I don't completely trust Musk. Kenye, Musk, DeSantis, etc. They seem like there are wolves in sheep clothing. They say the right things but are they really for Trump or are they going to try and sway people away. Musk is seemingly a Satanist. These people have to be watched closely.
The NPC, MSM, and DS stooges wouldn't be so openly against the Musk habbening timeline if it were to their benefit.
Much the same way they treated Trump. Smearing, lying, gaslighting, and narrative injection... They are pushing back against Musk tooth & nail. This alone should give us a good idea of where Musk lands on the hat color wheel.
Except they also pushed back against all controlled conservative journalists. They are playing a game to fool us. I don’t trust nuffin or nobody at this point, except Trump. And even then I know that he could be providing mis-direction and disinformation.
this is true. i just want to make sure normies don't just absolutely follow a guy who pushed chip injection etc. he is seemingly helping but just beware of traps.
So true. Globos wouldn't be shitting their pants like they are if Musk were on their side. I noticed this phenomenon when Trump ran in 2016. The globos go after a person or concept, and reveal themselves. I count Musk as a wild card, and have no problem with that. The card is getting pretty wild.
while a lot of people might not want to hear this. he said that he would support desantis for president. he didn't say trump. so "if trump and desantis run what does this mean. what i am saying is beware. i am not saying they are not maybe good for the plan but much fool a lot of people.
It's possible they were all black hats who are now switching to the winning white hat side. Ignore what they did in the past and focus on their recent fruits.
You will know them by their fruits.
I'm not saying ignore everything bad that they have done, I'm saying their recent behaviors speak volumes about which side they are on. I think Kanye is a white hat, Elon is probably a white hat and Ron desantis feels like a gray or black hat.
you get what i am saying. they can be trying to win us over for future sabotage. the keyword is possibly. no one really knows but need to watch what they do.
They are trying to lower the tone of the awesome event, while riding the successful wave. We are going to do really awesome things together once we can flutter without evol constraints.
The best explanation I've heard about Elon is that he's done a lot of very bad things and been around others when they were doing very bad things, the worst of which involved child sex trafficking and at a minimum witnessing abuse of the children and turning a blind eye. The trafficking apparently involved his father, who runs with that crowd. The theory is he flipped when presented with the evidence and his options (quick trial, Chinese style, was one). He's going along, playing his part to expose Twitter and will be dealt with later. He is not expected to get off for the crimes he committed, but will be able to salvage some of his legacy and assets for his family. That's the theory presented by SG Anon.
A theory is literally an explanation based on conjecture and speculation, not evidence. He mentioned his research into Elon's background, his father's background and his knowledge of the tactics being used to clean out deep state people, including flipping them and having them play a role in exchange for a deal. If it doesn't resonate with you, reject it. If you have contrary information that invalidates it, please share. Most of us here just want to figure out the truth.
I think he and people like Kanye are necessary evil’s to win. I’ve stopped trying to figure those two out. Same with Desantis. It’s easy for me, I’m not the trusting type. You gotta prove your loyalty to me. (Childhood baggage and all)
Elon is not looking to awake us, to be able to wake up the left he need them to stay on the platform. Coming out as a Trump supporter would definately drive them away. So much emotion around Trump it’s basically pointless to argue with people now.
My understanding is that Elon Musk is fully a White Hat with insider connections to Mars projects involving extreme amounts of benefits for us from rare mineral mining underground there. And that this is not futuristic, it is just "secret', and very real. Also that we are making a big mistake, a naive one, to condemn all ai or brain chip research ideas, his intention is to use the work towards a better world for humanity. This in view of the fact that transhumanism, per se, has it's dark side, the one the cabal pursues, and has it's direct opposite, the research that will enable people to progress into a future in a positive way not one designed to control and enslave the masses (again, the cabal goal at all times). People tend to be suspicious of Musk because he is involved in ai/human studies and creations. I would rather have him monitoring it in our world than the cabal having a monopoly on it. It is a form of evolution that cannot be avoided, and White Hats are aware that it needs balance. As for Elon owning twitter, it is a source of great hope for me personally, in the information war. We have to wake up the sleeping naive sheep... for some, the only way is through the same media that lulled them to sleep, but through exposure to red pills. Go Elon! He absolutely does have my full support. Perfect, he does not need to be, though. Not at all. In these trying times I am grateful he even exists and is on our side and as he says, will vote republican. Now let's clean up the RNC.
Elon is saying, I don't conform to the official narrative. Could the diet coke in the picture mean he supports President Trump? I ask because the President is a fan of that soda.
I would not be surprised if Elon was on these boards as a regular and reading these posts...He's pretty plugged in. And it's not out of the realm of possibility that he may actually have interest in Q and the Plan.
Elon Musk may be a deceiver, who purposely has set himself on the fence of MAGA vs. WEF. Appearance is often fabricated. Discernment is made by reviewing the individual's history. Recently, Elon Musk tweeted he'd support Ron DeSanctimonious for President.. Mixed messages? This is the MO of what deceivers do. A confused public is a divided public. Just as the troll master intends. Is this what Musk is doing? Is he taking a page from DJT's playbook. Fraudsters only imitate so they can steal from the faithful public.
Remain loyal to the movement. Do not be swayed by celebrities who happen to say or do something based. We must be more exceptional than blades of grass that bend whichever way the winds blow.
Personally, I think he's a work in progress. I think he was a lefty that has "seen the light" but not fully embraced it yet. But I think he's our guy. He's by no means perfect but neither is Trump. We take the good with the bad.
As the saying goes, time will tell. I will say that Starlink is an awesome thing when you live in the middle of nowhere in the mountains, when high speed internet is provided by no one. If my sativa medicine is too strong I do get paranoid about it though, he has a lot of control, I don't know if I care for that, he also seems to be a fan of global commerce and power. Just because he has that picture does not mean it is there all the time, or that he is a patriot. He is a troll, though. Flint nosed Yankee here, not impressed by wealth and celebrity. He is also an atheist, and one of his kids is named xyzlmnop or something. It's all a movie, he makes it amusing.
People do change. I did when I was 31.....when I found Christ......received His Spirit. I am now a "new creature in Christ Jesus". Apply this test - "by their fruits you will know them"! Watch for the fruit and "know those who labor upon you".
i think so, his family has an unique history & he's extremely good at stirring the pot, could be a whitehat pretending to be bad, to 'show' us. and don't know why else would he have that picture by his bedside.
On what basis would the DS expose itself for color revolution and suppression to sway elections? The DS is already responding by using Apple as a weapon against Musk. There is no foreseeable path to prevent Musk from fulfilling his promise to expose it.
Not a fren(think tunnels...), the personnel running his twitter and running the double are.
Think about it this way, the chances of some douchy flamboyant billionaire with a history of at times out of control drug use and unpredictable behavior not only being a good guy but also being controlled and contained enough to be as consistent as he is suddenly proving himself to be in spite of a history of the opposite...
Him rotting in a cell at gitmo(not up to date on whether he is still alive...) and replaced with a double and personnel from either Space Force or someone higher up on the food chain as a part of a coordinated awakening operation effort.
I believe there has been more than one 'Musk' tweet that has been a Q delta...
I don't completely trust Musk. Kenye, Musk, DeSantis, etc. They seem like there are wolves in sheep clothing. They say the right things but are they really for Trump or are they going to try and sway people away. Musk is seemingly a Satanist. These people have to be watched closely.
Always exercise discernment. There are bound to be double and triple agents.
Still, it's hard to imagine how Elon's actions re:Twitter could benefit the DS.
Solid advice in general, and I concur.
The NPC, MSM, and DS stooges wouldn't be so openly against the Musk habbening timeline if it were to their benefit.
Much the same way they treated Trump. Smearing, lying, gaslighting, and narrative injection... They are pushing back against Musk tooth & nail. This alone should give us a good idea of where Musk lands on the hat color wheel.
Except they also pushed back against all controlled conservative journalists. They are playing a game to fool us. I don’t trust nuffin or nobody at this point, except Trump. And even then I know that he could be providing mis-direction and disinformation.
Even with Trump you need to exercise discernment.
Case in point: clotshot pusher.
Discernment in all things, and in all people. This is what being truly sovereign means. No need for 'leaders'.
And watch the parkin' meters.
Yup. Case in point: all the libtards who now LOVE GWB.
On some level he absolutely has been a part of the misinformation campaign.
The question for “newly” awakened Anons is “why” and “what is the motivation”.
A diehard lefty that awakens is going to struggle A LOT more with this than a gun toting, Trump supporting Anon.
this is true. i just want to make sure normies don't just absolutely follow a guy who pushed chip injection etc. he is seemingly helping but just beware of traps.
So true. Globos wouldn't be shitting their pants like they are if Musk were on their side. I noticed this phenomenon when Trump ran in 2016. The globos go after a person or concept, and reveal themselves. I count Musk as a wild card, and have no problem with that. The card is getting pretty wild.
Or he’s playing his role as a new conservative to get the right on his side and vote for Desantis like he’s been promoting.
I believe he has stated that he is already for desantis. After GEOTUS had announced.
Also hard to imagine how he (a "private citizen") obtained twitter from the DS. I have trouble with that one sometimes
When the DS made Twitter a public company, they never thought anyone would buy all of it.
That oversight made twitter vulnerable.
while a lot of people might not want to hear this. he said that he would support desantis for president. he didn't say trump. so "if trump and desantis run what does this mean. what i am saying is beware. i am not saying they are not maybe good for the plan but much fool a lot of people.
They cannot come out and say they are for Trump.
We already ruined that option lol.
When Musk first purchased Twitter.
There were Anons making memes of "West, Musk, and Trump" working together. I am sure the MSM saw these memes.
So that means that Trump, West, and Musk cannot be associated with each other now.
If they come out and support each other.
The media will link them to our movement.
Which defeats the whole point of optics.
Its theater. Keep your enemy off balance. Appear weak when you are strong. Art of War.
It's possible they were all black hats who are now switching to the winning white hat side. Ignore what they did in the past and focus on their recent fruits.
You will know them by their fruits.
I'm not saying ignore everything bad that they have done, I'm saying their recent behaviors speak volumes about which side they are on. I think Kanye is a white hat, Elon is probably a white hat and Ron desantis feels like a gray or black hat.
A lot of what we perceive as "white hats" are former black hats as well.
Nobody has clean hands. Flynn was military and intel to boot. You think his hands are clean?
Ex-CIA clowns, their hands are clean?
Redemption is a thing however. Recognizing past bad (even criminal) actions and taking steps IN THIS LIFETIME to correct them is a commendable action.
Or you can be like Hillary/Mcstain/Soros/Rothchild and be demonic to the very end.
you get what i am saying. they can be trying to win us over for future sabotage. the keyword is possibly. no one really knows but need to watch what they do.
I'll trust Elon more when the liberals in government try to shut down Tesla.
It’s possible Elon has some leverage with how SEC handled Tesla short sellers. The slow squeeze was not exactly how it should have played out.
One thing for sure I've learned in life,,, nobody does nothin for nothin.
I wake up every morning and say "wtf is going on" lol 😂
Hahaha me too
If anyone can lead the curious into a Red Pill9ng moment. His methods are working in favor of the Great Awakening.
It is that or a coopting stealthily for a limited/controlled Great Awakening. I don't think any other scenarios fit!
They are trying to lower the tone of the awesome event, while riding the successful wave. We are going to do really awesome things together once we can flutter without evol constraints.
it's a post....don't get all f'd up over it.....COMMS
The best explanation I've heard about Elon is that he's done a lot of very bad things and been around others when they were doing very bad things, the worst of which involved child sex trafficking and at a minimum witnessing abuse of the children and turning a blind eye. The trafficking apparently involved his father, who runs with that crowd. The theory is he flipped when presented with the evidence and his options (quick trial, Chinese style, was one). He's going along, playing his part to expose Twitter and will be dealt with later. He is not expected to get off for the crimes he committed, but will be able to salvage some of his legacy and assets for his family. That's the theory presented by SG Anon.
Does his theory come with any evidence besides pure imagination and conjecture?
A theory is literally an explanation based on conjecture and speculation, not evidence. He mentioned his research into Elon's background, his father's background and his knowledge of the tactics being used to clean out deep state people, including flipping them and having them play a role in exchange for a deal. If it doesn't resonate with you, reject it. If you have contrary information that invalidates it, please share. Most of us here just want to figure out the truth.
@RealSGAnon is a sock account for Phil Fraudlewski.
I'm still cautious and on the fence about Musk.
He's parroted every WEF point:
• Wants carbon tax
• Wants one world government
• Transhumanist who wants brain microchip implants
• Believes in UBI
• Was pro clotshot
He many have turned white hat recently but his track record isn't great. Time will tell.
I think he and people like Kanye are necessary evil’s to win. I’ve stopped trying to figure those two out. Same with Desantis. It’s easy for me, I’m not the trusting type. You gotta prove your loyalty to me. (Childhood baggage and all)
As Moulder would say, TRUST NO ONE!
Elon is not looking to awake us, to be able to wake up the left he need them to stay on the platform. Coming out as a Trump supporter would definately drive them away. So much emotion around Trump it’s basically pointless to argue with people now.
This should be the number one statement on the boards and out in public.
That picture is the inside of the lid of a musket presentation case and I'm betting it was one owned by Washington.
My understanding is that Elon Musk is fully a White Hat with insider connections to Mars projects involving extreme amounts of benefits for us from rare mineral mining underground there. And that this is not futuristic, it is just "secret', and very real. Also that we are making a big mistake, a naive one, to condemn all ai or brain chip research ideas, his intention is to use the work towards a better world for humanity. This in view of the fact that transhumanism, per se, has it's dark side, the one the cabal pursues, and has it's direct opposite, the research that will enable people to progress into a future in a positive way not one designed to control and enslave the masses (again, the cabal goal at all times). People tend to be suspicious of Musk because he is involved in ai/human studies and creations. I would rather have him monitoring it in our world than the cabal having a monopoly on it. It is a form of evolution that cannot be avoided, and White Hats are aware that it needs balance. As for Elon owning twitter, it is a source of great hope for me personally, in the information war. We have to wake up the sleeping naive sheep... for some, the only way is through the same media that lulled them to sleep, but through exposure to red pills. Go Elon! He absolutely does have my full support. Perfect, he does not need to be, though. Not at all. In these trying times I am grateful he even exists and is on our side and as he says, will vote republican. Now let's clean up the RNC.
Elon is saying, I don't conform to the official narrative. Could the diet coke in the picture mean he supports President Trump? I ask because the President is a fan of that soda.
Musk is doing everything to help us right now so I think Optics to distance himself from Q is important
Everyone is a fren when they do good.
This 🔺🔺🔺 the enemy of my enemy is not a dummy 🤣
I would not be surprised if Elon was on these boards as a regular and reading these posts...He's pretty plugged in. And it's not out of the realm of possibility that he may actually have interest in Q and the Plan.
oh, and what's up, Elon!
Elon Musk may be a deceiver, who purposely has set himself on the fence of MAGA vs. WEF. Appearance is often fabricated. Discernment is made by reviewing the individual's history. Recently, Elon Musk tweeted he'd support Ron DeSanctimonious for President.. Mixed messages? This is the MO of what deceivers do. A confused public is a divided public. Just as the troll master intends. Is this what Musk is doing? Is he taking a page from DJT's playbook. Fraudsters only imitate so they can steal from the faithful public.
Remain loyal to the movement. Do not be swayed by celebrities who happen to say or do something based. We must be more exceptional than blades of grass that bend whichever way the winds blow.
Trust NO ONE but God. Then you won’t be surprised or disappointed.
Personally, I think he's a work in progress. I think he was a lefty that has "seen the light" but not fully embraced it yet. But I think he's our guy. He's by no means perfect but neither is Trump. We take the good with the bad.
Leftists negotiated away his country …. He is a fren
As the saying goes, time will tell. I will say that Starlink is an awesome thing when you live in the middle of nowhere in the mountains, when high speed internet is provided by no one. If my sativa medicine is too strong I do get paranoid about it though, he has a lot of control, I don't know if I care for that, he also seems to be a fan of global commerce and power. Just because he has that picture does not mean it is there all the time, or that he is a patriot. He is a troll, though. Flint nosed Yankee here, not impressed by wealth and celebrity. He is also an atheist, and one of his kids is named xyzlmnop or something. It's all a movie, he makes it amusing.
People do change. I did when I was 31.....when I found Christ......received His Spirit. I am now a "new creature in Christ Jesus". Apply this test - "by their fruits you will know them"! Watch for the fruit and "know those who labor upon you".
That's the truth fren.
I didn't find Christ until I was 33.
I see him as more of a fren in training.
I love Elon Musk. He is hilarious. Best billionaire ever.
Dear Lord, how many of these posts do you have to do?????
We won't be sure about the truth for a while but he's very entertaining in the meantime.
Figure I'll do one every time something interesting happens.
i think so, his family has an unique history & he's extremely good at stirring the pot, could be a whitehat pretending to be bad, to 'show' us. and don't know why else would he have that picture by his bedside.
Didn’t Musk just endorse DeSantis a couple days ago?
Yes according to the media.
I think Elon just likes what Ron DeSantis is doing in Florida.
So Musk posted the tongue-in-cheek meme of cigar-puffing Pepe AND the Durham boat?
On what basis would the DS expose itself for color revolution and suppression to sway elections? The DS is already responding by using Apple as a weapon against Musk. There is no foreseeable path to prevent Musk from fulfilling his promise to expose it.
At the very least, he is a very entertaining troll.
Trolling q and anons would be very funny for a man in his position.
I like what he's doing, but there's a few things he's done or said that make me wonder.
The possibility is still on the table that he's playing us, and is a DS asset who is playing the part of going 'DS Rogue'.
I'm here for now.
Side note: im starting to think he visits greatawakening.win
Not a fren(think tunnels...), the personnel running his twitter and running the double are.
Think about it this way, the chances of some douchy flamboyant billionaire with a history of at times out of control drug use and unpredictable behavior not only being a good guy but also being controlled and contained enough to be as consistent as he is suddenly proving himself to be in spite of a history of the opposite...
Him rotting in a cell at gitmo(not up to date on whether he is still alive...) and replaced with a double and personnel from either Space Force or someone higher up on the food chain as a part of a coordinated awakening operation effort.
I believe there has been more than one 'Musk' tweet that has been a Q delta...
I don't subscribe to the "cabal has already been executed" theory.
A fren or a Pretender? I am leaning towards pretender.