The only thing that gives me some confidence is there is 0 explanation of why Hillary, Obama, and so many other asshats are sooo quiet. They used to be everywhere. Also why did Biden continue the orders trump signed about human trafficking, etc. those are honestly the only 2 things that make me think he may be right.
All these write ups like this make it sound like there will be a big reveal where all the actors come out and take a bow. The best way to piss off an entire country would be to do exactly that. I am sure that when things fall apart, we will never get confirmation of it being actors. We will see Biden get arrested, tried, and executed (using the video from a few years ago. And that will be it. No big reveal.
I’m pretty sure the J6 prisoners aren’t willing to participate in this “movie”. Nor are the children being raped and trafficked over the border. If this is a movie, I hope the producers hang.
bruh. So Trump and Q are just tanking the economy, human trafficking, and starting wars to make the other guys look bad? Surely you aren't this retarded.
These kinds of posters were popular right before the 2020 election. Always acting like they had some inside track on what’s going on rather than just repeating the the most popular theories from sites like this. Most of us already thought what he’s saying was the case, but he’s trying to gain credibility and followers by making it sound like he’s got insider confirmation of this when he likely doesn’t. Don’t make him your expert just because he’s comfortable asserting what you’re only currently comfortable suspecting.
I listened to these dicks before the 2020 election too, along w lots of others. Started listening to x22 dave around then and dave is the only one I still listen though not as often.
Do you think Derek is bad? Last evening Jon said when he tried to engage him and he showed the comms that Derek was just so rude. Instead of finding their common ground, derek let Jon have it. This is odd bc most who read both of them find them basically on the same page.
I’m not into secret trials and executions but those two make good points that things may not be what I seem to see. Just interested in other’s thoughts.
Ahhh, one of the "insiders" speaks again. Prompting a collective "what should we do?" The answer to me has always been the same, and rather simple. Plan for the worst. Why? Let's apply some game theory, shall we?
Scenario 1. No white knight on a horse. No Gitmo. Economic collapse. Scare event. Bad Guy-FEMA camps for everyone. Salvation is a LARP. Did you prepare? Great. Your beer, bullion and bullets will be precious when SHTF and they come for your food/wife/children.
Scenario 2. Times will be tough, but "you are watching a movie" and the calvary arrives in the final scene. Did you prepare? Great. Instead of Good-Guy FEMA bread lines you are eating the half cow you got in the freezer and watching blue ray movies on your solar powered entertainment center.
Scenario 3. The social/political/economic/cultural misery ends in approximately "two more weeks" and the Good Times/Age of Aquarius are around the corner. Nesara/Gesara. Flying cars. Time travel. We all eat strawberries and drink wine under a tree reading Plato and playing lyres. Did you prepare? Great. You can thank God it wasnt Scenarios 1 or 2 and still brag to the normies you knew The Plan was real way back in 20XX....
So... what are we supposed to do? On the one hand, we're supposed to be prepared (food, supplies, guns, ammo, gold, etc.). And on the other hand, all we need to do is eat popcorn and try to wake up normies.
What is real? Is the dollar's loss of reserve currency statu a real threat, or not? Is the economy in peril or not? Is thebanking sector okay, or not? Is there a war in Ukraine, or not? Is inflation real, or not? And on and on...
Can we be watching a movie AND have these bad things happen atthe same time? Are they one in the same?
I guess I just don't know what the info means for me, and I will just keep doing my thing.
I think it’s a movie AND we still have to realistically prepare for real life scenarios such as a collapse of the dollar. It isn’t going to be easy regardless if it’s a movie or not.
Long ago Shakespeare said, All the world is a stage and men and women merely players. It’s not a concept the Post modern age man Invented. I do feel like a chess piece in a game of the gods.
Oh, that's explains the forced vaccinations on the military and everywhere else and all the people I've known that have died or suffered severe injury from the vaccine. They were all acting!
Not that I support Ezra, but the salt in the comments here is voluminous.
Most of the comments here read like "but Iron Man died, no but seriously he did I saw it, therefore it's true"
None of you or I know what the fuck is going to happen or is happening with a degree of truth that's useable. Best thing to do if you can't just discuss things is go offline, spend time with your families and have a laugh if you can. Events in any direction will unfold without all the salty "you're a faggot for that opinion" comments.
It's true. I was actually surprised at what this post brought out. Bottom line is that nobody knows the whole truth, but lots of folks are very good at piecing things together and speculating. To argue over who to follow is fruitless.
All any of us can do, and we do it well, is to take in what others are saying and digest it into our own potential unfolding scenario. Even at that though, it's important to remain fluid in what we subscribe to. So much of what we thought was true about our reality is turning out not to be so.
I'm just going with the flow here, because every day, new stuff comes to light that just seems so unreal, and both sides are doing their own psy-ops on the Human Collective.
Bullshit. Tell your fantasy to the millions of Australians who are currently suffering mental illness at having their lives completely destroyed for not complying and refusing to be vaccinated/poisoned. Actors? Oh I get it. You mean YOU! Acting like you know shit. You're a wanker. And I hope you and wankers like you actually face justice at some point, if not, at least remembered for the wankers you were, at such a time as this.
He should have proof-read this statement. I know I sometime put out things without proofreading, but they are short and I am generally in a hurry. This a pretty lengthy statement and needed to be proofed before hitting send. I don't know Ghost Ezra at all, but he could be spot on. I think some of what he says is good information, other things--I'm not so certain of.
Who really knows who knows more than the average citizen out here. The people on this website do a whole lot of research and generally back up their information with links to/ or reasons for their posting it. I'm not saying everyone has to do that--as us finding our own sources is good for us. My problem is, with the internet, I'm not sure I am getting the most reliable source, as everyone (who puts out information that we are supposed to believe on face value) has a channel and they espouse information as if it is GOSPEL. Well, probably some it it isn't and it may be meant to take us down a different road. I for one don't know one from the other. I liked when the library was the main source of looking up information, now it is everywhere and it could be all false or all real??
I cringe when I see a meme with a misspelling...and sadly, there are many. It does somewhat take away from the message.
The truth about right now is that nobody actually knows the whole truth. Lots of folks are good at piecing things together and speculating...but we all need to be more fluid in what we accept as reality.
This guy is way out there. I did follow him for a while on Telegram but started questioning his motives. Seems when you call him out he doesnt like it and he actually locked me from being able to post any more on his threads because he didnt like my comments. That was the end of his BS for me and I dumped his feed. He has no more info than any of us reading here.
i think the biggest thing i learned from 2020 is that there is a group of people who will go on video and just make shit up. credibility be damned, they just constantly spew complete, utter, bullshit and have no cares about how they will explain it away in the future
Ghost Ezra, Simon Parks, Charlie Ward.... All larps and wanna bees.
The only thing that gives me some confidence is there is 0 explanation of why Hillary, Obama, and so many other asshats are sooo quiet. They used to be everywhere. Also why did Biden continue the orders trump signed about human trafficking, etc. those are honestly the only 2 things that make me think he may be right.
But ya gotta love the variation on the theme:
Two more months LOL
Who knew we'd have an election in the summer of 2023? New twists and turns every day.
All these write ups like this make it sound like there will be a big reveal where all the actors come out and take a bow. The best way to piss off an entire country would be to do exactly that. I am sure that when things fall apart, we will never get confirmation of it being actors. We will see Biden get arrested, tried, and executed (using the video from a few years ago. And that will be it. No big reveal.
Yet all have quite the followings
People who are easily deceived tend to trail after those who exude a self-assured demeanor.
Speaking of people who are clearly self assured, is that why they trail after Trump?
With Trump you have a self-assured demeanor who's actions align with his confidence.
I’m pretty sure the J6 prisoners aren’t willing to participate in this “movie”. Nor are the children being raped and trafficked over the border. If this is a movie, I hope the producers hang.
I don't agree with this hopium which honestly is just a stock everything you wish were happening soliloquy.
However, January 6th prisoners are actually agents that are doing their part of the deal.
Of that much I'm certain.
You are not listening its a movie. There are no J6 prisoners and they have already rescued most of the children.
That 'inflation' part of the movie sure does feel real.
kinda seems like it should are titled 'Never ending story'. I wish it would end soon.
It was ended, now just clean up and showing public
bruh. So Trump and Q are just tanking the economy, human trafficking, and starting wars to make the other guys look bad? Surely you aren't this retarded.
Sounds like it's a military operation and also brinksmanship.
Well, let's look at it another way, just as a thought experiment.
Remember the talk about getting rid of central banks? And we'd have to destroy them, let them implode first?
Maybe that's what's happening.
And the other things you mentioned -- the public is getting wise to it.
Something big is in the air.
IMO there flying all the border jumpers right back on planes. Rinse repeat
No if they’re flying them anywhere it’s deeper into the country.
Well said.
You realize you are talking about Donald Trump and The White Hats?
Ghost ezra is a faggot larper. One of the many some people unfortunately fall for
Hopium addicts It’s pretty pathetic to watch
Rumor has it the cure to hopium is hidden within Dr Dre's Detox album 😏
These kinds of posters were popular right before the 2020 election. Always acting like they had some inside track on what’s going on rather than just repeating the the most popular theories from sites like this. Most of us already thought what he’s saying was the case, but he’s trying to gain credibility and followers by making it sound like he’s got insider confirmation of this when he likely doesn’t. Don’t make him your expert just because he’s comfortable asserting what you’re only currently comfortable suspecting.
I listened to these dicks before the 2020 election too, along w lots of others. Started listening to x22 dave around then and dave is the only one I still listen though not as often.
Well Dave just interviewed Derek, sooo
Do you think Derek is bad? Last evening Jon said when he tried to engage him and he showed the comms that Derek was just so rude. Instead of finding their common ground, derek let Jon have it. This is odd bc most who read both of them find them basically on the same page.
I’m not into secret trials and executions but those two make good points that things may not be what I seem to see. Just interested in other’s thoughts.
Yup, Confirmation bias goes both ways
Here's what keeps me going.
Trump uses the song "Wwg1wga" to end his rallies.
Why that song?
Why that specific instrumental?
He could have chosen any other.
He could have used Hold On I'm Comin' again.
Why THAT song with THAT name?
Maybe he is usurping the q stuff, or using it to his advantage, and playing us.
That's not what I think... but I don't have a great retort to that type of comment when my friend debates with me.
Ahhh, one of the "insiders" speaks again. Prompting a collective "what should we do?" The answer to me has always been the same, and rather simple. Plan for the worst. Why? Let's apply some game theory, shall we?
Scenario 1. No white knight on a horse. No Gitmo. Economic collapse. Scare event. Bad Guy-FEMA camps for everyone. Salvation is a LARP. Did you prepare? Great. Your beer, bullion and bullets will be precious when SHTF and they come for your food/wife/children.
Scenario 2. Times will be tough, but "you are watching a movie" and the calvary arrives in the final scene. Did you prepare? Great. Instead of Good-Guy FEMA bread lines you are eating the half cow you got in the freezer and watching blue ray movies on your solar powered entertainment center.
Scenario 3. The social/political/economic/cultural misery ends in approximately "two more weeks" and the Good Times/Age of Aquarius are around the corner. Nesara/Gesara. Flying cars. Time travel. We all eat strawberries and drink wine under a tree reading Plato and playing lyres. Did you prepare? Great. You can thank God it wasnt Scenarios 1 or 2 and still brag to the normies you knew The Plan was real way back in 20XX....
I'll take door number 3, Bob.
Lol, stop following these clowns. "GhostEzra" is a distraction.
ya this aint true
This guy is fucking crazy.
You don’t trust anonymous guy on the internet? The media uses anonymous sources all the time.
Okay, I understand this.
So... what are we supposed to do? On the one hand, we're supposed to be prepared (food, supplies, guns, ammo, gold, etc.). And on the other hand, all we need to do is eat popcorn and try to wake up normies.
What is real? Is the dollar's loss of reserve currency statu a real threat, or not? Is the economy in peril or not? Is thebanking sector okay, or not? Is there a war in Ukraine, or not? Is inflation real, or not? And on and on...
Can we be watching a movie AND have these bad things happen atthe same time? Are they one in the same?
I guess I just don't know what the info means for me, and I will just keep doing my thing.
I think it’s a movie AND we still have to realistically prepare for real life scenarios such as a collapse of the dollar. It isn’t going to be easy regardless if it’s a movie or not.
Long ago Shakespeare said, All the world is a stage and men and women merely players. It’s not a concept the Post modern age man Invented. I do feel like a chess piece in a game of the gods.
I'm kind of partial to:
Man,I wish this true.
Where do you see the swamp running around because I dont.
Q said no deals. Tells me all I need to know about this rant.
I don't believe this guy for a second.
Oh, that's explains the forced vaccinations on the military and everywhere else and all the people I've known that have died or suffered severe injury from the vaccine. They were all acting!
they will never get everyones attention........4-6% lost forever....Q
That 4-6% will be lost forever are the inner core of black hats, those who commited CAH or Treason.
Are Saturdays the new LARPing clowns day here on GAW? Derek Johnson, Juan O savin, now GhostEzra lol
Not that I support Ezra, but the salt in the comments here is voluminous.
Most of the comments here read like "but Iron Man died, no but seriously he did I saw it, therefore it's true"
None of you or I know what the fuck is going to happen or is happening with a degree of truth that's useable. Best thing to do if you can't just discuss things is go offline, spend time with your families and have a laugh if you can. Events in any direction will unfold without all the salty "you're a faggot for that opinion" comments.
It's true. I was actually surprised at what this post brought out. Bottom line is that nobody knows the whole truth, but lots of folks are very good at piecing things together and speculating. To argue over who to follow is fruitless.
All any of us can do, and we do it well, is to take in what others are saying and digest it into our own potential unfolding scenario. Even at that though, it's important to remain fluid in what we subscribe to. So much of what we thought was true about our reality is turning out not to be so.
I'm just going with the flow here, because every day, new stuff comes to light that just seems so unreal, and both sides are doing their own psy-ops on the Human Collective.
Plant a garden.
Blockchain fraudproof election system my arse.
If they change the vote before inserting into the block chain nothing is gained.. so its all bullshit
Bullshit. Tell your fantasy to the millions of Australians who are currently suffering mental illness at having their lives completely destroyed for not complying and refusing to be vaccinated/poisoned. Actors? Oh I get it. You mean YOU! Acting like you know shit. You're a wanker. And I hope you and wankers like you actually face justice at some point, if not, at least remembered for the wankers you were, at such a time as this.
Seriously. At this point. You're sick.
Have a link?
I used to follow this guy on telegram, but he blocked me for some unknown reason. I have long since thought he was a larp.
Spoiler : The movie will get a happy ending cause at the end, God Wins
Bottom line, yup. It's truly all we need to concern ourselves with.
The part where I was sure this diatribe was pure BS is the part about blockchain.
From 2019
No one has been executed… please stop. Talking to GE btw.
He should have proof-read this statement. I know I sometime put out things without proofreading, but they are short and I am generally in a hurry. This a pretty lengthy statement and needed to be proofed before hitting send. I don't know Ghost Ezra at all, but he could be spot on. I think some of what he says is good information, other things--I'm not so certain of.
Who really knows who knows more than the average citizen out here. The people on this website do a whole lot of research and generally back up their information with links to/ or reasons for their posting it. I'm not saying everyone has to do that--as us finding our own sources is good for us. My problem is, with the internet, I'm not sure I am getting the most reliable source, as everyone (who puts out information that we are supposed to believe on face value) has a channel and they espouse information as if it is GOSPEL. Well, probably some it it isn't and it may be meant to take us down a different road. I for one don't know one from the other. I liked when the library was the main source of looking up information, now it is everywhere and it could be all false or all real??
I cringe when I see a meme with a misspelling...and sadly, there are many. It does somewhat take away from the message.
The truth about right now is that nobody actually knows the whole truth. Lots of folks are good at piecing things together and speculating...but we all need to be more fluid in what we accept as reality.
I don't trust anyone who doesn't know what a paragraph is.
This guy is way out there. I did follow him for a while on Telegram but started questioning his motives. Seems when you call him out he doesnt like it and he actually locked me from being able to post any more on his threads because he didnt like my comments. That was the end of his BS for me and I dumped his feed. He has no more info than any of us reading here.
The 35% lose of my 401k and the CBDC seems pretty real.
Your next prescription of Copium has automatically been filled at Walgreens and will be ready in…..2 more weeks
Sounds like two more weeks to me
i think the biggest thing i learned from 2020 is that there is a group of people who will go on video and just make shit up. credibility be damned, they just constantly spew complete, utter, bullshit and have no cares about how they will explain it away in the future
Bravo Sierra
The same was posted on GAB way back on 2/21/21 by Stephen Hunter, saying it's an OP by Ezra Cohen W ~
enter text