My brother is the definition of Normie. Christian Conservative, traditionalist, Fox News believing, got to go with DeSantis because Trump is too devicive, salt of the earth kind of guy who thinks me a batshit crazy tin foil hat conspiracy nut.
While discussing the unfathomable ability of Russia to fail to take over Ukraine in a month much less a year, he dropped his own conspiracy theory on me. It kinda shook me up.
What if Russia and China are colluding to completely take over America by prolonging the war in Ukraine until October of 2024 when Biden will make a master stroke peace settlement and be reelected along with retaking Congress in order to seal the fate of America once and for all?
Your brother's epiphany is probably a step in the right direction. What-if-ing is the beginning of truth-seeking. Maybe he's gonna take more steps. I'm seeing this in normie types too. Steps forward, steps back. Sometimes they fall right back in their hole, sometimes they have relevant revelations which lead to more waking.
You are right, only when you start to question have you reached the threshold to reality.
Q told us long ago that China and Russia are working together, and it's along with TRUMP not Biden.
Trump did everything he could to warn NATO and "the west" to beef up their contributions to preventative actions. They mocked him, but he was right about everything. How could he be so right about these things?
Problem with his theory is he views this as "they're the bad guys" and not the true stance that the world is ALREADY CONQUERED by the 0.001% and they're merely sealing the deal (finally!) with advanced technology.
Russia and China, despite being unideal governments from our perspective, have one thing going for them: they're not yet under the Rothschild umbrella.
It struck me quite early on that as soon as the sanctions on Russia backfired and hurt the west far more than it hurt Russia, that all the sudden Russia had ZERO incentive to back off, and in fact by prolonging the sanctions they're draining the vampires of their blood and turning their populations against the true rulers.
Could this be circumstance, or the plan all along?
So yes, Russia and China will likely prolong the conflict as long as possible because it's exposing the elite more and more with each day. The FED is in full panic mode trying to fix inflation with increasing rates, but what happens when this fails and the FED has literally no lever's left to pull?
All I gotta say is I hope you own some Bitcoin
Where did Q post about Trump working with Putin and Xi? Please explain.
Keyword suggestions frens.
Remember the moments, struggling to find exactly which drops.
Anons were all over the ball being passed, plus trump's dinner within the forbidden city.
You could search all the Q drops about Putin, it's pretty easy
Sure and again show we where this is said.... bc it's not said
The flood gates are open but the water is still flowing, you were just lucky enough to be near the gates.
No. Global politics being what they are, Ukraine joining NATO on top of whats in those bio-labs are the reasons Putin is busting up Ukraine.
On top of that: the war will make many globalists rich, and change the power structure of the world in many ways. There are too many reasons to go to war for these evil mother fuckers than to stop on a peace settlement.
But he is beginning to think about the broader implication of what is going on in the world right now.
I thought "What The F-ing" was the beginning of truth seeking?
I don't think so. Russia doesn't want any part of taking over America, They have enough territory already,
i think it suits Russia to go slowly in Ukraine because they lose fewer men that way and they are bleeding NATO. They are in control and can set the speed to their advantage. In addition, they do not want to go scorched-earth and instill (more) hatred in Ukrainians. They may have to administer the area. They also want to go slow to dampen escalation by NATO.
China is in factions. Who knows what some of them are planning. I think some of them want the US for farmland
I am very impressed with your brother for his lateral thinking. Good work.
The slow bleeding of NATO is the key.
NATO has been the invading force for Black Hat operations for far too long. It operates under the PR of being the “good guys” to only further nefarious agendas around the world.
It appears to be a systematic destruction of those corrupt military factions.
If China wanted to, it could’ve invaded Taiwan by now. It could’ve done so many things. Same with Russia.
OP’s brother is at least thinking out of the box now, but that thinking is clearly still guided by MSM optics on NATO/Russia/China.
The larger point is that Russia simply cannot do what the USA did to Iraq or Libya in Ukraine because Ukraine will forever and always be next door.
Imagine the US taking out all of Mexico. What'll happen next? All of Mexico (even more than today) will be flooding into the US, but angrier than ever. And the US will have to spend trillions rebuilding Mexico if they don't want the world's worst shit hole as neighbor for the next thousand years.
Considering everything in Ukraine was built by the USSR, this is even more the case. Every powerplant destroyed in Ukraine is one that originally came out of Moscow's budget and will have to be rebuilt by the same budget.
So Russia is trying to win (not territory, but strategic security) by doing the least amount of damage possible. But the USA/NATO isn't allowing Russia an easy win and is forcing Russia to do what they never wanted to do -- destroy Ukraine.
Because it's not the war that will bankrupt Russia, but the rebuilding everything that comes after if all of Ukraine is destroyed
Unless Russia builds a wall 100 feet high and tells the EU that the radioactive shit hole formerly known as Ukraine is now their problem
I think you are correct about farmland. The US corn belt is the richest farmland in the world. The food produced here feeds millions of Americans and people abroad. Look at a map of this area and think about how you would attack and occupy it. I have always thought that IF china or russia did attack it would come through the great lakes.
Too bad about the Ohio river valley tho.
And soon, the Mississippi...
NATO has been trying to build missile bases in Ukraine for 20+ years, and antagonizing the Russians into trying to stop them. Russia is now stopping them. This wasn't a Russia/China plan to confront the US. This was the US military industrial complex looking to milk US taxpayers into paying for high dollar missile bases, and sticking their dicks where it didn't belong in Ukraine, and Russia chopping it off into [lots of] $10 billion dollar sized chunks.
The Ukraine situation is not some master plan by Putin and China. It is complete, and total ineptitude, guided by NATO/MIC greed, and incompetence, and it is our western foreign policy leaders failing spectacularly on the global stage.
The multibillion dollar disaster in Ukraine is symbolic of the entirety of the US govt. and western leadership in a nutshell. Our leaders are stupid, evil, corrupt, shamelessly greedy, and they deserve all the failure they can bring upon themselves. This situation was not caused by Russia.
Amongst all of the ineptitude you just mentioned, there is also the biolab/covid connection in Ukraine that corrupt western leaders are desperately trying to prevent from being exposed.
Doubt it....Biden is a drooling fucking retard now...I cant imagine how much worse this guy is gonna be in a year.
Weekend at bernies can only work so long :D:D
I mean, they could rig this type of outcome for him. He's not saying that Biden will legitimately broker a peace deal.
Politics is show business for ugly people. If you think politicians are stupid bumbling fools you're wrong. Whether or not Biden is a bumbling fool and controlled by a handler or is actually smart and is putting on an act, the fact is most of the leadership understands their role and play it well. For the record, I do believe Biden is being handled, I also believe he has cobwebs in the attic; but I also believe he is deliberately exasperating his condition. Maybe he is directed to do this to underscore the left's ineptitude in choosing a leader, to show the world that his election was a farce, or to mitigate his exposure. The reasons are as numerous and varied as the crimes which we are only now scratching the surface. I believe OP's assertion is very likely as the evidence fits the theory. But what if he's being forced into a double agent situation. On the surface he's acting on the behest of a foreign puppeteer, but on the DL he is controlled by assets whose goals are ultimately good or bad. Good if it's a Q ally, bad if it's a Cabal entity aiming to burn through the military assets of the US, Russia, China etc leaving a power vacuum for the NWO to fill.
That is a good and fair question. They dont look very much alike. I would have to say either there's been a lot of plastic surgery done or this guy is a total imposter
Face lifts are extremely effective
There's stuff about it tho. I've seen some comparative pictures, would they chop your earlobes off for a facelift? Current Biden has different ears not just a different face
Maybe in body but I wouldn't bet the farm on it. The mind is definitely a different matter. Whatever occupies that cranial cavity, it's less than black and white but definitely not grey for that matter. Whoever or whatever "potatus" is I am certain he doesn't have agency over much of what he does.
Hell no
We need to remember above countries are the same people putting in puppet masters. Things have slowly got worse and worse while most of us grasp the idea that "this is the plan, grab your popcorn." I sure hope that's the case
What war? I still don't believe anything is happening over there.
Wag the Dog and all that but that's just me.
Exactly. Where are the war videos? I have seen nothing.
I think the whole thing is a farce to launder money.
Check Intel Slava Z on telegram. There's thousands of videos posted of the war. Drone footage of them dropping bombs on soldiers. SO many videos. No way is this fake.
I watch anna news on telegram. You dont see video from Western sources because ukraine is likely getting curb stomped. Some sources say there are 8 ukrainian casualties for every russian. (Granted the ukrainians say the opposite, but it's the Russians posting the videos so they are more believable imho)
Another commenter said to to go Intel Slava Z but you dont even need to go that far, just go to UkraineRussiaReport on Reddit(its a surprisingly neutral place for reddit) and you can see hundreds if not thousands of videos from drone bombing, to artillery fire in trenches, urban building clearing, tank battles, forest combat, and just frontline reports of the situation by the people fighting. Theres a lot of gory videos that most people shouldnt watch so beware.
Honestly in my opinion to say this war is fake without a second of research is a disgrace to what The Great Awakening is meant to be. Dont just talk out your ass like that.
You must be a libtard lurking because you just proved my point, kek.
Can confirm 👍
I’ve been watching the Ukraine on Snapchat (best way to see “on the ground” stuff from normal people) and it’s been entirely blocked out for almost a year. Right as the “war” as starting, I was watching what people there were posting. Normal, everyday life stuff. NOTHING about a war.
It’s still completely blocked and I’ve yet to see anything available to view.
Tell your brother it's not the war in Ukraine that reveals what Russia and China's strategy is, it's their independence from the global banking system through BRICS.
Ed Dowd kinda touched on this towards the end of his interview with Tucker Carlson. That a lot of what we are seeing is smoke screen for the upcoming debt default. Bad actors taking advantage, bot planning. He doesn't see it as guys in the back room with cigars manipulating everything so to speak, but that may come from a cynical background in his job as an analyst (what are you going to lie to me about today Mr. CEO?) Or he was fibbing a little himself. But if your brother, u/revised2, is Fox watching normie, might be a good discussion point for other topics.
This Ukraine war was planned long ago by the cabal. I personally think it was meant to suck us into WWW3, followed by Russia nukes.
Hopefully the military and Trump are actually the ones in charge.
It could certainly speed up the US dollar collapse because we’re printing insane amounts of money to send to Ukraine.
Russia = good / NATO = bad
Congrats to your brother for beginning the journey of truth. Help him along.
Conspiracy theories: EVERYBODY has one. It's always the other guy who's crazy.
The veracity of a theory is a matter of information, innit? :)
Determining physical truth-isms, called science' starts with theories, good and bad.
Both quantity and quality of Information and how to parcel it makes for the difference between.
Say to your friend....."Now that we've established you as a fellow 'conspiracy theorist', you see that you can't afford to cast stones at others for having one, Like others, you are now forced to provide evidence for and/or against to come to your position and this is the way to have true dialogue, aka free speach."
Then say, "Okay, now give me evidence for your side and maybe I can help you see something you've ready?........"
Chances are, he'll either stare at you like a deer in the headlights or start looking for the door, but there's that tiny little chance that you planted an acorn.
Lots of work to be done. It's only just begun.
As for the China/Russia 'alliance for destruction of the U.S.' theory.......why glory be ! He came to the same conclusion as the majority of anons that the cabal had plans to use Russian and China against the U.S. Dang tin foil hat guy. It's just that it took and more get to that position.
But Divine Inspiration came to guide like a Star as Q/17, the Trump Card over the Joker and that caught the team going all in, when the river card turned (watch the water).
Bets are off and the game has changed. The DS's eyeballs look at the door.......think about pulling the gun.....can he tell what I'm thinking? What to do.......what to do........damn I'm all in now.......
We are now in the most dangerous part of the game where the cards are about to be shown.
As we speak, both Putin and Xi (and both Koreas) have their own Deep State contingencies that make for civil war. A sudden secret plan wouldn't be feasible, the exception being Q and it wasn't as 'sudden' as some think either. This should be looked at as 3D chess where each side has it's own black and white pieces. Try that sometime. kek
See each 'line of possibility' and gauge it's potential as Looking Glass into the future. Realize that they are now on 'parallel plotlines' and mirror each other.
Putin/Xi white hats meet
Putin/Xi black hats meet
Putin white hat, Xi black hat meet.
And so on.
Program rule No. 1 - Garbage In, Garbage out.
👆👆 very nice analysis 👌
Putin gave the ball to President Trump. The ball is in our court.
"What if Russia and China are helping to eliminate the NWO?"
If true, the only way this works in our favor, is if Trump made a better deal with China than Biden. A deal where everyone gets their sovereignty and no one is a slave to the cabal.
I’m done with normies. I realised almost everyone i have ever known with very few exceptions is a MSM-devoted, government-worshipping, TV-addicted, uncritical thinking drone.
I don’t feel bad about this, though. They have always been with us. Today’s normie is just our epoch’s version of the mindless sheep who swallowed Hitler’s patriotism or Stalin’s propaganda or Mao’s revolution etc ad nauseum.
Them and the psychopaths that hoodwink them are largely the reason why why our past, present and future are always going to be fucked up. The silent minority of humans caught between the two, ad infinitum, so my plan is just have to hunker down and keep out of their way.
he is delusional...RussianWH, ChinaWH and AmericanWH have joined forces to completely destroy and eradicate the Khazarian Mafia cabal from this planet which will include the biden crime family
YES! That is the proper context.
Sounds like it's time for you to bust that door wide open.
Waking up to the fact that there are people controlling the U.S. government that couldn't give a damn about right and wrong and don't have a problem killing millions of it's own citizens, which is the better deal? Man dominates man to his injury. Doesn't really make a difference who is in charge.
If you agree with that, I'd say you're both nuts.
If taking over America is predicated on prolonging the war, then why is America prolonging the war?
I believe that everything going on is to end the old world system. That, and to frame the "elites" with numerous crimes.
Yes, I get that. Framing, in this case, means highlighting, as if to put in a frame, to showcase for all to see.
Baby steps
It's not an old concept.
It was always my gut feeling that Trump will not win 2024.
More people are waking up, but many of these late risers did not experience the loss from election fraud directly, like we did in 2020.
This being said, the electronic voting machines are still rigged, just as they were in 2020, and the "Red wave" midterms.
If we do not get rid of the current electronic voting machines, we can't have a fair election.
I've been flat out banned from conservative communities for mentioning this, believe it or not. Even though Trump advocates for paper ballots himself. Crazy right? Believe it or not, there are "trusted forces" within our movement that are working to undermine Trump.
Edit: Lol. The downvote proves my point.
People were so rabid during that red wave. I was going to sticky something about the electronic voting machines, but I was concerned about being attacked for "encouraging people not to vote".
There was occult significance to that red wave election too.
No talk about Digital ID being racist either, when it would literally have your race on it. Lol
No. Ukraine is the last stand of the petrodollar. Hence the destruction of nordstream 2.
Sounds like psyop bullshit with intent to destroy cohesion among Patriots.
The fact this is stickied and wasnt allowed to die on the vine is vomit inducing.
Your brother's theory is interesting - and frightening. It's from a DS perspective so it's fitting in with their usual war narratives to benefit the cabal. Another theory - assuming the WHs are in control - is that the WHs are setting the stage to have a China-Taiwan flare-up occur soon. This from a recent post from u/ashlanddog -
While Russia is potentially documenting the nightmare details of what's going on underneath the ground in the Ukraine, the next hell-hole on the schedule for clean-up could be Taiwan. It's also another DS power center.
Having the Ukraine conflict pop off first creates considerable global tension while simultaneously draining some European countries of some of their tanks (Spain, Finland, Poland, Germany, others? sending leopard tanks to Ukraine) and lots of their money as they get sent over to the conflict. This leaves these countries weaker domestically when their populace, angry from being starved, decides to protest with pitchforks and rocks. Those who survive will never again allow themselves to be disarmed and will adopt a rock-solid Constitution with an unshakable 2A.
A theoretical scenario... Now set a second war fire ablaze in Taiwan. Remember, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn's brother has a somewhat formidable force stationed in that part of the world (if I'm not mistaken - I'm not a military person). So big, bad China goes in to attack sweet little innocent Taiwan (just as big, bad Russia went in to attack sweet little innocent Ukraine), the "global bullies" pair as has been insinuated by FNM of late, teaming up to take over the world. Unlike Russia, this about-face on China (from giving them carte blanche to commit human rights atrocities while looking the other way since they produce so much of our import goods to lambasting them for being war-mongering imperialists) would cause more whiplash in brainwashed sheeple minds.
Meanwhile the US is apparently being sucked dry of money and oil, inflation through the sky causing lots of pain for the average (aka not wealthy) American family and the senile Potatus is doddering around telling everyone their $14 loaf of bread and $20-per-dozen eggs is part of the best economy of the past century. The MSM is now standing in front of a picture of a burning America/food plant saying how it's a peaceful, robust, thriving economy. The FNM might hint that the Potatus could even call for a mandatory military service. (Side note - Lord knows the soyboys could use some discipline and manning-up, as it were, since so many of them were brought up to be sissies).
Everyone is watching the nightly news as, behind the scenes, China goes in and starts cleaning out the nasty hellholes in Taiwan and documenting the biolabs and nightmarish human experimentation happening just below the surface. FNM is screaming about the wartime barbarism of the nasty Chinese (caused by the true marxist thugs and blamed on China) as the cabal grip on their power centers slips away. Idiot leftists add another flag to their online profiles, happy to have yet another thing to virtue signal about, as they send Taiwan checks to help the poor, needy Taiwanese denizens.
Meanwhile, here in the US the marxist infiltrators into what subsequently became bad tech are being raked over the coals during House investigations into politically-motivated censorship. More news on election fraud gets out, states push back and put more safeguards in place. More news about the scamdemic and subsequent genocide attempt comes out. Bad pharma starts taking it on the chin. The dangers of the experimental drugs are laid out clearly and irrefutably for the sheeple. Twitter files start to drop more explosive information on the corrupt players including the Potatus (so he won't be the one to appear like a savior), perhaps other explosive leaks occur and the military needs to intervene. ... (end theoretical scenario).
Well, we are talking theories here. An anon can dream. BTW, I'm praying that if any of this does, in fact, occur, that it's controlled by the WHs. It would make sense that the cabal would be turning on China in the FNM as they see the financial moves being taken by Russia and China to weaken the cabal's control.
For me, I'm just praying to God.
...God is in control....
China and Russia are working together with other countries to bankrupt the USA and the Euro. IMO when they come put with a gold backed currency it is game over.
I’d ask your brother how he thinks the raid on the CCP spy headquarters in Texas in 2021 fits into this theory.
Or how the forced closure of the Huawei spy works in Texas works with what he’s postulating.
On the surface, I see how he came to this conclusion. However, I believe the threat is China’s version of the CIA, not Xi and just faction. After seeing that old CCP Chairman get political prisoner treatment on the global stage at the annual CCP meeting last year, I am no longer as worried about being taken over by Communist China.
I think we also have less to worry about now that Feinstein officially isn’t seeking re-election.
America's "white hats" are working WITH Russia and China to get rid of the "globalists" that are trying to take over the whole planet so no, I think your brother's theory is wrong but at least he's willing to change his mind, that's a GREAT start!!!
Not going to happen. Russia and China are not working together. The girl I work with is from Russia. Her entire family lives in Russia and she said no way in hell.
I don’t think Russia is nearly as bad as what the propaganda has conditioned us to believe. In fact I think they want their homeland and people back, and to be left the fuck alone by nato, the US, the WEF and NWO likes.
I Agree.
The fact that anyone still thinks "why hasnt russia beaten ukraine yet" when ukraine is fighting with all the weapons in NATO is just pathetic. If Ukraine from 2013 fought russia this would have been over in a month. This new, militarized, pro-nato ukraine is the entire reason russia had to take them out in the first place