I think the first red pill begins the effect of which you speak. Going down rabbit holes is what Netflix is training the normies for with the binge format. Once you start the awakening process, there’s no going back and not enough hours in the day!
Well…. Unless the military took over the media and flooded it out. Then Normies would Awaken to, “okay the military just assumed control WTF is wrong!?!” But I understand a steady drip. When do we go to at least a steady stream? Not facet open yet, but squirt gun style stream? Of course I guess that’s what Twitter is doing on their part.
I think the Brunson Supreme Court case is going to lead us to that. That case is so simple it’s brilliant. The only thing they need to prove is that the 385 defendants broke their oath of office by voting no on investigating claims of election fraud. Here’s how I think this plays out. Supreme Court rules they did break their oath and in one day, we only have about 100 members of congress left. All the deep state out of office, but no arrests yet. Trump returns with no election, states fill the empty seats with new representatives who are for the people. The military takes over the media to let the people know what is going on and perhaps even has a presence in the street to prevent riots. The EBS could be involved in this time to explain. Then with Trump back and a fresh congress, the real investigations start. Then the floodgates open and the arrests start happening. The Brunson case has really shifted how I expect things to play out.
Drip is absolutely the right way. Death by 1000 cuts. One big dump would just allow them to easily bury it in the news cycle. This way it is constantly shifting the zeitgeist. They did the same thing to us with endless investigations against Trump, but this is 20x worse (for them) because it isn't a nothingburger.
too much of the Hillary, Epstein, WikiLeaks, etc was dumped all at once... then everyone would 'redump' the same old stuff, anytime then noticed a poart of it THEY had not personally seen yet, bundled together with no new info or guidance but with all of the other stuff 'for completeness' and hype it up as if it was something new over and over until anything related to it was blown off as a 'nothing burger, already knew that' meanwhile nothing of substance in it was really talked about by normies.
Drip drop forces the msm to intentionally ignore it for weeks, while giving normies plenty of time to have this news reach them through other means, causing at least a few normies to ask "why isn't this on the news?", redpilling them a bit and lowering their trust in the MSM.
I think the dripping also allows for the libtards to dig even deeper holes for themselves by making ridiculous excuses and such, when by the time it's "all" out on whatever topic, they have thoroughly proven their assholeness and stupidity
You asking that question of a people that have come to live by the sound bite.
The ability to soak up information in volume is lost on the sheeple. It would fly right over their heads, and never even scratch the surface. They have to be fed a slow drip, and each message must be repeated over and over to reach them.
The drip drip is awesome because I love watching all the libtards melting down on a regular basis... Watching their heads explode is absolutely priceless... kekek... 😂😂😂
OP: Tim Pool is getting lambasted for attacking the drip drip Chinese water torture Elon is doing. Almost all the posts agree with the method. We all know the media is experts at ignoring and covering up, this story is getting bigger every drop.
It’s almost like the Q posts except on an open platform.
MSM would distract for a month. After a month they would say "this is old news."
It also allows the NPC's to set up defenses that are later destroyed. Example: "Twitter can censor free speech. It is not government. Soon its shown the censorship was at the request of government. "
I agree with @ThreeSevens. The drip drip drip strategy makes it damn near impossible for the deep state to memory hole what's being revealed.
It also has the added benefit of giving normies a way to build their understanding of how this world really works. Rather than being overwhelmed with the cabal's duplicity all in one fell swoop and shutting down, they are being fed manageable bites that slowly pull back the curtain to reveal the evil hiding behind it.
For them, those newly awakened, this pace is BLISTERING. For those who already know, it's hard not to be impatient. But the more who can be coaxed awake, the more souls will be saved.
For that alone, the slow pace (for us) is worth it.
Drip strategy. Applies continual, unrelenting pressure. The commie media every day has to lie their way out of it. It's like any other form of asymmetrical warfare. We don't have to win, we just have to outlast our enemy. And get them to keep expending resources to combat the constant flow of truth.
I like this strategy. It's digestible to the average "Joe" (no pedo intended). Living in Commie CA I've personally seen 2 people in the past week start to wake up.
A coworker in the lunchroom yelled out loud while looking at his phone. " SOMETHINGS WRONG " then he looked sheepishly around to see if anyone heard him. Everyone was staring at him. I loved it.why, because no one said anything. Everyone knows, somethings wrong. Note I used this example in previous post. FYI.
The drip method keeps this in the News. He can do this for months. The reiteration will train normies over time that they are being lied to. If it all came out at once it would be a big story for a day or two and then Ukraine would do something fucked up or Pelosi’s husband’s butt plugged collection would be discovered in a homeless man and it would all be memory holed.
I agree with the way he's doing it. It keeps it at the top. They spin one episode, the next one comes and renders their spin false. Also allows for later release strategies to be adjusted for the spin from a previous release.
The real deal after the human (kiddie) trafficking, and the money-laundering will be the weapons, bigger than the drugs, and leads to 9/11. Victor Bout knows. US kept him quiet.
The drip is exactly what you called it, a "strategy". I am certain this "drip" is not about us (the population)—parties of interest are likely reacting to these drips and getting caught in stings. There may not be enough resources to handle catching everyone at once if everything was released at once. (opinion not fact)
Drips. Sheep wake up slowly. They have to have time to digest each step.
In medicine, there's a syndrome called Refeeding Syndrome. If you rescue a person on the verge of starvation and try to feed them a regular meal in hopes of restoring their health, it could kill them. You have to slow reintroduce nutrients and give the GI tract, liver, and kidneys time to slowly readjust to having regular food.
The public has been starved of the truth. If you attempt to shove massive red pills down their throats, they reject it. It's too much, too fast, and their psyches can't handle it. You have to slowly introduce the ideas and give people time to think about it, research and convince themselves that each truth is in fact the truth. You have to give people the time to have reason to distrust the people they have trusted before. If you've always believed the government was looking for the people and was an objective authority for data, you have to give people time and plenty of examples where it hasn't been. You have to give them time to adjust, because if you hit them too hard, they get black pilled, which isn't what we want either.
Drip, drip, drip. Lead with the evidence and let the people see and adjust to it.
You need a moment for the info to trend and disseminat. Each one spaced out causes much more damage and greater reach. Don't bunch up spread it out get people talking about it and then hit them with another truth. Maximum effect.
This is the correct strategy. Drip slowly so normies are able to digest and accept what happened and then repeat for all of the different crimes. Election fraud, Laptops,child trafficking and CP, money laundering and insider trading, gain of function, adverse reactions and death, open borders, illegals and drugs ect
Then do it again and again
Drip is working great. Just the few names thrown out (e.g. Roth, Fauci, Trust and Security) and two days twitting, and tons more known about them and their place in a censorship scheme. When a few actors have been delineated to serve as anchors, then it gets easier to follow the plot development.
Drip is effective and torturous. Easier to digest for normies.
Everything would mean too much would get ignored. It has to be slow and steady.
Correct. -Trump
Normies binge watch netflix shows a day straight. Wish they could digest the globohomo info like that.
They are waiting for this series to end so they can watch 10 years worth in two weeks.
I think the first red pill begins the effect of which you speak. Going down rabbit holes is what Netflix is training the normies for with the binge format. Once you start the awakening process, there’s no going back and not enough hours in the day!
Anons binge GAW posts and Patriot telegrams a day straight. Wish they could digest long-form decodes like that.
Well…. Unless the military took over the media and flooded it out. Then Normies would Awaken to, “okay the military just assumed control WTF is wrong!?!” But I understand a steady drip. When do we go to at least a steady stream? Not facet open yet, but squirt gun style stream? Of course I guess that’s what Twitter is doing on their part.
I actually think that is where we are at. It seems like every day something new is coming out. It has certainly picked up.
I think the Brunson Supreme Court case is going to lead us to that. That case is so simple it’s brilliant. The only thing they need to prove is that the 385 defendants broke their oath of office by voting no on investigating claims of election fraud. Here’s how I think this plays out. Supreme Court rules they did break their oath and in one day, we only have about 100 members of congress left. All the deep state out of office, but no arrests yet. Trump returns with no election, states fill the empty seats with new representatives who are for the people. The military takes over the media to let the people know what is going on and perhaps even has a presence in the street to prevent riots. The EBS could be involved in this time to explain. Then with Trump back and a fresh congress, the real investigations start. Then the floodgates open and the arrests start happening. The Brunson case has really shifted how I expect things to play out.
Drip is absolutely the right way. Death by 1000 cuts. One big dump would just allow them to easily bury it in the news cycle. This way it is constantly shifting the zeitgeist. They did the same thing to us with endless investigations against Trump, but this is 20x worse (for them) because it isn't a nothingburger.
too much of the Hillary, Epstein, WikiLeaks, etc was dumped all at once... then everyone would 'redump' the same old stuff, anytime then noticed a poart of it THEY had not personally seen yet, bundled together with no new info or guidance but with all of the other stuff 'for completeness' and hype it up as if it was something new over and over until anything related to it was blown off as a 'nothing burger, already knew that' meanwhile nothing of substance in it was really talked about by normies.
Drip drop forces the msm to intentionally ignore it for weeks, while giving normies plenty of time to have this news reach them through other means, causing at least a few normies to ask "why isn't this on the news?", redpilling them a bit and lowering their trust in the MSM.
Yes. Lara Logan said as much. Every major media personality has a Twitter acct, including the companies themselves. Why the silence.
I agree.
Death by 1000 cuts. Lara Logan just said everyone in these news rooms had an Twitter acct…. Why are the avoiding these stories?
Mafia doesn't report yakuza crimes.
agree, think it's the reverse of their slow plan to poison us. took awhile to get us to this point; now we're unwinding all their damage.
Shucks, I am still reading thru the earlier drops. Imagine what it's like for the new people.
I think the dripping also allows for the libtards to dig even deeper holes for themselves by making ridiculous excuses and such, when by the time it's "all" out on whatever topic, they have thoroughly proven their assholeness and stupidity
With every drip, new traitors come out of the woodwork. They may have held back on one issue, but then reveal themselves, on another.
I don't think it is taking too long. It is actually progressing nicely.
We are definitely seeing an uptick in speed.
Updoot for "assholeness". kekk
I applaud the use of assholeness. It's fitting.
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Annoying, isn't it??? If you think it's annoying, imagine how the bad guys feel??? Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
Chinese water torture
Yu Wet Now water werx sponsored
Fang,fang, do bang, bang.
You asking that question of a people that have come to live by the sound bite.
The ability to soak up information in volume is lost on the sheeple. It would fly right over their heads, and never even scratch the surface. They have to be fed a slow drip, and each message must be repeated over and over to reach them.
So yeah, the slow drip is necessary.
The drip drip is awesome because I love watching all the libtards melting down on a regular basis... Watching their heads explode is absolutely priceless... kekek... 😂😂😂
Yes he did and I believe him but I'm really enjoying the meltdowns kekek... Cheers fren ...
OP: Tim Pool is getting lambasted for attacking the drip drip Chinese water torture Elon is doing. Almost all the posts agree with the method. We all know the media is experts at ignoring and covering up, this story is getting bigger every drop.
It’s almost like the Q posts except on an open platform.
MSM would distract for a month. After a month they would say "this is old news."
It also allows the NPC's to set up defenses that are later destroyed. Example: "Twitter can censor free speech. It is not government. Soon its shown the censorship was at the request of government. "
I agree with @ThreeSevens. The drip drip drip strategy makes it damn near impossible for the deep state to memory hole what's being revealed.
It also has the added benefit of giving normies a way to build their understanding of how this world really works. Rather than being overwhelmed with the cabal's duplicity all in one fell swoop and shutting down, they are being fed manageable bites that slowly pull back the curtain to reveal the evil hiding behind it.
For them, those newly awakened, this pace is BLISTERING. For those who already know, it's hard not to be impatient. But the more who can be coaxed awake, the more souls will be saved.
For that alone, the slow pace (for us) is worth it.
Drip strategy. Applies continual, unrelenting pressure. The commie media every day has to lie their way out of it. It's like any other form of asymmetrical warfare. We don't have to win, we just have to outlast our enemy. And get them to keep expending resources to combat the constant flow of truth.
Drip for sure! As bad as we want to see it, the very idea that the Cabal are squirming and crapping their pants daily is a treat to be savored! KEK
I like this strategy. It's digestible to the average "Joe" (no pedo intended). Living in Commie CA I've personally seen 2 people in the past week start to wake up.
A coworker in the lunchroom yelled out loud while looking at his phone. " SOMETHINGS WRONG " then he looked sheepishly around to see if anyone heard him. Everyone was staring at him. I loved it.why, because no one said anything. Everyone knows, somethings wrong. Note I used this example in previous post. FYI.
The drip method keeps this in the News. He can do this for months. The reiteration will train normies over time that they are being lied to. If it all came out at once it would be a big story for a day or two and then Ukraine would do something fucked up or Pelosi’s husband’s butt plugged collection would be discovered in a homeless man and it would all be memory holed.
I vote Drip.
Drip by drip extends their pain. That is a good thing.
I agree with the way he's doing it. It keeps it at the top. They spin one episode, the next one comes and renders their spin false. Also allows for later release strategies to be adjusted for the spin from a previous release.
Drip. All at once and it will be out of news cycle in 2 weeks
The guilty would love to know everything he has on them all at once. It makes it easier for them to do damage control and lie their way out of it
The real deal after the human (kiddie) trafficking, and the money-laundering will be the weapons, bigger than the drugs, and leads to 9/11. Victor Bout knows. US kept him quiet.
A. I enjoy drip B. In my opinion, drip is easier for the masses (and myself) to digest. C. It's kinda death by 1000 cuts... with salt, IMO.
Drip drip
💧 The
💧 Drip
💧 Is
💧 Best
Thanks fren!
He needs to drip it - today he got "Latrine Jean's" attention. That's good, she needs to made to storm out at every WH presser.
The drip is exactly what you called it, a "strategy". I am certain this "drip" is not about us (the population)—parties of interest are likely reacting to these drips and getting caught in stings. There may not be enough resources to handle catching everyone at once if everything was released at once. (opinion not fact)
Let’s not forget he has the DMs from Seth Rich
This also gives whistle blowers the chance to come forward while there’s still time to save themselves
No lol it’s the Twitter (X) Files. It’s a long disclosure.
A drip of info is fine. I'm just worried that just some info comes out, not all.
Drips. Sheep wake up slowly. They have to have time to digest each step.
In medicine, there's a syndrome called Refeeding Syndrome. If you rescue a person on the verge of starvation and try to feed them a regular meal in hopes of restoring their health, it could kill them. You have to slow reintroduce nutrients and give the GI tract, liver, and kidneys time to slowly readjust to having regular food.
The public has been starved of the truth. If you attempt to shove massive red pills down their throats, they reject it. It's too much, too fast, and their psyches can't handle it. You have to slowly introduce the ideas and give people time to think about it, research and convince themselves that each truth is in fact the truth. You have to give people the time to have reason to distrust the people they have trusted before. If you've always believed the government was looking for the people and was an objective authority for data, you have to give people time and plenty of examples where it hasn't been. You have to give them time to adjust, because if you hit them too hard, they get black pilled, which isn't what we want either.
Drip, drip, drip. Lead with the evidence and let the people see and adjust to it.
Drip conditions the enemy to be numb to the torture so when their heads fall off, they’re calm
You need a moment for the info to trend and disseminat. Each one spaced out causes much more damage and greater reach. Don't bunch up spread it out get people talking about it and then hit them with another truth. Maximum effect.
This is the correct strategy. Drip slowly so normies are able to digest and accept what happened and then repeat for all of the different crimes. Election fraud, Laptops,child trafficking and CP, money laundering and insider trading, gain of function, adverse reactions and death, open borders, illegals and drugs ect Then do it again and again
Cue the Terrorist attack.
I think Elon clearly KNOWS what he's doing. The Elon haters would disagree of course.
Drip is working great. Just the few names thrown out (e.g. Roth, Fauci, Trust and Security) and two days twitting, and tons more known about them and their place in a censorship scheme. When a few actors have been delineated to serve as anchors, then it gets easier to follow the plot development.
I feel you can drip too slowly though. They need to do a better job of creating headlines.