Cryin.. Cryin because I tried SO HARD to spread the word to my family & friends about the bio weapon death jab... Im having the bad feels, I just couldnt get it through to some people... I wasnt convincing enough... I didnt have the right link or article or they just wouldnt budge.. I spent so much time warning people and I had SO MUCH PROOF and it was all just not enough.. and people are suffering and are going to suffer and it just fucking sucks to think about and know that its going to get worse before it gets better...
Imagine getting blood clots after a vax your nephew warns about that very vax, then AFTER being treated for those clots, going back in FOR ANOTHER BOOSTER?!
LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!? And one of the hardest parts is that i want to care and.... I want to mourn and like think of holidays at their house when I was growing up but all I can think of is the stupid jab and how stupid they are for taking it & not listening or just even fucking waiting it out? Idiots fucking idiots. And it makes me fucking sick but I really dont fucking care cause i tried to warn them and they didnt fucking listen. Like live & let die but it just saddens me cause my heart wants to be sad but theyve reaped what they sowed, & made their bed they now lie in.. Just torn up & depressed as fuck about it today. Thanks for hearing me if you made it this far...
Unfortunately people have to make their own choices in the end. Sorry for your loss.
At least you can reflect and not live a life full of regret. Let this be a lesson that each day is a blessing and being armed with knowledge and wisdom is mightily powerful.
“And I set watchmen over you, saying, ‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’ But they said, ‘We will not listen." -Jeremiah 6:17
"Since he heard the sound of the horn but failed to heed the warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had heeded the warning, he would have saved his life. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and fails to blow the horn to warn the people, and the sword comes and takes away a life, then that one will be taken away in his iniquity, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood." -Ezekiel 33:5-6
You're only responsible for sounding the alarm not for whether people heed your warning or not.
That is a passage we all need to heed. Almost like it was written for exactly these days.
Thank you for this.
For some reason, I'm still amazed at the number of verses and chapters in the Bible that are absolute stand-outs, centuries later. Thanks for posting this.
Timely and true; thanks for the reminder
100% TRUTH.
VERY true.
Scamdemic was a IQ test where 95% of people failed. sorry for your pain but on the sunny side you passed.Good job patriot God bless you on your future
I think it has more to do with people being incapable of comprehending the evil we are up against. Sadly, it had to be this way.
Cheers to having a rough upbringing and now having the ability to recognize evil immediately! Who knew it would pay off so beautifully? Sometimes in the big picture, things really do make sense.
I can relate. Was sexually assaulted by a Dr as a child and never trusted them since. Spent my entire life wondering why God allowed that to happen to me. But that incident might have saved my life, bec when the jabs rolled out, it was a big 'hell no'!
Who would have guessed that betrayal and brutality would pay off in spades decades later? Life really is amazing! Here’s to your continued great health and congrats on your (hard earned) superb judgment!
This is an odd segway, but this is why I am pro Santa. It teaches kids that sometimes the people that they trust the most can still lie.
I have seen a "failure of the imagination" be the cause of people not understanding or foreseeing things many times now.
Thanks Corporal, and back at you.
I sometimes wonder if younger me would have passed. I did not grow up with the Internet in my household, so I just knew stuff from school and what came over the TV. Modern kids have the advantage of growing up with Internet access. Hopefully the smart ones figured out who to trust.
we may not always have internet but your know how and will to move forward will. remember your going to love how this movie ends! truth and light have a plan and in the end will meet up with our family. God bless
Bless you fren, you did what you could. I have a 0% success rate in talking people out of the jab. But I tried.....
You’re not alone, I too tried and did not succeed. Even lost my long time partner of ten years who I was planning to start a family with until she took the poison jabs. Many of us tried.
Did she die or did this result in a break up?
She did not die but, as an athlete, I know she has suffered some damage. I love her and my family but I have accepted their choices and I have tried.
The entire thing has resulted in the break up. There were other compounding things for me in the relationship also. Overall however, I refused to be part of a matrix of lies. I removed 99% of my contacts, 100% social media, and removed associations from an ocean of drones and have started a new life on a journey to self discovery. Complete disconnection from the matrix and my life has been to a great start. Alone, painful, lonely, but complete freedom. It’s beautiful.
It’s like talking someone out of a cult or an abusive relationship or even an addiction. Their will is broken and thus they cannot act on reason. They must therefore act on faith which unfortunately many are not ready to do in time to save their own life.
Praying for OP and fam. ✝️🙏
Same here.
i talked my cousin out of the booster. He had the J&J and was literally standing in line for the booster.
He developed Afib from the first shot. He had no idea about the connection. He had to have heart surgery.
Hopefully he is okay.
Yes, survivors guilt. 💔
SO VERY SORRY FREN!!!! I feel you as many of us do. It killed my dad after I warned my fam until my eyes wanted to bleeeeed. They all got it basically saying I was insane and barely talking to me. Dad dead and now my mom has Vax cancer out of the blue. On chemo now and awaiting ANOTHER booster!!! I can't even anymore. Just standing by while my bestest fren in the whole wide world let's the med industry kill her even faster. I finally asked if she had seen all the evidence that's come to light (to normies) and she said no, that she chooses not to and only talks to her "doctors" about this. It's a fucking shame and so sorry for you and your family. God bless us all.
I'm so sorry fren.
Thank you fren. So many of us are feeling this pain now. It's so frustrating. May the Lord have mercy on all of our souls.
Talk to God, he will help you to find peace. So sorry for your loss. Big hug.
Amen to that. Not the only place they had to hear the truth. We forget that little fact and feel too responsible, because we tried so, so hard.
God Bless you. We know you tried. And you DO care or you wouldnt be posting this to us now.
Just remember that it was their choice no matter how hard you tried.
You are not at fault bc you did warn them. Sadly, many of us will be experiencing loss of these family and friends over the coming years and wondering if their death dates were acclerated due to their taking the jabs.
I understand how you feel. I have an aunt who is now dealing with severe vax-related clots that can't be operated on because she could bleed to death, and I did my best to give everyone who would listen, including her, educated advice. And yes, when the people you love don't listen to reason and sources other than CNN and then suffer for it, the logical thing to ask is "What the...?".
It's not you, fren. The bottom line is that taking the vax was your aunt's and uncle's choice, and they exercised the right to make that choice. It was the wrong choice, but regardless of what you did or didn't say or do, it was their right to make that choice, and you respected their right by giving them the freedom to make it. You acted as lovingly as you could by giving them the information you had.
I know this does not make grieving your loss any easier, but I hope it does tell you that 1) you are not at fault, and 2) you are not alone. I do not know what your relationship with your aunt and uncle was like, but I do know you loved them enough to advise them to avoid what you knew could hurt them. Those of us who have done the same thing and ended up in the same place empathize with you. You must realize you are not at fault, though.
God is not asleep at the wheel. He knows you and sees your pain. I pray that His peace comforts you. I believe He will avenge the deaths of every innocent who died because they tried to make a good choice, and I believe He will fulfill His promise to wipe each tear that falls from our eyes as we grieve our loved ones. Sending you love, fren.
Beautiful message friend. God bless you
Thank you, fren...God bless and keep you, too.
I feel your pain. Folks don't listen. Praying for you!
Not your fault, you do what you can but also respect others free will.
I am so sorry to hear that, fren. You have done your best and utmost, ...
... but you COULD NOT do it right. Your aunt and uncle have been hypnotized by a propaganda psy op and the murderers knew exactly what they did. It was literally HYPNOSIS / Trance INDUCED BY TRAUMA = FEARPORN.
People have to be de-programmed or snap-out of the trance by brutal reality catching up to them.
I know you did all you can, but trance-implanted emotions of fear are really powerful.
And yes, my whole family is also vaxed and my sister died of turbo-cancer 20 minutes before I rushed into the hospital with artemisia capsules in my bag to help her. I came too late. I thought. But in the end God decides. He knows our entry and our last breath.
God bless you for all you did. Your aunt and uncle are with God now and know it too. They love you - it was not for nothing. They know your love for them!
Great points e-e thank you
I’m so sorry for your loss, it got my mom a year ago. She told me to stop sending her things bc she wasn’t going to read them. This just reminds me of how heartbroken Jesus must have been when he brought the truth and his people rejected him, they just simply wouldn’t believe. 😢 So if even our Lord Jesus himself couldn’t convince them then maybe we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves.
BIL had a heart attack day after getting 1st shot to keep job. The next day they canceled their mandate. He is recovering and back at work now but damn!
Among the group of vaxx/mask resisters I'm in, there have been numerous different approaches to inform people. We each had different personalities, and therefore different tactics. In the end, it seems as though nothing really worked. The indoctrination and subservience was nearly impenetrable.
Your regret and frustration reflects your character. You are a decent person and you did what you knew was right. The end result is the fault of the monster that we're fighting, not any shortcoming on your part. Be proud of yourself for your efforts.
I'm so sorry for your loss. You did the best you could.
I lost 2 immediate family members to the jab (myocarditis and turbo cancer) - none of the other family members know.
Hoping and praying my other family and friends survive the jab.
This is just the beginning, son. Those who haven't lost someone they know or love to the jab are going to before it's all over. Some will go home now. For others there will be years of disability, followed by a death that comes way too early. We are going to find every person who set the people up. Every single one. I'm glad you are your own man and make up your own mind, no matter what. I hope there are enough of us left when the time comes, to send every one of these bastards to their just reward. I'm very sorry to hear about your aunt and uncle. God be with you.
Sorry for your loss.
Many of us have loved ones that couldn't be woken. Doing your best is all you can do; it's all He asks of us. And even if you could've done more, there's no way to know if the 'more' would've made a difference to them. Now it's time to grieve the loss, and rest from berating yourself. Condolences, fren.
Sorry for your losses fren. May they rest in peace and may God Bless You.
This scamdemic has really shown me how the majority of people are stupid and follow along as sheep. Much of society has been deeply brainwashed about what is reality and also have no critical thinking skills or common sense.
Personally, I don't have any friends or relatives that have been "red pilled". In fact, I'm not in contact with some of them over this issue.
This must turn around REAL FAST to prevent more deaths. If the truth of the Covid kill shot does not come out, more people will die or be disabled and they are now trying to inject livestock with mRNA. And I am sick and tired of this fake demented president potato, the confused alphabet people, the Climate Change hoax, mentally ill trans people, etc. While I was eating lunch today, my son texted that another coworker just died. At this time, I am numb. I can't stand it anymore.
I feel you friend. My heart has become hardened to all the death and destruction resulting from such evil.
don't feel like you didn't do enough. some people do not want to wake up to the fact that those they've believed in all their lives are trying to kill them, or in the very least, keep them on some time of "subscription plan" of drugs for years & years without actually solving the problem.
it's like the scene in the first Matrix where Morpheus explains to Neo that some people will actually FIGHT YOU for trying to wake them up.
it's very upsetting, but that is the result of decades worth of indoctrination & people themselves not taking a few minutes out of their day to research & enlighten themselves.
don't be torn up & don't be depressed brother, rest easy in knowing it is in the Lord's hands now & he is settling it as we speak. He gave us all free will to exercise it however we may. You've done your part for your loved ones.
You can only ever control yourself OP, never others
Hope you are ok. I think we all definitely understand that guilt. I do too. My whole family took it, including my extended.
I blame myself a bit. I wasn't convincing enough. And when that bomb goes off, I will feel terrible.
God bless you friend. I hope you can find peace and acceptance. Lonely fucking road we've gone on for the truth. But it is the truth, and that's all that matters.
I hear you, and I'm so sorry for your loss. My mom was the same way... just couldn't really believe that her government didn't have her best interests at heart. My consolation is that we'll be together again in heaven one day.
I think there will be phases to your grief but eventually you will find peace. Right now you are pissed off and maybe you should be for a while. Maybe that part of it needs to work its way out of your system. God Bless
The cognitive dissonance is from brainwashing. I have to keep telling myself they're victims. Personally? I've lost faith in people. I just want to be left alone. I keep praying because I know God doesn't want me to feel this way. I submit to God's will; otherwise, I'd have run away already. Apparently, we are still needed. Just trying to stay super grateful for my blessings and that helps the stinging wound that is my belief in humanity.
I have gone in another direction. I have more faith in people that were able to survive the biggest psy ops in human history. That gave me hope and made me realize I am not alone.
Fortunately I was able to convince enough people to avoid the poison jabs or even the boosters in my immediate circle. And that is enough reward to last me for a life time.
Thanks. I needed that viewpoint. Good response!
All I will say is you never know what choice in life you will make that will end up being your last. Unless you have a crystal ball, I would refrain from judging, cause the funny thing about life is it will put you in the position of those you’ve judged.. and we all have our day.
Exactly right... if a person is confused and angry and judgy about something that someone else goes through or does, sure enough, they will get to understand it by going through something much like it themselves. A change in perspective.
Sorry about this Fren. My husband and I have a laundry list of people who died or have cancer from the vax. Over seven people in his family alone and they don't see why some have died and others have cancer all around the same time frame. It is like the lightbulb won't go on.
The thing that puzzles me is we also know many who took it but seem to be just fine. Many of the doctors out there claim there were no placebos given. They said there are only varying degrees of the substance in each vial.
Sorry for your loss fren, I've lost loved ones too. They had free will, what I think now about them and my inability to stop them is; God knew them better than I did, and their frailties, he called them home because they wouldn't be able to survive what ls headed our way.
He's merciful.
Sometimes I worry he has me mistaken with someone else, someone much stronger.... Some days are very very hard, even harder times are coming.
We just need to accept the unlimited love he has for us and know everything will be ok for the generations to follow.
That is profound, about God perhaps mistaking us for someone stronger. Easy to think that, on the days we feel broken into pieces. But if he knows best, then maybe we are wrong in our self-evaluation. Feels very questionable right now.
I'm just leaning on Him right now. And trying to live up to what He sees in me, and mostly being grateful for his mercy and humbled that I'm where I am, I've been broken & rebuilt a few times... all this going on now has that feeling, except minus the overwhelming fear.
His love is indescribable and that is what makes it hard for me to believe I deserve it. And I don't deserve it, but I accept it gratefully & humbly now ❤️
God Bless you fren
It just plain hurts devastatingly, fren. The hardest part after the actual losing of them is trying to even wrap your brain around..what the hell is that cognitive problem that takes away people's instinct for self preservation? What happens to their internal warning system that just shuts it off like this. It is not blind trust in the government I don't think. It is more like a mass hypnosis. They are not really even hearing us in what we try to say, they resent that we even try. I had such a close call with this myself and those closest to me. My closest relationship endangered. That is how evil this all has been. You can mourn not only the loss off these people you loved but that you could not save them from themselves. It is anger as well. A deep and shuddering rage that has no place to go. I'm sorry you are suffering so much and I hope it gets a bit less day by day.
Infinite love to you, anon friend. Sorry to hear about your loved ones.
If not already done, I suggest communicating this recent news to your relative with kids, "W.H.O. REVERSES Child Vaxx Recommendation". Using W.H.O. own announcement below.
According to W.H.O., healthy children between 6 months and 17 years do NOT need additional vaccine against Covid-19
The WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) said Tuesday in a news release.
It makes me sick that parents need to be told. It is insanity and truly pitiful.
Reminds me of the day I tried to talk to my cousin about the gospel. He told me he doesn't need spiritual guidance and died later that night from a drug OD. You did what you could.
I feel your pain brother. My family has had vax issues as well. Luckily nothing fatal as of yet within the family but one family friend, a doctor no less, fully vaxxed and boosted, succumbed. I also tried to warn them.
Understand your frustration. Not at all your fault. The power of mass formation psychosis is more than most can handle. Maybe this will help to get others around you to see it. On a lighter note. You have to admit that you feel vindicated on your choices. Live long pureblood. And good luck.
I'm so sorry for your losses, friend. It's really hard feeling helpless as we watch our loved ones making bad health and even life-threatening decisions despite our sometimes aggressive pleas to them to just look at the truth of matters. So many of us here are in the same boat. I've lost two loved ones so far and am watching so many more loved ones struggling with health issues that I'm certain were caused by the experimental drugs, praying they survive. On top of that, years ago, before Covid was even a thought, how many of us lost loved ones to cancer? I'm now fairly certain that most of those were also casualties of the beasts' slow-roll genocide. The difference is that NOW WE SEE. The losses are just as painful, maybe moreso.
When Q stated that the people can't just be told, they have to be shown, that included all of us, too, not just the normies. We had to be shown just how impossible it is to reach even our loved ones, how our heartfelt warnings, made from a place of love, fell on deaf ears. We had to be shown, with our own loved ones, just how completely they've been brainwashed. They've been terrorized with a constant fear campaign, manipulated by a multi-pronged societal psyop and it's the rare normies that some of us are able to reach and pull out from the clutches of this evil.
God gave us all free will to exist here on this earth, but to survive we must be willing to look at the evil as well as the good. Don't be angry at your fallen loved ones. Cherish all the good memories of time spent with them and thank God for these blessings. There is real evil in this world just as there is real good. As for the evil, it should be pretty clear by now that we can't, as individuals, eradicate it on our own. Give it to God to crush the evil and He'll use many people in many ways to do the works He wants them to while He shows humanity just what living on earth truly entails. God wins this current war as He will in the end. Do what you can in your journey here and keep the faith.
You may want to try another way to get some of this pain off your chest. Take some time by yourself and "speak to" your dearly departed (yes, out loud). Tell them you're angry with them that they didn't listen, angry that they made bad choices and that you're angry with them because you love them and always will. Tell them you wish they were here and healthy, that you forgive them and want them to be at peace and that the only thing that really matters is the bond of love you share with them. The anger will fade and disappear. The fine memories and love will last forever. It's the strongest force on earth (and beyond). Love is God's greatest gift to us.
(Sorry I wrote a mini novel here, OP. Just trying to give you some solace). May God give His grace and mercy to your beloved aunt and uncle and may He give peace and comfort to you and their other loved ones. 🙏✝️
I am so sorry for all the pain these times have brought you without a doubt one of the only things we have is our own conscience knowing what we do here as anons for a fact I wouldn’t be this best version of myself if it wasn’t for all of you here love you all