Elon fired 99.4% of twitter staff and the site is still running so far
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Nick Huber
Musk is now running Twitter with less than 50 key employees, down for 7,500 at its peak.
“Everything is normal, we may be profitable soon.” He says.

I'd bet every penny I have that most corporations in operation today could do the same thing and run even better. The entire concept of "middle management" is some unique kind of stupid that MBA retards fell for several decades ago. Corporations have been dumbed down and caused to falter by how much padding of the payrolls they are carrying. If you only look at "charitable" or "research" corporations you'd find you need exactly 0% of the current employees.
I totally agree. Big corporations get bloated, just like our government. People who have no real skills other than "dealing with people" climb the management ladder, to make more and more money and do less and less actual work. It's really simple. Keep the people who produce and can the ones who are just parasites.
What is it you say you do here?
I already told you, I deal with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to! I'm a people person!
I've got PEOPLE skills Dammit !!!11
I found that with too many employees they would end up sitting around waiting for someone else to do the work, and things didn't get done. Of course there was the added drama. I noticed they always got more work done when I had the minimal employees needed to do the job.
Read thread…whales…etc…. https://twitter.com/oliverbcampbell/status/1593434329153245185
We badly need a B Ark, and to then just launch it into the Sun.
For a site like Twitter? Probably. You don't need a team of thousands of coders to make and maintain what is essentially a forum where people make posts. Especially not if an "algorithm" is what is handling most bans.
Even game development has a max of like, 3-400 and a lot of those get shifted to other teams after development is complete. That's a group of people creating something from (in some cases) nothing.
Twitter is a forum. I wonder how many people are working on the .wins.
Your number of employees shrinks further if you are contracting out your servers to a farm too.
Yeah if they are not having to maintain servers they don’t need as many employees as they had. I wonder what types of folks didn’t quit? Obviously not afraid to do work.
Server farms are notorious for being staffed by very few people. We have a lot of them out here where electricity is only 2.6 cents per kwh. They consume power, but hardly hire anyone and they usually bring those employees from out of town.
Meanwhile the lib.s are trying to tear down all the damns built by our forefathers, cuz fish or something.
Well yes and no. You may not have to deal woth the physical infrastructure but you still have to manage the operating systems. Patching and OS upgrades, security, install and life cycle management. It can be mostly virtual but you still need people to manage all that. Historically they were the same people that would have managed the hardware.
A lot of that is automatable now, and if not, unfortunately, much can be outsourced to India.
Yeah my company just did the India thing. Whatever man. Tell yourself whatever you need to believe. It's fine. I just know the reality on the ground. Indian folk, some of them, are very good. Mostly those make it to the US and upon getting here demand a salary like those who are already here.
I lived in Silicon Valley in the 1980's and am a software developer. I wanted a family and a life, meaning I wanted mostly 40 hour weeks, whereas SV insisted the minimum was 60 hour weeks and asked for 80.
I left SV for that reason.
And I have no sympathy for the Twitter workers as they were abusers both for suppression of Conservative thought, but also of their employers largesse.
Even with mostly automated systems, you do need people to maintain them, even if they live in the cloud. Things go wrong all the time and someone has to go in and intervene. So that being said I do believe he can operate with a skeleton crew, but that would limit the future as no new things can be added. But new things can be for sometime in the future and not now.
Right? A medium town employer who values your skills and needs them will pay you more and let you be true to your own self (family etc) because everyone needs a website nowadays.
As I said in another post though, he has Tesla employees involved in the transition and a massive pool of talent to draw from, so where he may need more people, he can pull them in and train as needed without importing the old Twitter culture.
I suppose that's the thing I left out of this post; more may end up being needed to maintain systems, but by starting from scratch and getting rid of the meditation room safe space types, he can remove that messed up culture and prevent it from tainting new hires.
I actually listed recent MMO expansion numbers, and that does include management and marketing, and also engine developers, so on.
Additionally, processing data is not exactly a manual job. It's automated and the automation is maintained. As long as you have the processing capacity, required LAN and internet speeds and the baseline code (as well as people who know how to modify, add and subtract) most of the initial work is done.
Maintaining a system is very much different than starting a system from scratch, and while I'm being a bit reductionist here for the sake of post size, they certainly didn't need the meditation room safe space types that taint the work culture for new hires.
I'm not sure why I opened your post and it had a downvote, especially since nothing you said is wrong.
I worked for a certain job once that employeed probably like 75% more people than needed. You literally sat around most days and did nothing.
People made careers of it.
Drove me crazy. Getting nothing accomplished in a day drives one literally crazy.
There are plenty of careers where doing nothing most days is important- like I worked at the Water Board for a couple summers in college, and they employ at least 4x more workers than necessary, but when water lines break or pipes freeze, we desperately need that excess capacity to be trained and competent. And many of them were on call 24/7.
But utilities are about it- same with the power company. We want them to be staffed 4x more than necessary so if there is a massive storm, we aren't out of power for the next month.
With the immense technological advances in things like food production (primarily the combustion engine to plant and harvest so it's not done by hand), transportation, and communication, the essentials of human life: food, water, shelter, warmth- are so easy to produce. We should have the option to work 20 hours/week and live like kings. Not because other people are doing our work for us, but because machines do so much now.
The only thing standing in the way is money dilution that attempts to make our labor functionally worthless.
What Elon did was brilliant - this way he doesn't have to pay that overly-handsome "get out of my kitchen" payola - or fire more. Let me explain when got out of college and worked on Wall St, we ALL were expected to work til 11pm, somtimes til 2am, taxi home, taxi back, order in from restaurants, eat at our desks, work weekend after weekend, analysts and associates went to the bathroom to cry, then come back and get it done. It made us the best of the best, and I would - many out there who would - put inthe same for Twitter. I will tell you most of their code is crap, and there's zero documentation. That kind of work ethic made America. It does not exist in leftie-land.
That kind of "work ethic" is what leads people to kill themselves. Japan has a real problem with that.
His attitude is very prevalent in the right wing and blue collar spheres, though. Working like a dog is a point of pride and they absolutely will look down on others that don't do it. I remember seeing a discussion on this on ConPro where someone asked on Patriots.win why the left has time to get organized and got buried under answers of people going on about how they work 10, 12, 14 hours a day.
Do you still work on Wall St?
"It made us the best of the best," sez you. At what cost? Not worth it.
Curious, what do you base that on?
A company I'm familiar with hired several engineering middle management kinds of people about a year ago. The end result was a lot of engineers leaving the company. Some of these middle managers were good at first (i.e. hands off, get the shit you need kinds of people ... they're great). Most were horrible though (i.e. not having a fucking clue how to bring something to life. A good one boosts productivity since they love handling the shitwork needed to get something running ... but they're rarely good.
I personally think the mistake was fatal ... we will see. I have never seen such retardation personally, but it is funny watching it unfold :-).
Yeah my firm just added another layer of management it seems, I guess I'll be in the next exodus myself this time.
My company just laid off basically all of it's operations team and outcourced to an international MSP. The MSP is so bad that people come to meetings where changes are being implemented and the people who are now tasked with doing it don't even know how to logon to the devices where the changes are being made.
For whatever reason I still work there and it is both hilarious and sad to watch. Someone told the executive management team this was a good idea. Meanwhile the fires are getting bigger.
I expect to be fired come the new year and am planning for that. The people who took charge (upper management) only care about cost and not about having people who know how to do the job.
I have a feeling twitter Was being used for psychological warfare you don’t need that many people to run a social media website there is something sinister a foot
And money laundering!
Easy to hide dollars in salaries.
I think you're onto something there. Or as a front to pay operatives. Twitter employees work remote and don't do much real work, so they can do whatever lefty activism while they get a fat silicon valley paycheck.
Several of those fired have been outted as Antifa. I'm certain that there are way more.
It's a lot of streetshitters that bathe once a month?
Oh. I just think it's their culture to not be humble and showing off is a must. Teslas or bust!
Also without their movies I would never know you can slide a horse under a truck, kill baddies with a banana, fall perfectly into a suitcase, literally changes the rate of gravity, again, and again.
I wonder if the pastry chef still has her job.
why not SBF ran his shitshow FTX with 10......
Money laundering?? Maybe those employees didn't exist.
Maybe it is time for Elon to cut his losses and sell out to DWAC. kek
Half price should be the going rate now.
The deep state would shit their drawers, but I'd be very good with that.
I’d like that because I don’t like TS user interface.
I never used Twitter so I can’t comment on their user face, but I’m with you on Truth. Not a fan of the user face AT ALL.
https://rumble.com/v1vfm00-lawless-oligarch-space-karen-mediocre-manchild-petty-racist-worthless-billi.html Seems 50 is still too many. "Lawless oligarch, space Karen, mediocre manchild, petty racist worthless billionaire," was projected at Twitter's HQ last night. - it's actually longer insult than that from the video.
> worthless billionaire
lmfao wut
"Space Karen?"
And you thought the left couldn't meme.
Well, you were wrong, Space Karen.
I think they just misgendered Elon.
Isn't that a crime now?
Rumor has it that that people are in happier states around the Wolrd.
It's going to get tough for these pieces of shit find a job in the future.
It's going to be evident to everyone they did nothing and have no skills.
Perhaps their main function was writing liberal narratives and running bot farms?
Aww, so sad that all the 20-something and 30-something childless women with corgis and pitbulls working at twitter can't get their free lattes and wine bars, then go meditate in a meditation chamber, then play ping pong, then spend maybe 30 minutes in a meeting talking about how oppressed they are, then go home to open mouth kiss their pitbulls, and demand their boyfriends rub their feet after such a hard day at work.
Who else read this and immediately thought "Hmm. Bet we could do the EXACT SAME THING with the fedgov; and it, too, would work better than ever before."
Sounds like about 7,450 work from home, commie censorship, wokesters have left the building for good.
Wow, turned from a ministry of Truth, to a town square for free speech. Way to go Elon, ahem, let that sink in.
Remember when Elon brought in 50 engineers from Tesla? Pepe farms remembers. That would mean virtually every last Twitter employee fired.
Is that comms? Think back to Feynman and Challenger.
And 7500*(1-0.994)=45 Hmm….
I used to work for Tesla on the energy generation side of their business. (The cars are part of the consumption side while the batteries are storage.) I'm not sure how "hardcore" Elon wanted Tweeters working, but I'd wager a hefty bet that it isn't nearly as close to working on a glass roof of a two story house in the elements. I've seen many new hires go through a week of training on mock roofs just to leave their equipment at the warehouse on their first day of work. The weak-willed end up weeding themselves out one way or another.
Yet, you left?
Yes, due to a knee injury.
How many 'employees' are Federal employees getting a kickbacks vis-a-vis the fake job at Twitter?
Yeah, you really don't need that many people to run a website.
A team of 50 is sufficient.
Great Job, Elon! Thank you!
Not sure the entire infrastructure would collapse after 2 days.
It's going to be interesting to see if it stays that way, or if they start hiring lots of new people.
Edited to add;
I went looking for some news on this, and it looks like Elon is asking anyone who knows how to code and/or understands how Twitter operates to get in contact with him.
So if anyone here codes, and wants to shoot their shot, here you go;
I honestly always thought like 50 people worked at Twitter anyways
Stickied just because of true, it’s F-ing KEKTACULAR!
Worked in a family owned corp, we had 4 quality control guys per 1 operator.
Dedication to a job is almost a dead art. I applaud the ones left doing it.
This is why I have been building a business for 5 years on the side. The goal is to do something big with a limited amount of people.
The rest were human bots