Those who listen to or trust anything Gregg "The Bearded Great One" has to say continue to be grifted by a conman. Stop giving him the attention and respect on social media. He's yet another crusted-on shit stain in the underpants of society. Stop getting your "ripcord" pulled by this charlatan
Too many people pushing to hate him for no real reason that I can see. I try to stay away from hate, I'm just here for truth and sometimes that takes time and mistakes(or intentional misdirection.)
Yes, in a discerning mind, is what I saw yesterday, when he immediately posted that Soros was dead.
The only reason he said that, is because it was actually attached to another tweet regarding a show that Tucker Carlson was going to do, with a special guest in a special announcement.
Personally… I feel Greg was trying to Trump that announcement, and ride the coattails of Tucker Carlson’s show. That was my personal immediate response to seeing those two tweets.
Waking up this morning and seeing this, I feel I was right. So yes, you’re right about being discerning.
I could give a rats ass about Greg Phillips, I just went with my gut feeling. And here we are.
What disinfo? I get he has made some mistakes, as all of us have, but what disinfo?
You could accuse Trump or Q, at this point, of all talk and no action…. If you were not aware of what’s happening in the background. Why do you hold Gregg to a different standard? Or do you say the same about Trump and Q?
Are you joking? You're literally in a thread where he made a huge claim, and then has to apologize for being inconsistent and pushing a lie. 100% known for pedaling crap like this.
The "truth" isn't always what it seems to be, I look at all sides and I like to ask questions. I'm always willing to admit I'm wrong, because then I know I've truly found the Truth. All of that aside, I know that this is a war like no other in history, so I expect to not know what is going on behind the scenes. If I know, the enemy knows. I want my enemy to be confused as to what is actually taking place. I use my own critical thinking, I pray and ask God for discernment. I trust in God for the Truth, He never lets me down. As for the other thread, I was not picking sides, merely showing the Truth. I saw a thread and shared it. I saw his apology for falling for the hoax and shared that as well. So many people are guided by their emotions, have some self-control over your emotions and just seek Truth. Have faith, Truth will win, the light will shine through.
John 1:5
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Well, Based on the tweets posted above, he is never someone I would give the time of day. I don't get all the attention he easily musters.
Think through those tweets. He posted fake news and left it up for 11 hours because he was unable to confirm the veracity of intel. That means he or his source(s) are completely untrustworthy. "Soros dead" is not something that's hard to F up in certain circles that matter. My take based on this is Phillips is not connected in to circles that matter.
But the damage was done whether intentional or incompetence of someone who's built himself up to be more dialed in than he really is. He just made a big move in contributing to a mass wave of the social media world left with egg on their face. The optics of spreading fake news is difficult to impossible to overcome. Even us low level anons know to give something like this 24-48 hours before saying anything on it.
So, no sauce? That’s not how this works. YOU made a claim. YOU post the sauce to back up the claim. Others aren’t expected to validate the claim YOU made.
Just last week Trump mentioned True the Vote during the his CNN interview.
And when 2000 Mules came out Trump hosted a massive viewing party at Mar a Lago that was attended by pretty much everyone who matters in the MAGA movement.
You should ask yourself when did Trump say Phillips wasn’t trustworthy... because I’m pretty sure he never has.
He said that he was unjustly jailed. He posed with a picture with Phillips, like he did with Maxwell. He poses for pictures with lots of people. Why don't you take your beard covered glasses off and post your source where Trump called Phillips "trustworthy." Go on, I'll wait
You're either being disingenuous (who knows why...) or you have failed miserably to inform yourself.
In addition to his public statements calling for Gregg and Catherine to be released, Trump himself made phone calls to numerous state officials expressing his outrage at their imprisonment. He called the warden of the prison they were in, who then made a personal wellness check on the two of them.
Trump has repeatedly lauded True the Vote for their work, most recently at the CNN town hall. He repeatedly speaks well of Gregg and Catherine both.
So he said he's "trustworthy," or he lauded Catherine's organization, of which Phillips is a paid member via patriot donations? You support him destroying Catherine's marriage now that he's banging her, which he started doing when she was married? She has two young sons. Why has Phillips been in contact with the FBI for years? Why was he in Haiti with the Clintons? Why did so many members of Badlands media, who attended the nothingburger "The Pit," come out and disavow Phillips? Did you get the Phillips tramp stamp beard tattoo, or did you just sign up for the monthly fan club? He's Jack Maxey on steroids, and he was wrong, again, about his Soros post. Still waiting for the fallout from Telegram being compromised, which the bearded one also claimed
Gregg said he could track Antifa rioting outside of CPAC using cell phone data. When can we expect that evidence? Gregg also said he had "eyes everywhere" during Kari Lake's rigged election. When do you expect we see some of that evidence? The internet fanbois cuckolding for Phillips are the truth movement's version of the vaccine believers. How many times will you be duped by this guy before pattern recognition kicks in? It takes zero effort to type a short paragraph pointing out this conman's lies, bud
Interested to see the results, brother. This guy has a cult-like following akin to normies with movie stars. They've been getting dragged along for a year plus. I also think Phillips lied about curing his cancer with Fenbenzadole, since each time he's told the story it's a different version. Then the cancer came back. Sympathy time! Then he didn't mention it again
It's Dinesh D'Souza's film, not Phillips'. Gregg promised us the raw data from the cell phones when he pulled the "ripcord." That was a year ago. Can you point me to it? Did you know one of the maps they used in the film was a city in Russia?
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Because of Greg's position in all of this I tend to think this was deliberate misinformation. Despite this, your point is taken and I have updooted you for anon general knowledge with the astute but also jaunty use of "ripcord"
I am going for my reserve chute as this ripcord pulled out a string of colored hankies tied together.
What I don't understand is, why are such rumors posted, updooted or stickied in the first place? IT WAS VERY OBVIOUSLY A RUMOR W/OUT ANY SOURCE? We are researchers? Really?
Another attack on Gregg Phillips. I know some people are frustrated by the lack of information that's suppose to come forth. So, am I. I've watched Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Mike Lindell, and others announce 'earth-shattering' evidence that doesn't get revealed. Indeed, those revelations have not happened yet. All of this is a head-scratcher... that I know. Yet, no one here really knows the reason or the dynamics going on behind the scene. I recognize the Cabal's use of Law-fare and the evil War we are experiencing. It may be the incredible circumstance that even underestimating this enemy is still underestimating it. Does this make sense? One thing for sure, I recognize the enemy as being very formidable and very powerful who occupy the seats of world power. Revealing evidence to the public has not been forthcoming. Even President Trump could not declassify the information he wanted. What does 'Q' say about this?
The Law-fare and attacks on patriots like Gregg Phillips and others is perhaps being aided by AI. 'Q' post 4887 reveals 'something' of this sort that ought to be considered.
'Q' has repeatedly stressed we are experiencing "INFORMATION WARFARE".
We find this in Q4798, Q4811, and WE are called for our participation in this battle to be "Midnight Riders" for disseminating information. Each of us are to be the Paul Revere of information. All of us are needed (and more) are needed to act in this role. If we are divided, we fail.
For posting what Gregg Phillips calls a "Rumor" is putting it in the correct context for publishing this information. Soros' disappearance from the public is an interesting anomaly. How does this warrant an attack on Gregg Phillips? We are in the midst of information warfare. WWG1WGA.
Disinformation is necessary. We get our hopes up at false news. The enemy panics at false news. I don't mind getting my hopes up if it means the enemy panics.
After a year of "I totally have something" but delivering nothing, and then it became "subscribe to my podcast", you still haven't questioned Greggggg?
For those of you that are looking for the “perfect person”, good luck. Seems like Trump has done weird unexpected things as well. We all need to keep our eyes on the prize. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
I wouldn't say there's a "hate" of Gregg Phillips. I hope for the best.
However a general hesitancy to trust is invaluable when we don't have all the information.
The fact that anyone who questions a complete strangers intentions is labeled a "ds shill" is more disconcerting than anything mentioned against Gregg Phillips here.
Nobody gets a universal pass, no matter who endorses their character. Because the people endorsing are also complete strangers to you and I.
The only reason Greg said that, was, he was trying to ride the coattails of the Tucker Carlson interview that they were touting. I thought… What an idiot! Here he’s trying to Trump Tucker story, and he got it all wrong. Gregg is not the end all!
I almost posted this rumor yesterday but I did a search first to see if someone else had posted it. The results showed that yes, people had posted it. Five months ago, a year ago, etc. I wonder why this rumor keeps popping up?
When Trump Posted His Original Post the Header for His was Different! G.P. & Crew Grabbed it and recreated the Heading to Make it Appear that Trump was Supporting Their Side! He was Not! This is Flagrant Fraudulent Manipulation of Facts & Posts to Win Support from His Thread! So, Here's Your Proof of Why I Don't Trust a Narcissistic Scheming Liar!
I should've said this same thing at the time, there was no sauce to confirm his claim or rumor....pure speculation, wishful thinking, and craving for attention
Those who listen to or trust anything Gregg "The Bearded Great One" has to say continue to be grifted by a conman. Stop giving him the attention and respect on social media. He's yet another crusted-on shit stain in the underpants of society. Stop getting your "ripcord" pulled by this charlatan
Such a convincing argument.
Who cares if Trump and Flynn say Gregg Phillips is trustworthy, right?
Too many people pushing to hate him for no real reason that I can see. I try to stay away from hate, I'm just here for truth and sometimes that takes time and mistakes(or intentional misdirection.)
Yep, the irrational haters pop up every time Gregg is mentioned.
A discerning mind will notice the same pattern with all true patriots. Trump, Kash, Flynn, Nunes, Scavino -- they all attract the DS shills.
yes they do
Yes, in a discerning mind, is what I saw yesterday, when he immediately posted that Soros was dead.
The only reason he said that, is because it was actually attached to another tweet regarding a show that Tucker Carlson was going to do, with a special guest in a special announcement.
Personally… I feel Greg was trying to Trump that announcement, and ride the coattails of Tucker Carlson’s show. That was my personal immediate response to seeing those two tweets.
Waking up this morning and seeing this, I feel I was right. So yes, you’re right about being discerning.
I could give a rats ass about Greg Phillips, I just went with my gut feeling. And here we are.
Hear, hear!
What disinfo? I get he has made some mistakes, as all of us have, but what disinfo?
You could accuse Trump or Q, at this point, of all talk and no action…. If you were not aware of what’s happening in the background. Why do you hold Gregg to a different standard? Or do you say the same about Trump and Q?
and is he the only one who should be paid any attention to, or allowed to speak?
Trump bailed out Dinesh D'Souza from jail and he gave Greg Phillips a movie called 2000 mules.
Theres actors here doing specific roles people on here cant comprehend.
Are you joking? You're literally in a thread where he made a huge claim, and then has to apologize for being inconsistent and pushing a lie. 100% known for pedaling crap like this.
The "truth" isn't always what it seems to be, I look at all sides and I like to ask questions. I'm always willing to admit I'm wrong, because then I know I've truly found the Truth. All of that aside, I know that this is a war like no other in history, so I expect to not know what is going on behind the scenes. If I know, the enemy knows. I want my enemy to be confused as to what is actually taking place. I use my own critical thinking, I pray and ask God for discernment. I trust in God for the Truth, He never lets me down. As for the other thread, I was not picking sides, merely showing the Truth. I saw a thread and shared it. I saw his apology for falling for the hoax and shared that as well. So many people are guided by their emotions, have some self-control over your emotions and just seek Truth. Have faith, Truth will win, the light will shine through.
John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Well, Based on the tweets posted above, he is never someone I would give the time of day. I don't get all the attention he easily musters.
Think through those tweets. He posted fake news and left it up for 11 hours because he was unable to confirm the veracity of intel. That means he or his source(s) are completely untrustworthy. "Soros dead" is not something that's hard to F up in certain circles that matter. My take based on this is Phillips is not connected in to circles that matter.
But the damage was done whether intentional or incompetence of someone who's built himself up to be more dialed in than he really is. He just made a big move in contributing to a mass wave of the social media world left with egg on their face. The optics of spreading fake news is difficult to impossible to overcome. Even us low level anons know to give something like this 24-48 hours before saying anything on it.
Give it a REST for goodness sake.....let everyone discern for one here is the ALL SEEING EYE.
Literally where and when did Trump say that Phillips is "trustworthy"?
He has repeatedly implied this about both Gregg and Catherine.
I'm not going to dig through all his statements. Find out for yourself:
Ivanka posted a photo with TTV and Catherine's name.
So, no sauce? That’s not how this works. YOU made a claim. YOU post the sauce to back up the claim. Others aren’t expected to validate the claim YOU made.
Take that weak game back to reddit. The fools there will waste time on it.
Here at GAW, you are expected to have a base level of knowledge. No spoon-feeding.
You should already be paying attention to what Trump says, in which case you'd have noticed the multiple times he spoke well of Phillips.
Weak game? It’s a burden of proof fallacy by you.
And once again, deflection.
The demand for sauce is a GLP thing, it does not apply to Anons. We were taught how to dig for ourselves and not rely on someone to do it for you.
His point is that Trump threw his support behind him. That makes him trustworthy.
Just last week Trump mentioned True the Vote during the his CNN interview.
And when 2000 Mules came out Trump hosted a massive viewing party at Mar a Lago that was attended by pretty much everyone who matters in the MAGA movement.
You should ask yourself when did Trump say Phillips wasn’t trustworthy... because I’m pretty sure he never has.
He said that he was unjustly jailed. He posed with a picture with Phillips, like he did with Maxwell. He poses for pictures with lots of people. Why don't you take your beard covered glasses off and post your source where Trump called Phillips "trustworthy." Go on, I'll wait
You're either being disingenuous (who knows why...) or you have failed miserably to inform yourself.
In addition to his public statements calling for Gregg and Catherine to be released, Trump himself made phone calls to numerous state officials expressing his outrage at their imprisonment. He called the warden of the prison they were in, who then made a personal wellness check on the two of them.
Trump has repeatedly lauded True the Vote for their work, most recently at the CNN town hall. He repeatedly speaks well of Gregg and Catherine both.
So he said he's "trustworthy," or he lauded Catherine's organization, of which Phillips is a paid member via patriot donations? You support him destroying Catherine's marriage now that he's banging her, which he started doing when she was married? She has two young sons. Why has Phillips been in contact with the FBI for years? Why was he in Haiti with the Clintons? Why did so many members of Badlands media, who attended the nothingburger "The Pit," come out and disavow Phillips? Did you get the Phillips tramp stamp beard tattoo, or did you just sign up for the monthly fan club? He's Jack Maxey on steroids, and he was wrong, again, about his Soros post. Still waiting for the fallout from Telegram being compromised, which the bearded one also claimed
The amount of effort you are putting into this -- despite having zero evidence on your side -- is highly suspicious.
Deflection. Where did Trump say Phillips is “trustworthy”.
Shills got all their alt accounts in play, I see.
The DS must really be afraid of Gregg Phillips.
His point is that Trump threw his support behind him. That makes him trustworthy.
Gregg said he could track Antifa rioting outside of CPAC using cell phone data. When can we expect that evidence? Gregg also said he had "eyes everywhere" during Kari Lake's rigged election. When do you expect we see some of that evidence? The internet fanbois cuckolding for Phillips are the truth movement's version of the vaccine believers. How many times will you be duped by this guy before pattern recognition kicks in? It takes zero effort to type a short paragraph pointing out this conman's lies, bud
Still yapping, still nothing of substance.
Why are you so invested in this? Hmmmmm???
You sound like a shill… this is the way Leftists “debunk.”
Lmao Trump also recommended getting the covid vax.
No, in fact he did not.
Go back and listen to what he actually said.
Interested to see the results, brother. This guy has a cult-like following akin to normies with movie stars. They've been getting dragged along for a year plus. I also think Phillips lied about curing his cancer with Fenbenzadole, since each time he's told the story it's a different version. Then the cancer came back. Sympathy time! Then he didn't mention it again
Was 2000 Mules a con?
It's Dinesh D'Souza's film, not Phillips'. Gregg promised us the raw data from the cell phones when he pulled the "ripcord." That was a year ago. Can you point me to it? Did you know one of the maps they used in the film was a city in Russia?
I overlooked that as well, what he really meant!
Because of Greg's position in all of this I tend to think this was deliberate misinformation. Despite this, your point is taken and I have updooted you for anon general knowledge with the astute but also jaunty use of "ripcord"
I am going for my reserve chute as this ripcord pulled out a string of colored hankies tied together.
What I don't understand is, why are such rumors posted, updooted or stickied in the first place? IT WAS VERY OBVIOUSLY A RUMOR W/OUT ANY SOURCE? We are researchers? Really?
It was stickied as a rumor !
Rumors need loving too........
I heard it from a reputable talking head on a stick that George was down temporarily because of a prolapsed anus.
Ah, well, looks like it was just a rumor.
Had images of Soros burning over a tar pitt for eternity!!!
Soros being dead would be a gift from God.
Another attack on Gregg Phillips. I know some people are frustrated by the lack of information that's suppose to come forth. So, am I. I've watched Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Mike Lindell, and others announce 'earth-shattering' evidence that doesn't get revealed. Indeed, those revelations have not happened yet. All of this is a head-scratcher... that I know. Yet, no one here really knows the reason or the dynamics going on behind the scene. I recognize the Cabal's use of Law-fare and the evil War we are experiencing. It may be the incredible circumstance that even underestimating this enemy is still underestimating it. Does this make sense? One thing for sure, I recognize the enemy as being very formidable and very powerful who occupy the seats of world power. Revealing evidence to the public has not been forthcoming. Even President Trump could not declassify the information he wanted. What does 'Q' say about this?
The Law-fare and attacks on patriots like Gregg Phillips and others is perhaps being aided by AI. 'Q' post 4887 reveals 'something' of this sort that ought to be considered.
'Q' has repeatedly stressed we are experiencing "INFORMATION WARFARE".
We find this in Q4798, Q4811, and WE are called for our participation in this battle to be "Midnight Riders" for disseminating information. Each of us are to be the Paul Revere of information. All of us are needed (and more) are needed to act in this role. If we are divided, we fail.
For posting what Gregg Phillips calls a "Rumor" is putting it in the correct context for publishing this information. Soros' disappearance from the public is an interesting anomaly. How does this warrant an attack on Gregg Phillips? We are in the midst of information warfare. WWG1WGA.
Many believe he turned it over to his son and Klaus long ago and has been gone.
First I've heard this?
Gone as in dead?
I've never questioned Gregg, until this.
He should have better Intel than this ..
Gregg himself has said everything is an info op. assume anything you hear from him is very much intentional and part of the info wars
Disinformation is necessary. We get our hopes up at false news. The enemy panics at false news. I don't mind getting my hopes up if it means the enemy panics.
You are correct
My hopes are inviolable, two fisted, beefy trogdor arm sporting, fuck-off shiny monoliths.
After a year of "I totally have something" but delivering nothing, and then it became "subscribe to my podcast", you still haven't questioned Greggggg?
He said upfront that it was a RUMOR…. Can he not talk about a rumor or speculate? We do all the time.
Scotty has mistakes in his videos....Time isn't always available to wait.
Love the "embarrassing" flair. 🤣
Frens we failed to manifest it. I don't think the Lord rewards that sort of mean spirited energy. Let's aim higher.
Yeah that totally reassures me that he thoroughly vets his information and doesn't repeat bullshit.
He told you upfront it was a RUMOR. Maybe read more carefully next time.
I agree with you. These "truthers" are as much in lockstep with their "truth" as the MSM with their 4 am talking points.
For those of you that are looking for the “perfect person”, good luck. Seems like Trump has done weird unexpected things as well. We all need to keep our eyes on the prize. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Dude is as grifter.. hes never been right.. and over hypes everything
He was wrong with everything he said in 2000 Mules?
You still waiting for him to pull the ripcord? did 2000 mules change anything for arizona in 2022?
Doesn’t mean it wasn’t true. Means our justice system is totally corrupt, demonstrating why: military is the only way.
I wouldn't say there's a "hate" of Gregg Phillips. I hope for the best.
However a general hesitancy to trust is invaluable when we don't have all the information.
The fact that anyone who questions a complete strangers intentions is labeled a "ds shill" is more disconcerting than anything mentioned against Gregg Phillips here.
Nobody gets a universal pass, no matter who endorses their character. Because the people endorsing are also complete strangers to you and I.
"He's not dead yet. He's feeling much better!"
I will never believe that evil is dead. Even if he "dies", his son is here ready to take over. No cheering in our house.
Well, DUH. He knows he should have waited to verify, but everyone wants to be the first to put it out.
I was following the 72 hour rule until I could hear the facts from a lot more sources. but that is just me.
The only reason Greg said that, was, he was trying to ride the coattails of the Tucker Carlson interview that they were touting. I thought… What an idiot! Here he’s trying to Trump Tucker story, and he got it all wrong. Gregg is not the end all!
Because 92 year old billionaires ALWAYS send their own tweets. Did he show up on TV somewhere? I missed it if he did.
I almost posted this rumor yesterday but I did a search first to see if someone else had posted it. The results showed that yes, people had posted it. Five months ago, a year ago, etc. I wonder why this rumor keeps popping up?
Let's just face it.. he's never going to die.
When Trump Posted His Original Post the Header for His was Different! G.P. & Crew Grabbed it and recreated the Heading to Make it Appear that Trump was Supporting Their Side! He was Not! This is Flagrant Fraudulent Manipulation of Facts & Posts to Win Support from His Thread! So, Here's Your Proof of Why I Don't Trust a Narcissistic Scheming Liar!
Oh wow, I'm so totally shocked about another BIG NOTHING coming from Gregggggggg Phillips.
Put up or shut up, Gregggggg.
I should've said this same thing at the time, there was no sauce to confirm his claim or rumor....pure speculation, wishful thinking, and craving for attention
Gregg said it at the time. He said it was a RUMOR. Words mean things.
You talk like a Leftist.