The amount of fines the government will be able to print out automatically is literally endless.
Become ungovernable instead.
Saw down the cameras, buy an almost useless lorry(cash), park it on the ring road and remove parts of the driveshaft. Bring your friends and drive around the ring road at 30mph(you only need to do this for 30 minutes to halt the traffic for hours.)
Use your imagination to cripple the society, if you just break the “laws”, you’ll only be paying for the circus.
let's not be so sure... as of right now.. . our votes have not mattered one bit... most of the people running our country into the ground are installed.
Yeah Americans will never live in gun free cities so they can be murdered by the hundreds. Americans will never get poison shots stuck in their arms multiple times. Americans will never walk around like fucking idiots with face nappies on. Of course they will go for it.
Not all of them will, but the majority are too fluoridated, vaccinated, indoctrinated and medicated not to.
What a time to be alive, to see the human species go terminal like this.
This is the only way. Anyone mentioning these type of draconian rules should be hung on a lamp post until the sun bakes away all their fears of climate warming. After a few examples, these devils will go back to hiding their Satan worship out of public view.
Our entire history of comments is the best place to start.
You will not find many answers in mainstream media.
One of the many reasons for that is that John Jeffry Louis controls the nation’s largest newspaper empire. He is one of many closely connected with Racine elites.
NPR was also conceived in Racine, and Racine is closely connected with Silicon Valley, Cornell Tech, Microsoft and other big tech and big media organizations.
The President of Microsoft and key advisor to Bill Gates, Brad Smith, grew up in Racine.
Agenda 2030! They want to tax everyone living outside the cities, which through time will force everyone into the city limits. At which point they drop a nuke on it.
They don't want to nuke the entire country and make it unlivable. So the effort to congregate people in to tight city communities make us all easy targets, like shooting fish in a barrel.
The fake global warming propaganda makes more sense when you look at their motives. Minimizing your CO2 footprint by taxing you more on the gas in your car. When do you say the cost to commute to work becomes too expensive? When you can't afford a $80,000 Tesla, what are you going to do? Move to the city.
If you think they wouldn't nuke us all after they forced us into the target, look at what they have did already. If you haven't noticed yet, these globalists want us dead.
What will happen is this will be implemented. People will complain. The city will be so gracious and make the rules a bit more lenient, but still restricting freedom. People will think the leniency means they won, but they won nothing. Then in 5 years they'll restrict more freedom of movement, rinse and repeat. We are literally fucking cattle to them and they want to here is as such.
Certainly coof was just a test of perimeters and how much people would comply or push back. No one on the face of earth should have complied with any of it, doing so just have them “data” to use down the road
Getting the western world ready for China. Outraged, cause this crap will find its way to America. Here is the measure they will not be able to stand, but the people will support it: Putin.
Right…wouldn’t that use more fuel/require you to charge a vehicle more often? Even using public transportation for this boondoggle would cost more and “emit more carbon” in their words. It’s about control, not about the planet, and there are unfortunately people stupid enough to fall for this.
How do these people come to think that they can just make up these rules for us to comply by ... and we just HAVE TO play their game? Where do they get the impression that they are above us?
This has just always confused me: where does REPRESENT US become CONTROL US?
This is more idiotic than the balloon 🎈 !
It demands a kinetic response. Every entity supporting it deserves to be […]
Yeah but normies cannot be inconvenienced.
Exactly, but it doesn't even take everybody, just a "good" portion...
The amount of fines the government will be able to print out automatically is literally endless.
Become ungovernable instead.
Saw down the cameras, buy an almost useless lorry(cash), park it on the ring road and remove parts of the driveshaft. Bring your friends and drive around the ring road at 30mph(you only need to do this for 30 minutes to halt the traffic for hours.)
Use your imagination to cripple the society, if you just break the “laws”, you’ll only be paying for the circus.
Agreed DrMcCoy...just stole your line and posted it on my twitter reply!
WEF agenda on full display here. Get the lowdown.. coming 2024
Good Luck Mother WEFers. Americans will never go for any of this.
let's not be so sure... as of right now.. . our votes have not mattered one bit... most of the people running our country into the ground are installed.
3yrs ago I would've also said America would not go for lockdowns or wearing masks
I was never locked down, and I never wore a mask.
The Lockdown Nazis in your neighborhood would like a word...
Yeah Americans will never live in gun free cities so they can be murdered by the hundreds. Americans will never get poison shots stuck in their arms multiple times. Americans will never walk around like fucking idiots with face nappies on. Of course they will go for it.
Not all of them will, but the majority are too fluoridated, vaccinated, indoctrinated and medicated not to.
What a time to be alive, to see the human species go terminal like this.
It won’t fly in America, we’re waiting for them to draw the line . I will not comply . I’ll die a true American
Next Set Of Laws.....
Each sector will have a champion. Every Year we will allow each sector to honor their home by participating in the.......
Hunger Games!!!
Fuck it, I've seen this one already. If I'm going to have to live though something again let's watch John Wick instead.
Carry On!!!
I hope ours isnt a woman
I agree, my AR says the same thing yours does. When the rubber meets the road, I just don't see any other solution.
Too bad both of you guys lost your ARs in a boating accident..actually the same boat. shucks.
Soon we’ll be reduced to cell blocks.
you will live in the cell, you will eat the bugs. you will own nothing
Apparently it's starting in Canada too.
Everyone needs to take a hammer to any cameras and remove any barriers. Then punish the ones trying to implement it.
This is the only way. Anyone mentioning these type of draconian rules should be hung on a lamp post until the sun bakes away all their fears of climate warming. After a few examples, these devils will go back to hiding their Satan worship out of public view.
This. They put another up, we tear it down. We will outnumber them and ignore their bullshit fucking rules.
Racine, Wisconsin is the Root and model community for their entire Agenda.
The real Agenda goes far beyond this 15-minute city plan.
They cannot allow the world to realize the significance of Racine.
All of the global elite know about Racine.
Is that to say that Racine is zoned like this (already?)
Yes, Racine is a model UN Agenda 2030 Smart City.
Racine, Wisconsin was the key model community used to form Agenda 21 and 2030.
It was originally called Sustainable Racine.
It's a scary world... 😵💫
anon can you give me a quick and good link to get caught up on this?
Our entire history of comments is the best place to start.
You will not find many answers in mainstream media.
One of the many reasons for that is that John Jeffry Louis controls the nation’s largest newspaper empire. He is one of many closely connected with Racine elites.
NPR was also conceived in Racine, and Racine is closely connected with Silicon Valley, Cornell Tech, Microsoft and other big tech and big media organizations.
The President of Microsoft and key advisor to Bill Gates, Brad Smith, grew up in Racine.
woah, i just looked at our search and this one slipped through in full, gonna have to take a trip down there when i can.
Agenda 2030! They want to tax everyone living outside the cities, which through time will force everyone into the city limits. At which point they drop a nuke on it.
They don't want to nuke the entire country and make it unlivable. So the effort to congregate people in to tight city communities make us all easy targets, like shooting fish in a barrel.
The fake global warming propaganda makes more sense when you look at their motives. Minimizing your CO2 footprint by taxing you more on the gas in your car. When do you say the cost to commute to work becomes too expensive? When you can't afford a $80,000 Tesla, what are you going to do? Move to the city.
If you think they wouldn't nuke us all after they forced us into the target, look at what they have did already. If you haven't noticed yet, these globalists want us dead.
anon, you have a nice brain and i like it, that is a very possible scenario
You're awesome. Thank you so much!
Pittsburgh is a dead city. Nothing there.
Thus us a pipe dream.
HELLO normies, are you AWAKE yet?
That shit ain't flying around here ! It's even laughable to comprehend..
I second the motion - FUCK THAT.
They can shove their 15 minutes up their collective asses.
And once a year, each of the districts will send one man and one woman to compete in a yearly competition called the Starvation Games.
What will happen is this will be implemented. People will complain. The city will be so gracious and make the rules a bit more lenient, but still restricting freedom. People will think the leniency means they won, but they won nothing. Then in 5 years they'll restrict more freedom of movement, rinse and repeat. We are literally fucking cattle to them and they want to here is as such.
Certainly coof was just a test of perimeters and how much people would comply or push back. No one on the face of earth should have complied with any of it, doing so just have them “data” to use down the road
If they try that here I will try and smash as much of the infrastructure as I can
Berlin wall.
History repeats itself Unless enough people stand up!
Make my day...
Getting the western world ready for China. Outraged, cause this crap will find its way to America. Here is the measure they will not be able to stand, but the people will support it: Putin.
Holy shit.
So having to drive all around the outside of the city to get to an area literally across the street is somehow saving the planet.
Right…wouldn’t that use more fuel/require you to charge a vehicle more often? Even using public transportation for this boondoggle would cost more and “emit more carbon” in their words. It’s about control, not about the planet, and there are unfortunately people stupid enough to fall for this.
Boston Tea party and Camera plinking Time!!
I suspect the Oxford counsil will soon be on the endangered species list.
Who actually votes for this stuff?
Oh hell no!☘️
100 trips will become 75, then 50, then 25, then none.
This takes going full retard to galactic levels. I see people just not going along with this and ignoring it.
There are certain things about the Luddites that should be studied.
So the assholes get to fly private jets to unnecessary meetings and I can go visit my mother? These people are crazy if they think we will comply.
How do these people come to think that they can just make up these rules for us to comply by ... and we just HAVE TO play their game? Where do they get the impression that they are above us?
This has just always confused me: where does REPRESENT US become CONTROL US?