I'm not gonna try and make predictions, but people need to stop jumping to the very first conclusion anyone comes to on this type of thing. So yeah, Bolsonaro may not "have institutional support" officially, but are we forgetting all of the weird shady crap going on where the Brazilian military more or less took out the cartels that helped rig the election, as well as all the generals who came out and said they will not allow lula to take office.
And let's not forget when the corrupt police force was attacking Brazilian civilians, who stepped in to defend them? The Brazilian Military. For all we know, this may be a ploy for "plausible deniability" on the part of Bolsonaro.
"Oh no one supports me so there's nothing I can do". Then all of his supporters in the Brazilian military step in and just perform a counter coup. And of course, during all of this he has to be kept safe, and where else in the world would be safer than with Trump in Mar A Lago? Especially since all the evidence points towards Trump still being president and having infinitely better security than the resident.
Now I could be wrong, I know what you all know of course, but I think this is at least a moderately likely scenario. Bolsonaro "steps aside" for a bit, Brazilian military cleans house in counter coup while Bolsonaro is safe in what essentially amounts to the actual white house. Bolsonaro takes his rightful place as president of Brazil. Rinse and repeat in every other cabal-controlled nation.
The dooming is not yet merited, especially with all the evidence, INCLUDING ACTUAL BOOTS ON THE GROUND ACTION, that we have witnessed in regards to the Brazil situation.
Just my two cents on the issue.
The mental something is about to happen then let down is exhausting
So stop setting expectations?
Perhaps the merchantry of pointless copium should stop being propped up, because the expectation ends up being set for people whether they intend it to be set for them or not. Especially when pointing out something like this is just a fantasy often ends up with the label "doomer" being tossed around, as if there is no room for a realistic outlook based on the fact that is constantly slapped in our faces.
5G warfare
Has anyone asked themselves how Bolsonaro is being allowed into the country to visit Trump? Since he's Brazil's version of Trump, and is a direct enemy of the DS, don't you think Pedo Joe's CCP bosses should be telling him to deny Bolsonaro entry into the US?
Just asking a simple question.
Or cultivate, through superior mojo, a set of balls with a low center of gravity and a shit-load of inertia and fashioned from motherfucking brass (with a built in barometer)
and then.....
Datefag and planefag and shipfag and NCSWIC fag giving nary a fuck !
Top tier fuckery, my fren
Cheers fren.
It's is the way !
Faggots too worried to have hope or formulate a theory and float it around here are not even playing the game. Their brains are inert.
Or adjusting them. The Cabal and the Deep State have been around for centuries. They're not going to mopped up in just a few months, or even years. Undoing what they have done will take a long, long time. It may take decades before it is completely overthrown. I probably won't live to see it, but I think my grandkids will. This is the true red pill.
Imagine thinking that a legacy can't be ended in a very short time by targeting people directly involved.
Lines of kings have ruled for decades and centuries in the past; their legacies were snuffed out by killing them and their families in an instant.
No matter how much adrenochrome they consume, these people are not immortal. They do not last forever. Their legacy does have an end, and if one has "everything", then it becomes easy to dismantle them when you go to the extremes. If it's not easy, then maybe not everything is had.
America will fall by the passage of "decades" like this.
The nuclear age changed that. What does asymmetrical warfare look like if your opponent might have dirty bombs in major metropolitan areas?
Maybe were seeing blackmail on a global scale backed by total annihilation.
If you have everything, you should be able to counter that.
"Everything" is not a suggestion, it isn't a word that falls short. It encompasses "everything".
You're wrong. It's far easier to destroy something than it is to build it, even something evil and far-reaching.
I’m from a 3rd world country. Military can go either way. I don’t want to see the military do what everyday citizens can do by caring. General Flynn’s 5G book on how spec ops are placed in key areas is good enough. But conventional forces nope. Don’t want it. Boone cutler said “we are everywhere” like the 3rd Spec Ops group video. This is better.
Spec ops assets placed in key areas. Kennedy’s warriors.
Maybe the answer for some people to seek out whatever the current version of the french resistance is....
Also, Dr Malone had a Twitter spaces about 4G warfare last night. Q said we are the frame. We’ll have spec ops in key positions. But it’s gonna be us to hold the dream. Conventional forces are compromised.
When Q said that military was the only option, exactly what military was Q speaking of? I would say digital soldiers as part of the army of Patriots. We always have been the plan and we have operatives everywhere.
Sadly agree.
Ha Ha that's funny.. Made me lol in a good way ! 😁
If only they did that here.
"people need to stop jumping to the very first conclusion anyone comes to on this type of thing."
A thousand times yes. Anons know better.
There have been a lot of conclusions reached just because one thing or another is said. Anons are human just the same as anyone else.
The next step is military purge... Can we freak out then?
Yeah if they don't act, it's their heads that will roll. The military will be the first ones to hang so it is in their best interests.
Well, you can do whatever you need to do but do the freaking and dooming in your journal or outside in the rain so you don't take the rest of us down.
It's hard enough already to stand on the precipice and be happy. I have a lot to create happiness with in my life but I'm not impervious to dooming.
hahaha that's so funny
sometimes I read stuff on here and I'm like, "Don't you have a diary?" hahahaha
You ae 100% correct.
Back to work it is.
There's always hope. I knew something was wrong when the timeline wasn't taken advantage of.
What does the Brazilian military leadership expect when Lula takes power? They must know their positions are in great jeopardy.
Recall the great purging of military brass in the US under the Obama administration? Recall they were interviewed and were asked if they would fire upon American citizens? Those that said they would not were relieved of their positions. The same process will happen in Brazil as well. The military brass can expect Lula replacing all military brass not loyal to him. Brazilians should expect 'woke-ism' to occur in the military. Sure, there's always a 'chance' the military leadership says no and then acts to restore the people's will. However, the military needs to be unified in doing this. I expect there are Lula supporters within the military brass just as there was/is globalists in the US military brass. This appears to be the neutralizer at this point of the unfolding tragedy.
What will the Brazilian people do now? Their show of strength through tens of millions of them protesting for over two months is all for naught? What is the Brazilian military waiting for?
Bugs for dinner.
J6 style incarceration.
Show your face down-voter and explain to me why the Brazilian military brass won't face purging and incarceration when Lulu, the criminal is in charge?
I think shit is still gonna hit the fan there but it wont be until after Lula is inaugurated.
Bolsonaro cant be seen as pushing a coup. He would be seen as illegitimate by the leftist governments that surround him. The threat of invasion from different directions by more than one country is very real.
The military pushed back on the Fed Police trying to remove protesters in Brasilia because its a military base with military jurisdicition. The cartels are mobilizing their left wing death squads. The People are fucking pissed. The threat of civil war following Lulas inauguration is likely.
Thats when the military steps in. The title 142 thing in their Constitution requires them to intervene only if there is civil unrest. The protests so far have been peaceful.
So with Lula in and Bolsonaro keeping his distance, the military steps in to stop civil war. Somewhere along the line they declare the election void and hold new elections.
Brasil is a very big part of the one world government plan. With Brasil in leftist hands North and South America could become part of a hemispheric EU type entity. They must be stopped there and then here because the rest of this hemisphere (outside of maybe a Central American country unable to resist) is fully controlled by the pedo death cult.
I like this. The question then is: will Jan 1st 2023 in brazil be like Jan 20 2021 in the US or will we have a public habbening?
I don't know, I have a very strange feeling about 2023. 2022 was like fading out the Covid crap, this is mostly done (except muh, China, but it stops on Jan 8), so now it's time for some real big shit.
We'll see. Interesting times.
Interesting theory.
I wonder if Brazilians feel abandoned and betrayed by Bolsonaro now. If so, they might not trust him to rule again.
Kinda exactly like Trump in America.
“2024” is plainly a ridiculous farce, absent the plan promulgated by the Q posts.
Many people have died because of all of this go along to get along shit.
Many more would have if he stood his ground and tried to fight. The Deep State would have murdered citizens.
Think about it.
Considering this board's surprising willingness to sacrifice the vaccinated, I'm quite surprised anyone wouldn't be willing to sacrifice for a direct fight where at least our fates are in our own hands.
Obviously we didn't go that route, but it would be more comforting than sitting back and watching, scrambling for the opportunity to at least lead locally.
Also, if the deep state directly murdered citizens, those citizens would be martyrs. It would shrink support very quickly.
Better just give up every position because sleepers and hypothetical deaths.
Probably something like this because you can´t ever get any support from corrupted people to get rid of them.
I like your thinking.
Also LULU's Commies lower their guard.
I always breathe easy comfy as fuck enjoying the show.
I have been thinking this for a while OP
great post
From your lips to God’s ear. We’ll know in a few days.
I agree...
Keep this in mind.
Us anons are broadcasting openly strategic moves that could take place. This means the whitehats have to do something that we can't predict as well.
If it comes from the MSM, I don't believe it.
White cat nodding . . .
Say what you will about the brazilian patriots, but they did what very few in the world did. Even under rain, mud and tears of despair. Even when their military, and as far as we know, even god cowered in fear of the criminal elite, they stood for what's right. Now the only difference between hell and what they will go through, is that only the wicked go to hell. And even then, it has the decency to wait until they die.
Best of luck.
Brazilians, the French and Canadians have all gone out en masse to directly protest. Canadians were hilariously the least violent, and boy did Trudeau latch on to that to gain more power overall.
As far as western worlds go, it is either incredible patience by Americans or something not nearly as hopeful that we haven't done anything actually resembling a protest since the 6th, because things have not gotten better in any aspect since then.
IMO When military action happens it won't be pre-announced. we probably won't even know about it till a while after it happens.
Have faith. Hold the line. Trust the plan. We are in unprecedented times. None of us truly know how this will play out. But, we were winning from the beginning. How do you think we've gotten this far if it wasn't so?
I heard tomorrow night 8pm Brasilia time, the Vice President, General Mourão is gonna make a national statement on all tv channels and radios similar to our EBS. I hope it’s not just to wish everybody a Happy New Year and a Goodbye.
Anyone freaking out must have believed something was happening there lol. gullible as fuck.
He will either win or he won't. We will hope he does.
If Bolsonaro and military doesn't move on 'Lula' with the magic finger(original had a missing finger, current version doesn't.....) things will only get worse in Brazil and the path towards a civil-war will continue...
Hope you are right Fren.
Keeping hope alive....
You have to believe that this time we’re gonna get a different outcome or else you’re a doomer?
NCSWIC… and apparently what’s coming in more election fraud.
The Usurping has gone on since the Garden of Eden!!! Most will sellout..
If Devolution is real,...this is exactly what Patriot Patel says in Devolution 4
Why should I care about the government of Brazil?
Lmao. Bruhhh you guys can’t take an L and I’m on your side. Pretty pathetic.
“all the generals who came out and said they will not allow lula to take office.”
That never happened dude. Nice fan fiction.
Couldn't find the original article I was thinking of, but here's a different one I found of a Brazillian Navy C.O. who's part of the Brazillian version of the secret service saying the same thing.
So my point still stands.
So now “all the generals” is one rando who doesn’t even ‘fess up to what he said.
As pointed out I couldn't find the article I was referencing in the original post about the general, but I found this while looking, figured I'd throw it out there. And it's not just "one rando". This is the equivalent of a secret service member stating the next POTUS will not be allowed to take office to his fellow secret service member or the Secretary of Defense.
But as I seem to have lost the article I was referencing, I won't try and defend it further unless I can find it again. However, this entire argument is inane anyway.
Really, you're arguing semantics. Even if it's not true, every other argument is. Explain the Brazillian military taking out lula supported cartels and fighting against the corrupted police forces to defend civilians? Both of which are documented factual statements that have either already occurred or are currently occurring (or both).
“Just two weeks more” “NCSWIC” “Trust the plan” “Patriots are in control”
Fiction, nothing but fiction Fren. Time to hunker down because no human is coming to save us. Only God and Jesus can do that so you’re best to get right with them and quit hoping for some miracle from “Q”
I know that in the coup in Spain with Franco, many of the soldiers that stormed the Congress didn't know what was happening until they where already there lol