Hard not to be aware of Brand when he and Perry got married, coverage inescapable. I did not care for him, typical liberal/libertine/frat boy. Years later I see him on a UK comedy panel show. Had to admit he was very smart, his humor was sharp. Most funny were his quips that got no immediate laughs but 5-10 seconds later people started when they "got it". Much later I see he has a Netflix special and watched it. Most of the set was about being drawn closer to his wife when they had their 1st child, how amazing and spiritual it was. It was quite moving and no way not genuine. A couple years ago though I notice when his name comes up there is usually someone calling him fake or controlled opposition. IMO that happened as he began getting wider notice amongst the mainstream and that he might be having an effect there. He comments on banks and the vaxx are brutal.
he spoke from his heart, the truth and not fake.. all the words just shoot out like rapid fire because it's everything we read everyday -truth..his brain must be going so fast lol
He wrote a book about his battle with addiction. No way is he on drugs now. Yes he thinks/speaks very rapidly and, on his own show, the gaps are edited out to make it seem even faster.
You would think so but I think the "gay republican" thing is more of an effect of "see, gay people can be republican too!" that is more effective for those already republican. Just like a lot of black commentators are like "black people can vote for Trump too!" So although gay and black are two distinguishers that tend to lead to empathy for lefties, it's seen to them more as "oh look at that poor person voting against their own interests" more than it is seen as "hmm let me maybe entertain this guy's actual views."
Now I don't think it's likely or anything, (though with God anything is possible), but imagine if Killary had an epiphany of faith. Imagine how hard God is working to save her soul. That would truly be the greatest come back in history.
Again, I don't think it's likely or anything, but again, only God can work such miracles. If a person like her could end up believing then there's nobody God can't reach.
We can pray for them and celebrate with God when they repent. "Lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of thy mercy"
Keep in mind how difficult it is for them to believe that God is merciful and loves them, after a lifetime of believing the lies of Satan.
I understand why people don't trust Russel Brand, but the way he handled his divorce with Katy Perry and his willingly walking away from the Hollywood lifestyle to conquer his personal demons has always given me a good egg vibe about him.
I realized this slowly over the last decade as well.
Last summer I got baptized at a Church of Christ.
Now I pray 3-6 times a day for anywhere from 5 mins to 1 hour per day.
I feel better health-wise, but more importantly, I feel more at peace with my life, both the good and the bad, and reading the news daily ... its definitely a challenge.
I do take breaks from the news and this site from time to time as well.
Try different kinds of prayers and keep studying different sections of the bible.
I find the more different kinds of prayers I learn and more scripture I absorb the easier it is to pray.
I am a big fan of Psalms 23 ands 91, but there are still 50 I need to read again.
I watched a lot about the Asbury Revival, both old and new and find their testimonies and the even the videos have a feeling that can only be described as the Holy Spirit.
Absolutely - i haven't read this article yet or viewed any videos on this specific comment from Brand.
However, I watch Brand frequently in his daily releases as a judgement marker to where some normies are in this journey.
Anyways - point being, by watching those daily videos - I'm not sure by this statement here along Which God - Brand is talking about.
Will report back if I find more info on this.
That said - I do have to say that this statement of his IS one step closer to the Real Remedy, even if it's not - if that makes sense.
People have to understand First that the problems we face here in this World is a result of the ROOT being messed up and the Root is that this is all Spiritual to begin with.
Yeah - he doesn't say he needs Jesus or - that he's following Jesus.
That said - I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Brand IS advocating for the Need to look at life through a spiritual lens.
Which - I absolutely agree with.
And if we, as a society - did that - we'd at least be operating in a realm of truth regarding the reality of our existence, what happens here, why, and what we are made for - the answers of which are all spiritual in nature.
As opposed to the very carnal existence that many people subscribe to - causing them to chase distractions, pacifications and escapes in the Physical realm - completely denying the existence and presupposition of the Spiritual realm.
All that to say - at least he's starting the right conversation that so many refuse to.
Next step - is praying for him to learn the reality that Jesus is the only way in that realm.
The Bible says there is only one way to Heaven - and that is through accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, so that our sins are atoned for by that sacrifice - and we are clean in the eyes of God when we go before Him after we die.
By the Bible's claim - there is no other way.
That doesn't answer the question about what those religions are - but, according to the Bible - the Bible tells you what they can't be.
Buddhists do not have a heaven or hell in the sense of something in the afterlife. There is no reward or punishment at the time of death.
Buddhism always has been concerned with this life. While they are alive, they have to seek Enlightenment. The Buddha taught that knowing where we came from or what happens after death should not take up any of our energy.
In Buddhism, there is no concept of punishment or reward and there is no divine being who decides who goes to hell or heaven. There is merely the illusory results of your thought, words and deeds, which they call karma.
Hindus don’t believe that there are true religions and false religions. They believe that all religions are various paths towards god. Only requirement of a person seeking god is sincerity and purity.
Hindus can worship Allah or Jesus. They can go to a mosque or kneel in front of the cross without any problem. They believe that all these are just different names of the one reality.
In Hinduism, it is believed that there is no such thing as eternal hell or eternal heaven.
Hell and Heaven are treated as “vacation-homes” , one may say.
All the good deeds and bad deeds that one does in their life are counted and accounted. When a person dies, according to their score of Good deeds-Bad deeds, if there are more goods than bads, you get to go to Swarga and to Naraka if its the other way round.
But you cannot stay in either Swarga or Naraka forever. For x good deeds and y bad deeds, your score is S= x-y.Now depending upon the magnitude of S, your days are numbered and also, the facilities of Swarga/Naraka are upgraded/degraded accordingly.
So after staying in your vacation-home for your due duration, you have to come to the Earth again. But if you raise yourself up to a level where you become one with god, you attain Moksha-Liberation, from the cycle of Birth and Death.
According to those religions, there is no Eternal Heaven/Hell.
According to those religions, it's on You to earn your way to whatever version of temporary afterlife you want to go to.
According to those religions - it is your deeds, words and thoughts that determine which temporary afterlife you go to*.
Contrary to that, Jesus says - “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
There's only one answer then - one is true, and the rest are false.
Otherwise, if multiple are true, then any who claim to be "the only way" are false.
And here is another key difference.
In Buddhism and Hinduism - it is on you to make yourself more perfect to attain the different versions of temporary afterlife.
How do you know when you're good enough?
The Bible tells us that God cannot have sin in His presence (Heaven).
The Bible tells us that we cannot achieve Zero sin - for even our own thoughts count against us.
Therefore, to be cleansed of our sins so that we may be with God in Heaven when we die - the judgement of our sins must be had.
The only way to repay sins, is sacrifice of the innocent.
Since we are so helpless and cannot free ourselves from all sin - a single sacrifice was needed to cover the debt of ALL our sins for all time.
This is why Jesus was sent by God.
To bear that weight in His sacrifice.
So all we have to do then is to Accept his sacrifice and we are covered.
The debt has already been paid.
We simply need to change our minds from the way we were looking at life - and accept the payment that has already been made for us.
If you listened to the Rogan podcast with him from last week he shouted out great awakening and another community. (In my opinion) and he mentioned Q years ago. He dated Katy Perry I'm pretty sure he knows some shit. Like come on.
I've been watching Brand for quite a while now. I believe his change of mind (not heart) is very sincere.
He's a powerful ally. Yes, he might say some things you don't personally agree with, but do not write off or dismiss this man. He has an enormous following and he has been relentless in presenting DATA and illustrating the corruption of western governments. He's making an enormous contribution to the Great Awakening.
We are all on different paths back to God and our real home. We all have different experiences we have to have on this path for our spiritual growth. Everyone's path is different. No one's is better than anyone else's because if you are still here, you are not finished with your path. Anything can happen to challenge you. It is quite beautiful to see his awakening. His mind is quicksilver fast and so is his speaking. His humor makes me laugh out loud, when he does his little outtakes reacting to what he is covering. Truly a job to watch him.
I agree.. we all walk different paths and God works in mysterious ways. Don't underestimate a man's faith just because he doesn't resemble or live up to someone's standard.
Russell's mind is truly lightning fast, amazing to witness.
I disagree. Most certainly some paths are better than others. To say or think otherwise is to fall into the humanistic mentality that all kids should get participation awards, and no one should ever 'win' a competition.
Some paths are better than others, and some paths are better for one person than for another.
I think the real point is that all people on their paths deserve respect and appreciation. There needs to be acknowledgement that it's OK for paths to be different; in fact, it's downright necessary, but that is not to say that all paths are equal.
It really boils down to the value of each individual, and from a certain perspective, each individual's value is utterly unique and in that sense absolute; each person is a unique expression of God's nature, and needs to be valued as such.
Just my thoughts.
Like you, tho, I really enjoy listening to Brand and especially like watching him interact with others.
You completely misunderstood and then reiterated what I said differently. "No one's path is better than anyone else's" what I mean is that for each person's spiritual refinement, they will go through certain tests and challenges, some by their own making and some due to another's action and no one should think less of someone's path in life on their way home to God. All we take with us from this life is what we learn and our hopefully refined spirit.
Lol. I disagree. Or perhaps you didn't articulate what you meant very well?
and then reiterated what I said differently.
Lol, I disagree. I'm drawing a specific distinction, possibly one that you've not considered (?). There is a difference between the path (aka the choices a person makes) and the person themselves.
"No one's path is better than anyone else's" says something. Literally, that "no one's path is better than anyone else's", and as I stated (I thought rather clearly) I disagree with that fundamental concept.
In addition, I think it's important to "think less (or more) of someone's path in life" on their journey, because in my view, some paths are most certainly better than others, and some paths are less desirable or more desirable for a particular person. Don't you think that God has certain paths for a person that he preferred that person walked?
Or do you think that God simply doesn't care, that God is like, "hey, whatever! you can walk the path of destruction hurting and maiming others, and yourself, but what the heck, it's OK, because you're going to come back to me anyway, even if it means millenia of suffering."
In my view, God most certainly has desires for individuals, families, communities, nations etc, to walk certain paths, and God does NOT want them to walk certain paths. Which means, when someone chooses a path that God doesn't want them to go, that path is not "equal" to any other path they may go.
We don't need to like or withhold a sense of evaluation for a path in order to be able to love the person who walks it. In fact, that was my first point: withholding any evaluation, by saying "no one's path is better than another", one slips into a moral relativism and ambiguity where the upshot is that there is no good or evil, and everything is OK.
I don't think that's what you meant, but I am saying that this is the implication of saying "one one's path is better....."
In my view, good and evil DO exist, and God desires each person to choose a better path than a worse path.
However, God does not alter his love for a person because they choose one path or another. God's love is constant. However, in my view, that does NOT mean that God thinks "all paths are equal, and no one's path is better than anyone else's".
Thus, I am drawing a distinction between the path a person walks - aka what choices they make and to what extent they live up to their God-given potentiality and responsibility - and the value or love that God gives to that person.
I appreciate you coming back and taking another stab at articulating what you intend to mean, but I guess I also think you may not have thought through all the implications of what saying "no one's path is better than anyone else" actually means.
It's that gray area between thinking a) that to love a person means b) to not make any judgment or appreciation for better or worse choices they make.
Such moral relativism is a real problem in the world, imo, which is why I draw the distinction so adamantly.
Think about it. Recognizing that some paths ARE better than others, and some people are walking BETTER paths than others, does no preclude actually having compassion or love for any of those people.
no one should think less of someone's path in life on their way home to God.
See? So here we disagree. You seem to be equating a person's value not with the person themselves, but with the path they are walking. I think they are two very different things.
Did God desire that Adam fail in his responsibility, turn his back on God, and lead all of his descendents into thousands and tens of thousands of years of conflict and suffering? I don't think so.
I think those choices - the path Adam took - grieved God deeply. Likewise, the actions and choices (aka "the path") taken by the abusive addict who destroys himself with drugs and alcohol while torturing and abusing others around him, they are not good choices, and those choices do NOT deserve respect, imo. But, that doesn't mean that God doesn't love that person, and it doesn't mean that I shouldn't, too.
If your point is that it is right to have love and compassion for others, regardless of what choices they make, well, I can agree with that. But to me, that does not mean "no one's path is better than anyone else's". There are good choices and bad choices, and some choices, leading to certain paths, are better than others.
One person's path will bring great joy to God, while another person's path may bring great grief to God. They are not equal, even though God's love for both of them is absolute and unwavering, and we should all aspire to practicing that same level of love.
I wonder if you agree with this, or if you are adamant in your conviction that "no one's path is better than anyone else's"?
He is a new Ager, let's not pretend that he came to Christ. He's a good ally in the culture and that is all. He's of the type that believes that God can be both female and male, etc. "Spirituality" ain't the wave, folks.
Appreciate that you have to forgive people eventually, but it was only a year ago when I saw a video (promoted by YouTube) where he finished by advocating for a One World Government. Since then he has endorsed Yuval Harari and appeared on mainstream TV chat shows.
Despite what people think of him andhis past, I watch him on Youtube. Yes I used to think he was an irredeemable douche, but something's clicked in his head. Last couple years, his outtakes on life in general has turned a 180 and he's seeing the bullshit in everything. Best part of that is he is using himself and the YT platform to give no bullshit commentaries on various topics with wit, humor, and seriousness that only someone like him can achieve.
That may sound fanboyish, but like I said; used to dislike him a lot. Cred where cred is due....he's changed for the better!
Tucker Carlson interviewing with Brand. About 5 mins.
I have to say. I love it!
As the world awakens, it's imperative that we learn to bring different perspectives into a unified force, rather than bringing different perspectives in to conflict.
Brands angle on things has a LOT to offer, imo. I'm not saying I agree with everything he says, but I think he's certainly bringing something of value to the mix.
Anyone who becomes serious about the real questions in life and the universe will eventually find the answer is beyond the confines of our material existence. Then they have to make a choice. The choice.
Glad to see this I've seen far too many people in this forum who claim they want people to wake up but then they see Elites waking up and they point out their past like y'all are screaming to wake people up but then when people wake up you don't want to accept it it's like what the hell is wrong but I'm glad to see people in this one agree that this man is waking up he's been waking up for a year I've been following it I've watched him wake up it's an amazing transformation him and Lou Valentino is another good one
Here brand actually defines what God. It doesn't take take long to deduce it isn't the God of the bible. There are many many videos on YT about him discussing psychedelics and "God".
Like I said - I've watched Brand a lot during the last, certainly 2 years - (when he started talking about things related to the lockdowns/ hypocrisies, etc. that we've all witnessed). Never heard him say this believe this clearly though.
The more I listen to Brand the more I believe his change is sincere.
The awakening had to have come after dropping Katy Perry. Praise Jesus!
Didn't Katy Perry once say something like: human meat is the best meat?
What?! For real?
That's slightly disturbing.
I'd hate to see what really upsets you.
It's a true blessing.
As an ex-leftist, I currently believe it is.
Once you realize you were wrong about everything for so long, you want so strongly to make people NOT repeat your mistakes.
I'm still cautious.
Hard not to be aware of Brand when he and Perry got married, coverage inescapable. I did not care for him, typical liberal/libertine/frat boy. Years later I see him on a UK comedy panel show. Had to admit he was very smart, his humor was sharp. Most funny were his quips that got no immediate laughs but 5-10 seconds later people started when they "got it". Much later I see he has a Netflix special and watched it. Most of the set was about being drawn closer to his wife when they had their 1st child, how amazing and spiritual it was. It was quite moving and no way not genuine. A couple years ago though I notice when his name comes up there is usually someone calling him fake or controlled opposition. IMO that happened as he began getting wider notice amongst the mainstream and that he might be having an effect there. He comments on banks and the vaxx are brutal.
he spoke from his heart, the truth and not fake.. all the words just shoot out like rapid fire because it's everything we read everyday -truth..his brain must be going so fast lol
I think he has always been kind of speedy. Initially I took his rapid fire speaking/thinking to be of a pharmaceutical nature.
He wrote a book about his battle with addiction. No way is he on drugs now. Yes he thinks/speaks very rapidly and, on his own show, the gaps are edited out to make it seem even faster.
Truth seekers start from different points in life but end up at the same destination Jesus Christ.
100%. I am one.
Jesus is the ultimate red-pill.
Sometimes I question if people like Milo are legitimately repenting or if they are just doing if for their audience.
he'd have a bigger audience being gay republican because he can convince more lefties or gays to hear our side, so I think he's sincere
You would think so but I think the "gay republican" thing is more of an effect of "see, gay people can be republican too!" that is more effective for those already republican. Just like a lot of black commentators are like "black people can vote for Trump too!" So although gay and black are two distinguishers that tend to lead to empathy for lefties, it's seen to them more as "oh look at that poor person voting against their own interests" more than it is seen as "hmm let me maybe entertain this guy's actual views."
Now I don't think it's likely or anything, (though with God anything is possible), but imagine if Killary had an epiphany of faith. Imagine how hard God is working to save her soul. That would truly be the greatest come back in history.
Again, I don't think it's likely or anything, but again, only God can work such miracles. If a person like her could end up believing then there's nobody God can't reach.
We can pray for them and celebrate with God when they repent. "Lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of thy mercy" Keep in mind how difficult it is for them to believe that God is merciful and loves them, after a lifetime of believing the lies of Satan.
That kind of explains his change over the last few years.
No wonder he divorced Katy Perry
Katy turned away from Christ
And Christ must have already been working in Russel's heart
I understand why people don't trust Russel Brand, but the way he handled his divorce with Katy Perry and his willingly walking away from the Hollywood lifestyle to conquer his personal demons has always given me a good egg vibe about him.
Bonus points for having Jesus hair
And the beard.
I realized this slowly over the last decade as well.
Last summer I got baptized at a Church of Christ.
Now I pray 3-6 times a day for anywhere from 5 mins to 1 hour per day.
I feel better health-wise, but more importantly, I feel more at peace with my life, both the good and the bad, and reading the news daily ... its definitely a challenge.
I do take breaks from the news and this site from time to time as well.
Congrats, brother. Praying for you! Please pray for me as well.
Try different kinds of prayers and keep studying different sections of the bible.
I find the more different kinds of prayers I learn and more scripture I absorb the easier it is to pray.
I am a big fan of Psalms 23 ands 91, but there are still 50 I need to read again.
I watched a lot about the Asbury Revival, both old and new and find their testimonies and the even the videos have a feeling that can only be described as the Holy Spirit.
Awesome testimony,, Pede!
This life is temporary. It is our spiritual infancy phase. Our test before going over to our true home.
Keep at it! God has so many doors to unlock for all of us.
Prayer is the most powerful and underestimated weapon we have.
Someone check the temp in hell.
dead degrees.
Which God?
Absolutely - i haven't read this article yet or viewed any videos on this specific comment from Brand.
However, I watch Brand frequently in his daily releases as a judgement marker to where some normies are in this journey.
Anyways - point being, by watching those daily videos - I'm not sure by this statement here along Which God - Brand is talking about.
Will report back if I find more info on this.
That said - I do have to say that this statement of his IS one step closer to the Real Remedy, even if it's not - if that makes sense.
People have to understand First that the problems we face here in this World is a result of the ROOT being messed up and the Root is that this is all Spiritual to begin with.
First step to the real awakening.
Reporting back - ok, watched the vid.
Yeah - he doesn't say he needs Jesus or - that he's following Jesus.
That said - I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Brand IS advocating for the Need to look at life through a spiritual lens.
Which - I absolutely agree with.
And if we, as a society - did that - we'd at least be operating in a realm of truth regarding the reality of our existence, what happens here, why, and what we are made for - the answers of which are all spiritual in nature.
As opposed to the very carnal existence that many people subscribe to - causing them to chase distractions, pacifications and escapes in the Physical realm - completely denying the existence and presupposition of the Spiritual realm.
All that to say - at least he's starting the right conversation that so many refuse to.
Next step - is praying for him to learn the reality that Jesus is the only way in that realm.
Thanks for the report!
There is only one God, and the only way to God is through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Russell will come to that conclusion eventually.
The Bible says there is only one way to Heaven - and that is through accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, so that our sins are atoned for by that sacrifice - and we are clean in the eyes of God when we go before Him after we die.
By the Bible's claim - there is no other way.
That doesn't answer the question about what those religions are - but, according to the Bible - the Bible tells you what they can't be.
That is an excellent question!
Let's take a look at what they claim!
Buddhists do not have a heaven or hell in the sense of something in the afterlife. There is no reward or punishment at the time of death.
Buddhism always has been concerned with this life. While they are alive, they have to seek Enlightenment. The Buddha taught that knowing where we came from or what happens after death should not take up any of our energy.
In Buddhism, there is no concept of punishment or reward and there is no divine being who decides who goes to hell or heaven. There is merely the illusory results of your thought, words and deeds, which they call karma.
Hindus don’t believe that there are true religions and false religions. They believe that all religions are various paths towards god. Only requirement of a person seeking god is sincerity and purity.
Hindus can worship Allah or Jesus. They can go to a mosque or kneel in front of the cross without any problem. They believe that all these are just different names of the one reality.
In Hinduism, it is believed that there is no such thing as eternal hell or eternal heaven.
Hell and Heaven are treated as “vacation-homes” , one may say.
All the good deeds and bad deeds that one does in their life are counted and accounted. When a person dies, according to their score of Good deeds-Bad deeds, if there are more goods than bads, you get to go to Swarga and to Naraka if its the other way round.
But you cannot stay in either Swarga or Naraka forever. For x good deeds and y bad deeds, your score is S= x-y.Now depending upon the magnitude of S, your days are numbered and also, the facilities of Swarga/Naraka are upgraded/degraded accordingly.
So after staying in your vacation-home for your due duration, you have to come to the Earth again. But if you raise yourself up to a level where you become one with god, you attain Moksha-Liberation, from the cycle of Birth and Death.
According to those religions, there is no Eternal Heaven/Hell.
According to those religions, it's on You to earn your way to whatever version of temporary afterlife you want to go to.
According to those religions - it is your deeds, words and thoughts that determine which temporary afterlife you go to*.
Contrary to that, Jesus says - “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
There's only one answer then - one is true, and the rest are false.
Otherwise, if multiple are true, then any who claim to be "the only way" are false.
And here is another key difference.
In Buddhism and Hinduism - it is on you to make yourself more perfect to attain the different versions of temporary afterlife.
How do you know when you're good enough?
The Bible tells us that God cannot have sin in His presence (Heaven).
The Bible tells us that we cannot achieve Zero sin - for even our own thoughts count against us.
Therefore, to be cleansed of our sins so that we may be with God in Heaven when we die - the judgement of our sins must be had.
The only way to repay sins, is sacrifice of the innocent.
Since we are so helpless and cannot free ourselves from all sin - a single sacrifice was needed to cover the debt of ALL our sins for all time.
This is why Jesus was sent by God.
To bear that weight in His sacrifice.
So all we have to do then is to Accept his sacrifice and we are covered.
The debt has already been paid.
We simply need to change our minds from the way we were looking at life - and accept the payment that has already been made for us.
If you listened to the Rogan podcast with him from last week he shouted out great awakening and another community. (In my opinion) and he mentioned Q years ago. He dated Katy Perry I'm pretty sure he knows some shit. Like come on.
I'm pretty sure he's around lurking 🙂
I've been watching Brand for quite a while now. I believe his change of mind (not heart) is very sincere.
He's a powerful ally. Yes, he might say some things you don't personally agree with, but do not write off or dismiss this man. He has an enormous following and he has been relentless in presenting DATA and illustrating the corruption of western governments. He's making an enormous contribution to the Great Awakening.
We are all on different paths back to God and our real home. We all have different experiences we have to have on this path for our spiritual growth. Everyone's path is different. No one's is better than anyone else's because if you are still here, you are not finished with your path. Anything can happen to challenge you. It is quite beautiful to see his awakening. His mind is quicksilver fast and so is his speaking. His humor makes me laugh out loud, when he does his little outtakes reacting to what he is covering. Truly a job to watch him.
I agree.. we all walk different paths and God works in mysterious ways. Don't underestimate a man's faith just because he doesn't resemble or live up to someone's standard.
Russell's mind is truly lightning fast, amazing to witness.
"No one's is better than anyone else's"
I disagree. Most certainly some paths are better than others. To say or think otherwise is to fall into the humanistic mentality that all kids should get participation awards, and no one should ever 'win' a competition.
Some paths are better than others, and some paths are better for one person than for another.
I think the real point is that all people on their paths deserve respect and appreciation. There needs to be acknowledgement that it's OK for paths to be different; in fact, it's downright necessary, but that is not to say that all paths are equal.
It really boils down to the value of each individual, and from a certain perspective, each individual's value is utterly unique and in that sense absolute; each person is a unique expression of God's nature, and needs to be valued as such.
Just my thoughts.
Like you, tho, I really enjoy listening to Brand and especially like watching him interact with others.
You completely misunderstood and then reiterated what I said differently. "No one's path is better than anyone else's" what I mean is that for each person's spiritual refinement, they will go through certain tests and challenges, some by their own making and some due to another's action and no one should think less of someone's path in life on their way home to God. All we take with us from this life is what we learn and our hopefully refined spirit.
Lol. I disagree. Or perhaps you didn't articulate what you meant very well?
Lol, I disagree. I'm drawing a specific distinction, possibly one that you've not considered (?). There is a difference between the path (aka the choices a person makes) and the person themselves.
"No one's path is better than anyone else's" says something. Literally, that "no one's path is better than anyone else's", and as I stated (I thought rather clearly) I disagree with that fundamental concept.
In addition, I think it's important to "think less (or more) of someone's path in life" on their journey, because in my view, some paths are most certainly better than others, and some paths are less desirable or more desirable for a particular person. Don't you think that God has certain paths for a person that he preferred that person walked?
Or do you think that God simply doesn't care, that God is like, "hey, whatever! you can walk the path of destruction hurting and maiming others, and yourself, but what the heck, it's OK, because you're going to come back to me anyway, even if it means millenia of suffering."
In my view, God most certainly has desires for individuals, families, communities, nations etc, to walk certain paths, and God does NOT want them to walk certain paths. Which means, when someone chooses a path that God doesn't want them to go, that path is not "equal" to any other path they may go.
We don't need to like or withhold a sense of evaluation for a path in order to be able to love the person who walks it. In fact, that was my first point: withholding any evaluation, by saying "no one's path is better than another", one slips into a moral relativism and ambiguity where the upshot is that there is no good or evil, and everything is OK.
I don't think that's what you meant, but I am saying that this is the implication of saying "one one's path is better....."
In my view, good and evil DO exist, and God desires each person to choose a better path than a worse path.
However, God does not alter his love for a person because they choose one path or another. God's love is constant. However, in my view, that does NOT mean that God thinks "all paths are equal, and no one's path is better than anyone else's".
Thus, I am drawing a distinction between the path a person walks - aka what choices they make and to what extent they live up to their God-given potentiality and responsibility - and the value or love that God gives to that person.
I appreciate you coming back and taking another stab at articulating what you intend to mean, but I guess I also think you may not have thought through all the implications of what saying "no one's path is better than anyone else" actually means.
It's that gray area between thinking a) that to love a person means b) to not make any judgment or appreciation for better or worse choices they make.
Such moral relativism is a real problem in the world, imo, which is why I draw the distinction so adamantly.
Think about it. Recognizing that some paths ARE better than others, and some people are walking BETTER paths than others, does no preclude actually having compassion or love for any of those people.
See? So here we disagree. You seem to be equating a person's value not with the person themselves, but with the path they are walking. I think they are two very different things.
Did God desire that Adam fail in his responsibility, turn his back on God, and lead all of his descendents into thousands and tens of thousands of years of conflict and suffering? I don't think so.
I think those choices - the path Adam took - grieved God deeply. Likewise, the actions and choices (aka "the path") taken by the abusive addict who destroys himself with drugs and alcohol while torturing and abusing others around him, they are not good choices, and those choices do NOT deserve respect, imo. But, that doesn't mean that God doesn't love that person, and it doesn't mean that I shouldn't, too.
If your point is that it is right to have love and compassion for others, regardless of what choices they make, well, I can agree with that. But to me, that does not mean "no one's path is better than anyone else's". There are good choices and bad choices, and some choices, leading to certain paths, are better than others.
One person's path will bring great joy to God, while another person's path may bring great grief to God. They are not equal, even though God's love for both of them is absolute and unwavering, and we should all aspire to practicing that same level of love.
I wonder if you agree with this, or if you are adamant in your conviction that "no one's path is better than anyone else's"?
Either way, be well.
No, you misunderstood.
Kek. OK. Let's leave it at that.
FWIW, I think your open-heartedness and obvious intent to love and value people does you great credit.
Have a blessed day.
Welcome to the Great Awakening Russell!
Dude's pretty smart, but he speaks using run-on sentences. Still, offers up some good stuff.
He hasn't changed, his script has.
He is a new Ager, let's not pretend that he came to Christ. He's a good ally in the culture and that is all. He's of the type that believes that God can be both female and male, etc. "Spirituality" ain't the wave, folks.
He speaks truth with passion. Watch him on YT if you haven’t already. He’s awake now.
Better yet, Rumble: https://rumble.com/search/all?q=russell%20brand
I still look at him sideways.
It's been a blast to watch his transformation.
Appreciate that you have to forgive people eventually, but it was only a year ago when I saw a video (promoted by YouTube) where he finished by advocating for a One World Government. Since then he has endorsed Yuval Harari and appeared on mainstream TV chat shows.
Which God? God the father you can only get to by Jesus Christ? Or some other fictitious made-up God that 2023 is peddling like poppers.
Despite what people think of him andhis past, I watch him on Youtube. Yes I used to think he was an irredeemable douche, but something's clicked in his head. Last couple years, his outtakes on life in general has turned a 180 and he's seeing the bullshit in everything. Best part of that is he is using himself and the YT platform to give no bullshit commentaries on various topics with wit, humor, and seriousness that only someone like him can achieve.
That may sound fanboyish, but like I said; used to dislike him a lot. Cred where cred is due....he's changed for the better!
Same realization that I came to. I have been shown pure evil, therefore the opposite must be true as well.
Short clip here from the Breitbart article
Tucker Carlson interviewing with Brand. About 5 mins.
I have to say. I love it!
As the world awakens, it's imperative that we learn to bring different perspectives into a unified force, rather than bringing different perspectives in to conflict.
Brands angle on things has a LOT to offer, imo. I'm not saying I agree with everything he says, but I think he's certainly bringing something of value to the mix.
Wtf, I like Russel Brand now.
Anyone who becomes serious about the real questions in life and the universe will eventually find the answer is beyond the confines of our material existence. Then they have to make a choice. The choice.
Glad to see this I've seen far too many people in this forum who claim they want people to wake up but then they see Elites waking up and they point out their past like y'all are screaming to wake people up but then when people wake up you don't want to accept it it's like what the hell is wrong but I'm glad to see people in this one agree that this man is waking up he's been waking up for a year I've been following it I've watched him wake up it's an amazing transformation him and Lou Valentino is another good one
Until he professes Jesus Christ to be God publically, I cannot know where he truly stands.
He doesn't believe in the God of the bible. He believes in a "higher power" "mother ayahuasca" type being.
Yup. Mother.
Any source on that? I've watched his videos for quite some time - haven't caught him specifically say "mother".
I'd be curious to see that for myself.
Here brand actually defines what God. It doesn't take take long to deduce it isn't the God of the bible. There are many many videos on YT about him discussing psychedelics and "God".
Thanks for digging that up.
Like I said - I've watched Brand a lot during the last, certainly 2 years - (when he started talking about things related to the lockdowns/ hypocrisies, etc. that we've all witnessed). Never heard him say this believe this clearly though.
Good to know.