Keep in mind that Deep State controlled Republicans and Democrats are all part of the Uni-Party.
Those NWO Cabal elites that control the Uni-Party don't really care which 'political party' one of their puppets claims to represent. They simply want to maintain control of the puppet show.
Tulsi Gabbard is just positioning herself to continue being a useful puppet for them. It's all lies. Vote her out of office and never re-elect her even for local positions. Tulsi will lie to fool people into trusting her, and then continue to stab America in the back. That's what NWO controlled puppets do.
It's still a good idea to use her comments about the treachery of the Democratic party to wake up our woke families. They might actually consider what she has to say and start thinking like humans with interests to protect, instead of like sheep being led stupidly to slaughter. That doesn't mean anyone has to vote for her.
I think everything is opposite. If you say disparage ng things about Putin and your not censored chances are he’s a WH and your claim isn’t a false so they allow it.
Tulsi, just the opposite and they have big plans for her as an infiltrator on the Republican side so you are silenced.
In the end we have to judge by the fruits and actions. By the fruits Putin has put forth, he is clearly not on board with WEF. On the other hand, Tulsi Gabbard appears by her 'fruits' of the past to be on-board with WEF.
Tulsi completely supported the current Democrat agenda. She was there for and fully supportive of all the fun and games of the handouts, money printing, war posturing, lockdowns, and CRT indoctrination.
Now that it’s time to pay the bill and face the consequences of these actions she’s bailing. She’s not apologetic and her views haven’t changed. She’s just a parasite looking for a new host to feed off of and eventually destroy. She’s not going to be the last one either.
It is necessary to infiltrate the enemy (WEF) just like they have infiltrated the US gov’t. High probability some WEF members have been “replaced” or some people/Corps have joined WEF to keep close tabs on them. Think Cantor Fitzgerald. They are major target of 9-11 attack, clearly a Patriot operation, taking Rumble public, helping with DWAC, and yet WEF member?
Where do you think the “Fitzgerald” comes from? Maybe J-F-K Jr?
Since this came out in March it doesn't seem election related so it could be them just updating but of course, she could be their controlled op too. The fact she is still alive points to the fact that she is either with the white hats or black hats
Is she? Could be the ultimate double agent phyop. At least from your post we know the NWO thinks she is one of their's. All I am saying, to soon to pass judgement.
People always forget Q said most people are good, they've just been threatened or manipulated into serving evil. These people can be set free as we gain ground in this world war.
May be good, but served evil. About the ones, us, that spotted evil and refused to serve. In fact some of us quit jobs serving evil, move to the other side, and spent years trying to slow it down. In certain industries you know when you are serving evil; so many knew, they were doing the devils work for a paycheck. Many knew is the point, and had a choice.
Because Putin is a man of action and has shown quite clearly that he now rejects the WEF and he is running his country as he sees fit. Tulsi, on the other hand, has shown thru her actions that she is not be trusted by Republicans because what she says doesn't match what she does; she's inconsistent to say the least.
Two people can actually be members of the same group and view that membership quite differently. I can easily see Putin, like President Trump, join WEF just so he knows what his enemies are up to unlike Tulsi, who seems to take up their cause.
Don't forget, Klaus Schwab NAMES the Young Global Leaders forum. Sends them emails to notify. Nobody runs for the positions. "Tulsi!" actually attended.
Yeah like get along with Putin? Trump would have pulled those biolabs I would like to think. I also would like to think us "loving Putin so much" is a big overstatement. We can appreciate that he is no real threat to us at the end of the day and that he seems to serve his country better than demonrats serve the US, and not "love him"
I would even go as far to say that some WEF members may have been duped and are now seeing the light. There are many organisations that probably started with good intentions and are now obviously compromised.
I remember watching a WEF conference (I think last year) where Putin basically told Klaus to shove his one world vision where the sun don't shine.
I like Tulsi and I hope her intentions are genuine.
Remember that this war has been game planned since the death of JFK. So to position whitehats into the WEF in order to infiltrate from within, has to be part of the plan. It works both ways. You have to have actors on both sides playing both sides. This is not an opp that just started. No this has been in play for a long time. Many we will find connected to the globalists are going to turn out to be sleepers for our side. A good movie (sting op) requires great actors.
Those that are following sources like clandestine who are propping up Gabbard as some part of "the plan".
Those that will never trust Gabbard due to the CFR & WEF connections. Once a snek always a snek.
I remain optimistic, but I do find it interesting if not a significant "tell" when PAYtriots in-fight with each other just before something major like Gabbard's supposed shift is publicly announced.
I am "shadow banned" with most of my will post something on a channel like MSNBC or CNN that is def. "Right wing" and it will have NO interactions on replies etc..sneaky little fks at Google.
I just don’t know! Love Trump, but the vax push, was a bridge too far for me. He should have neutered the Federal Reserve and he backed away from pardoning Assange and Snowden. Glen Greenwald says he was threatened with a conviction on Impeachment! So even the greatest, have their foibles! I still love Trump! He has fewer issues! I will watch Tulsi’s actions and make my determination! Good start with endorsement of Kent!
YouTube blanket censors certain combinations of words. My comments get deleted all the time. Having to rephrase to get past censorship is certainly annoying.
It's a cabal. A mafia. Simple rules: If you quit you die. Yes, Tulsi must have joined but then when she saw what it was all about she maybe wanted out but there no exit door. Remember that she went to talk with Trump about Syria like in 2017 or something? Remember that? Maybe she also asked him for a way out at the time. That could have been when he told her to play like she is still a Democrat, endorse Joke Biden stay somewhat distant from him but then denounce it all this October & the white hats will protect her. Maybe this is part of the plan. If so I bet there will be more jumping ship with a similar message. Maybe Q even knows that enough Dems will jump to kick Pelosi out of the speaker. October isn't even 1/2 way though yet.....
Maybe means maybe, fren. She is obviously either with the white hats of the black hats because no one leaves the black hats & lives unless the white hats protect them.
She seems great to me. My only concern was her WEF involvement but she has taken moves against them & has not been killed so she is probably protected by the white hats which must mean she changed sides
She has stood against our proxy war in Syria (the one where Noname was actively funding ISIS leaders) She is questioning the Ukrainian biolabs. Those 2 are incredibly key imho. I think she is by now working with the white hats
Yes she has voted against the wall, which is a more minor point, imho and she is prochoice for all but long term abortion which, though I realize many on this board would disagree, I think it's fine since she is against long term abortion. The issue with "abortion" is that the Satanists like to use that as a way to sacrifice babies. They actually DO deliver them & do their horrible stuff but call them abortion. They fact that Tulsi draws that line makes me think she may know what is going on. The definition of where life begins is a debate but one thing is for sure, the Bible never said that life begins at conception. So yes, unless you can point out something I overlooked my guess is that she is, by now, working with the white hats. I of course don't know. If she tells me to worship Klaus Schwab I certainly won't but my guess is that she's on the up.
I am now looking forward to seeing who else the white hats have in line to defect to them, now that it is October. I bet there will be a few more ;)
She could always have been a flip for the Q team, lime maybe musk is. Q obviously controls google and youtube execs so the slow but steady great awakening can happen. least that is my guess on all this
I've heard this a lot today. It feels like everyone is under a spell with this woman.
Explain her voting record, explain her political past, and her military experience in psyops. If you mix all this together, even before you add a WEF connection, it still isn't good.
Interesting, thanks. Is there any indication he has ongoing involvement with them? I had assumed he had broken all ties with the various globalists, including of kicking out the Rothschild bankers etc etc.
Keep in mind that Deep State controlled Republicans and Democrats are all part of the Uni-Party.
Those NWO Cabal elites that control the Uni-Party don't really care which 'political party' one of their puppets claims to represent. They simply want to maintain control of the puppet show.
Tulsi Gabbard is just positioning herself to continue being a useful puppet for them. It's all lies. Vote her out of office and never re-elect her even for local positions. Tulsi will lie to fool people into trusting her, and then continue to stab America in the back. That's what NWO controlled puppets do.
Exactly. Why take any chance on anyone that probably is snake. Just get rid of all of them and be done with it.
It's still a good idea to use her comments about the treachery of the Democratic party to wake up our woke families. They might actually consider what she has to say and start thinking like humans with interests to protect, instead of like sheep being led stupidly to slaughter. That doesn't mean anyone has to vote for her.
Then she'll switch rhetoric and lead them all back to the demons for slaughter
Aren't those who rise fast to power controlled by Deep State?
Obama's rapid rise from being a nobody was my first red flag.
Your rise could be metioric as well if you blew everyone in Chicago's bath houses.
Check her military unit and then tell me what you think.
United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command
To me, this doesn't prove if she is a black hat or a white hat. It's just more information that shes good at playing both sides.
Unless there is a piece of information you're seeing that I am not?
She's been trained in PsyOps....
No. I'm just saying take it into consideration.
Better yet, take her stance on gun control into consideration.
Follow the voting records.
You can always jack off to her at night, and have your country still intact when you wake up the next morning.
What a weak ass response.
I'd respond to you, but I'm concerned about getting a wall of text that spans 6+ paragraphs.
I am saying that no matter what flag she flies under, her past voting record matters. Thats what solidifies the law.
And if she changes, questioning her is completely appropriate.
Trump didn't try to force everyone to take the jab, Tulsi wants our guns confiscated. Big difference.
I think everything is opposite. If you say disparage ng things about Putin and your not censored chances are he’s a WH and your claim isn’t a false so they allow it.
Tulsi, just the opposite and they have big plans for her as an infiltrator on the Republican side so you are silenced.
Chronic, Elon was on WEF as well and left. Yet alot of people post his stuff.
I don't trust Elon at all. Some of the other mods do.
Is that an honest question? Do you really not know?
Pretty blurry. I could photoshop better than that
No, that's the last thing she is.
Satanist Michael Aquino was also psyop command.
People are really trying to spin this psyops bit in their favor, which is exactly what someone trained in psyops would anticipate.
I sure don't trust her.
I don’t either. She isn’t a Christian & I’m not even sure she’s a chick TBH.
Shes a chick, you can tell by those hips in that illuminati picture from the side.
Guys dont have thighs like that.
Lol... I know these days it's hard to tell.
And she wants us disarmed.
This is why I think some of these people pushing Tulsi aren't really conservative.
Yeah. I don't believe she believes anything she says...
This is an important detail that shouldn't be overlooked. And I've been skeptical of Gabbard for a long time.
In the end we have to judge by the fruits and actions. By the fruits Putin has put forth, he is clearly not on board with WEF. On the other hand, Tulsi Gabbard appears by her 'fruits' of the past to be on-board with WEF.
Tulsi completely supported the current Democrat agenda. She was there for and fully supportive of all the fun and games of the handouts, money printing, war posturing, lockdowns, and CRT indoctrination.
Now that it’s time to pay the bill and face the consequences of these actions she’s bailing. She’s not apologetic and her views haven’t changed. She’s just a parasite looking for a new host to feed off of and eventually destroy. She’s not going to be the last one either.
I agree. She's a dark blue democrat who might only take some of your guns instead of all the guns. She didn't switch to repub. She isn't MAGA.
Rats jump ship after the election /not before
At least 2 Dem House members switched to GOP in the last week.
Wow. If enough follow suit Pelosi is out before the end of the year!!!
If those comments are getting deleted, you are over the target. That's how stupid big tech has become. They actually doing our vetting for us. LOL
I was shocked to see the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" fact checked the other day too.
I thought "What does this have to do with covid?"
It is necessary to infiltrate the enemy (WEF) just like they have infiltrated the US gov’t. High probability some WEF members have been “replaced” or some people/Corps have joined WEF to keep close tabs on them. Think Cantor Fitzgerald. They are major target of 9-11 attack, clearly a Patriot operation, taking Rumble public, helping with DWAC, and yet WEF member?
Where do you think the “Fitzgerald” comes from? Maybe J-F-K Jr?
Let’s ask some hard questions: Why has Tulsi been scrubbed from the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader Website? And why was her World Economic Forum ‘people’ profile removed in the last two weeks?
Tulsi Gabbard is making headlines again, while asking questions about biolabs in Ukraine.
Tulsi Gabbard Calls Mitt Romney a Treasonous Liar
Now ask her about gun control.
The difference is she was scrubbed before this stunt while Putin was deleted after his betrayal of them.
Since this came out in March it doesn't seem election related so it could be them just updating but of course, she could be their controlled op too. The fact she is still alive points to the fact that she is either with the white hats or black hats
Hmm, what's that adage about who you can/cannot criticize and what it means?
Not being able to speak out against certain people definitely gives us some clues about them.
Is she? Could be the ultimate double agent phyop. At least from your post we know the NWO thinks she is one of their's. All I am saying, to soon to pass judgement.
People always forget Q said most people are good, they've just been threatened or manipulated into serving evil. These people can be set free as we gain ground in this world war.
May be good, but served evil. About the ones, us, that spotted evil and refused to serve. In fact some of us quit jobs serving evil, move to the other side, and spent years trying to slow it down. In certain industries you know when you are serving evil; so many knew, they were doing the devils work for a paycheck. Many knew is the point, and had a choice.
Because Putin is a man of action and has shown quite clearly that he now rejects the WEF and he is running his country as he sees fit. Tulsi, on the other hand, has shown thru her actions that she is not be trusted by Republicans because what she says doesn't match what she does; she's inconsistent to say the least.
Two people can actually be members of the same group and view that membership quite differently. I can easily see Putin, like President Trump, join WEF just so he knows what his enemies are up to unlike Tulsi, who seems to take up their cause.
Don't forget, Klaus Schwab NAMES the Young Global Leaders forum. Sends them emails to notify. Nobody runs for the positions. "Tulsi!" actually attended.
Yet Trump in last speech said he would do something about Putin and Ukraine would never happen. I dunno why people love Putin so much.
Yeah like get along with Putin? Trump would have pulled those biolabs I would like to think. I also would like to think us "loving Putin so much" is a big overstatement. We can appreciate that he is no real threat to us at the end of the day and that he seems to serve his country better than demonrats serve the US, and not "love him"
I agree.
I would even go as far to say that some WEF members may have been duped and are now seeing the light. There are many organisations that probably started with good intentions and are now obviously compromised.
I remember watching a WEF conference (I think last year) where Putin basically told Klaus to shove his one world vision where the sun don't shine.
I like Tulsi and I hope her intentions are genuine.
Yep that was almost year before Ukraine.
Remember that this war has been game planned since the death of JFK. So to position whitehats into the WEF in order to infiltrate from within, has to be part of the plan. It works both ways. You have to have actors on both sides playing both sides. This is not an opp that just started. No this has been in play for a long time. Many we will find connected to the globalists are going to turn out to be sleepers for our side. A good movie (sting op) requires great actors.
Many we will find connected to the sleepers are going to turn out to be globalists.
here's one: Putin has spoken multiple times about evil and the New World Order. Has Tulsi? She is not to be trusted.
Isn't Tulsi the one with a white streak in her black hair?
Something stinks about her.
She's standing with Pepe.
Pepe Le Pew.
Seems like we have two camps.
Those that are following sources like clandestine who are propping up Gabbard as some part of "the plan".
Those that will never trust Gabbard due to the CFR & WEF connections. Once a snek always a snek.
I remain optimistic, but I do find it interesting if not a significant "tell" when PAYtriots in-fight with each other just before something major like Gabbard's supposed shift is publicly announced.
There's a 3rd camp:
Those of us that are looking at her political history, voting history, and military history. It doesn't point to anything MAGA.
Goes along with her being a distraction, and utilizing psyop tactics to distract.
Absolutely agreed.
I say no trust snek until verifiable beyond any doubts.
For reference.
I will say she sure sounds like a Kennedy Democrat and a Reagan Republican.
shes a spook for sure
Das raciss
You're ruining her cover by pointing it out. Lol. People believe she actually means the stuff she's saying... she's tryin to be Judas Sheep
I know dude, I can't believe how much we repeat this.
Sounds like a Judas Priest cover band.
"Hellbent, Hellbent for psyops!"
I am "shadow banned" with most of my will post something on a channel like MSNBC or CNN that is def. "Right wing" and it will have NO interactions on replies etc..sneaky little fks at Google.
Putin is not a part of the WEF. Remember he was KGB and he infiltrated them. I trust putin more then the leaders of our countries.
People seem to be confused by this.
You are correct, he was part of the WEF, and if you talked shit about him being part of of the WEF, your comment wasn't censored.
Why don't you simply look at what she's saying??????
Obama didn't secede from the wef, just keep an open mind.
But Obama openly said he was moving virus research to China and nobody commented and later it became a conspiracy theory to bring it up.
So not Tulsi?
They can't just jfk and one anymore. Unless related to the Clintons.
Ok, I'll look at her with earmuffs.
Better yet, look at her track record.
Red Man Bad
I just don’t know! Love Trump, but the vax push, was a bridge too far for me. He should have neutered the Federal Reserve and he backed away from pardoning Assange and Snowden. Glen Greenwald says he was threatened with a conviction on Impeachment! So even the greatest, have their foibles! I still love Trump! He has fewer issues! I will watch Tulsi’s actions and make my determination! Good start with endorsement of Kent!
If you know Trump, you know he's been anti-vax.
If you studied pandemic history, you know we botched the emergency vax for the Spanish Flu.
If you understand that Trump doesnt want us to blindly follow him, pushing the vax is separating the wheat from the chaff. This is a war.
YouTube blanket censors certain combinations of words. My comments get deleted all the time. Having to rephrase to get past censorship is certainly annoying.
The legs might change sides, but the torso is the same
Has anyone noticed when TG is D bashing she has a white streak in her hair and when she is not D bashing it's all black. Just something I have noticed
Wow. I never noticed that. I'll have to pay attention next time.
Do you have any videos?
It's a cabal. A mafia. Simple rules: If you quit you die. Yes, Tulsi must have joined but then when she saw what it was all about she maybe wanted out but there no exit door. Remember that she went to talk with Trump about Syria like in 2017 or something? Remember that? Maybe she also asked him for a way out at the time. That could have been when he told her to play like she is still a Democrat, endorse Joke Biden stay somewhat distant from him but then denounce it all this October & the white hats will protect her. Maybe this is part of the plan. If so I bet there will be more jumping ship with a similar message. Maybe Q even knows that enough Dems will jump to kick Pelosi out of the speaker. October isn't even 1/2 way though yet.....
I feel like people are using this excuse when they don't want to face the reality in front of them, because it renders the argument moot.
Maybe means maybe, fren. She is obviously either with the white hats of the black hats because no one leaves the black hats & lives unless the white hats protect them.
Yes, but when people use this excuse to ignore uncomfortable evidence, that's a problem.
what evidence am I ignoring?
You're going off of a story you made up about what "could" happen.
Voting records do not lie, military training does not leave, you have to base the evidence off events in the past. This does not lie.
She seems great to me. My only concern was her WEF involvement but she has taken moves against them & has not been killed so she is probably protected by the white hats which must mean she changed sides
She has stood against our proxy war in Syria (the one where Noname was actively funding ISIS leaders) She is questioning the Ukrainian biolabs. Those 2 are incredibly key imho. I think she is by now working with the white hats
Yes she has voted against the wall, which is a more minor point, imho and she is prochoice for all but long term abortion which, though I realize many on this board would disagree, I think it's fine since she is against long term abortion. The issue with "abortion" is that the Satanists like to use that as a way to sacrifice babies. They actually DO deliver them & do their horrible stuff but call them abortion. They fact that Tulsi draws that line makes me think she may know what is going on. The definition of where life begins is a debate but one thing is for sure, the Bible never said that life begins at conception. So yes, unless you can point out something I overlooked my guess is that she is, by now, working with the white hats. I of course don't know. If she tells me to worship Klaus Schwab I certainly won't but my guess is that she's on the up.
I am now looking forward to seeing who else the white hats have in line to defect to them, now that it is October. I bet there will be a few more ;)
Short answer: Yes.
More details:
Yes, can even mark words or phrases in comments to keep the whole comment from being viewed, aka shadowbanned.
She could always have been a flip for the Q team, lime maybe musk is. Q obviously controls google and youtube execs so the slow but steady great awakening can happen. least that is my guess on all this
I've heard this a lot today. It feels like everyone is under a spell with this woman.
Explain her voting record, explain her political past, and her military experience in psyops. If you mix all this together, even before you add a WEF connection, it still isn't good.
And then theres this:*xaBf6DsOUalbeZexfQJRIA.jpeg
Part of the club...
Who is she psyops for though, guys?
Didn't Hillary Clinton call her a Russian asset? Like uh... some other guy.... a lot of people like him, can't think of the name, uh.... 😉
Or, was that the double-double cross?
Just isn't clear to me. Yet.
For one, the WEF removed her.
Is there a two?
It's 5d Intergalactic Chess bro
The WEF kicked Putin out.
I know this, but pointing out he was in the WEF, (before he was kicked out) did not get comments deleted.
I feel like night shift is reading the title different from day shift. Lol.
Actually, it's day shift for me, since I live in Japan. Many of these topics have been up for hours before I get around to reading them.
It's ok, and I do remember you being one of the J-anons. I have some friends out there, so Im used to jumping around JST. 😊
Wait, are you saying Putin is WEF?
Putin was WEF. See the archive link:
And Nancy Pelosi.
Interesting, thanks. Is there any indication he has ongoing involvement with them? I had assumed he had broken all ties with the various globalists, including of kicking out the Rothschild bankers etc etc.
No, but some people still speculate.
Really depends on what flavor of Kool Aid you prefer.
But according to the WEF, they have cut ties since the Ukraine escalation.
Yeah, it seems like the Kool Aid sample packs are being shared around left and right these days.
Let me ask you this, do you like guns?
How do you feel about Tulsi's positions on firearms?
An outsider that voted with Pelosi and Schiff more than 95% of the time. Democrat, Leftist back-bencher, drone.
By your logic, so is Rachel Levine.