyone. It's getting a little crazy here, now, but I'm used to it. I grew up in Florida, and I've been through a lot of hurricanes.
BTW, I see a lot of tie-in to global warming ("climate change") on weather news. What a lot of bunk. It's a hurricane. They have been happening regularly since I've been alive. New lie, same goal.
I don’t have an opinion on how long that might be, and to me it doesn’t matter. The age of the earth isn’t an issue for me because I know God created it. If the world existed before with different animals, they would have remained in their species no matter how long they were there, which the absence of transitional species in the fossil record confirms was the case. The fact that fossils are ubiquitously found broken apart and thrown together in sedimentary rock confirms that they perished in a cataclysm of massive flooding. It confirms Genesis if the two-flood theory is genuine because the state of the earth in the first verses of Genesis was a world under water. If that is not how it happened, it still confirms Genesis because of the flood of Noah.
The geocentric notion was an extension of the ancient Greek model of Ptolemy, which became the "official" cosmology of the church. In Galileo’s time they were justifying it with scripture because language of the Bible (from the perspective of people on the earth) seemed to make it clear that the sun and the moon went around the earth.
I would like to point out that it is not religion in general that the failing powers meant to destroy. They meant to destroy Christianity in particular, which says much about where the truth of religion may be found. They are proven liars, and liars will attack the truth.
I understand your concerns, and they are valid. Personally, I am quite orthodox in my belief about essential matters––Jesus, the eternal word of God, Jesus being God made flesh to accomplish a final sacrifice for sin, His virgin birth, His effectual blood that cleanses sin, His eternal Father creating the universe through Him, the Holy Spirit being sent to uphold believers and present demonstrations of God’s power, etc. Where I depart from traditional thinking is in areas where doctrine defines and encapsulates scripture, like when people say miracles and gifts of the Spirit aren't happening anymore (because they say so). There is absolutely no scriptural basis for that, and you really have to stretch the word and deform its meaning to make that argument seem logical. Neither do I like the modern interpretations of prophecy with their timelines and charts (“modern” being since the 1800s). I think they have missed it big time, and it’s a perfect example of why your practice of being wary of new things until they are proven provides safety.
Those people are going to be very shocked at how things play out in the next few years. It is my opinion that this was a scheme of the enemy to distract the church from their true mission and put them into a fatalistic escape mentality: “It’s God’s will that evil will triumph, so it is useless to fight it. Might as well hunker down to wait for the rapture.” They don’t think this out loud, of course, but that is the effect. When the rapture finally comes, it will be a celebration, not a rescue. Jesus is coming for a spotless bride who has made herself ready, not for a bride in the hobbled dirty condition we see in large swaths of the church today. The Greek word referring to that event is very specific. It is the word used when the prominent persons from a town go out to meet an approaching dignitary on the road to escort him the rest of the way (“parousia,” not sure of the spelling). It does not mean an evacuation and cannot be construed to mean anything close to that.
I have long been wary of the dominant view of the “end times” because of its origin with a Jesuit priest (Fransisco Ribera, 1537-1591) whose purpose was to destroy the protestant church and take the heat off the pope, whom Protestant leaders were all declaring to be an antichrist. In any case, there is no way Satan can bring in his final antichrist to rule while empowered Christians are still on the earth resisting evil (2 Thess. 2:7, the Holy Spirit in us). What you are seeing is the devil's attempt to jump the timeline to bring it forth early, and it looks the same because the devil only ever had one plan. That plan has been laid out in the dominant evangelical end time prophetic interpretation, which worked very well to put them right to sleep. It was all based on the completely unjustified insertion of about 2000 years into the seventy weeks prophecy in Daniel 9, which is about the advent of the messiah and the subsequent destruction of Jerusalem and nothing else. But they treat their added doctrinal error as if it were on the level of indisputable scripture, which was the first thing that made me suspect there was something fishy about it. My own research confirmed it, and no one can convince me that they’re right.
Concerning the controversy about the first two verses of Genesis, I have come to no conclusions. I just find it interesting and think it’s worth a look. In no way does it affect my faith, and the age of the earth isn’t an issue for me. It might actually turn out to be quite young even if it existed before a renovation. I also agree that the Bible doesn’t teach geocentrism, a flat earth, or anything like that, and I do not believe the solar system was formed in a planetary disc of matter under the influence of gravity. That view is about to be chucked by secular scientists anyway because there are too many problems with the model that strongly indicate is just can’t be true. (Just like the Theory of Evolution, just like the Big Bang Theory, and just like “official” archaeological and historical timelines that are all failing due to new evidence that can’t be denied. The Great Awakening is affecting everything, and every lie we have been told will fall to the wayside.)
I have been praying about the hurricane, and I’ve felt from the beginning there is something different about this one. Normally I would have “prayed it away,” but I had the sense there was purpose in it, and that I should wait upon God to know His will. I have my own ideas about what would be best for God to do in the situation, but I am not His counsellor, and He probably laughs at that. I all but dismissed it when I thought I heard God tell me it was coming to destroy Tampa, and if it does that and then goes right up I-4, it will confirm to me that He is “speaking” to the Democratic stronghold in that corridor. We are not that far away, but no one in our family has any fear (actually absolute peace to the point of boredom). God knows where we are, and He will keep us safe. When I return to share scriptures, you will know that He did. If Ian happens to peter out in the Gulf, I will rejoice in God’s mercy while I put back all the things I took out of the yard.
It occurs to me that it might be best to speak of scriptural things in private messages since much of that discussion would have little to do with the Great Awakening or Q, which is the purpose of this forum. Just a thought.
None of this is compatible with Christianity as we know it today. Being wholly incompatible with Christianity as we know it means that there's no basis to claim that believing this stuff in no way affects your salvation. As such, you and the other guy are not talking about the same thing.
Also, this guy is a complete crackpot at best and looking to intentionally deceive at worst.
The whole point of what Mauro Biglino is bringing up is of course not compatible with Christianity for most Christians. But if you do not contemplate that religion and Christianity in particular is a limited hangout to control the masses, then are you really searching for truth? When you also find out that the story of Jesus follows, if not outright mirrors, other older stories from other religions/cults then it is not all that hard to lay down your ego and realize what could be afoot. Even within the Q movement we need to be able to reconcile that making it Christian based could be part of making it more energizing towards the religious community and the societal good things that come with revival; Biblical could be synonymous with archetypal at the end of the day despite deeply held connotations and beliefs when you look at things from the 40,000 ft view
I have only looked into Mauro Biglino enough to get the alternate verison of Genesis so I am not aware of how he translates the new testament, if he even does. So I am not sure where your argument would even begin that it is not compatible with Christianity.
What thread I did share with the other guy for sure is that Biglino's interpretation of the OT is that the earth did exist before Adam and Eve and was populated but wiped out in a flood akin to what happened to Noah. This is interesting to me because the cyclical destructions evident in our geologic record both confirm Noah's flood AND a flood before Adam and Eve. Mainstream science even teaches these while ignoring the fact that the Noah timeline lines up with the end of the ice age / Younger Dyas extinction event. The geologic record further shows cyclical catastrophes before these two events. To add to this, we have enough to know from ancient sites like the serpent mounds in the US that there were civilizations either far enough back in time that they were aligning their sites to a different overhead celestial alignment than we see today and/or polar shifts cause crustal slippage over the mantle and areas can wind up on vastly different points of the globe; either way indicates that the earth was tilted or laid out differently due to some kind of cyclical cataclysm which lines up with stories in basically every ancient culture. Graham Hancock is the main source on these ideas that supposedly prove humans have been around for at least 100,000 years or more, and his archeological research credentials sure dwarf mine.
How do you know Biglino is either a crackpot or intentionally deceiving? That sounds like opinion with no facts to back it up. If you could point out some specifics as to why you believe this then this could help both of us figure things out, but if you just feel that this is the case and I should acquiesce to your beliefs then what are we really doing here?
Before you treat me as if I am telling you all facts, please realize that everything is ideas and that just cause the ideas I consider in pursuit of truth are different from yours does not mean I am inherently wrong or lacking equally factual sources.
I've contemplated it to what I'd consider a reasonable degree. It's not, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth.
I have the feeling you're not going to convince me, and that I'm not going to convince you of much of anything here, so I'll leave it at that.
To not appear as if I'm simply running away from a hard discussion, I will admit that I don't really know if Biglino is a crackpot or attempting to deceive. However, there's only so many threads one can follow with the limited amount of time we have to do things a day. What I do know is that I trust in God. If He sees fit to lead me to this potential truth, then I will follow. Otherwise, there are plenty of other truths to hunt for and threads to follow. Maybe I'm wrong in ignoring this potential truth, but I just can't say I see it as worth it right now. I'll certainly keep everything you've said in mind (and I did read it all and appreciate you writing it) for the future if something comes up that makes me deeply question what I currently believe, but as for now, I just don't see it being productive or going anywhere (nor do I see this as being the thing that makes me question what I believe).
It's not comms. The cause of Saturn's tilt is an ongoing scientific mystery because it is believed Saturn was not tilted during its formation. A new theory is that a moon may have smacked into saturn at some point in the past, causing its tilt and creating its rings.
Saturn is represented by the metal Lead.
Lead carries the weight and authority of a nation, while tin (Jupiter) carries the industry.
Saturn represents their "right" to rule over the people.
Lead pipes in antiquity were synonymous with a nation above all others. If a nation had pipes, drainage, and running water then the only explanation was that those who ruled that nation were put there by Divine Authority to offer their cities the best that the world had to offer.
The ring around Saturn represents the seal of that Divine Authority being rent to the Aristocracy.
The Moon represents silver and the subconscious mind -- particularly the emotional and menstrual mind of woman. The womb, whereas Venus and copper represent the woman body which hosts the womb.
Combine the symbols.
What happens when a moon smacks Saturn?
What happens when the Subconscious Mind of The People assaults the Authority of the "Divine"?
Is the seal, the ring which marries the DeepState to the Authority to be broken?
I immediatly thought about the entire rule of the satanic cabal going sideways because HRC fucked everything up.
Not great at symbology, but I know enough to know that Saturn represents the Cabal. I’d interpret this to mean that they’ve sustained some sort of significant blow or disruption to their operations.
Saturn and Jupiter both represent the chief watcher of the rebellious angels. One is the Roman version the other the Greek version.
Jupiter is Melchizedek, which represents the king or Christ
it's hard to get over how the world materializes the Myths physically.
Saturn is also Time ('Let's do the Time Warp again').....and so the Cabal's god is their own worst enemy in many ways. He doesn't like "Change" the way the moon is attracted to it with it's 'new moon' every month, so he eats his children as Insurance. And with his 'ring' (actually 3 ring circus), in the darkness binds them.
The DS is rampaging 'feminism' right now and so for all the lip service to Saturn, they are actually all about the Moon and hate daddy with a passion.
Barbara Pierce Crowley Bush was a created "Moon Child" * destined to rule and paired with the saturnal burning Bush to rule as the ancient Egyptian Twins. Mengele was all about the twins. Hollywood is all about the twins.
Saturn is the harvest. The Grim Reaper in his old age, come to destroy by fire.
Jack Parsons was all about Saturn for that reason.
What happens when a bunch of Loonie Moonies play with Fire?
Game Over
Crowley? Do tell
Yes, that's the rumor, that Barbara Bush is Aleister Crowley's daughter.
Great Google-y moogly it's out there, Snopes be damned.
Excellent interpretation! Read everything you wrote then thought to myself this sounds like sleepydude and sure as shit it was you. you're a legend fren!
Was Pelosi's husband driving the moon?
Didn’t that happen 100 million years ago…. The study is from like a week ago but the moon hitting Saturn was forever ago…
Look up where the symbol of the Muslim flag came from.
Reading is funda mental.
Downvotes are conse quential
Some other space comms:
Nasa prepares to smash spacecraft into an asteroid in 'earth-saving' mission
Sounds promising, fancy a round President Trump?
Link without trackers: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/nasa-prepares-to-smash-spacecraft-into-an-asteroid-in-earth-saving-mission/ar-AA12cn63
Thanks fren, my bad.
Saturn = Cabal. Go figure
Saturn is tilted = Saturn has been thrown off balance.
What a weird sentence. I mean... huh?
The "now lacking satellite tv for pc" is so random in that sentence.
u/lonewulf -- you might find this interesting as well.
83 moons = 8+3 = 11 = Twin Towers = disaster.
A disaster orchestrated by a president, just like 9/11?? Think 45.
83 key players and now one major player is missing, "Chrysalis."
Their line of communications with "Chrysalis" has been taken out, or "Chrysalis" has been taken out.
Chrysalis = A pupa, especially of a butterfly.
Someone under Monarch mind control?
Hopefully it means the incubators for the Butterflies of Chaos have been taken out, because that would be a good thing. I think.
Did the moon take out one of the pedophile-rings? /s
Did a search for the weird sentence and found this Why Nasa’s Capstone satellite tv for pc is flying a bizarre path to the Moon
Such odd wording that this cannot be anything else but comms.
The important comms would be duplicated across different publishers of the same story. I read a few different ones, and think this might be just a weird typo, like an autofill from the author's last article. Or it could be Iran, but the other sources don't mention it. I gave my take on it a few days ago, primarily off the Atlantic- https://greatawakening.win/p/15Jn21dN68/decoding-saturn-comms-saturn-is-/c/
It is a rather neat coincidence that the anagram of Saturn is UN Rats.
lol, nice
Not so different from the Babylonian god, too.
Saturn had a long history in Mesopotamia and was originally a sun God, possibly even the "El" of the ancient Hebrews. However, there are other people in the world and always have been, many even as ancient as Abraham, and they have other traditions about Saturn.
http://qdl.scs-inc.us/2ndParty/Pages/7285.html good Mesopotamia trace
The Indians were so aware of Saturn they calculated its diameter very accurately, and associated it with a divine judge.
In China, Saturn was associated with the Earth element in a five-element system. It was also associated with the mythical first emperor Huang Ti, which is not that far from Sheng Di, their ancient sky god who was very reminiscent of the ancient Hebrew god, and the Tahitians also attributed authority to Saturn.
This is all easily understood when you remember that the ancients could only see 5 planets and thought they were gods because they moved freely in the sky against the fixed stars. The godly characteristics applied to them reflect their sizes, orbital speed, color, and oddities like retrograde motion.
I told ya…we are in the phase of they’re making whatever the eff they want now in the news and printing it. Seriously. While the real stuff doesn’t get reported except by us. But we’re crazy and in a cult.
Exactly…the longer the show goes on, the less truth there is to the events being broadcast by the msm.
There is a deep connection to Saturn in occult thinking, and the reasons for that have been carefully hidden. The odd thing is that its tilt is approximately the same as the tilts of Earth and Mars, which seems to suggest they are part of the same planetary "family." The solar system is a strange salad of improbabilities, as if its planets were assembled from afar, and we really don't know the true history of it. All we know is the official story future astrophysicists and astronomers are taught in school. But the proposition that it began as a disc of matter condensing under gravity in a smooth uneventful process of millions of years has increasingly been shown to be improbable, even physically impossible. There are myriad scientific papers raising questions about the planetary disc theory, and it's getting too difficult to sweep under the rug. Too many things don't line up to support that perspective, with more appearing all the time, and it won't be long before they will have to adjust the official story or look like fools clinging to a fairytale. Same with the Big Bang. It's going bye bye, too.
This is as much a part of the Great Awakening as the political stuff because humanity's view of the cosmos greatly affects our thinking. Big Bang cosmology presents a hopeless universe of isolation that is random and devoid of meaning, a universe in which death and loss triumphs in the end. That is being replaced by a universe of connectivity and purpose. It is the vision of a universe in which life is not a meaningless random accident, where the flow of energy constantly renews all things. It is a universe in which hope is not the prisoner of despair.
Of interest from a religious perspective is that some Christian scholars believe there is a gap between the first and second verses of Genesis (and, no, their salvation is not in danger for believing that). They propose that the Earth already existed, having already been created, but it got destroyed in a prior flood because Lucifer, who had been put in charge of managing it, rebelled and corrupted everything. Thus, they say, the 6 days of creation were really the renovation of a planet ruined by judgment that was already there. (They are not pulling this out of the air. There is some plausible scriptural support for this idea.)
References to "the purple dawn of creation" are also linked with Saturn worship, and that is interesting because there are both religious and secular sources that point to it, saying the Earth used to be different, having a pastel mauve-colored sky. In particular, some Christian prophets who say they have been shown that time have a consistent testimony about the different color of the sky, and some scientific theorists who refute the Big Bang assert the same thing, having their own theories about how that might have occurred.
Starting with the assumption that this might have some validity, I wonder if the reason Satan is so determined to secure complete control of the planet has to do with recapturing his former position. He might long for those days and resent God for handing authority over the planet to humanity instead. That authority was not given to him, so his only option is to deceive humans into handing it back over to him through rebellion, which started in the Garden of Eden and continues in people who have left the will of God to do good and walk in the truth. This is control that happens through manipulation, and it is indirect and not legitimate. Those who do Satan's will to do evil and live in a fantasy of lies effectively give him control in their sphere of influence, which is why it's so important to him to compromise the leaders of nations.
In any case, I have 100% confidence that God isn't going to let him get away with this because it is not yet time for the end. The devil is trying to make it happen sooner, but that is not allowed, and he will fail––again. They only reason why it looks so much like the "antichrist plan" is because the devil never had any other plan. What is happening from the Book of Revelation is the complete destruction of the last form of Babylon, the modern international form that rides the governments of nations to control them.
Whatever has been hidden is going to be revealed, and we are going to learn that the truth has been kept from us in every venue of human inquiry. History, science, and archeology will all seem to change, but it will really just be that the veil has been torn away.
God knows the beginning, middle and the end. Satan can try, but he will always fail, because God has already won. The global elite have been trying to speed up Tribulation, but their efforts are always going to be futile.
Such as? Is any of this evidence plausible with a purely biblical interpretation? Or does it require the inclusion/meshing of the potential lies of the world to reach such a conclusion?
It is plausible without manipulative exegesis or interpretation forced by extra-Biblical sources, and it is plausible from the original meanings of some translated words and phrases, comparing scripture with scripture where the same word or phrase is also used.
Plausible means just that, something that could fit the facts or the evidence, which in this case would arise from the meanings of words and phrases that, like in English, can have a different nuance of meaning depending upon context, or from instances where the meaning is unclear because the context doesn't provide that clarity. Plausible does not mean "true." It means having the appearance of truth or reason. This is not the same thing as a lie, and conflating the two is a mistake. We sift the things that seem true from facts or evidence to find what is actually true.
I will not debate the point in question because I am done doing other people's homework for them. If my statement bothers you, don't take my word for it. Go get your Strong's concordance and your Greek and Hebrew lexicons, then go search for the writings of those who speculate about such things to see if there can be any validity to the argument.
In any case, this is a peripheral issue that does not bring into question the validity of the word of God, and it is not a thing upon which Christians must agree in order to be saved.
I know and I agree.
That's a very pessimistic, apathetic, and frankly anti-knowledge standpoint, but alright. Certainly doesn't seem in line with the spirit of the "Great Awakening".
Who said it bothered me? All I did was ask some questions. If you're not interested in sharing what you've learned and spreading the knowledge, that's fine, but I don't find it productive to take the word of random strangers online and chase after every little thread they present. You don't have to explain everything like I'm a 1st grader, but when people actually have something worth looking into they can usually present a little more substance when probed. In lieu of that, it's easier to just move on and assume it was junk than gamble on it. There are plenty of other threads to follow.
Does it not? The Bible says God will preserve His word. It devalues everything if you posit that he preserved it, but virtually nobody understood what it meant for thousands of years after it was written. What else did we get wrong? What do we still have wrong? It loses massive value if you allow for this level of gross misunderstanding. Somehow, only in the past 200ish years have we come to actually understand what the Bible says, in spite of what has been believed and understood by nearly all theologians throughout time. Coincidentally, this happens right around when there is a push by what appears to be an insidious cabal hell-bent on taking total control of society. It also happens right around the time these same cabal members start pushing theories of "millions of years". It also means death came before Sin. It ALSO means that Genesis makes no sense. Why include Genesis if not to explain the creation? But then in doing so, God leaves out a massive chunk of what happened? Even if you say the Bible only includes what's relevant to us (as it's undeniable the Bible isn't exhaustive) it still makes no sense. If only what pertains to us is included (and not what may have come before) why include the verse that allegedly refers to what came before? Why not just start after the split?
Further, God is not the author of confusion. Why make His book in such a way that no one would understand it for thousands of years? It doesn't work.
I agree. Nowhere did I insinuate it did, though you seem intent on bringing up this point with every mention of the gap idea.
Though I will add, that while I agree holding this belief alone does not affect salvation, I do think it devalues the word of God, leads people towards this naturalistic, evolution-based, old Earth idea that can lead people to fall away from God. The sole purpose of these kinds of ideas seems to me to be all a part of Satan's plan to deceive by questioning the word of God. In the garden of Eden, Satan said, "Yea, hath God said". He does the same thing now. "Is this really what God was saying? Or did he mean this?".
A big part of the gap theory, from what little I have read, seems to indicate it's primarily or at least often a way to allow for millions of years AND a literal translation of genesis. But why do we need this? If all of modern science is wrong on evolution, why accept their conclusions on the age of the Earth? Many of which are based on the same reasons?
Again, God is not the author of confusion. Satan is. Satan is the one perpetuating these ideas which change centuries-old theology with the ultimate goal of leading people away from God and to everlasting torment with him in Hell.
So it may not alone compromise your salvation, and it may not lead everyone astray, but it will certainly lead away many, and that to me seems to be the purpose.
Edit: I will add that, regardless of anything else, I appreciate the reply. That is the reason I asked the questions. To learn about an idea I'd never heard of before rather than just make a snap judgement, call it false, and move on. I certainly didn't intend to insinuate anything else if that's how it came off.
I apologize for my tone. It was reactive and unfair. Not to excuse myself, but it's because I've had unpleasant encounters with other people who only seemed to want to pick apart everything I said. Those exchanges had the character of an attack rather than a discussion, and I was expecting the harsh judgment of an ossified religious mind. I do appreciate you taking the time to make such a thoughtful reply. Thank you for that.
I understand not wanting to trust an unsubstantiated claim. I wouldn't want you to. It seems that you have already looked into it, so I will only say that I didn't mention the possible gap between Genesis 1 & 2 out of any support for Darwinian evolution, which I don't believe in at all.
As far as what theologians have understood throughout time, for hundreds of years theologians believed the entire universe revolved around the earth. This view was based upon their understanding of scripture, which they thought supported the cosmology of Ptolemy. It wasn't until Galileo started looking through a telescope that any of that changed. Agreement does not equal truth. People in charge who agree about a thing can be wrong, and that is likely when they think they must defend what they believe by persecuting dissenters, which they did to Galileo.
As for understanding the scriptures, what we get wrong is not to be conflated with God getting it wrong or being deficient in His power to preserve truth. The scriptures themselves declare that God hides truth, which seems to have the purpose of getting us to make an investment of effort in searching it out. They even says He seals up the revelation of the meaning of prophecy until His own appointed times. (If you want me give you chapters and verses, I will get back to you about that after the hurricane.)
In reference to the edit, I think the fault was mine. It was in what I had inferred.
Fair enough, and all good. I see how those kinds of encounters would make one somewhat defensive. I was a bit snippy in my reply myself and I won't hand wave it as just being in response to your tone, as that seems a dishonest excuse. So sorry from me as well and all is forgiven.
I didn't mean to imply that the theory (or you) directly supports evolution, as it really doesn't, just that it starts to wade into the territory of the old-Earth claims (assuming you believe the gap was a significant period of time. From what I gather, not everyone does) view which is one step closer to being able to argue for evolution (seeing as long periods of time are necessary for Darwinian Evolution). I suppose I'd simply ask how long you think the gap was? Is the theory, for you, a way to reconcile the alleged evidence of an old Earth with a literal interpretation of Genesis? Or something else?
And that's certainly true, just because everyone says something is true doesn't mean it is (“safe and effective”, anyone?). But I suppose I’d say there's also the angle that people were simply believing the “experts” of their time and as such were trying to find ways to reconcile that with the Bible, despite the “experts” being wrong, and their ideas flawed regarding geocentrism (I doubt the idea came solely from the Bible. More likely logical extrapolation of the observation that the sun “appears” to go around the Earth, among other reasons). Which would be exactly like people now trying to reconcile evolution by saying Genesis is an allegory or whatever other explanation. And then attacking and persecuting those who don’t agree with the new belief/interpretation. The only difference is now it’s secular types doing the persecuting with no need for the religious backing. Maybe because now they find destroying religion (the reason for the theory of evolution, in my opinion) a better alternative to gaining control of people over infiltrating it and using it as the control mechanism (or method to deceive us all to hell). So I suppose my point is that it’s the ideas or misinterpretations of men rather than the Word of God, whether through deception or just honest error.
The Bible doesn’t teach geocentricism (and the verses used to justify it are/were pretty streched) nor does it teach flat Earth or evolution. Peronsally, I also don’t think it’s presenting an old Earth and think the evidence we have today lines up fine with this and with a young Earth. So while there is absolutely the interpretation aspect, I think there are many cases of people trying to conform to the world and its ideas of what is true and of God, rather than basing it solely on the Bible (as we see today). So rather than believing geocentrism (or flat Earth/evolution for that matter) because of the scripture, people may have tried to make the scripture fit geocentrism. And I’m particularly wary in this ‘age of the cabal’ with massive, society-spanning lies/deceptions being commonplace of these recent ideas that seem to change commonly accepted theology. We should certainly always evaluate and make sure we’re not complacement in our belief and that our interpretations of the Bible line up with reality (and what scripture actually says), as it always does. But I’ve also become quite a traditionalist, so I’m wary of just abandoning old ideas that have stood the test of time for some new shiny idea without a convincing reason or good evidence. Assuming the main purpose of the gap theory, and where you’re coming from, truly is an old Earth I would need more evidence for the old Earth to begin with (in liue of direct, or some form of, Biblical support, of course). If it became evident that the Earth was very old the gap theory would probably be what I’d most seriously consider as it seems, as you said originally, perfectly plausible.
Now none of this “experts deceiving” stuff may be the case with the gap theory (or geocentrism), maybe it is just a case of people being wrong and learning the correct information a long time later, but it certainly could be. Regardless, gap theory is definitely a possibility how I see it, I’ll admit. Nothing I know of directly contradicts the idea, and I’m certainly open to it being true.
Very true again. I always strive to remember that God’s knowledge and logical capacity dwarves my own, and so just because I think something would make sense or wouldn’t, doesn’t mean I’m right. I could easily be missing something. My information is incomplete, God’s isn’t. I’d also be happy to see the verses you mentioned once you’re able to (I’m also in the path of the hurricane, God bless and stay safe).
My last comment about the hurricane was a bit callous, and I regret that. I don't wish it on anyone. It's getting a little crazy here, now, but I'm used to it. I grew up in Florida, and I've been through a lot of hurricanes.
BTW, I see a lot of tie-in to global warming ("climate change") on weather news. What a lot of bunk. It's a hurricane. They have been happening regularly since I've been alive. New lie, same goal.
I don’t have an opinion on how long that might be, and to me it doesn’t matter. The age of the earth isn’t an issue for me because I know God created it. If the world existed before with different animals, they would have remained in their species no matter how long they were there, which the absence of transitional species in the fossil record confirms was the case. The fact that fossils are ubiquitously found broken apart and thrown together in sedimentary rock confirms that they perished in a cataclysm of massive flooding. It confirms Genesis if the two-flood theory is genuine because the state of the earth in the first verses of Genesis was a world under water. If that is not how it happened, it still confirms Genesis because of the flood of Noah.
The geocentric notion was an extension of the ancient Greek model of Ptolemy, which became the "official" cosmology of the church. In Galileo’s time they were justifying it with scripture because language of the Bible (from the perspective of people on the earth) seemed to make it clear that the sun and the moon went around the earth.
I would like to point out that it is not religion in general that the failing powers meant to destroy. They meant to destroy Christianity in particular, which says much about where the truth of religion may be found. They are proven liars, and liars will attack the truth.
I understand your concerns, and they are valid. Personally, I am quite orthodox in my belief about essential matters––Jesus, the eternal word of God, Jesus being God made flesh to accomplish a final sacrifice for sin, His virgin birth, His effectual blood that cleanses sin, His eternal Father creating the universe through Him, the Holy Spirit being sent to uphold believers and present demonstrations of God’s power, etc. Where I depart from traditional thinking is in areas where doctrine defines and encapsulates scripture, like when people say miracles and gifts of the Spirit aren't happening anymore (because they say so). There is absolutely no scriptural basis for that, and you really have to stretch the word and deform its meaning to make that argument seem logical. Neither do I like the modern interpretations of prophecy with their timelines and charts (“modern” being since the 1800s). I think they have missed it big time, and it’s a perfect example of why your practice of being wary of new things until they are proven provides safety.
Those people are going to be very shocked at how things play out in the next few years. It is my opinion that this was a scheme of the enemy to distract the church from their true mission and put them into a fatalistic escape mentality: “It’s God’s will that evil will triumph, so it is useless to fight it. Might as well hunker down to wait for the rapture.” They don’t think this out loud, of course, but that is the effect. When the rapture finally comes, it will be a celebration, not a rescue. Jesus is coming for a spotless bride who has made herself ready, not for a bride in the hobbled dirty condition we see in large swaths of the church today. The Greek word referring to that event is very specific. It is the word used when the prominent persons from a town go out to meet an approaching dignitary on the road to escort him the rest of the way (“parousia,” not sure of the spelling). It does not mean an evacuation and cannot be construed to mean anything close to that.
I have long been wary of the dominant view of the “end times” because of its origin with a Jesuit priest (Fransisco Ribera, 1537-1591) whose purpose was to destroy the protestant church and take the heat off the pope, whom Protestant leaders were all declaring to be an antichrist. In any case, there is no way Satan can bring in his final antichrist to rule while empowered Christians are still on the earth resisting evil (2 Thess. 2:7, the Holy Spirit in us). What you are seeing is the devil's attempt to jump the timeline to bring it forth early, and it looks the same because the devil only ever had one plan. That plan has been laid out in the dominant evangelical end time prophetic interpretation, which worked very well to put them right to sleep. It was all based on the completely unjustified insertion of about 2000 years into the seventy weeks prophecy in Daniel 9, which is about the advent of the messiah and the subsequent destruction of Jerusalem and nothing else. But they treat their added doctrinal error as if it were on the level of indisputable scripture, which was the first thing that made me suspect there was something fishy about it. My own research confirmed it, and no one can convince me that they’re right.
Concerning the controversy about the first two verses of Genesis, I have come to no conclusions. I just find it interesting and think it’s worth a look. In no way does it affect my faith, and the age of the earth isn’t an issue for me. It might actually turn out to be quite young even if it existed before a renovation. I also agree that the Bible doesn’t teach geocentrism, a flat earth, or anything like that, and I do not believe the solar system was formed in a planetary disc of matter under the influence of gravity. That view is about to be chucked by secular scientists anyway because there are too many problems with the model that strongly indicate is just can’t be true. (Just like the Theory of Evolution, just like the Big Bang Theory, and just like “official” archaeological and historical timelines that are all failing due to new evidence that can’t be denied. The Great Awakening is affecting everything, and every lie we have been told will fall to the wayside.)
I have been praying about the hurricane, and I’ve felt from the beginning there is something different about this one. Normally I would have “prayed it away,” but I had the sense there was purpose in it, and that I should wait upon God to know His will. I have my own ideas about what would be best for God to do in the situation, but I am not His counsellor, and He probably laughs at that. I all but dismissed it when I thought I heard God tell me it was coming to destroy Tampa, and if it does that and then goes right up I-4, it will confirm to me that He is “speaking” to the Democratic stronghold in that corridor. We are not that far away, but no one in our family has any fear (actually absolute peace to the point of boredom). God knows where we are, and He will keep us safe. When I return to share scriptures, you will know that He did. If Ian happens to peter out in the Gulf, I will rejoice in God’s mercy while I put back all the things I took out of the yard.
It occurs to me that it might be best to speak of scriptural things in private messages since much of that discussion would have little to do with the Great Awakening or Q, which is the purpose of this forum. Just a thought.
Pretty sure the plausible evidence is the literal interpretation of the original Aramaic
Look up Mauro Biglino
None of this is compatible with Christianity as we know it today. Being wholly incompatible with Christianity as we know it means that there's no basis to claim that believing this stuff in no way affects your salvation. As such, you and the other guy are not talking about the same thing.
Also, this guy is a complete crackpot at best and looking to intentionally deceive at worst.
The whole point of what Mauro Biglino is bringing up is of course not compatible with Christianity for most Christians. But if you do not contemplate that religion and Christianity in particular is a limited hangout to control the masses, then are you really searching for truth? When you also find out that the story of Jesus follows, if not outright mirrors, other older stories from other religions/cults then it is not all that hard to lay down your ego and realize what could be afoot. Even within the Q movement we need to be able to reconcile that making it Christian based could be part of making it more energizing towards the religious community and the societal good things that come with revival; Biblical could be synonymous with archetypal at the end of the day despite deeply held connotations and beliefs when you look at things from the 40,000 ft view
I have only looked into Mauro Biglino enough to get the alternate verison of Genesis so I am not aware of how he translates the new testament, if he even does. So I am not sure where your argument would even begin that it is not compatible with Christianity.
What thread I did share with the other guy for sure is that Biglino's interpretation of the OT is that the earth did exist before Adam and Eve and was populated but wiped out in a flood akin to what happened to Noah. This is interesting to me because the cyclical destructions evident in our geologic record both confirm Noah's flood AND a flood before Adam and Eve. Mainstream science even teaches these while ignoring the fact that the Noah timeline lines up with the end of the ice age / Younger Dyas extinction event. The geologic record further shows cyclical catastrophes before these two events. To add to this, we have enough to know from ancient sites like the serpent mounds in the US that there were civilizations either far enough back in time that they were aligning their sites to a different overhead celestial alignment than we see today and/or polar shifts cause crustal slippage over the mantle and areas can wind up on vastly different points of the globe; either way indicates that the earth was tilted or laid out differently due to some kind of cyclical cataclysm which lines up with stories in basically every ancient culture. Graham Hancock is the main source on these ideas that supposedly prove humans have been around for at least 100,000 years or more, and his archeological research credentials sure dwarf mine.
How do you know Biglino is either a crackpot or intentionally deceiving? That sounds like opinion with no facts to back it up. If you could point out some specifics as to why you believe this then this could help both of us figure things out, but if you just feel that this is the case and I should acquiesce to your beliefs then what are we really doing here?
Before you treat me as if I am telling you all facts, please realize that everything is ideas and that just cause the ideas I consider in pursuit of truth are different from yours does not mean I am inherently wrong or lacking equally factual sources.
I've contemplated it to what I'd consider a reasonable degree. It's not, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth.
I have the feeling you're not going to convince me, and that I'm not going to convince you of much of anything here, so I'll leave it at that.
To not appear as if I'm simply running away from a hard discussion, I will admit that I don't really know if Biglino is a crackpot or attempting to deceive. However, there's only so many threads one can follow with the limited amount of time we have to do things a day. What I do know is that I trust in God. If He sees fit to lead me to this potential truth, then I will follow. Otherwise, there are plenty of other truths to hunt for and threads to follow. Maybe I'm wrong in ignoring this potential truth, but I just can't say I see it as worth it right now. I'll certainly keep everything you've said in mind (and I did read it all and appreciate you writing it) for the future if something comes up that makes me deeply question what I currently believe, but as for now, I just don't see it being productive or going anywhere (nor do I see this as being the thing that makes me question what I believe).
What kind of comms? The mother of all comms.
Sounds to me like they are saying the cabal's "plan" is fked.
My intuition made me feel like this is good news to us.
Saturn, Saturnalia, worship of the Sun God
The Sun? There is a theory that Saturn was a sun in deep antiquity, read up on Dwardu Codona "God Star"
Love some astrofagging
Why did they publish this in the sports section? Trying to hide it by putting in the wrong section? 🤔
Trying to spread it further. https://greatawakening.win/p/15Jn21dN68/decoding-saturn-comms-saturn-is-/c/
low budget, no "pictures"
According to decodingsymbols, Moon means top secret intelligence.
Would you like to know more?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson reveals the Cabal's invertion of the myths involving the Archer-Hunter and Feminine Principle vs Male Saturn.
It would have to be intentional cuck-science to do the 180 turn.
Here's the irrefutable sauce:
"Neil deGrasse Tyson reacts to new Space Force theme song"
Saturn -> Satan -> Cronus -> Time
Definitely comms.
Saturn = Satan = black cube worshippers
Moon = the bride of Christ = anons/believers/etc
We've knocked them on their ass.
Could those both be symbolic of different banks?
The cow jumped over rhe moon remember came to mind.
It could be comms. Can't rule it out, but to paraphrase Sigmund Freud, sometimes a scientific theory is just a scientific theory.
Sigmund Freud was heavily involved in symbolism communication. Of course he'd like you to believe that.
“tilted” nowadays can mean “frustrated” or “aggravated” to the point of making mistakes, so make of that what you will.
I read it as Saturn being Satan. Tilted like when you’re playing hold ‘em & you get rivered! The devil’s pissed! I’m not sure about the moon..
I thought Saturn was made of gas
It's not comms. The cause of Saturn's tilt is an ongoing scientific mystery because it is believed Saturn was not tilted during its formation. A new theory is that a moon may have smacked into saturn at some point in the past, causing its tilt and creating its rings.
That's probably why the moon is so beat up looking.
Well I don’t live there so who cares 🤣!
why would this even be comms