The sick depravity of this world is crushing. Are every single one of them gays, pedos, trans? Seeing this has made my faith stronger as there must be a force of good purity when such evil exists.
Edit: wow I didn’t look here all day because of work and family stuff and come back to see the mods stickied my post! Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
The news about the Dali Lama picture with his tongue out and apologizing is what made me post this. I wasn’t sure it was true but not only did I see the picture but he also admitted it was true.
I was depressed when I was younger and not yet redpilled.
My subconscious knew the world didn't make sense.
Now I stare the cabal down with my frens and I am resolute.
I was thinking along the same lines. If someone is not redpilled, they would feel a vague despair and not know why. I would rather know what the hell is going on. I think I was 3/4 redpilled out of the womb, so I don't really know what it like to totally believe the bullshit.
When I think way back, my first adult experience was a simple one. I had just arrived to my first permanent duty base as a young lady. My friend "won" a 2 week gym membership for her and a friend. We went for our first workout. The took us in an office and tried to high pressure sell us into a long term contract. Door closed. 2 muscled-up people. My friend was so upset they wouldn't accept no she started crying. I told them, "we aren't signing a damn thing. We're walking out of here." That was probably the start.... NO WAIT!!!!! It was sooner! I remember at Christmas when I was 5, I was excited to get to see Santa for the first time. Then I saw clear tape holding his beard to his wig and questioned it..... yep. I was 5.
I always simply felt like I was born in the wrong decade.
At least you don't feel lime you were born in the wrong body 😅 .......all this you can be whatever you feel like youare rubbish, getting on my nerves now, especially since it is the children they are really after.
It's odd how people that I thought were awake are not as awake as I thought :).
Which makes me pause a bit and worry about what's coming... even for myself... its so rotten and complicated
Waking up is such a personal thing, and everyone does it in a pace that won't crush them.
Just identify as having been born, and living in, the decade you wish you were born in. Is that really any more crazy than “identifying” as all this other nonsense we see every day?
It was sarcasm dude. Of course that’s ridiculous.
I wish that I was born in the 1800’s out west, small cabin, Huntin', fishin', and lovin' every day That's the prayer that a country boy prays Thank God He made me this way Huntin', fishin' and lovin' every day Early in the morning, late in the evening I'm getting red dirt rich and Flint River paid Huntin' and fishin' and lovin' every day
I don't think you were. The time is now.
Since I became a conservative, my mental health is much better and I stopped a drug I'd been taking since my twenties.
I'd tell my doc the reason, but I suspect she'd think I was delusional so I don't.
Welcome to the right side
I guess that depends on how smart she is.
Same! I was always depressed and felt that I was being funneled through the system/going through the motions. Now my mental status is a lot better, despite knowing the horrors of the world, because I know I'm not alone.
Yeah, totally. I was the same. I also noticed a lot of kids rebel against their parents when the parents aren't awake but if parents been awake since they were young, the whole family lives in truth and they become closer and more harmonious.
very interesting!
yes, it is. if you open the kids' eyes since they were young, it'd be hard for the DS to brainwash them. When you're awake, it's hard to go back to sleep again. Very rarely unless they're in a lab being bombarded w/ mk ultra.
Yess!!! This is why my 26 year old son and I are like best friends now. We stand together against the crap in the world. He's finishing an electrical engineering degree at UCSD but hates the UC system so much, he refuses to walk at his graduation. I understand him completely. Needless to say, he did not get the jabs they "required" and stood fast thru challenges to his religious exemption letter. Bunch of BS trying to get the kids to cave. F that!!!! We never paid a penny into the system because he got a full ride scholarship. He's very capable and THE GUY you want nearby when shit goes down.
I love the truth.
Ditto. Hard truth over easy lies any day
The truth shall set you free...
Same but I feel a sense of disappointment that everyone has to put up with BS.
I was talking with my wife this morning about the same topic, and I personally feel it's a double edged sword.
I'll start by saying there is no way I'd take the blue pill and go back to sleep on all of the truths I've learned over the years. However, being awake and surrounded by asleep friends and family and various normies can be very taxing on the spirit.
We can have someone in the highest office shouting the truth at the top of their lungs, pointing out all of the facts and trying to unite us together for peace, and yet still people fight to remain divided and follow the lies and propaganda.
To answer your question though... No I would never wish to be once again unaware of all the hidden lies and corruption going on in our world, but there are days when I feel it would be an easier path to be ignorant to it all.
However, every day more and more people are waking up and I have total faith that there will be a time when we reach that 100th monkey effect and a massive shift in the world happens.
I just pray that it's sooner rather than later.
Indigo, I agree. It is very taxing being surrounded by friends & family that are asleep. I would NOT want to go back to being's difficult to be loyal when I get the "eyeroll". They try to hide it; I've seen it. I see posts by FB friends that shows their enthusiasm that Trump was indicted & arraigned. I still have my doubts when this is all over if all of the "truths" will be dumped on them and made apparent. I believe everyone should know all of the historical lies and truths, how everyone was manipulated and lied to(until awoken), how we have been used, and what the plan was for us in the future. And, how those in media and leadership positions(that we trusted) were to propagandize the world.
My wife is asleep. She actively avoids conflict as to not disturb her calm. It is painful to deal with. I'm an "anti-vaxxer" and in a "cult".
Ask her why she hasn't divorced you yet if you are such an awful cult person. Probably because she must have some doubts about what she thinks is the truth and if the shtf for real, she knows that you will know what is going on. Right now she can still hang with her same friends that are still asleep without worrying and living her life like normal.
My husband is quiet and doesn't say much about what's going on or politics until he gets pissed, then he will start a conversation, otherwise he doesn't want to talk much about some things, because he already knows what's going on, he takes everything in, it's just that talking more about it pisses him off because he feels he can't do anything to change things. But if the shtf, I'm very glad he is here beside me, because then all bets are off and he can be very resourceful. I know he will get us through anything that comes at us.
The crazier things have gotten over the past year the less and less she questions my "odd" behaviors since 2020 like when I took up prepping and stacking precious metals and engaging in "alternative medicine".
This is why normal people won't be waking up to others liking. Because they have a different reaction than the people that would suddenly become less productive, more depressed, isolated, and angry but "glad to know the awful soul crushing truth" over obsessing on every horrible thing that happens on this earth. Every day.
My experience of the people in my life is like yours. I know a 100 guys exactly like your husband. They aren't less alive than you, but it sure can be intoxicating to pretend. But no, I'm glad you get it and allow eachother to live and don't demand such control over eachother.
Ask her what's more cultish: Doing exactly what corporate pharma tells you to, or skepticism of corporate pharma and its criminal history?
Solar, my husband is not asleep, but does not want to talk about subjects from GAW. He says "until I see it then I will actually believe it". I said "that's exactly what Q can't tell the people; you have to show the people". He didn't really care for my response since I was quoting Q. My husband picks & chooses what he believes when I discuss it, but he was more than happy when I decided I wasn't taking the vax(and I am a nurse) because of the research that I did and when we both got the Coof I told him to refuse Remdesivir...and he did.
I have great sympathy for you in this situation. Being with someone and being lonely is excruciating. The flip side is that there is nothing quite as sweet as feeling accepted and understood, and if you aren't it's awful. Family does not know what it takes out of us to endure their disdain.
I suggest you read up on the Enneagram type 9. You may find some insights about her perspective. We have had several relationships in our family that have become easier to navigate understanding more about their Enneagram types. Hope this is a fraction as helpful for you as it has been for me.
I think you nailed it. In the past, my daughter has mentioned Enneagram a couple of times. Many years before that I studied up on Myers-Briggs. I get it. People are just fundamentally wired differently. This is a good reminder that my wife is just wired differently. She lives in the present and tunes out all of the "noise". It doesn't help that weapons grade propaganda is preventing her from hearing the truth.
My wife is indeed a type 9. I'm not going to take the test, but I know myself well from Myers-Briggs and history. I would be a type 5 with a six-wing. "The Problem Solver". In my work profile in the past I had "I love to solve problems." I'm also a visionary. One former colleague called me "The Oracle". At my best, in my work, I can usually see at least two years into the future; if not more. This has caused me a great deal of frustration; contributing to me recently quitting my job of over 20 years.
Yeah, Enneagram type 1 and INTJ here, married a wonderful 5 and have a 9 parent who is willfully asleep. I have a son who we criticized harshly until we learned that he is an 8 (like Trump), and that clarified a ton of things. Now we know that it’s an expression of love and respect to “hit him back”, lol! But yeah, I recommend reading the profiles on type 9 to get further inside what makes them tick. Some insight into that can often help steer clear of the things that aren’t likely to change in them and find things that you can change on your end that are perhaps easier than you have been thinking.
One can and should take comfort in the fact that we are getting a very small taste of what Christ has borne.
While the crucifixion was torture - complete unspeakable torture - there are hundreds of thousand who have undergone such suffering - it is not unique. But what is unique and which was the true, real torture that Christ bore was the knowledge of what every single human being is experiencing under the merciless tyranny of Satan.
That knowledge pierced time and time and time again, the most sensitive heart, the most delicate and sensitive person that ever lived. And yet, he continued on, he did not close his heart, he did not turn away.
The path we have been exposed to is indeed taxing, but we should take courage in the fact that we follow in the footsteps of one who carried something we can only get a glimpse of.
We are in the best company.
Being awake has finally helped me kick drugs and alcohol after 20 years. No regrets here.
Hero pede, prayers that you live fully and happily for a long time
Well done fren! 👏🙏
This. This is the Great Awakening.
A blessing on you, fren.
What a personal victory!
I was certainly a lot more productive before Q.
Sadly that’s my truth too. While I’m very glad I’m awake and wouldn’t have it any other way, I find myself wasting a lot of time reading and going down rabbit holes. I need to be more productive (like right now lol)
Notice that we are all here. And there is some work under deadline...
On the other hand I would right now not have food reserves, stacks of precious metals, and would have lost at least 20% when the stock market started tanking from it's all time high had I not been paying attention this time around.
Well I do have a hard time stirring up any loyalty for people who tried to kill me, so there's that
This. I was talking with a friend of mine, and while she is not Q aware, she definitely knows something is up and is very into higher vibrations as humans. Anyway, we were talking about the lower energy post CV and while we agree part of it is a general population depression, another part of us feels what used to be considered important...just doesn't seem that important anymore. The hard part is there is still a sizeable chunk of the population looking backwards, so it can be hard to move forward because it acts as a kind of drag.
I have learned so many things since I unplugged from TV, sports, the despair of news. The amount of research I have researched on medicine and health, finance, politics, corruption in law enforcement and intelligence. Some is useless information, but understanding the world around me has helped me cope with my powerlessness to change the world around me. Knowing that I am not alone and being able to express myself truthfully and with some off color humor has helped me stay on the the right side of the line. I am thankful for all of you and all of the information that we all share.
Problem is before 2020 I had unplugged too much and like some of my friends had become utterly oblivious to what was going on. 2020 took me completely by surprise and was a massive wake-up call. I was so unplugged that I had no idea how severe TDS was for so many people since I never paid attention to Twitter or MSM, I spent a lot of time catching up on the first 3 years of Trump's first term.
Fortunately, I had all the information here. It kept me aware of what was going on. I wasn't completely unplugged, just unplugged from the propaganda. Plus, I have family and friends from the SF Bay Area. I would hear through the family gossip network about how brainwashed they were into believing Trump was evil and a threat to democracy.
Imagine what Jesus felt in the Gethsemane garden as He wept and prayed in agony feeling the weight of every sin that had ever been committed and ever would be committed in the future until the end of time, and that He had to take all of that on Himself. He saw everything from before He was born and way into the future; and my guess is that every sin in the future (our time) was what caused Him the most pain.
We know just a fraction of the sins being committed and we are in pain, yet Jesus knew, felt, and saw all sins ever committed and somehow still took them on. That's a strength no regular person could ever have.
Powerful thought and one we should always remember. 🙌
Ah, there. You said it.
The truth has set us free.
To be fully honest, at times, yes.
I sometimes think back to 9/11. It’s not that those were “good times”, necessarily, but that camaraderie we had with common goals and a common enemy, and what I thought was a common culture in the US, was comforting.
Feeling like I could trust certain institutions and that they only did bad things to bad people, was comforting
And life, in general, seemed less dark and more magical. I looked forward to stupid things like new TV shows.
Now, it’s just hard not feeling how fake everything is, including even the events of 9/11.l and the camaraderie we had, and how media driven it all was.
Everything in general just seems darker, and it’s heavy.
At the same time, I’m now awake and can’t “unawaken”, and not sure if I would go back if I could. It just wouldn’t feel right to turn my back on fighting for what’s right just for my own (temporary) comfort.
So all I can do is trust that God is involved, and that I have some part to play in this that requires me to be awake, and remind myself that there are many others who have been awake for far longer and done far more fighting for good with it than I have, so I have to live up to this responsibility.
I should also add, one thing that is a major win for being awake is that, I can now say it saved my life.
Had I not been awake, I would have certainly taken the jab, as would someone very close to me, and I feel in my gut that it would have killed us.
We’re alive as of today because I was awake by the time the jabs came to be.
Ecclesiastes 1:17-18
Never once. I thrive on the truth. It weighs me down sometimes though. That is when I grow stronger.
I agree with her, I was asleep while raising my kids because that's all I had time for. I didn't watch much tv at all, except for maybe at night before going to bed, didn't watch the news at all. I let my husband tell me if I needed to worry about something, because my plate was full caring for 3 children and doing everything for our family except have a job, couldn't afford to put the kids in daycare. If I worked, all my pay plus more just to put them in daycare, so we decided the best thing to do was for me to stay at home. Who's better than a mom to raise their own kids? And we have never lived near relatives to help us with babysitting either, if our kids couldn't go somewhere (Christmas party, movies ...) we didn't go. Heck we've been together/married for over 35 yrs, we've never even had a honeymoon or vacation by ourselves yet. Well, now it's who's gonna watch our pups, lol. They are like our kids.
I use to be a little embarrassed when someone would ask me what I did for a living or where I worked, like as if I was supposed to work & take care of my family.
Our kids were years apart, so when one started school, I still had one or two at home, up until the youngest went to school. Now they are all grown (oldest mid 30's, middle child low 30's & youngest mid 20's) and now I have mobility & balance issues that would make it difficult for me to work, which I feel guilty about because my husband even though retired had to go back to work to support us. I can't even clean house like I used to do or cook like I used to everyday. Have to put blinders on because I use to keep our house spotless, can't do that anymore and feel bad.
But yeah, I didn't think about anything other than my kids, husband & house back then. Didn't start looking for answers until Trump lost, but I think he helped me wake up slowly once he became President because my daughter was just out of high school and had more time to notice more. I was so shocked & pissed when msm says he lost to basement dweller joe, it got me searching for truth.
You got to live the life that billions have dreamed of. Amazing. Your children, and grandchildren are so lucky you had such a miracle.
I am glad and very fortunate that I was able to stay at home and raise my children. Everything going on in our lives at the time made it the only option. Husband was in military when kids were toddlers, then afterwards his job was almost same with regards to hours and out of town time. In military his work was unpredictable and could be called up for out of country deployments (which he was deployed a number of times) which left only me to care for them as we were always very far from family to help babysit. When he left active duty, his job was very demanding and hours could be unpredictable also, with out of town trips lasting anywhere from a few days to a month. So with that and not affording daycare, was what made us decide for me to be a stay at home mom/wife. Bonus was that I raised my kids and not some daycare stranger.
Several times I've overheard mothers say- in front of their children!- that they could never home school because they CAN'T STAND THEIR CHILDREN. Cringe.
Good for her Sircats! Wise woman!
Isaiah 40:31 KJV But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
But I still could enjoy a very long nap...and wake up refreshed and ready to do battle...
Edit: I have been awake since the 60's (Kennedy)...after home births, home school, anti-vax, stay at home mom, alternative medicine independence, conspiracy theorist extraordinaire...frankly I AM tired...but I try to stay in the battle...for my kids and grandkids...
How much were going to rejoice in the Lords Kingdom!
To be snatched away from this miserable earth to such an unimaginable place of joy, love, justice and brotherhood.
I had an experience that brought me to Jesus, I felt an enveloping love that made me cry all night and woke up with this sense that Gods plan is perfect.
Sometimes i take a break from the fight just to reconnect with God and offload the burden to him and remind myself of that day.
I want to know....... no matrix for me...
No, I wish more people were awake.
Not really. Only disheartening thing is being REAL and recognizing the FAKES that I happened to be close to. Many many people I see and knew exposed their selves with wickedness. Tis a blessing in it's own rite.
Manyyyy more closeted fags now, many more demonic possessions, and the lizards are openly acting.
I do however wish I could live in the middle of nowhere alone though
It’s a hard thing to carry sometimes, especially when you don’t have someone who’s on the same awareness of things. I wish I was around when Q started. I think that would have been exceptional to be a part of those drops as they came out. Better late than never I guess. I would never want to go back ‘to sleep’.
I feel like I missed all of "A New Hope" and joined the party part way into "The Empire Strikes Back".
Good analogy!
Our Enemy, has been operating undercover, for many centuries. If you cannot identify your opponent, you cannot direct your forces against them. They have now been forced out into the open, and our opportunity to strike, has come. Strike true, and show them the same mercy they showed to our children. For God and Country.
If you weren’t awake you would be annihilated when the USD collapses. Being awake you have a chance. When the sleepers take a massive red pill up the butt and are forced to wake up many will kill themselves and snap.
Better to watch the tsunami approaching from higher ground than obliviously playing on the beach wondering why the tide moved so far out.
Amen my thoughts exactly
I do remember what it was like to be blissfully ignorant. But if we hadn't started to look into some of the odd things we were witnessing, we might have taken their damn shot and not paid attention to our instincts. I'd rather be where I am than taking a dirt nap. So, the wishful thinking about not knowing what they were really up to--planning our demise--doesn't last long when I think about the consequences of being asleep. If you're asleep, you can't watch out for your loved ones, either. And you wouldn't have prepared for what is coming next.
Ignorance is NOT bliss
It's certainly not blissful when you get fucked extra hard because you weren't paying attention.
Key points:
Forgetting about the reality (which is what you mean by ”wish you weren’t awake”) wouldn’t change the reality. It is what it is.
If we chose to forget we would have very hard awakening at some point (instead of a victory, if we remain awake).
Look at it this way: You wake up in the middle of a battle. You see it’s real. Your choice is: Take a stand, team up with your neighbours and protect your families or go back to sleep, knowing what’s going on around you.
No. God first and foremost but without an awaking there is no hope. I believe we are awake for a reason -- the heavy burden is ours to bear because we are able. We cannot fight what we fail to recognize. This evil is not new, it's just being brought into the light. Seeing only strengthens my resolve. Whether I make it through this or not, this I know, God wins.
No, because the conventional normie explanations for world events were driving me crazy, including Conservative Inc. which was telling me there was no proof of election fraud. This drove me to find Q which woke me up.
So weird that we all share the feeling that we always knew something was wrong even before the red pills. I was born partially red pulled too. My brother and I as young kids just said everything was gay. We hated everything and made fun of everything. When we both woke up completely in 2009/2010, it was scary and we went through grieving stages. But now we stare the satanists down. We are stronger and we know we belong in this army.
For many being awake is inevitable. Asking a question is all it takes. That is blasphemy to these communists.
Just today I goto a place that has people wearing masks. But only a few. One of them not wearing masks is telling me I need a mask on. I said nope.
Asked a question about what the CDC said just today. She called me one of those people.
What people? She had no mask on. She had a mask around her wrist. So I said no I follow the real science.
She try’s to hand me a mask. I said I am a germaphobe. I don’t touch people nor touch masks from another hand.
She then mocks me… she asks are you married. Lol. I said -yep and she is the only one I will ever touch and we grew up in the same neighborhood.
Then more mocking…. What if someone sneezes. I said I have an immune system.
She lost it all over a question.. yet I am the bad one.
These people are nutz. I will probably have the boss talking to me but I am in the right in this situation. Now if 100 percent of them were wearing masks and there was many. Maybe there would be a case of critical thinking for me to do.
So being awake is inevitable. Having courage in this information warfare that is still being raged is another thing.
Maybe plant a seed in another to try and go under cover -awake- goto a place and act awake and see what happens.
Still are we fully awake? Hahaha
Not once! I would rather live in harsh reality than live in a soft fallacy. Even though I have lost many friends in this mess, I don't regret anything, No turning back
Your question reminds me of a famous scene from Matrix.
No regrets here.
Th bliss of ignorance? I remember how I thought about things I saw before and brushed it off as foolishness. Now when I see demonic activity I understand far better. I prefer understanding. I can begin to see what things mean and consequence of even small sins and why it exists.
Not me. I would not be anyone else or be asleep, I wait patiently and with longing for the victory of the Lord.
Hurry up and wait.
Every second
Every day. It's virtually ruined my life.
I’m sorry fren
Or, has it made your life?
What was your life, previously, but a shadow of satisfaction and peace?
Asking for a fren.