That, and increase the estrogen levels in men while increasing the cash in the d-elites hands.
Beer contains phytoestrogen and prolactin from the hops and barley. These two chemicals will increase the estrogen levels your body produces especially if you drink beer a lot (daily). If this happens too much, your body will react and decrease testosterone levels (Low T).
Beer belly is NOT just from calories, The hormones get out of whack. The body is feminizing and reacting as if it is pregnant, putting fat in areas to protect / feed a future baby, aka Beer belly and man-boobs (moobs?)
I never started drinking in the first place. Watching kids drink it in high school and college was like watching a bunch of retarded baboons who drank it because that's what they thought they were supposed to do.
Well, now that Coors is in on the Woke shit, it just feels like these Bastards are conspiring against me Personally and only to make me quit drinking beer....
Will they be making Captain Morgan into Major Morgana???
I researched a mango business in the Philippines about 10 years ago. Farmer that has the land, plants the trees, waits for trees to mature, harvests, gets 10% Guy with truck and warehouse and the guy who owns store gets 90%
I believe a few years ago Coors "merged" the brewery with Molson. The Coors family is very conservative, however I don't think they are in control of their beer anymore.
From your Link:: ""The boycott began in 1966 as a regional affair coordinated by the Colorado chapter of the American GI Forum and the Denver-based Crusade for Justice. These two Hispanic groups initiated a boycott due to the Coors Brewing Company's discriminatory practices that targeted Hispanics and African Americans. Additionally, they opposed the Coors family's support of right wing political causes. Soon afterward, the boycott expanded through much of the American West. By the 1970s, the boycott covered much of Coors' market area and involved Hispanic, African American, and women's rights groups, as well as labor unions and LGBT activists.""
The GIs that started this shit, really should have left the LGBT out of it....
But Coors really should have been more supportive of its Employees....
But then, the GIs probably didn't understand that LGBT Rights are Special Rights, and not just Normal Rights....
Producing alcohol is a good way to preserve calories which might otherwise go to waste. Yes I know it can lead to addiction, but I doubt a lot of us who are truly awake need to worry about that. Alcohol, like every other product in our modern world, has been commercialized to maximize profits. It shouldn’t be like that. We need to start taking stuff like this back from the people who hate us. Homebrew, raise a garden, buy a pig from a local farmer and butcher it yourself. Bring skills back to communities. They have plans to obsolete us with machines. Let’s obsolete their system instead.
I don't drink beer anymore, but those who do? Do yourselves a favor and get off the corporate breweries excuse for something drinkable. The only good thing about those beers is that they let you over consume and destroy your health, until you find yourself consuming a 12 pack a day. Break the habit, find a good local private brewery, have a couple of bottles on the weekend of something that actually tastes like what beer is supposed to be. I know the IPA's are most prevalent, but if you enjoy a lager or pilsner, they can be found. The only thing these horse urine beers provide is the ability to drink yourselves into alcoholism. (My opinion).
This looks a planned take down of the alcohol companies, imo. I'm not sure what the plan is exactly. Is this to go back to small locally-owned breweries? To get rid of these globalist owned companies? To discourage alcohol consumption but not go back to prohibition for obvious reasons. I mean we want to get rid of ATF.
Coors is the absolute WORST. Say what you want about Bud Light but, holy fuck. This is a good way to get us all to stop drinking tho, considering these brands own just about every beer out there.
All the beer companies have been advertising to gays from years. And it’s fine that they want to expand their footprint to all walks of life. There is a difference between advertising to different audiences, and slapping that garbage all over your cans.
I don't know if that's someone's satire or an actual print ad or promotional piece by Coors, but still, the best thing about this entire thing is this dumb virtue-signaling Twitter clown has been brain-jacked by an ESG psyop and he doesn't even realize it.
DISCERNMENT, noun The act of discerning; also, the power or faculty of the mind, by which it distinguishes one thing from another, as truth from falsehood, virtue from vice; acuteness of judgment; power of perceiving differences of things or ideas, and their relations and tendencies. The errors of youth often proceed from the want of discernment
DISCERN, verb transitive s as z. [Latin , to separate or distinguish, Gr.]
To separate by the eye, or by the understanding. Hence,
To distinguish; to see the difference between two or more things; to discriminate; as, to discern the blossom-buds from the leaf-buds of plants.
DISCERN thou what is thine--Genesis 31:32.
To make the difference.
For nothing else discerns the virtue or the vice.
To discover; to see; to distinguish by the eye.
I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding. Proverbs 7:7.
To discover by the intellect; to distinguish; hence, to have knowledge of; to judge.
So is my lord the king to discern good and bad. 2 Samuel 14:17.
A wise mans heart discerneth time and judgment. Ecclesiastes 8:5.
DISCERN, verb intransitive
To see or understand the difference; to make distinction; as, to discern between good and evil, truth and falsehood.
To have judicial cognizance.
You seem awfully attached to your Heineken.
Justifying man boob acquisition by appealing to the possibility Bill Gates is a white hat body double who just divorced Kevin Klein is not discernment. Kek.
1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
Our global brand Amstel has been celebrating inclusion and diversity since it was founded by two friends in Amsterdam, over 150 years ago. In 2019, Amstel became the official beer of the Pride Parade in São Paulo and has maintained actions and partnerships over the years to reinforce the message of welcoming everyone. Most recently with the Feito com Orgulho partnership and the I Am What I Am campaign, Amstel gives further visibility and support to the LGBTQIA+ community.
The number of local breweries across America producing easy drinking pilsners and lagers is astronomical. Why anyone would want to choose a lesser product from a massive conglomerate which in most cases are not American owned (Budweiser is owned by InBev which is Belgian and Coors is only partially American owned, the other half being Canadian) is beyond me.
Lord God Father in Heaven, how I miss Algonquin beer - I don't know why you let it slip from this earth, maybe because the demand surged in Heaven, but all these microbrew IPAs taste like grapefruit juice, and I don't know which name brand beers to trust anymore...Pabst Blue Ribbon, maybe?
Or quit beer entirely? it's pushed on the population to keep you stupid and compliant.
and man-boobs, beer is a quick way to lower testosterone
That, and increase the estrogen levels in men while increasing the cash in the d-elites hands.
Beer contains phytoestrogen and prolactin from the hops and barley. These two chemicals will increase the estrogen levels your body produces especially if you drink beer a lot (daily). If this happens too much, your body will react and decrease testosterone levels (Low T).
Beer belly is NOT just from calories, The hormones get out of whack. The body is feminizing and reacting as if it is pregnant, putting fat in areas to protect / feed a future baby, aka Beer belly and man-boobs (moobs?)
Moobs is the proper term. From the Greek "moobus".
Missing are the poor food choices made while drinking.
I think jack daniels went homo too
Yup, they did.
Lord help us if Jimmy Beam gets bent...
I never started drinking in the first place. Watching kids drink it in high school and college was like watching a bunch of retarded baboons who drank it because that's what they thought they were supposed to do.
Was it not Homer Simpson, the astute modern philosopher, who opined, "Here's to beer: the cause of, and the solution to, all of life's problems!" ?
Well, now that Coors is in on the Woke shit, it just feels like these Bastards are conspiring against me Personally and only to make me quit drinking beer....
Will they be making Captain Morgan into Major Morgana???
Look at the shareholders. Same groups that own it and competitors and really almost everything. We need a parallel economy.
I researched a mango business in the Philippines about 10 years ago. Farmer that has the land, plants the trees, waits for trees to mature, harvests, gets 10% Guy with truck and warehouse and the guy who owns store gets 90%
That's about right - farmers get screwed all around the world. That's why a lot are using alternative means of distribution now.
Yes and if the really do contaminate the food supply we will really need our farmers.
Maybe that's the plan, destroy these globalist companies and return to smaller locally-owned breweries.
Good chance for patriots to just stop drinking altogether.
Look at Larry Fink and how he extorts companies through investment dollars.
Said this 7 years ago.
The richest people in American 80% of all wealth. Democrats.
They are trying to groom all of us to be homosexuals or to accept homosexuality
And they don't need so many animals. WEF encourages beastiality as well
How about don't drink? Works for Trump, work for me and my wife. Blissful life
Your avatar needs updated kek
Or a local brew that isn’t woke.
isn't woke yet**
Unfortunately I think they won't be far behind. The local breweries are going to fall fast, as they can't afford to hold out.
There is (was?) a big Christian community on the Jersey Shore. Church is the biggest building and most prominent campus in town.
I walk through there now and see their flags on buildings.
Yuengling. Owner supports Trump.
No, this is legit. 1960-1985: Coors anti-LGBT. Caused strikes that even have a wikipedia page (here).
2000 onward: Coors gets a "perfect score" for LGBT on the HRC corporate equality index for 15 straight years. (source).
I never knew they buckled so hard. I'm embarrassed to have watched a baseball game at Coors Field in Denver 20 years ago.
I believe a few years ago Coors "merged" the brewery with Molson. The Coors family is very conservative, however I don't think they are in control of their beer anymore.
From your Link:: ""The boycott began in 1966 as a regional affair coordinated by the Colorado chapter of the American GI Forum and the Denver-based Crusade for Justice. These two Hispanic groups initiated a boycott due to the Coors Brewing Company's discriminatory practices that targeted Hispanics and African Americans. Additionally, they opposed the Coors family's support of right wing political causes. Soon afterward, the boycott expanded through much of the American West. By the 1970s, the boycott covered much of Coors' market area and involved Hispanic, African American, and women's rights groups, as well as labor unions and LGBT activists.""
The GIs that started this shit, really should have left the LGBT out of it....
But Coors really should have been more supportive of its Employees....
But then, the GIs probably didn't understand that LGBT Rights are Special Rights, and not just Normal Rights....
Lol, so glad I found Trump before I even had the chance to drink beer. "No alcohol, no drugs, no cigarettes" was a good influence.
Mike Lindell should start a beer company. Lindell Beer.
‘My Beer’!
Puts a whole new spin on "Hold 'My Beer'!"
Well, damn Mike, I've got some advertising ideas for you now.
Producing alcohol is a good way to preserve calories which might otherwise go to waste. Yes I know it can lead to addiction, but I doubt a lot of us who are truly awake need to worry about that. Alcohol, like every other product in our modern world, has been commercialized to maximize profits. It shouldn’t be like that. We need to start taking stuff like this back from the people who hate us. Homebrew, raise a garden, buy a pig from a local farmer and butcher it yourself. Bring skills back to communities. They have plans to obsolete us with machines. Let’s obsolete their system instead.
I don't drink beer anymore, but those who do? Do yourselves a favor and get off the corporate breweries excuse for something drinkable. The only good thing about those beers is that they let you over consume and destroy your health, until you find yourself consuming a 12 pack a day. Break the habit, find a good local private brewery, have a couple of bottles on the weekend of something that actually tastes like what beer is supposed to be. I know the IPA's are most prevalent, but if you enjoy a lager or pilsner, they can be found. The only thing these horse urine beers provide is the ability to drink yourselves into alcoholism. (My opinion).
Here is what you need to switch to.
"For those who drink, drink at night... So stay AWAKE"
Now that they've gone woke I wonder if they put something woke IN their beers.
Ummm, does this mean we all gotta drink what I drank in college?
Keystone Light?
Please, some beer maker, MASSIVE opportunity to take in a demographic of minimum 100 million people. Step up.
Keystone Light is made by Coors.
Thx for heads up. Shit is gross
This looks a planned take down of the alcohol companies, imo. I'm not sure what the plan is exactly. Is this to go back to small locally-owned breweries? To get rid of these globalist owned companies? To discourage alcohol consumption but not go back to prohibition for obvious reasons. I mean we want to get rid of ATF.
Most likely it's preservatives.
Patronize your local craft brewery. Problem solved.
so tired of grapefruitey-tasting local beers...
When did we institute ESG scores for corporations? You’d think something like that would make the news.
Yep. you should stop drinking alcohol. It will be good for you.
Also... a good market opportunity: conservative beer company... some one will ride a money filled rocket to the moon.
Coors is the absolute WORST. Say what you want about Bud Light but, holy fuck. This is a good way to get us all to stop drinking tho, considering these brands own just about every beer out there.
All the beer companies have been advertising to gays from years. And it’s fine that they want to expand their footprint to all walks of life. There is a difference between advertising to different audiences, and slapping that garbage all over your cans.
Yes, this isn't about legitimately increasing market share, it's partisan political and actually reduced profit. It's ideological.
I don't know if that's someone's satire or an actual print ad or promotional piece by Coors, but still, the best thing about this entire thing is this dumb virtue-signaling Twitter clown has been brain-jacked by an ESG psyop and he doesn't even realize it.
Whiskey and Bourbon man myself. So I don’t have as much a problem as some with finding non-woke options
I believe Heineken has continued selling beer in Russia, if you are looking for a reasonably viable alternative.....
Sure, help fund Bill Gates!
Bill Gates buys Heineken stake, despite saying he's 'not a big beer drinker'
Reportedly he's a white hat controlled double.
And there are things that support this
And this came literally a day or 2 after the whole 'Heineken still sells beer in Rooshia' thing made the rounds in the news and on reddit....
Use discernment people.
It's supposed to be feel-think-act
Not feel-act(that is the shit/preferred behavior DS is pushing....)
DISCERNMENT, noun The act of discerning; also, the power or faculty of the mind, by which it distinguishes one thing from another, as truth from falsehood, virtue from vice; acuteness of judgment; power of perceiving differences of things or ideas, and their relations and tendencies. The errors of youth often proceed from the want of discernment
DISCERN, verb transitive s as z. [Latin , to separate or distinguish, Gr.]
To separate by the eye, or by the understanding. Hence,
To distinguish; to see the difference between two or more things; to discriminate; as, to discern the blossom-buds from the leaf-buds of plants.
DISCERN thou what is thine--Genesis 31:32.
For nothing else discerns the virtue or the vice.
I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding. Proverbs 7:7.
So is my lord the king to discern good and bad. 2 Samuel 14:17.
A wise mans heart discerneth time and judgment. Ecclesiastes 8:5.
DISCERN, verb intransitive
To see or understand the difference; to make distinction; as, to discern between good and evil, truth and falsehood.
To have judicial cognizance.
You seem awfully attached to your Heineken.
Justifying man boob acquisition by appealing to the possibility Bill Gates is a white hat body double who just divorced Kevin Klein is not discernment. Kek.
1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
You're kidding?
Now's the time to be sober minded.
Soon when the Go Woke Go Broke bites. It shall be pitcher perfect 😂🍻
The number of local breweries across America producing easy drinking pilsners and lagers is astronomical. Why anyone would want to choose a lesser product from a massive conglomerate which in most cases are not American owned (Budweiser is owned by InBev which is Belgian and Coors is only partially American owned, the other half being Canadian) is beyond me.
Well....this is disappointing as hell
From that thread... first time I've seen this:
What the fuck? People are fucking allowing that?
No Queer here !
Lord God Father in Heaven, how I miss Algonquin beer - I don't know why you let it slip from this earth, maybe because the demand surged in Heaven, but all these microbrew IPAs taste like grapefruit juice, and I don't know which name brand beers to trust anymore...Pabst Blue Ribbon, maybe?