Anyone posting links to any sites that sell or link to sales of fenbendazole risk being perma banned. Please go through your history and remove your links.
Some users with 1+ year old accounts are sharing the same link a rash of sub-month-old sock accounts were hyping up a month ago. The site contains an amazon affiliate link, facebook link, and telegram link. Three obvious red flags!
Let it be known we are not installing telegram or joining facebook to police links so if you don't want to be banned DO NOT LINK TO THEM. We may assume on face value of a report that it is spam, self promotion or a honeypot.
Further clarification, here are some dummy links as an example. (Affiliate/Bannable) (Affiliate/Bannable) (Clean)
Don't post sites that contain affiliate links such as the first two examples. Most sites you land on with amazon links are affiliate links. They're often algorithmically generated like review sites or best [insert product here] of 2023. Even if you don't buy what they linked to, they still get money if you make a purchase on amazon after clicking those links.
I'm certain that Nazi Mossad ((((joo)))) u/catsfive is behind this crackdown! Affiliate links are free speeeeeeech!!!
Hahaha, don't ban me, I'm kidding. Those haters that discombobulate inside every mod PSA post are just too hilarious not to make fun of.
EDIT actually. It's simple. Guys. Amazon affiliate links get royalties. It's not about fenbendazole. You can buy it on amazon no problem (that's where I got mine). The affiliate links pay royalties, and the posts are just tards trying to skim off everyone's purchases. I wouldn't allow it if I was a mod too.
This makes sense. I mean, "no self-promotion" is one of the core tenets of GAW. I just thought it was an issue with FenBen itself and not something else.
Yeah the descriptor being Fenbendazole was not the greatest thing.
I expected something to have suddenly popped about Fenbendazole now = bad.
I definitely don't want a flood of affiliate links / trackers though.
That's what I thought too. I can understand the concern. I'm assuming it was a fenbendazole related post that triggered the warning, but the title is confusing to me when specifically "fendendazole links" is mentioned. The examples help.... Amazon sucks and should always be avoided. I hate it and avoid it when ever it can. I'd never use them as a reference, period. Even their commercial on TV for Prime is annoying and disgusting.
Well then...they need to come out and say the reason for what they are doing...that makes sense...something we can look at to avoid doing but just coming out like they are going to ban anyone that has ever used an affiliate link...I have no idea what that even is...or how to look for it....
Post updated with examples.
That certainly helps to clarify what you are talking about....thanks for the additional information....
It's about AFFILIATE links to ANY product.
Yeah...thanks I finally got what they were talking about...the examples helped me see the difference...
KEK u/presidentialseal 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸😭 OMG, frog.
So no blatantly spamming my onlyfans page anymore?
Damn! GAW was my biggest audience.
Ok. Tbh honest i have been tryi g to come up with a witty response all night ... but I got nothing...
Absolutely no offense, but, you must be NEW to GAW 🤣
It is an anti-parasitic with brand names like Heart Guard, etc. that are marketed for dogs and cats. It has been used to cure cancer. Albendazole and menbendazole are human versions, but those require a prescription.
I believe that the antiparasitics work for some types of cancer and not for others. Since no real research has been done for any of these, it is sort of a gamble on finding the right cure. I know that fenbendazole is a specific type of antiparasitic that targets heart worms. There may be certain types of cancer that some of them work on and not on others. Ivermectin is a broad spectrum antiparasitic and works on many different types of parasites, so perhaps it covers different types of cancer. It is hard to say until real controlled experiments are done to get a better understanding of the mechanisms behind why they seem to work and which ones work on which types of cancer. Since it seems to correlate that some antiparasitics work on certain types of pasitic infections, perhaps they have the same pattern with cancers.
interesting. I rarely follow treatment links.. so I never noted it.... does this ban criteria pertain to news which may link to such sites or is this more of a retail focus.?
I think it is specific to these tracking type sites which will effectively give them credit for other things you buy. I am not really very well versed in this type of monetization schemes that are running. They probably started out well-intentioned, but it sounds like someone has figured out a way to exploit them for gain.
Ok thanks...
I don't know very much about parasites, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!😜
yeah, the Parasites all stay at the NYC and DC Ritz-Karlton.
I've been here a little over 2 years and posted Q stuff and related matters. So...if I ever posted an Amazon link (and I can't recall if I ever have here), I'm subject to being banned?
Edit: PS, I consider myself a good GAW citizen.
I've bookmarked links that I truthfully have no idea which sites they linked to- was saving for a time I or loved ones might need?
So if I get banned, I blame u/TNBanjoMan kek and I too have been a good GAW citizen- least up until I got that harsh 23 day ban from _____ for engaging in an FE thread ;)
Hehehe....guilty as charged.
I think this is aimed at people's online stores on amazon? Like no shameless self promotion or enrichment?
Not saying that I have, I simply don't recall. But I'll look into it soon as I get a chance.
How can you possibly look through everything you ever posted...I don't promote those sites...but permanently banned??
Exactly. Until today, I had never even heard of Fenbendazole, and I'm not quite sure what an "Amazon Affiliate Link" is. Although I do have Amazon Prime and order stuff now and then.
But at 34 years clean and sober, I don't think I would ever CONSCIOUSLY share a link that promotes any kind of drugs.
Maybe I'm overreacting to a never-mind mod edict
FBZ is similar to is used to treat cancer...I don't think the product is the issue...I just started my husband on it for prostate is part of the Joe Tippens protocol...there has been a lot of discussion on it lately here...
So I wonder why this new ban of FBZ here? Hmmm, don't know, and probably don't care.
FBZ isn't banned. Links that fall under the category of Self Promotion are. Don't make the mistake of using sus links.
They're likely seeing bots or bad actors spamming crap and they're trying to clean it up. In order to do that, realistically, you've got to write a program that goes post by post looking for key words or phrases, like links to Amazon or other known sellers, and the flags them all.
This kind of program, depending on how you write it and how much data you feed into it (ie how far back you ask it to check and how big your word filter is), and how much computing power you have to allocate could take a very long time to run.
Personally, I think the evidence for FBZ is weak. People started making all sorts of wild claims about anti-parasitic drugs and cancer during the COVID years. People posted all sorts of weak and out of context evidence claiming that drugs like albendazole, fenbendazole, ivermectin, etc were cure-alls. I have had enough exposure to cancer research to know that just about everything on this planet at one point or another has been claimed to cause it or cure it. Getting good, high-quality evidence that it actually works for a broad spectrum of people or cancers is a much more difficult task. These drugs aren't terribly dangerous, but they're also not intended to be taken long-term either. The data we have is based on taking them for a week or two to cure a parasitic infection. We don't have long-term safety or efficacy data on any of it because no one takes it that way.
I support free speech and open discussion, but I also understand what the mods are dealing with and it's a real PITA for a site administrator, which is why we're seeing the salt in this post.
I've never heard of Fenbenazole until I read this post. I've been here three years and on here daily.
An Amazon influencer (or any other store influencer) is someone that posts (usually on social media) items they "supposedly" use or like. Most that I've seen post house items, clothing, baby stuff etc.
I'm not digging through every comment. If someone makes a "post" with fenben in the title I'm going to look through the comments. If someone reports a post with links to marketing hype sites, they risk getting banned.
I think that mods may have overly high expectations about our collective computer expertise... I may be digital warrior, but can't write a single line of code. 😆
I am technologically totally ignorant...I am lucky I figured out how to actually post...I just know how to turn on a computer or phone and type...anything beyond that is beyond my limited capabilities...Oh....I can copy and paste...yeah...not everyone has computer skills...
I can write code but haven't since the eighties so its about as useful as knowing Latin and hebrew.
Click on your username and every post or comment comes up. I think it's also under profile section. Like others said that's a lot of research and time consuming.
Already addressed that in a reply, now let me take care of that sock account for you.
KEKkkk, looks like GAW is in good hands while I'm away
Further clarification: This will be a **From Here Forward ** enforcement.
Older posts that get reported will be removed and noted.
Thank you for listening to the concerns raised, giving the reason for the issue (in the comments below here), clarifying, and for your hard work to keep the site clean and facilitating the kinds of discussion we want here. Modding is at times a thankless job, but it does not go unnoticed.
All the dittos, well done
What's the issue with fenbendazole??
Many members here have posted about its cancer killing properties
Fenben is fine. The complaint is about someone posting a link to their own amazon store that sells it. Considered self-promotion. I can say here that fenben can be acquired at and it's fine because I have no profit-making relationship with myself.
Cool, thanx
This is about links and sock accounts hyping shit up for sales.
The bit about being permanently banned over it musta thrown me LOL
Links have been posted on where to buy ivermectin too
Don't ban me, I won't be posting any info about either medication. Take it easy man
I have to agree with CQVFEFE here. For 3 years, we've had people posting all sorts of alternative options for dealing with not only COVID hysteria, but cancers, general health, etc following the Q "hidden cures" line. These people posted this stuff with no intention to mislead or to profit, but to make people aware of how to get around an overbearing federal government and medical technocracy. There was no attempt to violate site rules and those people posted such content freely, for years. Personally, I spend a lot of time here debating these folks because I don't think the evidence is as sound as they think it is, but there are those who swear by it, and this is the kind of discussion this site is here for.
If you impose a drag net, you're going to catch people who aren't the spammers you're trying to deal with now.
I would respectfully request that the mod team take this into account when designing a countermeasure for the latest problem. If this is a recent phenomenon, don't run a bot that scrapes the whole site, just recent posts within the time frame in question, and consider either manually evaluating the one-off posts or letting them slide. If it's people spamming, that should be easy to identify with the repetitive posts from the same IP.
I think it's the title that is triggering people. One can grammatically break down the title from "Fenbendazole Links, Facebook Links, Telegram Links, Amazon Links = BANNABLE" to "Fenbendazole Links = BANNABLE" by removing commas and the other independent clauses.
A title with clear wording about affilate links being the issue, (while not mentioning Fenbendazole or anything specific) leaving the details to the body of the post maybe going into details about evidence showing bot accounts targeting fenbendazole affiliate links in particular would have been more palatable to some.
i really really appreciate this level of clarity. also its 'palatable'
Yeah I can't fix titles, only bodies.
"Fenbendazole links... = Bannable"
I mean you specifically singled that out. Not sure why the surprise, nor the attitude towards people.
This is about links and sock accounts hyping shit up for sales. ---- thanks for that reply i understood it fine.
A little detail would make you more credible. Why are you going all nazi on this?
I thought "Amazon affiliate link" was plenty of detail, but you could read the rest of the post as well.
"Some users with 1+ year old accounts are sharing the same link a rash of sub-month-old sock accounts were hyping up a month ago. The site contains an amazon affiliate link, facebook link, and telegram link. Three obvious red flags!"
Because I just mistakenly nuked a 2 year old account that stupidly linked the same site spam bots were hyping to generate sales.
It's going to be a From Here Forward enforcement.
So the (clean) URL is ok to post (obv that one is just an example) but the links above (not clean) are bannable? Am I understanding this correctly? Honest question.
Yes. An affiliate link generates money for whoever created it. It falls under the self promotion and spam rule.
That's a bummer. Is the account recoverable? Just curious on what it's like being a mod on this site.
that is a really stupid reason to ban someone.
Took me a while to figure out what exactly this is about. If it took me a few read throughs of comments even to find the spazz out all caps clarification that its not specifically about fenbendazole (as a cancer survivor, its good stuff). In retrospect, I can read the original post that way. But knowing that intention, you've really given us a troll ass curveball declaration and spazzed a bit at people confused? Lol the hell man? Clarify the main post for people not in the mod convo if you don't want confusion.
Well makes it look like everyone is in if we can read their minds on what is the actual problem they are trying to solve...the added examples did help clarify what the bannable affiliate links look like...this is like all Greek to me....
Yes, and that is clearly the reaction people had. Making sure they weren't in trouble for something they don't even understand. Not a big deal, just unfortunate.
I can understand the others.... Facebook, Telegram, etc. but what's up with FenBen? Isn't it known to be an anti-cancer drug? I'm genuinely curious.
I don't care if talk about it, don't link to sites that sell it.
People have often asked about online sites that sell the IVM or FBZ...there are some pretty reputable sites that are good to work with...especially since so many are still using animal IVM or FBZ from these sites...I have often benefitted from people making suggestions on where they purchased their at least gives me a starting point for what to get and how much to pay. I don't usually utilize facebook, amazon or is it these sites only you are banning???
FBZ doesn't require a prescription. There's no reason you can't look at the reviews and draw a conclusion yourself.
I wouldn't trust IVM from any website that doesn't require a prescription. Just find a doctor that doesn't deal with insurance. They'll write you a prescription.
That is ridiculous...I use the horse paste which doesn't require a prescription and I have had no the site I buy from... and it is a lot more reasonably priced. Also with FBZ...I am using the goat liquid for my husband with prostate cancer...that is the advantage of shopping the online vet stores...they carry reputable brands that are only the product...and have been safely used by MANY people.
Plus have you not heard that IVM is available in Tennessee without a prescription? You are free to buy it anyway that you want...but it would be ludicrous to hold anyone else to your standard...
I hope you shut down whatever you are going after...I don't really understand it all...but I hope you don't enforce your preferences on others that have different preferences.
"I use the horse paste which doesn't require a prescription and I have had no problems"
Why do you need links to buy it online? You can buy name brand horse paste locally for next to nothing. And you can see reviews on amazon. Your problem isn't a problem.
I live in an area where we can only buy horse paste online; rural areas benefit from online purchases when there is just no supply locally. .... I'm sure this also applies to some of the international GAW users also, a category which I also technically fall into.
The prices are better online and I don't have to waste my time and money chasing around for it...and free delivery...
Tractor Supply, Farm & Fleet, Rural King etc etc.
Just plan ahead. Cheaper than domestic shipping.
Also you can get it on amazon.
Iver is not a prescription drug. It is OTC in paste form. Don't imply to people that they have to take iver pills and have a prescription. You don't need a scrip to order the iver pills from another country either. Just find sources, compare prices, and order it. Why over-complicate things for people unnecessarily? I have horses so I can of course go to and get ivermectin and fenben from them anytime or Tractor Supply locally or local hay and grain! It's not a big secret. Very simple. Been doing it for decades.
Bullshit. Most doctors will NOT prescribe IVM.
I just wish that all the "truther" sites would clean up their garbage laying around. So many ads and utter trash littering these sites that make it nearly impossible for me to send links to my friends and family without fear of being utterly embarrassed at all the TRUMP COIN and BELLY FAT MIRACLE CURE ads and other garbage.
over the last couple years there has been tons of postings about Iver and fenben , many folks wanted info about dosage and where to buy, so now GAW is going after those who helped..?? I beat covid with ivermecton and am lowering my PSA numbers with Fenbendazole.. This group is not the same lately..
I have noticed pedes getting negatives on comments that used to get updoots ..
So strange to see a stickie with threat of removal for sharing truth and help , where have you gone Joe dimagio
How did you know your levels were high, and may I ask how the fenben has affected the numbers?
Prostate specific antigen blood work It's a long story
Are we sure we can talk about it?
If it is too personal you don't have to tell me, I just didn't know this drug could have such an impact. I have taken smart guard myself, it helped me get over some kind of weird brain fog, almost like a yeast infection. I occasionally get a taste of it now just as a maintenance dose.
This is odd to read, given I just offered some fenben for my mother's friend who has a brain tumor.
It wasn't an Amazon link, it was a direct supplier.
Thankfully the comments clarified. Will be careful what links I use from now on.
I know three people who have died from Glioblastoma. Could you reply here if your friend's mom takes it and improves?
I don't know what exact kind of tumor it is. My mother's here in Texas, her lifelong friend is in another state.
If I get results, it won't be for a long while.
Also, I should note that this could all be for nothing. "Cancer" is a blanket term for many tumor-causing diseases. Fenbendazole reportedly works on SOME, but NOT ALL. I just figured it was worth a shot.
There is an old report that I wished I had read years ago, but by the time we found my mom's it was the size of a baseball in her brain. Look into the drug mebendazole. It is supposed to be more effective than Fenben at brain cancer:
Thanks, I'll look into that.
Well this is concerning. Should all donation/paywall links be banned?
We don't allow gofundme e-begging type sites.
If a news site is behind a paywall we'll often take it down and ask them to repost using an archive link.
Why did I get permission from people on GAW to post a link to givesendgo, when trying to help someone? If GFM links aren't allowed? Oh ok. "Whatever". I give up.
"Why did I get permission from people on GAW"
I think you answered your own question. The reason you don't see beggars every day is because they are taken down.
I mean, I was given permission to post someone elses GSG.
Could you mods maybe make a post on how to put an archive link up for noobs? I've posted things before that I had no issues getting to because of the high security my tech person did a special ad filter on my devices that allowed me to get past the paywall where you had to pay a subscription for a news article, etc.... I had to contact my tech person to help with an archive link to remedy the situation when I posted that same link from my device on GAW. It wasn't until members here complained that you had to buy access to the news did I know that I had even posted a weird link.
So can you guys just make a post for all the noobs and tech unsavvy/outdated and tech unaware before you guys just decide to permaban everyone who mistakenly makes an honest mistake?? And maybe keep it up for easy access? Tech person says to put it in the wiki, which is at the top of the site, but as of my typing, has nothing in it. Also, education as to what a wiki is would be nice--I didn't even know until tech person said just now. Lol. Tech person says if you put more resources in the wiki, then there wouldn't be so many redundant posts.
Also, what about ebay seller accounts? If it is a special tech product, for example, that only one seller makes--how can I tell people about it? For example, I am doing research on a small scale EMP that will assist people in stopping/disabling nanotech, and there are a few sellers on ebay, but there is one in specific that is off of ebay that an international colleague of ours uses successfully (albeit it is an old model that the seller no longer makes).... how can I suggest to people where to buy tech or other items that will protect against 5G/other dangerous EMFs without putting a link up?
Do I just type it out like this ... www. go to this site and check out their sutff. comm? I dunno. Guidance please. And also, this post, or a less offensive one against fenbendazole with the actual point that you guys wanted to get across, is warranted, at least for a week, if not for a month. Not everyone can be on here everyday.
I appreciate all that you guys do, and if I am guilty of accidentally putting up weird links, I apologize. I definitely did in the case of the news article example about six months ago. If I have done this lately, I apologize.
It looks to me that if everyone actually read the post instead of just the headline, 80% of people bitching wouldn't have; i.e. "ERHMEHGERD MUH FREE SPEECH, AND WHATS WRONG WITH FBZ!?"
Cliff notes version:
It is NOT about FBZ, persay, it is about affiliate links which have NEVER been condoned here. This applies to anything linked outside of GAW, it just so happens FBZ has been a topic of late and is causing issue because the links.
Do not post links to products. TELL people where they can go and let them do it themselves OFF GAW.
per se (it's Latin).
Yep, autocorrect fckd me and didn't catch it
So is the Pope - probably don't want links to him either!
Hey, after talking to tech support, we realized all your problems as mods in regards to secondary sites containing sublinks that are bannable (in pretty much everything except videos) would be solved if you had everyone use an archive link for EVERYTHING. This way, the data at the time of the posting will never be changed, and it wouldn't give any direct affiliate traffic that could be pegged to your site.
Perhaps you guys could make a post/wiki on how to do archive links and instruct everyone on GAW to do this. I'm still trying to figure it out myself, so if you have an easy peasy way of teaching this, that would be awesome. I hate having to contact my tech support.
Also, this thread should be up for a while to get more eyes on from the community. If you use wiki more, you can just put it there for everyone's reference 24/7, 365. A lot of the old site guide posts are buried in the history of this site, and while you can search for them, you need to know what you're looking for. A wiki is much easier to navigate for anyone trying to get up to speed on something and learn in general.
Thanks again for all that you Mods do. I hate having problems without solutions, so hopefully these are good suggestions to end the problem. Sincerely, PM17
I've told people before, just add at the start of a URL to generate an archive if one hasn't been generated already.
So the real message is don’t try to make money off GAW. Is that it?
No self promotion has always been a rule.
Can we promote our own sense of coolness?
I'm awesome! 😂😁
No worries. It looked like talking about fenbendazole was the problem, but selling anything, including fenbendazole, is taboo.
I defer to u/kish-kumen with regard to promotion. 😏
Happy 420 day. I've been away in deep thoughts and plan to continue my spiritual journey on the Great Awakening. God bless.
So basically make sure it's a clean FULL link..and remove the "?" and anything after it. Is that right?
And this only applies to products and things for sale, right? Although it's always good practice to remove the "? and after" for any link posted.
This site sure seems to be more and more controlling… it’s concerning
Get chat AI to write a script to search a post to flag or remove links before the post can be finished.
Catch at point of posting with clear verbiage as to what is being flagged.
Hello! I can help you with a Python script that uses regular expressions to identify and flag affiliated site links in user posts.
Here's an example script:
python Copy code import re
regular expression to match affiliated site links
affiliate_pattern = re.compile(r"(https?://)?(www.)?(|*?(tag=|ref=|&camp=)")
list of user posts to check for affiliated links
user_posts = [ "Check out this amazing product on Amazon:", "I just bought Turd On A Stick on Amazon:", "Here's a link to Turd On A Stick on Amazon:", "I found this great deal on Amazon:", "This is not an affiliated link:", ]
loop through user posts and check for affiliated links
for post in user_posts: if print(f"Affiliated link detected in post: {post}") else: print(f"No affiliated link detected in post: {post}") This script defines a regular expression pattern to match affiliated site links, which includes the domains and followed by certain query parameters such as tag=, ref=, or &camp=. The script then loops through a list of user posts and checks each post for a match to the pattern using the search() method of the regular expression object. If a match is found, the script prints a message indicating that an affiliated link was detected in the post.
You can modify the regular expression pattern to suit your specific needs, such as adding or removing domains or query parameters that indicate an affiliated link.
Wait wait wait. I take fenben everyday as part of the JTP. Whats going on with fenben. Have i missed something
No. You're good. 👍
I'm trying to clarify our spam / self promotion policy.
If you want to promote fenben that's fine, be cautious posting links that appear to be from somebodies marketing hype campaign.
People don't need amazon affiliate links or supplement sites. They can easily find it online themselves.
Ohhhh ok. i was worried i missed news of some ban or something
Can I ask what website he got it from, without him giving a specific link?
ends in .org
Wait.. Is thisndifferent than fenbendzaLONE
No. Same thing. Don't worry.
The link to the Turd on a Stick doesn't work. Where can I buy one of these?
More economical to make your own, fren.
Well please provide a reliable source to purchase this before banning other links. This is saving peoples lives here!
Amazon. Local store. See Amazon reviews. Why do you need a link to a hack marketing site or brand? has it. It is under the name Panacur, this is a wormer paste. Look at the ingred. You will see. Probably pills too or liquid.
I had to look up fenbendazole. I wasn't sure what you were saying about links. My first thought was fenbendazole was just a made up name to basically say don't link to anything. Just goes to show how clueless I am. LOL
That is how pharmaceutical companies make up drug names.
Arsequeefidine - for gas. 🤣😭
When the patents run out they modify the drug slightly and change the name of the drug.
Not unless it's an AFFILIATE link.
That site had an amazon affiliate link on the right hand side. Funny how it disappeared from the front page.
Also funny how you've been here for three months and your first post is to the aforementioned website, which I just removed.
I'm guessing this is another one of your sock accounts that I missed.
I suggest you peddle your shit somewhere else.