Hmm, not sure it'll be by the cabal. More likely the NZ union movement who have always felt that it was their job to select the NZ Labour leader and they were cheated out if it 2017 as she was appointed just before the election by the Labour caucus and the unions were cut out of the decision-making process. I think they will view this as a victory against the WEF (NB the unions are equally as stupid and evil as the WEF - which leads me to the next point)
Oh fuck yes. The next one is going to be much, much worse. Although that is not saying much - every PM is always much, much worse than the predecessor (that is the way in ClownWorld - the new one sees how much their psychotic predecessor got away with and the next one goes for broke). Her deputy the fat queen Finance Minister (son of a convicted embezzler - I kid you not) is not running. The closet queen Chris Hipkins has minced out and made his bid (he was the leader of the Covid killshot regime) he's a union stooge too. There's a real nasty bull dyke who I think is likely to put her hand up for the job too. And there's a third union wanker called Michael Wood who is probably the likely winner.
They're all ugly, repulsive individuals - Jacinda was only successful because she wasn't as repulsive as all the rest of the Labour party - she was the lipstick on the pig for that party. Without her, there isn't anyone that can be paraded wall to wall on women's week magazines to lure in the feminazi vote that has buoyed Labour over the past two elections.
Well written post and spot on with your assessment. My bet for the next PM is one of the Maori caucus members. Either Kiri Allan, as you suggested or Kelvin Davis. The Maori's have been the ones pulling the strings this term. They will come out of the shadows now that Jacinda is going
Considering the lack of action, yes I would say we all actively stand by and allow it to happen. Every system failed us.
The plan and the people who believe in its existence do not represent all 81 million (at minimum) disenfranchised voters. They don't know about it or believe in it, and yet they are forced to watch as policy is enacted and our money swirls the Ukrainian toilet, the same as us.
Like the usa stood by and watched biden cheat??
She defo cheated, she was hated all over before last election. Majority then in nz had not yet awoken. Is definitely changing now.
Hopefully this is start of the gradual take down of the weasels
Yeeeessss! Official. Davos must have been too……..can’t think of the word. The party will elect someone in the ruling party to take the country thru until October 2023 when they will have the federal elections. Hearing too, that many, many left Davos EARLY. Klaus Schwab stood before one group stating how to overcome ridicule in the world of WEF. Making fun of the NWO and their agendas might be the way to go.
Sure… Now that she’s made all the money that she needs to live a nice life. She can leave all her carnage behind her, and pretend like nothing happened. Also… That is not a woman.
Getting out before she is "Goshen'ed". It's coming for them all. At some point, you have to be pragmatic, have a way to take them out, those that will kill you and your kin.
Like all bullies, they will stick their tails between their legs and run.
Very big news. Wonder what the real reason is. Could be threat or blackmail or could be one of those mysterious health issues that are so popular these days.
Could never imagine how my tough NZ friends ever actually elected her but some I know there did vote for her.
That Daily Mail photo looks like a sick chick. She looks like she's looking at an internal landscape that makes her feel sad and desperate. Wonder what it is.
There's a deep sense of resignation to the forces at large.
Alot of the farmers voted for her because the theory was, that farmers wanted to keep the Greens out so labour could go alone.
The farmers normally vote the party national (conservative), but they were not in a position to win going by the polls.
Thats why jacinda got so many votes. She and the media convinced the farmers etc via their narrative that voting jacinda, would keep the communist greens out.
Result, jacinda won easily, and then went with the greens anyways. Plus helped by some vote rigging. Votes could still be collected up to a week later
That was fake news from Labour to justify the high amount of votes they got. I deal with farmers in my line of work. They all hate her. I wouldn't be surprised if there was election interference at the last elections
Ardern. Hobbs. Whitmer. Ursala Van der Crazy. Hoch. Freeman. Have i missed any? They are all sickening to look at and evil bitches to the core. All deserve the scaffold. Going low key does not undo their treason and crimes against the people.
as a newzealander this is Massive news its a win for us the people ,.Ive been fighting her and her fraudulant corporation( gov) for the past 3yrs,..she like Biden was never Elected PM, we have always suspected that the Dominion Machines were used Donald Trump also alluded to that possibility,.but another Globalist bites the Dust ,this is faarken yuge,...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The damage is done, move on now.........hopefully she is going to jail for the crimes she has committed by making almost every New Zealander take the covid jab.
I think these 'WEF global leaders' are jumping ship before all the results are in. Hopefully they will not get to live out their lives in luxury after ruining so many lives.
My daughter and son in law will be happy shes gone. They both voted for her and have hated every single thing she has done since getting in!
There's still alot of us that resisted and stayed pure.
Was tough, but we got through. The stats were fake to give the impression that the majority was vaxed.
and if it wasn't for the mandates. They wouldn't of reached 50%. The amount of people I come across that say they only got vaccinated because they would lose their job etc.
How am I supposed to follow the wives when they're all men is disguise?
Maybe discovering that was the reason?
Keklarious! 💚
Poetry at it's finest.
fair question
Whoa! That's big news. 😲
@ :24 seconds she seems very forced in my opinion. But nonetheless, it always means more. Enjoy the show anons.
"Lets finally get married" certainly sounds like obvious comms....
It's not a she, it's a he.
NOBODY competes with Big Mikes package
🎵 Big Mike's got the biggest balls of them all! 🎵
A BIG 'ol motherWEFfer scalp my fren
It means the smarter rats are starting to flee the ship.
Congratulation to New Zealanders
This is planned, by the cabal.
The next one coming in will be worse, likely an immigrant, too.
Look to the UK for example.
This. Don't count the win before you know who gets subbed in for the second half...
They're all ugly, repulsive individuals - Jacinda was only successful because she wasn't as repulsive as all the rest of the Labour party - she was the lipstick on the pig for that party. Without her, there isn't anyone that can be paraded wall to wall on women's week magazines to lure in the feminazi vote that has buoyed Labour over the past two elections.
They need help from Dominion now.
LMFAO I’ve never seen this one before. Big Jack, Big Mike….
Wow - they’re everywhere no wonder the worlds pushing trans shit. Although I think she should be called little Jack 😆
Well written post and spot on with your assessment. My bet for the next PM is one of the Maori caucus members. Either Kiri Allan, as you suggested or Kelvin Davis. The Maori's have been the ones pulling the strings this term. They will come out of the shadows now that Jacinda is going
More likely the next PM will be a Maori, The maori's in the Labour party are all anti white/anti colonists
Only if they're not retarded enough to vote in the next evil person, or stand by as it's cheated for them.
C’mon, you’re on this site and still think it’s their vote that’s the problem?
You're still on this site and can't read the second part of my post?
Yea but really, are they standing by? Are we in America? I mean how much more proof do we need….oh the plan, ok.
Considering the lack of action, yes I would say we all actively stand by and allow it to happen. Every system failed us.
The plan and the people who believe in its existence do not represent all 81 million (at minimum) disenfranchised voters. They don't know about it or believe in it, and yet they are forced to watch as policy is enacted and our money swirls the Ukrainian toilet, the same as us.
Completely agree. 👍
Whether their vote is worth something or not, I included both scenarios in that post.
Like the usa stood by and watched biden cheat?? She defo cheated, she was hated all over before last election. Majority then in nz had not yet awoken. Is definitely changing now. Hopefully this is start of the gradual take down of the weasels
Yes. The USA stood by and watched Biden cheat. Literally in real time.
And knew NOT HOW to STOP it
Well, we thought we knew how to stop it until it turned out that all courts seem to be compromised and won't even take cases!
Oh yeah, the vote totally matters and an insurrection without leadership or funds is totally viable
I see you guise havesome retarded voters in the US who stood by while they were cheated of their elections twice,.,.
Yes, handshake, I have been repeatedly vocal about it.
That's a man, baby!
Stepping down, so her husband can suck her/his dong more.
It's called a "shenis", bigot. /s just in case.
Is that how you get 'female sperm'?
Oops my mistake. Lol
Yup. He's got a meat sword just like big mike.
Big win,I guess she found out NCSWIC.
There was whispers the last 2 years that she would resign and not see her term out. Its been now proven true. The red witch is gone finally!
damage done ...... now shes trying to run.... but NO WHERE TO HIDE! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
One down, many more to go.... This week, weekend, and next week are going to be fun. I doubt she's alone.
Yeeeessss! Official. Davos must have been too……..can’t think of the word. The party will elect someone in the ruling party to take the country thru until October 2023 when they will have the federal elections. Hearing too, that many, many left Davos EARLY. Klaus Schwab stood before one group stating how to overcome ridicule in the world of WEF. Making fun of the NWO and their agendas might be the way to go.
Jacinda Ardern to resign on Feb 7!
Check 5 Year Delta of Q#693?
Sure… Now that she’s made all the money that she needs to live a nice life. She can leave all her carnage behind her, and pretend like nothing happened. Also… That is not a woman.
💥💥 Ka-BQQM 💥💥
Getting out before she is "Goshen'ed". It's coming for them all. At some point, you have to be pragmatic, have a way to take them out, those that will kill you and your kin.
Like all bullies, they will stick their tails between their legs and run.
Very big news. Wonder what the real reason is. Could be threat or blackmail or could be one of those mysterious health issues that are so popular these days.
Could never imagine how my tough NZ friends ever actually elected her but some I know there did vote for her.
That Daily Mail photo looks like a sick chick. She looks like she's looking at an internal landscape that makes her feel sad and desperate. Wonder what it is. There's a deep sense of resignation to the forces at large.
Right in the middle of Davos
Alot of the farmers voted for her because the theory was, that farmers wanted to keep the Greens out so labour could go alone. The farmers normally vote the party national (conservative), but they were not in a position to win going by the polls. Thats why jacinda got so many votes. She and the media convinced the farmers etc via their narrative that voting jacinda, would keep the communist greens out. Result, jacinda won easily, and then went with the greens anyways. Plus helped by some vote rigging. Votes could still be collected up to a week later
That was fake news from Labour to justify the high amount of votes they got. I deal with farmers in my line of work. They all hate her. I wouldn't be surprised if there was election interference at the last elections
....she took the ' deal ' ~ RDS
I love that clip
Just gonna be someone worse. classic Swamp play.
I'm sensing a setup to a big event
All within a week or 2
This was like when all the CEOs 'retired' right before the march 2020 rugpull
Does uh…Clark know…about the bulge?
I know Dillion sang about normalizing it. Just sayin. Someone should warn Clark.
Ardern. Hobbs. Whitmer. Ursala Van der Crazy. Hoch. Freeman. Have i missed any? They are all sickening to look at and evil bitches to the core. All deserve the scaffold. Going low key does not undo their treason and crimes against the people.
Glad he's gone.
Lot's habbening. All those WEF no shows. Biden under the bus. Threats of massive cyber attack by the luciferians...
she's right. this world relies on full gas tanks.
Ban EVs.
I have been putting hash marks on my whiteboard at work for every win. It’s great to see the wins rack up.
great idea!
as a newzealander this is Massive news its a win for us the people ,.Ive been fighting her and her fraudulant corporation( gov) for the past 3yrs,..she like Biden was never Elected PM, we have always suspected that the Dominion Machines were used Donald Trump also alluded to that possibility,.but another Globalist bites the Dust ,this is faarken yuge,...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jacinda and by extension that freak Helen Clark. Clark was pulling the strings in the background. She was jacindas mentor
I'm proud of you kiwis that held your ground. Your pushing back especially over the last three years is why she's out, it's undeniable.
Keep fighting!
The damage is done, move on now.........hopefully she is going to jail for the crimes she has committed by making almost every New Zealander take the covid jab.
I think these 'WEF global leaders' are jumping ship before all the results are in. Hopefully they will not get to live out their lives in luxury after ruining so many lives.
My daughter and son in law will be happy shes gone. They both voted for her and have hated every single thing she has done since getting in!
There's still alot of us that resisted and stayed pure. Was tough, but we got through. The stats were fake to give the impression that the majority was vaxed.
and if it wasn't for the mandates. They wouldn't of reached 50%. The amount of people I come across that say they only got vaccinated because they would lose their job etc.
Yeah, take her away and do not EVER come back!
What a great news!! Another one bites the dust! Glorious!
Horse face Hitler being removed from the board.
Trying to get out of town before the arrests and trials start. Never forget.
They seem to have quite a few backups. Epstein Island isn’t the only compromise source.
Vietnam President Nguyen Xuan Phuc resigned as well. Could be related?
Don't we all mean he?