Rumors emerge House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will be STRIPPING UKRAINE AID from multiple spending bills including the OMNIBUS
SPENDING PACKAGE and stop-gap funding bill
THAT would be something
Has he released the January 6 footage yet...?
He handed over 14,000 hours of it to Tucker Carlson
41,000 hours worth 👍
44000 hours
I don’t know, but I just know it is a lot of time to check
It really would be something
Can we strip all other foreign aid too?
Good idea, how about helping the good old USA
How about defunding all "omnibus" graft packages altogether?
can we strip all money laundering operations too?
That should bring the budget requirements down to about $1.50 (OK, maybe a SLIGHT exaggeration . . .)
At very least, ask each country for a full breakdown of money used in 2022 with receipts before we authorize any more money. We have a right to know how our money is used. If they cannot provide, they get no more. Same for any other funded org like Red Cross, etc.
Same should go for any of our tax dollars. People unearned income tax returns should be delivered in the form of food for the people in the house
That would never happen. Only safe way to protect America and its people is to stop sending ANY money outside the country till there are no problems here.
Can we put a muzzle on the goddamn communist Lindsey Graham?
Maybe we can put him and swalwell on a boat to China with their Chinese love interests.
Does Lindsey Graham even have a significant other?
My mistake. I was thinking Mitch McConnell. He has a Chinese spy wife. Lindsey Graham is gay and enjoys the company of men he rents.
I think everyone knows that Mitch is a communist.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
ohhh but I want to see that little Ukrainian Nszi Gnome hopping mad like that one film of hitler having a temper tantrum....
REALITY TITLE: Rumors emerge House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will be STRIPPING DEEPSTATE CASH from multiple spending bills including the OMNIBUS
there should be not one penny going out for foreign aid and we should get our $150 billion back from zelinsky!
It's in off shore accts. held by certain American citizens.
Hope he does it we have gave enough way to much. You feel bad for Ukraine but it is not our job to support them when we have so many Americans that need help…
Ukraine needs their own fake government removed. That will help the people. They are the same ones that installed our fake government.
The Ukrainians need to be responsible for themselves and their government. Perhaps, than they won't allow a foreign entity (Rockefellers) come in and choose their leadership at the point of snipers.
The same can be said of many countries including the US. The People are in this together -- WW.
Or when they have people taking trips and buying fancy cars with our aid money.
Sounds like the same grift as BLM, doesn't it?
Sounds like the many thousands of grifts these criminals run. Government and Mafia are indistinguishable in tactics.
except Ukraine was given Way more American Tax dollars...
Exactly the same. These idiots think we are not watching.
Stop the lip flapping, House GOP. Just do it.
If it weren't for rumors, what would we ever do?
He better
Was that the reason for FJB's surprise (= 'emergency') visit to Ukraine? He had some splaining to do before this will happen?
Why would he have to explain to Ukraine? Both Zelensky and Biden answer to the same bosses. Neither does a thing without permission.
Returning the already spent payments to the tax payers would be the next step.
It still has to be approved by the Senate, which is controlled by the Dems.
And I really don't see them approving such a bill.
About fucking time!
I await Schiff and the fair Lady Graham's uncontrollable bawling.
They better damn well do it and give it to Americans.
Breath holding never worked for me as a kid, not much has changed since then.
Need to write to Cornyn a real letter asking to stop support for the Nazis that are actually doing the terrorist acts. Could he be that stupid that he thinks the Russians are doing it or is he complicit in the cover up?
Close all bases in occupied territories, Germany, Japan, South Korea...
Praying that’s true!
Rumors. I fucking love rumors. Sob can just do it if he is able to. What, ppl hear him singing a happy song in the shitter and 4 words were heard "i wanna defund ukraine". Sob should just do it and stop warning ppl
Lets strip DEI out of everything as well
You can't retroactively change a Bill that has already passed the House, Senate, and signed by the President without having to go through the House, Senate, and the President. Somehow, I don't think any changes would be approved by the Dem controlled Senate and Biden.
He's talking about future bills, I'm pretty sure.
Why do you think he's talking about bills that have already been passed?
I'm not trying to be snarky or sarcastic, just wondering if I missed some info that you caught.
The OMNIBUS bill was passed back in December. When you say you are going to strip Ukraine aid from that bill that's a bill that's already passed. In order to do that he would have to get the Senate to sign off on the changes and the President to sign it. He wouldn't need to strip Ukraine aid from any future bills because he gets to write those bills, the aid would never be there to begin with. I guess he could hold the debt cap limit hostage with a poison pill to strip that aid. But Biden already said any such bill he would never sign.
Reading the article, I don't see where he's saying he's going to strip Ukraine aid from a bill that has already been passed.
I think the issue here is the title of this post. I don't the the OP is quite clear on the issue.
From the article:
The bills being spoken of here are ones that have yet to be voted on.
In OP's defense, the author of the article, "Tod", is a bit sloppy in their writing as well.
For instance, when he says:
In this case, he's using the word "like" to mean "similar to", not to mean "such as". It's sloppy writing.
This is most likely what has led to the confusion here. But in reading the article, it seems obvious that they're talking about removing aid from bills that haven't been passed yet.
That makes much more sense. Maybe OP should actually read the article before he posts it. It's bad enough we have to fight through the Fake News to learn the truth. It makes it even harder when we gaslight ourselves.
People should definitely read articles before forming conclusions on them, I agree.
But in OP's defense, it's understandable how someone could form the idea that they were talking about the bills that have already been passed. That article is not very well written.
You would be surprised on how many people here have no idea how our own government works. I had a pretty heated discussion a couple of weeks ago on here with someone who swore to me that since the House controls spending they can retroactively strip the Ukraine funding from the already passed into law Omnibus bill. They swore that was how it worked. That the House could change already enacted bills that are now law without going through the Senate or the President. I swear, some people really need to watch this video.
Well, I can't argue with you there. I've had the same type of arguments with people here.
It really is concerning how poorly educated people are in the matter. And how convinced they are that they're right.
Not saying I'm perfect. I've had my ass handed to me a few times here. But at least I can admit when I'm wrong when the evidence is there.
didnt Biden just give that Zelensky prostitute another 500M??
they’ll just add it back in conference
it’s all for show